Welcome Wildcat! At the University of Kentucky, there are countless opportunities for campus involvement. The fraternity and sorority community affords members the ability to become involved both on and off campus through philanthropy, academics and leadership development – all while building intentional relationships.
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) has been part of a long-standing tradition at the University of Kentucky since the first fraternity was established in 1893. By becoming a member of one of our recognized organizations, you are following in the footsteps of countless accomplished members who came before you. FSL is a part of the Dean of Students Office and works closely with other units in the Office for Student Success to create a positive social culture that supports and promotes academic success and well-being for all members of the fraternity and sorority community to be wildly successful during their time at UK.
Community: By joining an FSL organization, you have the opportunity to connect with a community not only in your chapter, but with over 50 of our organizations. Fraternity and sorority members are three times more likely to return to the university for their second Fall Semester than those who are unaffiliated.
Academic Excellence: Our chapters place a great emphasis on students being students first. All groups have minimum standards for academic membership within the organization, such as GPA requirements and study hours. Councils and chapters provide opportunities for study tables, academic incentives and tutoring programs.
Civil Responsibility: Treating others with dignity, respect, and acting responsibly are the expectations FSL has for students within the community. Membership development encourages students to make decisions that are productive and make a positive impact on their chapter, community and within the greater UK campus.
Member Wellness: As members of a fraternity or sorority, students have access to countless resources. Councils and chapters provide programming to connect students with campus and chapter partners who can support them with mental and physical health, finances, housing and much more.
ORDER OF OMEGA: A leadership honor society for the top 5% of fraternity and sorority life students. Students are eligible to apply after their first year of membership in their organization. OOO provides service and leadership opportunities for students as well as access to scholarships. Students receive a membership pin and graduation cords.
Many of the resources provided to individual members of the fraternity and sorority community are made possible through the FSL Fee. This fee is assessed similarly to other student fees, such as lab fees, through the student’s online tuition bill each semester. The FSL Fee, which shows up as “Greek Fee,” is first assessed the semester in which a student joins and continues each semester of their membership. The FSL Fee assessed to individual members of the Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council is $65, and the FSL Fee assessed to individual members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and United Greek Council is $30.
Dues are the financial commitment of being in a fraternity or sorority that covers the cost of participation in chapter activities, dues and fees to the inter/national organization and housing costs for groups with chapter facilities. The amount varies by chapter and each organization will have different options for payment, including payment plans. New members can expect to pay more for the first semester of membership because of national initiation fees and other one-time costs.
Fraternities and sororities were founded by students who came together to create a bond and support each other academically. Their goals were intellectual, social and moral growth. Fraternities and sororities at the University of Kentucky expect their members to strive for academic achievement, demonstrate responsible citizenship, show concern for the rights and needs of others and provide leadership by promoting respect for others. As such, hazing in any form will not be tolerated. All second-year members are required to participate in staff-facilitated hazing prevention education at FSL 201 and new members are provided with information at FSL 101 during the semester they join.
The University of Kentucky defines hazing as any action or situation created by a member of the university community against another member of the university community for the purpose of affiliation with a group or organization that: (a) is negligent or reckless in nature; (b) is humiliating or endangers an individual; or (c) unreasonably interferes with scholastic or employment activities. If you feel you are being hazed or know of a hazing incident, report it immediately online at or call the Hazing Hotline at 859-257-8573.
The University of Kentucky fraternity and sorority community opposes the misuse of alcohol and maintains that all chapters, all individual members and all guests must abide by state, local and university laws and regulations. Guidelines for social events involving alcohol are established by the University of Kentucky and prohibit students from possessing alcoholic beverages in the houses and on chapter premises. All chapters work to educate and foster a better understanding of social responsibility and alcohol education for their members.
Individuals interested in participating in recruitment or intake must be enrolled fulltime (12 credit hours) in a degree-seeking program at the University of Kentucky at the time of joining the organization. Each chapter requires a minimum grade point average for joining. The Interfraternity Council is the only council with a minimum academic requirement for participation in recruitment.
Being a member of a fraternity or sorority involves giving back to the local community as well as to each chapter’s national philanthropy. Every chapter has its own service requirements for individual members that may range from completing individual service hours to attending chapter philanthropic events. Participating in these service events provides members with opportunities to get involved in the community and learn the importance of giving back to others.
Over half of the Interfraternity Council and all National Panhellenic Council chapters have a chapter facility. Living in a fraternity or sorority house is a great transition from living in a residence hall because it has many of the same benefits, plus the opportunity to live with fraternity brothers or sorority sisters. Chapter house living usually includes sharing a room with at least one chapter member and serving meals Monday through Friday. Residents also have the convenience of living in the hub of many chapter activities. If a chapter has housing, members are likely to be required to live in the house for at least two semesters. Most fraternity or sorority housing corporations operate much like a landlord and must have all available spots occupied with a signed contract—and possibly a deposit. Most chapters have a house director who lives in an apartment within the house to provide security, as well as supervise meal plans, maintenance, and housekeeping. All chapter housing is different, so this is a great topic to discuss with each organization.
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body for recognized men’s fraternities at the University of Kentucky. IFC works with member chapters to coordinate programs and activities that benefit the members, as well as advocates for the needs of fraternities at the University of Kentucky.
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Sigma Phi
Beta Theta Pi
Beta Upsilon Chi
Chi Psi
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Kappa Alpha
Kappa Sigma
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Psi
Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Sigma Kappa
Kappa Phi
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Pi Theta Chi
Beta Tau
Students interested in joining an IFC fraternity must be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) in a degree-seeking program at the University of Kentucky, as well as meet the academic requirement of either a 2.7 high school GPA (on a 4.0 unweighted scale) for new students or a 2.6 unweighted college GPA for returning and transfer students. Additionally, students must attend the IFC 101 Recruitment Information Sessions hosted prior to IFC formal recruitment. There is a $45 registration fee for all students interested in IFC Recruitment.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is the coordinating body of nine historically Black fraternities and sororities at the University of Kentucky. NPHC organizations were established during a time when African Americans were denied the rights of equal opportunity in society, including at colleges and universities. Today, these organizations continue to embrace the ideals of unity, achievement and service to the community.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
NPHC organizations recruit new members through a process called membership intake. This process is organized by each chapter individually and includes selecting candidates and educating them about the organization, which leads to initiation and results in full membership. Chapters work with their inter/national organizations to schedule membership intake when it best suits their membership needs, which may not be every semester. Students interested in joining any of the NPHC organizations are required to attend NPHC 101 held at the beginning of the fall and spring semester.
The Panhellenic Council is the governing body for the 14 National Panhellenic Conference sororities and one associate member sorority at the University of Kentucky. Panhellenic’s main goals are to create community-wide standards and relationships through leadership opportunities, educational and social programming, as well as oversee fall primary recruitment.
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Phi
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma
Delta Zeta
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Phi Mu
Pi Beta Phi
Phi Sigma Rho* AssociateChapter
Primary recruitment in 2024 will be hosted on the first two weekends of the academic year. A mandatory orientation session, know as PNM Welcome for women participating in recruitment will be held during the first week of classes, depending upon their recruitment counselor group.
• Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29
• Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31
• Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2
• Friday, September 6 and Saturday, September 7
• Sunday, September 8
• Monday, September 9
PNM Welcome
Open House Rounds
Philanthropy Round
Sisterhood Round
Preference Round
Bid Day
Primaryrecruitment participantsmustbe enrolledfull-time(12credit hours)undergraduate students,inadegree seekingprogramatthe UniversityofKentuckyfor theFall2024semester.
The United Greek Council (UGC) at the University of Kentucky is the governing council for special-interest and culturally based fraternities and sororities and is the fastest growing council at the University of Kentucky. The main focus of UGC is to support a diverse community by creating a culture of respect, inclusivity and empowerment for its organizations.
Kappa Beta Gamma
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Sigma Alpha Iota
Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc.
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
Fraternities and sororities within the United Greek Council individually coordinate their recruitment and intake opportunities by chapter. Special interest groups have a recruitment week, whereas culturally based groups do membership intake. This process is organized by each chapter individually and includes a selection of candidates, education about the organization, initiation and full membership.
Fraternity and Sorority Life Office
406 Administration Drive
101 Frazee Hall Lexington, KY 40506-0027
University of Kentucky Fraternity and Sorority Life
August 21 - 25
August 23
Rock The Block
August 24
Interfraternity Council Main Lawn Mingle
National Pan-Hellenic Council Minority Student Welcome
United Greek Council Fall Kickoff
August 28 – 31, September 1 – 2 and September 6 - 9
Panhellenic Recruitment
September 9 – 14
Interfraternity Council Recruitment
October 11
NPHC Homecoming Step Show