We invite you to spend three days with us.
Discovering UVM Come to campus with students of diverse backgrounds for a 3-day immersion program. Explore classes, clubs, research, internships, and start to imagine the opportunities you'll have at the University of Vermont.
Learn more and apply at: uvm.edu /discovering
Program Dates SESSION I
October 21-23 (apply by September 24) SESSION II
November 4-6 (apply by October 8)
SCHEDULE DAY 1 Arrive at UVM and meet your student host Get acquainted with our gorgeous campus Enjoy evening activities
DAY 2 Attend a class Have lunch with
faculty and staff Join workshops on college preparation and transition Explore campus and downtown Burlington
GETTING TO CAMPUS Burlington, is a 3.5-hour drive from Boston and 5 hours from
NYC. Buses, trains, and planes arrive daily from major cities.
“One of ten best places to go to college ” —Huffington Post
DAY 3 Share a farewell breakfast together Please be in touch with any questions. Email Debra.Norris@uvm.edu, or call (802)656-2913.
University of Vermont
Office of Admissions 194 South Prospect St. Burlington, VT 05401-3596 (802) 656-3370 / admissions@uvm.edu NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE P A I D PERMIT #143 BURLINGTON, VT