International Service Provider Handbook

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WHY CHOOSE USF? There are many reasons why students choose to study at the University of St. Francis. You can rest assured that USF is an institution with high quality education and a unique student experience. P E R S O N A L AT T E N T I O N I N S M A L L C L A S S E S Small class sizes and quality instructors ensure that each student at USF is given special, individualized attention. Vlasses usually have a ratio of 20:1 in general education courses and 15:1 in major classes. All classrooms are electronic, meaning you can access the internet, multimedia and extensive software for interactive learning.

F R I E N D LY FA C U LT Y Faculty serve as leaders and role models for students, challenging their academic abilities and providing them with a wealth of practical experience! Faculty welcome classroom discussion and questions. They work with students one-on-one to advise them on which classes to take and direct them in their career exploration.

INTERNSHIPS Internships provide the opportunity for USF students to integrate work and formal education, to network with experts in their major field of study, to test their chosen career path, and to be involved in activities like those of full-time employees. USF has had students intern with BP Amoco, Bank of America, Caterpillar, Chicago Merchandise Mart, EJ&E Railroad, Federal Express, Hewitt & Associates, Kraft Foods, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, U.S. Steel, and many others.

M E N TO R S Alumni mentors are partnered with students whose education and career goals closely match the alumni mentor’s experience to provide direction and potential career connections.


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