Giving To Glasgow 33

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GivingtoGlasgow The fundraising magazine for alumni and friends of the University of Glasgow Issue 33 Winter 2018



A MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Every morning on my way to work I pass the site of the James McCune Smith Learning Hub, the first new build of our campus development. Watching students heading to lectures, I’m reminded that the new Learning Hub is much more than just a building. It’s a rich resource which will have a unique impact on our students’ learning experience. It’s fitting that this flagship building has been named after James McCune Smith, a pioneer, alumnus and the first African American in the world to gain a medical degree. In this edition we report on the building’s progress and find out why alumni David Armstrong and Alison Shackleton (pictured on the front cover) felt compelled to support this development. Like David and Alison, our friends and supporters are an integral part of the University family and we want to keep you informed in an effective way. We’re making some exciting changes to Giving to Glasgow, resulting in a new annual supporters’ magazine celebrating the impact of your generosity. The University has an important history of philanthropy and each and every gift makes a difference. You’ve been instrumental in helping us to achieve great things and continue to be one of the finest universities in the world. Thank you. Together we are the University of Glasgow and together we are world changers.




Our Undergraduate Talent Scholarship scheme provides muchneeded financial aid for outstanding students from backgrounds not traditionally associated with higher education. Alan McIntyre (MA (SocSci) 1988) is one of our generous alumni who supports Talent Scholarships. Alan recently met with two of his scholarship beneficiaries, Lewis and Adam, who both graduated this year with first-class degrees and Adam Smith awards for excellence. Coincidentally, Alan graduated with the same degree, honours and award 30 years earlier! Although Alan now lives in the USA, he supports the University by giving a gift to the American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU), an independent charitable corporation which welcomes

tax-deductible donations from the USA to benefit the University. Gifts can still be targeted to the area you care about most – such as vital Talent Scholarships. Today we welcome more students from the most deprived communities in Scotland than any other ancient Scottish university. Since 2007 around 600 undergraduate students have been supported through the Talent Scholarship scheme and 80 postgraduate students have been supported since 2013. Through the campus development and our scholarships programme we are determined to keep attracting the best talent to our worldchanging University. •• To find out more about our scholarships programme or giving from the US, please email: or tel: +44 (0)141 330 1867.

GLASGOW CALLING We’d like to thank all those who took the time to speak with our student callers in our October telephone campaign, which raised around £100,000. Since our telephone campaign began in 2003, an incredible 6,570 donors have supported our vital work, from medical research to scholarships. “It was amazing to be able to tell people all about the great work of the University,” said student caller Jamie Burnett. “The alumni and supporters I spoke to were particularly interested in hearing about the new Learning Hub and the effect it will have on me as a student. I was able to explain what a difference it will have on my experience socially and academically, it will be a place on campus where I can meet friends, make my own food and study. I am excited to see how this new building will become the heart of the campus and transform the student experience!” •• Our next round of calls is in January and we look forward to talking to more of you then. For further information please contact Michaella Mitchell, email: michaella.mitchell@ or tel: +44 (0)141 330 8501.


MEET BARRIE, OUR LEGACY PROFESSIONAL If you are considering leaving a gift to the University in your will, our Development Officer for Legacies, Barrie Bryson, would be delighted to talk with you about your wishes and intentions. “I joined the University in 2001,” says Barrie, “and after fundraising for the beautiful Scottish Centre for Ecology & the Environment on Loch Lomond and the Chancellor’s Fund, I began looking after gifts in wills in 2013. I really enjoy talking to alumni and friends about their time as students and connection to the University and feel very privileged to support those who want to benefit the University for future generations.”

In October more than 40 children from the University nursery took part in a walk to raise money for our work on cancer research. Nursery staff and children were sponsored by family and friends to walk from the nursery to the Main Building in the aptly named Pebble Dash, a namesake of the Beatson Pebble Appeal which raised funds to open the Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre in 2014. “The children enjoyed visiting the Main Building and had an enthusiastic audience to cheer them on,” says Nursery Manager Caroline McVeigh. “They raised vital funds for cancer research all the while being active in this amazing setting. This event provided a good opportunity for the children and staff to work together and make a difference in the community around us.” Sarah Armour is the proud parent of one of the young fundraisers and Alumni Volunteer Manager at the University: “My daughter was involved in the event and she has loved taking her sponsor sheet around family and friends; it is never too young to teach children about giving back, and they have great fun to boot!” •• If you’d like to know more about how you can get involved in our community fundraising initiatives please contact Rosie Munro, email: or tel: +44 (0)141 330 6248.

This year Barrie qualified with a Certificate in Charity Legacy Administration, a course run by the Institute of Legacy Management and designed by the University of Law, and the only nationally accredited legacy qualification in the UK. Barrie adds: “Being a member of staff who is a qualified legacy professional I hope will reassure supporters that we can offer the best possible advice and look after gifts in wills with expertise, sensitivity and understanding.” •• If you’d like to know more about giving a gift in your will you can contact Barrie (who is pictured with her beloved Labradoodle, Tattie). Email: or tel: +44 (0)141 330 6886.

Legacy helps develop new work on Burns Folk singer Jean Redpath (DMus 2009) bequeathed a collection of papers, books and musical recordings relating to Robert Burns to the University in her will. For listeners across the world, Jean was known as the voice of Scots traditional song, particularly Burns songs. “We are delighted to be able to provide a home for Jean Redpath’s Burns collection,” says Professor Kirsteen McCue, co-director of the Centre for Robert Burns Studies. “It is a fitting legacy that Jean’s research is now helping scholars here at the centre develop new work on Burns, and on Jean’s own contribution to our national song culture.” For more information about the Centre for Robert Burns Studies, see

THE CHANCELLOR’S FUND TURNS 20 We’re fortunate to have a community of alumni who believe in our vision that every student at Glasgow should have the opportunity to enjoy a rich and rewarding university experience. Thanks to your support, the Chancellor’s Fund has awarded funding to many diverse and interesting projects, which would otherwise not have been able to happen; from studentled healthcare initiatives in Malawi to providing training for students who lack confidence and communication skills so they can reach their full academic potential. Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the fund and we’re delighted to celebrate the milestones we’ve accomplished over the years. Thank you to everyone who has been involved and here’s to another 20 years of making a difference. •• If you’d like to hear more about the Chancellor’s Fund and the impact it has made please email: or tel: + 44 (0)141 330 8501. 3

HELPING TODAY’S WORLD CHANGERS SUCCEED Education makes a huge difference to people’s lives. At Glasgow, our aim is to nurture true talent and offer the best environment in which to do so. Over the past ten years our generous supporter community has championed learning by supporting scholarships, gifts with great impact that benefit many of our students and help them to achieve their full potential. Our new £90m James McCune Smith Learning Hub takes this further – to transform our students’ learning environment. Opening in the next academic year 2019–20, this creative and inspirational environment will combine flexible study and social learning space with multi-styled and technology-enhanced teaching. This blend of facilities together with targeted support will ensure that it is possible for students to succeed regardless of background or circumstance. More than an innovative and dynamic teaching facility, it’ll be a home away from home at the heart of our campus, creating a sense of belonging, with student clubs and services able to book spaces for events as well as study, and give support to those who need it most. Alumni supporters Alison Shackleton (MA (Hons) 1989, LLB 1992, DipLP 1993) and David Armstrong (LLB (Hons) 1986) believe its impact will stretch far beyond its physical presence. We asked what prompted them to support the construction of the James McCune Smith Learning Hub.

Early adopters Very early in the process – long before the cranes began to populate the skyline at the old Boyd Orr car park – Alison and David could see the potential of this major new facility, which will provide over 2,500 teaching and study spaces including five lecture theatres supporting technologyenhanced assisted learning. They could understand what it would mean to have a space where students 4

of all disciplines can meet, chat, share ideas and form friendships. They could appreciate why the building’s facilities will include microwaves for students to heat food they have brought themselves, as well as spaces to eat, and so avoid them having to head off campus earlier than they might want to. “This is helping every little barrier to be broken down,” says Alison. “It’s absolutely crucial. There definitely is a need to support children from family backgrounds where coming to university is not the norm.”

“Why would you not want to come here?” They both say that deciding to come and study at Glasgow was the obvious choice for them. “The whole location was remarkable,” says David. “Some of the oldstyle lecture theatres were fantastic, with the old benches and such like. Some had amazing views over Glasgow. So from that perspective, you really felt you’d gone from school to university, big time.” The couple didn’t know each other while at University, but met and married soon afterwards. So what motivated them to lend their support to the James McCune Smith Learning Hub? “It’s quite uncomplicated, really,” says Alison. “You come to the University yourself. You have a fantastic experience, and then you have an opportunity to invest back into that later on. It seemed to us a bit of a no-brainer to be able to do that at such a monumental time in the University’s history … it was an easy decision to make.” David agrees. “There was definitely a recognition, certainly if you take the Armstrong family as a whole,” he says, “that we’ve done incredibly well out of the University, for generations. So there’s a recognition of giving things back. And for us, it was about the fact that they really seemed to be putting the University on the map.”

Keeping the family’s links with the University unbroken, their son Tom (above) is now at Glasgow studying aeronautical engineering. Alison and David have high hopes for the future – and the couple are not alone in understanding the benefits of belonging to a wide and diverse University family. “We’re seeing this from the perspective of people who’ve come to the University – alumni – but also the perspective of what it will do for Glasgow itself.”

Enduring ties “I get quite emotional when I see some of these aerial shots of the campus, going down to the Clyde,” says David. “It is only then that it hits home how much the University is part of the city of Glasgow. And then the shot will be retaken in five years’ time and there’ll be the James McCune Smith building and a few others down there. In ten years’ time, it’ll all be there. It’s going to be an international city that will hopefully be a real magnet. I think the impact will be massive.”


“ The James McCune Smith Learning Hub will be a highly visible commitment of our provision of a world-class learning and teaching environment for generations to come.” PROFESSOR FRANK COTON, VICE-PRINCIPAL FOR ACADEMIC & EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION

More than 1,500 alumni and friends have already joined Alison and David to support our campus development and to give back to future generations of Glasgow graduates. Help today’s generation of world changers to succeed and create the heart of your University campus:

400 alumni giving £25 each

can provide a safe and quiet place to study, something that isn’t always the case for all our students

700 alumni giving £50 each

can provide a welcoming kitchen for those on a budget or those who are lonely and miles away from home

500 alumni giving £100 each •• If you’d like to change the lives of our students by making a donation to the James McCune Smith Learning Hub or to our campus development please contact Hannah Johnston, tel: +44 (0)141 330 1867 or email:

can provide a state-of-the-art learning environment to give the most integrated student experience 5

Thanks to our donors … who have given new gifts, named or changed inscriptions on existing gifts, or

moved up to a new giving level between 1 February and 31 July 2018. In addition to those listed below, there are a number of donors whose gifts are awaiting confirmation.

Campus Development Campus Development

Leading Allan Bertie • Stewart MacKay Major Dr Ian D Jardine† • Alan & Maria McIntyre† • Dr Steven Moffat • 1 anonymous donor* Platinum Dr & Mrs L Ade Benedict†* • David Burns • Ken Duncan† Gold Rev Paul Russell • John Watson OBE* Silver David James Banks* • Stephen Berman†* • Gareth Bryson • Raymond M Budd • Dr JWE Forrester • Andrew K Gersh† • Drs Iain & Ann MacLaren on our 40th Wedding Anniversary • Keith Miller† • Thomas Tunnock Ltd • Richard G Young • Tracey Whitelaw • 2 anonymous donors Bronze Dr John A Berry • Jessica May Constable MA 2009 • Malcolm Dixon • Keith Donald • Anas Ehsan • Robert Gibson • Ian M Macfarlane • Dr David M McFarlane BDS (1972) • Professor Thomas BC McGuffog MBE • Ethne Milne • Peter V Richards • Doug & Hillary Sinclair† • Graeme Wallace • The Honourable Lord Weir • 3 anonymous donors

Hooper-Holt Church History PhD Scholarship

Bronze Elaine Grieve • Morisons LLP • In loving memory of my beloved partner, and our doting Papa, Hugh Semple, always in our heart, Anne, Calum & Olivia xxx • 1 anonymous donor

JAF Thomson Prize

The Professor Tessa Holyoake Memorial Fund

Leading In memory of Charles German Hooper & Grace Durning Holt Gold In memory of Professor JAF Thomson

John Lunn Postgraduate Scholarship Fund in Music Major John Lunn

Leading The Howat Foundation Silver In memory of Tessa Holyoake from Hugh McAlinden & Colleagues at Celgene

Karen Finch Bursary Fund in Textile Conservation and Technical Art History

Prostate Cancer Research Gold Dr Stuart Holms

Textile Conservation Centre

Brain Cancer Research

Major 1 anonymous donor

Leading Textile Conservation Foundation

College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences Gibson Postgraduate Research Fund in MVLS

Gold CPD Scotland

Major Dr Samuel G Gibson*

Diabetes Research

Life Sciences Scholarships

Bronze Dr William G Scobie

Gold 1 anonymous donor

Institute of Health & Wellbeing

Major Alma & Leslie Wolfson Charitable Trust*

Benefactor Pears Foundation Leading Miss MJM Smith’s Trust Gold In memory of Dr Basil Green • Charles Norris • Dr Robin M Borthwick • Dr Rosemary Versteegen† Silver Dr IMM Bagshaw & Dr Victoria Bagshaw Golden Wedding • Alyson Craig • Dr Anne Ferguson • Dr Jane Jay • Dr Marion J Proctor • 3 anonymous donors Bronze Gail Boyle • William A Campbell • Lyndsey Cullen • Dr Yvette Jackson† • Dr W Morrice McCrae • Elizabeth Smart • Fiona Robertson • John Morrison • Michael Munro • Michaella Mitchell • Zanib Panni • Professor Daniel Reid • Ross McWilliams • 3 anonymous donors

James McCune Smith Learning Hub

Major Allan Kennedy† • In memory of Irene Khalil • The Watson Foundation* Platinum John A Maitland* Gold Cecilia Marie McMeekin Silver In memory of Margaret Cargill Bronze Eric C Dryburgh • Simon Kidd • Gemma Kilburn • Alison Raeburn • 1 anonymous donor

Joseph Black Building

Dr Dick Wolfson Travel Scholarship

Wolfson Intercalated Degree Awards Major Royal College of Physicians

Work Placement Prize in School of Life Sciences

Beatson Pebble Appeal

Mental Health Research

Major AIG Europe Ltd* • Cancer Research & Genetics UK • The Tennant Southpark Charitable Trust Gold In memory of Neil McFarlane* Silver Dumbarton Kilwinning Lodge No 18, RNAD Coulport & HMNB Faslane • In loving memory of Pat & Vera Dunlop* • Dr Angus I Macleod* • Joseph Fell • Workforce Software Bronze John Bogle* • Kezia Falconer • Judith Haring • In memory of Stephen GM Thomson • The Oven at Overton • 1 anonymous donor

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Research

Gold “I’ll Sing On” - a tribute to Catriona Maclean Mackinnon*

Precision Medicine Fund

College of Arts

Pancreatic Cancer Research

Major Dr Mabel Tannahill*

Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre

Andrew Tannahill Fund for the furtherance of Scottish Literature

Silver Eleanor Bremner*

Arts and Humanities Scholarships Fund

Major Andy & Tessa • The White Lily Fund* Platinum Dennis McCaffery* • Holmes Miller Architects • Dr Eleanor L Murray* Gold In loving memory of Annie Margaret Sloan 19432017 Silver Lorna Howarth, in memory of Tessa Holyoake • In memory of Thomas C Johnston • In memory of Tessa Holyoake, who was a terrific person, from Alex & Nan McKenzie

Gold Andrew C Forsyth† Bronze Dr Sandra McCallum*

Hunterian Fund

Silver Professor Liz Tanner

Platinum The High School of Glasgow - Law House Silver For Mary & David Peattie*

Myotonic Dystrophy Research

Leading Myotonic Dystrophy Support Group Research* Silver In memory of John D Sandison

Office for Rare Conditions Major 1 anonymous donor

Precision Medicine

Major In memory of Dr Peter N Waugh MBChB (1948)

Middle Eastern Biology of Parasitism Course

Gold Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Veterinary Medicine

Feline Infectious Peritonitis Research Platinum Dr Diane Addie

James Herriot Scholarship Fund

Major Mr James Wight & Dr Rosie Page & Dr Gillian Wight* • 1 anonymous donor† Silver Dennis H Hagan OBE* Bronze Geoffrey Higginson • In appreciation of the invaluable help received from vet students during lambing periods.

Small Animal Hospital

Platinum Lynn Jeppesen-Thomson & Andrew Thomson Gold In fond remembrance of Corrie, Sherry and Rikki. M Paterson Silver Alison Morley • Max & Lulu Stewart Bronze Roderick Henney • Robert Vaughan • 1 anonymous donor

Small Animal Hospital Oncology Service Bronze In memory of our beloved Scotties, Heather & Wallace

How your gift can make a difference Benefactor gifts

For gifts over £1,000,000

Leading gifts

For gifts over £50,000

Major gifts

For gifts over £10,000

Vet School General Donations Fund Gold In memory of Bill Mulligan Bronze Gareth & Nicola Harries

Serth & Gates Postgraduate Research Project

Leading The Serth and Gates Charity

Gifted scheme

Net gift total

Monthly gift

Annual gift

Platinum gift/Kelvin donor




Gold gift/Tower donor




Silver gift/Bute donor




Bronze gift/Avenue donor




The giving form appears on page 8. Don’t forget you can now give online:


Platinum In memory of my parents, Arthur Browning MBChB & Jean G Browning MBChB, Nancy M Rutherford Gold 1 anonymous donor Silver Dr Kei Pin Lin & Family* • Joseph Makhan Dubé Bronze Malcolm Livingstone • Dr Colin McCreadie* • 2 anonymous donors

Inflammatory Disease Research

Beatson Pebble Appeal and Cancer Research Fund

Silver Lesley Fulton • Michael G Sharkey • Margaret Sharkey • 1 anonymous donor

Major The Dall Family*

General Medical Fund

Gold Professor Robert A Smith*

MVLS Leukaemia Research – CML

Silver Ian Dale

Silver Janette Cameron* • In memory of Ann Louise Clunie • Melville M Matheson Bronze Donald MacKenzie • In memory of Craig McWhirter


Adam Smith Business School Gold Brian M Fox BAcc (1984)

Medical Fund

Global Health and Biodiversity

David Livingstone Fund in Global Health and Biodiversity Gold John O Pearson*

College of Science & Engineering

Adrian Bowman Visiting Lecture Series Leading 1 anonymous donor†

Gibson Postgraduate Research Fund in Chemistry Major Dr Samuel G Gibson*

James Watt Postgraduate Scholarship Fund in Engineering Bronze David Sinclair

Lord Kelvin PG Scholarship Fund in Physics & Astronomy

Guthrie • Melanie Martin • Linda Menzies • Jean Heather McMillan • Gary Nicholson • Margo Pitt • Dr Duncan Strang • Dr Fiona Thompson • In memory of Andrew Wallace Connell BSc (1951) • Aileen Whiteford • 3 anonymous donors

Gold James B Muir* Bronze James Mundell

Student Hardship Fund

Sir Alwyn Williams Postgraduate Scholarship Fund in Geographical & Earth Science

Platinum In memory of Prof Paddy O’Donnell

Other Awards

College of Social Sciences

Ede & Ravenscroft Prize

Bronze 1 anonymous donor

Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development Major 1 anonymous donor

School of Law

European Human Rights Project Travel Scholarship

Platinum Adam Bryson Gold David M Thomson QC Bronze Scott Manson • Dr Stanley Hood Naismith • Social Work Relief • Professor Sarah Summers

John Brown Travel Scholarship Fund in Law Platinum Thom Nguyen†

School of Law Talent Scholarship Fund

Platinum Paul McGeown* Bronze 1 anonymous donor

Vis Moot Project

Bronze John W Taylor

Clan Gregor Society Prize

Silver The Clan Gregor Society Major Ede & Ravenscroft*

University-Wide Projects Sport – Rowing Club

Silver Iain McLaughlin Bronze Elise Muscroft • 1 anonymous donor

Widening Access Initiatives

Gold In memory of Stephen & Alexina (née Reid) Fitzpatrick†


Campus Development

Platinum In memory of Dr John Sloan McLintock Gold Justin G Sharaf in memory of Suzanne M MacDonald Sharaf† Silver Helen MacNeill • Marguerite E Fletcher BVMS

Joseph Black Building

Leading Catherine Maclean

Institute of Health & Wellbeing

Montagu Evans Scholarship

Leading 1 anonymous donor • Catherine Maclean

Chancellor’s Fund

College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences Beatson Pebble Appeal

Gold Montagu Evans LLP

Platinum Helen M Mann MBE†* • David S Martin* Gold John Nichol • William G Munro* • 1 anonymous donor Silver Stuart Buchanan* • John OC Jarvie* • 1 anonymous donor Bronze Douglas Allan* • Alexander MM Bell* • Jean MacIntyre • William McDougall† • Gay E Mitchell • Douglas A Wylie • 1 anonymous donor

Scholarships Fund

Talent Scholarships JTH Charitable Trust Hardship Fund Silver The JTH Charitable Trust

EXCELLENCE Scholarship Bronze Henry Hok-Yong Wong

Fitzpatrick Talent Scholarship

Major In memory of Stephen & Alexina (née Reid) Fitzpatrick†

Major Margaret M Lamb Bronze Dr Alastair J Durie

Brain Cancer Research Major Brian M Longworth

Heart Disease: Heart Attack & Stroke Major Margaret H Murray

Inflammatory Disease Research

Major Margaret H Murray Gold Joseph Irvine

Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre Leading Agnes TD Clark

James Herriot Scholarship Fund in Veterinary Medicine Silver James Norman Todd BVMS

Maureen McGuire Talent Scholarship

Vet School General Donations Fund

Major Maureen A McGuire†*

Major Robert W Deans

School of Veterinary Medicine Hardship Fund

Small Animal Hospital Fund Major Patricia Munro

Silver 1 anonymous donor

Talent Scholarships Fund

Gold Richard G Carson* Silver Irene Allison* • Dr Katrina Farrell* • Michelle France* • Professor David O’Hagan* • Jason White* Bronze Isobel M Duncan • Professor Jean Laragh† • Dr Sandra McCallum* • Craig G Robertson* • 1 anonymous donor

Travel Scholarships

Jim Gatheral Scholarship Leading Dr Jim Gatheral†*

Oxford Society of Glasgow University Graduates

Silver Oxford Society of Glasgow University Graduates

Travel Scholarship Fund

Bronze Kevin Murray • 1 anonymous donor†

Scholarships Fund

Gold Waseem Azam • Norman W Lees* • Frances McKean Silver Greig Cummings • Carole Geddis • Zara Morton • Julie Muir • Professor David Murray-Smith • Catherine Sorensen Bronze Lewis Allen* • Sohaib Aslam • Lorna Bennet • James Fairfield • Dr Marion Henderson • David Houston • Dr Ida IsmailPratt • Brian Jones • In memory of Rev J Leslie

College of Science and Engineering Lamb Master of Engineering Prize

Major Margaret M Lamb in memory of Professor John Lamb

College of Social Sciences Sutherland Golf Scholarships Fund

Major Grace W Sutherland in memory of James Sutherland CBE LLD

James and Grace Sutherland Fund

Leading Grace W Sutherland in memory of James Sutherland CBE LLD

University-Wide Projects Chancellor’s Fund Gold Donald McVean

The Library

Major Winifred Hinderwell, in memory of Dorothy Hinderwell Silver • William W Scott † denotes

gift to American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU). We would like to thank AAGU for their support.

* denotes

donations that have moved to a new giving level.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Direct Debit If you would like to join the growing number of people who have chosen to support the University, please complete the direct debit form overleaf. A gift in your will After you have looked after those closest to you, you can help us ensure our world-changing education and research continues by leaving a gift in your will. Stocks and shares Since 6 April 2000, individuals have been eligible for tax relief on gifts of certain shares, securities and other investments. This is in addition to capital gains tax relief on gifts of assets to charity. Tax relief for donors is based on the value of the shares on the day they are transferred to the University. If you would like to support your chosen project by gifting shares and securities and would like more information, simply call the Development & Alumni Office on +44 (0)141 330 4951. Giving from the USA US taxpayers can give tax-deductible gifts to the American Alumni of Glasgow University, an independent charitable corporation organised in the United States that has been recognised by the Internal Revenue Service as a section 501(c) (3) charitable organisation. All donations to it are deductible as charitable contributions to the full extent permitted by law. Its Board of Directors will determine the use of all gifts. Contributions should be made payable to American Alumni of Glasgow University and sent to AAGU, 183 Wolf Harbor Road, Milford, CT 06461–1961, USA. Giving from Canada Canadian residents will be provided with a receipt for their tax records from the University. Cheques should be made payable to “University of Glasgow” (and not the University Trust) to be able to claim tax relief. Data Protection As a supporter your information is managed by the Development & Alumni Office. Please read our full privacy notice at welcomehome/privacynotice. Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 The Development & Alumni Office acts in accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Information on donations received by the University of Glasgow is provided in Giving to Glasgow and other projectspecific newsletters. Information is included only on donors who have given us their express permission to do so. Produced and designed by External Relations, University of Glasgow. Photography provided by the University Photographic Unit, Aecom/7N, Printed by J Thomson. © University of Glasgow, November 2018. University of Glasgow, charity no. SC004401 University of Glasgow Trust charity no. SC008303.



University of Glasgow Trust Donation Form


Giving to Glasgow – issue 33; Winter 2018


The University of Glasgow Trust is a registered charity, No. SC008303 The University of Glasgow is a registered charity, No. SC004401


Telephone number:


I wish to support the University of Glasgow by giving to: Campus Development

James McCune Smith Learning Hub

Student Scholarships

Medical Research & Facilities

Veterinary Medicine

Research Hub

How we use your data: The University will use the information you provide on this form to administer your gift. This may involve using the information you have added here – or that we already hold – to contact you if we have any questions about your gift. We may also use this information, including your telephone number and email address, to contact you with news and information about how your gift is making a difference and other projects you may like to support. To manage your communications preferences please visit glasgow. or email campaign@, indicating how you would like us to keep in touch. Please visit for more information on how we manage your data.

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Other (please specify) ..................................................................................

I have included a gift in my will

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