Medical Fund News Spring 2019

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Your Medical Fund News

Supporting Medical Research at the University of Glasgow Spring 2019

FOOTBALL FANS IN TRAINING PROGRAMME DELIVERS LONG-TERM SUCCESS Football Fans in Training, the programme of research and development in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing (IHW), was highlighted in the National Institute of Health Research’s impact webpages recently. The programme which was first piloted eight years ago, is now among the most successful healthy lifestyle projects ever delivered in a professional football club context. Over 4718 men and women have started the free, 12 week programme since 2014 and 72% are still involved. On average, participants lose 8% body weight after 12 weeks. Since then, a highly successful women’s programme has been launched as well as programmes in England and Europe. Participants also reported improvements in psychological health including improved self-esteem. The University of Glasgow Trust is a registered charity, No. SC008303 The University of Glasgow is a registered charity, No. SC004401

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