Delft leiden casimir research school

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Delft-Leiden Casimir Research School The Delft-Leiden Casimir Research School offers an advanced European scientific atmosphere to ambitious and talented MSc and PhD students interested in physics. The school focuses on academic research, which crosses the traditional boundaries between fundamental and applied research and cooperates between the scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy. The school is initiated by leading physicists from the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) at Leiden University and from the Kavli institute of NanoScience at Delft University of Technology.

The school is named after H.B.G. Casimir, professor in Theoreti-

MSc and PhD studies

cal Physics, whose involvement in fundamental as well as applied

The Casimir Research School accepts about thirty PhD students

physics left many traces in the Dutch scientific landscape. He is

and a selected group of maximum thirty MSc students per year.

best known for his discovery of the so-called Casimir effect and

The duration of the PhD-study is four years, which is strictly

for his visions on science and research-management.

monitored to ensure that most PhD students finish their thesis within this time frame. The MSc study takes two years, although

Combining research

accelerated programmes are individually possible based on previ-

Casimir aims to help gifted students to become great scientists

ously completed studies.

by giving them extra opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge. One method is combining different branches of research. This challenges the students and results in interesting and cutting-edge science.

Graduate School of Science

Graduate School of Science P.O. Box 9502 2300 RA Leiden Delft-Leiden Casimir Research School Hugyens Niels Bohrweg 2 2333 CA Leiden

Fields of research and education

International embedding

The Casimir school offers research programmes and teaching

Research within Casimir benefits from the strong international

programmes in six focus areas:

position of the Lorentz Center at Leiden and the Kavli Institute

- Molecular biophysics

of Nanoscience at Delft, leading to a flux of experienced and

- Physics of nanostructures

talented post-docs and visiting scholars. At both universities all

- Quantum information and quantum optics

lectures, seminars and colloquia are given in English and under-

- Quantum matter and functional materials

graduate and graduate theses are written in English. Joost Frenken heads the Interface Physics Group

- Universe physics: theory and instrumentation

Funding opportunities

that concentrates on a variety of dynamic surface and

Funding for PhD positions is usually provided by research-grants

interface phenomena, such as diffusion and growth,

Gateway to a research career

to individual professors. A PhD position is a full-time employ-

catalysis and nanotribology, with a strong emphasis

Graduates with an MSc or PhD degree find their way for example

ment position with a salary that is comparable to entrance level

on the live observation of atomic-scale processes

to academic institutions abroad and to many small high-tech

salaries in industry. There is no tuition fee. The Casimir Research

under relevant conditions. Frenken is the Scientific

companies. Also large international companies are a possibil-

School makes ten entrance-PhD grants available for exception-

Director of the SmartMix Program on Nano-Imaging

ity, of which many are based in the Netherlands such as Philips,

ally gifted PhD students. In addition students are accepted who

under Industrial Conditions (NIMIC) and Program

Shell, Akzo, DSM, ING and ABN-AMRO.

bring their own financial support.

Director of the NanoNext program on Nanoinspection

- Dynamic complex systems

For the MSc study scholarships are available through the

and Characterization. He has received several presti-

Top-Ranking researchers and lecturers

university, the Erasmus-Mundus programme, and for

gious national and international awards, such as the

In international rankings the cluster of researchers participating

European students through their country’s student

IUVSTA Science Prize in 2004, the Jacob Kistemaker

in Casimir is identified as belonging to the top of the European

support programmes.

Prize in 2006 and an ERC Advanced Research Grant

research universities, as testified by the publication and citation

in 2010. In 2008, Frenken was installed as a member

record of the individual professors. Many professors have won

of the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences. Frenken

prestigious European and national prizes and grants. They also

is co-founder of the spin-off company Leiden Probe

participate in major international programmes.

Microscopy BV.

Graduate School of Science

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