Preview 2016 MSc Architecture

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Master of Science in Architecture Institute of Architecture and Planning


During the Summer Semester 2016 we already received some fascinating insight into other people’s thoughts about «cultural identity». Anna Heringer, Michael Schindhelm and Daniel Zamarbide presented their work in this context, ranging from small scale built projects in Bangladesh to global trends and challenges in this regard. This upcoming semester the institute and with it the Master’s programme continue to explore «cultural identity» with additional invited guest speakers, but also through three intriguing design studios led by Hugo Dworzak/ Martin Mackowitz, Dietrich Schwarz/Daniel Penzis and myself/Georgia Papathanasiou. Whether working in beautiful and extraordinary Venice, the bustling and diverse Sao Paulo or an imaginary place, students will have to identify and declare their own positions regarding cultural identity. When working in a foreign context, do you aim to integrate and adapt or do you apply your personal cultural background to any given project/site? What are the factors that define cultural identities? Are architecture and space such factors? Currently, over 30 nationalities are among the students of the Master’s degree programme. This is an extraordinary wealth of cultures, religions and backgrounds that provide an ideal basis for the exploration of cultural identity. I encourage you all, faculty and students, to make the most of this opportunity, share experiences and opinions. Seek discourse and debate with your peers whenever possible. I am personally very excited to see the designs and opinions develop and to learn from many a conversation to be held with all of you during the semester. PETER STAUB Head of Institute and Academic Director of the Master’s degree Programme

Design Studio

Studio Hugo Dworzak Tutor: Martin Mackowitz

EMBASSY for a (chosen) CULTURAL IDENTITY in a PLACE (to be selected) Cultural Identity: is the feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person's self-conception and selfperception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture. In this way, cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same cultural identity. Embassy: in politics an embassy is a diplomatic mission to represent the sending organisation (usually a state) in the receiving organisation (usually a state). It serves as a cultural, societal as well as a humanitarian basecamp. In spatial terms it is a small piece of a country in foreign territory (extraterritorial), their members are equipped with diplomatic immunity, the host country is not allowed to enter the territory without permission. Globalism and technology led to a multiplicity of extraterritorial «meetings» of people sharing attitudes and convictions – sometimes in contradiction to the interests of the hosting environment. Each of you (1) selects and describes a cultural entity, (2) decides on (a) location(s) where the cultural identity will be represented and finally (3) “designs” a spatial interpretation of the chosen society. The “space” represents the background of the cultural entity, protects its identity and is open to integration.

Design Studio

Studio Dietrich Schwarz Tutor: Daniel Penzis

Following landscape Genius House The tendency that the landscape will be urbanized seems unstoppable and obvious, also that as a consequence we will lose our arable land. However, this is the basis of our emotional and cultural identity, but also of our life resources. This linear process that seems functionally reasonable is also questionable. For this reason, in the winter semester, as architects and urban specialists, we want first to comprehend the landscape and then to overcome the primacy of the urban to the landscape. In the summer semester both spatial qualities will be worked out, urban and landscape are mutually dependent and must therefore be considered simultaneously. The studio is built as a year course. The two semesters will complement each other, but are not mutually obligatory, thus individual semester projects are possible.

Design Studio

Studio Peter Staub Tutor: Georgia Papathanasiou

Urban Design for Coexistence, São Paulo, Brazil. Schindler Global Award 2017 During the Winter Semester 2014/15 Studio Staub successfully participated in the first Schindler Global Award. Out of 250 entries from around the world, the project by Martyna Michalik and Hana Plescakova was selected among 12 finalists. During an award ceremony in Shenzhen, China, they were awarded USD 5’000 for their visionary proposal. This semester, Studio Staub/Papathanasiou will participate again, still pursuing the same unconventional urban design approach that has led to our previous success in this competition. Following a bottom-up strategy starting from small scale pop-up interventions we will develop a framework and later scenarios for an appropriate and visionary transformation of this complex site in São Paulo. Competition website: An international jury of renowned experts will evaluate the entries and allocate awards, with a total prize sum of 105,000 USD. (Schindler Global Award Competition Brief, p. 6)

Design Seminar

Studio Hugo Dworzak Tutor: Martin Mackowitz

Back to the fjords

The Design Seminar week will focus on a variety of specific cultural identities. The University is our homebase. From there we will visit diverse identities, as for example: opera singers, extreme climbers, bakers, fishermen, refugees and homeless people. Representatives of different cultural backgrounds will be invited for discussion. During this time we see the UNI campus as a playground for an innovative architectural discourse. Parallel to our investigations on cultural identity we will develop appropriate modes for visual representations of studio research and design. This includes experimenting with (2D & 3D) drawing, diagramming, typography, graphics and model making.

Design Seminar

Studio Dietrich Schwarz Tutor: Daniel Penzis

Learning from the masters

The journey will take us through the Grisons-mountains in the Veneto, Venice and to the Friuli. We will approach with different tools to this enchanting landscape. We will learn from the great landscape painters Giacometti and Segantini and visit contemporary architecture of Zumthor, Barozzi/Veiga and Ruch. In Veneto we will trace the footsteps of Palladio and Scarpa and learn from the tension between Renaissance and Modernism. Our goal is to foster your own concentration and sharpen the focus of our architecture. Our tools are the analog photography, sketching, the modelling and the emotional image. So we will look for the genius loci and build “him� a house.

Design Seminar

Studio Peter Staub Tutor: Georgia Papathanasiou

Pop-up design charrette

This intensive design charrette will focus on the design of urban interventions acting as catalysts for your future design proposal for the Schindler Global Award 2017. The week, enriched by specialist guest lectures in informal settlements and urban design, pin-ups, movie screenings and Brazilian food will immerse you into designing and help you overcome the challenge of transforming the wealth of research assembled in the first part of the semester into an architectural proposal with urban consequences. We will be based at the University of Liechtenstein, making sure of also visiting relevant projects, people and sites in its vicinity.

Cultural Identities Concept: Vera Kaps

Identities are not something given, yet they are a matter of course. We shape and change them permanently, to reflect on us and on our cultural context. On the one hand, traditions and cultures of memory play an important role for this social process. On the other hand, we negotiate our cultural identities also by critically discussing our present and by developing visions. The focus, however, is man himself, who constructs identities through versatile forms of (in)tangible communication. In winter semester 2016/17, we deal with the issue of cultural identities. Parallel to the design studios the lecture series illuminates the many facets of this phenomenon. The topic will be elaborated on not only from the perspective of architects and spatial planners, but will also be expanded by cultural studies, curatorial, historical, artistic and sociological perspectives. Through the discussion of specific places on our doorstep as well as with abstract spaces in our global world, the lecturers scrutinize our thinking, designing and our fields of activity as architects and spatial planners. 17.11.2016 18:00–19:30 CONRADIN CLAVUOT ON BUILDING IN THE ALPINE REGION H1, University of Liechtenstein

Lecture series

15.12.2016 18:00–19:30 FATTINGER ORSO ARCHITECTS ON PLANNING CULTURES H1, University of Liechtenstein


Vortragsreihe: Kulturelle Identitäten Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung



17.11.2016, Do 18.00–19.30 Uhr CONRADIN CLAVUOT ÜBER DAS BAUEN IM APLINEN KULTURRAUM H1, Universität Liechtenstein Wie kann Tradition weiterleben oder gar innovativ ins Heute übersetzt werden? Wie erkennen wir Bedürfnisse einer Kultur, um sie in spezifische Nutzungen und Typologien zu übersetzen? Conradin Clavuot berichtet über seine architektonische Praxis im alpinen Kulturraum im Spannungsfeld von Tradition und Innovation. Seit seinem

abgeschlossenem Diplomstudium an der ETH Zürich 1988, führt Conradin Clavuot sein eigenes Architekturbüro in Chur. Neben zahlreichen Auszeichnungen für Gutes Bauen im Kanton Graubünden, für Neues Bauen in den Alpen, für den Graubünden Holz Sonderpreis Holzhandwerk und für Beste Einfamilienhäuser erhielt er 2011 den Internationaler Brunel Award für die Bebauung und Gestaltung des Bahnhofs Chur. 2010 bis 2016 führte er eine Gastprofessur im Masterstudiengang am Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung der Universität Liechtenstein, wo er Laurentiu Tiberiu Stancu, den Gewinner des europäischen Studentenpreises «European Architectural Medal» bei seiner Thesisarbeit betreute.

15.12.2016, Do 18.00–19.30 Uhr FATTINGER ORSO ARCHITEKTEN ÜBER PLANUNGSKULTUREN H1, Universität Liechtenstein Inwiefern bestimmen kulturelle Identitäten unsere Planungskultur? Welche Identitäten treffen in einer Region, einer Stadt, einem Dorf aufeinander? Und welche Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur entscheiden eigentlich wirklich, wie es bei uns aussieht? Warum sollte es eine Rolle spielen, ob in meinem Quartier mein Nachbar, ein Architekt oder ein Investor baut? Das Wiener Design und Fabrikations-Studio Fattinger Orso Architektur agiert an der Schnittstelle

von Architektur, Kunst und Design. Die Arbeit reicht von kleinen Objektdesigns, Innenausbau und Ausstellungsdesign (wie etwa REALSTADT in Berlin) über öffentliche Kunstinstallationen, kulturelle Produktionen und urbane Interventionen (wie etwa das Gelbe Haus zur Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt Linz) bis hin zu Vorlesungen und Lehre. Motiviert durch den Willen die konzeptionelle, architektonische und wirtschaftliche Kontrolle über ihre Projekte zu bewahren, fungiert das Studio als Entwickler, Designer und Konstrukteur und geht damit über das klassische Spektrum der architektonischen Praxis hinaus.

Kalender STUDENT FOR A DAY Entscheidungshilfe und Einblick in den Fachbereich und das Architekturstudium an der Universität Liechtenstein. Anmeldung 20.10.2016, Do 9.30–16.30 Uhr Atelier, Universität Liechtenstein 15.12.2016, Do 13.30–17.00 Uhr Atelier, Universität Liechtenstein INFO-VERANSTALTUNGEN 12.11.2016, Sa 13.00–16.00 Uhr INFOTAG Universität Liechtenstein Der Infotag richtet sich neben Maturanten auch an Studierende und Berufstätige. Die Universität informiert über die Studiengänge und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.

NATIONALER ZUKUNFTSTAG 10.11.2016, Do 09.00–16.00 Uhr MÄDCHEN-BAUEN-LOS HOLZ VERBINDET Foyer, Universität Liechtenstein Weisst du wie gross dein ökologischer Fussabdruck ist oder wieviel Graue Energie wo drin steckt? In Kurzworkshops werden wir die Eigenschaften von Holz untersuchen und danach zusammen eine Holzbrücke ganz ohne Dübel und Nägel bauen. PRÄSENTATIONEN 02.–04.11.2016, Mi–Fr 9.00–17.00 Uhr ZWISCHENPRÄSENTATION Atelier, Auditorium und Foyer, Universität Liechtenstein 18.–20.01.2017, Mi–Fr 9.00–17.00 Uhr SCHLUSSPRÄSENTATION Atelier, Auditorium und Foyer, Universität Liechtenstein

AUSSTELLUNGEN 19.09.–17.10.2016 BRICK WORKS Foyer, Universität Liechtenstein Das Studio Urs Meister und Carmen Rist präsentiert die Projekte des vergangenen Sommersemesters. 25.10.–04.11.2016 WORLD EXCURSION FORUM Architektür-Foyer, Universität Liechtenstein Die Themen, Erfahrungen und Entdeckungen der jeweiligen Exkursionen und Seminare des Wintersemesters 2016-17 werden in einer gemeinsamen Präsentation sichtbar.

SONSTIGE 19.11.2016, Sa 21.00 Uhr UNIBALL Auditorium, Universität Liechtenstein Der jährliche stattfindende Uniball richtet sich an alle Studierenden, Mitarbeitenden, Lehrbeauftragte, Alumni sowie deren Gäste und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit.

29.11.–23.12.2016 4 BY 4. THE ID OF AN ARCHITECT Foyer, Universität Liechtenstein Was ist die Identität von ArchitektInnen? Wie entsteht sie? Auf was bezieht sie sich? Durch ausgewählte und kommentierte Bücher, Bilder, Orte und Werkzeuge werden die Entwurfsdozierenden der Universität Liechtenstein ihr Selbstportrait als ArchitektInnen präsentieren. Impressum Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung der Universität Liechtenstein, September 2016 Redaktion: Cornelia Faisst Grafisches Konzept: Annett Höland Druck: BVD Druck+Verlag AG

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