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Archaeology Museum
Unique finds such as the Cult Wagon of Strettweg or the Mask of Kleinklein encourage us to investigate forms of life in the past.
A museum that is much more than skin-deep! Archaeological gems from Styria, yet also finds from Classical Antiquity and Egypt inspire us to reflect on those questions that have concerned mankind since time immemorial.
Modern technology establishes a bridge to the past: the special exhibition Stories from the Past invites visitors to delve virtually into lost worlds of the Danube region. Special finds in the Danube region such as the Iron Age settlement at Großklein or the Roman municipium Flavia Solva have been digitally reconstructed for this.

Opening hours
Apr 1 to Oct 31: Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–6 pm; Nov 1–Dec 17: Admission with guided tour only, tours available on request
Schlosspark, beim Planetengarten +43-316/8017-9560 www.archaeologiemuseum.at

With the highlights from the second largest public coin collection in Austria, the Coin Cabinet invites you to take a memorable journey of discovery through the centuries.
The new special exhibition Bringing Owls to Athens shows a selection of coins from ancient Greece, which were minted starting with the ‘invention’ of coins around 600 BCE up to the period of Roman rule.
Opening hours
Apr 1 to Oct 31: Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–6 pm; Nov 1–Dec 17: Admission with guided tour only, tours available on request
Schloss Eggenberg, Erdgeschoss +43-316/8017-9560 www.muenzkabinett.at #Münzkabinett
Flavia Solva 7
Archaeology in South Styria! During antiquity, Flavia Solva was one of the most cultivated centres in the Roman province of Noricum.
The archaeological site shows the extent of Flavia Solva at the time and important finds. Showcasing the Roman Period is on show from June 2023 onwards under the motto Solva à la Carte and examines the question of what the inhabitants of the Roman municipium ate, how they prepared their dishes and whether take-away food already existed at the time.
Opening hours
Freely accessible all year round
Marburger Straße 111, 8435 Wagna +43-316/8017-9560 www.flaviasolva.at
History Museum 3
At the heart of the History Museum lie the ways in which Styria has evolved and transformed itself from the High Middle Ages to the present.

The ways in which Styria has changed over the last 900 years are explored in the show 100 × Styria. The Schaudepot (show depot) demonstrates the variety of the cultural-historical and multi-medial collections.
Titled Periods of Change, the main exhibition in the present year is dedicated to social upheaval and transformational processes. As ever, Styria takes centre stage, with the time line stretching from the Middle Ages to the present day.

The Hofgalerie with The Sound of St. Lambrecht invites visitors until June to delve acoustically into the Benedictine Abbey there. In the second half of the year, the Pickers of Erzberg present a piece of Styrian economic history.
Opening hours
Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–6 pm
Sackstraße 16, 8010 Graz +43-316/8017-9810 www.museumfürgeschichte.at MuseumfuerGeschichte #MuseumfürGeschichte

Folk Life Museum at the Paulustor
The newly arranged museum invites visitors to engage further and on different levels with the lives, self-conception and self-images of those who live in Styria. Three special exhibitions take up themes of great social relevance:
The complex effects of migration processes on people’s life-stories are examined in the exhibition Identity on the Line. Now in the Right offers current insight into the Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft (Advocacy of Equal Rights) founded 30 years ago, and Lustful Gaze throws a cultural-anthropological look at pornography as a pop-cultural medium – a theme that has gained momentum again due to the prohibition on meeting others during the pandemic.
BRUSEUM, Neue Galerie Graz
contemporary art can be seen in the Neue Galerie Graz and in the central square of the Joanneumsviertel. Experiences of nature and the adventure that is science can be experienced Natural History Museum and in the CoSA. Finally, reading material in abundance is available in the Styrian State
Opening hours
Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–6 pm
Joanneumsviertel, 8010 Graz +43-316/8017-9100 joanneumsviertel
Neue Galerie Graz
Art from the 19th century to the present and a museum dedicated to the multi-genre artist Günter Brus are what make the Neue Galerie Graz a special experience.
The Neue Galerie Graz is among the most important Austrian museums for modern and contemporary art. Besides solo shows of prominent Austrian and international artists, main topics are addressed in changing exhibitions using the wide-ranging collection as a basis. With Franz Steinfeld and his son Wilhelm, the Neue Galerie Graz devotes itself to realistic landscape painting in early 19th century Austria, which developed alongside the emergence of tourism. The exhibition Seriously? Silliness and Enthusiasm in Art explores artistic phenomena since the beginning of Modernism which have deliberately positioned themselves in opposition to the often-dogmatic trends in art, permeated with socio-political visions, of 19th and 20th century art. The Promotion Prize of the State of Styria for Contemporary Visual Arts highlights the domestic art scene.
Opening hours
Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–6 pm Guided tours: Sun, public holidays, 2 pm (GER), Sun, 11 am (ENG) as well as upon request www.neuegaleriegraz.at joanneumsviertel Joanneumsviertel #NeueGalerieGraz
The BRUSEUM functions as an independent collecting, research and exhibition arm of the Neue Galerie Graz dedicated to the life and work of the world-famous Styrian multigenre artist Günter Brus (born 1938). In its exhibitions, the BRUSEUM shows not only works by Brus himself, but also those by artists who have shaped and accompanied him. This year’s special exhibition is devoted to the eventful life of Anna Brus, the companion and wife of many years to Günter Brus, who is also regarded as the ‘muse of Actionists’.
Opening hours
Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–6 pm www.bruseum.at joanneumsviertel
Joanneumsviertel #BRUSEUM
Center of Science Activities 6
Delve into the world of natural sciences and technology — in the new Center of Science Activities in the Joanneumsviertel. Try it out and have a go: this is the motto of the CoSA, the Center of Science Activities. Practical examples that can be applied, interactive adventures and many surprising experiences all to do with science and technology stimulate and encourage youngsters from 12 upwards to experiment time and again.
The new Escape Room at the CoSA promises fun doing tricky puzzles: research teams of max. six people have to work through three areas of the historical display mine in order to reach daylight again. By solving the tasks, visitors learn interesting facts about resources of the past, present and future.
Opening hours
Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–6 pm Book your ticket at www.cosagraz.at/buchen www.cosagraz.at joanneumsviertel
Joanneumsviertel #CoSAGraz