2 minute read
Institute for Art in Public Space
The mission of the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria is to initiate and support art projects in both analogue and digital space.
The Institute develops and facilitates permanent and tempo rary artworks by regional, national and international artists in Graz and the regions of Styria, as well as competitions and symposia. Art in Public Space helps in understanding social questions from new perspectives. A great variety of disciplines is considered, including the visual and performing arts, literature, music and architecture, and interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged. Installations are also on show at several sites of the Universalmuseum Joanneum, for example, in the Joanneumsviertel. The newly developed, interactive navigation app ‘Art in Public Space Styria’ allows you to experience fully the art installations and sculptures in public space in Styria.
www.kioer.at kioer_steiermark
A life without electricity is practically unimaginable these days. Yet at any moment it could happen that we are suddenly without electrical current.
The annual exhibition With or Without Electricity – Life like in the Old Days running from 14.05. to 31.10.2023 offers a look back to the past, when life without electricity was daily reality. The exhibition ranges from cooking on an open fire, different kinds of lighting fixtures, different ways to conserve and store supplies, to old handiwork techniques using hand-operated tools and changes in the landscape.
Opening hours 31.03.–31.10.2023: daily, 9 am–6 pm (entrance permitted up to 5 pm), guided tours upon request
Enzenbach 32, 8114 Stübing +43-3124/53700 www.freilichtmuseum.at freilichtmuseum_stuebing Freilichtmuseum.Stuebing #FreilichtmuseumStübing
8951 Stainach-Pürgg +43-3682/222 33 www.schloss-trautenfels.at schlosstrautenfels SchlossTrautenfels #SchlossTrautenfels
Hunting Museum and Agriculture Museum Schloss Stainz
At Austria’s largest Hunting Museum, the cultural phenomenon of hunting can be explored, as can nature in all its diversity. The Agriculture Museum is devoted to Styria’s agricultural and forest economies.
With its historical weapons, splendid artworks and handicraft objects, as well as many opportunities to learn more about wildlife and their habitats, the Hunting Museum appeals not only to hunters. The Agriculture Museum spans a survey of peasant life in the pre-industrial era right up to the agricultural challenges of the modern day.
Opening hours
01.04.–30.11.2023: Tue–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–5 pm
Guided tours every Sun, 3 pm, as well as on request
Schlossplatz 1, 8510 Stainz
+43-3463/2772-16 www.jagdmuseum-stainz.at www.landwirtschaftsmuseum-stainz.at

Kioerstmk #kioer
Austrian Sculpture Park
Whenever sculpture and nature encounter one another, a fascinating dialogue is the result. As the seasons change, so the interplay between the artworks and their surroundings changes, too.
Just seven kilometres south of Graz, a unique art museum can be found in the open air: more than 80 sculptures by Austrian and international artists can unfold again and again in the generous landscaped architecture of the Austrian Sculpture Park throughout the year. Highlights include works by Nancy Rubins, Erwin Wurm, Werner Reiterer and Yoko Ono. And to mark the 20th anniversary of the Sculpture Park, you can look forward to an exciting programme featuring new works!
Opening hours
01.04.–31.08.2023: daily, 10 am–8 pm
01.09.–31.10.2023: daily, 10 am–6 pm
Entrance free of charge
Guided tours on request, call: +43-699/1334-6831
Thalerhofstraße 85, 8141 Premstätten +43-316/8017-9704 www.skulpturenpark.at austrian_sculpturepark
