2018 Panhellenic Recruitment Guide

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Dear Potential New Members, On behalf of the Panhellenic community I would like to welcome you to the University of Kentucky! I am so excited to have you become a fellow Wildcat and for you to participate in the Panhellenic recruitment process! This is such an exciting time for you as a college student and I cannot wait for you to become a part of our University of Kentucky traditions. The sorority experience has given me and the rest of the recruitment staff so many memories, friendships and opportunities. My hope is that whether you choose to join a Panhellenic organization or choose to only spend recruitment with us, that you find a place to call home with friendships that are lifelong and support all of your goals. The membership recruitment process has been carefully planned to provide you with knowledge about the sorority community, a chance to meet new friends and to give you the tools to succeed in your new role of college student. My goal for you during the recruitment process is for you to be yourself, enjoy the experience and have fun! During the process, you will observe that every sorority shares common values and goals, yet each chapter has its own individual character and personality. Choosing which sorority is best for you will not be an easy decision or one that should be taken lightly. Most importantly, you need to choose what will make you happy. This booklet has been designed to inform you about sorority membership at the University of Kentucky. Within its contents, you can find information about our Panhellenic Council, our chapters and ways to join. Use this booklet to serve as a guide for Fall primary recruitment and more sorority membership opportunities. I hope that you enjoy your recruitment experience at the University of Kentucky. Panhellenic officers will also host an informational session during summer advising sessions where sorority members will be available to answer your questions about primary recruitment, sororities and UK. I look forward to meeting you soon! Christine Vazquez 2018 Vice President of Recruitment

What is Panhellenic? The University of Kentucky Panhellenic Association is the second largest organization on campus with almost four thousand members. The Panhellenic Council serves as the governing body for the 15 inter/ national sorority chapters. As a council, Panhellenic works to unite all women together to focus on the common goals of scholarship, philanthropy and sisterhood that creates a network of support for chapters and members. Every Panhellenic sorority woman belongs to the Panhellenic Association immediately following the pledging ceremony on Bid Day. The traditions and values of the Panhellenic community originate from our individual organizations’ founders. Women’s fraternities emerged when women began being admitted into colleges with little support. It was the belief of our founders that women should help, inspire and motivate other women to achieve academic success and change the world around them. At UK, these values have served as the cornerstone of our community and traditions since the first sorority was established here in 1908. 01

We, as undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet for which we strive to live.


Fraternity & Sorority Life The University of Kentucky is proud to have a large fraternity and sorority community that consists of four governing councils - the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Panhellenic Council, and the United Greek Council. Panhellenic works closely with the other councils on collaborative programs including community service, leadership and opportunities to build friendships. www.kentuckyifc.com

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) consists of 23 men’s fraternities that provide programming and activities that benefit and support the members’ future goals. The council is proud of their involvement within the university, their philanthropic efforts and their members’ academic successes. www.kentuckynphc.com

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) at UK is a coordinating body of the 8 active chapters of 9 historically African American sororities and fraternities. NPHC works to provide advocacy, as well as educational and cultural programming. The council prides themselves on their community service efforts within the university and the surrounding Lexington area. www.kentuckyugc.com

The United Greek Council (UGC) serves a governing body of special interest and culturally based organizations. UGC consists of 5 organizations that work together together to plan social, educational and service programs for their council, the Lexington community and for all the students at the University of Kentucky.

Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Sigma Phi Beta Theta Pi Chi Psi Delta Sigma Phi Delta Tau Delta Farmhouse Kappa Alpha Order Kappa Sigma Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta

Phi Kappa Tau Phi Sigma Kappa Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Pi Theta Chi Triangle

Beta Upsilon Chi Kappa Beta Gamma Sigma Lambda Beta Intl. Fraternity, Inc. Sigma Lambda Gamma Ntl. Sorority, Inc. Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. 03


Panhellenic All of the chapters within the Panhellenic community were founded on a unique set of values that have inspired traditions that have lasted the test of time. These traditions can be found in our activities, behavior and, most importantly, the potential new members that chapters initiate into their organizations.

ACADEMICS Academics is a top priority for our members, and each of our chapters take great pride in their level of scholastic achievement. Sororities place great emphasis on encouraging, developing and maintaining academic progress. Additionally, time management skills of sorority women improve as they work to attain desired scholastic goals while meeting chapter responsibilities. While there is not a minimum GPA required to participate in primary recruitment, you should take note of the minimum standard for membership of each chapter listed in this guide.


University of Kentucky Panhellenic chapters support a strong tradition of service to our UK campus, community and partnering international organizations. Our Panhellenic Council is proud to partner with Circle of Sisterhood as our council philanthropy. Through Circle of Sisterhood, we strive to educate and empower women around the world by raising money to send young women to school as well as to sponsor a school build in a developing country. Each chapter has their own independent philanthropic causes and invests a considerable amount of time into furthering their national philanthropic causes while also serving the Lexington community.

LEADERSHIP Throughout Panhellenic’s history, our purpose has and will always be to empower and inspire women to reach their full potential as leaders and students. Through networking and the support of our community, our organizations provide women with optimal opportunities to become involved within a variety of organizations on our campus. Sorority women can be found in the Student Government Association, Student Activities Board, academic and leadership honorary societies and also representing the University of Kentucky as Student Ambassadors. Involvement and active participation in leadership activities enable sorority women to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the fast-paced job market of today.

BELONGING AND ENGAGEMENT The University of Kentucky Panhellenic Council provides a large selection of events to expose members to a wide variety of social programs. Formals, Homecoming, exchange dinners and chapter retreats all support the goal of bringing women together to develop bonds of friendship. The close bond of friendship that is shared among sorority women provides a strong support system that encourages women to pursue their academic goals and provides a sense of kinship within our college community. Development of values, traditions and honor contribute to the Panhellenic commitment of social programs enabling personal development. All sororities maintain a responsible social policy promoting Panhellenic standards for careful planning of safe social activities.


Values Based Recruitment Panhellenic Primary Recruitment at the University of Kentucky is a values based process where chapters and potential new members (PNMs) use their core values to guide their decision making about membership. This process helps to ensure the future of chapters, to make connections and build relationships between chapter members and potential new members, to discover shared interests and values among chapter members and PNMs and to display the high standards held by all NPC member organizations.

HO W D OE S R E CRUI TMENT WOR K? Primary Recruitment is a structured process that helps potential members and sorority members learn more about one another. Each round of recruitment is organized to focus on a different area including member expectations, chapter values and meaningful relationships. Throughout the recruitment process, potential new members talk one-on-one with sorority members. Activities and presentations will provide information about each sorority’s values and what means most to them. This booklet reviews each round more in depth on pages 11 through 15. Primary Recruitment takes place during two weekends – the first weekend in the Fall 2018 semester and Labor Day weekend. The recruitment process is designed to allow all students to fulfill their academic responsibilities and to help assist in acclimating to university life through the use of recruitment counselors called Gamma Chis. The process is also designed to serve in the best interest of the chapters and the potential new members through membership selection.

Membership selection is a mutual selection process where both potential members and chapters consider several factors when making decisions. Throughout the recruitment process, potential members prioritize the chapters they are interested in returning to visit and sororities prioritize which potential members they wish to invite for a return visit. After the last round of Primary Recruitment, potential members and chapters will list their top membership preferences. Panhellenic limits the size of each sorority’s new member class so it is a possibility that someone may not match with her first choice and instead may be matched to her second choice.


Frequently As DOES IT COST A LOT TO BE A SORORITY MEMBER? Sororities charge membership dues to cover the costs of activities and programs of both the local chapter and the inter/national organization. Though financial commitment is necessary, that commitment comes with many benefits.The cost of dues for each chapter is available on uksorority.com under each individual chapter. DO I NEED ALUMNAE REFERENCES? Alumnae references or recommendation letters are not required at the University of Kentucky to participate in the primary recruitment process. Recommendations, or “recs”, simply introduce a potential member to the chapter before the recruitment process starts. Recommendations tell the sorority a little more about your personality, scholarship and activities. Some organizations do require a recommendation from an alumna before they can pledge a woman however, it is the responsibility of the sorority to obtain a recommendation if one is needed. Potential new members are NOT required to secure recommendations in order to receive bids. Alumnae members should contact the inter/national office or visit the organization’s website to obtain a form to submit a letter of recommendation for a PNM. HOW MUCH TIME DOES A SORORITY TAKE? WILL I HAVE TIME FOR SCHOOL? There is a time commitment and what you put in, you get out. As a general rule, most chapters have weekly chapter meetings and offer other optional sisterhood, scholarship and philanthropy opportunities throughout the process. Your first semester will give you plenty of chances to meet other members through social events and campus-wide activities. In the fraternity and sorority community, there is always a wide variety of activities for you to be involved.


sked Questions WHAT IS A LEGACY? DO I NEED TO BE ONE TO JOIN A SORORITY? A legacy is a close relative of a member of a particular organization (usually mothers, grandmothers and sisters) but each chapter has a different policy on recruiting legacies. Legacies are not guaranteed a bid and all potential new members are expected to consider all chapters equally. It is important that each potential member find a chapter with whom she shares values and feels comfortable. DOES EVERYONE RECEIVE A BID? The purpose of the recruitment process is to allow you and the chapters to decide on the best fit. The reality is that not everyone who goes through recruitment finds a match, but every effort is made to provide opportunities for involvement to any young woman who is interested in sorority membership. DOES IT MATTER IF I AM A SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR OR SENIOR IN COLLEGE GOING THROUGH RECRUITMENT? The purpose of the recruitment process is to allow you and the chapters to decide on the best fit. The reality is that not everyone who goes through recruitment finds a match, but every effort is made to provide opportunities for involvement to any young woman who is interested in sorority membership. CAN I STILL JOIN A SORORITY IF I AM PARTICIPATING IN OTHER CLUBS OR ORGANIZATIONS? Yes, of course! Sorority women are strong leaders within the University of Kentucky community. We encourage our members to explore different interests and to follow their passions within the university. If there are activities that overlap with the recruitment process, please be sure to indicate those activities on your registration form and register early so that the recruitment staff can accommodate your scheduling needs.


Expectations o F INA N CIA L Joining a Panhellenic chapter carries a financial commitment that is expected to be honored throughout the years of chapter membership. Meeting the financial obligations of membership is often paid for by the member themselves through a job, through scholarships and through customized payment plans. The cost and benefits of a sorority differ so it is important to talk about it during recruitment! On average, new members can expect to pay $1200 for the first semester of membership. This includes several one time costs such as national fees and a membership pin. Members who live in the chapter house pay an average of $3900 per semester, which includes dues, meals and rent for the chapter house. Members who do not live in the house pay an average of $900 per semester in chapter dues. A full list of chapter costs will be sent to every PNM in the mail after she registers for recruitment.

HOU S I N G Living in a sorority house is a great transition from living in the residence halls because it has all the same benefits as the residence halls plus the opportunity to live with your new member class and chapter executive officers. Great advantages of living in a sorority house typically include being in the central location of all chapter activities, meals served Monday through Friday and rooming with at least one other sorority sister. If a chapter has housing, then there is a good chance that you may be required to live in the house for at least two semesters. Most sorority Housing Corporations operate much like a landlord and must have all available spots occupied with a signed contract (and possibly a deposit). Each chapter has a house director who lives in an apartment within the house to provide security along with supervision of food, maintenance and housekeeping. All sorority housing is different so this is great conversation topic during recruitment.


of Membership PH ILA N T HR O P Y EVE N T S Philanthropy events are one of the most impactful ways that our chapters give back to our communities and get involved with one another. Chapter members are expected to participate in their own chapter’s philanthropy event by volunteering at the event or helping plan the event itself. Philanthropy events range from hosting a mac and cheese bar, a 5k, or even a talent show!

PA RT ICIPAT I O N IN Our Panhellenic community prides ourselves on our high levels of participation in university and council events that occur throughout the school year. While many of our events are optional, their are three main types of events that members are responsible for attending and actively participating in. Chapter members are responsible for attending chapter meetings, philanthropy events and study hours.

S T U DY HO U R S Study hour requirements vary between chapters. Most study hour requirements are customized to the individual needs of a member based on her GPA. A member may be required to record study hours on an app or attend peer tutoring at The Study or with a fellow sister.

CHA P T ER M E ET INGS Chapter meetings allow members to go over the business of the chapter. Business may include voting in officer elections or approving new bylaws, announcements of events that are coming up in the community, or discussion over the chapter’s productivity in achieving their goals. Meeting is not always formal business. Chapter meeting often include small sisterhood events or acknowledgement for members who are going above and beyond in academics or in membership. Chapter meetings are held weekly for about 1 to 2 hours at a time.



Responsibilities POTENTIAL NEW MEMBER BILL OF RIGHTS • Be treated as an individual • Be fully informed about the recruitment process • Ask questions and receive true and objective answers from recruitment counselors and members • Be treated with respect • Be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized • Ask how and why and receive straight answers • Have and express opinion to recruitment counselors • Have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with recruitment counselors • Make informed choices without undue pressure from others • Be fully informed about the binding agreements implicit in the acceptance card signing • Make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that

PNM RESPONSIBILITIES Potential new members are expected to uphold the same values and expectations as our current members. Panhellenic has created the Code of Ethics for Potential New Members to help you understand those expectations.

AS A PARTICIPANT IN PANHELLENIC PRIMARY RECRUITMENT, I WILL: • Behave respectfully towards myself, other potential new members, chapter members, recruitment counselors and university staff at all times. • Act politely and respectfully when attending recruitment events. • Attend all recruitment events including recruitment rounds and events organized by the Panhellenic Council. • Not discuss my opinion of any sorority participating in recruitment with other potential new members. • Not discuss or reveal a known affiliation of any recruitment counselor or Panhellenic recruitment staff member with other potential new members. • Communicate regularly with my recruitment counselor, including if I choose to withdraw from primary recruitment week. • Follow all expectations and policies the University of Kentucky, the Panhellenic Council and the National Panhellenic Conference shared with me by my recruitment counselor and recruitment staff.


Gamma Chis “Take advantage of your Gamma Chi because she can offer valuable information regarding sorority life.�

Panhellenic trains a group of women, known as Gamma Chis, for the purpose of providing a more enjoyable and less stressful atmosphere during Primary Recruitment. All Gamma Chis remain disaffiliated from their own chapters during recruitment. Disaffiliation enables Gamma Chis to answer questions and guide potential new members without bias or preference to a particular chapter. Your Gamma Chi will provide information about the process, accompany you to primary recruitment functions and provide a listening ear as you make decisions concerning sorority membership. Panhellenic chooses Gamma Chis based on enthusiasm for UK and sorority life, as well as objectivity and dependability. Take advantage of your Gamma Chi because she can offer valuable information regarding sorority life, academics and other opportunities waiting for you at the University of Kentucky. Her job during the primary recruitment process is to help you and to make the process easier for you in whatever way she is able.




Be yourself. Each chapter on the University of Kentucky’s campus has their own personality and characteristics. The best way to find the perfect home for you is to be yourself throughout the entire week! Manage your time wisely. Between academics and Panhellenic recruitment, your academics always come first. Be sure to schedule in enough time to meet all of your external obligations. You will also have enough time to study between breaks. Recruitment functions are scheduled to begin and end at certain times. Be sure that you are prompt and prepared for each day. Ask about financial requirements. Be sure to discuss these expectations with each chapter you are considering before you make a final decision. We would also recommend you discuss financial obligations with your parents or whomever may be assisting you with your financial obligations. Get to know your Gamma Chi group. Your Gamma Chi group is a great way to meet friends that follow you throughout your college career and through all your successes in life. In addition, the women in your Gamma Chi group are going through the same process as you, so it will be helpful to confide in and receive support from them. Be prepared for walking around campus. Wear or pack comfortable shoes throughout the recruitment functions. There will be Gamma Chis available to help you to get from one chapter to the next!


Open House

During Open House you will be attending functions at each of the 14 chapters over the two day period. This initial round is designed to familiarize you with the fraternity and sorority community and the benefits of “Going Greek.” Your Gamma Chi group will accompany you to each chapter throughout this round. These first two days are designed to be relaxing, so have fun! Dress for open house is casual. Wear comfortable shoes for walking and your recruitment t-shirt that your Gamma Chi will provide you at your first meeting. Remember, you will be walking from house to house all day and August in Kentucky is hot and humid! Types of conversations: You will be having basic get-to-know you conversations in this round. The conversations will be about what you did over the summer, what talents and interests you have, where you are from and much more.



• Recruitment t-shirt (provided) • Casual shorts • Comfortable shoes (such as tennis shoes or sandals)

• Dresses • Dress shoes (such as heels or wedges)



The second round marks the beginning of the invitational rounds and you may attend up to 10 chapters for this round. You will attend these functions by yourself because each potential member will have an individual schedule. Gamma Chis will be stationed around campus to help you. You will visit all the chapters on your individual schedule within both of these days. This round of recruitment focuses on each sorority’s community service activities and explains the chapter’s philanthropy. Types of conversations: You should expect to talk about what you have been involved in with community service, how you see yourself contributing to UK and the community and to learn about each chapters individual philanthropies. You should expect to come out of each chapter knowing more about the service opportunities they can provide you.




• Dressy shorts • Casual skirts • Dressy sandals

• Casual shorts • Fancy dresses • Uncomfortable shoes


The third round, or second invitational, allows potential new members to attend up to six chapters. Each function lasts longer to allow more in depth conversations. Sororities present information about the ideals, responsibilities and bonds that unite their members. You will also be able to recognize the individuality and spirit of each sorority. This is a time to ask questions about the expectations of membership in the chapter including finance, housing, attendance and participation. Sorority members may share personal feelings about their chapter to assist you in understanding the uniqueness of each sorority. Types of conversations: During this round you will be talking about what means the most to you. This can range from family to friends and other important aspects of your life. The chapters will be talking about their values and how they relate to your values.



• Casual dresses or skirt outfits • Blouse and dress pants • Dressy sandals

• Shorts • Fancy dresses • Uncomfortable shoes



Preference is the last day of recruitment rounds. An invitation to a preference function indicates a sorority’s strong interest in you as a future member. You may attend up to two functions on this day. Throughout Preference round, a sorority’s presentation will reflect the values and ideals held in high esteem by members. Listen carefully to what the women say; they are revealing the strongest characteristics of their chapter to you. Preference functions have a more serious tone therefore, you may feel more comfortable in an outfit you would wear to a reception or a formal setting. Types of conversations: This day you should be having deeper conversations about how you could fit into the chapter. You will be talking to the women in the chapters about why they chose their organization and how you would contribute to that sisterhood. Focus on what group is going to make you the best version of yourself.




• Reception dress attire • Comfortable dress shoes

• Prom-style or sequined dresses • Shorts • Uncomfortable shoes


On Bid Day, new members receive their invitations, or bids, to join a sorority. It is an exciting day when potential members meet their new sisters and pledge the sorority. Chapters will organize fun activities for you to get to know your new member class and more members of the chapter that evening. All activities will be wrapped up no later than 10pm on this day so that you can attend classes on Wednesday. Pledging ceremonies will be held later that evening or in the couple of days following bid day. Pledging ceremonies mark the beginning of the new member period, the period between the time a woman joins her sorority and is initiated. The new member period can last as few as four weeks or an entire semester depending on the chapter. New member meetings are typically held one night a week. During this time, you learn about the history of your chapter, your inter/national organization and other fraternities and sororities at UK. Many scholarship, philanthropy and social activities are planned by the chapter to help you get to know your sisters and other members of your new member class.



• Bid Day T-Shirt (provided) • Casual shorts or jeans • Comfortable shoes (tennis shoes or sandals)

• Dresses • Uncomfortable shoes


Alpha Chi Omega

Alpha Chi Omega began its journey at the University of Kentucky in the Fall of 2015 and has quickly taken the campus by storm. The Delta Omega chapter consistently receives awards for outstanding involvement and sound leadership. Of these awards, the chapter was especially thrilled to receive the 2017 Panhellenic Council Dean’s Cup! As members of Alpha Chi Omega, we pride ourselves in being a values based organization and are guided daily by our open motto, “Together let us seek the heights.” Internationally, Alpha Chi Omega values wisdom, devotion and achievement, but our members also have a wide-range of unique values ranging from leadership to love. We are bound together by our strong commitment to these values.

• NICKNAME: Alpha Chi

• VALUES: Wisdom, Devotion, Achievement • PHILANTHROPY: Domestic Violence Awareness • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.0 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 2.5 • TWITTER: @UK_AXO

• INSTAGRAM: @uk_axo

• WEBSITE: kentuckyalphachiomega.com

In my time as an Alpha Chi Omega, I have made lifelong friends who encourage me to be extraordinary every day. I have found mentors who are now helping me study for my MCAT and apply to medical school. I am so lucky to say that my sisters double as my best friends and I am sure I would not be where I am today without them by my side. Alpha Chi Omega has given me everything I could have asked for and more. I cannot wait for you to join me in this journey and get to know what fraternity and sorority life at UK is all about. I promise that you will meet some of the most awe-inspiring, kind-hearted, motivated women as a sorority woman. As you navigate your way through recruitment and your first weeks here, remember to be your authentic self and be extraordinary. Holly Grajera President


Alpha Delta Pi

Alpha Delta Pi Sorority began as The Adelphean Society at Wesleyan Female College, becoming the first secret society for college women. Alpha Delta Pi Sorority continues to uphold the principles of scholarship, leadership, sisterhood and service established by our founders in 1851.


• VALUES: Intelligence, Compassion, Humility • PHILANTHROPY: Ronald McDonald House Charities • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.2 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 3.0 • TWITTER: @ukadpi

• INSTAGRAM: @ukadpi

• WEBSITE: www.ukadpi.com

Alpha Delta Pi prides itself on a strong sisterhood, reinforced by our values and shown through our open motto, “We live for each other”. Members of ADPi can expect to gain genuine friendships within a diverse group of women with a variety of interests. We enjoy using our passions and talents beyond the walls of our chapter house to influence our campus. Sisters are encouraged to be well-rounded and successful individuals by becoming involved with organizations and leadership. Since the moment I came home to ADPi, it has meant something immeasurable to me. The relationships, support, encouragement, networking and development I have received from being a member of the Beta Psi chapter is truly astounding. I am surrounded by women who hold the same values as myself. Becoming a well-balanced person, giving one’s best in everything she undertakes and always leading with confidence tempered with humility; these are the ideals that stood out to me in Alpha Delta Pi’s beautifully written Creed. Alpha Delta Pi is not something I became, and is not something I will stop being upon graduation; it is something that has always been in me and something to which I will always cling to. Alpha Delta Pi became my home away from home and I am forever thankful I walked into the doors of 476 Rose Street. Jennifer Rich Vice President of Recruitment and Marketing


Alpha Gamma Delta

Alpha Gamma Delta was founded by 11 progressive and influential women in 1904. The Epsilon chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta was founded at the University of Kentucky on May 30, 1908, and is the oldest, continuous Panhellenic Council chapter at UK. We want to enrich each member’s UK experience by providing opportunities to find lifelong friendships and by providing support and inspiration to realize individual goals while working together for a common purpose.

• NICKNAME: Alpha Gam

• VALUES: Sisterhood, Service, Self

• PHILANTHROPY: Fighting Hunger


• WEBSITE: uky.alphagammadelta.org

At UK, members strive to “Live with Purpose” everyday, as exhibited in our commitment to self, sisterhood and service. Our sisters strive to be the best they can be both in the community and in our academics. Our philanthropic focus includes Fighting Hunger, which allows our sisters to volunteer locally at soup kitchens and community farms. The Epsilon chapter is a proud supporter of the entire Greek community and our Panhellenic Council. Our chapter was recognized with the inaugural Myra Vedder Foxworthy Panhellenic Award, which celebrates outstanding support for the College Panhellenic through chapter participation in Panhellenic events, leadership within the Panhellenic Council and devotion to the Panhellenic guidelines. An Alpha Gam’s college experience will become enriched with long lasting memories, a foundation for leadership, opportunities for philanthropic involvement and a sisterhood to last a lifetime. Whether you are looking for a workout buddy, a friend to cheer on our Cats with, someone to make your life full of laughter or someone to love you like a true sister, we have you covered! We hope we were able to share a glimpse into our chapter and cannot wait to see you in the fall! Katie Gaubert Vice President of Recruitment


Alpha Omicron Pi

Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in 1897 by four women who came together to celebrate the accomplishments of one another and uphold a spirit of fraternity and love among sisters. The Kappa Omega chapter at the University of Kentucky was chartered in 1981 on values of service, sisterhood and lifelong friendships.


• VALUES: Simplicity, Dignity, Loyalty

• PHILANTHROPY: Arthritis Research


• INSTAGRAM: @uk_aoii

• WEBSITE: uky.alphaomicronpi.org

AOPi internationally partners with the Arthritis Foundation, and our sisters serve as advocates for children suffering with Juvenile Arthritis. Through charity, we are able to come together to show the selfless nature of AOPi. We believe our sisters hold true to the values of character, dignity, scholarship and college loyalty that AOPi promotes as well as accountability, collaboration and honesty. In my experience as a member, I have found that what sets AOPi apart from other organizations is our dedication to authenticity, loyalty and unconditional love for one another. In AOPi, you will never stand alone. Our relationships extend past our collegiate years and we are bound by the common bond of sisterhood. I have found a forever home of women who accept me for exactly who I am, and push me to be better. I love being in an organization that challenges me, inspires me, has brought me out of my shell and instilled confidence in myself. I cannot wait for you to see the sisterhood we share and learn how our women have grown in Alpha Omicron Pi. I cannot wait to welcome you through the doors of our Home Sweet Homicron in August! Best wishes for your recruitment experience. Emily Crace Vice President of Membership Recruitment


Alpha Phi

The history of Alpha Phi dates all the way back to 1872 at Syracuse University. Currently, Alpha Phi is one of the largest women’s fraternal organizations with 170 collegiate chapters and over 250,000 initiated members. The wonderful chapter of Iota Nu was founded on April 10, 2010 at the University of Kentucky. Since 1872, Alpha Phi has built our membership around the commitment to six values: sisterhood, scholarship, service, leadership, loyalty and character development. Alpha Phi is an outstanding way to not only get involved, but to open up an array of opportunities for you now and in your future. Alpha Phi offers a membership experience ranging from leadership development to academic achievement, from service on campus, to lifetime community involvement and enduring friendships. Members of Alpha Phi actively participate in various intramural sports, business fraternities and other service organizations on campus. • NICKNAME: A Phi

• VALUES: Loyalty, Service, Scholarship • PHILANTHROPY: The Alpha Phi Foundation • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 2.95 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 3.2 • TWITTER: @UK_AlphaPhi

• INSTAGRAM: @ukalphaphi

• WEBSITE: www.ukalphaphi.com

We live to serve by our motto, “Hand to hand, Heart to heart.” Alpha Phi hosts an annual fall philanthropy gala that focuses on raising money and awareness for The Alpha Phi Foundation, in particular, women’s heart health. Iota Nu’s goal is to spread passion for women’s heart health, not only on campus, but throughout the community in order to fight heart disease in women. This is one of the many reasons why I love Alpha Phi, we grow not only has individuals but as a strong community of women that come together with the same values and end goals in mind. We are so excited for you! You are about to embark on the most incredible journey that you will never forget. Madison Zurakowski Vice President of Membership Recruitment


Chi Omega

Welcome to the University of Kentucky; we are so excited to have you! Between graduating high school, moving away from home and starting a new phase of your life in Lexington, you have been busy! I hope that you are proud of yourself and excited to see everything that UK and Chi Omega have to offer.


• VALUES: Sisterhood, Scholarship, Community Service • PHILANTHROPY: Make-A-Wish


• INSTAGRAM: @ukchiomega

• WEBSITE: www.uky.chiomega.com

Founded in 1895, at the University of Arkansas, Chi Omega is the largest women’s fraternal organization in the world with over 355,000 initiates, 181 collegiate chapters and over 240 alumnae chapters. The Lambda Alpha chapter of Chi Omega was established in 1914 and has since made a prominent mark on campus. Lambda Alpha women pride themselves on being wellrounded, educated and involved individuals. Our six purposes work as a goal for our women to become their best selves: friendship, high standards of personnel, sincere learning and credible scholarship, participation in campus activities, career development and community service. Our members are active throughout campus and the greater Lexington area. Chi Omega hosts several philanthropy events, including a golf classic and Greek Sing to support the Make-A-Wish Organization. Last year, Lambda Alpha raised over $155,000 for Make-A-Wish. In the spring, Chi Omega also co-hosts a suicide prevention walk. Since I joined Chi Omega in the fall of 2015, I have never been happier! These women make my college days sweet and my memories filled with love. They push me daily to be a better version of myself and I am always grateful for their friendships and inspiration. We are all excited to welcome you to the University of Kentucky and meet you soon! Catherine Stuckert President


Delta Delta Delta

Tri Delta is proud to share a sisterhood created by brave, bold and kind women who were looking to be themselves and belong to something bigger. Although there were three women’s groups represented at Boston University in 1888, seniors Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Dorcas Pond saw a need for a different organization that would “be kind alike to all and think more of the girl’s inner self and character than of her personal appearance.” Tri Delta is an assembly of women with shared values where you can be yourself and belong to something bigger. We are brave, bold and kind. We are passionate about serving others, committed to becoming the best version of ourselves and dedicated to helping women live, learn and lead, with purpose, for a lifetime. • NICKNAME: Tri Delt

• VALUES: Live, Learn, Lead

• PHILANTHROPY: Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.2 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 3.0 • TWITTER: @UKTriDelta

• INSTAGRAM: @UKTriDelta • WEBSITE: uky.tridelta.org

With a passion for our national philanthropy, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the chapter puts on an annual pancake breakfast and also hosted the first annual Kentucky’s Got Talent Greek-wide talent show in 2018! These events combined with our national Sincerely Yours event allow the women of the Delta Rho chapter to raise over $118,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital annually. In Tri Delta, members are a unique and valuable part of a connected whole. We do not want you to come here and be like us; we want you to come here and be like you. The sisters of Tri Delta welcome you to the University of Kentucky and cannot wait to meet you during recruitment. Sarah Masters Vice President of Membership


Delta Gamma


• VALUES: Friendship, Education, Social Responsibility • PHILANTHROPY: Service for Sight


• INSTAGRAM: @ukdeltagamma • WEBSITE: uky.deltagamma.org

In 1873, three young women were unable to go home from their boarding school in Oxford, Mississippi for the holidays. From this shared experience, these women grew in mutual respect and friendship, which compelled them to organize the first Delta Gamma chapter. Delta Gamma now has 150 collegiate chapters and more than 200 alumnae groups around the world. The Delta Beta chapter here at UK was founded on May 19, 1963. Delta Gamma has four core values that embody our founder’s original purpose: to foster high ideals of friendship, to promote educational and cultural interests, to create in women a true sense of social responsibility and the best qualities of character. In addition, our founders chose the Greek letters Delta Gamma for our motto “Do Good.” It is through our four core values and motto that we grow as women and foster genuine friendships.Our symbol is the anchor, an age-old symbol for hope. It is with this hope that we welcome you to the University of Kentucky. We are so excited for you to begin your journey here. Before coming to college, we knew we wanted to join a sorority to find lifelong friends, but little did we know that Delta Gamma would give us so much more. Delta Gamma has given us our support system and has shaped us into the women we are today and challenged us to be the best version of ourselves. We are excited for you to see how Delta Gamma provides meaningful experiences in which you can find a genuine sisterhood and support system that continues even after your college days. Savannah Carter President 25

Delta Zeta

One hundred sixteen years ago, six young women had a vision of lifetime sisterhood. On October 24, 1902, their dream became a reality at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Delta Zeta was the first sorority to be founded at the university, and it flourished into an organization that has now enriched the lives of over 260,000 members. The Alpha Theta chapter was founded in 1923 and is one of the oldest chapters on campus. Delta Zeta strives to help its members maintain the highest level of authenticity, friendship and fun in their lives. We encourage members to be their unique and authentic selves, and empower them to be proud of who they are. We are a constant support system, and each others best friends. In everything we do, we try to maintain a fun and positive attitude, and we do not take ourselves too seriously. • NICKNAME: DZ

• VALUES: Authenticity, Friendship, Acceptance • PHILANTHROPY: Speech and Hearing • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.0 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 3.0 • TWITTER: @UKDeltaZeta

• INSTAGRAM: @ukdeltazeta • WEBSITE: www.ukdz.org

Alpha Theta members give graciously, lead and serve in our chapter and on campus and are lifelong learners. We have two annual philanthropy events: a male beauty pageant, Mr. UK, and a dodgeball tournament, DZ Dodge. Our philanthropy events support three organizations related to our national philanthropy, Hearing and Speech. These three organizations are the Starkey Hearing Foundation, Painted Turtle Camp and Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, which provides a great opportunity to volunteer locally. Delta Zeta is so excited to welcome you to UK, and we cannot wait to meet you during recruitment! Maddie Mackenzie Vice President of Membership


Kappa Alpha Theta

Founded in 1870 at DePauw University, Kappa Alpha Theta is the first Greek-letter fraternity known among women. Our founders desired a membership in an organization offering friendship and support. Our chapter, Gamma Iota, was established on UK’s campus in 1945 and is rooted in the same core values as our founders. As we hope to build on the rich history of our organization, our chapter is unique with its own personality. Our four founders were activists of their time, modeling personal excellence, and we know we have the chance to instill real change just as our founders did.


• VALUES: Faith, Hope, Love

• PHILANTHROPY: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.2 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 3.0 • TWITTER: @UKTheta


• WEBSITE: kentucky.kappaalphatheta.org

Each member of this chapter is their own unique individual. Despite one’s major, career direction or interest, we come together under the core values of Kappa Alpha Theta. Our highest aspirations and values are found in our symbol, the kite. The four points represent intellectual curiosity, leadership potential, commitment to service and personal excellence. We aim towards being scholarly women, growing in leadership, friendship and service. Being a member of Theta has shown me qualities of myself that I never thought I had and it shows me all that I can be. It has instilled confidence in me and has given me skills, knowledge, lifelong friendships and appreciation for the people around me. As I remember going through recruitment, I had no idea the impact three Greek letters would have on my life. I truly believe Theta is for a lifetime and I hope your experience during recruitment is as meaningful and rewarding as mine. We cannot wait to welcome you to the Big Blue and share our sisterhood with you! Carly Wolnitzek President 27

Kappa Delta

Kappa Delta was founded October 23, 1897 at Longwood University. Kappa Delta has chartered over 200 collegiate chapters and 500 alumnae associations across the country. Our Epsilon Omega chapter was installed on December 17, 1910. Kappa Delta’s open motto is “Ta Kala Diokamen”, which means “Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest.” Our members demonstrate this by volunteering at our local philanthropy, holding positions in other organizations and promoting confidence in women and girls within our community.


• VALUES: Confidence, Compassion, Loyalty • PHILANTHROPY: Girl Scouts of the USA, Prevent Child Abuse America, The Nest • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.2 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 3.0 • TWITTER: @uk_kappadelta

• INSTAGRAM: @uk_kappadelta • WEBSITE: uky.kappadelta.org

We expect our members to excel academically and encourage them to participate in campus activities to improve their leadership skills and expand their knowledge. Kappa Delta encourages its members to assume chapter responsibilities as an appointed or elected officer. We hope members learn the value of philanthropy as they take part in our local and national charitable efforts. We also expect members to fulfill the financial responsibilities that make the existence of our chapter possible. With a passion for service, Epsilon Omega holds two philanthropy events a year, Bring It On, a cheerleading competition, and Shamrock, a week of events benefiting our national philanthropy, Prevent Child Abuse America. The Epsilon Omega chapter raises over $35,000 for our local philanthropy, The Nest Center for Women, Children and Families. We also have a rich partnership with The Girl Scouts and host events throughout the semester with local troops, including selling cookies outside of our house! Our sisterhood is made up of vast interests and characteristics. We share common bonds over our ritual and morals. The sisters of Kappa Delta cannot wait to meet you and welcome you to the University of Kentucky! Morgan Lloyd President


Kappa Kappa Gamma

In the late 1860s, two women at Monmouth College sparked the idea of a women’s fraternity and soon after, in 1870, Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity was born. And 40 years later, the Beta Chi chapter joined the Greek community as the second national women’s fraternity at UK.


• VALUES: Individuality, Education, Merit • PHILANTHROPY: Reading is

Fundamental, GIRLS Academy, Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.3 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 2.7 • TWITTER: @KKGBetaChi

• INSTAGRAM: @kentuckykkg • WEBSITE: uky.kappa.org

Our members epitomize our values of loyalty, truth and compassion in countless ways. They maintain high standards, raise money for worthy causes and advocate for academic success. Each of the facets that Kappa women have the benefit of attaining through membership comes down to our core value: truth. This is being true to who they are as students, friends and sisters. This is being true, faithful and respectful to the rich history that founded our chapter. This includes sisters from the past, present and future who have and will continue to invest themselves in an organization of integrity, servitude and academic excellence. This is truth to living out the values and purpose of Kappa for a lifetime, not just four years. Kappa is a place to grow and develop lifelong friendships, and is a sanctuary that accepts you with always open arms. Kappa brings you strength in hard times, love when you feel lost, celebration in the happiest moments and so much more. The women of Beta Chi have pushed us to grow in ways we never knew possible, and because of Kappa, we have found our best friends and our biggest supporters. We would love to welcome you into our brand new home this fall and show you more about what it means to be a Kappa Kappa Gamma. Rebecca Buster Membership Chairman


Phi Mu

Phi Mu was founded in 1852 by three women as the Philomathean Society, a literary society. It is now the second oldest sorority in the nation and has provided social opportunities, a support network and personal enrichment resources to members for over 160 years. Phi Mu provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence and lifelong friendship through a shared tradition. Phi Mu promotes vibrant living, which means having or showing great life, activity and energy. Members are engaged citizens who pursue their passions, and, ultimately, make the world a better place.


• VALUES: Love, Honor, Truth

• PHILANTHROPY: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.0 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 2.75 • TWITTER: @PhiMu_UK

• INSTAGRAM: @phimu_uk • WEBSITE: ukphimu.com

Our outstanding chapter of Rho Iota chartered at the University of Kentucky in 2011, and since then has made monumental strides in creating a strong and genuine sisterhood for our members. Our sisters strive for excellence in academics, leadership, service and social endeavors and have a deep passion for our national philanthropy, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. To raise awareness and money, Rho Iota hosts BonnaMu, an annual battle of the bands philanthropy event. Phi Mu women strive to live by our motto “Les Soeurs Fideles” or “The Faithful Sisters”. Our sisters remain faithful in everything they do, and always remain honest and true to themselves. Phi Mu encourages all our women to be their genuine self, and to never be afraid to be different. The Rho Iota chapter offers its members love and encouragement through all phases of life, and no matter where we end up we know our sisters will always be by our side. Phi Mu is so ecstatic to welcome you to the University of Kentucky and cannot wait to meet you during recruitment! Courtney Krevolin President


Pi Beta Phi

Pi Beta Phi was founded April 28, 1867, at Monmouth College and was the first to organize a national philanthropic project, which eventually resulted in establishing literacy and education as our official philanthropic effort. From starting a library and establishing a settlement school in 1910, it became evident that sisters of Pi Beta Phi share a love for helping others by inspiring a lifelong love of reading to create a more educated and productive society. Pi Beta Phi has more than 135 collegiate chapters and 285 alumnae clubs around the world, so that no matter where life takes you, you will always have a sister to lean on. At Pi Beta Phi, we strive to meaningfully impact collegiate years to spark a desire of lifelong commitment. • NICKNAME: Pi Phi

• VALUES: Sincere Friendship, Philanthropic Service to Others, Personal, Intellectual Growth • PHILANTHROPY: Read > Lead > Achieve • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.0 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 2.8 • TWITTER: @ukpiphi



Coming from an entirely non-Greek family, I came into recruitment totally clueless as to the potential impact a sorority can have on someone. I was hoping to make a few friends from joining and thought that would be the extent of my sorority life. It has truly been so much more for me. As a rising senior, I am already wondering how I am going to cope with graduating and not living under the same roof with my best friends. I think the only thing keeping me sane is knowing that we will always be connected through Pi Beta Phi. Coming to college is weird, as you leave your family and the place you have always called home, but my sisters at Pi Beta Phi truly became my family and 409 Columbia Ave became home. I know you too will find your new home at Kentucky. Morgan Haas Recruitment Chair


Continuous Open Bidding Continuous Open Bidding (COB) begins after the conclusion of Primary Recruitment and continues throughout the academic year. COB is recommended for anyone who chooses not to participate in the primary recruitment process, as it offers women the opportunity to join and participate in Panhellenic sorority life.

COB events might include coffee dates, bowling outings and TV nights. Participating sororities will contact you to invite you to attend their membership activities. Keep in mind, you will not hear from all the sororities. Some chapters fill their total during the Fall recruitment process and they are not eligible to participate in COB.

During Continuous Open Bidding, a woman may be offered an invitation from more than one sorority. Only one invitation may be accepted and the new member must sign an acceptance card within twenty four hours of accepting the invitation to join.

You can register for COB online at uksorority. com. COB has no registration fee. Questions regarding COB can be answered by sorority women or the Fraternity and Sorority Life office at 859-257-3151.


Phi Sigma Rho


• VALUES: Friendship, Scholarship, Encouragement • PHILANTHROPY: American Cancer Society / Leukemia & Lymphoma Society • MINIMUM HIGH SCHOOL GPA: 3.0 • MINIMUM COLLEGE GPA: 2.75 • TWITTER: @UKPhiSigmaRho


• WEBSITE: psr.engineering.uky.edu

Phi Sigma Rho, or Phi Rho, is a social sorority and is an associate member of the Panhellenic Council. As an associate member, Phi Rho does not participate in Primary Recruitment. What makes this sorority different is that it has a major requirement; anyone who is pursuing a degree in engineering or the technical studies is welcome to join. Other majors are also welcome as long as they have a math or science core. Phi Sigma Rho participates in many campus activities including DanceBlue, Homecoming and even Greek Sing. Phi Sigma Rho holds recruitment events around the third week of school of both fall and spring semesters. Recruitment takes place over a four day period and attendance at two events is suggested in order to possibly receive a bid.


Schedule Keep these dates in mind.

• TUESDAY, AUGUST 21 – Potential New Member Orientation Part 1: 6:30pm • FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 – Potential New Member Orientation Part 2: 6:00pm-9:00pm – Recruitment Kickoff: 9:00pm-11:00pm • SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 – Open House Day 1 – Functions: 9:00am-8:30 pm • SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 – Open House Day 2 – Functions: 9:00am-6:30pm • FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 – Philanthropy Day 1 – Functions: 5:00pm-9:30pm

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Philanthropy Day 2 Functions: 8:00am-7:10 pm Caturday Watch Party for the UK Football Game: Meet us at kick off !

• SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 – Sisterhood Round – Functions: 9:00am-8:00pm • – – –

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Preference Round Pre-Preference Orientation: 9:30 am Functions: 11:00am-5:50pm

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Bid Day Panhellenic Pledging Ceremony: 6:00pm Chapter Bid Day Activities: 7:00pm-10:00pm

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