Sunday 26th

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Pocket knife Safety scissors Plasma cutter Butter knife Glass cutter Front teeth Paring knife Nail clipper Straight razor Angel grinder Bolt cutter Letter opener

Don’t waste your time, go ahead: Use some of the items listed on the opposite page or something else at hand to apply acute force to the newsprint. Negate unity; turn it into parts. Basically, this will work fine as long as the total force applied by the item exceeds the strength of the newsprint, not that ‘working fine’ is neccessarily what must happen — it is, in the end, the potential experience gained from the tests that we are after, and this is in fact the ‘work’. If there is feel insecure about, please do get in touch. I’m available per phone, email and post, or in person by appointment. Let this experience help you broaden and deepen your personal understanding about separation. So, here’s a short line to get you started -----


anything you’d like to know more about, or




pavement walking back and forth nervous doors stairs walls pavement walking back and forth nervous nervous doors stairs walls nervous doors stairs walls staring at me staring at me silence, presentation you are here now you are here A PART

Fredrika Anderson....................................... 20-21 Mina Snövit Hedstierna.................................. 4-5 Kim Johansson............................................22-23 Jan Marius Kiøsterud....................................16-17 Gustav Lejelind.............................................12-13 Tomas Lundgren.......................................... 10-11 Niklas Persson................................................ 6-7 Nils Elvebakk Skalegård................................. 8-9 Miriam Thorpe.............................................18-19 Mikael Vesavuori.........................................24-25 Fredrik Åkum............................................... 3, 26

Image credits: Fredrik Åkum 10-11; Hendrik Zeitler 12-13 (includes textiles by Ida Andersson for the opera ‘A Part’).

An introduction The term, ‘tabloid’ derives from medicines

This publication is an example of such

that were sold in compressed form by the

continuance. Its format — the tabloid newspaper

pharmaceutical industry in the late 19th century

— Suggests the beginning of a sequence by which

and in many ways contemporary newsmedia has

a subsequent issue would position this one as

become the dispenser of bitter pills via the tabloid.

outmoded. Aesthetically, it doesn’t follow the

The advent of the printing press also authored the

standard iconographical balance of word and

possibility of the newspaper and thus the elitism

image, it has no headlines and no illustrations.

of the scribed, Latin manuscript was superseded.

Despite this, and it being reproduced as an edition

With the possibility of mass reproducibility,

of 2000, this newspaper may actually prove to be

information could be circulated broadly. The

unique, as we don’t know if another issue ensues,

possibility to stimulate, and expand critique was

or if this chronicle marks its own demise. Either

opened up to the masses as the printing press

way, perhaps the sequence can be seen to have

brought value to and provided a platform for the

begun almost two years before it was printed.

representation and development of vernacular

The art represented here emanates from the


MFA: Fine Art at Valand Academy and is by the

In the 60s, as alternatives to institutions, artists’

eleven artists who joined the creative community

books, magazines and printed multiples provided

there in 2011. Therefore, this publication is an

platforms for representation and debate. Despite

element of the final edition of their education

the physical materiality of these publications - and

for now. It has been a pleasure to correspond, co-

their succession in the proliferation of artists’

critique, debate and dialogue with them.

zines — they were often perceived as transitory,

On behalf of the Academy and the Fine Art

temporality seen to be correspondent with DIY

Unit, I gratefully acknowledge the continued

and lo-fi. Web 2.0 poses an interesting challenge

support of Stiftelsen Fru Mary von Sydows, född

to the notion of print, including the newspaper,

Wijk, donationsfond. This support provides the

as being time-limited. Its capacity to emphasise

MFA: Fine Art programme with the means to

transience is potentially greater including how it

allow artists to go to press by annually printing

generates forms of co-production that decentralises

a publication that chronicles the history of the

authenticity of authorship. Knowledge flows and

programme, its students and alumni.

rumours circulate with rapidity, at Supposedly negligible cost. Yet, something remains within the

Jason E. Bowman, 2013

characteristics of physical print that artists persist

MFA: Fine Art Programme Leader

to claim as an arena for their work.

Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg




SCIENCE CONQUERS NATURE? LIFE EXTEND. “We are not quite there yet”, says Tajinder Sharma of Cambridge Medical University, “but we are getting closer”. Acting as lead researcher on the Infinity +1 Life Extension Program, he has all rights to feel proud as the program is readied for consumer use. Though he modestly warns of taking out any victory in advance, the virtuso neuroscientist paints a vivid image of the future: “So, imagine that finally you can chain-smoke without shame, quickly curing your raging cancer with a quick needle fix. Or if you’re over-indulging and find yourself dead, resurrection is carried out by the state - rather than providing old types of flawed, generalized healthcare - meaning mediterranean diets, exercise and such become totally obsolete. Who needs it when we have this kind of miracle science? Obviously third-worlders will have to stick to such drivel and make do without Life Extension products for the time being.” Prices will be fairly steep if you want to be first on the bandwagon, but Mr. Sharma expects banks to be fairly quick about providing new types of long term loans for something this revolutionary. “They want to keep their most loyal customers in the game, don’t they?” And on the question what is coming up in the next decade he is clear: “With life ‘solved’, I believe the self-administered suicide market is ripe for the taking.”


LIFE STILL LEADS TO DEATH COUNTER-POINT. While Mr. Sharma’s Life Extension Program is becoming reality, the global community of medical researchers converge in the first annual Reminder of Science’s Fallibility Conference, inaugurally taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Mrs. Jane Rickenbach, founder of RSFC explains: ”Basically, the RSFC agenda is to re-enlighten our work corps that we are extending the lives of others primarily by fraudulent imagination”, continuing, ”our work must continue in order to establish belief in the scientific ’method’. But the risk we are running is that lives will be lost due to simple ignorance based on a presumption of infinite life.” The conference begins this Friday.


TROJAN HORSES NEW BREED OF PONY PUBLIC URGED TO REMAIN CALM. Witnesses in the central areas of Boston report curious sightings of wooden horses. ”These ’trojan horses’ are a new breed of pony that have recently escaped from secret captivity. Their known existence is still unfamiliar and strange to us, so we must give them [the wooden horses] time to acclimatize and adapt. Let us not spread undue judgment at a precarious time such as this”, stated Chief Commissioner Harold Ptrowich at a police press conference.

STATUE INDIRECTLY PLEADS GUILTY TO STATUTORY RAPE CHARGE STONE COLD CRIMINAL. It is with great sadness that the villagers of Hamptonshire saw their oft-visited fountain statue sentenced to jail earlier today. 7 year old Hannah Lawrence had immediately recognized the culprit during the investigation and the Statue did not particularly object to the allegations. Because of this relative helpfulness, it can now expect a more lenient sentence than would have been the case had it not cooperated. While justice may be served, a young girl remains traumatized and a village shocked. ”I just can’t believe it. I would never have thought this could happen in a place like this”, says Margret, 62, primary school teacher. Others seem to share the sentiment. The atmosphere in the small town is decidedly dampened by the chain of events, with many children told to steer clear of statues. Now, on the once joyous village square, only silence looms.

IP C E R ’S Y A D TO What You Need:


30 cups of Decidedly Hefty Budget Pinch of cunning ingenuity 5 tbsp criminal neglect 1 sidelined ethic Volatile materials according to taste 4-6 units of unstable belief 8 buckets of courageous foresight 2 tbsp non-linear strategy of thought Sparkle with ice-cold wits 3 instances of lackluster sociability Any amount of cantankerous bombastics 1 hell of a thinking hat. 24

James Carlyle

* January 18th 1952 May 6th 2013 Funeral services for Mr. James Carlyle were held on May 10th at 1:00 p.m. in the Sumerset End-of-Life Center. Mech. Ass. 7GN officiated, with Sr. Disp. Eng. Thomas J. Hansen on video link. Mr. Carlyle completed in excess of 10,000 workdays and enjoyed excellent physical health until he found it hastily deteriorating during winter of last year. With less than 20 sick-days in his lifetime he was certainly a model careerist and his competencies, which were of no ill repute, will be missed at his place of occupation. Earning an average disposable income, he usually spent his free time driving his Toyota hatchback to the supermarket for common groceries that belong in a middle-class household when not betting on wind-up horses, his great pastime leisure. An avid sportsfan, he donates his petty remains to the local football club. He leaves behind his family of three, including his loving husband Carl.

MORATORIUM ON "NEW" POLITICAL IMAGINATION IN FINAL STAGES EXCLUSIVE EXCERPTS. After an intensive night of writing and rewriting, ministers are soon putting pen to paper on the matter of the Moratorium on Political Ideo-Genesis. We provide an exclusive sneak peek into what may very well be the final, legislation-ready declaration paragraph. ”We are hereby proposing a moratorium that aims to cease production of all new philosophical and political material. Every thought should be taken to its conclusion, every door which has been opened must be rediscovered, investigated and closed before we embark on yet another erratic journey to find some elusive truth or hidden meaning behind it all. In our most pressing current circumstances logical deduction has brought this [legislative] group to believe that production of new ideas may no longer be beneficial for all parties concerned. How can we know for sure that what has been said before is either correct or erroneous? How can we ascertain that everyone has the same capacity for this enquiry, or that as many as possible will be able to partake and respond to what is there already? We find there is no need for new philosophy. Henceforth we shall put our energies into deducing centuries of ideas, making final conclusions on these discoveries before we are ready for something altogheter new.”



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A sincere thank you to Stiftelsen Fru Mary von Sydows, fรถdd Wijk, donationsfond Edition of 2000

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