Being unsure about which degree to choose is not a big deal. Many incoming freshmen begin their first year at USF without selecting a major.
If you are unsure about what field of study to pursue, think about what motivates you. What are your interests? Are you a “people person” or do you prefer to work more independently? Do you like solving problems, or are you more of a creative idea generator? What hobbies and activities excite you? What previous work or volunteer experiences have you enjoyed?
The University of St. Francis is accredited by both the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org) and the Illinois Board of Higher Education (ibhe.org).
At USF we have staff and faculty who can answer questions and guide you, providing advice and directing you to new learning opportunities that match your interests.
Your academic advisor during your first semester is also your Foundations I instructor. That individual will help you select courses in areas that might interest you. During second semester, you will team up with another advisor that works specifically with undecided students.
You will also have resources on campus include offices such as Academic Advising, the Academic Resource Center and the Career Success Center. You will talk with other students from all over the world and learn more by participating in one of the many clubs and organizations on campus. You will find a path, and we will be right alongside you.
USF has given me an unforgettable experience. Faculty members have allowed me to grow both intellectually and as a person. Each professor has supported me and my goals, and was more than willing to help me achieve anything I set my mind to. I was pushed and motivated to learn, grow, and become a better person. This incredible support system has surrounded me with an incredible group of colleagues, mentors, and friends.Autumn Lee
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics continues to indicate that college graduates experience lower unemployment rates and a higher lifetime income than individuals who do not have a college degree. A college graduate can expect to earn, on average, more than $600,000 over a lifetime. Depending on the course of study you choose, that figure can rise exponentially. The University of St. Francis offers a long list of majors that are concentrated within four colleges: the College of Arts & Sciences, the College of Business & Health Administration, the College of Education and the Leach College of Nursing. At this point, an open road is before you...just listen to your heart and you will find fulfillment.
Once you identify some areas of interest, you can talk to professors or upperclassmen about their learning experiences and plans after graduation. You might decide to shadow a professional on-site, or schedule a call to talk with them about the pros and cons of their job, the workplace, the field and more. Through USF’s StudentAlumni Mentoring Program, you can be matched with an alumni mentor who has experience in a field that interests you. You can also visit the Career Services department on campus, which has resources to help you understand yourself and explore careers. You can take an Interest Inventory Assessment to see what careers might suit you, or research various professions through online databases.
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admissions@stfrancis.edu 800-735-7500
500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, Illinois 60435 stfrancis.edu