Chancellor's Fund Newsletter (Issue 17)

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Issue 17 April 2013 Chancellor’s Fund at the University of Glasgow

Welcome from the Chancellor Your gifts to the Chancellor’s Fund support four priority areas – enhancing the learning environment, developing excellence, preserving our heritage and supporting our students.

Searching for the right location The Chancellor’s Fund has awarded the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences £13,250 to produce a comprehensive geospatial database of the University’s Gilmorehill campus which will be used to facilitate searches for specific locations on campus and be the basis for developing a new range of maps, including disability access information. Dr David Forrest is leading the project: ‘The data for our campus is complex – sometimes buildings are known by multiple names or are occupied by more than one school or service. For a user to find the appropriate location we wanted to provide a facility for a more comprehensive search than the current non-interactive campus maps or external Google Maps-based campus map.’ A user-needs analysis which consulted the Estates & Buildings service, staff, students, visitors and those with disabled access requirements has already been completed as part of an MSc project and a model will now be created and populated with data about the campus and key facilities. From this a variety of maps including hard

copy and interactive web maps will be produced including new disability access maps of the campus. It is also hoped that a searchable campus map in a format designed specifically for mobile devices can also be implemented. Professor Maggie Cusack is Head of the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences: ‘Once the project is complete the University will have a valuable resource which can easily be regularly updated to remain current. Map design is a particular strength of the school with students and academic and technical staff winning awards, so it is fitting to use these skills for the wider body of students, staff and visitors.’

In this issue we feature two projects that aim to preserve the heritage of the University. I hope you agree that a comprehensive and searchable map of our beautiful Gilmorehill campus will be very worthwhile – useful for students, staff and visitors alike. I hope you also enjoy reading about a project to celebrate the historical link the University has with Frederick Soddy. He discovered chemical isotopes, and this project hopes to re-establish Glasgow’s place in this key discovery. We also highlight awards from the Chancellor’s Fund enhancing the learning environment and supporting our students in music and the visual arts. From the Creative Practice Fund for student performances to the Chapel Choir tour and participation in the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts, a wealth of activity is currently underway. Glasgow is a vibrant University with a huge amount to offer prospective students. Gifts from alumni and friends really do make a difference and we continue to be very grateful for your generosity.

Professor Kenneth Calman Chancellor

Celebrating 100 years of isotope science A grant of £12,000 from the Chancellor’s Fund will support a number of activities as part of a wider project marking the University as the birthplace of isotope science. In 1913 Dr Frederick Soddy, a lecturer in Chemistry at the University from 1904–14, published his theory of isotopes – chemically identical elements with different numbers of neutrons. The term ‘isotope’ which means ‘in the same place’ in ancient Greek, was apparently suggested to Soddy by a family friend Margaret Todd, at a dinner party in 11 University Gardens. For his work on radioactive material and in particular his formulation of the theory of isotopes, Soddy was awarded a Nobel prize in Chemistry in 1921. Funding from the Chancellor’s Fund will employ an archival researcher to preserve Soddy’s heritage by sorting and digitising manuscripts and notes held here in Glasgow and at the Universities of Aberdeen and Oxford where he later worked. Oral histories will also be gathered from retired members of staff who knew and worked with him. Dr Cristina Persano of the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences said: ‘It is hoped these documents will allow us to understand and reconstruct how the discovery of isotopes was achieved. It was one of the most important discoveries of the modern era. Without isotopes we would not have been able to determine the age of the Earth, make food safer and last longer, diagnose bone fractures or even build smoke detectors. These documents are part of the University of Glasgow’s heritage and the project funded by the Chancellor’s Fund will help preserve them and display them to the wider public and for future generations.’ The collected material will be featured on the University Story section of the University website and the centenary celebrations will also include a oneday conference open to the public and exhibitions in The Hunterian and Special Collections at the University Library.

Supporting student projects in the creative arts The Chancellor’s Fund has awarded £3,500 to the School of Culture & Creative Arts to support extra-curricular artistic initiatives involving students studying within the school. Funding will be awarded to projects in theatre, film, television, music, history of art and cultural policy research. Funding will also be available for creative practice workshops led by professional practitioners in relevant disciplines. Dr Simon Murray is senior lecturer in Theatre Studies and is overseeing applications to the fund: ‘We hope that the Creative Practice Fund will encourage extra-curricular initiatives which will help our students develop skills as performers and makers of art (such as music,

theatre, film and visual arts). These projects will help develop student skills in self organisation and planning while enhancing their CVs for professional practice outwith the University. ‘The Chancellor’s Fund will also showcase the creative art produced within the school. We hope that there will be a public showing of many of the projects and that others will be accessible as still images, videos or podcasts on the School website:’

The sounds of the River Clyde

Chapel Choir on tour Last year the Chancellor’s Fund gave a grant of £3,000 to support the University Chapel Choir tour to the Netherlands which took place in December, marking the 60th anniversary since the choir’s foundation in 1952 by Professor Frederick Rimmer. The choir comprises 32 auditioned singers of mixed voices; a combination of volunteers, choral exhibitioners and professional lay clerks. In addition to the choral scholars and lay clerks, all members of the choir receive free singing tuition.

(Left) Hanna Tullikki and Nichola Scrutton perform ‘Just as the Tide Was Flowing’. (Above) Douglas Morland performs ‘Keening Luna’.

In 2011 the Chancellor’s Fund awarded a grant of £1,500 to support the development and performance of ‘High-Slack-Low-Slack-High’, a suite of five audio works made in response to the tidal range of the River Clyde in Glasgow. The five works were developed and curated by Minty Donald, lecturer in Theatre Studies, in collaboration with other artist-musicians, colleagues in the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences and students in Music, Theatre Studies and History of Art. As part of the 2012 Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, the works were performed at public locations across Glasgow including Bell’s Bridge, the Riverside Museum and Central Station and timed to coincide with high tide. Dr Nick Fells, Head of the School of Music said: ‘High-Slack-Low-Slack-High

presented a really diverse range of sound pieces inspired by the Clyde. What struck me as particularly effective was the way the pieces engaged passers-by – suddenly there was a burst of interest in the space, the place of the river and its sound worlds. The project was really beneficial to our music students, partly because they were directly involved in performing some of the material in pretty unusual circumstances (singing outdoors in the blustery wind and rain down by the river!) and having just completed our contemporary music ensemble course, they had a direct opportunity to put some of what they had learnt into practice in a high visibility public forum.’

The choir is directed by James Grossmith, who is also Chorus Master of Scottish Opera: ‘As part of the tour, the choir appeared both in concert and in liturgical services at venues including the Engelsekerk and De Krijtberg in Amsterdam, the Oude Kerk in Rijswijk, the Scots International Church in Rotterdam and the Dr Sarpathius Care Home in Amsterdam. The choir’s performances were received with very warm standing ovations in all the venues which they visited.’ The principal function of the Chapel Choir is to sing at services and recitals of sacred music held in the University Chapel on some Sundays, and at 6pm every Tuesday during semesters. As well as singing in the University, the Chapel Choir give concerts, make regular radio broadcasts for the BBC and have recorded several CDs. The choir is accompanied by the University Organist, the renowned British recitalist Kevin Bowyer, and the University Organ Scholar, Andrew Forbes. Further information is available on their website

Want to help? Here’s how Direct Debit If you would like to give a regular gift, simply complete the direct debit form below and return it to the Development & Alumni Office, 3 The Square, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ. Please keep the Direct Debit Guarantee slip at the very bottom of the page for future reference. Bequests Bequests are favoured by many alumni and friends who want to make a difference after their death. A gift of this kind also helps to reduce your inheritance tax liability. Please call +44 (0)141 330 4951 for more information. Stocks and shares Since 6 April 2000, individuals have been eligible for tax relief on gifts of certain shares, securities and other investments. This is in addition to capital gains tax relief on gifts of assets to charity. Tax relief for donors is based on the value of the shares on the day they are transferred to the University. If you would like to support your chosen project by gifting shares and securities and would like more information, simply call the Development & Alumni Office on +44 (0)141 330 4951. Giving from the USA US taxpayers can give tax-deductible gifts to the American Alumni of Glasgow University, an independent charitable corporation organised

in the United States that has been recognised by the Internal Revenue Service as a section 501(c)(3) charitable organisation. All donations to it are deductible as charitable contributions to the full extent permitted by law. Its Board of Directors will determine the use of all gifts. Contributions should be made payable to: American Alumni of Glasgow University, 183 Wolf Harbor Road, Milford, CT 06461–1961, USA. Giving from Canada Canadian residents will be provided with a receipt for their tax records from the University. Cheques should be made payable to ‘University of Glasgow’ (and not the University Trust) to be able to claim tax relief. Data Protection Act 1998 Under the codes of the 1998 Data Protection Act, the University of Glasgow will use the information provided by you for University education, social and charitable purposes only. Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 The Development & Alumni Office acts in accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Information on donations received by the University of Glasgow is provided in Giving to Glasgow and other project-specific newsletters. Information is included only on donors who have given us their express permission to do so.

University of Glasgow Trust Donation Form Chancellor’s Fund Newsletter – issue 17, April 2013 The University of Glasgow Trust is a registered charity, No. SC008303 The University of Glasgow is a registered charity, No. SC004401

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The Direct Debit Guarantee (this guarantee should be detached and retained by the payer) • • • •

This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit the University of Glasgow Trust will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the University of Glasgow Trust to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the University of Glasgow Trust or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when the University of Glasgow Trust asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Chancellor’s Fund giving: how you can help make a difference We commemorate all gifts of £250 and above with an inscription as a way of acknowledging your support. Your chosen dedication will appear in our publications, such as Giving to Glasgow, and also on our Online Benefactor Wall, a web based version of the traditional donor wall. Unless you have chosen to remain anonymous your name or dedication will appear on these lists as a means of recognising your generosity. All Chancellor’s Fund donors receive this newsletter twice a year, which will include information about the initiatives made possible as a direct result of your gift.

Photography supplied by the University of Glasgow Photographic Unit, Sean Gallagher, Stephen Robinson, Clark James, Sian Easton.

Chancellor’s Fund giving clubs For gifts over £250,000

Major gifts

For gifts over £10,000

Development & Alumni Office 3 The Square University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ Tel: +44 (0)141 330 4951 Fax: +44 (0)141 330 4647 Email: Produced by Development & Alumni Office and Corporate Communications, University of Glasgow.

Your vision and generosity will ensure that our students thrive in a challenging academic environment, taught by eminent academics, and benefiting from some of the best facilities that a university can offer.

Pace-setting gifts

How to contact us Editor: Barrie Bryson Tel: +44 (0)141 330 4951 Email:

Printed by J Thomson.

Giving club

Net gift total

Monthly gift

Annual gift

Kelvin Donor




Tower Donor




Bute Donor




Avenue Donor




Gilmorehill Donor




© University of Glasgow, April 2013 University of Glasgow, charity no. SC004401 University of Glasgow Trust, charity no. SC008303

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Expiry Date


Issue Number

Making a regular gift by Direct Debit

I would like to make a regular gift to the University of Glasgow Trust of £ .............

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Security Code




(please leave 1 month from today’s date) for a period of ............ years or until further notice (if left blank).

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit Please fill in the whole form using a ball point pen and return to: Development & Alumni Office, 3 The Square, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society To: The Manager ................................................................................................................ Address .............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. Name of Account Holder(s) ................................................................................................

Service User Number: 257165 Reference Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Please pay the University of Glasgow Trust Direct Debit from the account detailed in this instruction subject to safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with the University of Glasgow Trust and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/ building society.

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The Direct Debit Guarantee (this guarantee should be detached and retained by the payer) • • • •

This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit the University of Glasgow Trust will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the University of Glasgow Trust to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the University of Glasgow Trust or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when the University of Glasgow Trust asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Latest projects

Thanks to all our donors...

The latest projects to benefit from the Chancellor’s Fund are listed below.

The following lists those who have given new gifts, named existing gifts or have been upgraded a level between 1 September 2012 and 16 March 2013. In addition to those listed below, there are a number of donors whose gifts are awaiting confirmation of naming or who have chosen to remain anonymous.

Digitisation of Robert Gibbs’ photographs £5,000 To create a digital archive of Professor Robert Gibbs’ 25,000 photographs of Scottish medieval, Victorian and Art Nouveau architecture. Campus geospatial database to facilitate location searches and mapping £13,250 To produce a comprehensive geospatial database of the University campus to facilitate searches for locations and enable flexible mapping for a number of users. Robert Burns: choral settings from Schumann to MacMillan £5,800 To fund recording of a set of choral settings of Robert Burns’ work across the past two centuries performed by the University’s Chapel Choir. Digital and poster exhibition of materials related to the slave trade, slavery and abolition in the Library’s Special Collections £348 To fund a public poster exhibition prepared by History Honours students. An album of political song £3,500 To record and produce a compilation album of songs based on the Janey Buchan Political Song Collection housed in the History of Art Resource Centre. Scotland and the birth of comics £1,500 To support publicity and exhibitions at the annual International Graphic Novel conference, Glasgow 2013 based on University-based research and teaching. Creative practice and professional development £7,500 To support extra-curricular studentcentred creative practice and professional development within the School of Culture & Creative Arts.

21st century geoconservation: the Scottish pavement fish project £3,000 To support the study and preservation of historic and scientifically important fossil fish found in the paving slabs of Scotland’s cities. Born in Glasgow: Frederick Soddy and 100 years of isotope science £12,000 To survey and collate archival content relating to Frederick Soddy’s discovery of isotopes to be publicaly presented in this centenary year. Rediscovering hidden landscapes – using archives and geosciences to uncover 18th century designed landscapes of western Scotland £5,000 To support a cross-college pilot project to understand the designed landscapes and gardens of 18th century Glasgow and surrounds. Travel scholarships for study abroad £10,000 To provide financial support for undergraduates who wish to participate in the Student Exchange Programme encouraging more students to take this opportunity. Engaging postgraduate students in public engagement activities through links with local schools £1,250 To provide opportunities for postgraduate students to present workshops in local schools as part of international Brain Awareness Week. Discovering Dumfries & Galloway’s past: development phase £10,000 To provide initial funding to develop a community-based three-year project involving the University, local community organisations and schools.

Major Donor

Dr John Hannah†

Kelvin Donor

One anonymous donor

Tower Donor

Brigadier Jack Johnston (MBChB 1967) and Mrs Agnes Johnston BEM (MA 1963)

Bute Donor

In loving memory of Mark Albert Coia • Lt Col DK Cullens MA • Andrew JH Dougal • Dr Winifred EI Finlay • Lesley A Hart MBE • Mrs Ray Marshall & Dr Samuel Marshall • Jude J Moreland • Henry Nicol†* • Hugh O’Gorman* • Dr Edwin W Robertson* • Fergus C Smail†* • William M Stark* • Dirk G Teengs • Ian T Watt* • Professor Stephen White* • Two anonymous donors

Avenue Donor

Ellen W Burke†* • Dr Ian A Critchley†* • Dr Eric Cuthbertson* • Allan Faulds • James S Foster* • John R Gallacher* • John M Galloway* • John W Halloran • Dr Seong W Han†* • Dr Jean C Lees • Helen M Mann MBE (MA 1967) - in Memory of Jeffrey K Mann (BSc Eng 1968) • Andrew McKenzie • Owen J McKinstry • Ailsa MK Morrison • Jane P Oates* • Andrew S Perry† • Dr Geoffrey H Rowley† • Alistair C Sloan • Ian B Smail • Donald A Smith • Neil Stephen • The Burrows Charitable Trust* • Dr Irwin E Thompson†* • One anonymous donor

Gilmorehill Donor

In memory of my stepfather, Darryl Bruce, 1939-2011† • Peter J Adye • George S Brown • Joseph Caplan MBChB 1957 • Dr Robert Fairfull-Smith • Dr Iain & Mrs Mary Fraser • GM Gall* • Winfred N Hasty Jr† • Robert W Jack • Lesley McKenzie • In honour of our parents May & John McBride and Margaret & Matthew McQueen • J Maureen Neilson • Jonathan Thompson • Dr William D Turner • Dr David G Watson* • Barbara White • Gordon Wilson • Alexander Wishart * denotes donors that have been upgraded a giving club level. We would like to thank all donors for their continued support. † denotes gifts to American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU). We would like to thank AAGU for their support.

Sian Easton spent part of her degree at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

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