Our StrateGY
Our IMPact
Our PartnerShIPS
Our aluMnI
Our OrGanISatIOn
Our hIStOrY
Our StudentS
Our reSearcherS
Our reSearch
Our teachInG
About Over ons us - 2014
Our vision INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of Europe’s leading research universities. As a member of the League of European Research Universities, we work in partnership with toplevel institutions. The research conducted at Leiden meets the highest international standards, and is embedded within our teaching. Our aim is to increase knowledge, and to promote knowledge transfer and valorisation. The key focus in our teaching is on highly motivated and talented students, successful student performance and excellence.
Our VISIOn StudentS StaFF reVenue OPeratInG reSult 2013
23,000 4,000 515 million euros 23 million euros
Our teaching CHALLENGING AND PERSONAL Our comprehensive programmes attract students from the Netherlands and abroad. The study programmes in Leiden and The Hague are small-scale, with a high level of personal contact between students and staff. We aim to ensure our students’ successful performance by providing them with personal study guidance and binding study advice in the first two years of their programme. Leiden University also has an excellence track, for both highly talented school students and university students. The Leiden Honours Academy offers extra-curricular programmes, including: • Pre-University College: for secondary school students • Honours College: for bachelor’s students • Leiden Leadership Programme: for master’s students
BachelOr’S PrOGraMMeS MaSter’S PrOGraMMeS
46 73
OnS OurOnderWIJS teachInG
Our research
INTERNATIONAL PROFILE Leiden University scores highly in the annual international research rankings. To further strengthen this position, our top-level research is grouped into eleven interdisciplinary profile areas. These themes and areas address important issues in contemporary society.
• Asian modernities and traditions • Fundamentals of science • Global interaction of people, culture and power through the ages • Language diversity in the world • Brain function and dysfunction over the lifespan • Health, prevention and the human life cycle • Bioscience: the science base of health • Vascular and regenerative medicine • Translational drug discovery and development • Interaction between legal systems • Political legitimacy: institutions and identities
Our reSearch
Our researchers
GROUND-BREAKING RESEARCH Our researchers have been awarded a total of 16 Nobel Prizes for their ground-breaking research. And in the Netherlands, Leiden University has the highest count of Spinoza Prizes, the country’s most prestigious academic distinction: they have been awarded to Leiden researchers no fewer than 16 times. Our researchers also compete successfully for Dutch and European research grants.
Phd’S Per PrOMOtIeS Per Year Jaar IndIVIdualnWOnWO IndIVIduele GrantS Per SuBSIdIeS Per Year Jaar IndIVIdual eurOPean IndIVIduele eurOPeSe GrantS Per SuBSIdIeS Per Year Jaar Leiden professors play a key role in the University’s corporate campaign.
400 40 5-10
Our reSearcherS
Our students
ACTIVE AND ENGAGED We are an international research university, and we prepare our students for global careers. Nearly all our master’s programmes and an increasing number of bachelor’s programmes are taught in English. Many of our students spend time abroad during their studies, either on exchange programmes or internships. Special introduction weeks are organised for both Dutch and international firstyear students, during which they can get to know the University and the city. Leiden’s 34 student clubs and 65 study associations also offer many options for extra-curricular leisure and study-related activities. The cities of Leiden and The Hague are both within easy reach of the coast and are conveniently located at the centre of the conurbation that also includes Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. Our students therefore have every opportunity for sports, culture and relaxation.
Our StudentS StudentS BachelOr’S StudentS MaSter’S StudentS InternatIOnal StudentS natIOnalItIeS
23,000 15,000 8,000 2,000 110
Our history
A BASTION OF FREEDOM Leiden University was the first university in the Netherlands. In 1575, William of Orange gave Leiden the Academia Lugduno Batava in gratitude, so the story goes, for the city’s courageous resistance during the Spanish Siege. Our motto is Praesidium Libertatis – Bastion of Freedom. A clear demonstration of freedom of speech, for example, was the protest speech given during World War II by Professor Cleveringa, in which he publicly defended his Jewish colleagues, who were under threat of dismissal. To this day, Leiden University still commemorates his brave act of resistance in the annual Cleveringa Lecture. the core values that we promote are: • Freedom of spirit, thought and expression • Independent development of knowledge • Societal responsibility • Integrity
Stained glass windows in the Academy Building are a reminder of war and the importance of freedom.
FOunded In
Praesidium Libertatis Bastion of Freedom Princess Beatrix was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in 2005 for her dedication to the cause of freedom.
Our hIStOrY
Our organisation COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE The Executive Board is responsible for governing and managing the University. Its members, appointed by the Board of Governors, are: • Professor Carel Stolker, Rector Magnificus and President • Professor Simone Buitendijk, Vice-Rector Magnificus • Willem te Beest, M.Sc., Vice-Chairman The Executive Board works in close consultation with the deans of the seven faculties. • Faculty of Archaeology • Faculty Campus The Hague • Faculty of Humanities • Faculty of Law • Faculty of Medicine/LUMC • Faculty of Science • Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Our research is grouped in 27 research institutes, each headed by an Institute Director.
Our OrGanISatIOn lOcatIOnS MeMBerS OF the eXecutIVe BOard FacultIeS reSearch InStItuteS
2 3 7 27
Our alumni
AMBASSADORS AND ENGAGED PARTNERS Our alumni are our most important ambassadors in society. We strive to maintain and strengthen their connection with us, and to build an informed and engaged alumni network. We communicate regularly with alumni via the magazine Leidraad and the digital newsletter. We also organise events aimed at the interests of our alumni, and use social media to keep them informed and facilitate their career and personal development.
90,000 aluMnI, OF WhOM 5,000 lIVe aBrOad GraduateS Per Year 2,800 MaSter’S 3,000 BachelOr’S The first graduates of Leiden University College The Hague celebrate their award ceremony.
Our aluMnI
Our partnerships
JOINING FORCES Our medical and biomedical teaching and research take place at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). The University works closely with the Bio Science Park. With over 70 specialist businesses, this is the Netherlands’ largest knowledge cluster in the field of the life sciences. We have also joined forces with Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam to create eight multidisciplinary research centres and to offer a number of joint teaching programmes. Leiden University is also a partner in Medical Delta, the South Holland consortium of knowledge institutions, businesses and government in the field of the life sciences and medical technology. We are a member of the LERU, together with 17 other European research universities, and are involved in many other collaborations, both in the Netherlands and internationally.
Our PartnerShIPS
Our impact
Direct and indirect contribution by Leiden University and LUMC to the economy:
nuMBer OF JOBS GrOSS added Value
40,000 3 billion euros
Our IMPact INFLUENCE ON SOCIETY All our research sooner or later has an inuence on society. An analysis of the economic impact of Leiden University and LUMC has shown that every euro we invest gives a fourfold return. The Leiden region has the most favourable business climate of all the economic regions in the Netherlands. Our knowledge development and spin-offs are important factors in this success. Many examples of the societal relevance of our research can be seen across all disciplines. Our researchers make regular media appearances as experts, providing commentary on current developments in society.
Our strategy
In their quest for new knowledge, our researchers engage in intensive collaboration with colleagues throughout the world. Our research is the foundation for our teaching. And vice versa: teaching inspires our researchers. Our attractive range of study programmes generates a steady increase in the number of students, all of whom receive intensive guidance. The binding study advice in the first two years of study is intended to give students optimum support in successfully completing their studies. Leiden University is committed to promoting knowledge exchange and academic entrepreneurship. Expansion of our research and teaching at Campus The Hague will enable us to formulate interdisciplinary solutions to current issues in politics, administration and international law. The University is currently working on a new strategic plan, to be published in early 2015.
Our StrateGY
More information: www.leiden.edu Subscribe to our newsletter: www.leiden.edu/newsletter
Twitter.com/UniLeidennews Facebook.com/UniversiteitLeiden Youtube.com/UniversiteitLeiden Produced by: Strategic Communication and Marketing Directorate, Leiden University
February 2014