Giving To Glasgow 32

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GivingtoGlasgow The fundraising magazine for alumni and friends of the University of Glasgow Issue 32 Spring 2018



A MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR It is a real pleasure to sit down to write my first foreword for Giving to Glasgow, having taken over from Cathy Bell as Director of Development & Alumni at the end of last year. I am honoured to be trusted with Cathy’s legacy and with the many warm relationships with donors and friends that I know she valued greatly. It is fitting, then, that the focus of this edition is our community of support, highlighted by the McKenzie family (pictured on the cover). It is testament to the quality of our students and the fantastic work of our researchers that this University draws investment from such a wide range of people and organisations. The commitment of Santander Universities UK to developing graduate talent and supporting enterprise; the wonderful £1m grant awarded by the Wolfson Foundation to our Institute of Health & Wellbeing; the family of Ronald Drever establishing scholarships to continue his legacy of pioneering discovery; these are all truly inspiring examples of our donors’ belief that this University can genuinely make our world a better place. Every single gift helps us do that, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the scholarships that we are able to award because of your generosity. Many of you will have contributed to funds which have sustained students through their study, stretched their horizons by working, learning 2

or collaborating internationally or helped develop a new generation of scientists and other researchers. Our partnerships with business and industry are central to our success and together we shape the city and the local economy. We were delighted to host our very first Corporate Partners Evening in February, welcoming our partners to share impact stories, innovative collaborations and the exciting opportunity of our campus development programme. With a fantastic turnout, the evening celebrated the partnerships that make Glasgow thrive. I hope you will find, as I do, many reasons to feel both proud of and moved by the stories in these pages. Making a gift is never undertaken lightly and we are both grateful and privileged to be judged worthy of the commitment you have made to us – all the more important as the development of our campus takes shape around us. Knowing that we are backed by such a broad community of enthusiasm breeds both confidence and conviction as together we move into this extraordinary period in the University’s history. I look forward to meeting many of you in the months and years ahead.



A law graduate who took part in the School of Law’s first student trip in 1993 to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has given a significant gift in support of our new European Human Rights Project Travel Scholarship. “The European Human Rights Project is the abiding memory of my law degree at Glasgow 25 years ago,” says Adam Bryson (LLB 1993), “due to both the inspiring subject matter and the innovative teaching method. Although I didn’t pursue a legal career, I still use the skills and experience I acquired on this course to this day. I’m pleased to play a small part in ensuring that future students from all backgrounds have the opportunity to benefit from this exceptional learning experience.” Professor Jim Murdoch has developed the project over 25 years, a group-based and peer-assessed course which replicates the experience of bringing a case to the European Court of Human Rights, and the only one of its kind across the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Launched at a 25th anniversary event in February to which all current and former project participants were invited, the fund will provide the support needed for future generations of students to take part in the project, regardless of social or financial background, to widen their horizons, enhance their academic experience and develop lifelong memories and friendships. •• For further information about supporting the European Human Rights Project Travel Scholarship please contact Lucinda Keith, email: lucinda.keith@ or tel +44 (0)141 330 7148.

“ Scholarships provide students with the chance to do remarkable things.”

LASTING LEGACY OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES PIONEER The family of pioneering Scottish physicist Professor Ronald Drever has donated £500,000 from his estate to support a postgraduate research scholarship in the School of Physics & Astronomy. Professor Drever (BSc 1953, PhD 1959), who passed away in 2017, established the University’s first dedicated gravitational wave research group in 1970. One of his Glasgow PhD students, James Hough, went on to found the University’s Institute for Gravitational Research, expanding the institute at Glasgow to a world-recognised centre of expertise, and continuing to actively contribute to the University’s gravitational research today in his role as Emeritus Kelvin Chair of Natural Philosophy. Professor Drever moved to the USA in the 1980s and co-founded the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) project. His work helped lay some of the foundations for the LIGO collaboration’s historic first detection of gravitational waves in 2015, a century after their existence was proposed by Albert Einstein.

Launched last year with a great response from our alumni in recent telephone campaigns, the Arts & Humanities Scholarships Fund will help support the greatest need across the College of Arts and ensure that gifts of all sizes have as much impact as possible. History and Divinity alumnus Dr Kenneth Grant Hughes (MA 1959) is one of the founding donors to the new fund. Having benefited from scholarship support as a student to travel to Germany, Dr Hughes hopes his support will give others equally valuable and enjoyable experiences. “Almost exactly 50 years ago I set out on a brief trip to the libraries of Heidelberg and Tübingen universities,” says Dr Hughes. “The object was to further my research by noting Scottish students at these places of learning in the 19th century. It was a short but worthwhile visit in spite of the limitations of my spoken German. But for a subvention from the Ross Fund, mine might have been a one-way trip. Awareness of this fact prompted me to make regular contributions to help others in the arts field to make similar visits.” Professor Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh is Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Arts. “The establishment of this new scholarships fund will offer many talented students opportunities that they would not otherwise have,” he says. “Scholarships at all levels, undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as travel scholarships, provide students with the chance to do remarkable things and undertake life-changing experiences.” •• For further information about supporting the Arts & Humanities Scholarships Fund and the new College of Arts building at Glasgow please contact Lucinda Keith, email: or tel +44 (0)141 330 7148.

Ronald Drever (right) with James Hough at the University of Glasgow in 1972. “We’re honoured and grateful that the family of Professor Drever chose to donate such a substantial sum to the University of Glasgow, where he began his career and made his initial contributions to the field of gravitational wave research,” says Professor Martin Hendry, Head of the School of Physics & Astronomy. “In the three decades since Professor Drever left the University, we’ve made huge steps forward at the Institute for Gravitational Research and as part of the LIGO and Virgo collaborations. We’re looking forward to continuing our work with the assistance of postgraduate students so generously funded by the Drever family.” Professor Sheila Rowan, Director of the Institute for Gravitational Research since 2009, said: “It’s been just over two years since the first gravitational wave detection and we’ve already learned so much new information about our universe. This bequest and scholarship will allow us to welcome more postgraduate students into gravitational wave research, and we’re delighted by the generosity of Professor Drever and his family.” The University anticipates that the Professor Ronald Drever Scholarship in Physics & Astronomy will fund one postgraduate position at our Institute for Gravitational Research each year in perpetuity, with the first scholarship expected to be presented in 2019. •• We are very fortunate that many families like the Drevers choose to make a gift to the University in memory of their loved one. Your solicitor can advise how those benefiting from a gift in a will can alter their entitlement using a simple variation of will document. You can also contact our Development Officer for Legacies, Mrs Barrie Bryson, for advice about your wishes, email: or tel: +44 (0)141 330 6886. 3

OUR COMMUNITY OF SUPPORTERS From foundations, charities and corporate groups through to families and individuals – we celebrate our wonderful community of supporters who donate to many of our key projects and help to change the world through their funding. Supporting communities We’re delighted to report a significant funding milestone, having received over £1m from Santander Universities UK since becoming a partner institution in 2010. The £1m funding has supported a range of University priority projects which are mainly student focused and include •• over £300,000 in scholarships funding, supporting some of the University’s strategic ambitions in postgraduate and international student recruitment •• almost £80,000 towards mobility scholarships and supporting students to undertake life-changing experiences overseas through summer schools and exchange programmes •• supporting the establishment of 15 new student businesses through the University’s student enterprise summer programme •• funding support from Santander Universities UK SME Internship Programme to 250 Glasgow students to enable them to take up paid internships through our Internship Hub. Santander Universities UK also supports the Stirling Maxwell Research Project in History of Art, which studies the contribution to scholarship and collecting of Spanish art collector and former University Chancellor, Sir William Stirling Maxwell (1818–78). “We are privileged to be in partnership with Santander Universities UK,” says Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, “and to have benefited greatly from their support since 2010, which has made a difference to many of our priority projects. We look forward to the continuing relationship.” •• In 1996 Emilio Botín, then chairman of Santander, decided that the bank should be useful to the communities in which it operates and, with the conviction that a university is a vital cornerstone of any community and a mechanism that helps people and businesses prosper, Santander Universities began its activity in Spain. It now works with 1,200 institutions across 20 countries, including 81 in the UK. 4

BOOST FOR HEALTH & WELLBEING The Wolfson Foundation has awarded £1m to support the construction of the Institute of Health & Wellbeing’s new building, part of our £1bn campus development programme. Born in the Gorbals in 1897, Sir Isaac Wolfson (Hon LLB 1963) made his fortune in business. He established the Wolfson Foundation in 1955, chaired today by his granddaughter Dame Janet Wolfson de Botton, which has funded some 10,000 projects across the UK in science, medicine, arts and education. Glasgow enjoys a long-standing relationship with the foundation which has supported some of our key projects over the past 60 years, such as the Wolfson Medical School Building. The Institute of Health & Wellbeing brings together staff and students from complementary disciplines to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities both locally and globally. Our researchers span health and social sciences and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders. A major focus is the prevention of disease through the promotion of healthier lifestyles and development of health-promoting environments and supportive health policies. “We are absolutely delighted with the very generous support of the Wolfson Foundation,” says the Principal, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, “which will improve lives and health outcomes in Glasgow and around the world.” “For the first time in decades we face the likelihood that our children will live shorter lives than their parents due to the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Health services cannot cope with rising prevalence of chronic disease,” says Professor Jill Pell, Director of the Institute of Health & Wellbeing. “Prevention is the only option.” With Glasgow uniquely placed to study the effects of chronic disease on a small, stable population, with access to consistent health data, the potential to impact lives locally and globally is huge.

Artist’s impression of the Institute of Health & Wellbeing’s new building.

KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY Alex McKenzie, pictured on the cover with his wife, Nan, and grandchildren Codie and MacKenzie, has been fundraising for the Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre for 16 years. In 2002, after being diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, Alex decided to begin fundraising to “give something back” to the researchers and clinicians who helped him.

FINDING A BETTER WAY In February football legend Sir Bobby Charlton visited the University to find out more about the synthetic bone project his charity is funding. He met the team, led by Professors Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez and Matt Dalby, and saw the labs where the work is taking place. The project team began work in 2017 to develop synthetically grown bone tissue for use by trauma surgeons in the future treatment of landmine blast survivors. While visiting a minefield in Cambodia, Sir Bobby saw the humanitarian damage which landmines cause in war-torn areas. The visit moved him to set up the charity Find A Better Way, as he felt that there had to be a more efficient way of negating the effects of mines and improving safety and security for local communities whose lives are blighted by them. During his campus visit Sir Bobby also met with Eva the dog and her owners. Readers

“I AM VERY PROUD THAT FIND A BETTER WAY AND THE UNIVERSITY ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO DO SO MUCH GOOD FOR PEOPLE IN SO MUCH NEED.” may remember that Eva was our cover star in the last edition of Giving to Glasgow. Her broken leg had been successfully repaired when an early version of the technology was used to save it from amputation. Speaking of his visit, Sir Bobby said: “I am very proud that Find A Better Way and the University of Glasgow are working together to do so much good for people in so much need. It has been wonderful to meet the scientists making this possible, and of course wonderful to meet Eva who has given us a glimpse of what will be possible in future.”

Student support

Dan Traynor is a regular monthly donor to the University and directs his gift to the Chancellor’s Fund which supports mainly student-centred projects which would otherwise fall outside core funding. “I like the breadth of projects that the Chancellor’s Fund supports,” says Dan (LLB 2017), who is currently studying for a Diploma in Legal Practice, “and that’s what really got me involved – the variety of different things that it funds. The student enterprise aspect interested me in particular as it allows those ideas that students have to go that little bit further. I’m just proud to give. I’ve had a world-class education at an incredible place, so it’s good I’m able to give something back. I’m finishing my studies soon and it’s good knowing something always links me back, and keeps me as part of this community.”

Alex holds an annual cabaret night in Raploch Bowling Club in Larkhall, which provides the venue free of charge. Nan helps to organise the event and, over the years, family, friends and the local community have helped them to raise over £20,000 for leukaemia research at the University. In addition to supporting leukaemia research, Alex also donates some of the proceeds from his fundraising to support cancer care volunteer drivers, a service that transports patients to and from hospital appointments.

“ I hope my fundraising helps to further research.” ALEX McKENZIE Alex’s family have also taken part in their own fundraising events. In 2016 his daughter, Nicola McHolm, and her team, The West Highland Way Warriors, completed the 96-mile walk, raising £5,640 for the Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre and the Beatson Cancer Charity. “I hope my fundraising helps to further research taking place in the laboratories to increase the chances of finding cures and to develop better treatments for all types of leukaemia,” says Alex. He continues to receive treatment and says: “There have been rough times, but you just have to keep the faith.” He describes the care he has received over the years as “fantastic”.


Thanks to our donors … who have given new gifts, named or changed inscriptions on existing gifts, or

moved up to a new giving level between 1 September 2017 and 31 January 2018. In addition to those listed below, there are a number of donors whose gifts are awaiting confirmation.

Campus Development

Research Hub

Campus Development

Leading Colin McLean & Margaret Lawson • Dr Melvyn J Pond & Mrs Amanda Pond† • The Fordham Family Foundation Major Allan & Frances Pack† Platinum Ken Duncan† Gold Peter Conkey† • Glasgow University Club of Aberdeen • Katharine M E Liston* • Alison Nicoll & Ricardo Cortes† Silver Dr & Mrs John Adam† • Grace Caddies Spence† • Suzanne Creed (née Knight) • Allan Dickson† • Mark Fullerton† • James Steel Laird • Gavin & Claire MacLellan • Michael Salter • Susan Angela Shaw • The Stephen Family • Dr William Thomson •1 anonymous donor Bronze Grae & Alison Allan • Dr Majid Anwar • Lorna Blain • Patricia Brown • Dr Frances J Dryburgh • Christine Grant • Gary Heron • Peter Hillis • Marjory Montgomerie • Dr Lillious Taylor • Dr Stuart Ritchie • 5 anonymous donors

Joseph Black Building

Platinum 1 anonymous donor Silver In Memory of Joe McKendrick

Learning & Teaching Hub

Leading The Bellahouston Bequest Fund • In memory of Fred S Berkley MA LLB Major Barcapel Foundation • Craig Montgomery • The Armstrong Family Platinum Joseph Orr† Gold Glasgow University Women’s Club (London)* Silver John A Maitland* • Ian Stanley Smith MBChB (1962) • 1 anonymous donor Bronze Sara Bryson • Holly Gray • Alison Raeburn • Alan & Leonna Shenkin • 2 anonymous donors

Institute of Health & Wellbeing

Benefactor The Wolfson Foundation Major 1 anonymous donor Gold Professor Max M Cohen† • Susan Goodman • Ian MacArthur • James G Taylor MA MBCS • 2 anonymous donors Silver David Aitchison • Elspeth Allan • Dr Aroona Arfan • Dr Fiona Boyd • Dr Stephen Hunter • Dr Moray Kyle • May Edith McCallum • William McCombe • Peter McGinily • Margaret Meehan • Dr Ruth Rae • Gordon Smith • Dr John Sommerville MBChB (1975) • Dr John Thomson • 3 anonymous donors Bronze Elida Brooks • Lady Catherine Campbell • Catriona Downie • John A Duthie • Dr Ronald Fowlis • Timothy Freedlander • Kenneth Gilmour • Carolann Ginns • Dr Catherine Harpur • The Harvey Family • Ian R Howarth • Dr Mary Inglefield† • Elizabeth Martin Lawrie • Donald J Macdonald BSc (1958) • Dr Gavin Nicoll • Aisling O’Neill • Daniel J Potts • Nicholas Skelton • Moira Spearman • Cara Taylor • Isobel Thompson • Jean Walker • Dr Shona Wilson • Jonathan Wood • 3 anonymous donors

Precision Medicine Fund

Silver In memory of Sandy Barr

Leading David & Maggie McGirr†* Platinum Dr Aileen Wilson Silver Malcolm Beveridge • Barry Dikstra • David Duncan • Dr Andrew Smith • 1 anonymous donor Bronze Rahul Gindha • Stephen Hill • James Nimmo • In memory of Dr Norman S Ritchie • Alan & Leonna Shenkin • 1 anonymous donor

Brain Tumour Research Fund

Gold In memory of Angus J MacColl Silver Ben Vorlich Team Munro Challenge 2017 Bronze Charlotte Steele - In memory of my Gran Margaret Grierson, much loved and sadly missed

Gynaecological Cancer Research Gold Natalie Duke

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Research

College of Arts

Silver “I’ll Sing On” – a tribute to Catriona Maclean Mackinnon*

Silver Matthew Gunterman† Bronze Roy O’Neil*

MVLS Leukaemia Research – CML

Dr Peter Davies Postgraduate Scholarship in Modern Languages and Cultures

Oesophageal Cancer Research

Arts & Humanities Scholarships Fund

Silver Dr Ian WJ Still

Leading Dr Peter V Davies*

Bronze In memory of Steve Henderson from his friends and colleagues at the University

Isabel Henderson Fund for Celtic and Gaelic

Pancreatic Cancer Research

Bronze In honour of Sandy Bello†

Robert Burns Postgraduate Scholarship Fund

Platinum Dr J Douglas Briggs • Cameron Timmis* Gold Shahzya Chaudhury • Graham Cook Silver All Saints Church Bearsden Lunch Group • In memory of dear Tessa • In memory of Professor Tessa Holyoake • Thanks to Tessa and all the researchers for saving so many and giving hope to all • Rt Hon Dr Alex Salmond • 1 anonymous donor* Bronze Bill Bell* • Bonnyton Golf Club • Dr Ian Franklin • In memory of Tessa • Murray Swanson • Stephen Webster • With grateful thanks for your life & work and in honour of our friendship

Bronze In loving memory of our dear friend Anne Waugh. Maureen & Paul Gannon Bronze Jean Armour Burns Trust

Silverstone Trust Award in Jewish Studies Platinum Silverstone Trust

College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences Christopher Douglas Smith PG Scholarship in Cancer Sciences Leading Unite Against Cancer*

William Cullen Postgraduate Scholarship Fund in Medicine Bronze Dr Kim Henry

Work Placement Prize in School of Life Sciences Gold Professor Robert A Smith

Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre

Prostate Cancer Research

Bronze Ben More Team Munro Challenge 2017

Think Pink Scotland

Gold Elizabeth Saunders Silver Staff & Customers, Town & Country Coffee Shop, Killearn

Medical Fund Cardiovascular Research

MVLS Medical Electives

Leading The Enid Linder Foundation

Beatson Pebble Appeal and Cancer Research Fund Beatson Pebble Appeal

Leading The James & Patricia Hamilton Charitable Trust Major Port William & District Bridge Club Platinum Dr J Douglas Briggs Gold Debbie Farquhar • Gordon & Liz McAllan • The James Wood Bequest Fund • 1 anonymous donor Silver Jessica Geddes • Eleanor Hammill • Mid Argyll Cancer Support Group • Mrs IN Setchell Charitable Trust Bronze Brian Bonner • Christine H Brasseur† • Hilda’s Happy Cafe • DAO Team Ben Lawers 2017 • James Ghaleb • Maida Grant • Dr Myer S Green* • In memory of Jon Nimmo • Alexander Hepburn • The Buff Udders Team • Stella Stevenson* • University of Glasgow Oncology Society • 1 anonymous donor*

Gold Dr Gary C S Cousin Silver Ian MacKenzie* Bronze Dr Christine F Macnair* • In memory of Simon Merry • 2 anonymous donors*

Chronic Disease

Leading Baillie Gifford & Co

Diseases of the Nervous System

Major Frances Graham Gold Dr J Bryson Hamilton*

General Medical Fund

Major Dr Charles and Marilyn Wright Gold Dr Irwin E Thompson 1960†* Bronze In memory of Robert Alexander

Inflammatory Disease Research Gold Dr J Douglas Briggs

Kidney Disease Research Bronze The Harvey Family

MVLS Stroke and Brain Imaging Research Major The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust

Myotonic Dystrophy Research

Major Myotonic Dystrophy Support Group Research Silver In memory of Nathan Walker, age 23, who died from Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy

How your gift can make a difference Benefactor gifts

For gifts over £1,000,000

Leading gifts

For gifts over £50,000

Major gifts

For gifts over £10,000

Bronze Michael Dhesi*

Veterinary Medicine James Herriot Scholarship Fund

Gifted scheme

Net gift total

Monthly gift

Annual gift

Platinum gift/Kelvin donor




Gold gift/Tower donor




Silver gift/Bute donor




Bronze gift/Avenue donor




The giving form appears on page 8. Don’t forget you can now give online:


Public Health & Wellbeing Fund

Silver With recognition & grateful thanks for the opportunities that my PhD has afforded me Bronze Laura Lammie • Alison McKay • Peter Saunders • 1 anonymous donor

School of Veterinary Medicine Hardship Fund Leading 1 anonymous donor

Small Animal Hospital

Gold In memory of Gerard C Rutter, a dear friend†* Silver Nicolette Carlaw • Elma I Cunningham • Lady Moray* Bronze Lynn Harper • In loving memory of Sasha* • In memory of Alfie & Molly Bone. Oscar Proudfoot • Laura McNiven

Small Animal Hospital Oncology Service

Bronze For our girl, Ruby • In memory of Mel

Vet School General Fund

Silver Snowy from Singapore

College of Science & Engineering

Joseph Black Postgraduate Scholarship Fund in Chemistry Platinum In support of the Chemistry Department†* Bronze James Guthrie

Lord Kelvin Postgraduate Scholarship Fund in Physics & Astronomy Silver Alistair W Taylor*

Science and Engineering Mobility Scholarship Fund Platinum Catrina & James Coleman†*

Sir Alwyn Williams Postgraduate Scholarship Fund in Geographical & Earth Science Bronze FJ Matheson

College of Social Sciences

Adam Smith Business School Travel Scholarship Fund

Gold Dr Stephen Costello Lowe† Silver Amjad Chaudhry • Michael Sibbald • Dr Ian Trushell*

Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland Leading Baillie Gifford & Co

MPA Peer Network

Other Awards Lynn Fordham Undergraduate Scholarship Major The Fordham Family Foundation*

Martin Niemoller Scholarships

Platinum The German Speaking Congregation in Glasgow*

Scholarships Fund

Silver Colin Boyd • Greig Cummings • Kenneth Dalgleish • Craig Harper • Alistair McLauchlan • Anna Mullarky • Ceri Paterson • Allan Pringle • 2 anonymous donors Bronze Elizabeth Barron • Alistair Bell • Margaret Bowron • Leonard Cahif* • Oonagh Claber • Kenneth Douglas • Laura Fraser • Mary Harris • Alistair Jenkins • David King • Sergey Kofman • Catherine McManus • Margaret McMaster • Sandy McNeil • Graeme Napier • Mairi Raeburn • Maureen McLellan • Seumas & Kirsty Skinner • Richard Williamson • 4 anonymous donors

University-wide projects Sport – Rowing Club

Bronze 150th Anniversary - Rowing Club • Dr David MacSorley


Campus Development

Leading Zoe Lenore King Gold Stanley S McQueen

College of Arts

Platinum 1 anonymous donor

The Hunterian Art Gallery

Mark Herrington Prize for Best Dissertation

Scottish History

Bronze Turner & Townsend

John Brown Law Travel Scholarship Fund

Platinum 1 anonymous donor* Bronze Owen J McKinstry*

Law Talent Scholarships Fund Platinum Craig Montgomery

Chancellor’s Fund

Leading Finlay McIntosh

Silver Madeleine Eva Webster, in memory of Bruce Webster

College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences Beatson Pebble Appeal

Major Irene D Austin • Evelyn F McNab

Cardiovascular Research

Leading Evelyn F McNab in memory of Ian K McNab

Platinum John Hawthorn* Gold Rev John Bollan* Silver Ruth Buchanan • Geraldine El Masrour • Professor Alexander M Jamieson†* • Averil Lamont • Sarah Lock • Dr Duncan L & Mrs Elizabeth A Weir* Bronze Emma Anderson • The Edinburgh Society of Glasgow University Graduates • Christopher Geddes • Peter Grace • Dr Elizabeth Jennings • Robert T Locke* • Jennifer McWhinnie • David Nisbet • Kenneth Pearson* • Grahame Smith • Daniel O Traynor • 1 anonymous donor

Diseases of the Nervous System Research

Scholarships Fund

Small Animal Hospital Fund

Talent Scholarships

Alan McIntyre Talent Scholarship Major Alan & Maria McIntyre†*

Maureen McGuire Talent Scholarship Major Maureen A McGuire†*

The RL Brown Family Talent Scholarship Leading RL Brown Family Scholarships*

Talent Scholarships Fund

Gold David Clark • Alasdair J MacKinnon† • Iain Richardson Silver Lionel A Ritchie* • 1 anonymous donor Bronze Stephen McGarva • Rose Sander*

Travel Scholarships Graeme Kelly Travel Scholarship

Leading Dr Douglas A Robertson

Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology Gold Stanley RE Frossman, known as Jet Mayfair

Pancreatic Cancer Research Major Michael G Cooke

Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre

Leading Professor Tessa Holyoake Leading Iain DS Thomson

College of Social Sciences School of Law

Leading Grace W Sutherland in memory of James Sutherland CBE LLD

College of Social Sciences

Platinum Frisby Memorial Lectures in memory of Professor David Frisby

College of Science & Engineering Professor Ronald Drever Scholarship in Physics and Astronomy

Leading Professor Emeritus Ronald WP Drever

Tuck Equipment Fund

Silver Melville George & Sheila Murdoch Tuck

Silver Graeme W Kelly*

University-wide projects

The Melvyn and Amanda Pond Travel Scholarship

Leading Elizabeth M Wallace

The Library

Major Dr Melvyn J Pond & Mrs Amanda Pond†*

Travel Scholarship Fund

Gold Allan Kennedy† • Jacqueline E Smith†* Silver Dr Donald J Crammond†* • Dr Alan Grosset† Bronze Mark Anderson† • Dr Mary Duncan† • Larry Grieve† • Dr Seong W Han† • Brian M Henderson† • Alistair Logie† • Elizabeth Norton • Colin Ridley • Walter Ritchie† • Joan Stephen • Catherine Stevenson • Iain Swan • Vivek Thakur† • Bruce & Carol Wyatt† • 1 anonymous donor

† denotes

gift to American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU). We would like to thank AAGU for their support.

* denotes

donations that have moved to a new giving level.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Direct Debit If you would like to join the growing number of people who have chosen to support the University, please complete the direct debit form overleaf. A gift in your will After you have looked after those closest to you, you can help us ensure our world-changing education and research continues by leaving a gift in your will. Stocks and shares Since 6 April 2000, individuals have been eligible for tax relief on gifts of certain shares, securities and other investments. This is in addition to capital gains tax relief on gifts of assets to charity. Tax relief for donors is based on the value of the shares on the day they are transferred to the University. If you would like to support your chosen project by gifting shares and securities and would like more information, simply call the Development & Alumni Office on +44 (0)141 330 4951. Giving from the USA US taxpayers can give tax-deductible gifts to the American Alumni of Glasgow University, an independent charitable corporation organised in the United States that has been recognised by the Internal Revenue Service as a section 501(c) (3) charitable organisation. All donations to it are deductible as charitable contributions to the full extent permitted by law. Its Board of Directors will determine the use of all gifts. Contributions should be made payable to American Alumni of Glasgow University and sent to AAGU, 183 Wolf Harbor Road, Milford, CT 06461–1961, USA. Giving from Canada Canadian residents will be provided with a receipt for their tax records from the University. Cheques should be made payable to “University of Glasgow” (and not the University Trust) to be able to claim tax relief. Data Protection As a supporter your information is managed by the Development & Alumni Office. Please read our full privacy notice at welcomehome/privacynotice. Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 The Development & Alumni Office acts in accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Information on donations received by the University of Glasgow is provided in Giving to Glasgow and other projectspecific newsletters. Information is included only on donors who have given us their express permission to do so. Produced and designed by External Relations, University of Glasgow. Photography provided by the University Photographic Unit, Hamilton Advertiser, Atkins, Martin Shields, Professor James Hough. Printed by J Thomson. © University of Glasgow, April 2018 University of Glasgow, charity no. SC004401 University of Glasgow Trust charity no. SC008303.


University of Glasgow Trust Donation Form

Title: Name:

Giving to Glasgow – issue 32; Spring 2018


The University of Glasgow Trust is a registered charity, No. SC008303 The University of Glasgow is a registered charity, No. SC004401

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Veterinary Medicine

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