ARC Centre for Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals - 2022 Annual Report

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Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Council and the New South Wales and South Australian Governments. We also acknowledge the in-kind and financial support from all our national collaborative organisations: The University of Newcastle (administering organisation), The University of Queensland, Deakin University, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, University of South Australia, Curtin University, University of New South Wales and The University of Adelaide. We also acknowledge the support from our Industry Partners: CSIRO, FLSmidth, Jord International and Amira Global, as well as in-kind support from our international partners.

Acknowledgment of Country

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.





1 OUR INFLUENCE AND IMPACT 20 OUR CENTRE 4 About COEMinerals 6 Message from the Director 7 COEMinerals Governance Structure 9 Message from the Advisory Board 10 Message from the International Advisory Panel 11 Observations from the Research Programs Review Committee 12 Delivering on our Strategy 13 Snapshot updates from our University Nodes 15 Technology and Skill Sharing: Sink-Hole Fluidiser 21 Multi-disciplinary, Multi-node Discovery: Rare Earth Elements 23 Influencing Change in Australia & Beyond: International Reflux Flotation Cell Upscaling Symposium 25 Impacting Sector Transformation: From the Academic Mind to the Mine Site Successful Commercialisation with Jord 27 29 1 2
2 RESEARCH PROGRAMS 32 OUR PERFORMANCE 58 Program 1 Overview Project Summaries 33 35 Program 2 Overview Project Summaries 45 47 Program 3 Overview Project Summaries 51 53 2022 Highlights 59 Annual Conference 61 Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion 65 Future Leaders in Focus 67 Training Overview 69 Outreach Overview 71 Signature Lecture and Seminar Series 73 Communications and Media 75 Publications 77 Financial Statements 79 COEMinerals 2023 Plans 81 COEMinerals: Feedback Forum 83 Glossary of Terms 85 3 4



To develop deep scientific knowledge that enables the establishment of new, transformational technologies in minerals beneficiation, to deliver a sustainable future for Australia’s minerals industry.


To double energy and water productivity in the mining sector by 2030, maintaining the drive towards the ‘zeroemission mine’ and reduce losses of high value metals during processing by 90%.


Working in partnership with the minerals industry, Mining & Equipment Technology Services (METS), the community and other stakeholders to provide advice, thought leadership, research, education, people and transformational innovations.

4 OUR CENTRE About COEMinerals 6 Message from the Director 7 COEMinerals Governance Structure 9 Message from the Advisory Board 10 Message from the International Adviwsory Panel 11 Observations from the Research Programs Review Committee 12 Delivering on our Strategy 13 Snapshot updates from our University Nodes 15

Our COEMinerals Members at COEMinerals Conference, representing the following nodes: The University of Newcastle (UON), The University of Queensland (UQ), Deakin University (Deakin), The University of Melbourne (UOM), Monash University (Monash), University of South Australia (UniSA), Curtin University (Curtin), University of New South Wales (UNSW) and The University of Adelaide (UoA) and our Industry Partners Jord International (Jord) and FLSmidth


The ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals (COEMinerals) is creating more-sustainable methods to separate and increase the availability of Minerals for our Future.

The transition to a net-zero emissions economy will be metal-intensive. Minerals are critical to delivering a greener energy path, being key components of many medical and other technology devices including solar panels and electric vehicles.

Australia is minerals-rich and minerals are likely to underpin much of Australia’s national wealth in coming years based on anticipated increasing demand, matched with the relative scarcity of some minerals or the increasing challenge of their sustainable and efficient recovery.

Despite minerals being a finite resource, many mineral separation processes are energy inefficient, and can be highly wasteful with up to 20% of minerals lost to tailings. Many processes have not advanced much in more than 50 years. It is time to change that.

COEMinerals is making mineral recovery more efficient, more effective and as a result much more sustainable.

COEMinerals was awarded $35M by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centres of Excellence funding scheme in October 2019 - and the Centre officially commenced on 29th July 2020 - to drive sciencebased and transformational sector change in

minerals processing to make it more eco-efficient (i.e., doing more with less).

The Centre harnesses the talent and skills of some of Australia’s leading scientists representing diverse scientific disciplines, from nine Australian universities. The Centre’s PhD and early career researchers (ECRs) represent the next generation of research and industry leaders. Collectively COEMinerals members are developing technologies, inventing world-first scientific techniques and enabling new capabilities for minerals recovery during minerals processing. Our ground-breaking research, discoveries and innovations strive to:

ƒ Double energy and water productivity in the mining sector by 2030, maintaining the drive towards the ‘zero-emission mine’

ƒ Reduce loss of high value metals during minerals processing by 90%, increasing the concentration of recovered products used in metals refining

ƒ Deliver exceptional educational experiences that enable, up-skill and empower a new generation of research, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and minerals sector leaders

COEMinerals members collaborate across borders and engage with the wider Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector to understand and align research and design sciencebased solutions to solve challenging sector problems. COEMinerals has academic institution and industry partners and works closely with sector sustainability experts and community members to

solve beneficiation (minerals processing) problems which will ultimately lead to sector change.

The Centre also engages in activities spanning academic learning, industry engagement, community outreach, site visits and skill building experiences including professional development and training programs. This ensures excellence in learning and helps build a community of researchers who are actively contributing to positive change in the minerals sector now and in the future.

The Centre’s Thematic Objectives

ƒ Objective 1 – Early gangue (waste) rejection, achieved through technology advances in coarse particle beneficiation, to minimise energy and water consumption

ƒ Objective 2 – Fast, efficient beneficiation to minimise losses of high value metals, achieved through technology advances in fine particle beneficiation, to maximise resource recovery and product grade

ƒ Objective 3 – Real time removal of solids from tailings, and rejection of water from solids, achieved through the introduction of novel hydrophobic interactions, and technology advances in dewatering (getting rid of tailings dams)



The year 2022 saw a significant ramp up in Centre activity. With labs operational and an increase in PhD students starting, our Centre grew to more than 100 scientists comprising PhD students, ECRs and senior investigators.

COEMinerals members met face-to-face for the first time during our annual conference in Canberra in July. This was the Centre’s first in-person event and it enabled us, our industry partners (including Jord International and FLSmidth) and guests to appreciate the importance of community and personal engagement, both precursors to successful inclusivity, collaboration and innovation. Personally, I believe the main conference highlight was the emergence of enthusiasm, energy and motivation from a new generation of researchers who are forming the research community that will underpin their future careers.

We greatly appreciated the involvement of:

ƒ Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Tina Brown for her inspiring Welcome to Country

ƒ Ms Tania Constable, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Minerals Council of Australia for her Opening Address

ƒ Industry representatives for their engaging panel discussions

ƒ Sector mentors (spanning departmental and industry) for their valuable advice and engagement with students, especially during the ‘Gaddie Pitches’

Centre technology advances

ƒ Jord International (Jord) secured a new installation of the Jameson Concorde Cell™ at Nickel West in Western Australia; its inventor

being Centre Chief Investigator Laureate Professor Graeme Jameson

ƒ Jord also secured funding for introducing the NovaCell™ into a site in NSW for floating coarse particles, and is working with UON on the upscaling of Centre-developed XtractORE™ agglomeration technology

ƒ FLSmidth successfully secured European funding to support Centre-developed coarseAIR™ upscaling, with involvement from our Centre

ƒ UOM node researchers secured a contract with a major multinational minerals company to evaluate the performance of the developed High-Pressure Dewatering Roll technology in improving tailings storage and water recovery

ƒ Further, West Cobar Metals (ASX: WC1) re-engaged COEMinerals to undertake beneficiation studies on the Newmont Deposit to help unlock a major rare earth mineral deposit

Ground-breaking innovation as a result of internode, cross-discipline collaboration Centre researchers began exploring and initiating collaborative research projects - sharing knowledge, skills and technical equipment - across nodes in earnest in 2022. This approach resulted in some highly productive, new and unique experimentation opportunities for members and industry. More on this in 2023!

Critical minerals, minerals processing, sustainability and ‘net-zero’ emissions targets are top of mind topics in Australia and around the globe

COEMinerals is well placed to contribute to enabling the transition to a metals-economy, making our communications and relationships with

government and industry more important than ever. Ensuring our members form close and collaborative relationships with the minerals sector is an ongoing Centre priority. Throughout 2022, Centre leaders contributed to multiple Australian government feedback forums and channels, providing strategic advice for forward planning.

The Centre extended its industry connections and influence by hosting the ‘International REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC) Upscaling Symposium’ in October, involving more than 20 Centre researchers and propelling local and international awareness of our latest research and technology invention to an audience of sustainability experts representing commercial and academic interests.

We welcomed visits, engagement and planning input from numerous members of our Advisory Board, International Advisory Panel, sector specialists and renowned academics in 2022 which provided opportunities for close engagement, including 1:1 conversations with PhD students, ECRs and undergraduates, as well as Centre and university leaders. Visitors included:

ƒ Advisory Board Chair Professor Simon Biggs, Vice Chancellor (VC) of James Cook University who visited our Newcastle Administration node (November)

ƒ International Advisory Panel (IAP) Chair, Professor Cyril O’Connor (South Africa based) whom we met with in Melbourne and during a visit to our UON node (August)

ƒ IAP member Dr Martin Rudolph, from the Helmholtz Institute in Freiberg (HZDR/HIF) (Germany based), whom we met with in Melbourne (August)


Further, we greatly appreciated the participation of the Australian and international industry and academic leaders who spoke during our ‘Signature Lecture’ series, which we make widely available to our community via our website and social channels.

Future leaders in focus

Guided by input from the Centre’s ‘Future Leaders Committee’, we commenced the ‘Future Leaders Training Program’ this year, which incorporates technical, academic and professional training elements that build on the wide-ranging experiences PhDs and ECRs gain by being part of the Centre.

Getting off-campus, ‘out of the lab’ and into the field, many of our PhDs and ECRs visited industrial/ mine sites in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales this year, giving them a taste of the scale and potential impact of their work to increase sustainability in minerals processing.

The Centre supported joint learning projects with international colleagues in 2022, an example being one of our Centre PhDs Siân Parkes spending two months in Germany and Switzerland to further investigate ion flotation of critical minerals using the REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC), and use of Centre-developed, environmentally friendly Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) polymers at the HZDR/HIF and Technische Universität Dresden.

Navigating challenges

It was not all smooth sailing in 2022, as PhD visa delays (ongoing) and publication delays (sometimes 180 days or more) challenged the pace of research and its access. That said, we are very close to meeting our PhD targets for the year, and we plan to trial some preprint research releases in




the coming year to accelerate availability of our ground-breaking Centre work.

At times ore, mineral and reagent sample availability was limited, but inter-node resourcefulness literally helped deliver the goods.

Our team’s gender balance is not where we want it to be at 37% female. While in line with our planning expectations and on par with Australian academic STEM enrolment trends – where women make up 36% of course enrolments 1 - gender imbalance is a known problem for the engineering and mining industries in Australia (Engineering: 11% are women 2; Mining: 20% are female 3). As a result, we plan to double-down on our efforts to increase female researchers in the second half of 2023, against a backdrop of very active and potentially competitive industry recruitment drive for talent.

Despite some member changes as part of the Centre’s evolution, we continue to build momentum and have a solid succession plan in place.

Our flexible workplace and family-friendly culture has enabled Centre members – many of whom were finally able to visit family abroad in 2022 after an extended period of lock downs and border closures - to work from home (WFH), or indeed anywhere in support of our inclusion values.

As we enter the next exciting phase of our research program, I thank Centre members for their contribution in 2022, along with our partners, collaborators and academic mentors.

We are planning wide ranging events, industry engagement, community outreach and research collaborations to increase our knowledge and understanding through engagement and influence next year.

Our Centre’s ARC ‘mid-term review’ will occur in 2023. This is a timely reminder for us to stay focused on achievement of Centre goals through the delivery of ground-breaking research, and our progress towards achieving our ultimate aim of enabling sector transformation as a result of industry adoption of our eco-efficient and moresustainable minerals processing methods in Australia and around the world.


COEMinerals Governance Structure

Advisory Board

Centre Chief Operations Officer

Executive Committee Director

Stakeholder Committee

Australian Universities

Research Program Review Committee

Deputy Director

Centre Chief Operations Officer

Node Leaders

Research Program Committee

International Organisations

Industry Partners


Communications and Media Officer

Future Leaders Committee

Program 1

Program 2

Chief Investigators

Associate Investigators

International Researchers

Early & Mid Career Reseachers


Technical Staff Professional Staff

Program 3

Executive Committee Members

L/Prof Kevin Galvin

Annemarie Fawkner

Prof San H. Thang

Prof Chun-Xia Zhao

Prof Bill Skinner

A/Prof Elham Doroodchi

Prof George Franks

A/Prof Liza Forbes

Prof David Beattie

Dr Ellen Moon

Prof Vishnu Pareek

Dr Susana Brito e Abreu

Prof Chris Aldrich

Gender Equity and Diversity Committee

A/Prof Seher Ata

Dr Eirini Goudeli

Kim Stockham

International Advisory Panel Director


The COEMinerals Advisory Board provides advice and feedback on the Centre’s Strategic Plan, and where appropriate facilitates engagement and new opportunities.

COEMinerals welcomed Advisory Board Chair, Prof Simon Biggs to UON in November 2022 for planning and engagement activities with our COEMinerals research team, colleagues and academic peers.

I was very pleased to see the bounce back in the Centre’s activities as it gathered strong momentum in 2022. I am sure this will continue through 2023 and beyond.

As momentum grows in the Centre, I am very confident that it can provide important technology advances based on high quality science and engineering research which will have global impact.

As Chair of the Advisory Board for the Centre of Excellence I am very optimistic about the next few years of its operations.

Ambitious plans globally for a new energy future will require significant amounts of precious and other metals. Given the increasingly challenging nature of the ore bodies from which these metals will have to be extracted, there is little doubt we will need innovative solutions to processing of these ores if we are to have any chance of meeting our energy system ambitions. Importantly, our processing will have to be very efficient to ensure the overall system is energy positive. We should not doubt the scale of this challenge.

Excitingly, the focus of the Centre is absolutely correct in terms of these demands.

Like so many activities in recent years, the progress of COEMinerals was significantly impacted by the COVID pandemic, especially as it was only just beginning its operations when the pandemic struck.

Professor Simon Biggs COEMinerals Advisory Board Chair Vice Chancellor and President, James Cook University, Australia

Additional Advisory Board Members

ƒ Professor Richard A. Williams, Vice Chancellor, Heriot-Watt University

ƒ Ms Denise Goldsworth AO, Chancellor, Edith Cowan University

ƒ Mr Andrew Hutchinson, General Manager, Critical Minerals Facilitation Office with the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

ƒ Professor Jacques Eksteen, Research Director of the Future Battery Industries CRC (FBICRC)

Message from the Chair


The Centre’s IAP provides strategic advice to theCentre Executive with a view to assisting in the achievement of the Centre’s goals.

The IAP reviews program reports as well as monitoring the progress and performance of projects being undertaken within the three Scientific Programs.

Panel Chair Prof Cyril O’Connor visited the UON node in person in August 2022, engaging with COEMinerals’ Director, Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Executive Committee members, as well as presenting a research update to, and taking questions from, COEMinerals research team.

Message from the Chair

COEMinerals’ IAP members are Cyril O’ Connor (Chair, University of Cape Town, South Africa), Silvia Cristina Alves Franca (CETEM, Brazil), Martin Rudolph (HZDR/HIF, Germany) and Barun Gorain (Ore2Metal, Canada). The Panel, which includes, ex officio, the Director, Deputy Director and the

COO of the Centre, is thus clearly international in its composition and all the members enjoy excellent international reputations in the domain of minerals processing and hence it is well positioned to provide an international perspective on the research activities of the Centre.

The Panel has met on four occasions since the commencement of the Centre’s activities in 2020 and these have been either fully remote or in hybrid form. The Chair and Martin Rudolph also had the opportunity of a most useful engagement with the representative of (COEMinerals partner organisation) Jord.

Notwithstanding the challenges created by the COVID pandemic, probably the most significant of which was the difficulty of recruiting new PhD students, the Centre and especially its Director, Deputy Director and COO, deserve unstinting praise for successfully ensuring that the entire program is now at a stage at which it is clearly operating as near to optimally as possible.

The Leadership, together with the impressive cohort of Program Leaders and their collaborators, are all clearly fully committed to achieving the objectives of the Centre and any COVID-related backlog in terms of outcomes has now essentially been entirely resolved.

In its relatively short existence, the Centre has already achieved major research outcomes and already established itself as a leading international research centre with an enviable global reputation.

The Panel is of the view that the Centre, through the successful implementation of its declared

strategy and through the dynamic leadership of its Director and his colleagues, is on a successful trajectory towards achieving its vision and ultimately all of its objectives.

COEMinerals International Panel Chair

Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Scholar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Additional Advisory Panel Members

ƒ Dr Martin Rudolph, Head of Department of Processing of Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HZDR/HIF), Freiberg, Germany

ƒ Silvia Cristina Alves França, Director Centre for Mineral Technology (CETEM)

ƒ Dr Barun Gorain, President and CEO Ore2Metal Inc


The pace of Centre research gained considerable momentum across all three programs during 2022, with progress in multiple areas.

Centre research benefited from the participation of undergraduate and postgraduate students from different nodes in different projects. The research team grew, with more than 90% of the PhDs being recruited by the end of 2022.

Significant headway was made with progressing a suite of technologies towards eventual commercialisation, particularly in Thematic Objective 1, concerned with early gangue rejection.

A prominent and positive feature of Centre research is its interdisciplinary nature, which involves close collaboration between different nodes of the Centre and includes the exchange of research material (such as equipment, reagents and ores) as well as staff and students from several Centre nodes working on complementary aspects of various research problems.

While almost all the highest TRL technologies are from the UON, the role other nodes play in the connected path to commercialisation cannot be underestimated. This is balanced by more fundamental research in the other two Thematic Objectives, which relate to polymer science, fine particle separation and tailings disposal. As such, the Centre has innovative research and outcomes in multiple areas, spanning discovery to invention/ commercialisation.

It is worth mentioning the pre-emptive value of the Centre’s technical training in ethics as provided during the Annual Conference and attended by the researchers, and the ongoing value of increasing visits between Centre nodes, fuelling shared skill building and enabling technology access beyond any one university.

One of the benefits of the Centre’s approach is its close connectivity as a team, and with parts of the mineral sector. Building on this base, COEMinerals members could improve the extent of their industry networks, especially in the area of reagents, as well as growing their practical understanding of on-site problems faced by the industry ahead. The net result will be the better ability to understand and match contemporary industry problems to Centre solutions for greater impact, with the overall outcome being more sustainable minerals processing.

Additional Research Program Review Committee Members:

ƒ Centre Chief Investigator, Professor Peter Scales (UOM)

ƒ Centre Chief Investigator, Associate Professor Kym Runge (UQ)

ƒ Centre Associate Investigator, Dr Eirini Goudeli (UOM)

Professor Chris Aldrich Centre Chief Investigator (Curtin)


Centre activity is guided by a Strategic Plan, which is updated annually with input from Centre members, the International Advisory Panel and Advisory Board

Below are some, but not limited to, our strategic deliverables in 2022.

Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives

1: To develop and deliver new transformational technologies to the minerals industry

ƒ Conduct a research review and feedback, against Centre’s thematic objectives

ƒ Industry alignment and feedback into research programs

ƒ A focus on innovation and industry collaboration

ƒ IAP and Advisory Board overview and feedback on research directions

Strategic Deliverables in 2022

ƒ A TRL assessment tool was applied to a portfolio of technologies in various stages of development

ƒ Seven of these technologies have shown ≥ 1 TRL level improvement. These include NovaCellTM, Concorde and REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC), and XtractORETM that have moved to TRL 5 and 6

2: To provide the minerals industry with a diverse and future-oriented technical workforce

ƒ 50% gender equity targets in all activities

ƒ 50% gender equity targets in all appointments

ƒ Defined leadership of equity and diversity for the Centre, including planning

ƒ Training on language, equity and racial bias

ƒ Targeted professional training for PhDs & ECRs

ƒ 50/50 equity on Executive Committee

ƒ 50/50 equity in Signature Lecturers

ƒ 65% women speakers for Internal Seminar

ƒ Commencement of GEDI Committee

ƒ Existing GEDI Plan is morphed into GEDI Strategic Plan

3: To provide thought leadership and deep technical training to students and the industry

ƒ Monthly Signature Lectures from industry and academic thought-leaders

ƒ Technical and training seminars to all members of the Centre

ƒ Professional training for all students and industry members

ƒ Cross-university engagement of all PhD students

ƒ Continuation of monthly Signature Lectures

ƒ PhD & ECR visits between COEMinerals university nodes

ƒ Commencement of the ‘Future Leaders Program’ incorporating, technical and professional training

4: To establish strong links between the minerals industry, community and researchers

ƒ Strategic advisory board inclusive of key industry leaders

ƒ Industry involved in >50% of PhD projects

ƒ Involvement of industry in all seminars and training activities

ƒ Flexibility to produce new technical innovation delivery programs

ƒ Industry involved at COEMinerals conferences, workshops and symposiums

ƒ Industry site visits by COEMinerals members

Prof Mohsen Yahyaei delivering technical training at the COEMinerals Annual Conference Industry Involvement - Dr Verity Normington, Kevin Barber & Craig Wilson at the Annual Conference Visiting IAP Chair Prof Cyril O’Connor with L/Prof Graeme Jameson and Director L/Prof Kevin Galvin Industry site visits - Glencore Mt Isa Monash visit to UQ


“Our approach is process application driven, and as such, we conduct problem-solving research with tangible outcomes for industry.”

Dr Erica Avelar (Curtin)

“ The UQ node has had a very productive year, particularly in the sphere of outreach, education and inter-node collaboration.”

A/Prof Liza Forbes (UQ)

“Internode collaboration brings people with different but complementary skills and talents together to reach a better end. Our research directly contributes to the recovery of minerals that will shape future technology.”

A/Prof Seher Ata (UNSW)

"A highlight was the transfer of Reflux Classifier technology to other nodes in a collaborative effort to facilitate broader deployment of this novel technology."

A/Prof Elham Doroodchi (UON)

“There have been many memorable moments and highlights at UoA in 2022, including UoA officially joining the Centre as a node.”

Prof Chun-Xia Zhao (UoA)

“2022 has been a great year for the UniSA node, particularly in the development and success of our researchers and progress toward our GEDI goals.”

Prof Bill Skinner (UniSA)

“Being part of the #COEMineralsFamily gave us some fantastic opportunities in 2022. As one of the Centre’s smallest nodes, the highlights for Deakin in 2022 centred on our collaborations and the way they have flourished this year. ”

Dr Ellen Moon (Deakin)

“This year has been fantastic and much exciting research progress has occurred in 2022 at the UOM node.”

Prof George Franks (UOM)

"A highlight of 2022 was the opportunity for our bio-inspired RAFT polymers to be tested in multiple COEMinerals nodes (UQ, UON, Deakin, UOM, UniSA) for mineral separations, as well as internationally for lithium ion flotation work at Helmholtz Institute Freiberg, Germany."

Prof San H.Thang (Monash)


University of Melbourne

Node’s key focus: Chemical engineering

Technology & invention

Highlights of 2022

ƒ High pressure dewatering rolls equipment underwent a major upgrade and has been used to evaluate a tailings sample of a major multinational minerals company. The result has been to produce tailings with unprecedented low water content

Team milestones

ƒ UOM had a full cohort of PhD students for the first time this year. Several have progressed past their first year confirmation

Sector engagement

ƒ Ten node members visited Fosterville gold mine in Victoria, enabling students to see how their research is applied in industrial settings

Collaboration in action

ƒ Skill sharing: The team made and welcomed several visits between nodes including UON, UOM, UQ and Monash along with frequent visits from the Deakin researchers

University of Newcastle

Node’s key focus: Chemical engineering, modelling and fluid mechanics

Technology & invention

Highlights of 2022

ƒ Technology transfer: REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC) technology was disseminated to UQ and UniSA, Monash and Curtin to support research occurring as part of Projects 21 & 22 and the Sink-Hole Fluidiser was sent to Curtin (Projects 16 & 17)

Sector engagement

ƒ Hosted the 3-day ‘International RFC Upscaling Symposium’ where we welcomed industry and sustainability experts from Australia and around the world, as well as research presentations from multiple members representing different nodes

Community outreach

ƒ Conducted numerous lab tours for visiting Board & International Advisory Panel visitors, as well as wide-ranging government and industry representatives and trade delegations

Deakin University

Node’s key focus: Earth sciences and mineral surface chemistry separations using novel reagents

Collaboration in action

Highlights of 2022

ƒ Skill sharing: Deakin members have a close and collaborative working relationship with UOM. Centre members travel between nodes to make use of lab & facilities that one university has, but the other doesn’t, and to train each other in specific techniques.

ƒ Deakin welcomed teams from the UON to the Geelong campus to tour labs and utilise facilities to benefit joint projects

Community engagement

ƒ Participated in ‘Girls in Physics’ school outreach and hosted a ‘Girls in STEM’ work experience day

ƒ Provided tours and presentations to Geelong Manufacturing Council’s ‘Geelong Future Leaders of Industry’ and ‘Girls Leading Advanced Manufacturing’ (GFLOI & GLAM) programs for Y10-12 students

University of South Australia

Node’s key focus: Flotation, mineral surface chemistry, spectroscopy & physical chemistry (bubble-surface and droplet interfaces)

Highlights of 2022

Technology & invention

ƒ Technology transfer: UniSA received and installed a laboratory REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC)

ƒ A new Profile Analysis Tensiometer (PAT) was acquired

Team milestones & thought leadership

ƒ Skill sharing: UQ node members visited UniSA for training on contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS)

ƒ Prof Bill Skinner participated in Commonwealth Government Critical Minerals Strategy Roundtable

Sector engagement

ƒ 33rd Australian Colloid and Surface Science Student Conference was organised by UniSA node members A/Prof Marta Krasowska and Dr Amir Beheshti

ƒ Dr Asamoah (AI) leads successful Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Grant, “Advanced recovery of the battery materials and REE from ores and wastes”. UniSA node: Asamoah (AI), Abaka-Wood (ECR), Skinner (CI)

University of Queensland

Node’s key focus: Flotation & mineral surface chemistry

Highlights of 2022

Curtin University

Node’s key focus: Process Systems and Chemical Engineering

Highlights of 2022

Technology & invention

ƒ Completed a series of in-depth technology reviews, including:

- A comprehensive review of aerosol collector addition in the context of fluidised bed technology was conducted, with the findings presented to a group of industry representatives

- A comprehensive review of techniques for assessing and measuring the effect of mineral texture on random and non-random breakage

Technology & invention

ƒ Technology transfer: Sink-Hole Fluidiser received from UON

Collaboration in action

ƒ Curtin has two collaborative projects with UON associated with testing and computer modelling/data analytics informing technology development and industry application

Collaboration in action

ƒ Hosted other node members for flotation laboratory techniques training and collaboration discussions, including, UOM and Monash and Prof Chris Aldrich, Curtin node was a Visiting Prof in the second semester of 2022

Community outreach

ƒ Wide-ranging community outreach activities including:

- Science and Engineering Challenge participation

- Centre members demonstrated minerals processing laboratory experiments to a school group and followed up with presentation on overview of how metals go from being in the ground to becoming end products

University of New South Wales

Node’s key focus: Froth Flotation Systems

Highlights of 2022

University of Adelaide

Node’s key focus: Bio-inspired engineering

Highlights of 2022

Collaboration in action

ƒ UNSW hosted Monash members and provided flotation lecturing to the wider research group via Teams. Work is in progress to characterise their frother/collector samples at UNSW

Monash University

Node’s key focus: Polymer chemistry & RAFT Polymerisation

Highlights of 2022

Technology & invention

ƒ UoA has a new, fit-for-purpose laboratory for COEMinerals work. The team is currently filing patents for technology developed in the lab

Team milestones

ƒ Node leader Prof Chun-Xia Zhao started her prestigious National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Leadership Fellowship (2022-2026)

Community outreach

ƒ Wilderness high school students visited UoA as part of student work experience, where they saw the bio-engineering work we do in the lab

Technology & invention

ƒ World first, Bio-inspired RAFT polymer invention and application testing for use in minerals processing Identification and development of bio-inspired synthetic pigments as responsive froth and flotation agents

Collaboration in action

ƒ Monash team has a collaboration with UoA on bringing the best of both worlds of RAFT polymers and peptides for minerals beneficiation. We also work closely with team members in UON and UQ nodes

ƒ Design and synthesise RAFT polymers and reagents that are used collaboratively with various Projects in the Centre

ƒ Collaborative agreement implemented for access to CSIRO Rapid Automated Materials and Processing Centre (RAMP) for high throughput synthesis of bio-inspired responsive flotation agents


As Centre Director Kevin Galvin shares:

The Centre’s research approach and industry-ready solutions represent a step-change in academic-industry collaboration and implementation, helping to fast track the positive impact of new minerals processing innovation and technologies.

COEMinerals works hand-in-hand with industry partners and others to understand challenges, improve techniques, test solutions and drive transformation of the METS sector in Australia and around the world. The Centre leverages the knowledge, skills and knowhow of some of Australia’s – indeed the world’s – leading scientists representing diverse areas of specialisation.

Collectively, COEMinerals members work on a wide spectrum of projects from blue-sky, to proof of concept and the pathway from invention to patent and commercialisation.

This section showcases case studies and partner contributions of some of COEMinerals’ current research projects and technology evolution delivering meaningful outcomes for students and influencing sustainable change in the minerals industry.

“We cannot transform industry alone.”
Technology and Skill Sharing: Sink-Hole Fluidiser 21 Multi-disciplinary, Multi-node Discovery: Rare Earth Elements 23 Influencing Change in Australia & Beyond: International Reflux Flotation Cell Upscaling Symposium 25 Impacting Sector Transformation: From the Academic Mind to the Mine Site Successful Commercialisation with Jord 27 29


Sharing newly invented technology and associated knowledge and skills across multiple node universities and team members has many benefits, including:

ƒ Centre members gain the ability to work on cutting edge technologies in mineral processing

ƒ Researchers build ‘hands on’ familiarity and skills with Centre-developed innovation and research infrastructure

ƒ It expands research possibilities. Different, complementary testing applications can roll out concurrently

ƒ It fuels close collaboration and delivers a more cohesive approach to research programs within the Centre overall

ƒ It raises the overall awareness of Centre innovation, as each node has unique institutional/METS networks; an important step in the technology development life cycle

ƒ Accelerating the pace of learning and novel technology development timelines may enable the Centre to address and solve problems in the mining industry faster than single-node approaches

Advancing blue-sky technology

The Sink-Hole Fluidiser is a novel dry separation technology that produces sharp separations based on mineral density, originating from the Centre’s UON node. It is being shared in the form of a physical set-up at Curtin (as part of ‘Project 16’) for further testing. Parallel workflow accelerates the pace of learning, and ideally, helps to move the invention towards the next stage of development.

The novel technology goes beyond water reduction benefits during beneficiation, as it needs no water for dense mineral separation. Using a ‘dry separation’ technique, it predominantly uses gently upward flowing air and vibrations (energy/signals) to sort and separate dense mineral particles, leveraging the principle that gangue (waste) and mineral particles have different densities.

Earlier Sink-Hole Fluidiser technology tests with sand/silica were relatively simplistic. Current multinode trials test the physical separation of actual gold ores, representing the next phase of scientific research. Simulating industry application enables better understanding about and optimisation of how the device works.

Computational modelling and simulation are also occurring at both UON and Curtin nodes, which enables better understanding of the behaviour of the physical system.

Large reductions in energy (and, it goes without saying, water) consumption can be made using the device and delivers very ‘sharp’ or ‘clean’ separations of dense mineral particles during the early stage of processing. This is very exciting from a research point of view, and very interesting to industry. Other techniques available today cannot efficiently separate dense mineral like low-grade gold ores in this way.

The combined insights of physical testing and computational modelling help discover the further potential of the technology and build a case for future industrial trials, and perhaps one day technology commercialisation and application in industry. So far proof of concept for the technology

has between established (to a TRL between 2 and 3).

According to Prof Chris Aldrich: “Having the new technology at Curtin paves the way for closer involvement of industry on the campus site, and with the WA School of Mining’s industrial partners, as we further test and refine the device to help solve industry and environmental challenges with the equipment being used today.”

Collaborative & connected ways of working

Prof Chris Aldrich says, “This project is redefining the state-of-the-art through innovative exploitation of some of the complex physical phenomena associated with granular fluid flow.”

Enabling multiple project team members access to the technology helps establish what may become a major new, Centre-developed technology.

Sharing the experimental device and related computational research across nodes provides enhanced lab test opportunities and brings the increased capacity for parallel research beyond any one campus or team. It also expands the amount of physical experimentation and data generation, fast tracking the learning through parallel experimentations and further validation of the model. It also upskills multiple Centre teams on novel minerals processing techniques.

“Working with the technology builds new skills, which are supported in-person visits where members work closely and collaboratively across nodes. Further the experience gained can be applied


to other Centre projects,” Prof Chris Aldrich shared.

The combination of physical experimental and computational modelling being conducted at both UON and Curtin provides insights into the fundamental mechanisms of separation, drawing on different but complementary data points from advanced sensors and application of data analytics in both systems.

The multiple diagnostic and predictive insights from the numerical modelling are shared among the group, guiding future physical experimental work, enabling the systems to be optimised while guiding equipment development. The combined and collaborative approach contributes to validating the model.

Curtin-based researchers are conducting fundamental research in modelling of granular fluid flow and gaining first-hand insights into fluid flow phenomena and vibration signals through proprietary data algorithms.

Next steps

As more data is collected - from the physical research being undertaken at UON and Curtinthere is potential for machine learning to be applied. Soon, modelling will be able to simulate and predict the results of physical experiments (in Project 16 and related Project 17) with potential application for other Centre projects over time.

The next phase of the Sink-Hole Fluidiser technology development will be validation under continuous steady-state conditions. Positive results for this phase could lead to up-scaling, ultimately with wide-reaching implications for technology application beyond gold for separation of other high-density particles, including many critical minerals.

How the Sink-Hole Fluidiser Works

ƒ The device utilises a fluidised bed with vibration applied as an additional energy source to disrupt the tendency of the excess air to pass through as ‘bubbles’, although there is no water present. It consists of a pair of fine mesh screen mounted on top of a vibrated ‘fluidised bed’. The upper mesh contains a large hole in its centre, referred to as a ‘sink-hole’

ƒ A combination of vibration and gently upward flowing air fluidises the granular media, inducing a specific state of stress. The ‘media’ consists of fine sand

ƒ Once vibrated, the fine particles expand up and through the large sink-hole spreading across the upper mesh

ƒ Some of the large particles (only those with highest density) sift back down into the lower bed

- The density of the large particles at the mouth of the sink-hole exceed the bulk density of the fluidised medium, and often also the density of the granular particles in the bed. Despite this, particles denser than the medium float, while those of even higher density sink. The fact that the separation density is higher than the density of the medium is unexpected. Our goal is to establish why such a high separation density can be achieved, and to control the separation density.

ƒ By adjusting the mix of vibration, the velocity of the upward flowing air and mass of media, it is possible to vary the separation density

ECR Dr Tariqul Islam (UON) demonstrates the Sink-Hole Fluidiser


World first chemistry and biopolymer solutions are solving a Rare Earth Elements (REE) separation problem

In 2022 COEMinerals began applying research fundamentals and findings from its ‘Thermodynamic Guidance of RAFT polymerisation to control hydrophobicity at mineral surfaces’ project (Project 42) specifically to REE to solve a so-far intractable problem.

Project 42 research combines scientific discovery with industry application. The Centre works in close collaboration with industry project partner/s and involves multiple Centre nodes. It is truly multidisciplinary, tapping into the skills and experience of the Centre’s team including mineralogy, molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry, biochemistry, bio-engineering, interfacial characterisation and theoretical modelling techniques. The project team is spread across UON, UniSA, UoA and Monash nodes.

The world urgently needs a more effective and efficient way to recover REE

Rare earths predominantly comprise 15 elements of the lanthanides series 4 in the periodic table, and their efficient and effective separation during minerals processing is an unsolved global problem.

REE are fundamental to the development of ‘clean-energy’ as an essential component of the permanent magnets (as used in wind turbine

generators and in the motors that power electric vehicles 5), along with applications in medical and high-tech devices (like mobile phones). Their use offers a path to achieve a lower carbon future.

Some fast facts showcasing demand:

ƒ Global demand for REE doubled in the 15 years to 2021, reaching 125,000 tonnes per year 6 .

ƒ Global consumption reached 164,000 tonnes of total rare earth oxide (TREO) in 2022 7 .

ƒ REE demand is forecast to reach 315,000 tonnes per year by 2030 8 .

ƒ The energy sector’s overall needs for critical minerals could increase by as much as six times by 2040 9

If predictions are correct, REE supply may not meet future demand.

Solving the separation problem

The primary challenge is to recover a high proportion of the high-value minerals that comprise a relatively small portion of the total ore body. At this point in time, there is no clear way to proceed with this first and crucial stage of beneficiation. Several other groups around the world have examined the problem and not succeeded.

COEMinerals is taking an entirely new approach, firstly grinding to liberate and then hydrodynamically fractionating the ore into multiple and very clean, fractions. These will be investigated for their rare




earth mineral (REM) content.

The interaction of the mineral surfaces with the COEMinerals derived RAFT polymers and biopolymers is being investigated as a way to selectively recover REM. The goal is to identify how best to achieve the first stage extraction. These steps will be guided by thermodynamics, through Density Functional Theory simulations. The new techniques are currently being lab-tested and represent a ground-breaking approach towards unlocking new beneficiation processes for REM separation. If no solution can be found, then there will be no development of the resource.

Project 42 draws on the skills of a multi-discipline, multi-node scientific research team, leveraging experience in:

ƒ Beneficiation technology commencing with fine grinding, utilising precise desliming techniques, flotation techniques, and magnetic separation

ƒ Computational modelling

ƒ RAFT polymer and biopolymer development, and

ƒ Mineral surface characterisation techniques

The project approach is aptly described by Prof Alister Page, UON:

“We’re like The Beatles; better together” .






ƒ Conducts computational chemistry modelling to help determine what functional group of polymers will specifically attach/bind to the surfaces of the REM. They help predict activity and interfacial structure of new RAFT polymers and biopolymers, which will be grafted to mineral surfaces in later stages of the research

ƒ The computer simulations are constantly updated based on latest test results, helping to inform the ongoing synthetic development of new polymers and experimental investigations

ƒ Advanced methods of desliming with hydrodynamic fractionation deliver the clean components needed to firstly determine the location and concentration of the rare earth minerals. This phase is coupled with grinding to promote liberation

ƒ This preparation is essential for investigating the suite of chemicals informed by the computational chemistry

ƒ The component samples are shared across the team

Monash and UoA

The COEMinerals bio-chemistry team, working across two nodes, is informed by the computer modelling and mineral separation results to drive the molecular design of new RAFT and peptide and protein molecules.


In parallel, these Centre members are drawing on their knowledge of physical and chemical processes of mineral surfaces and interfaces to also explore the potential for using magnetic separation to extract rare earth minerals.

Next steps

In 2023, UON and UniSA node teams will extend testing to explore the potential of using the Graviton technology to achieve desliming, agglomeration, and the REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC) in combination with magnetic separation in industrial-lab test environments to maximise the recovery and grade of the rare earth minerals.

Photo credit: Adele Seymon, Interim CEO Copper for Tomorrow CRC bid


Centre technology is set to transform minerals processing on a global scale

COEMinerals extended its international connections and industry influence by hosting the ‘International RFC Upscaling Symposium’ at UON in October 2022. Finding ways to fast track the widespread implementation of the new minerals processing technology was a key discussion topic for the international symposium.

This event featured COEMinerals researchers presenting their latest work and demonstrating the REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC) technology, along with industry speakers and the support of Centre industry partner FLSmidth.

The event attracted industrial and academic interest, with attendees representing fourteen organisations and eight countries, including

EIT RawMaterials is an Innovation Community within the EIT It provides a collaborative environment for disruptive and breakthrough innovations by connecting more than 300 partners from industry, academia, research, and investment. It is supporting the RFC project and noting “The RFC requires 30% less Capex and 20% less Opex compared to the existing flotation technologies. The new design allows higher throughputs, a broader particle size distribution and recovery of finer particles.”

Australia and Europe-based minerals sustainability experts. It was also the first in-person meeting between the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) RFC Upscaling consortium members.

Presentations, including fundamental and industrial studies, were delivered by experts from both academia and industry. Potential collaborations on the RFC development and wider areas of mineral processing technology were discussed, building worldwide awareness of the ground-breaking technologies from the Centre.

COEMinerals Director, L/Prof Kevin Galvin commented: “The international interest we are seeing from global sustainability leaders indicates the minerals sector is ready to adapt and evolve.”

Commenting on the value and impact of the event, COEMinerals ECR Dr Peipei Wang, a lead organiser of the Symposium, commented: “Organising and presenting at the event was an exciting opportunity as part of my ECR experience at the Centre. As a result, my communication, negotiation and problem-solving skills have greatly improved. The event also prompted close communications between COEMinerals’ researchers, and with EIT RFC Upscaling consortium members. Further development of Centre technologies will help transform the minerals industry to become more sustainable, saving water and energy and significantly reducing the environmental footprint of

mining. Since the event, more RFC units have been tested on mine sites, with further possibilities of collaboration and implementation being explored as a result.”

Lance Christodoulou, Global Product Line Manager for REFLUX™ Technologies at FLSmidth noted the new technology, “..not only offers faster recovery of valuable minerals, but at enhanced product grades”.

He added: “Events like this help us spread the word about the benefits for industry adoption. It was an amazing opportunity to share learnings and strengthen relationships in the Centre and industry. After our time spent together, we left with an even clearer vision of how to reach our combined goals of reducing energy and resources used in global mining .”

The RFC is a flotation technology device invented by Centre Director L/Prof Kevin Galvin in collaboration with Centre partner FLSmidth, a global leader in supplying mineral processing equipment. The RFC can extract ultrafine mineral particles previously lost as a tailings waste. Using less energy and producing less waste, it is faster at recovering more minerals than previous methods.



Demonstrating the potential of the REFLUX™ Flotation Cell in collaboration with FLSmidth

(Centre industry partner) FLSmidth is one of the leading technology and service suppliers to the global mining and cement industries. With a history stretching back to 1882, the company has a long tradition of industry-shaping innovation. Its focus in recent years has been the development of solutions to support the shift to sustainable mining.

Under its MissionZero program, the company has set a target to make zero-emission and zero-water waste mining a reality by 2030.

Central to MissionZero is the need to do more with less: to improve mineral recovery while at the same time reducing energy, water, and other inputs. It is a mission that aligns perfectly with the research goals of COEMinerals.

Improving mineral flotation

With such similar philosophies, it is perhaps no surprise that FLSmidth – with its strong presence in the Australian mining industry – has partnered with COEMinerals to commercialise the REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC) technology.

The RFC concept was developed by academics at the UON to deliver a step-change in flotation cell productivity. It is a frothless system able to operate at levels of gas, feed, and fluidisation water flux far above conventional flotation cells. It can thus

deliver fast and effective flotation performance that pushes the boundaries of concentration grade, recovery, and throughput.

The result is a seven to tenfold reduction in required flotation volumes. Ultimately, this offers flotation with significantly lower air and water consumption when compared to conventional systems; no direct power input, reducing flotation energy demand; and reduced plant footprint and capital costs.

Passing the test

However, it is not until a technology faces realworld testing that its true worth is known. Fortunately, (FLSmidth) pilot trials through 2021 and 2022 have shown that the RFC lives up to its potential. Testing took place at Australian copper and North American molybdenum applications. During these trials, the RFC pilot plants demonstrated the ability to reduce energy consumption by 60%, CO2 emissions by 60%, and plant footprint by 50% compared to traditional flotation cells. It also delivered significant process benefits that resulted in a 5-8% improvement in recovery and 10% increase in throughput.

COEMinerals member Dr Simon Iveson working on the RFC at site

Spreading the word in Australia and beyond

FLSmidth is actively promoting the RFC within the global mining industry with a wide range of activities across various platforms. It has also been integrated into the company’s ‘mine of the future’ flow sheet, the MissionZero Mine.

The FLSmidth team were also present at the RFC Upscaling Symposium, hosted at UON and bringing together consortium partners from COEMinerals, EIT RawMaterials, and industry. The five-day event included presentations and lab visits that ranged from basic theory to practical process assessment.

Next steps

Work on RFC upscaling is continuing. The next stage involves feasibility testing at larger-scale copper and iron ore mine sites in Poland and Sweden, along with interest from a nickel site in

Australia. Experimental and modelling work to further scale-up the design will also continue, on top of life cycle assessment, as the consortium works toward commercialisation of the technology at a global level. “FLSmidth is committed to enabling a sustainable mining future, but we also know we cannot do this alone,” said Lance Christodoulou, Global Product Line Manager, REFLUX Technologies at FLSmidth.

He added: “Collaboration with partners such as COEMinerals are vital to fasttrack technology development and see it adopted into industry. With its potential to revolutionise mineral flotation, RFC is an exciting case in point, and we look forward to continuing our strong relationship with COEMinerals to implement the technology at a commercial scale.”

We acknowledge FLSmidth as the author of this section-content and note that any test/ research data or information provided by FLSmidth has not been peer reviewed.


The next 30 years will see massive energy investment as the world shifts from the fuels of the 20 th  Century, to meet the renewable energy needs of the 21 st

(Centre industry partner) Jord International (Jord) is pioneering new technologies required for this transition and improving existing technologies to minimise their impact. The Company’s priorities include focusing on technology innovations that deliver critical minerals and power new energy

solutions in an efficient, cost-effective and sustainable manner; and ensuring brownfield solutions allow existing process plant to run more efficiently, thereby lowering emissions and extending plant life.

Jord celebrated 50 years of business in 2022 and it was successful in progressing two important new technologies towards commercialisation: NovaCell™ and XtractOre™.

Jord General Manager of Resources Kevin Barber says the company’s full-time on-campus presence at the UON has been key: “The daily interaction under an embedded partnership model with COEMinerals has allowed us to be a very hands-on partner with the ability to influence changes,” said Mr Barber.

“We also participated in the COEMinerals Annual Conference, interacting with the full team of academics and students, which provided a terrific environment for real engagement between industry partners, academics, students, government leaders and indigenous community leaders.”

In 2022, Jord (backed by funding from ACARP) collaborated closely to break ground on a full-scale XtractOre™ 500 m 3 per hour demonstration plant at a site in New South Wales (NSW), Australia.

Based largely on work led by Centre Director, L/Prof Kevin Galvin, XtractOre™ is a novel agglomeration technology that could ultimately “deliver a 10 to 100 fold increase in the speed of fine particle separation” compared to traditional flotation technology. The demonstration plant is expected to become operational in 2023.

Jord also secured an order to design and deliver a pilot-scale NovaCell™ unit for evaluations at multiple customer sites with a goal to confirm the technology benefits for a variety of high value mineral processing commodities, as well as securing government funding to deliver a fullscale NovaCell™ module at an Australian mining operation. As a winner of the NSW Critical Minerals and High-Tech Activation Fund (Stream 2), Jord received funding to deliver the first NovaCell™ demonstration plant, which will commence in 2022 and is expected to be completed in 2025. These developments represent significant progress towards the commercialisation and industrywide acceptance of the exciting new technology created by Centre Chief Investigator L/Prof Graeme Jameson.

Jord Technology Manager – Flotation, Sherwin Morgan, says receiving government funding for a demonstration plant is a significant milestone. “It’s a massive step forward in the commercialisation of the technology. It also acknowledges the NovaCell™’s potential to support the growth of the critical minerals industry and provide long-term benefits both locally and abroad,” said Mr Morgan.


Mr Barber says NovaCell™ stands to make huge energy and water savings for the resources industry.

“The NovaCell™ provides efficient coarse and fine particle flotation recovery in one device, which allows mine operators to reject a significant portion of feed early on, while maintaining good recoveries,” says Mr Barber.

“As a result, you can reduce energy consumption, target higher mill throughputs, and install smaller downstream equipment.”

“In addition to greatly improving recoveries, it produces a coarse tail for modern tailings management practices, such as belt filtration and dry stacking.”

Reflecting broader industry acceptance of the new technologies, Jord was announced as a winner of the ‘OZ Minerals Think and Act Differently Waste to Value Challenge’ and it developed a

new partnership with a commercial laboratory to support an increase in market interest. Jord’s team also grew with the appointment of University of Newcastle’s Lonn Cooper, bringing 16 years of NovaCell™ experience to continue supporting the product development and commercialisation.

We acknowledge Jord International as the author of this section-content and note that any test/research data or information provided has not been peer reviewed.

“COEMinerals is a vibrant research community determined to accelerate the realisation of the ‘zero emission mine’. We bring together expertise in the design of microbial-expressed peptide sequences, with the world’s pre-eminent polymer and physical chemists, and draw on more than 200 years of engineering capability to conceive, develop and implement ground-breaking innovation and technological solutions to impact transformative change in the global minerals industry. In doing so, we develop new scientific knowledge and empower the next generation of sector leaders.”

Program 1 Overview Project Summaries 33 35 Program 2 Overview Project Summaries 45 47 Program 3 Overview Project Summaries 51 53


Research Program Leaders

Laureate Professor Kevin Galvin, Laureate Professor Graeme Jameson and Professor Bill Skinner


Program 1 comprises 32 projects across four subprograms, aimed at reducing energy and water consumption, while maximising the recovery of the resource to deliver high-grade product. Additionally, characterisation tools are being developed to investigate mineral properties and separation processes. Below are some key highlights.

Characterising bulk and surface properties of minerals (Projects 1-8)

ƒ High Resolution X-ray Microtomography (HRXMT) analysis methodology has succeeded in producing partition curves for describing mineral separations, in close agreement with traditional float-and-sink methods but requiring less time.

ƒ A methodology has been developed to follow the changing pulp/surface chemistry of mineral particles as a function of size and time during grinding.

Pre-concentration through coarse particle beneficiation to reduce the need for grinding (Projects 9-18)

ƒ A new algorithm has been developed to allow universal comparison of flotation separation efficiency, based on rate constants.

ƒ A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model has been developed that can accurately predict the turbulence distribution in a large laboratory flotation cell.

ƒ Novel coarse particle flotation technologies supported by industry partners are progressing to pilot scale.

Fine particle separations to achieve faster and more efficient separations (Projects 19-27)

ƒ A multiphase CFD model has been developed to study the bubble plume dispersion behaviour in the top fluidised bed section of a REFLUXTM Flotation Cell (RFC).

ƒ Theoretical work on permeable interfaces has confirmed and supported the observed high capture rates of hydrophobic, ultrafine mineral particles using the novel emulsion binder system.

ƒ The Concorde CellTM has been installed in Western Australia for full-scale application.

ƒ Pilot scale trials of the Reflux Classifier to investigate the benefits of the new channel spacing in recovering fine manganese have commenced on Groote Eylandt following industry-supported Centre research.

Solid-liquid separations to eliminate tailings dams

(Projects 28-32)

ƒ Successful demonstration of permeable oil film aggregation and densification in a helical uplift pelletiser has been achieved.

ƒ A series of dewatering reagent molecules have been successfully shown to enhance dewatering of fine mineral tailings slurries under g-forces such that their subsequent rheological properties may enable effective and safe disposal.

Some objectives for 2023:

The Centre will host an international symposium on flotation science and engineering innovation in July, attracting leading researchers from around the world.

Development of a new Graviton technology prototype with FLSmidth for the purpose of large scale and efficient desliming at 10 microns applicable to many problems in minerals processing.

Construction of a continuous flow pelletiser system for aggregation and densification, using permeable oil film emulsions.

Demonstration of recovery and mass balance of coarse magnetic-matrix synthetic composite particles from HydroFloatTM fluidised-bed flotation. Advancing the recovery and upgrading of Cassiterite (Tin) from NSW tailings dam, and in turn solving a longstanding intractable problem, paving the way to addressing many other similar challenges.


Personnel involved in Program

1 for 2022

Chief Investigators

Prof Chris Aldrich, Curtin

A/Prof Seher Ata, UNSW

Dr Susana Brito e Abreu, UQ

A/Prof Elham Doroodchi, UON

Prof Geoffrey Evans, UON

Dr Mahshid Firouzi, UON

A/Prof Liza Forbes, UQ

Prof George Franks, UOM

L/Prof Kevin Galvin, UON

Prof Karen Hapgood, Swin

Dr Peter Ireland, UON

L/Prof Graeme Jameson, UON

A/Prof Marta Krasowska, UniSA

Dr Angus Morrison, UQ

Prof Anh Nguyen, UQ

Prof Alister Page, UON

Prof Vishnu Pareek, Curtin

Prof Yongjun Peng, UQ

A/Prof Kym Runge, UQ

Prof Peter Scales, UOM

Prof Bill Skinner, UniSA

Dr Anthony Stickland, UOM

Prof Grant Webber, UON

Prof Ken Williams, UON

A/Prof Mohsen Yahyaei, UQ

Associate Investigators

Dr Richmond Asamoah, UniSA

Dr Ghislain Bournival, UNSW

Dr Cathy Evans, UQ

Dr Eirini Goudeli, UOM

Dr Teresa McGrath, Curtin

Dr Peter Sherell, UOM

Dr Liguang Wang, UQ

A/Prof Max Zanin, UniSA

Research Associates

Dr George Abaka-Wood, UniSA

Dr Erica Avelar, Curtin

Dr Bellson Awatey, UQ

Dr Karina Barbosa, UQ

Dr Tejas Bhatelia, Curtin

Dr Wonder Chimonyo, UQ

Dr Matt Cole, UON

Dr Farhana Diba, UQ

Dr Marko Hilden, UQ

Dr Mohammad Hoque, UON

Dr Dusan Ilic, UON

Dr Tariqul Islam, UON

Dr Simon Iveson, UON

Dr+ Saeed Kia, UQ

Dr Aleksej Lavrinec, UON

Dr Subhasish Mitra, UON

Dr Conrad Ndimande, UQ

Dr Duc Ngo-Cong, UQ

Dr Cuong Nguyen, UQ

Dr Ngoc Nguyen, UQ

Dr Tuan Nguyen, UQ

Dr Francisco Reyes, UQ

Dr Joshua Sovechles, UON

Dr Peipei Wang, UON

Dr James Zhao, UON

Research Assistants

Mr Joshua Brown, UON

Dr Shaolei Gai, UON

Dr Xiu Liu, Curtin

Dr Joshua Sutherland, UON

Ms Kitty Tang, UON

Miss Ai Wang, UON

PhD Students

Mr Bernard Selasie Agbenuvor, Curtin

Miss Margaret Amosah, UON

Mr Sayed Anzoom, UNSW

Ms Linda Ayedzi, UniSA

Mrs Carolina Macarena Carvajal, UQ

Mr Jiarui Chen, UQ

Mr Mitchell Craig, Curtin

Mr Luke Crompton, UON

Mr James Dankwah, UniSA

Mr Quang Dao, UQ

Mr Daniel Dodoo, UOM

Mr Andrew Doi, UQ

Miss Jackquline Eardley, UOM

Mr Virat Gurung, UON

Mr Sajid Hassan, UOM

Mr Minuk Jung, UNSW

Mr Syam Murali Mohan, UON

Mr Nhat Nguyen, UQ

Miss Thao Nguyen, UQ

Miss Annabelle Niu, UQ

Mr Noyan Palabiyik, UON

Mrs Siân Parkes, UON

Mr Joshua Starrett, UON

Mr Brady Wright, UON

Ms Meolla Yvon, UON

Mr Abdullaziz Zakari UON

Mr Lequan Zeng, UOM

Technical Staff

Mr Raul Cavalida, UOM

Ms Laura Jukes, UOM

Mr Antonio Moreno, UON

Undergraduate Students

Ethan Tan, Curtin

Josafat Guintu, Curtin

Emily Stiller, UON

Emma Gibbs, UON

Harrison Lack, UON

Isaac De Maria, UON

Thomas Mayer, UON

Maverick Perram, UON

William Tonniges, UON

Amanat Chaman, UON

Cover Art: Interparticle Repulsion of Microparticles Delivered

a Pendent

by an Electric

PhD Luke Crompton (UON) (re: Project 14) to Drop Field. Langmuir Benjamin T. Lobel, Erica J. Wanless et al., 2022 , 38, 670.

Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics


P1.1 Quantifying Bulk and Surface Properties of Minerals

1 Application of X-ray CT scanning in describing mineral surface liberation with increasing grinding and applied breakage mechanisms

Leader: Prof Bill Skinner (UniSA)

Key Personnel:

Prof Mohsen Yahyaei (UQ)

Dr Catherine Evans, AI (UQ)

This project combines tomography and microscopy on ores to understand mineral deportment in coarse composite particles. Computed Tomography (CT) data has been collected using Xradia MicroXCT-400 sample preparation methodology developed using reference mineral materials. Parallel Quantitative Evaluation of Materials by Scanning Electron Microscopy (QEMSCAN) samples have been prepared for analysis. This will be followed by CT and QEMSCAN/optical analysis of synthetic, coarse composites. In the future, there is also an opportunity to investigate and apply a fast analysis methodology, previously developed by Associate Investigator, A/Prof Max Zanin and colleagues.

2 Application of X-ray CT scanning in describing partition curves of mineral separators

Leader: Prof Anh V Nguyen (UQ)

Key Personnel:

Dr Catherine Evans, AI (UQ)

Prof Jan Miller, AI (Uni of Utah)

PhD Student:

Quang Dao (UQ)

The project is developing an alternative to traditional Float-and-Sink (F-S) testing for the construction of methods used to generate partition curves. Samples of the feed, overflow and underflow streams of the preconcentration Pb-Zn ore circuit were scanned by X-Ray Computed Tomography (XRCT) with a new calibration and image analysis process. The samples were also analysed by F-S testing and were chemically assayed to develop a full size-by-size mass balance and reconciliation. The mass yield of the continuous separation process was determined, which is required for constructing the partition curves. Good agreement between the XRCT-based and the F-S based cumulative and partition curves was obtained, indicating the XRCT technology as a potential to replace conventional F-S analysis. The XRCT technology has potential to provide faster feedback than the F-S.

3 The manipulation and analysis of data from XRCT to quantify mineral surface liberation, with a particular focus on fine particle characterisation


A/Prof Kym Runge (UQ)

Key Personnel:

Dr Catherine Evans, AI (UQ)

Dr Francisco Reyes, RA (UQ)

Prof Stephen Neethling, AI (Imperial College)

X-Ray Tomography (XRCT) is a non-destructive technique that has the potential to measure the composition and surface exposure of mineral particles using 3D images, overcoming stereological problems associated with 2D imaging. This project aims to test and further develop XRCT for various mineral processing applications. The project has established an engagement with an industrially funded research program to gain access to samples of different ores that have been subjected to breakage and flotation testing. Selected samples have been analysed by microscopy and the next step will be to analyse them using XRCT for comparison. The aim is to determine the mineral identification capability of XRCT and any particle size limitations.


Leader: Prof Mohsen Yahyaei (UQ)

Key Personnel:

Prof Chris Aldrich (Curtin)

Dr Catherine Evans, AI (UQ)

PhD Students:

Carolina Macarena Carvajal (UQ)

Bernard Selasie Agbenuvor (Curtin)

Rock particles are usually composed of minerals in the form of grains. This project investigates fundamentals of particle breakage along the grain boundaries using novel measurement techniques. The project looks to better understand the breakage of coarse particles and the partial liberation of valuable minerals to improve the energy efficiency of mineral processing circuits. Samples from Cu-Co oxide and Cu-Au sulphide ores were selected for exploratory phase and technique validation. Mineral characterisation via scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) together with nanoindentation and optical microscopy was conducted to investigate the mechanical properties such as elasticity, hardness, and fracture toughness in individual minerals to assess ore breakage for the selected samples. This phase of the project is being performed at UQ. Density separation and sample characterisation (size distribution, porosity, hardness, chemical composition, and mineralogy) have been completed at Curtin for both the high and the low gangue rejection response.

Leader: Prof Peter Scales (UOM)

Key Personnel:

A/Prof Liza Forbes (UQ)

Prof George Franks (UOM)

Dr Nathan Webster, PI (CSIRO)

PhD Student: Daniel Dodoo (UOM)

The presence of clays is ubiquitous to a range of mineral deposits. In flotation, clays cause viscosity and surface coating/selectivity issues and for hydrophobic clays, grade penalties in product streams. Fast and efficient characterisation of the amount and type(s) of clays present in a process stream and prediction of the consequences for flotation are still poor.

The initial focus of the work is the role of talc in copper ores and looks to develop new methods of characterisation of the relationship between aspect ratio, crystallinity, size and flotation response. The project is using new methods in XRD inclusive of partial least squares regression (PLSR) along with microscopy and is being conducted in conjunction with CSIRO. The aim is to characterise, predict and then control particle interactions and subsequent downstream effects. A range of clays from around the world and talc containing ores from Australian mines are being used for initial calibration of the technique, alongside laboratory flotation tests.

7 Measurement of surface chemical heterogeneity at the

Leader: Prof Bill Skinner (UniSA)

Key Personnel:

A/Prof Marta Krasowska (UniSA)

Dr Susana Brito e Abreu (UQ)

The research looks to correlate grain boundary analysis using different analytical techniques. A set of experiments has been conducted involving cross-grain boundary correlation of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ToF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy). Preparation of samples from copper sulphide ore (chalcopyrite, pyrite, silicates) is being analysed by Auger Microscopy/SPEEM (Photoemission Electron Microscopy) at UniSA as precursor to a synchrotron beamtime proposal.

4 Investigation of breakage mechanisms on fracture along grain boundaries 6 Characterisation of clays, including the role of salts in copper flotation micron scale

Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics

P1.2 Coarse Particle Separations

9 Enhancement of bubble-particle attachment and recovery at coarse particle size and low surface liberation

Leader: Prof Bill Skinner (UniSA)

Key Personnel: Prof Anh V Nguyen (UQ)

A/Prof Max Zanin, AI (UniSA)

PhD Student: James Dankwah (UniSA)

The project examines the complex interplay between hydrodynamics and pulp/surface chemistry in low-turbulence, froth-free fluidised bed flotation environments. Particle size distributions, composite particles (degree of surface liberation, simple-complex locking), operating parameters and feed preparation (wet, dry, chemistry), together with reagent type and strategy (collector, depressants, frother) are investigated in the context of specific application within flowsheets. Throughout 2022 a synthesis methodology has been developed to include fine magnetite into hydrophilic matrix, allowing enhanced contrast in CT/SEM (Computer Tomography/Scanning Electron Microscopy) and magnetic removal from process streams for analysis, such as concentrate-tailings comparison of surface liberation

10ii Enhancement of bubble-particle attachment and recovery at coarse particle size and low surface liberation - Part 2

Leader: Prof Anh V Nguyen (UQ)

Key Personnel: Prof Bill Skinner (UniSA)

PhD Student: Nhat Nguyen (UQ)

12 Determination of the Umf in fluidised bed flotation Leader:

L/Prof Graeme Jameson (UON)

PhD Student:

Noyan Palabiyik (UOM)

A crucial factor in the effectiveness of coarse particle flotation systems is the attachment of bubbles to surfaces with low surface energy. In this project, the detachment with the bubble necking has been investigated. Special experimental designs and setups are under development to systematically investigate the detachment with composite surfaces, focusing on linking the characteristics of the bubble capillary necks, the slip-stick physics of the three-phase contact line, and the modelling of the attachment and detachment processes for coarse composite particles. The outcomes of these fundamental studies will be incorporated into pilot-scale studies using the HydroFloatTM cell.

This project looks to understand the behaviour of a polysized mixture of particles in a fluidised bed. If a bed of particles with a broad range of particle sizes is placed in a vertical column, and a constant flow of water is introduced at the base of the column, the finest particles will be carried out of the bed, leaving coarse particles behind. Particles leaving the bed are elutriated. It is often assumed that the terminal velocity of elutriated particles under gravity is less than the upward flow velocity of the liquid. Experiments have shown that some fine particles that should have been elutriated from the bed remain behind, while some coarse particles that should have remained, are carried out of the bed. A model has been developed to explain the experimental observations.




Leader: Prof Vishnu Pareek (Curtin)

Key Personnel:

L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Amira Global

The research looks to better understand the separation efficiency of a Reflux Classifier (RC). An RC Fractionator, currently being manufactured at the UON, will be acquired by Curtin. The RC Fractionator will be used to obtain the density distribution of the feed material (similar to sink-float washability data) using ore from a partner associated with the project through Amira Global.

Leader: L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel:

Prof Vishnu Pareek (Curtin)

Dr Angus Morrison (UQ)

Dr Kathryn Hadler, AI & Prof Jan Cilliers, AI (Imperial College)

PhD Students: Joshua Starrett (UON)

Luke Crompton (UON)


If ores can be floated at coarser sizes, it is possible to significantly reduce energy consumption in comminution and downstream water consumption. The work has used a Reflux Classifier (RC) to achieve efficient size classification at high throughput and built new knowledge on how to control the separation size. This classification is important prior to applying coarse particle flotation. The coarse particles were floated using a novel coarseAIR™ system to reject gangue minerals to the underflow. A new algorithm has been developed to measure the separation performance, using the rate constant as a proxy for surface liberation.

15 Influence of turbulence on coarse particle detachment

air bubbles Leader: A/Prof Elham Doroodchi (UON)

Key Personnel:

Prof Geoffrey Evans (UON)

A/Prof Kym Runge (UQ)

PhD Student: Syam Murali Mohan (UON)

A combined theoretical and experimental approach is being used to advance understanding of the interaction between fluid flow and particle-laden bubbles. Specifically, the rising behaviour of particle-laden bubbles in the presence of welldefined turbulent eddies is being investigated. The modified drag coefficient will ultimately improve the predictability of CFD models for multiphase systems such as flotation cells. A CFD framework for simulating turbulence distribution and predicting the degree of suspension in a conventional flotation cell has been established. Simulations and validation experiments for two-phase flows are currently in progress with the goal of developing a multiphase CFD model which can capture the role of the detachment mechanism on coarse particle flotation in a conventional cell.

Application of inclined channels in enhancing early gangue rejection through gravity and flotation separation - Applied Application of inclined channels in enhancing early gangue rejection through gravity and flotation separation - Fundamental from

Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics


P1.2 Coarse Particle Separations (continued)

16 Density separation using the Sink-Hole Fluidiser Leader: L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel: Prof Chris Aldrich (Curtin)

PhD Student: Mitchell Craig (Curtin)


17 Investigation of novel granular flow mechanism for achieving a density-based separation Leader: L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel:

Prof George Franks (UOM)

Prof Chris Aldrich (Curtin)

PhD Student: Mitchell Craig (Curtin)


Water-efficient electrostatic beneficiation Leader: Dr Peter Ireland (UON)

Key Personnel: Prof Karen Hapgood (Swin)

Prof Grant Webber (UON)

Dr Kathryn Hadler, AI (Imperial College)

This project, which is related to P17, aims to understand the fluidisation of particulate systems in a in a novel, Centre-developed technology, The Sink-Hole Fluidiser. The device utilises dry techniques that result in sharp separations based on mineral density utilising vibrations. The density of the separated particles is typically much higher than the air fluidised bed suspension density, so a critical granular state is formed at the sink-hole that is neither solid nor fluid-like.

The physical Sink-Hole Fluidiser equipment, similar to that at UON, has now been installed at Curtin and complementary experimentation is occurring in both nodes incorporating physical testing and CFD modelling. Artificial samples with tracer particles, as well as real (gold) samples sourced from industry are being investigated. Proof of concept for the technology has been established (to a TRL level between 2 and 3). The next phase is likely to be validation under continuous steady state conditions.

The Sink-Hole Fluidiser is a novel dry separation technology that has been shown to produce sharp separations based on density. The separation mechanism appears to be new, with the separation density typically much higher than the air fluidised bed suspension density – a critical granular state appears to form at the sinkhole that is neither solid or fluid-like. This project has developed the first stage of a fundamental discrete element model, essential for understanding the novel granular state that underpins the separation mechanism. The approach has identified key variables that influence the mechanism, helping to explain the high separation density. Curtin is using a complementary approach based on CFD to model the system.

Electrostatic separation techniques are not widely employed in the field of mineral separations. The current project aims to create models for droplet-particle collection and electric fields in new separator designs using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. A Python model architecture for aerosol-charged particle capture has been developed. A similar model architecture has been developed to model several different electrostatic separator types, allowing use of electric field data generated by finite-element modelling in COMSOL Multiphysics. A bench-scale electrostatic separator is being constructed to fit inside an existing environment chamber. This device will be used to validate the modelling results.


P1.3 Fine Particle Separation

19 Enhanced bubble-particle adhesion kinetics of ultrafine particles through bubble particle interaction in a shockwave at elevated pressure


L/Prof Graeme Jameson (UON)

Key Personnel:

A/Prof Seher Ata (UNSW)

A/Prof Kym Runge (UQ)

PhD Student: Minuk Jung (UNSW)

The Concorde Cell is a novel flotation cell with the potential to achieve enhanced bubbleparticle adhesion kinetics of ultrafine particles through bubble particle interaction in a shockwave at elevated pressure. The project looks to perform bubble size measurements before and after retrofitting an existing flotation cell with ConcordeTM technology, in collaboration with Newcrest Mining. The Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) researchers have been involved in measurements of the cell at various air rates and two feed conditions. Anglo bubble sizer video images have been processed to determine bubble size as a function of cell operation.

20 Enhanced bubble-particle adhesion kinetics of ultrafine particles in a shear field at an air bubble sparger surface

Leader: Dr Mahshid Firouzi (UON)

Key Personnel:

L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

A/ Prof Kym Runge (UQ)

PhD Student: Brady Wright (UON)


The REFLUX™ Flotation Cell (RFC) has the potential to improve throughput per unit area as well as grade in flotation circuits. An experimental methodology has been established for capturing and analysing the bubble size and gas holdup in both two-phase flow and three-phase flow, important parameters in understanding the hydrodynamics of the RFC and recovery of minerals. It has been demonstrated for the first time the combined effect of counter-current washing and elevated salt concentration on the entrainment of gangue particles (silica), which is of great importance in high grade recovery of valuable minerals.


Leader: Prof Bill Skinner (UniSA)

Key Personnel:

L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

PhD Student: Linda Ayedzi (UniSA)



L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel: Prof Yongjun Peng (UQ)

A/Prof Kym Runge (UQ)

PhD Students:

Siân Parkes (UON)

Jiarui Chen (UQ)


The REFLUX™ Flotation Cell creates an environment with rapid bubble-particle contacting and low entrainment of bubbles. The importance for fine particle recovery in real ore systems is still poorly understood. To this end, a lab-scale RFC has been installed at UniSA along with ancillary equipment (pumps, flowmeters, and valves). A new, fine nickel ore stream received from an industry partner will be investigated along with ultrafine composites produced by James Dankwah (through his work on Project 9).

The REFLUX™ Flotation Cell is a new flotation device that delivers counter-current washing via a concentrated bubbly-zone, with no froth. Strong wash water fluxes create a positive bias flux that delivers strong cleaning of the concentrate. Experimental systems have been established at UON and UQ, and strong progress made using critical minerals containing copper and nickel, as well as graphite. A novel method to benchmark flotation technologies was developed and applied to assess the RFC performance relative to a mechanical cell, kinetics, and cleaning. The work at UON has focused on copper and nickel using model and real ore systems, while UQ has worked on an entrainment model, supported by studies on graphite and the rejection of clays.

Fast flotation of fine particles 22 Counter current washing of a concentrated bubble column, quantifying the limits of flotation separability using novel release analysis

Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics


P1.3 Fine Particle Separation (continued)

23 Mechanism for coarsening of flotation froths Leader:

Prof Anh Nguyen (UQ)

Key Personnel:

Prof Roe-Hoan Yoon, AI (VT)

Dr Liguang Wang, AI (UQ)

Prof Stephen Neethling, AI (Imperial College)

PhD Student: Thao Nguyen (UQ)

24 Hydrodynamics of an emerging froth from a concentrated bubble column Leader: Prof Geoffrey Evans (UON)

Key Personnel:

Dr Subhasish Mitra (UON)

Dr Peter Ireland (UON)

Prof Jan Cilliers, AI (Imperial College)

PhD Student: Abdullaziz Zakari (UON)

The mechanisms of froth coarsening in the presence of frothers are only partially understood. Modelling and experimental work on the effect of salts on the interfacial adsorption and the foamability of methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) solutions has been performed to investigate both the macroscopic and microscopic elements of froth drainage and froth stability. At the macroscopic level, the froth drainage has been investigated using a Microcell and a Jameson Cell. A theoretical framework and experimental setup is currently being implemented to investigate complex interactions between frother dosage, gas/liquid flow rates, and hydrophobic particles. At the microscopic level, the effect of surfactant charge on the interfacial water structure and its relative macroscopic properties such as foamability and foam stability is currently being investigated.

The project is concerned with gaining a fundamental understanding of the hydrodynamics in the REFLUX™ Flotation Cell. Studies included determining the collision efficiency in a multi-bubble-particle system, critical turbulence energy dissipation rate for particle detachment from a bubble-particle aggregate, and the effect of solid loading on bubble rise velocity in the presence of surfactant. Also, a multiphase CFD model for a rectangular bubble column was developed to study the bubble plume dispersion behaviour in the top fluidised bed section of an RFC system. The aim is to quantify flow field, gas volume fraction, and the turbulence energy dissipation rate at different gas superficial velocities. Some preliminary studies have also been conducted to examine the transition from the bubbly zone to the froth zone in this system and quantify froth growth kinetics.


25 Carbon

Leader: L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel:

Prof Vishnu Pareek (Curtin)

Prof Anh Nguyen (UQ)

Jord International Amira Global

Preg-robbing of gold from leach solutions by certain minerals is a significant problem in some gold processing facilities. Initial test work has evaluated the performance of the 3D binder developed by UON in removing preg-robbing carbon through agglomeration. A synthetic ore system consisting of pulverised activated carbon, silica and pyrite has been used to represent the typical preg-robbing materials found in the gold industry. First, the agglomeration methodology was compared to tests using pure activated carbon, and the dosage was optimised for the carbon system. Second, the agglomeration was tested in a more complex system using silica and pyrite in addition to the preg-robbing carbon phase. The tests indicated high removal of the pre-robbing material, but low selectivity for silica and pyrite. Future tests will look to optimise the dosage of the binder and improve the separability between the preg-robbing material and the silica and pyrite.


Leader: L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel:

Prof Vishnu Pareek (Curtin)

Prof Robert H. Davis, PI (Uni Colorado Boulder)

PhD Student: Meolla Yvon (UON)

Jord International

Leader: L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel:

Dr Angus Morrison (UQ)

A/Prof Aaron Noble, PI (VT)

The capture and separation of ultrafine hydrophobic particles is critical to several processes, including improving recovery in flotation and in the removal of competing adsorbents in gold processing. This project aims to develop and analyse a novel agglomeration technology that utilises a concentrated water-in-oil emulsion to act as a hydrophobic medium for capturing ultrafine hydrophobic particles.

The theoretical work led by Prof Davis has confirmed that a permeable interface leads to vastly higher capture rates. Experimental work is focusing on selectivity, and efficacy of the emulsion binder. Curtin has been developing the laboratory method for gold processing, while UON is collaborating with our industrial partner Jord to build a full-scale facility on a mine site.

Process intensification in the processing of particles below 0.15 mm is critical to addressing current process limitations, which are known to produce mineral losses and larger volumes of tailings waste. The research explores the use of inclined channels in the gravity separation and desliming of these relatively fine particles, targeting the usual domain of flotation.

PhD Student: Margaret Amosah (UON)


Following work on the processing of tailings to concentrate cassiterite and manganese dioxide, new work was conducted on ultrafine iron ore. Remarkable separations have been achieved with new knowledge developed concerning the partition surface obtained. The work has also highlighted the potential for solving a 30-year-old problem in recovering cassiterite from tailings. The work with the manganese ore is looking to achieve industry impact using closely spaced inclined channels. The next stage development, applying g-forces to the inclined channels, is now entering the commercialisation phase, with support from Centre partner FLSmidth.

removal from gold ores using novel agglomeration Ultrafine recovery of precious metals using nano-scale permeable films of oil 27 Ultrafine gravity separation using inclined channels subjected to different G forces including standard gravity

Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics

P1.4 Solid-Liquid Separation and Dewatering

28 Investigation of water expression from thickened suspensions using high pressure dewatering rolls

Leader: Dr Anthony Stickland (UOM)

Key Personnel: Prof Peter Scales (UOM) Prof Ken Williams (UON)

PhD Student: Sajid Hassan (UOM)

This project is developing a new high pressure and clothless filtration technology for tailings dewatering. Designing and building a new prototype using wedge wire as the filtration surface has been completed, incorporating sensing and control systems. Engagement with a mining company has allowed demonstration of the High-Pressure Dewatering Roll (HPDR) to reduce cake moisture for mineral tailings from one of the world’s largest mines, comparable to that of filter presses but potentially less costly. A one-dimensional filtration model has been developed to support scale-up estimates. A two-fluid CFD model has been developed for solid-liquid separation that has demonstrated the potential for cake erosion.

29 Influence of oscillatory motions on water migration, liquefaction and dewatering

Leader: Prof Ken Williams (UON)

Key Personnel: Dr Dusan Ilic, RA (UON)

PhD Student: Virat Gurung (UON)

This project uses novel oscillatory, low frequency motions to induce moisture migration through a concentrated sediment, which could lead to in-situ mechanical dewatering at low cost.

Theoretical models have been reviewed and summarised. Experiments are being conducted to measure dynamic moisture migration in partially saturated bulk solids. The measurements have initially focused on idealised soda lime silica glass beads in different size ranges (1-1.2, 2-2.5, 3.5-4 and 8-9 mm). Experiments to measure free-drained moisture content, bulk and particle densities have also been conducted. Trial simulations using DEM-SPH (Discrete Element Modelling, Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics) coupling have been explored at different scales (bulk and micro).



Leader: Prof Anh Nguyen (UQ)

Key Personnel: Prof Roe-Hoan Yoon, AI (VT) Dr Liguang Wang, AI (UQ)

PhD Student: Andrew Doi (UQ)

Many mining operations are transitioning to pressure or centrifugation-enhanced dewatering methods to reduce the water content in their tailings streams. This project is exploring the relationship between chemical selection and dewatering in centrifugation systems. A range of dewatering reagents has been acquired, including PAM-based flocculants with different molecular structures, weights, and charge densities (low and high molecular weight anionic PAM with different charged densities (10% - 55%) and similar molecular weight, and high molecular weight cationic PAM). The chemical screening was completed using two fine-tailing samples and an in-house settling testing method. The six most effective reagents were selected for pilot-scale dewatering experiments using a solid bowl centrifuge. The cakes were characterised for rheological properties (yield stress, tack energy, stickiness) to assess the handleability and co-disposability of fine tailings with coarse rejects. Suitably selected chemicals were found to increase the performance of the dewatering process and enhance the handleability and co-disposability of the dewatered cakes. The co-disposal of dewatered fine tailings is found to be a good strategy for dry stacking tailings management.

Leader: Prof Peter Scales (UOM)

Key Personnel:

L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Dr Anthony Stickland (UOM)

Flocculation of tailings streams using high-molecular weight polymeric additives is the mainstay of dewatering and tailings management practice in the minerals industry. The key role of the polymeric additive is to increase the settling rate and hence the permeability of the particulate suspension. This same process increases the strength of the particulate bed and reduces the attainable solids concentration. In short, the minerals industry has always favoured speed of water removal over extent. This project looks to include an oil phase to the flocculated aggregate to provide a route to a low shear pelletisation processes. The work uses a model tailings suspension and an oil emulsion system (with analogies to road aggregate binders) for aggregation, along with conventional flocculants. Laboratory trials show both aggregation and densification in a helical uplift pelletiser. A continuous flow system is now being built.

Leader: Prof George Franks (UOM)

Key Personnel:

A/Prof Liza Forbes (UQ)

Dr Eirini Goudeli, AI (UOM)

PhD Students:

Jackquline Eardley (UOM)

Lequan Zeng (UOM)

Selective aggregation of ultrafine particles to improve flotation recovery is an important aspect of decreasing the loss of valuable materials to waste. Adsorption isotherms and zeta potential measurements have been used to understand the adsorption of commercial reagents, including flocculants, dispersants, and collectors on the aggregation of quartz and hematite. The flocculated particles were made to attach to bubbles (generated by shaking a jar) with the addition of an appropriate surfactant. A techno-economic assessment of the process has been completed. A combined DEM-CFD simulation has been developed to determine the aggregation and breakage kernels of fine particles in environments like those found in flotation cells.

Application of G forces in the expression of water from concentrated suspensions 31 Solid-liquid separation using nano-scale permeable films of oil 32 Ultrafast particle recovery through formation of small hydrophobic aggregates


Research Program Leaders


The overall objective of Program 2 is to support robust, fast, and efficient separation technologies that are both selective and hydrophobic. This is achieved by studying the effect of hydrophobic reagents on the surface properties and floatability of mineral particles. There was considerable progress in 2022 across all three sub-programs. Some of the highlights are given below.

2.1 Development of Novel Flotation Collectors

The objective of this sub-program is to develop novel reagents to enhance mineral surface hydrophobicity. The key highlights were:

ƒ Improved understanding of adsorption of novel synthetic and biopolymers and surfactants (from Program 3) to a range of surfaces, investigated through quartz crystal microbalance measurements.

ƒ Development of stable oil-in-water emulsions for application in coarse particle recovery, using conventional and novel surfactants (from Program 3). The emulsions have been investigated through creaming rate, zeta potential and droplet size measurements

2.2 Development of Novel Delivery Systems

The objective of this sub-program is to examine new ways of introducing reagent chemistries into mineral processing systems. The key highlights were:

ƒ Investigations into stabilising both water-inoil and oil-in-water emulsions using starch, cellulose, and fly ash.

ƒ Hydrophobic talc particles can be recovered with the use of a novel hydrophobic emulsion binder. Initial investigation has commenced regarding pre-aggregating the particles with a polymeric flocculant prior to binder agglomeration.

ƒ The benefits of placing collector on surfaces of bubbles (rather than mineral particles) to enhance coarse particle hydrophobicity is being investigated.

ƒ A series of thermo-responsive polymers (PNIPAM-based) via the RAFT process have been screened for their ability to stabilise water-in-oil emulsions for binder agglomeration. The best candidate has been found to be effective in recovering hydrophobic talc particles.

2.3 Hydrophobic Interactions in Dewatering

The objective of the third sub-program is to exploit mineral surface properties to improve suspension dewatering. The key highlights were:

ƒ A team of researchers covering molecular dynamics and density functional analysis, RAFT polymerisation, surface physics, and novel beneficiation has established a possible way forward to improve the recovery and concentration of rare earth minerals. The industry partner has signed on for a second study.

ƒ Agglomerating with oil-in-water emulsions and flocculating clay particles has been investigated. Further processing via pelletisation was shown to improve the solid-liquid separation.

ƒ Chalcopyrite was found to selectively flocculate from quartz suspensions using conventional polymers. The high molecular weight was demonstrated to be a key polymer property. The potential for conventional surfactant collectors to make those aggregates hydrophobic for selective recovery via froth flotation was demonstrated.

In addition, there has been strong collaboration with Program 3 researchers supporting all three subprograms including:

ƒ A range of bespoke RAFT polymers and surfactants have been synthesised to test functionality and selectivity with model mineral systems in flocculation and flotation.

ƒ An initial set of novel peptide flotation collectors and depressants has been developed and tested for metal ion and surface selectivity.


Some objectives for 2023:

ƒ Investigation of the spreading of oils on mineral surfaces via combinations of novel surfactants and polymers.

ƒ Measurement of contact angles of mineral surfaces when treated with emulsion droplets stabilised by conventional and novel surfactants (from Program 3).

ƒ Investigation of the influence of preaggregating fine particles with polymer on the amount of hydrophobic binder required to agglomerate and recover those particles.

ƒ Characterisation of the adsorption of novel polymers (from Program 3) on to mineral surfaces.

ƒ Initial comparison of the influence of collector addition either through the solution phase (conventional) or through the gas phase (novel).

ƒ Systematic investigation of the selective aggregation of chalcopyrite from quartz using different polymers.

ƒ Investigation of the flotation of copper bearing minerals with conventional and novel polymers sourced from Program 3.

ƒ Studies of bubbles attaching to oil-coated minerals using an oil-infused polymer layer as a planar oil-water interface for initial studies of bubble collisions.

Personnel involved in Program 2 for 2022

Chief Investigators

Prof David Beattie, UniSA

Dr Susana Brito e Abreu, UQ

A/Prof Liza Forbes, UQ

Prof George Franks, UOM

L/Prof Kevin Galvin, UON

A/Prof Marta Krasowska, UniSA

Dr Ellen Moon, Deakin

Prof Bill Skinner, UniSA

Dr Anthony Stickland, UOM

Prof San H. Thang, Monash

Prof Erica Wanless, UON

Prof Grant Webber, UON

Prof Chun-Xia Zhao, UoA

Associate Investigators

Dr Eirini Goudeli, UOM

A/Prof Kizuku Kushimoto, UOM

Ms Amalie Moller, UniSA

Research Associates

Dr Negin Amini, Deakin

Dr Amir Beheshti, UniSA

Dr Nilanka Ekanayake, UOM

Dr Bo Fan, Monash

Dr Casey Thomas, UOM

Dr Shane Usher, UOM

Dr Isabella Verster, UQ

Dr Junyu Wang, UQ

Dr Joshua Willott, UON

Dr Unzile Yenial Arslan, UQ

PhD Students

Ms Regina Medeiros, UOM

Mr Azeez Aregbe, UOM

Miss Candice Brill, UQ

Mr Yunzhou Qian, UOM

Mr Lequan Zeng, UOM

Mr Yuxuan Luo, UOM

Technical Staff

Mr Raul Cavalida, UOM

Ms Laura Jukes, UOM

Undergraduate Students

Zheng Xie, UOM

Declan Falls, UOM

Wenqian Li, UOM

Joshua Fink, UOM

Weizhe Peng, UOM

Professor George Franks and Associate Professor Liza Forbes Image of a heart-shaped droplet in emulsion. Photo credit: Dr Negin Amini (Deakin) Program 2 Image of the corn starch stabilised sunflower-in-water emulsion. Photo credit: Prof Grant Webber (UON) Program 2

Chemistry of Novel Hydrophobic and Selective Interactions

P2.1 Flotation Collectors

33 Application of oils to enhance adhesion contact with coarse particles exhibiting low surface liberation Leader: Prof David Beattie (UniSA)

Key Personnel:

Prof George Franks (UoM)

A/Prof Marta Krasowska (UniSA)

Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

The objective of this project is to improve the recovery of coarse particles with low surface energy in flotation by utilising oils and other chemicals. The adsorption of surfactants was investigated by the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) for their use in the surfactant-induced spreading of the oil on a given mineral. These experiments were performed in aqueous solution using a novel surfactant designed and synthesised at Monash. The work will be extended to studying adsorption from oil.

34 Application of oils to enhance flotation collection with coarse particles exhibiting low surface liberation Leader: Prof David Beattie (UniSA)

Key Personnel:

Prof George Franks (UOM)

A/Prof Marta Krasowska (UniSA)

Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

PhD Student:

Azeez Aregbe (UOM)

New collectors are needed for coarse particle flotation where the extent of valuable mineral liberation is poor. Emulsions have been developed incorporating conventional collector molecules as well as novel surfactants developed in the Centre. The emulsions have been characterised in terms of creaming rate, zeta potential and droplet size measurement. Initial contact angle measurements using a captive droplet technique indicate that the choice of surfactant combination can control wetting and spreading on chalcopyrite and quartz surfaces. The work has the potential to reduce energy used in grinding by allowing separation at a coarser size.



A/Prof Marta Krasowska (UniSA)

Key Personnel:

Prof Erica Wanless (UON)

Prof David Beattie (UniSA)

The flotation of composite particles at a coarse size requires new ways of attaching collectors to the particle surface. The use of oil is being investigated. Work has been focused on proof-of-concept for the spreading of droplets on heterogeneous surfaces. In addition, a study on varying interfacial tension of oil mixtures has been undertaken, as a prelude to using oil phase variation, to ensure droplet attachment to minerals of different hydrophobicity.

Leader: Prof David Beattie (UniSA)

Key Personnel:

Prof George Franks (UOM)

Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

Prof Chun-Xia Zhao (UoA)

A/Prof Marta Krasowska (UniSA)

This project focuses on the development of novel sensing surfaces employing an actual mineral for use in the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). These experiments involved careful attachment of layered graphite to an underlying gold substrate, enabling direct gravimetric adsorption characterisation of the reagents onto the cleaved hydrophobic surface of graphite for the first time. This approach will be used to characterise the adsorption of novel polymers developed at Monash and UniSA.

Leader: Prof Grant Webber (UON)

Key Personnel: Dr Susana Brito e Abreu (UQ)

Ultrafine particles may be recovered via interactions with permeable hydrophobic surfaces and interfaces. This project seeks to develop an emulsion binder from renewable materials. Emulsions have been prepared using water and sunflower oil, with corn starch, cellulose or fly ash particle stabilisers. A range of oil:water ratios and added stabiliser concentration have been evaluated with the aim of producing a stable high internal phase water-in-oil emulsion. Corn starch has proven the most promising stabiliser, resulting in stable emulsions across a broad spread of compositions, although only stable oil-in-water and not water-in-oil emulsions have been produced.

48 35
Wetting, spreading, and adhesion of oils on composite mineral surfaces 36 Application of synthetic and biopolymers in selective recovery of minerals 37 Ultrafine particle deposition and adhesion with permeable hydrophobic surfaces

Chemistry of Novel Hydrophobic and Selective Interactions


P2.2 Novel Delivery Systems

38 Binder adhesion of hydrophobic flocs Leader:

Prof George Franks (UOM)

Key Personnel:

Prof Peter Scales (UOM)

L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Increasing the speed at which solids can be removed from tailings is advantageous to industry, as water recovery and dry-stackable tailings are both an economic and environmental positive. In addition, reducing the amount of binder required by preaggregating the particles with a polymeric flocculant may reduce the overall reagent cost. The work has focused on comparing the use of a novel hydrophobic binder to agglomerate fine talc particles both with and without pre-aggregating the particles with a flocculant. Preliminary results indicate that the recovery of talc and the amount of hydrophobic binder required depends on the polymer charge density and the shear rate during both the polymer aggregation step and the oil agglomeration step. The aim is to avoid excessive shear during the aggregation step to prevent floc break up.

39 Development of novel bespoke hydrophobic materials having large specific surface area to support selective separations


Prof Karen Hapgood (Swin)

Key Personnel:

Dr Ellen Moon (Deakin)

Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

Prof Steve Armes, PI (Sheffield)

Jord International

The use of high internal phase emulsions inclusive of recoverable RAFT polymers to aid agglomeration of ultrafine minerals is being explored. Work has been focused on the optimisation of emulsion composition for maximum recovery of talc, a hydrophobic gangue mineral commonly encountered in mineral processing.

A series of thermo-responsive RAFT polymers were synthesised with optimum stoichiometry to act as surfactants. The polymers were screened for their ability to form stable water-in-oil emulsions, which was assessed using confocal microscopy and rheology. Composition optimisation was completed for the most stable emulsions, to minimise the proportion of RAFT polymer surfactant and oil while maximising the agglomeration of ultrafine talc. Compared to ‘traditional’ emulsions containing a commercial surfactant, the novel emulsions were able to agglomerate up to 10% more talc. Further work will focus on assessing both the selectivity of the novel emulsions for hydrophobic minerals over hydrophilic minerals, and the recovery of the surfactant using its thermo-responsive properties.

Leader: A/Prof Liza Forbes (UQ)

Key Personnel: Prof George Franks (UOM)

Ms Isabella Verster, RA (UQ)

PhD Student: Candice Brill (UQ)

This project looks to understand the limitations of coarse particle flotation on real ore samples. Bulk ore samples have been sourced and have been processed into 1 kg aliquots. Work has been focused on characterising collectors based on surface tension. The flotation experimental program has been amended to include some work using a conventional mechanical flotation cell but this will be followed by experiments in the HydroFloatTM

41 Investigation of direct reagent addition to bubble surfaces via the gas phase on hydrophobic particle recovery

P2.3 Understanding the Influence of Hydrophobic Interactions in Dewatering

42 Thermodynamic guidance of RAFT polymerisation to control hydrophobicity at mineral surfaces


L/Prof Kevin Galvin (UON)

Key Personnel:

Prof Alister Page, AI (UON)

Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

Prof Bill Skinner (UniSA)

Prof Cyril O’Connor, AI (UCT)

Many rare earth elements (REE) are hard to upgrade because of size and surface chemistry similarities to gangue materials. Several preliminary experiments on an industrial sample have been completed using novel RAFT agents. Magnetic separation work reported by the UniSA node showed upgrade, indicating that most of the REE are locked in a minor monazite phase. A new strategy, built around fractionation and high quality desliming, was developed. The industry partner recently accepted a Phase 2 proposal for this work.

The theoretical aspect of the project currently focuses on the selective coordination of REE with lanmodulin-based peptides towards enabling selective magnetic separation of particular REE. It is envisaged that the project will investigate the performance of these biomolecules in thermo-responsive polymers for improved recovery.

43 Dewatering of small hydrophobic flocs Leader:

Dr Anthony Stickland (UOM)

Key Personnel:

Prof Karen Hapgood (Swin)

Dr Ellen Moon (Deakin)

PhD Students:

Yuxuan Luo (UOM)

Yunzhou Qian (UOM)

This project aims to improve tailings dewatering behaviour using hydrophobic agglomeration and pelletisation. A model tailings experimental system using clay and a mineral oxide has been developed and used to systematically demonstrate the effect of clay on tailings filtration. Addition of the emulsion to the model tailings system without any shear has improved the permeability but had a negative impact on compressibility, indicating aggregation but not densification. Gentle shearing using a raked cylinder densified the aggregates, but with insufficient impact at low oil doses. Investigating the use of a prototype screw pelletiser is ongoing to better control the pelletisation conditions and have produced large pellets using polymer-flocculated clay. From a fundamental perspective, microscopy methods and particle-scale numerical techniques are being used to study emulsion breaking, oil spreading, particle agglomeration and pelletisation.

44 Application of responsive synthetic and biopolymers through reversible switching from hydrophilic to hydrophobic conformations

Leader: Prof George Franks (UOM)

Key Personnel:

Prof Erica Wanless (UON)

Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

PhD Students: Regina Medeiros (UOM)

Lequan Zeng (UOM)

The focus of the project is to compare commercially available polymers and reagents to novel reagents in the flocculation/flotation recovery of fine chalcopyrite particles. Preliminary results indicate that certain polymers can selectively flocculate chalcopyrite particles over quartz particles. A key finding is that high to ultrahigh molecular weight polymers are required for effective aggregation. The novel reagents investigated to date are relatively low in molecular weight so have not been effective flocculants. The addition of frother and collector to chalcopyrite suspensions containing commercial poly acrylamide flocculants enable the particles to segregate to the froth phase upon shaking of a glass jar. The project has the potential to improve recovery of fine chalcopyrite particles normally lost to tailings.



Research Program Leaders

Overview and summary

Program 3 aims to use the knowledge of how biomolecules and synthetic organic molecules and polymers interact with minerals, coupled with novel synthesis concepts from chemistry and biochemistry to design mineral processing chemicals that give unrivalled performance in recovering valuable minerals, whilst also allowing the recovery of as much water as possible.

Based on the new phage display platform developed within the Centre, a library of biomolecules (monomers, dimers with different linkers) was designed and synthesised for specifically binding to different mineral particles. The binding peptides showed high binding affinity not only to mineral ions, but also to mineral particles. Therefore, adding the biomolecules into a mixture of mineral and waste particles led to aggregation and sedimentation of the mineral particles, but not the waste particles, achieving an extremely high separation factor (>1400).

Also, bio-inspired collectors based on cardanol, and α -tocopherol (Vitamin E) as new reagents have been designed and synthesised in addition to the RAFT polymers to improve the froth flotation processes. All these collectors were found to have dual properties

- foaming and selectivity for binding specific minerals offering the beneficiation of minerals using fewer reagents. Furthermore, a series of stimuli-responsive biomolecules and synthetic molecules have also been designed in responding to different stimuli including pH, temperature and the naturally occurring light. These new reagents can be purposely engineered as novel frothers or new collectors for aggregation and flotation applications.

Research collaborations have led to these new reagents being used with different groups in the Centre. Different mineral systems have been trialled to test their performance. Some of the new molecules showed great potential in achieving improved performance in recovering valuable minerals or recovering more water. Moreover, these new biomolecules or bioinspired polymer-based reagents are biodegradable and biocompatible, thus advancing our goal in delivering a sustainable future for Australia’s minerals industry.

Some objectives for 2023 are:

ƒ Achieve fundamental understanding of designed biomolecules with high selectivity and specificity using various techniques.

ƒ Design biomolecules and synthetic polymers for improved aggregation, agglomeration and flotation of identified critical mineral systems (copper, lithium, rare earth, etc.).

ƒ Apply the stimuli-responsive molecules as novel bio flocculants for clay particle flocculation.

ƒ Investigate the adsorption and adsorbed layer characteristics of the new reagents on target and model mineral surfaces.

ƒ Further extend the collaborations to incorporate novel reagents in aggregation, agglomeration and/ or flotation across several more projects within the Centre.

ƒ File Australian Provisional patents around the new reagents developed.

Professor Chun-Xia Zhao and Professor San H. Thang Prof San H. Thang (Monash) and Prof Chun-Xia Zhao (UoA)

Personnel involved in Program

3 for 2022

Chief Investigators

A/Prof Seher Ata, UNSW

Prof David Beattie, UniSA

Dr Susana Brito e Abreu, UQ

A/Prof Liza Forbes, UQ

Prof George Franks, UOM

A/Prof Marta Krasowska, UniSA

Prof Yongjun Peng, UQ

Dr Chris Ritchie, Monash

Prof San H. Thang, Monash

Prof Erica Wanless, UON

Prof Grant Webber, UON

Prof Chun-Xia Zhao, UoA

Research Associates

Dr Aditya Ardana, Monash

Dr Amir Beheshti, UniSA

Dr Wonder Chimonyo, UQ

Dr Bo Fan, Monash

Dr Tina Hsia, Monash

Dr Jing Wan, Monash

Dr Josh Willott, UON

Dr Guangze Yang, UoA

Research Assistants

Mr Venkatachalam Pitchumani, Monash

PhD Students

Mrs Samadhi Fernando, Monash

Ms Rupinder Kaur, UniSA

Ms Sonia Khandaker, UON

Mr Yuxi Liu, Monash

Mr Matthias Orchard, UoA

Mr Danesh Perera, Monash

Miss Li Yang, UQ/UoA

Undergaduate Students

Ryan Noon, UON

Ruilin Zhao, UoA

Shihui Wang, UoA

Prof Grant Webber (UON) visits UOM (Re: Projects 37 & 47) Prof Chun-Xia’s Zhao’s brand new lab

New Engineered Biopolymers and Synthetic Polymers


P3.1 Engineering of Selective Polypeptide and RAFT Polymers


Leader: Prof Chun-Xia Zhao (UoA)

Key Personnel: Prof David Beattie (UniSA)

Dr Susana Brito Abreu (UQ)

A/Prof Marta Krasowska (UniSA)

PhD Student: Rupinder Kaur (UniSA)

Highly metal/mineral specific chemicals are not available to the minerals industry. There is potential to achieve this specificity using peptides. A series of peptide variants (monomers, dimers with different linkers) were designed and synthesised based on the phage display method. Silver and silica were used as a model system to demonstrate the binding specificity. The silver binding peptides have binding affinity not only to silver ions, but also to silver particles. Therefore, a separation assay was developed by mixing silver particles and silica particles. The addition of the silver peptide led to the aggregation and sedimentation of silver particles but not silica particles, achieving an exceptionally high separation factor (>1400). The UniSA team studied the silver-binding peptides using a QCM. The adsorption of peptides was evaluated by determining the reversibility of adsorption on silver, giving a hierarchy of binding affinity. Studies were also performed for the peptides on silica, to investigate adsorption selectivity and to assist in interpretation of settling data from UoA.

Leader: Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

Key Personnel: Prof Erica Wanless (UON)

A/Prof Liza Forbes (UQ)

PhD Student: Sonia Khandaker (UON)

Bio-inspired collectors based on cardanol, and α -tocopherol (Vitamin E) as new reagents have been designed and synthesised with the aim of improving the froth flotation processes. All these collectors were found to have dual properties - foaming and selectivity for binding specific minerals offering the beneficiation of minerals using fewer reagents. Small-scale qualitative experiments were conducted using xanthate functionalised α -tocopherol-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) derivatives. The target mineral (chalcopyrite particles in this instance) was found to attach to the collectors and floated without the addition of frother. The foaming property of α -tocopherol-PEG derivatives was further investigated in a collaboration with UON. The α -tocopherolPEG derivatives as surfactants were applied in the research by UOM on emulsion stabilising studies, UniSA for QCM studies, and UON as reagents for lithium-ion recovery.

Development of bio-polymer collectors for selective flotation of specific minerals 46 Development of RAFT polymer collectors for selective flotation of specific minerals


Leader: Prof Grant Webber (UON)

Key Personnel:

Prof Chun-Xia Zhao (UoA)

Prof George Franks (UOM)

PhD Student: Matthias Orchard (UoA)

This project seeks to develop novel bio-inspired polymers for the processing of waste clay-based suspensions. A protocol has been developed to measure adsorption isotherms on particles using sub-gram quantities of reagent. The synthesis of bio flocculants using a bacteria cell factory has begun and preliminary studies investigating their interactions with model clays systems undertaken. The performance of these bio flocculants for clay agglomeration will now be investigated by measuring adsorption isotherms, dewatering rates, and rheological properties.

Leader: Prof

Key Personnel:

Prof Grant Webber (UON)

Prof George Franks (UOM)

PhD Student: Danesh Perera (Monash)

This project focuses on the synthesis of well-defined RAFT polymers as novel reagents for use in aggregation, agglomeration and flotation in several projects within the Centre. In addition, the project involves the synthesis of new cardanol-based polymer collectors targeting copper-bearing minerals, especially chalcopyrite. Studies on RAFT polymers with xanthate functional groups showed that these polymers were effectively bound not only to the chalcopyrite but also to pyrite surfaces. To improve the selectivity towards chalcopyrite, a novel acyl-thiourea (R-CO-NH-CS-NR1R2) small molecule collector based on cardanol were synthesised and evaluated. The attachment of acyl-thiourea functionality to RAFT polymers is being explored as a comparison to xanthate-based collectors.

Development of bio-polymer reagents for achieving hydrophobic flocs from hydrophilic clays 48 Development of RAFT polymer reagents for achieving hydrophobic flocs from hydrophilic clays San H. Thang (Monash)

Graphic Featured in: RAFT-mediated polymerization-induced self-assembly (RAFTPISA): current status and future directions

Chemical Science

Bo Fan, San H. Thang et al., 2022, 13, 4192

New Engineered Biopolymers and Synthetic Polymers




P3.2 Hydrophobic-Hydrophillic Switching of Proteins and Synthetic Polymers

49 Development of stimuli responsive biopolymers for controlling froth stability Leader: Prof Chun-Xia Zhao (UoA)

Key Personnel: Dr Chris Richie (Monash)

Dr Susana Brito Abreu (UQ) Prof David Weitz, AI (Harvard)

PhD Student: Yang Li (UQ/UoA)

50 Development of stimuli responsive RAFT polymers Leader: Dr Chris Ritchie (Monash)

Key Personnel: Prof George Franks (UOM)

Prof Yongjun Peng (UQ)

A/Prof Seher Ata (UNSW)

PhD Student: Samadhi Fernando (Monash)

Yuxi Liu (Monash)

A series of stimuli-responsive peptides and proteins have been designed at the UoA for making foams and emulsions. A stimuli-responsive peptide AM1 and a protein DAMP4 have been systematically characterised in terms of their foaming ability, and bubble size, surface tension and bubble stability in comparison with traditional frothers such as MIBC, DPM (di(propylene glycol) methyl ether), and DPG (dipropylene glycol). Furthermore, peptides with smaller molecular weight were designed and synthesised allowing not only stimuli-responsive functions, but also low production cost which are essential for their practical applications. The Monash team has developed novel stimuli-responsive fluorescent unnatural amino acids. Discussions between the two groups will be continued to combine the strength of the two labs.

This project looks to develop a series of novel compounds based on the naturally occurring light, pH and temperature responsive flavylium chromophore via synthetic chemical approaches. The bioavailability of chemical feedstocks to eventually replace novel synthetic reagents is a significant consideration for any new reagent to be feasibly utilised in mineral processing (cost and biodegradability – environmental impact). To this end, the team devised and prepared switchable small molecule surfactants and polymers that can be tuned to have significantly different responses to temperature and light depending on their composition and structure. The differing states have been shown to possess dramatically different frothing properties and affinity for gangue materials such as quartz and a range of clays. Detailed thermo- and photochemical characterisation of these materials is underway to determine rate constants which will be correlated with the performance of the reagents using traditional characterisation of froth stability and flotation performance.

Prof Yongjun Peng (UQ)

Key Personnel: Prof San H. Thang (Monash)

Through a systematic variation of the RAFT block copolymers structures by controlling the number of incorporated poly(n -butyl acrylate) (PBA) units during copolymerisation, a series of block copolymers were generated with different molecular weights and functionalities as characterised using GPC (gel permeation chromatography) and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) at Monash. The generated structure features in RAFT copolymers played a significant role in governing the corresponding properties such as quartz mineral collection, and binding affinity to engender surface hydrophobicity as correlated by flotation, contact angle measurements and interfacial behaviour in accordance with foam/frothing studies. The RAFT copolymers presented unique insights and opportunities into the future to impart hydrophobicity on quartz while simultaneously controlling molecular surface activity and unwanted froth stabilisation compared to dodecylamine (DDA).

51 Development of stimuli responsive RAFT polymers for controlling froth stability Leader:


#Mabrekositi #你是誰 #Weweninani #Quienerestu 谁 #BạnLàAi #কেআপনি #WieIsJy #ඔයාකව්ද #Wonehwan #自我简介 #Ndiweani #आपकौनहैं 你是誰 #Weweninani #Quienerestu #你是谁 #কেআপনি #WieIsJy #ඔයාකව්ද #Quemévocê #Wonehwan 介 #Ndiweani #आपकौनहैं #Mabrekositi #你是誰 #Quienerestu #你是谁 #BạnLàAi #কেআপনি #WieIsJy #ඔයාකව්ද #Wonehwan #自我简介 #Ndiweani #आपकौनहैं #Mabrekositi #Quemévocê #你是誰 #Weweninani #Quienerestu 你是谁 #BạnLàAi #কেআপনি #Mabrekositi 誰 #Weweninani #Quienerestu #你是谁 #কেআপনি #WieIsJy #ඔයාකව්ද #Quemévocê
the Annual Conference
conversations and connections between members!
the hashtag
was used as an
and to spur
58 OUR
#Quienerestu #你是 ඔයාකව්ද #Quemévocê आपकौनहैं #Mabrekositi # 你是谁 #BạnLàAi #Wonehwan #自我简 #Weweninani #কেআপনি Ndiweani #Weweninani #Mabrekositi #你是 你是谁 #BạnLàAi #Quemévocê 2022 Highlights 59 Annual Conference 61 Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion 65 Future Leaders in Focus 67 Training Overview 69 Outreach Overview 71 Signature Lecture and Seminar Series 73 Communications and Media 75 Publications 77 Financial Statements 79 COEMinerals 2023 Plans 81 COEMinerals: Feedback Forum 83 Glossary of Terms 85


Future Leaders Program commenced

5 COEMinerals

- organised conferences/ workshops

First face-to-face COEMinerals Annual Conference in Canberra

3 visits from COEMinerals

Panel and Board Members

Roll out of the GEDI Strategic Plan

$2,283,645 of funding awarded to COEMinerals members

17 new PhDs

13 Awards/ prizes and promotions

Conference Participation

11 Keynote speakers

56 Conference presentations

13 Poster presentations

11 Conference organisers

6 Session chairs

Centre-organised event: International RFC Upscaling Symposium

3 Centre Sponsorships


Commencement of GEDI Committee

5,817 website visits

5 International institution visitors

Media Coverage


100+ Tweets

25,000+ content views

41% direct to COEMinerals site

38% from organic search

6% from social media channels

13 Government representative visitors


7 Media articles & interviews featuring COEMinerals members, innovation and technology

15 Visits between nodes

11 Committee memberships

6 Mine site industry visits

100+ LinkedIn posts

2,803 LinkedIn page views

approx. 850 LinkedIn followers

520 new LinkedIn followers

60,000+ content views

2 Journal editorships



The Centre’s conference was held at the Shine Dome in Canberra, 10-15 th July

A forum for team liaison, research sharing, and academic and professional development the event incorporated guest speakers, presentations, panels, workshop-based learning and team, industry and stakeholder engagement over five days. The first face-to-face meeting of COEMinerals members – after two years of predominantly Zoom calls – meant participant expectations were high. Postevent feedback indicated wide-ranging positive outcomes were achieved.

The event gained strong stakeholder support, including a heartfelt ‘Welcome to Country’ by Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Tina Brown, who inspired attendees by sharing Canberra’s enduring role as a meeting place through the centuries and weaving her knowledge of the minerals in the surrounding

land. Opening remarks were delivered by Ms Tania Constable , CEO, Minerals Council Australia (MCA), who encouraged Centre researchers to help build a “strong, vibrant and innovative minerals industry”.

Meeting and getting to know colleagues and new contacts in a sea of new faces can be challenging, so - as a tool for spurring conversations and connections as well as delivering on the Centre’s values - a ‘ #whoarewe ’ opening question tactic was implemented throughout the week. A form of icebreaker, members were tasked with engaging colleagues with the question ‘#Who are you?’, and in response, the other person was encouraged to state who they were, which node they represented and one thing no-one would know about them; the quirkier the better. This activity proved to be a great connector, as well being insightful and - at times hilarious - with the reveal we had runners, buddingbakers, singers and dancers, painters, Lego fanatics, guitarists, gamers and a stand-up comedian in our midst, to name just a few. The icebreaker activity has since become internal vernacular at the Centre for kick-starting events and spurring closer connections.

The agenda consisted of scientific overviews and talks on the Centre’s three programs, technical training, a keynote by L/Prof Graeme Jameson and 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) and poster competitions for PhDs. There was training related to GEDI (Gender, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) conducted by GEDI Committee Leader Dr Ellen Moon with a focus on inclusion, exploring scenarios when we may have felt unwelcome, or like we did not fit in, and

brainstorm constructive actions to promote inclusion. Customised media training for Centre members by consultant (and former University communications team leader) Sheena Martin with assistance from Kim Stockham, providing insights into communications including media insights and social media opportunities, as well as social media skill building basics. This session and activity provided a springboard to enhance the Centre’s social media activity. As a fast follow after the event, the Centre implemented social media engagement training for all members.

An academic integrity and responsible research conduct presentation by Prof Grant Webber familiarised all with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, supported by real-world examples demonstrating the importance of conducting research and strategies to embed the responsibilities and practices outlined in the Code.

Whole team Media Communications Training presented by Sheena Martin from Woven Agency Ms Tania Constable, CEO Minerals Council Australia, Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Tina Brown and L/Prof Kevin Galvin open the Conference

A dinner was held with all members which included an ‘Acknowledgement of Country’, delivered by Jaru Woman Vanessa Elliott, followed by an exclusive invitation for Centre members to tour the National Gallery’s Indigenous Art collection by Ian RT Colless, Indigenous Engagement, Wesfarmers Indigenous Arts Leadership Coordinator and representing Dharabuladh (Therabluat) clan of the Gundungurra people (also in attendance). Mark Bolton, CEO of Panthera Resources provided a predinner address.

The main highlights of the event were the I ndustry Panel Session, Mentoring Session and Gaddie Pitch which all involved industry members. As the Australian Research Council’s office is in Canberra, we were delighted to welcome Liz Visher Director, Major Investments along with Dr Robert Mun, Executive Director Engineering and Information Sciences, Kim Philpot, Christine Joannides, Brendan Hill and David Curry to the event. Liz gave a 40 min presentation on variety of COE obligations,

requirements, issues, reminders etc, with the opportunity for COEMinerals members to ask questions. The ARC representatives stayed on for lunch where posters and outreach presentations were displayed, giving members the opportunity to chat to ARC representatives.

The Industry Panel consisted of Vanessa Elliott, Principal, Vanessa Elliott and Assoc who has extensive experience in mining, energy (including renewables), primary industries as a strategic planner and land use / social impact professional and Mark Bolton CEO, Panthera Resources Plc, who has a long history of developing and operating mines in many jurisdictions including Australia, India, China, DRC, South Africa, Zambia, Mauritania, Namibia, and Indonesia. His experience covers many commodities including industrial minerals, rare earths, copper, nickel, gold, and PGMs. The final panellist was Kevin Barber, General Manager, Resources at Jord. Kevin is focused on identifying and bringing to market the next generation of mineral processing technologies via actively engaging with mining clients and academia. Chaired by Kim Stockham, the topic was on ‘Fast-tracking positive change in the critical minerals industry’, where panellists discussed and answered questions on the context for change, how to meet growing demand for critical minerals, and exploring the key research, science, innovation, community and industry ‘must-haves’ in order to help improve people, planet and renewable energy outcomes.

Director L/Prof Kevin Galvin with ARC representatives Dr Robert Mun, Executive Director Engineering & Information Sciences, Liz Visher Director Major Investments, Christine Joannides, Kim Philpot and Centre COO Annemarie Fawkner

Industry Panel: Mark Bolton CEO Panthera Resources Plc, Vanessa Elliott, Principal, Vanessa Elliott & Assoc and Kevin Barber, General Manager, Resources at Jord

As part of the Future Leaders Program the PhDs and ECRs were joined by three Industry panellists for the Mentoring Session

Chaired by Prof Chun-Xia Zhao the session provided PhD & ECRs with a unique opportunity to explore future pathways for their career, learn strategies to plan their career, develop leadership skills, as well as ask questions in the interactive panel discussion session. The panel consisted of Dr Verity Normington, Executive Officer to the Chief Scientist, Office of the Chief Scientist. Verity is a geologist that applies her STEM knowledge, skills in communicating Earth Science, engaging with stakeholders and creating and applying policies to work in the Australian Public Service. Craig Wilson, Head of GPLM for Sizers, Screens & Centrifuges, Mining Industry, FLSmidth. Craig has been involved in the mining industry for 38 years holding positions such as product, state and general manager positions and has been involved with the UON and Prof Kevin Galvin for +15 years through Ludowici and then through FLSmidth (after it acquired Ludowici in 2012). The final panellist was Kevin Barber.

ECRs and PhD students who attended the ‘Research to Industry Translation’ training earlier in the year developed a Gaddie Pitch , a 30-second ‘elevator pitch’ style presentation about their research to industry representatives, who critiqued their work based on its potential significance to industry to address a current problem. Chaired by Prof Peter Scales, the session was conducted in a safe and friendly environment, where the up-front expectation was all work presented and feedback gained was based on personal opinions, and all work shared was welcomed and valued. This helped expand PhD & ECR knowledge of current industry realities, and build confidence when talking to industry. The panel consisted of Craig Wilson, Kevin Barber and Sherwin Morgan, Technology ManagerFlotation, at Jord.

Overall, the conference was a huge success with many new friendships formed between PhD and ECRs across the nodes.

Mentoring Panel: Dr Verity Normington Executive Officer to the Chief Scientist, Office of the Chief Scientist, Kevin Barber, Jord and Craig Wilson Head of GPLM for Sizers, Screens & Centrifuges, Mining Industry, FLSmidth Gaddie Pitch Panel Kevin Barber, Sherwin Morgan and Craig Wilson, FLSmidth Centre COO Annemarie Fawkner explaining the conference GEDI theme #whoarewe initiative
COEMinerals Annual Conference


The Centre is committed to creating a positive, inclusive, fair and equitable working environment for all members

We foster a culture where:

ƒ The leadership team leads by example and encompasses Equity and Diversity

ƒ We collectively create a safe environment, free from harassment, bullying and bias

ƒ All opinions are heard without prejudice or retribution and Centre employees feel respected, valued and included

ƒ We encourage work-life balance and a family friendly atmosphere

ƒ We support and include everyone

ƒ We implement education programs on Gender Equality Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) for Centre members

2022 was a year in which GEDI activities really gained momentum, allowing us to lay a solid foundation for our work in 2023 and beyond.

In the early part of the year we formed the GEDI Committee through expressions of interest. It was inspiring to see that the topic resonated with people throughout the Centre, and our resulting committee of 9 members ably represent the diversity of cultures, ages, roles and genders within our Centre. This was an important milestone contributing to Objective 2 of the Centre’s strategic plan.

In a consultative approach, we used open-ended questions within the 2022 Equity & Diversity survey to canvas the whole Centre membership on areas

of priority related to GEDI. Fifty one of 117 members responded (44%) and we were able to define four resulting areas of, Fairness & Respect, Valued & Belonging, Safe & Open, and Empowered & Growing as a framework for developing a more detailed GEDI plan, that also includes specific actions suggested by the members, and others developed by the committee (in alignment with Objective 2 of the Centre’s strategic plan).

In the latter part of the year the GEDI Committee worked on reviewing and finalising the detailed GEDI plan and identifying three actions (two chosen by the committee and one voted on by the Centre membership) as our priorities for 2022-2023. These were implementing training on language, equity & biases, establishing a mechanism for sharing & celebrating non-work achievements, and developing training, policies and support around bullying and harassment.

The GEDI Committee meets on average monthly, and continuously strives to ensure Centre culture and values are embedded within the Centre operations and culture through policy, training programs and other activities as defined by our GEDI Strategic Plan. In terms of specific outcomes and achievements during 2022, the GEDI Committee:

ƒ Developed and ran a morning-long training session on inclusivity at the Annual Conference

ƒ Established a number of mechanisms for sharing and celebrating non-work achievements, including establishing a MS Teams channel, developing a series of activities for the Annual Conference, and initiating a

social media campaign to encourage Centre members to get to know each other better

ƒ Continued to roll out a calendar of social media content in recognition of dates of significance for different cultures within our Centre membership

ƒ Began the process of engaging a GEDI consultant to assist with development of procedures and training around topics like unconscious bias, bullying and harassment, and flexible working.


Comments on GEDI at the conference

ƒ The Centre assists ECRs by promoting research, fostering personal and professional growth and providing exposure to diverse backgrounds and fields.

ƒ GEDI activities/presentations, Zoom photobooth, First Nations Welcome

ƒ The community feeling and sense of belonging in the larger group

ƒ Physical presence, diversity of content, cultures and people

ƒ The focus on diversity and inclusion

PhD Regina Medeiros (UOM) & ECR Dr Tina

participate in artwork creation at the Indigenous Women In Mining and Resources Australia (IWIMRA) stand at IMARC who welcomed involvement, and guided team member engagement to create the artworks (as pictured)

GEDI activities at the COEMinerals conference

Centre social media elevates COEMinerals’ culture and celebrates GEDI values and milestone moments

Hsia (Monash) PhD Linda Ayedzi UniSA) & ECR Dr George Abaka-Wood (UniSA) attending an AusIMM Women in Mining event luncheon in Adelaide


COEMinerals is committed to providing high-quality training environments including a focus on solving challenging problems, providing quality research environments and ensuring wide ranging involvement opportunities to build personal and professional skills.

Future Leaders Committee

The Future Leaders Committee (FLC) is managed and operated by an internal group of the Centre’s PhDs and ECRs. This Committee helps PhDs and ECRs - representing the Centre’s nine nodes – to connect and form internal networks with each other and Centre leaders. Further, the FLC drives training and mentoring topics, as well as building awareness of and engagement in Centre-orchestrated activities (be they social, professional development or academic).

The Committee offers a communication channel with the Centre’s executive committee, enabling two-way engagement on wide ranging topics that elevate and support the specific needs of the Centre’s PhDs and ECRs, who represent the next generation of STEM research and industry leaders. Future Leader Committee activities in 2022 included:

ƒ Seven FLC (7) meetings, involving student representation from multiple nodes and supplemented by informal gatherings

ƒ PhD and ECR member survey created and rolled out

ƒ Proposed technical and professional development training topics

ƒ Two-way channelling of key information to and from PhDs, ECRs and Centre executive

ƒ Activating PhD and ECR team-member interpersonal connections through Committeeorganised events and social activities

- The Committee played an important role in driving PhD and ECR engagement during the Centre’s first in-person Conference in Canberra, including organising informal social events (Questacon visits and several organised dinners) and driving participation in formal mentoring activities (such as PhD ‘3-Minute Thesis’ and Poster competitions)

- Various Zoom engagements with PhDs and ECRs throughout the year, including games nights

ƒ Supporting the Centre’s GEDI goals, including ensuring diverse representation on the organising committee.

PhD & ECR Insights on Committee Involvement and Impact

PhD Joshua Starrett (UON) , who managed the FLC in 2022, commented: Being a part of the FLC has given me the opportunity to connect with other PhD students and ECRs from the Centre, and to contribute to creating a collaborative environment.

PhD Matthias Orchard (UoA) commented on the wide-reaching benefits of the FLC’s positive personal and professional development impacts.

I enjoyed being part of the committee, which enabled me to feel more connected to the Centre and provided me the opportunity to make a positive impact for my peers. I also developed new skills and gained valuable experience in presenting my views to influence decision making for the benefit of other students.

ECR Dr Negin Amini (Deakin) shared: The FLC is really important, making sure the voices of PhD students and ECRs are heard.

Our wonderful future leaders having fun with the Zoom Booth at the COEMinerals Annual Conference in Canberra


International Experience Insights from a Future Leader - Siân Parkes

As part of our efforts to develop relationships and build new networks, we are supporting joint research opportunities with major national and international centres and research programs, which helps to build strong international connections for the Centre’s future leaders and informs new and exciting collaborative research opportunities and experimental work to help make minerals processing more sustainable.

By way of example, Centre PhD Siân Parkes tapped into related subject matter knowledge, explored new areas of research and helped with Centredeveloped technology set-up while spending two months working at Germany’s Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) and Technische Universität Dresden, including a 4-day stay at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland. Bringing her knowledge and experience of Centre-developed technology (The REFLUX™ Flotation Cell) to the table in Germany, Siân helped investigate the potential of environmentallyfriendly biosurfactants and Centre-developed RAFT polymers in the RFC technology, along with exploring the potential of recycling lithium ion batteries using alternate novel flotation technology.

While on site at HIF, Siân investigated gallium and arsenide ions (which are the major components of semiconductors) recovery and exploring their recycling potential along with lithium (as part of ongoing projects) alongside senior scientists, Professors, Masters and PhD students involved with biotechnology, chemistry and mechanical engineering.

Siân Parkes shared:

“Having such a diverse range of expertise was very useful for problem solving and experimental design. Even small scale advances in knowledge count, and ladder-up to more sustainable minerals processing and/or achievement of academic excellence. It was interesting to work with materials that had never been tested before and working out if the RAFT polymers would allow a froth to form, and which concentration or pH would be best for ion recovery. There was very little literature about what our project was focusing on, which is exciting, as it shows how novel the work is, but difficult as you can’t use previous findings to give you a helping hand or an idea where to start. It was even more exciting when we started to find our documents optimal conditions. Working on site, for a relatively short period of time meant I needed to work as effectively and efficiently as possible.”

Kerstin Eckert (HZDR) representing Dresden, Rossendorf and Freiberg and PhD Siân Parkes (UON) showcasing a new flotation technology at the Helmholtz Group Meeting/Conference in Berlin Dr Martin Rudolf (HZDR) and PhD Siân Parkes (UON) in the lab at Helmholtz Institute Freiberg (HIF)


Training and mentoring is a crucial objective of the Centre

Future Leaders Program

Delivering on our 2021 plans, 2022 saw the commencement of the ‘Future Leaders (training) Program’. This program incorporates tailored training plans for PhDs and ECRs along with allmember learning and skill-building opportunities.

A key objective of the program is to ensure COEMinerals PhDs and ECRs have the opportunity to gain professional development and personal growth over the course of their tenure within the Centre of specific relevance to their growth as a person and to their career stage. Our overall aim is to ensure they are trained as a new generation of research, STEM & minerals sector leaders. The training plans cover the following categories:

ƒ Mentoring

ƒ Academic Development

ƒ Professional Skills

ƒ Other (incorporating technical, innovation/ commercialisation, etc)

Where possible the PhD and ECR training opportunities include industry engagement, site visits and tours which provide hands-on experience and create direct connections with the minerals sector. Centre members representing multiple nodes participated in Industry site visits throughout the year at multiple mine sites across the country. Industry involvement at the Annual Conference enabled all Centre members to make a directconnection with sector leaders and innovators, in particular through Gaddie Pitch and mentoring panel sessions.

Member Training

In addition to the Future Leaders Program, all COEMinerals members undertook training during our annual conference in July, as well as online throughout the year.

The all-staff training consisted of media training, social media training, responsible research conduct and GEDI workshops.

Ad hoc training was offered by various nodes in fields of flotation and coarse particle processing, supported by node-specific initiatives.

Training Type Course Name Group

Academic Development Writing impactful grant applications

Understanding and embedding responsible research conduct

Professional Skills Media Training

Social Media Training


Communication Excellence PhDs and ECRs

GEDI Workshop

Other Technical

- Flotation Chemistry Course

- Multiscale modelling of fractal-like particles

- Understanding the ore breakage fundamentals for real-time process performance prediction, control and optimisation

- Dry processing

Commercialisation / innovation / Intellectual Property / Industry






- Research to Industry Translation (Supervisors Workshop) CIs, AI, MCRs and AIs

- Research to Industry Translation

and ECRs

- Gaddie Pitch to Industry PhDs and ECRs

- 3-Minute Thesis Workshop PhDs

Mentoring Online Mini Mentoring Session PhDs and ECRs

Mentoring Panel Session PhDs and ECRs


Learning Beyond the Lab: Future Leader mine site visits

There is no better way to understand the potential of positive change in minerals processing and the scale of community and industry challenges to be solved, than leaving the lab.

Sector collaboration is delivered as part of wideranging professional development and learning experiences at our Centre of Excellence, and site visits in particular provide the Centre’s PhD students and ECRs a fuller understanding of the role new and innovative mineral recovery technology is playing to make minerals processing more sustainable. While on-site, they also gain valuable insights about site operations and logistics, waste reduction techniques and other measures to minimise environmental impact across the value-chain.

COEMinerals Future Leader on-site visits in 2022 included:

ƒ PhDs and ECRs from UQ, Monash, UOM and Deakin nodes visiteing Glencore Australia’s Mt Isa mine site, exploring minerals processing technology, sustainability measures and considering operational efficiencies

ƒ PhDs and ECRs from the UOM node visited Agnico Eagle Mines Limited’s Fosterville gold mine (near Bendigo, Victoria), delivering a veritable ‘gold mine’ of learning experiences, including enabling PhDs and ECRs to see froth flotation cells operating at scale for mineral/metal separation as well as other ecoinnovations on site.

ƒ PhDs and ECRs representing UON, UOM, UniSA (and others attending the RFC Upscaling symposium) visited Glencore’s Hunter Valley (NSW) operations to see the Centre-developed REFLUX™ Flotation Cell, in action

These visits assist in making industry connections which help spark new ideas and spurs conversations that may lead to new research insights and/or future career path opportunities for our Future Leaders.

Glencore Mt Isa, Queensland mine site visit by PhDs, & ECRs from Monash, Deakin, UQ and UOM Fosterville Gold Mine, VIC visit by UOM node members Bulga NSW, mine site visit with UON ECR and PhD, as well as RFC Symposium delegates


Centre outreach provides the mutual opportunity to spark curiosity, and to challenge, question and learn from others Ensuring scientific knowledge and advances are shared widely with the community and METS sector is a core tenant of our work.

ƒ The Centre’s PhD & ECRs gain professional development opportunities during the planning, preparation, roll-out and interactions through these activities and events. They also advocate for student and community participation in STEM topics, subjects and careers

ƒ Through our outreach, the community and industry gain insights into the Centre’s groundbreaking research and invention. They also experience how science and engineering is being practically applied for the benefit of future generations

Science Kits for Schools (‘Minerals Kitchen’)

COEMinerals’ ’School Outreach Team’ - comprising seven PhDs and two ECRs representing multiple Centre-nodes and supervised by A/Prof Elham Doroodchi (UON) – is creating ‘Science Kits’ for schools as part of a multi-year activity that began in mid-2021.

Science Kits contain teaching resources associated with innovation and eco-efficiency in minerals processing that support science and technology learning.

During 2022, the Centre’s School Outreach team finalised the equipment and teaching tool sets, which will equip teachers with engaging content for classroom or home-based learning that make science fun.

Each kit contains science experiments, outlined in step-by-step guides (recipes) for experimentation as well as links to interactive demonstrations of the simple scientific experiments. The handson activities help demonstrate the importance and challenges involved in improving minerals processing.

The focus of experiments thus far is mainly on ‘flotation’, which provides students a broader understanding on the fundamentals of flotation and explores surface chemistry, the importance of gas bubbles and how changing particle surfaces properties can make them float or sink. Flotation is fundamental to many COEMinerals’ energy saving/ waste reducing techniques and inventions. This context provides a practical application of float/ sink scientific principles (that are taught during primary school), and which can increase efficiency, and reduce energy and waste, during minerals processing.

The Outreach team is looking to incorporate more experiments that showcase scientific methods such as, microscopy, which enables better quality images of tiny or microscopic observations during

experiments and showing its application in Centre research. It is also developing ways to demonstrate how the main processing units in mining work, including agglomeration of fine particles, flocculation for water treatment and recycling.

The Project is affectionately known as ‘The Minerals Kitchen’ because the experiments utilise ingredients and items that can be purchased at low cost or found in many homes, including materials like coffee and chickpeas. As such, they are safe, practical and cost effective.

The Centre is at ‘Phase 2’ of kit development, with experiments being tested during live demonstrations by PhDs and ECRs during in-person events, school visits and node-lab visits. Testing also included demonstrating the experiments to Centre members and ARC representatives during the annual COEMinerals Conference. Feedback is essential to developing the kits.

The kits will soon be made available to Australian schools, including classrooms in regional and low socio-economic communities. Videos that demonstrate the scientific experiments (as explained in the kits) will be accessible via the COEMinerals website and via social media sharing in 2023.

Demonstrating the separation of ground coffee via flotation, where bubbles were created using a Berocca tablet Members of the ‘Minerals Kitchen’ team test experiments for inclusion in school kits: UON PhD students Siân Parkes, Meolla Yvon and Margaret Amosah

Science and Engineering Challenge

Supporting a national STEM outreach programThe ‘Science and Engineering Challenge’ (SEC) - COEMinerals commenced development of an activity for SEC inclusion for Years 6-10 school students.

Through the SEC, students experience aspects of science and engineering which they would not usually see in their school environment.

The COEMinerals ‘Rock Star Challenge’ team, led by Prof Mohsen Yahyaei (UQ) conceptualised two Science and Engineering activities in 2022. Both ‘games’ challenge students to engage with and learn more about the science behind modern minerals processing, helping to encourage further studies and careers in related fields.

One activity focuses on the physical separation of solid particles based on their size, which is fastmoving to prototype stage.

The objective of the challenge is for students to achieve good separation of the mixture by using sieves of a known mesh size and determine the size distribution of the sample mixture. This activity aims to mimic the sieving process used in the minerals, food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

The second activity focuses on filtration of water using an array of materials (e.g., gravel, sand, active carbon, cotton) arranged in a filtered column.

Activity outcomes are assessed based on time efficiency, column height and quality of filtrated water (e.g., pH, alkalinity).

A third activity is anticipated to be added in 2023 relating to lab testing protocols.

Diversity of Thought

The initial design and concept of the ‘Diversity of Thought’ module for 1st year undergraduate students in collaboration with School of Engineering and School of Architecture and Built Environment (SABE) at UON began towards the end of 2022.

The aim of the module is for 1 st year undergraduate students to gain concept and understanding, that when they include diverse groups (and not just a homogeneous group) into their stages of innovation and implementation processes, then they have a greater chance of creating or expanding original ideas and improving problem solving. Eight-minute video modules will be created over the coming years, which branch into topics with Diversity of Thought at its centre, such as equity and gender, indigenous & cultural representation in engineering, artificial intelligence etc. The aim is to have at minimum the first module created and piloted to Engineering and SABE school by later end of 2023.

The ‘Diversity of Thought’ module is an COEMinerals GEDI outreach initiative lead by COO Annemarie Fawkner.

Additional Centre Outreach

COEMinerals sponsored the following sector events:

ƒ International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists (IACIS) Conference (July, Brisbane)

ƒ International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) Asia Pacific Conference (August, Melbourne)

ƒ Early Career Women in STEMM Paper and Grant Writing Workshop (Sept, Sydney)

COEMinerals members participated as speakers in numerous other events throughout 2022, and UniSA node members A/Prof Marta Krasowska and Dr Amir Beheshti organised the 33rd Australian Colloid and Surface Science Student Conference.

Members at each node participated in various COEMinerals and STEM-related school and community outreach activities including:

ƒ Wilderness high school students visited UoA node to experience bio-engineering work in the new lab, as part of the students’ STEM student work experience

ƒ UQ members engaged visiting Aspley High School students in minerals processing lab experiments, and presented context for their work (i.e,. providing an overview of how metals go from being in the ground to becoming end products)

ƒ Members from Deakin node participated in the ‘Girls in Physics’ school outreach and hosted a ‘Girls in STEM’ work experience day. Deakin also provided tours and presentations to Geelong Manufacturing Council’s ‘Geelong Future Leaders of Industry’ and ‘Girls Leading Advanced Manufacturing’ (GFLOI & GLAM) programs for Y10-12 students

ƒ AusIMM and other IWD-related event participation in multiple cities, including a speaking/panellist role by Dr Mahshid Firouzi (UON)

ƒ University Open Day participation at multiple nodes

IACIS sponsorship. With Prof Erica Wanless and UON PhD Sonia Khandaker


Now in their second year, the Centre’s two lecture series went from strength to strength in 2022, attracting inspiring speakers for the Centre’s ‘Signature Lectures’ and informative ‘Internal Seminar’ series

Centre Executive Committee member, Prof George Franks coordinates COEMinerals Signature Lectures and Internal Seminars and is master of ceremonies.

Signature Lecture Series

Invited eminent scientists or industrialists from around the globe join COEMinerals members to deliver a topic via the Centre’s prestigious Signature Lecture Series. These lectures enable Centre members, along with COEMinerals partner organisations staff and interested others to join a video-call presentation to learn from and engage with research and industry experts from Australia and around the world.

Speakers are well-respected and internationally acclaimed. They each explore a topic relating to modern minerals processing, spanning the technical to the philosophical, as well as incorporating community insights and providing context to wider challenges associated with the solving aspects associated with creating sustainable change. In this friendly forum, speakers tend to share their personal views and spur curiosity, questions and new ideas in attendees.

Awareness of contemporary concepts and trends in mineral processing research and industrial operation is important context building for our students and team.

Supporting professional development and network building for PhDs and ECRs in particular, the content delivered, and question-and-answer sections, provides insights and inspiration to Centre researchers and students. It also helps put Centre work into a ‘big picture’ context by exploring the influence of mineral processing on the environment, society and communities.

The Lectures are generally about 45 minutes duration, followed by 15 minutes of discussion and questions. Lecture recordings are generally made widely available on COEMinerals’ social media and website.

Signature Lectures in 2022:

ƒ 9 Feb – Prof Robert Davis, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, Modeling of Flow-enhanced Particle Capture

ƒ 6 Apr – Mark Coghill, Rio Tinto, Tailings management and repurposing

ƒ 1 June – Prof Anna Littleboy, Sustainable Minerals Institute, UQ, So what does it mean to be “eco-efficient”?

ƒ 29 June – Prof David Weitz, Harvard, USA, New droplet-templated materials made with microfluidics

ƒ 27 July – Michelle Ash, OZ Minerals, Finding New Ways to Extract Modern Metals

ƒ 2 Nov – Prof Bre-Anne Sainsbury, Deakin, Environmentally Sustainable Disposal of Mine Tailings through Cemented Paste Backfill

ƒ 30 Nov – A/Prof Kathryn Mumford, UOM, Solvent extraction as part of minerals processing

ƒ 14 Dec - Prof Markus A. Reuter, SMS Group, Germany, Green metals: Enabling the circular economy

Cover shot: Signature Lecture presentation by Markus A. Reuter

Internal Seminar Series

Each month the Centre provides two short-seminars (each about 20 minutes in duration) that deep-dive into scientific or technical content which is highly applicable to academic learning, and which provides an opportunity for connectivity for teams across the Centre.

During 2022, this series featured Centre ECRs, Research Fellows and PhDs as speakers, at times supported by a Centre Chief Investigator (CI). This was a change from 2021, where CIs generally presented. Speakers join the call from each node, and at times from across the globe, with presentations delivered on-line.

The main goal of the seminars is to update Centre members on the progress of current related research projects. They contain technical details of the projects to a COEMinerals internal audience, making them different to Signature Lectures.

The added-value of these seminars is the lively scientific debate generated about the research presented, which spurs follow-up connections and conversations between nodes.

Internal Seminar Speakers in 2022

ƒ 23 Feb – Dr Ai Wang, UON and Dr Mohammad Hoque, UON

ƒ 9 Mar - Dr Eirini Goudeli, UOM and Dr Nilanka Ekanayake, UOM

ƒ 23 Mar - Siân Parkes, UON and Prof Chris Aldrich, Curtin

ƒ 20 Apr – Sajid Hassan, UOM and Jackquline Eardley, UOM

ƒ 4 May – A/Prof Seher Ata, UNSW

ƒ 15 June – A/Prof Marta Krasowska, UniSA

ƒ 10 Aug – Dr Chris Ritchie, Monash and Tina Hsia, Monash

ƒ 7 Sept – Dr Negin Amini, Deakin and Dr Ellen Moon, Deakin

ƒ 21 Sept – Dr Ellen Moon (part 2), Deakin and Dr Ghislain

Bournival, UNSW

ƒ 5 Oct – Yang Li, UQ/UoA and Dr Guangze (Daniel) Yang, UoA


COEMinerals appointed Communications and Media Officer Kim Stockham id-year

Building strong foundations for a new focus on communications, Kim reviewed and refreshed COEMinerals communications materials and messaging, and is actively growing Centre awareness and advocacy via social and traditional media channels. She is now the point-person for media, partner and stakeholder liaison and communications initiatives.

Communications activities since Kim joined include:

ƒ A Communication risk and readiness audit, identifying key strengths and opportunities for proactive communications, as well as new areas to develop over time

ƒ A Communications strategy and plan, incorporating social media criteria, timeline, content and tactics

ƒ New foundational communications materials including briefing documents (for corporate

affairs audiences), descriptors and scientific explainers (for media)

ƒ In-house training delivered on:

- Key messages & Centre storytelling (whole team) – supported with a ’how to’ guide to Centre storytelling

- Social Media – supported by social media Guidelines and a ‘how to’ guide for posting content about the Centre on personal social channels

- Media interview briefings (1:1) – supported by story development, pre-interview Q&A practice and media liaison

- Provision of advice and support relating to issue readiness

Positive media coverage of Centre member achievements and scientific discovery is a priority. Delivering on this, Kim has cultivated new media relationships for the Centre resulting in multiple media clips advocating COEMinerals’ research impact. These include ABC Radio and Newcastle Herald.

Kim has broadened the Centre’s contact network to include stakeholder communications teams, helping to deliver COEMinerals engagement and advocacy. This engagement approach contributed to the success of COEMinerals Annual Conference with the inclusion of keynote and panel speakers beyond industry partners, expanding Centre member contacts and enabling attendees to consider some of the challenging community and Resources sector topics associated with ensuring ‘Minerals for our Future’.

As a result of Kim’s work COEMinerals achieved:

ƒ Close to 6,000 web site visits (3,700 of those were new site visitors in 2022)

ƒ 100+ LinkedIn posts with image-driven content, driving 60,000+ content views and leading directly to 2,800+ web site visits as click-throughs

ƒ Close to 850 LinkedIn followers (520 of those new in 2022) representing an audience that now includes UK, Europe, North America, South America, Africa and many Asian nations

ƒ 100+ tweets, driving 25,000+ content views and engagement by 145 third parties

ƒ Inclusion of Centre news or technology in seven media stories (7); three (3) of those based on 1:1 interviews with Centre PhD/ECR members, and reaching an estimated audience of at least 350,000

ƒ Higher prominence in communications by third parties including: Australasian Colloids and Interface Society (ACIS), the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA), West Cobar Metals, FLSmidth, Jord, AusIMM and node universities to name a few

Looking forward, it is a priority to expand storytelling opportunities to include scientific and educational excellence, and to continue reaching audiences beyond the resources sector.


COEMinerals Comms

Connect with COEMinerals via:






COEMinerals Refereed Publications

G.B. Abaka-Wood, B. Johnson, J. Addai-Mensah, W. Skinner, Recovery of Rare Earth Elements Minerals in Complex Low-Grade Saprolite Ore by Froth Flotation, Minerals. 12 (2022) 1138. https://doi. org/10.3390/min12091138

K. Abood, T. Das, D.R. Lester, S.P. Usher, A.D. Stickland, C. Rees, N. Eshtiaghi, D.J. Batstone, Characterising sedimentation velocity of primary waste water solids and effluents, Water Research. 219 (2022) 118555.

C. Aldrich, E. Avelar, X. Liu, Recent advances in flotation froth image analysis, Minerals Engineering. 188 (2022) 107823. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107823

P. Amani, R. Miller, A. Javadi, M. Firouzi, Pickering foams and parameters influencing their characteristics, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 301 (2022) 102606. cis.2022.102606

K. Barbosa, M. Hilden, M. Yahyaei, Analysis of force–deformation and force–time profiles of 3D-printed specimens of single and binary mineral composition tested with Short Impact Load Cell, Minerals Engineering. 189 (2022) 107887. mineng.2022.107887.

C. Brill, I. Verster, G.V. Franks, L. Forbes, Aerosol Collector Addition in Coarse Particle Flotation – A Review, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review. (2022) 1–10. 8827508.2022.2095377

J. Chen, W. Chimonyo, Y. Peng, Flotation behaviour in reflux flotation cell – A critical review, Minerals Engineering. 181 (2022) 107519.

W. Chimonyo, Y. Peng, Selective inhibition of kaolinite entrainment during chalcopyrite flotation in saline water, Minerals Engineering. 184 (2022) 107637.

M. Choudhari, J. Xu, A.I. McKay, C. Guerrin, C. Forsyth, H.Z. Ma, L. Goerigk, R.A.J. O’Hair, A. Bonnefont, L. Ruhlmann, S. Aloise, C. Ritchie, A photo-switchable molecular capsule: sequential photoinduced processes, Chemical Science. 13 (2022) 13732–13740.

L.J. Crompton, M.T. Islam, K.P. Galvin, Investigation of Internal Classification in Coarse Particle Flotation of Chalcopyrite Using the coarseAIRTM, Minerals. 12 (2022) 783. min12060783

J.B. Dankwah, R.K. Asamoah, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, Dense liquid flotation: Can coarse particle flotation performance be enhanced by controlling fluid density?, Minerals Engineering. 180 (2022) 107513.

J.B. Dankwah, R.K. Asamoah, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, Influence of water rate, gas rate, and bed particle size on bed-level and coarse particle flotation performance, Minerals Engineering. 183 (2022) 107622.

B. Fan, J. Wan, J. Zhai, N.K.S. Teo, A. Huynh, S.H. Thang, Photoluminescent polymer cubosomes prepared by RAFT-mediated polymerization-induced self-assembly, Polymer Chemistry. 13 (2022) 4333–4342.

K.P. Galvin, S.M. Iveson, New challenges for gravity concentration and classification of fine particles, Minerals Engineering. 190 (2022) 107888.

M.M. Hoque, E. Doroodchi, G.J. Jameson, G.M. Evans, S. Mitra, Numerical estimation of critical local energy dissipation rate for particle detachment from a bubble-particle aggregate captured within a confined vortex, Minerals Engineering. 180 (2022) 107508.

M.M. Hoque, R. Moreno-Atanasio, E. Doroodchi, J.B. Joshi, G.M. Evans, S. Mitra, Dynamics of a single bubble rising in a quiescent medium, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 132 (2022) 110546.

Md.T. Islam, A.V. Nguyen, A. Afzal, Bubble’s rise characteristics in shear-thinning xanthan gum solution: a numerical analysis, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 132 (2022) 104219.

S.M. Iveson, J.L. Sutherland, M.J. Cole, D.J. Borrow, J. Zhou, K.P. Galvin, Full-Scale trial of the REFLUXTM flotation cell, Minerals Engineering. 179 (2022) 107447. mineng.2022.107447

Y. Li, G. Yang, L. Gerstweiler, S.H. Thang, C.-X. Zhao, Design of Stimuli-Responsive Peptides and Proteins, Advanced Functional Materials. n/a (2022) 2210387. adfm.202210387

X. Liu, C. Aldrich, Assessing the Influence of Operational Variables on Process Performance in Metallurgical Plants by Use of Shapley Value Regression, Metals. 12 (2022) 1777. met12111777

X. Liu, C. Aldrich, Deep Learning Approaches to Image Texture Analysis in Material Processing, Metals. 12 (2022) 355. https://doi. org/10.3390/met12020355

X. Liu, C. Aldrich, Explaining anomalies in coal proximity and coal processing data with Shapley and tree-based models, Fuel. 335 (2023) 126891.

B.T. Lobel, M.J. Hobson, P.M. Ireland, G.B. Webber, C.A. Thomas, H. Ogino, S. Fujii, E.J. Wanless, Interparticle Repulsion of Microparticles Delivered to a Pendent Drop by an Electric Field, Langmuir. 38 (2022) 670–679. langmuir.1c02507

B.T. Lobel, H. Robertson, G.B. Webber, P.M. Ireland, E.J. Wanless, Impact of surface free energy on electrostatic extraction of particles from a bed, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 611 (2022) 617–628.

X. Ma, N.N. Nguyen, A.V. Nguyen, A review on quantifying the influence of lateral capillary interactions on the particle floatability and stability of particle-laden interfaces, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 307 (2022) 102731. cis.2022.102731

D. Mesa, P. Quintanilla, F. Reyes, Bubble Analyser — An opensource software for bubble size measurement using image analysis, Minerals Engineering. 180 (2022) 107497. mineng.2022.107497

C.V. Nguyen, M. Peng, T.T. Duignan, A.V. Nguyen, Salting-Up of Surfactants at the Surface of Saline Water as Detected by Tensiometry and SFG and Supported by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. (2022). https://doi. org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c08114

J. Oshitani, M. Hino, S. Oshiro, Y. Mawatari, T. Tsuji, Z. Jiang, G.V. Franks, Conversion air velocity at which reverse density segregation converts to normal density segregation in a vibrated fluidized bed of binary particulate mixtures, Advanced Powder Technology. 33 (2022) 103583.

S. Parkes, P. Wang, K.P. Galvin, Investigating the System Flotation Kinetics of Fine Chalcopyrite in a REFLUXTM Flotation Cell using a Standardised Flotation Cell Reference Method, Minerals Engineering. 178 (2022) 107411.

Y. Qian, S.P. Usher, P.J. Scales, A.D. Stickland, A. Alexiadis, Agglomeration Regimes of Particles under a Linear Laminar Flow: A Numerical Study, Mathematics. 10 (2022) 1931. https://doi. org/10.3390/math10111931

A. Wang, M.M. Hoque, G. Evans, S. Mitra, Determining collision efficiency in multi-bubble-particle systems in presence of turbulence, Minerals Engineering. 189 (2022) 107889. mineng.2022.107889


A. Wang, M.M. Hoque, G. Evans, S. Mitra, Effect of turbulence dispersion on bubble-particle collision efficiency, Minerals Engineering. 177 (2022) 107374. mineng.2021.107374

A.J. Whitworth, E. Forbes, I. Verster, V. Jokovic, B. Awatey, A. Parbhakar-Fox, Review on advances in mineral processing technologies suitable for critical metal recovery from mining and processing wastes, Cleaner Engineering and Technology. 7 (2022) 100451.

K. Xu, B. Fan, K. Putera, M. Wawryk, J. Wan, B. Peng, M.M. Banaszak Holl, A.F. Patti, S.H. Thang, Nanoparticle Surface Cross-Linking: A Universal Strategy to Enhance the Mechanical Properties of Latex Films, Macromolecules. 55 (2022) 5301–5313. acs.macromol.2c00688

S. Xu, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, S. Brito e Abreu, Influence of grinding conditions on the pulp chemistry and flotation of oxidised pyrite, Minerals Engineering. 177 (2022) 107385. mineng.2021.107385.

Additional Centre related Publications

S. Baysinger, R. Davis, Particle interactions with permeable drops in shear flow, Powder Technology. 383 (2021) 410–417. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.powtec.2021.01.066

V. Bobade, T. Das, S.P. Usher, D. McMurrich, A.D. Stickland, N. Eshtiaghi, Formation mechanisms and mechanical properties of anaerobic lagoon scum, Science of The Total Environment. 843 (2022) 156907.

P. Forson, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, R. Asamoah, Differential flotation of pyrite and Arsenopyrite: Effect of pulp aeration and the critical importance of collector concentration, Minerals Engineering. 178 (2022) 107421.

G.A. Roure, R.H. Davis, Diffusion-limited osmotic swelling of droplets, Physics of Fluids. 33 (2021) 117109.

G.A. Roure, R.H. Davis, Modelling of particle capture by expanding droplets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 912 (2021) A11. https://doi. org/10.1017/jfm.2020.1102

G.A. Roure, J. Trost, R.H. Davis, Particle capture by expanding droplets: effects of inner diffusion, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 948 (2022) A36.

A. Wang, M.M. Hoque, R. Moreno-Atanasio, G. Evans, S. Mitra, Development of a flotation recovery model with CFD predicted collision efficiency, Minerals Engineering. 159 (2020) 106615. https://

S. Xu, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, S. Brito e Abreu, Surface chemistry of oxidised pyrite during grinding: EDTA extraction analysis, Minerals Engineering. 160 (2021) 106683. mineng.2020.106683

G.B Abaka-Wood, L.D Ayedzi, J Addai-Mensah., W Skinner, Monazite and kaolinite flotation using sodium oleate as a collector, Proceedings of the 7th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, (2022) Tarkwa, Ghana, pp. 1 - 6.

G.B Abaka-Wood, G. Acquah, C.K. Owusu, J. Addai-Mensah, A Review of Characterization Techniques and Processing Methods for Lithium Extraction, Proceedings of the 7th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, (2022) Tarkwa, Ghana, pp. 1-10.

G.B. Abaka-Wood, L.D. Ayedzi, J. Addai-Mensah, W. Skinner, Monazite and kaolinite flotation using sodium oleate as a collector, Proceedings of the 7th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, (2022) Tarkwa, Ghana

L.D. Ayedzi, G.B. Abaka-Wood, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, A brief review of fine particle flotation, 18th Procemin-Geomet 2022 18 (978-956397-062-3), (2022) pp. 49-59

L.D. Ayedzi, G.B Abaka-Wood, M Zanin, W. Skinner, Electrokinetic study of pentlandite and quartz for froth flotation separation, 18th Procemin-Geomet (2022) 18 (978-956-397-062-3), pp. 184 – 193

E. Avelar, T. McGrath, J. McGrath, A. Escolme, I.N. Aslam, B. Albijanic, B. Agbenuvor, Determination of Coarse Gangue Rejection Amenability for Gold and Base Metal Ores, (2022) ALTA (2022), Perth

J.B. Dankwah, R. Asamoah, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, Influence of bed material characteristics on fluidized bed properties, Proceedings of the 7th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, (2022) Tarkwa, Ghana

J.B. Dankwah, R. Asamoah, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, A brief review on the influence of fines on coarse particle flotation, 17th International Conference on Mineral Processing and Geometallurgy, Gecamin, (2022) Tarkwa, Ghana pp. 181-194.

S. Hassan, N.I.K. Ekanayake, S.P. Usher, P.J Scales, R.J. Batterham, A.D. Stickland, Effect of fine particles on the dewaterability of bimodal mixtures. IMPC Asia Pacific 2022 Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia, (2022) pp. 1024-1030.

M. Hoque, A. Wang, P. Ireland, G. Evans, S. Mitra, Estimation of bubble size distribution and local turbulence in a bubbly flow system, IMPC Asia Pacific 2022 Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia, (2022)

T. Hsia, B. Fan, T. Perera, S.H. Thang, -Tocopherol based small molecules and RAFT polymers as novel collectors for mineral beneficiation, IMPC 2022, AusIMM conference, Melbourne

A.D. Stickland, D.R. Lester, N. Eshtiaghi, V. Bobade, T. Das, S.P Usher, C.A Rees, D. McMurrich, Scum formation and consolidation in covered anaerobic lagoons, OzWater’22, Brisbane, Australia, 10-12 May (2022)

A. Zakari, M. Hoque, P. Ireland, G. Evans, S. Mitra, An Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modelling of the Dynamics of a Bubble Plume in the Presence of Surfactant. 23rd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, (2022) Sydney

Cover Art: Salting-Up of Surfactants at the Surface of Saline Water as Detected by Tensiometry and SFG and Supported by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B Cuong V. Nguyen, Anh V. Nguyen et al. 2022, 126, 1063



Financial Statement Notes

ƒ ARC Grant Funds include annual indexation

ƒ NSW Government (RAAP Grant) was paid in advance in 2021

ƒ University contributions incorporate University of Newcastle, University of Queensland, Deakin University, University of South Australia, Monash University, University of Melbourne, Curtin University, University of NSW, University of Adelaide

ƒ The level of carry forward in funding is higher than would normally be expected. However, given the late signing of the contract and impact from COVID in the first year, not to mention the impact in the second year, this situation is unsurprising. What matters is the level of expenditure in 2022 is now exceeding 80% of the income, and increasing, meaning the Centre is now in full production as we enter 2023

Carry Forward $9,868,329 INCOME 2022 ACTUAL ARC Grant Funds $5,228,255 NSW GovernmentRAAP Grant $S.A. Government - RCSF $100,000 University Contributions $1,773,792 Industry Contributions $320,000 Total Income $7,422,048
IN-KIND 2022 ACTUAL University of Newcastle $729,769 University of Queensland $353,228 Deakin University $43,248 University of S.A. $125,841 Monash University $124,452 University of Melbourne $267,870 Curtin University $110,363 University of NSW $91,304 University of Adelaide $82,540 Total in-kind $1,928,616
ACTUAL Personnel $4,495,043 Equipment $259,173 Maintenance $702,418 Travel $384,410 Other $218,931 Total Expenditure $6,059,975 Carry Forward 2022 $11,230,401


Boards and Panels

ƒ Advisory Board meeting to be conducted bi-annually

ƒ International Advisory Panel to be conducted bi-annually (with one face to face meeting in July)

COEMinerals Administration

ƒ Yearly review of COEMinerals Plans

ƒ Collate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) throughout the year

ƒ Review and update KPI database


ƒ Future Leaders Committee (FLC), involving PhDs and ECRs

ƒ Monthly Gender Equity Diversity & Inclusion (GEDI) Committee

ƒ Stakeholder Committee meeting to be conducted bi-annually


ƒ Continue industry engagement


ƒ Engage in at least 25 international and national conferences

ƒ COEMinerals annual face-to-face conference in July

ƒ Centre Organised - deliver workshops/symposiums throughout the year for industry and academia

Inter-collaborations and industry site visits

ƒ Visits from Director and Centre Chief Operations Officer to all nodes in 2023

ƒ Continuation of inter-collaborations with lab visits across various nodes

ƒ Industry site visits


ƒ Weekly Executive Committee meeting

ƒ Research Program Committee meetings

ƒ Research Program Review Committee bi-annual meeting

ƒ COEMinerals Townhall meetings

ƒ Monthly (on average) GEDI and Future Leaders committee meetings


ƒ Organise Future Leaders Program mentoring sessions with industry and academia


Media and Communications

ƒ Align COEMinerals key messages and content across all communications materials, social channels and website

ƒ Promote and support the success of the Centre (discoveries, events, achievements, sector impact and Centre culture) through Centre channels (social media + website) and external media outlets to grow Centre awareness and METS advocacy

ƒ Leverage node Universities and partner resources to amplify the reach and awareness of COEMinerals news

ƒ Create briefing materials and/or ‘scientific explainers’ for media, leaders and corporate affairs/government audiences

Mid-Term Review


ƒ Prepare and participate in ARC Mid-Term Review


ƒ Move from testing (Phase 2) to implementation (Phase 3) for the roll out of the ‘Science Kits for Schools’ Project (i.e,.‘Science Kitchen’)

ƒ Create professional videos to support Minerals Kitchen and ensure content is widely accessible via COEMinerals website

ƒ Continued development and testing of the Science & Engineering Challenge games by the Centre’s ‘Rock Star’ team, with a third activity to be added in 2023 (relating to lab testing protocols)

ƒ Start initial pilot draft program for the ‘Diversity of Thought’ module for 1st year undergraduates at UON Public

ƒ Participate in outreach events at local and/or state level; in particular exploring GEDI and Science related forums reaching wide and/or niche audiences

ƒ Elevate Centre GEDI inclusiveness with attendance at International Women’s Day (IWD) events

ƒ Participate in talks and liaison opportunities to government and industry audiences re: research capabilities and potential positive impact of the Centre



ƒ Continue national and international PhD recruitment

ƒ Project reports due quarterly

Training ƒ GEDI training

ƒ Future Leaders (training) Program - Organise technical, professional and academic training

ƒ Deliver Media readiness training (whole Centre), and 1:1 media training to media interviewees (ad hoc)

ƒ Other ad hoc training as required

Webinar Series

ƒ Hold the monthly online Signature Lecture Series, with eminent scientists or industrialists invited from around the globe to speak

ƒ Continue delivering the Internal Seminar Series on scientific or technical content by Centre researchers


Annual Conference Comments

ECR - Dr Wonder Chimonyo (UQ)

“The COEMinerals conference gathered multigenerational professionals from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Despite differences in knowledge, expertise and experiences, the conference provided a unifying and exceptional opportunity for expression and ideas exchange with openness and without fear which is important for a new generation of students trying to establish channels for enhanced visibility and professional development.

Apart from networking, the Conference provided a critical space to build and promote an inclusive COEMinerals culture, supporting achievement of common goals.”

PhD - Candice Brill (UQ)

“Meeting and discussing the work others are doing at the COEMinerals Conference was a highlight. Ideas for future collaboration were sparked and fun was had.”

PhD - Mitchell Craig (Curtin)

“The Conference was a wonderful experience and opportunity to strengthen and forge friendships and professional relationships.

The combination of pre-planned events, ice-breaker activities and the welcoming and friendly disposition of COEMinerals members paved the way for new friendships. I expect the connections made over the course of the conference will continue to prosper and be invaluable into the future.”

According to the post-event survey, this is what COEMinerals members enjoyed most about the COEMinerals Annual Conference:

ƒ Making new connections

ƒ The focus on diversity and inclusion

ƒ The Industry Panel and other talks from external people

ƒ Finding out more about the scope of Centre work the different projects taking place

ƒ Meeting and connecting with researchers from other nodes

ƒ The opportunity to learn from and mix-and-mingle with industry and colleagues

ƒ The 3MT and Gaddie pitch sessions

ƒ Getting to know people I did not previously know

ƒ Feeling a real vibe about the centre being on the verge of making fantastic progress

ƒ The community feeling and sense of belonging in the larger group

ƒ Hanging out with new friends outside of the official conference

ƒ Mingling within the conference


Gaddie Pitch Presenter Comments

Industry partner Craig Wilson (FLSmidth), Gaddie Pitch

“Hearing from PhDs & ECRs about their research discoveries and sustainability impact aspirations was very interesting. Following a one-minute ‘Gaddie Pitch’ by the Centre’s PhDs & ECRs, panellists critiqued and gave guidance or suggestions for each student to consider to achieve their research objectives.

I shared insights about the path to commercialisation, and what would be needed to gain industry interest in their work, as well as when a desired outcome would be very difficult to achieve and why.

Presenting to the industry panel represented the first time many members of this highly diverse team had delivered a ‘pitch’ message - describing the value of their work - to industry. Most were really confident and composed.

It was exciting to connect 1:1 with the Centre’s highly talented team in this way, as well as engage with others throughout the event to learn more about the Centre’s wide-ranging work.

The (FLSmidth/COEMinerals) relationship is very solid, we work well together and multiple technologies developed have been beneficial to both parties.”

PhD - Jiarui Chen (UQ)

“Gaddie Pitch training provided a hands-on and interactive experience for PhD students and ECRs to present short ‘pitches’ about their research, and gain feedback and comments from trainers, each with a strong industry background.

This experience offered valuable insights into the construction of a successful industry pitch, including what elements should be included and emphasised. It also provided a great opportunity to interact with people from industry.

As a participant, I found this training to be extremely beneficial in improving my own pitch skills and understanding how to effectively communicate the focus and value of my research, especially to an industry partner.”

ECR - Dr Guangze (Daniel) Yang (UoA)

“Gaddie Pitches offer a great platform for ECRs like myself, to gain exposure to industry partners and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

Gaddie Pitching at our Conference was a fantastic opportunity to present my work and ideas to a wider audience. It provided me a chance to receive feedback and constructive criticism from experienced professionals in my field, which helps me to refine and improve my research in the future.

The opportunity to network and connect with potential collaborators and future funding sources for new research is incredibly valuable for my career growth.”

Comments on Effective Inter-node Collaboration

PhD - Yuxuan Luo (UOM)

“During our Deakin visit, Dr Negin Amini and Dr Ellen Moon showed Dr Nilanka Ekanayake (UOM) and I around the lab, and we performed contact angle measurement using the washburn method equipment at the Deakin node. We have also discussed building a novel pelletising device at Deakin in future, to be used in conjunction with their existing 3D printer. Deakin provided us with helpful advice regards the design and materials for the device.”

ECR - Dr Casey Thomas (UOM)

“The strength of future leaders revolves around making connections between the PhDs and ECRs throughout the COE. The FLC gives us an opportunity to connect both socially and scientifically, and with the encouragement of the Center, to also pursue scientific collaboration across nodes, and involving all levels of researchers.”

ECR - Dr Tina Hsia (Monash)

“Visiting UQ and sharing ideas and experiences with other COEMinerals members - who are experts in the field, helps to bring a new perspective to problems and challenges. It Is an enlightening and thought-provoking experience that can lead to new ideas, approaches and solutions.”

ECR - Dr Negin Amini (Deakin)

“I’ve visited UOM to assist with the emulsion imagining using the confocal microscope and assisting them with the methodology and preparation of the samples. UOM team have also visited us at Deakin, where we carried out washburn tests for alumina and calcium carbonate powder to measure and determine the contact angle with water.”



Science and Technology Terms

AFM Atomic force microscopy

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics

CPR Coarse Particle Processing Research

CT Computed Tomography (scan)

DDA Dodecylamine

DEM Discrete Element Modelling

DPM Di(propylene glycol) methyl ether

EDS Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (also known as EDX)

F-S Float-and-Sink

GPC Gel Permeation Chromatography

HRXMT High Resolution X-ray Microtomography

MIBC Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol

NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

pH ‘potential” or ‘power’ of hydrogen (an acidity scale)

PLSR Partial least squares regression

QCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance

QEMSCAN Quantitative evaluation of minerals

RAFT Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer

RFC RFC™ / REFLUX™ Flotation Cell

SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy

SPEEM Photoemission Electron Microscopy

SPH Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics

ToF-SIMS Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy

TRL Technology Readiness Level

XRCT X-Ray Computed Tomography

COEMinerals Nodes

Curtin Curtin University

Deakin Deakin University

Monash Monash University

UniSA University of South Australia

UoA University of Adelaide

UNSW University of New South Wales

UON University of Newcastle

UOM University of Melbourne

UQ University of Queensland

Other Academic Institutions

HIF Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology

HVD Harvard University

HZDR Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (of which HIF is a constituent part)

IC Imperial College

JKMRC The Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre

SUST Southern University of Science & Technology

Swin Swinburn University of Technology

Shef University of Sheffield

UBC University of British Columbia

UCB University of Colorado Boulder

UCT University of Cape Town

UoS University of Sheffield

UoU University of Utah

VT Virginia Tech


3MT 3-Minute Thesis (competition)

ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation

AI Associate Investigator

A/Prof Associate Professor

ARC The Australian Research Council

AusIMM Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

B Billion

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CETEM Centre for Mineral Technology

CI Chief Investigator

CMO Communications and Media Officer

CRC Cooperative Research Centre

CSIRO The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia)

COE ARC Centre of Excellence

COEMinerals ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals

COO Chief Operations Officer

Dr Doctor of Philosophy

ECR Early Career Researcher

EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology

FBI Future Battery Industries

FLC Future Leaders Committee

GEDI Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion

GFLOI Geelong Future Leaders of Industry

GLAM Girls Leading Advanced Manufacturing

HDR Higher Degree Researcher

IAP International Advisory Panel

HDR Higher Degree Researcher

IAP International Advisory Panel

IACIS International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists

IMPC International Mineral Processing Congress

IWD International Women’s Day

KPIs Key Performance Indicators

L/Prof Laureate Professor

M Million

MCA Minerals Council of Australia

METS Mining Equipment, Technology and Services

NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council

NSW New South Wales

Prof Professor

RA Research Associate

PhD Doctor of Philosophy

PI Partner Investigator

REE Rare earth elements

REM Rare earth minerals

RFC RFC™ / REFLUX™ Flotation Cell

S.A. South Australia

STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

STEMM Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine

VC Vice Chancellor

WFH Work from home


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PROGRAM 3: SUMMARIES New Engineered Biopolymers and Synthetic Polymers

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PROGRAM 3: SUMMARIES New Engineered Biopolymers and Synthetic Polymers

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Chemistry of Novel Hydrophobic and Selective Interactions

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Chemistry of Novel Hydrophobic and Selective Interactions

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Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics

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Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics

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Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics

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Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics

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Physics of Novel System Hydrodynamics

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