President's Report 2014

Page 1



CALL Dr. Santosh Kumar — one of the world’s leading experts in mobile health — chosen to lead prestigious NIH Center of Excellence, page 5

FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH These four young researchers are your next generation of prolific scientists, page 20

Members of the U of M marching band perform the Tiger Fight Song during Homecoming activities on the Student Plaza Oct. 26. Thousands turned out for the annual parade and pep rally as the Tigers prepared to host Tulsa.


2 From the President 3 University News 10 Paying Their Way

by Eric Butterman

A University of Memphis student is innovating consumer payment choices.

12 The World is Their Stage

by Anita Houk

Cyber security, calamities caused by earthquakes, riots that result from political speeches — a trio of U of M researchers offer solutions to real-world problems.

16 A Safe Bet

by Eric Smith

A clinic at the University of Memphis is helping put a dent in problem gambling with treatment programs for addictive behaviors.

20 Young Guns

by Greg Russell

Four U of M undergraduates are donning lab coats, conducting experiments and analyzing data as they attack disorders ranging from autism to septic shock.

24 Campus Notebook 29 The Columns Alumni Review 36 Class Notes 38 In Memoriam 41 2014 Honor Roll of Donors On the cover: Computer scientist Dr. Santosh Kumar, perhaps the world’s leading authority on mobile health, was the major reason the U of M landed its most important research grant in University history. Page 5.


EDITOR Greg Russell (MS ’93)


FEATURES DESIGNER Aaron Drown COLUMNS DESIGNER Will Marshall CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gabrielle Maxey (BA ’80) PHOTOGRAPHERS Rhonda Cosentino WRITERS Eric Butterman Anita Houk Eric Smith PROOFREADERS Jennifer Rodrigues Jan Russell (BA ’95) PRESIDENT M. David Rudd INTERIM VICE PRESIDENT OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS Tammy Hedges MISSION The University of Memphis is a learner-centered metropolitan research university providing high quality educational experiences while pursuing new knowledge through research, artistic expression, and interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship. The University of Memphis is one of 45 institutions in the Tennessee Board of Regents system, the sixth largest system of higher education in the nation. TBR is the governing board for this system, which comprises six universities, 13 two-year colleges and 27 Colleges of Applied Technology. The TBR system enrolls more than 80 percent of all Tennessee students attending public institutions of higher education. The University of Memphis’ name, seal, logos and Tigers are registered marks of the University of Memphis and use in any manner is prohibited unless prior written approval is obtained from the University of Memphis. The University of Memphis Magazine (USPS-662-550) is published three times a year by the Division of External Relations, 303 Administration Building, Memphis, TN 38152-3370. Periodical Postage paid at Memphis, TN 38152. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alumni & Development Office, The University of Memphis, 120 Alumni Center, Memphis, TN 38152-3760.

PRESIDENT Dear alumni and friends of the University: From our founding in 1912, it was argued that “every great city deserves a great university,” establishing a relationship with the City of Memphis that has endured for more than 100 years. The University already engages in a broad range of important and impactful efforts with Memphis and the surrounding communities. This coming year we will expand our focus on our relationship with the community and will engage in a year of service. Recognition of the hard work of our faculty, students, staff and alumni will occur throughout the fall of 2015. This issue of the magazine celebrates the University of Memphis’ relationship to the community through our research. U of M scientists work to solve many of the major global challenges faced by our society. These pages tell you about Dr. Santosh Kumar and the new Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-To-Knowledge (MD2K) sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Kumar works to harvest “big data” through the use of mobile devices that monitor an individual’s health, particularly conditions like congestive heart failure. We also present the profiles of three other premier faculty researchers. The expertise of computer science professor Dr. Dipankar Dasgupta has recently been sought by the federal government to help develop a more robust cyber defense system — and thus a more secure Internet experience for all users. Political science instructor Leah Windsor studies political speeches, slogans and texts to determine how linguistics in these messages may be a predictor of national and international security threats. And, as part of a $235,000 earthquake vulnerability project, civil engineering professor Dr. Mihalis Golias simulates the vulnerability of the transportation infrastructure, should it be hit by a highmagnitude earthquake – something that could be critical to Memphis with its proximity to the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Also important to the University’s research efforts are our students, several of whom are highlighted in this issue. Biomedical engineering students are researching ways to lower the extremely high mortality rate of septic shock, and determining how tissue engineering can help regenerate bone or cartilage injuries that result on the battlefield. One senior psychology student is conducting in-depth research to find treatments, and possibly a cure, for autism; and another is working at the U of M’s Health, Addiction and Behavioral Intervention Team to find ways to combat addictive behaviors, such as drug abuse and excessive alcohol use. These are just a few of the exciting stories on our campus. Our research makes a difference in the lives of our citizens both locally and nationally. I invite you to learn more about our great University through our website, Go Tigers! Sincerely,

M. David Rudd President 2



UNIVERSITY NEWS Dear Alumni and Friends: Welcome to The University of Memphis Magazine’s research issue. We are thrilled to share with you just a few of the many significant achievements of our faculty and research staff. With Dr. M. David Rudd assuming the presidency of the University, we have recently revised our research mission statement to reflect his strategic direction. The Office for the Vice President for Research supports U of M faculty’s scholarship of discovery and innovation across our campuses. We work to promote research and creative activities by focusing on interdisciplinary scholarship, facilitating partnerships from local to international, and enabling our faculty to move the products of their work from the laboratory, classroom, field and studio to the community. The U of M is a Carnegie Foundation research university/high activity. That designation places us among the top 5 percent of American research universities. It is our goal, however, to do more and my office, along with President Rudd and Provost Karen Weddle-West, are committed to this task. We intend to promote basic and applied research and creative activity, but we understand that our work has the potential to have significant impact on our communities, our governmental and corporate partners and the broader society. One shining example of our research success is the recent announcement that the University has been selected to lead a National Institutes of Health Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K). This four-year, $10.8 million program supports advances in research, policy and training that are needed for the effective use of Big Data in biomedical research. Read more on page 5. If you have any questions or wish to support our research, please contact me at

U of M professor helping build a more robust Internet The National Science Foundation has awarded a $350,000 grant to Dr. Lan Wang, associate professor of computer science at the University of Memphis, for the Named Data Networking Next Phase project. The grant will Dr. Lan Wang

allow researchers to continue creating a

more reliable and robust Internet. The project redesigns the Internet architecture to offer better support for security, mobility and new applications. Wang is on a team of researchers from eight institutions that received a $5 million NSF grant to further develop, deploy and test Named Data Networking, a novel future Internet architecture. Named Data Networking Next Phase (NDN-NP) is led by researchers at UCLA, with collaborators at the U of M, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of California San Diego, Washington University at Saint Louis, University of Michigan, Colorado State University and University of Arizona. The NDN project is partnering with Open mHealth,

Andrew Meyers Interim Vice President for Research

a non-profit, patient-centric health ecosystem, and with UCLA Facilities Management to test how its system works in real-world settings. “In the first phase of the NDN project, we developed a name-based dynamic routing pro-

Honor Roll of Donors being delivered digitally The University of Memphis and the University of Memphis Foundation extend grateful

tocol called NLSR, which is being deployed on the NDN testbed,” says Wang. “In the second phase, we will focus on developing an inter-

appreciation to our donors. Please visit to view the

domain routing protocol that will allow Internet

Honor Roll of Donors.

service providers to build name-based routing

The names listed in the Honor Roll are those who believe in and invest in the mission of

tables in a secure and policy-compliant man-

the University and support the role of the University of Memphis Foundation. Opportunities

ner. We will also collaborate with other univer-

to donate and make an impact are diverse, allowing donors to specify support to particular

sities to build an adaptive forwarding plane to

areas of interest. Donor impact is demonstrated throughout the Honor Roll where donors share

support mHealth and other applications.”

personal stories about why they give to the University.

More information about the NDN project is available at

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U




University of Memphis Chairs of Excellence

in Leipzig, Germany and many others.”

This is the first in a series of profiles The University of Memphis Magazine is running on the holders of our 26 Chairs of Excellence. Chairs of Excellence are held by scholars who are nationally and internationally recognized as intellectual and educational leaders in their disciplines.

1970s by the National Institutes of Health, and includes more than $6 million at the U of M. He has served on or chaired 36


Institute that engages an interdisciplinary

doctoral dissertations and 20 master’s


group of faculty, university students and


is the Morrie and

classroom teachers in study in Ghana. In

Lillian Moss Chair

another grant, Cross collaborated with Teach

of Excellence in

for America and Teach Plus to design and

Urban Education

provide professional development to area

in the College of

teachers to enhance their effectiveness.

Education, Health and Human Sciences. She received her BS degree from Alabama A&M University and her MA and

state department of education supervisor and later as a professor at the University of

designed a Graduate Certificate in Urban Education; created The Center for Urban Interdisciplinary Research and Engagement; and coordinated the Johnson Scholars Program, which develops exceptional urban educators for the community. Cross’ research focuses on equity in education, urban education and teacher education. Her work has appeared in national journals such as the International Journal of Educational Reform, Educational Leadership and the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy and Education Studies. “The Chair of Excellence position has afforded me a rewarding opportunity to partner extensively with the local community through a systemic approach that contributes to the centrality of the CEHHS as engaged and impactful in the Memphis community,” says Cross. “The appointment has also positioned me for many important national collaborations and projects that bring attention to the great work of the University of Memphis.” She served as co-principal investigator on a grant for the African and African-American


“ZABI” REZAEE is the ThompsonHill Chair of Excellence in


the School of

OLLER is a

Accountancy in

Excellence in

served in Ohio as a high school teacher and

Since arriving in Memphis, Cross has


DR. D.

Plough Chair of

As an educator for the past 34 years, she



the Fogelman

professor and

PhD degrees from The Ohio State University.


Oller’s research has been funded since the

College of Business & Economics. Rezaee teaches undergraduate, graduate

the School of

and PhD courses in financial accounting,


auditing, business sustainability, professional

Sciences and

ethics, corporate governance and forensic

Disorders and an affiliate of the Institute

accounting. He also is the PhD coordinator

for Intelligent Systems. He also is an exter-

in the School of Accountancy. His research

nal faculty member of the Konrad Lorenz

areas include financial accounting, auditing,

Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research

corporate governance and ethics, regulations

in Klosterneuburg, Austria, and a member

and compliance, risk assessment and man-

of the Scientific Advisory Board of the LENA

agement, and business sustainability. He has

Research Foundation.

collaborated with colleagues on more than

His research and teaching focuses on vocal

20 publications and projects and with PhD

development and acquisition of spoken lan-

students on 14 published articles since he

guage. In more than 200 articles and books,

joined the University in August 2001.

the work addresses infant vocalizations, early

Rezaee received his BS degree from the

speech production, multilingualism and evo-

Iranian Institute of Advanced Accounting, his

lution of language. His bilingualism research

MBA from Tarleton State University in Texas

includes Language and Literacy in Bilingual

and his PhD from the University of Mississippi.

Children; his studies in evolution and devel-

He has published more than 200 articles in

opment of language include The Emergence

accounting and business journals and made

of the Speech Capacity.

more than 210 presentations. He has published

“The Chair of Excellence has provided a

eight books, including Financial Institutions,

unique and excellent opportunity for me in

Valuations, Mergers, and Acquisitions: The Fair

research and training,” Oller says. “My col-

Value Approach and Financial Statement Fraud:

laborations both within the U.S. and abroad

Prevention and Detection.

have expanded dramatically in the 12 years

“I have tremendous personal and profes-

that I have been in Memphis. The collabora-

sional incentives to work hard in fulfilling the

tions involve scholars from Brown University,

responsibilities and maintaining the national

Vanderbilt, the University of Kansas, the Max

prestige and international visibility of the

Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Thompson-Hill Chair of Excellence,” says Rezaee. THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS


NIH Center of Excellence solidifies U of M’s research capacity Five years ago, University of Memphis computer science professor Santosh Kumar was named to Popular Science magazine’s annual “Brilliant 10 Young Scientists” list, using the word “genius” to describe the talented computer scientist. So it should come as no surprise that Dr. Kumar is widely credited as helping the U of M land one of its most important research accomplishments in the University’s 102-year history. The National Institutes of Health has awarded the University a prestigious $10.8 million Center of Excellence grant that will focus on the exploding mobile health (mHealth) field. The grant is part of a $32 million NIH investment that establishes 12 Centers of Excellence across the country that each will tackle specific data science challenges. The centers will develop new strategies to analyze and leverage the explosion of increasingly complex biomedical data sets, often referred to as Big Data. NIH is expected to have a total investment of $656 million in Big Data research by 2020. “The future of biomedical research is about assimilating data across biological scales from molecules to populations,” says Dr. Philip E. Bourne, NIH associate director for data science. “As such, the health of each one of us is a big data problem. Ensuring that we are getting the most out of the research data that we fund is a high priority for NIH.” Kumar is the lead scientist for the Mobile Sensor Data-To-Knowledge Center (MD2K). The U of M’s work will entail collaboration among 22 investigators from 11 universities: Cornell, Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, Rice, Northwestern, Ohio State, UCLA, UC-San Diego, UC-San Francisco, University of Massachusetts and the U of M. The U of M Center will spend the next four years developing innovative tools to make it easier to gather, analyze and interpret health data generated by mobile and wearable sensors. The scientists are looking, for example, to transform a person’s smartphone into a data-gathering device that sheds light on behaviors and environments to improve health

Dr. Santosh Kumar

care and health-care strategies. Specifically, the Memphis-led team will directly target two complex health conditions with high mortality risk – reducing hospital readmission in congestive heart failure patients and preventing relapse in abstinent

the next four years to explore one of the greatest new opportunities to advance science and improve people’s health.” Dr. J. Gayle Beck, U of M Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence

smokers. The approach and product of MD2K will be applicable to other

in Clinical Psychology, will work with Kumar and will direct the Center’s

complex diseases as well, such as asthma, substance abuse and obesity.

training core.

“Mobile sensors offer tremendous opportunities for accelerating bio-

U of M President M. David Rudd says the work of Kumar is helping to

medical discovery and optimizing care delivery,” Kumar says. “By resolving

“create a culture of research excellence that is essential for our research

significant technological and scientific challenges related to the complexi-


ties of mobile sensor data, our team aims to lay the scientific foundations

“Dr. Kumar is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on

for realizing the vision of personalized and precision medicine with mobile

mobile health, developing theories and software that are turning smart-

sensors, and usher in the next generation of health care.

phones into invaluable mobile health devices,” says President Rudd. “I

“The MD2K Team represents the top brains in computational, medical

cannot stress how critical this Center is to our research future. It estab-

and behavioral sciences from across the country who are widely regarded

lishes our credibility in terms of our capacity to manage a major funding

as leaders in the newly emerging area of mobile health,” Kumar says. “We

effort with national prominent partners. The spin-off grant activity this

are very fortunate to be working with such a dream team of scientists for

will create will be enormous.”

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U



UNIVERSITY NEWS Dr. Ruthbeth Finerman and Dr. Ross Sackett have diverse interests, but find that their conversations always seem to come back around to anthropology.

about each other. I do turn to Ross to review my writing when I develop a new article. RS: We still love to talk about anthropology and debate ideas. Ruthbeth has an amazing ability to recall apt examples from her reading and fieldwork, and on many occasions has saved me from re-inventing the wheel in my own work. What are the pros and cons of working so closely together? RS: The opportunity to work together during the academic year is really ideal and we occasionally get a chance to give a joint lecture,

Dynamic duos Our series of profiles of married couples who teach at the U of M continues with

How do your research interests intersect? RF: We actually have very different research

which is a lot of fun. It’s also great to share fieldwork experiences during periods when we’re both free to travel. For me, the main challenge is that a department chair can’t supervise his or her own spouse, so a college level administrator who’s unfamiliar with my discipline and unable to directly observe my teaching, service and research must evaluate my performance. RF: For me, the main limitation is that there’s

Dr. Ruthbeth Finerman, professor of medical

foci, but our work has overlapped at times.

a lot about my work as a department chair that I

anthropology and chair of the Department

I’m an applied medical anthropologist, and

just can’t share. Much of my work is confidential

of Anthropology, and Dr. Ross Sackett, an

my interests are traditional healing practices

so those issues and concerns are completely

instructor in Anthropology.

such as medicinal plant use, and family and

off the table. Ross realizes this and never asks,

maternal-child health, particularly in Andean

but it’s unfortunate that I can’t explain why I’m

Ecuador where I work with indigenous Quichua

stressed out at times, and can’t ask for his advice.

U of M: How did you two meet? RF: We met at the University of California Los Angeles as undergraduates taking the same required courses – one of which was taught at that time by Ross’ dad, who is an archaeologist. We spent a lot of time with a large group of campus friends, talking about anthropology, sharing articles we’d read, new ideas. Did you come to the U of M together? RF: No. I was offered a tenure-track job at the University of Memphis just as I was completing my doctorate, but Ross was still writing his dissertation. Maybe that did the trick; we’d been close for over a decade, but it was after I moved here that Ross proposed. RS: I came to Memphis the following year. I taught at another college before being appointed to various teaching positions at the U of M, eventually to a full-time instructorship.



peasants, descendants of ancient Inca culture. RS: I’m an evolutionary anthropologist. Early in my training I did archeology in France and California, but most of my investigations examine work, energy expenditure, time allocation and nutritional status among lowland horticultural farmers in the forests of Venezuela. But we started working together in Ecuador some years ago and have carried out overlapping research, such as a study of medicinal and non-medicinal plant horticulture in home gardens. Do you give each other advice? If so, is it generally accepted?

Outside of work, do you share many of the same interests or do you have varied pursuits? RS: Yes and no. I’m an amateur astronomer. I build telescopes and have competed at national astronomical society events. I’m also an astrophotographer, and my lunar images have been published in astronomy magazines and online sites. RF: I’m completely uncoordinated and shouldn’t get anywhere near the power tools in Ross’ workshop! Given my interest in ethnobotany and medicinal plants, I’m more of a gardener. But we enjoy going to movies together.

RF: Of course we give each other advice,

We share an enthusiasm for hiking and spend

and of course we completely ignore it! I’m kid-

any free time we have on trails in Canada and

ding – sort of – but we both have very strong

the American Southwest, or just strolling on

theoretical viewpoints and methodological

the Greenline – usually deep in discussion

approaches, and we respect what’s unique

about anthropology. THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

Annual Gifts

Make a BIG Difference The hallmark of a truly successful year is measured not only by the size of larger gifts, but by the number of modest, annual gifts as well. We can point to upgrades and repairs to facilities, new team work spaces, and professional development opportunities to show the results of our collective giving. Regardless of the size of your gift, please consider the great benefits it will provide. Our gratitude for your support is immeasurable.

It’s easy to make your Annual Gift today! (901) 678-3953

Every Tiger, Every Year, Ever Grateful.

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U




Roan, Zhao receive prestigious Early Career Development awards Two University of Memphis professors – one studying how to prevent lung damage and the other working to develop alternative sources of clean energy – have received Early Career Development awards. The grants allow early career researchers and scientists to train in additional areas relevant to their primary research to become successful independent researchers. Dr. Esra Roan, assistant professor in the

Dr. Esra Roan

Department of Biomedical Engineering, received an Early Career Grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart Lung

University of Memphis President M. David Rudd helped lead a

Blood Institute totaling $732,975 for five years.

research team that has been selected to receive the Military Health

Roan is working with mentor Dr. Christopher

System Research Symposium (MHSRS) Research Accomplishment

M. Waters, vice chair of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center Department of Physiology. Dr. Xuan Zhao

Rudd team lauded for veterans suicide-risk study

“Dr. Waters has been influential in my training at the U of M and also in getting this award,”

Award (Academic Team) for 2014. The team from the National Center for Veterans Studies (NCVS) at the University of Utah conducted a two-year study on suicide risk among soldiers. Dr. Rudd continues his affiliation with the Center as co-founder and scientific director. He and Dr. Craig J. Bryan, executive director of the

says Roan. “Our collaboration also shows cross-institutional research

NCVS, directed several clinical trials on the risk of suicide among active-


duty soldiers. The other researchers were Evelyn Wertenberger, Sean

Roan’s research interest is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, which has a mortality rate higher than 30 percent and affects thousands each year. In

Williams and Kim Arne. “It‘s been the single greatest pleasure and privilege of my professional

this condition, a patient’s lungs initially become damaged from disease, such

life to be able to play a role in helping our wounded warriors recover from

as pneumonia, and then further damaged by treatments like oxygen and

their psychological injuries,” Rudd says. “We owe each and every one of

mechanical ventilation. Her aim is to find the causes of injury to the cells in

them a debt of gratitude and thanks. This is simply a way to give back and

the alveoli of the lungs so that this damage can be prevented.

honor their courage and sacrifice.”

Dr. Xuan Zhao, associate professor in the Department of Chemistry,

The results of the research have significantly advanced the under-

received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career

standing of suicide in the military and the risk and protective factors

Development (CAREER) award of $586,608 for five years. The CAREER

associated with suicide, including sexual assault, PTSD (post-traumatic

Program grants are among the most prestigious awards that young fac-

stress disorder), combat exposure and TBI (traumatic brain injury).

ulty members can receive. Research in Zhao’s lab involves areas of bioinorganic chemistry and

“It is an honor for the National Center for Veterans Studies to be recognized by the Military Health System Research Symposium with this

chemical biology. This work is focused on the design of photocatalysts

award,” says Bryan. “The recognition speaks to the commitment and

for water oxidation, a critical reaction for the development of alterna-

determination of our staff and military collaborators, who have worked

tive sources of clean energy from sunlight and water. Zhao’s research

tirelessly together over the past several years to develop and refine

addresses fundamental questions about the activation of small mol-

treatments and strategies to prevent military suicide. This is just the

ecules through synthesis, characterization of molecular metal complexes

first of many steps for reducing military suicides, and I am confident

and examination of activity, as well as kinetic and mechanistic studies.

that we will continue to make progress together in the future.”

“The prestigious award will allow my group to continue our research in

The MHSRS is the annual meeting for all U.S. Department of

studying metal complexes for the production of dihydrogen, a potential

Defense research on health-related topics. The award was presented

renewable and clean fuel for the future, from sunlight and water,” he

at the symposium in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in August.

says. “The outreach program will provide Memphis-area students and

The U of M operates a Veterans Resource Center, which offers a

faculty at predominantly undergraduate institutions with opportunities to

variety of services, including campus and community resource infor-

participate in renewable energy research and to learn about solar energy

mation, computers and printers for personal and academic use, and

conversion and photocatalysis.”

seminars and outreach events for veterans.






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One of the most valuable gifts you can make is to support the University by making a gift in your will. By leaving a gift in your will, your generosity will have an effect far beyond what we can imagine today and touch lives far into the future.

If you have already included the University of Memphis Foundation in your estate plan, or would like to learn about ways to do so, please contact Dan H. Murrell, CFRE, at 901.678.2732 or or visit

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U



A University of Memphis student is innovating consumer payment choices. A large part of his success is the result of an expansive new center, which encourages entrepreneurship on campus.




Their Way by Eric Butterman


Life’s a festival. At least it might be for U of M student Sankaet Pathak and friend Bryan Keltner; that’s where they came up with an innovative business idea, which may change the way countless consumers shop. “When we went to the Memphis Italian Festival, we had to go outside of it, swipe a card, buy some tickets and come back in to get food and other things,” Pathak recalls. “We had to do it a bunch of times, and we started wondering why.” Services, such as PayPal, can mitigate this type of inconvenience; however, festival organizers didn’t want to pay the associated fees. “We knew there had to be a better method,” Pathak says. “You have to realize that many payment systems, in some ways, basically started around 50 years ago.” They soon created Synapse Payments, which is a payment gateway utilizing ACH for payments processing. To make a purchase within a store, consumers start up the Synapse app, pick a store, “check in” on the app, shop and

You Never Know Who You’ll Meet at Target Of course, it’s hard to launch without being staked. And, for that, sometimes it’s whom you know — and how you meet them. When Keltner, a former U of M student, was working at Target, he shot the breeze with a customer; Synapse Payments came up. The customer suggested that he meet with her husband, Jeff Webb, founder of Varsity Brands (one of the most successful companies in the world of cheerleading). After hearing their concept, Webb thought someone else might be interested: Doug Marchant, an original founder of Concord EFS (which was later sold to First Data Corp. for billions). Now both are backers. The goal is to spend the next six months targeting the local community. “Eventually, we’ll be thinking of getting into different cities,” Pathak says. “We want to make sure we take the time to do it right.”

Resource-wise, Synapse is also rapidly growing. Besides business administrator Jereme Cavallo, the company recently added U of M computer science major Thomas Hipps to help “build crucial modules” and Stephen Black (BFA ’13), a graphic designer. Pathak says he has the U of M’s Crews Center for Entrepreneurship to thank. The Center encourages students to explore innovation, entrepreneurial ideas and provides a wealth of support services to help them launch their start-ups. He also credits lessons he learned at the U of M. “I have been doing research at the school in physics for a long time and you are encouraged to keep starting from scratch if you end up having the wrong approach, to get used to doing it,” Pathak says. “Also, Professor Joan Schmelz encourages the importance of independent learning. You realize that learning is essentially a skill in itself.” Opposite: Synapse business partners (from left) Jereme Cavallo, Sankaet Pathak and Bryan Keltner.

get a notification when the seller charges them for what they bought. Maybe the best part is the merchant doesn’t get any other information — just the shopper’s name and face. In a time of fear of losing private information, Synapse Payments can be like a trusted friend (the one who won’t blab about personal details to anyone). So how do consumers get their money into the Synapse Payments system? “An account is created, and they enter their bank account number,” says Pathak, who received his bachelor’s in computer engineering and mathematics from the U of M and is currently seeking a master’s in the former. “It gets saved to the cloud. Enter it once, and it’s sent to a vault-like encrypted merchant server.” For the seller, it’s only 25 cents for each transaction (and only 10 cents for a transaction under $10). In many cases, this is a major

Crews Center for Entrepreneurship thrives in nation’s “hotspot” Insiders have long known that Memphis is one of the U.S. hotspots for business startups — look no further than FedEx, AutoZone and Holiday Inn. Just this year, CNN Money placed the city as one of the top 10 in the country for startups, with other publications placing it as high as No. 4. So it should come as no surprise that the U of M’s Crews Center for Entrepreneurship — open for less than a year — is already finding success, such as with Synapse Payments, which Crews director Mike Hoffmeyer calls the Center’s “poster child.” “They have a live product and have secured local investment to fund their company,” Hoffmeyer says. “As more students find out about our services, we anticipate many more success stories.” Hoffmeyer says the Center “supports a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship” within the U of M that helps faculty and student entrepreneurs as they seek to commercialize their research, ideas and inventions into successful start-ups. “Great ideas and innovation are taken to a whole new level by joining together the top stu-

savings for businesses accepting credit cards.

dents and faculty of the University with the best possible resources, people, technology and

Local Memphis restaurants already using the

physical space,” he says.

service include The Arcade Restaurant and Aldo’s Pizza Pies. Overall, it is in about 30 to 35 stores, and about 150 people are signed up in just the first six weeks,” Pathak says. W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

“Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur in need of expert help, a current entrepreneur in need of resources, or an interested member of the Memphis community interested in supporting entrepreneurship, the Crews Center can help you achieve your goals and dreams.” With such resources, the next FedEx or Holiday Inn might just be ready to spring from the U of M campus. P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014




pon the biology of humans, computer science professor

Dipankar Dasgupta has built a body of work he refers to as bioinspired computing.

“My work,” Dr. Dasgupta declares, “is so diverse and vast, I can’t keep

Cyber security, calamities caused by earthquakes, riots that result from political speeches — a trio of U of M researchers offer solutions to real-world problems.

track myself.” However, upon request, he graciously bows to necessity and abbreviates. “My current work is all on cyber defense — how to build survivable computing systems that are more secure,” he notes, explaining that his research helps computer and Internet users stay one step ahead of “the bad guys” — computer hackers. “Every electronic device will soon be controlled by connecting through the Internet,” continues Dasgupta. “My interest in human biology is in the mechanism — how the mechanism works so the body can survive. If we somehow transfer that knowledge of how the immune system evolved and kept the species surviving, that information will give a lesson for the




Cyber security breaches seem to be more the norm recently with personal information regularly being mined and distributed by computer hackers. U of M computer science professor Dipankar Dasgupta, founder of the Center for Information Assurance, says it is important to stay “one step ahead of the bad guys” as he looks for ways to ensure a safer Internet experience.

computational system. We want to learn how to build a computational system that is self-monitored and self-healing – like the human body can be.” Work in this emerging field has landed Dasgupta the chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society’s task force on bio-inspired approaches to cyber defense. He recently developed an in-depth Negative Authentication process to filter out illegal access attempts against computer network accounts. He has organized countless local and national cyber security summits (including one at the request of the White House) and prepared reports that have generated a new research program within the Department of Homeland Security. At interview time, he’s just back from a week in Finland, where he helped to confer a doctorate and gave three keynote addresses concerning Cloud security. “Who has access to all that info stored up there?” someone asks. “We don’t know,” he admits. “That’s the problem and why we propose an insurance model. The customer would pay a premium and be covered in case of a data breach.” But commercialism is not his business. After showing his visitor to a chair in his office, Dasgupta chats casually, then seats himself behind his desk and virtually disappears. He is barely visible behind a cliff of papers, journals, references and reminders. In one hand is his smartphone (which one knows only by its ping, as it can’t be seen). When teased, the professor only half-jokes: “Yes, these are my piles! And I know exactly where things are. Every semester ends, and I think, ‘I will clean a bit.’ But it never happens. And if someone touches these piles, I get mad!” At the U of M, Dasgupta is founding director of the Center for Information Assurance, which is a National Center for Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education and in Research, and he is director of the Intelligent Security Systems Research Laboratory. His work has received government research support of more than $10.5 million. Grantors include the National Science Foundation, Office of W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Naval Research, Department of Defense and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. One new effort — “Puzzle-based Cybersecurity” — is a collaborative effort with Jackson State Community College and involves utilizing specialized software to help community college teachers and students learn the concepts and approaches of cyber security ($364,864; NSF). “Puzzles stimulate and give new insight into out-of-the-box thinking,” says Dasgupta. The project taps into the game theory approach, which is finding support in academia. Where does family fit into his academic endeavors? “My wife,” he boasts, “is the biggest supporter of my activities.” His wife, Geeta, has two master’s degrees, and the couple is originally from the eastern part of India. “I was a lecturer at one university and she at another. Her brother was my colleague.” An overture was made, families were introduced and they met. The couple has two daughters, Sonali and Sukanya, who are pursuing higher education. Dasgupta has set the bar high. At the U of M, he has been named the Dr. Pat E. Burlison Professor; received the Willard R. Sparks Eminent Faculty Award (2012), Dunavant Professorship (2007) and Distinguished Research Award (2002, 2006); and he recently won the August 2014 Eye of the Tiger Award from the U of M Alumni Association. The professor is also on the MIT cyber security advisory board; written two books (Artificial Immune Systems and Immunological Computations); is on the editorial boards of five professional journals; P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


Political science instructor Leah Windsor analyzes the relationship between linguistics and contentious behaviors such as protests and rebellions. She looks to see if certain linguistics characteristics at, for instance, a political rally may translate to later unrest such as a riot. She is the principal investigator of the Political Crisis and Language project.

and he has given more than 150 talks at conferences and universities. But what does he show off at this moment? “Did you see this?” He passes a silver, engraved photo frame over the foot-high piles of papers on his desk. “What do you think?” Captured accepting an engraved silver tray of appreciation from the Alumni Association is a beaming Dr. Dipankar Dasgupta. So happily human.

Linguistics 101 On the soundstage of international politics, to be wrong could be calamity; however, Dr. Leah Windsor is undeterred, perhaps even inspired by the critical nature of linguistics. Windsor is principal investigator of the Political Crisis and Language project, funded by a Department of Defense/Office of Naval Research, Minerva Initiative grant ($1.28 million; 2014-2017). Designed to detect motives, threats or predictive patterns, the project has three components: identify political crisis language, identify national and international security threats or bluffs and analyze the relationship between language and contentious behavior (such

analyzed in Chinese, Arabic, Spanish and English. The software, operating

as protests, riots and rebellions).

much faster than human decoders could, analyzes text structure, mean-

Windsor, a political science instructor, and an interdisciplinary team are pushing hard to sift through speeches and slogans, to sort the promises and epithets and determine whether certain movers

ing and a plethora of cohesive components, which may indicate status, intent, strength, emotion or deception. “I’ve always been fascinated by language, by the mechanics of lan-

and shakers are saying what they mean and meaning what they say.

guage and by the deeper message that people send when they’re talk-

Co-principal investigators are U of M psychology professor Dr. Art

ing,” explains Windsor, who speaks fluent French and Spanish, plus a bit

Graesser and research assistant professor Zhiqiang Cai, both at the

of Japanese, Arabic, Indonesian and Norwegian. She keeps a phrasebook

Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS) at U of M.

on the bed table and learns a couple of new phrases at night.

“I love that this work is interdisciplinary — political science, psy-

Windsor hails from St. Louis and earned her bachelor’s in linguistics

chology and linguistics — because we get a breadth of perspectives,”

at Georgetown University (1998), master’s in political science at U

says Windsor, an IIS faculty affiliate. “It's the ideal social science

of M (2005), certificate in research methodology at the University of

research — working with fun and smart people on theory-driven

Michigan (2010) and her doctorate in political science at the University

projects that have both academic and real-world policy implications.”

of Mississippi (2012). She is married to U of M mathematics assistant

This work also expands the hunt for security threats and opportunities

professor Alistair Windsor, a native of New Zealand whom she met in

for democratization (or promotion of human rights) within Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. “The kernel of this research is in underexplored

Memphis. They have a 1-year-old daughter, Cathryn. “In reflecting on the human interest aspect of this piece … and why

areas,” says Windsor. “There is a lot of information about how demo-

this grant project is exciting to me, I was reminded of a concept I learned

cratic leaders speak but not about how authoritarian leaders speak.

about while studying linguistics at Georgetown,” she says. “It's called the

We’re still early in the years of understanding what shapes their behavior

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, essentially saying that the language available to

— what they mean, not just the content but the general pattern.”

us shapes our world perspective. This is the essence of the project: How

Texts, both historic and current (including Tweets), are fed into the project’s automated linguistic content analysis tools, including Coh-Metrix (which Graesser helped develop). Political texts can be 14


does what we say reveal who we are? “This is particularly interesting and relevant in cases where it's hard to know what people's perspectives and intentions are (like authoritarian THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

Civil engineering professor Mihalis Golias says current U.S. infrastructure maintenance is in terrible shape. “To continue to have the strongest economy, you need to invest in transportation,” he says. He believes returning manufacturing jobs to the U.S. can have a major impact on transportation infrastructure and the overall U.S. economy.

Transportation (CAIT) at Rutgers and associate director of research at the Intermodal Freight Transportation Institute at the U of M. He homes in on facility operations, network design and traffic planning, focusing on public-private stakeholders and the areas of productivity, reliability, resilience and safety. His core research and teaching expertise are in intermodal freight transportation. Novel mathematical models that “capture real-world environments and provide robust solutions against the uncertainty that everyday operations entail” are his forte. And Memphis, he says, is a terrific fit, being a busy, commercial port on the Mississippi, one of the world’s major river systems, as well as an important rail and roadway hub. A federal government-funded project he’s working on takes full advantage of Memphis’ locale, geology (in the New Madrid Seismic Zone) and transport networks. Using bridge models, the research simulates vulnerabilities of transportation infrastructure hit by a high-magnitude earthregimes or rogue non-state actors) and what kinds of actions might follow their words. Language is a window of insight into who people are, which is useful when those people are idiosyncratic and reside in opaque societies.”

Fluid logistics solutions during an earthquake Surrounded by whiteboards full of script, scrawls and algorithms, Dr. Mihalis M. Golias pauses mid-stream in explanation to unabashedly reveal that his destiny arrived with an epiphany. In the bustling port of Thessaloniki, Greece, on an Aristotle University engineering class outing, this son of Macedonia stood in the shadow of an enormous quay crane loading container ships and he knew. “I knew I had found my calling in a field that deals with transportation and the sea,” says Golias, University of Memphis associate professor of transportation, Department of Civil Engineering. “We Greeks, with a history of shipping of over 3,500 years, have always loved the sea, thought of it as a beautiful element of our lives. “I love transportation,” he says, talking with his hands, punctuating his passion, “and especially maritime transportation.” Golias earned his master’s and a PhD in transportation engineering at Rutgers University, where he met his wife, Natasha, a graphic designer from Ukraine. At Rutgers, his adviser introduced him to what he calls “a whole new world of freight transportation.” Today, the personable Professor Golias — “Call me Mike!” — is a research associate with the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

quake: traffic, rail, routes, interruptions and ripple effects nationwide. The entire earthquake vulnerability project ($235,000; 2014-2016) is designed to examine resilience after a disaster and to develop decision support tools for emergency management. Infrastructure maintenance is in terrible shape, Golias laments, pointing to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ grade (D+) for U.S. transportation infrastructure and its estimate of investment needed by 2020 ($3.6 trillion). “To continue to be the strongest economy, you need to invest in transportation, including the people, the undergraduates, to develop the workforce,” he emphasizes. At the U of M, Golias has developed 10 courses on transportation engineering and planning, freight transportation and logistics. Recent grants ($850,000+ total) he has received from the Tennessee Department of Transportation entail developing data, models and evaluations for rail crossings, crash prediction, truck trips and emissions. He is principal investigator in a study to evaluate reshoring — returning manufacturing jobs to America — and its impact on transportation infrastructure and the U.S. economy ($90,000; 2014-2015, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education). He is co-principal investigator on three CFIRE freight and/or rail studies ($1.6 million+). “But my dream, my real ambition? I would love to be a great educator,” he says with a smile. P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014





A SAFE BET Over the past 25 years, gambling resorts and casinos have proliferated near Memphis, generating unprecedented levels of gambling addiction in the Mid-South. However, a clinic at the University of Memphis is putting a dent in the problem with research and treatment programs for problem gamblers. When David Monroe* wanted to let a friend

were in the casino’s favor. On most trips South,

know his plans for the evening without tip-

Monroe took advances on credit cards with sky-

ping off his parents, he would utter just one

high interest rates. He begged and borrowed

word into the phone: “South.” South as in he

money from friends to satisfy his gambling

needed a gambling fix and only one direction

impulse, knowing one big hand would erase his

would suffice. South as in Tunica, Miss., home

losses and restore his reputation.

to the United States’ third-largest gaming region.

Monroe eventually kicked his habit, thanks to his parents’ help, a ravaged credit score that

Monroe routinely used this simple code to

prevented any more credit cards and a debt

sneak away to the casinos, cultivating an inex-

consolidation program. But had his gambling

plicable need to play hand after hand at the

problem festered a few years later, he could

blackjack table, disappointment within family

have been helped much quicker and cheaper.

and friends — and a growing amount of debt.

He might have veered his car in a different

The urge to gamble had grown out of

direction – to the University of Memphis,

control for Monroe, who was in college when

where researchers formed a program to help

the now-defunct Splash casino opened in

gamblers like Monroe manage the damage

Mhoon Landing, Miss., bringing a Vegas vibe

they were causing to their lives.

– and vice – to sleepy Tunica County. Like many Memphians, he would make the roughly


40-mile drive down U.S. 61 to play blackjack,

In the late 1990s, Drs. Andy Meyers and

roulette or a slot machine at the region’s first

Jim Whelan of the U of M’s Department of

gaming center, then later frequenting the

Psychology were engaged in clinical psychol-

casinos that followed, each new one a spar-

ogy work with a range of clients when a man

kling tower that rose from the farmland like a

presented with depression. This man would

bumper crop.

drive from Memphis to Missouri twice a week

Sometimes he won. But the odds back then – as they are today and as they always will be –

to buy lottery tickets, dropping a couple of hundred dollars on each trip.

BY ERIC SMITH * name changed W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U



HELP IS HERE Many people who choose to gamble — whether it’s a poker game or Powerball, a sporting event or a street corner dice game — are able to spend some of their discretionary income and know when to walk away. Some people simply pursue gambling as a hobby the way others might spend time and money on building model train sets, joining an exercise facility or home-brewing beer. “Most adults who choose to gamble do so responsibly,” according to The Gambling Clinic’s website. “But 2 million (1 percent) of U.S. adults are estimated to meet criteria for pathological gambling in a given year. Another 4 to 8 million (2 to 3 percent) would be considered problem gamblers.” The Clinic’s directors believe those percentages hold true in Memphis, whose proximity to Tunica – the 10th largest casino market in the United States, according to the American Gaming Association – and even Southland Park in West Memphis provides residents plenty of Professors James Whelan (above) and Andy Meyers created The Institute for Gambling Education and Research where individuals with gambling disorders can be counseled. (Photo by Rhonda Cosentino)

The man’s condition struck a chord with Whelan and Meyers, who, like many psychology peers, hadn’t given gambling and its sordid afflictions much consideration before. “There probably were people with gambling problems; we just never thought about it,” Whelan says. Whelan, Meyers and two graduate students dove into research on gambling, quickly discovering that whatever literature existed at the time was obsolete. Whelan compared the gambling literature in the 1990s to alcohol literature of the 1960s: sorely outdated and in need of an extreme makeover. “It was not addressing contemporary issues about what a gambling problem was. How do you assess it? How do you treat it? How do we better understand its ideology?” Whelan says. However, the professors and students began seeing a common thread among gamblers that distinguished them from alcoholics, helping the psychologists better understand the disorder. “You can walk into any group of people, no matter how much they gamble or don’t gamble, and

access to a wide range of gambling options. But the city’s poverty levels can exacerbate the problem here. “We know that convenient access to gambling venues increases the chances of an individual experiencing problem gambling,” says Meyers, interim U of M vice president for Research. “It is also true that low- to middleincome gamblers and their families are more vulnerable to the financial damage that often occurs due to problem gambling.” But while low- and middle-income gamblers have a slimmer margin for error when it comes to their gambling losses, income is not a predictor of a disorder. And anyone who gets themselves in a jam could use the Clinic,

ask them, ‘Have you ever dreamt of winning a million dollars?’” Whelan says. “And it’s rare to have

where the five-phase, $150 treatment program

someone in the room who has never thought about that. With gambling, there is this hope and this

includes an assessment of the problem, man-

dream not present in other addictions.”

aging the addiction and relapse prevention,

Initially, their plan was solely to publish new resources for problem gamblers. But then they had an idea: create a center where psychology faculty and students could treat gambling disor-

among other steps. No matter how many sessions it takes, the

ders while also researching their causes. And The Institute for Gambling Education and Research,

investment could be money well spent for

housed in the Psychological Services Center, was born. The U of M Gambling Clinic earned its initial

a gambling addict, especially as more states

funding (as it still does today) from a state grant courtesy of the Tennessee lottery. Before long, its

legalize gaming and online betting grows.

professors and graduate students were counseling addicts on how they could curb their gambling – and regain control of their lives. 18


“There is a huge need for gambling education, prevention and treatment in the community,” THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

The Gambling Center relies on undergraduates and graduate students — as well as Professors James Whelan and Andy Meyers — to conduct research. Left to right: Kathryn Winsley, Holly Keating, Meredith Ginley, Briana Guyton, Dr. Whelan, Olivia Sims, Matt Suda, Rory Pfund and Jean Hopper.

Meyers says. “Now that gambling is a state-spon-

Beyond the research, Ginley also counsels

“The vast majority of the people we see are

sored activity in the U.S., we would hope that

clients. Everyone she sees has a different story,

the people who have really done significant

Tennessee, Mississippi and other states would

and there isn’t a single stereotype – whether

harm to their lives,” Whelan says. “Now, what

recognize the responsibility to support research

it’s gender, color or income – save one.

is harm for them? We’ve had people where

and treatment of problem gamblers and the pre-

“People present for treatment when they

vention of problem gambling, especially among

realize, ‘What I’m doing every day, how I’m

adolescents and young adults.”

waking up is not how I see myself. My behavior

The Clinic has been funded by the

it wasn’t the money as much as how much it preoccupied their lives.” Ginley encourages people who feel the

is not in line with my goals,’” she says. “There’s

“troll” has taken over their lives to call the Clinic

Tennessee State Department of Mental Health

a lot of power related to being able to make

and see what it can do for them. That might

and Addiction since 2005 after the state

that decision. We like feeling in control.”

not mean complete abstinence from betting,

passed the lottery bill. “Most jurisdictions do

And control is integral to the Clinic’s mission,

but rather moderation – in gambling and in life.

set aside funds for public awareness and gam-

all the way down to its advertising campaign. In

With a high success rate, The Gambling Clinic

bling treatment services when they pass gam-

TV commercials, a young man sits on his couch

might be the only sure bet they’ll ever make.

bling legislation,” Whelan says. “Our grant is to

looking forlorn while an ogre destroys his room,

operate a multi-purpose program designed to

eating the furniture and generally wreaking

a problem, there are skills that we can offer,

increase the knowledge of problem and disor-

havoc on the man’s surroundings — and his life.

that we can help you gain, that any gambler

dered gambling, increase public awareness and provide gambling treatment services.”

CONTROL THE TROLL Meredith Ginley, a fifth-year U of M doctoral student from Massachusetts, is one of the

“Control the Troll” is a campaign the

budget, to help them feel more comfortable

Memphis community, part of the outreach pro-

with what they’re doing,” Ginley says. “We’re

vided by Whelan, Meyers and The Gambling

not going to assume that you have a problem,

Clinic’s graduate students.

just that you want to change your behavior.”

“It gets to the idea that gambling starts out as something fun and it’s gotten out of con-

gambling disorders. She and other students

trol,” Whelan says. The Clinic has treated close to 500 people

on test subjects who play slot machines in the

with gambling disorders, Whelan says, all

Clinic. The hope is that more data will give

of them with their own tale of how it has

clinicians the ability to help anyone with a gam-

depleted bank accounts, ruined careers and

bling disorder better manage their addiction.

damaged relationships.

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

can use to help them stay in line with their

Clinic devised to promote its services to the

graduate students performing research on even analyze gambling patterns and triggers

“Even if you’re a little unsure if you’re having



They are young, smart and might just change your world one day. These four U of M undergraduates — members of our next generation of scientists — are already donning lab coats, conducting experiments and analyzing data as they attack disorders ranging from autism to septic shock.




U of M undergraduate researcher Hunter King (center) studies high mortality rates associated with septic shock. He is flanked by biomedical engineering professor Erno Lindner (left) and graduate student James Atherton. (Photos by Rhonda Consentino)

U of M biomedical engineering major Hunter King sounds every bit the young scientist when asked to describe his research in sepsis and septic shock. “I can give you the short version, the medium version or the in-depth version,” says King, matter-of-factly. He proceeds to paint a perfect picture of how he and Herff College biomedical engineers Erno Lindner, Bradford Pendley and James Atherton are working to lower the mortality rate of those experiencing septic shock. The only thing missing from King’s presentation is a white lab coat. “People with severe septic shock in the hospital, their mortality rate is too unacceptably high,” says the Chattanooga, Tenn., native. “Methodist Hospital, for example, could have 30 people in septic shock at the same time in their ICU. “We are looking at ways to risk-stratify those patients in a manner that doctors can have specific information on them and then be able to give them an individualized quality of care. They should be able to say, ‘This patient is trending worse; this one, better; this one is critical.’” Septic shock is caused by a bacterial infection, which prompts widespread inflammation throughout the body, a dramatic drop in blood pressure and the failure of vital organs; it often develops in ICUs after surgery. It can be life threatening if undetected and untreated; Mayo Clinic scientists estimate the mortality rate is about 50 percent. The way to lower that high rate, King says, is to develop a more efficient device, which can measure a patient’s carbon dioxide level, determine whether sepsis is present — and, if so, how severe. “There are currently other technologies to measure this, but the

measurements from urine samples, thus giving doctors real-time information on patients with sepsis. King is confident the end result will mean lower mortality rates. King graduates in May, but he is already thinking ahead. “I want to get my MD and PhD in biomedical engineering to be able to do a balance of

problem is that they are too invasive for patients,” he says. “How can we

practicing as well as translational research. I want to be able to identify a

do this in a noninvasive way? Through the bladder and urine. By measur-

problem in a clinic and apply engineering research — and then bring solu-

ing the level of carbon dioxide in urine, we would be able to risk-stratify

tions back to the clinic.”

patients.” King used AutoCAD software to design a virtual 3-D prototype of a lab bench-top testing device, which was then built by the Herff College machine shop and will be used for testing patient samples. For the

Regenerating injured bone and cartilage Imagine being able to lose fat while at the same time helping make

upcoming clinical trial, urine samples will be retrieved by medical fellows

gains in the world of medicine. That is a small — but nonetheless inter-

and brought to the U of M to be measured. Ultimately, the device would

esting — component of research being conducted by undergraduate

work via a catheter in a hospital setting to quickly and non-invasively gain

biomedical engineering major Elizabeth Duncan.

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U



The senior from Charlotte, N.C., is currently researching how tissue engineering — a combination of cells, engineering and materials methods — can help regenerate injured bone or cartilage injuries. She is specifically evaluating ways that the molecule adenosine can be used in tissue engineering. “I have been testing the effects of adenosine on the proliferation and activity of fibroblasts and adult mesenchymal stem cells in our labs,” says Duncan. “Mesenchymal stem cells can be taken from adult bone marrow donors — or even fat — and have the potential to differentiate into bone or cartilage cells, which is of great interest for regenerative medicine and healing. “The end goal is to be able to show that a local delivery of adenosine, via a biomaterial, could improve healing for bone or cartilage

Biomedical engineering major Elizabeth Duncan (seated) and professor Dr. Amber Jennings research how tissue engineering can help regenerate bone or cartilage injuries that one might encounter in a trauma center or battlefield.

She says that she is planning to attend

clear up what is going on in autism.”

injuries that one might encounter in a trauma

graduate school for biomedical engineering or

Coomes says studies have shown that indi-

center or even on the battlefield. This has

medical school — or ideally, both. “Ultimately,

viduals with autism have structural abnormalities

important implications for bone defects, non-

I am looking forward to the chance to help

in the cerebellum, which is a region of the brain

union of bone or joint damage.”

provide improved care for patients.”

involved in voluntary movements such as pos-

Duncan, mentored by biomedical engineering professors Drs. Amber Jennings and Warren Haggard and biology assistant professor Dr.

Finding a cure for autism Senior Damian Coomes doesn’t fit the

ture, balance, coordination and speech. Recent research shows that the cerebellum connects with (and modulates) neuronal systems that use

Amy Abell, says that since adult stem cells

“norm” that many undergraduate student

the neurotransmitter dopamine, which involves

come from bone marrow donors or even fat,

researchers fall under. This free spirit and world

cognitive and incentive-motivated behaviors.

“It's an accepted idea that we could get rid of

traveler ventured from middle Tennessee to

Coomes is investigating whether one of these

something we hate — fat — to make gains in

the U of M to “branch out and try something

structural abnormalities (a reduction of tissue

medicine with mesenchymal stem cells.”

new.” He even plans to take a “gap” year after

in the main neuron found in the cerebellum,

graduation this May to explore the beer-

the Purkinje cell) adversely affects modulation

time consuming. “Dr. Jennings has taught me

brewing industry, which is something that’s

of dopamine, which is needed for fundamental

how to grow and maintain cells in the lab for

certainly not on everyone’s bucket list.

brain function.

For Duncan, her lab experience can be quite

my various cell culture experiments,” she says.

But that doesn’t mean Coomes is ready to

“Dopamine is involved in a lot of behaviors

“Cells require a lot of care; feedings every

forgo current and future college plans — the

that are linked to the symptoms of autism, like

two days and avoiding fungal contamination

senior from Woodbury, Tenn., for now has

reward-related behaviors, learning, attention

translates to weekend hours and repeat experi-

thrown his budding inquisitive talents into U of

and the ability to make rational decisions,”


M and national research efforts that are looking

Coomes says. “I am looking to see if the

But she says it is worth it, especially since

for treatments — and even a cure — for autism.

modulation of dopamine by the cerebellum

the field of medicine is becoming increasingly

Coomes describes autism as a social devel-

is being affected in these forebrain areas

dependent on advanced technologies provided

opmental disorder that usually appears around

because in autism you have deficits in social

by engineers.

age 3 and is characterized by a child’s inability

(peer to peer) and para-bonding (mother and

“I love working with cells and observing

to form normal social relationships with others.

sibling) relationships as well as learning.

how they grow and respond in culture. Being

A youngster with autism may not develop the

involved in research has also taught me how

capacity to communicate effectively, and the

in the ability of the cerebellum to properly

to problem solve on my feet and think critically

disorder might be marked by repetitive behav-

modulate this neurotransmitter, we can work

in regards to experimental design and data

iors (such as rocking or twirling).

on treatments that can correct these brain-

analysis. It has been a wonderful opportunity

“They withdraw and become indifferent to

that has solidified my interest in furthering my

social engagement,” Coomes says. “Hopefully,


our research will lead to other steps that will



“If we can confirm that there is a deficit

function deficiencies. No one has really focused on this area before.”


Coomes has unrivaled mentors: U of M psychology professors Dr. Charles Blaha and Dr. Guy Mittleman have become known for their studies of autism. They were the first to propose that some of the cogni-

(Left) Undergraduate researcher Damian Coomes and psychology professor Dr. Charles Blaha study ways to treat autism. (Right) Undergrad Keanan Joyner and Professor James Murphy look for ways to offset addictive behaviors.

tive deficits associated with autism result from a disconnection of the

to ‘suppress implicit bias’ toward alcohol (repeatedly pairing alcoholic

cerebellum (located in the back of the brain) and the frontal cortex; they

images with suppressing words).”

believe that this disconnection is due to a distinct association between

Joyner and HABIT attempt to reduce addictive behaviors in part by

the loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and frontal cortex function.

increasing a student’s motivation to pursue academic or other personal

“Damian’s research is important in that it presents a unique opportunity to investigate neuropathology in the cerebellum and its role in modulating dopamine neurotransmission in the brain implicated in behavioral deficits in autistic individuals,” Blaha says.

Sober reality U of M senior Keanan Joyner is intent on learning more about alcohol addiction and curbing dangerous drinking habits among collegeage students through a research project made possible by the Helen

goals. He says that many college students won’t drink if they are presented with other recreational opportunities. “The idea is if you present college kids with social options like sports or clubs like ultimate Frisbee or chess, which don’t involve alcohol or drug use, they will take them. In college, drinking or smoking marijuana is a social phenomenon to make friends, to feel more comfortable at a party.” Joyner says research shows that college students drink for a variety of reasons. “A lot drink to cope with school, family or relationship problems,”

Hardin Honors Program Summer Research Fellowship. Joyner works

Joyner says. “That is a dangerous habit to start — when you begin

as an undergraduate researcher in the U of M’s Health, Addiction and

depending on alcohol to solve problems. That is the type of thing we

Behavioral Intervention Teams (HABIT) office, which is located in the

want to reduce.”

Department of Psychology. He looks at why students binge drink, different ways to control problem drinking and how economics plays a role in drinking patterns. “We want to show college students that there is more to life than going out and drinking themselves under the table, more to that image than what MTV sold them,” Joyner says. “The goal of my study is to identify cognitive factors that influence automatic thoughts or desires to drink. We found that a ‘priming manipu-

He says underclassmen are targeted. “That is where we believe it will have a better effect. It is their first time away from home, having to make their own decisions. That is where more of the dangerous drinking habits come from.” Joyner says he plans to expand his studies in addictive behaviors once he enters graduate school. He says it is all about tackling societal problems. “If I am going to be a clinical psychologist, I want to help people,”

lation’ (showing images of alcoholic drinks) appears to have a greater

the psychology major says. “We live in a broken world. This is my way of

impact on level of desire for alcohol than an intervention that attempts

making a difference.”

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U





Everything — including the eye black under offensive lineman Michael Stannard’s eyes — was a work of art during the University of Memphis’ 36-17 dismantling of Middle Tennessee State Sept. 20 at Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium. “At that moment, I was focusing on the game and thinking about what the defensive players did the last series that I could take advantage of on the next series,” says the reflective redshirt sophomore from Columbia, Mo. The 46,378 in attendance was the largest crowd in a decade as Memphis’ rebuilding project under Coach Justin Fuente is right on track. As for the seemingly perfectly placed eye black: a seasoned make-up artist, teammate or trainer? “Nah, I put it on myself,” deadpans Stannard. (Photo by Rhonda Cosentino) 24



W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U





LO O K W H O ’ S TA L K I N G Adam Martin, U.S. Navy veteran (2009-2013) and junior engineering technology major

Why did you choose to serve in the military? The idea of joining the service was always appealing to me, but I ultimately made the decision to join because I really wanted to get out and experience the world. After I got in, I quickly found out that I had made the decision to serve something greater than myself, and I have never felt so honored in my life. Did you serve overseas? I served in one combat deployment overseas in 2011. I am a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), Operation New Dawn (Iraq) and Operation Tomodachi (Japan). As a veteran, do you see college differently than non-military students? Do you bring unique experiences to being a student? Absolutely. As a student and a veteran, returning to school after serving in the military is just as much of a culture shock as joining the service for the first time. Veterans go through so much between training 24/7 and deployments that school kind of gets put on the back burner, so making that transition back is huge for us. We had to work a little bit harder for our education so it makes us value it a lot more, and that is what keeps us in school. Any student-veteran brings an enormous amount of experience. As a sailor, soldier, airman or Marine, you are constantly training and gaining new experiences, so any university would benefit from having a strong veteran presence.

Dec. 3 The Scheidt School of Music presents the University of Memphis Wind Ensemble. Harris Concert Hall. 7:30 p.m. Call 901.678.2541 for ticket information.

Dec. 14 Winter Commencement. FedExForum. 1 and 5 p.m. Visit for details.

Jan. 15 First Day of Spring Semester Classes.

Jan. 15-23 Alumni Association Tiger Treks Educational tour to Cuba. Call 1.800.842.9023 or visit http:// for details on this and other tours.

Jan. 29 The Scheidt School of Music presents the U of M Symphony Orchestra. Harris Concert Hall. 7:30 p.m. Call 901.678.2541 for ticket information.

Do you feel the U of M is welcoming toward veterans? The University of Memphis has come a long way toward becoming a “veteran friendly” campus, and it is extremely vital that they keep pushing to better enhance the experience of student-veterans. How has the Veterans Resource Center been helpful to you? The Veterans Resource Center has been an absolute lifesaver, or should I say “career saver.” On any given day, you will be able to see the very same camaraderie that each one of us valued so much while we were in service. The VRC is the primary place on campus where a student veteran can truly find another person who has experienced some of the same things they have. It is a great place for vets to get their minds off of the demanding curriculum of college and get lost in tons of “old war stories.” What would you like to do after graduating? After college I intend to move to the Sarasota/ Bradenton area of Florida and I hope to work for a good employer as a manufacturing engineer.



Feb. 7 and 19 The Tigers host last year’s national champions UConn women (Feb. 7, 2:30 p.m., FedExForum) and men (Feb. 19, 8 p.m., FedExForum)

Feb. 19-21 and 26-28 Theatre and Dance Department presents Macbeth. U of M Mainstage Theatre. 7:30 p.m. Call 901.678.3184.




How to argue with a referee Josh Pastner, head coach, Memphis men’s basketball Some coaches throw chairs; others embark on profanity-laced tirades that would make even a sailor blush — is there really an art to arguing with a referee? Who better to ask than Memphis’ own Josh Pastner who has never been tossed from a game and who only has three technical fouls in five seasons as men’s head basketball coach. “The officials are doing the best job they can,” says Pastner. “It is important to treat them with respect. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do things to get your point across.” Pastner’s class act certainly must work: he is the seventh-winningest head coach for the first five seasons in NCAA Div. I history. R - E - S - P - E - C -T So what is Pastner’s approach? “You have to remember that referees are human beings,” he says. “I treat all human beings with respect. Treating them with disrespect or trying to show them up can be counterproductive. It doesn’t mean I can’t tell them I disagree or I see it a different way, but you can do that in a respectful way. I try not to show them up. I don’t use any vulgar language. I understand if it is a male official, it could be somebody’s father, husband, brother or son. If it is a female official, it could be somebody’s mother, sister or daughter. You want to treat all people with respect. That is the best way to do it.”


56 W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

GAM E CHANGER? Some coaches may try to get a “t” to fire his or her team up. Pastner? “Trying to get a technical can be counterproductive,” he says. “That is like doing something for revenge. The effect can last for a few minutes, but I don’t think it can ultimately change a game. That doesn’t mean that the momentum of a game can’t be changed at times. Strategically you can do certain things — the best way to change the momentum is by making shots. Besides, I am not good enough of a coach to be constantly arguing or trying to get a technical — I need to be concentrating on the coaching part.”

The number of years Stan Bronson Jr. has served as batboy for the University of Memphis baseball team (a Guinness World Record).

RARE AI R Through 174 games, Pastner has averaged less than a technical foul a season. “When I argue, I may be trying to protect the players or maybe get my point across — probably a little of both — but you can do it respectfully.” On those rare occasions: “All three have been outside the coaching box,” he says. “Two of them, I was arguing calls outside the coaching box; one of them was because I was warned multiple times about being outside the coaching box. I got one against Southern Miss for arguing a call outside of the coaching box. I would have been sick to my stomach if we lost that game by one or two points due to my technical foul.”

G A M E S U M M A RY “There is a balance when you argue a call,” Pastner points out. “You want to get your point across, but again, you are dealing with human beings. Officials are not going to be perfect. They are going to miss calls. For the majority of it, they are going to get calls right and call the game the right way. But when you do approach them to argue a call, it is all about respect.”


The U of M rifle squad has been ranked in the Top 10 all season as it seeks a 2nd-straight NCAA tourney berth.

M O N U M E N TA L A C H I E V E M E N T 2014 has been especially kind to former University of Memphis golfer Marissa Steen. The 2012 graduate not only became the first U of M female golfer to earn a LPGA Tour Card (for 2015), the Ohio native tweeted she “had a blast throwing out the first pitch” at a Cincinnati Reds game. Steen captured three victories and totaled more than $70,000 in winnings on the Symetra Tour, the developmental league for the LPGA, to earn her card. “The last four years, I knew I had all the potential in the world to be a great player,” Steen says. A S E A S O N O F F I R STS New men’s soccer coach Richard Mulrooney, a former U.S. National Team player, quickly made a mark on the Tiger program. He picked up his first win two games into the season, edging SIU-Edwardsville 2-1, and three days later scoring his first victory over a ranked team, shutting out No. 15 Saint Louis 4-0. “I really didn’t think about it until we actually won — it is something I will always remember, but more importantly, it is the first win of the season and I hope it is one of many more to come for this season and for years to come.”

N ET T I N G R E C O G N I T I O N Senior Connor Glennon, a native of England, began his final season of college tennis this fall among the nation's best. He was the No. 38th-ranked singles player in the country in the Intercollegiate Tennis Association’s preseason poll. He is the first player in Tiger history to be named first-team all-conference in singles play three times and his 21 wins at No. 1 singles is the most for any Memphis men's player since 1999. Memphis has advanced to three straight NCAA appearances behind Glennon. P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014




CAM PUS SCEN E DRIBBLING PAINT Former Tiger and NBA basketball star Elliot Perry returned to campus sans jersey and sneakers to share his unique contemporary African-American artwork collection in the new Martha and Robert Fogelman Galleries of Contemporary Art.

FAMILY AFFAIR Photobombs reigned supreme during a wildly popular “photo” scavenger hunt that was one of the many activities that made up the first Parent and Family Weekend Sept. 19-21 in more than a decade. Hundreds of parents and students attended.

FEELING GREEN The University showcased its everexpanding eco-friendly initiatives during the annual Tiger Blue Goes Green Day Oct. 7.

KUNG FU FIGHTING A troupe of traveling martial arts experts invaded campus Sept. 28 as part of a Confucius Institute anniversary event that also featured Chinese folk dances.

Three Story House by Courtney Miller Santo “Like my first novel, The Roots of the Olive Tree, this book can be traced to my experiences growing up as part of an enormous family,” says Santo. “In them, I see all the lives I could have lived: fisherman, border patrol, comedian, carpenter, therapist. Their stories could have been my stories.” With that in mind, the English prof set out to write about three cousins who are coping with failure but who come together to save a family spite house. “In writing about these cousins, I got to work through my own questions about what could have been and what should be.” (William Morrow Paperbacks)

OPTIONED Creative writing student Kat Moore scored rave reviews with her short story “Kissing River Phoenix” that appeared in the U of M Magazine’s spring issue. The news has just gotten better: Indie film producer Lanie Zipoy has optioned the work.

ICEY RECEPTION Hovering helicopters bombarded thousands of eager students with tiger tails while President M. David Rudd was doused with ice water in an “Ice Bucket Challenge” during New Student Convocation Aug. 25. DINOSAUR OUT Tiger coach Josh Pastner ended what one national publication called “a bizarre allegiance to his flip phone” when he purchased his first smartphone. “I have recruited a ton of great players with that flip phone,” Pastner said.

Down to the Crossroads: Civil Rights, Black Power and the Meredith March Against Fear by Aram Goudsouzian Goudsouzian provides a fast-paced narrative that displays many different perspectives on the civil rights movement and America that begins with James Meredith’s march from Memphis to Jackson, Miss., in 1966. “In between, Meredith gets shot, every major figure in the civil rights movement determines to carry on the march, huge debates break out over the future of black politics, thousands of black voters register, the police launch a tear gas attack, Martin Luther King inspires poor Mississippians and Stokely Carmichael unveils the new, controversial cry of ‘Black Power,’”says the chair of history. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

Visitations by John Bensko


The University of Memphis was named a Military Friendly School by Victory Media Inc., a veteran-owned business founded in 2001, for its support of military personnel on campus, including the establishment of a Veterans Resource Center. 28



The Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law has been recognized by preLaw magazine as being a Best Value Law School for the sixth consecutive year.

Bensko says that his book of poems embodies his interpretation of John Donne’s concept that no man is an island. “We’re all absorbed by, and absorb within us, all sorts of visitations, from the past, from art, from animals, from things like snow and weeds and water in the environment. I wanted to give the sense that the natural and supernatural are one.” The English prof’s book recently won the Anita Claire Scharf prize, given for books that pay close attention to art and the environment. (Tampa University Press)



“I thought back to when I was an undergraduate and the place I felt most comfortable studying. We are promoting student success and want to make students feel like they are a part of a community, so we went for an inviting theme.”


Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian, history instructor and coordinator of the new History Educational Resource Center (HERC)





Stroke of genius By Gabrielle Maxey

In swimming, the difference between winning a gold medal and being left off the podium can be hundredths of a second. Imagine, then, if a performance test should help shave even a fraction of a second off a swimmer’s time? U of M graduate student Eddie Han, working with Dr. Genadijus Sokolovas (“Dr. G”), has helped hundreds of elite swimmers improve

Eddie Han exults during the 15th FINA World Swimming Championships in Barcelona, Spain, in 2013. He and Dr. Genadijus Sokolovas were able to test a large number of swimmers during the two-week event.

their times through testing clinics. Han, a former competitive swimmer, met Sokolovas when he was a delegate to the 2008

which measures a swimmer’s velocity and force

choose their worst and best stroke,” Han says.

Summer Olympics in Beijing. Sokolovas, a

in the water and uses video to show swimmers

Swimmers get a copy of their test on DVD

physiologist and one of the world’s most highly

the weakest part of their stroke. The device is a

to keep. It’s viewed by the athletes, coaches and

regarded swimming researchers, had been hired

belt with fishing line attached. “When you push

national team leaders. Sokolovas offers feedback

by USA Swimming as its sports science director.

off it starts recording your velocity,” Han explains.

on any flaws and then designs drills they can

The native of Lithuania was an integral part of

“It looks for drops in velocity. This is overlaid with

do in the water to correct them. It may be that

training for U.S. swimmers for three Olympic

a video in real time so when you see a drop in

a swimmer’s breathing pattern might need an

Games – Sydney, Athens and Beijing – from

velocity you can stop it at that point and look at

adjustment, or a left arm might be more efficient

2000 to 2008.

your stroke and correct it.”

than the right. “Any small movement can affect a

“I grew up in swimming and he knew a little about my background,” Han says. When

While coaches can see only what’s above the water, the Swim Power Test brings everything

swimmer’s timing,” Han explains. Sokolovas and Han have tested such elite

Sokolovas parted ways with USA Swimming,

under water, says Han. “There is no test like it.

swimmers as Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte,

he formed a new company, Global Sports

A lot of people have tried to copy his device. Dr.

Natalie Coughlin, Katie Ledecky and Dara Torres.

Technology Inc., which offers technologies

G is the only one who can read what the device

They also have tested triathletes like Jamie

similar to those he used at the Olympic training

spits out.”

Turner and Casey Katz, as well as members of

facility in Colorado Springs, Colo. Soon Han was

The swimmers are tested for 50 meters at

Memphis Tiger Swimming. The Swim Power Test not only has benefited

helping test American swimmers and setting up

race pace. They may opt to swim one or all four

swim clinics for Sokolovas.

of the competition strokes (freestyle, butterfly,

champion swimmers, but athletes from

breaststroke and backstroke). “We tell them to

developing countries which can’t afford the funds

Sokolovas developed the Swim Power Test, W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U




Han (right) and Dr. Genadijus Sokolovas have worked with hundreds of world-class swimmers, including triathletes like Casey Katz, center.

or resources to test their swimmers. FINA, the governing body of swimming,

One of their biggest success stories was working with the team from Honduras, Han

position he has held for 10 years. In the course of testing, Sokolovas made

felt the testing would help athletes from

recalls. “One swim magazine had no idea we

a lot of presentations to the swimmers, and

underdeveloped countries and hired the pair for

did the testing, and put in one of their articles

many of the topics were nutrition related. “After

a trial run to test swimmers at the 2011 World

that on one team all of their swimmers were

a couple of years of working with him I thought

Swimming Championships in Shanghai, China.

able to drop their times from the preliminaries.

nutrition was really interesting. Luckily the U of M

Over the two-week meet they tested more than

That was Honduras. I told Dr. G, ‘We just tested

had a graduate program in dietetics, and I was

180 swimmers from 50 countries, including


like, ‘This is a really good fit,’” Han says. He is in

Namibia, Botswana and Ecuador. “They get to

Han swam for two years at Rhodes College,

train like Olympians for a day,” Han says. Their

where he earned his degree in biology in 2009.

expects to graduate in December. As a registered

success led FINA to hire them again for the 2013

“At one point, I had seven school records,” he

dietitian, Han hopes to work either in the renal

World Swimming Championships in Barcelona,

says, “but academics are so rigorous at Rhodes I

field or food service management.


couldn’t keep up and had to choose academics

Almost all showed significant signs of improvement in the form of faster times after testing.

over swimming.” His father, David Han, was an Olympic-caliber

the master’s program in clinical nutrition, and

Until then, he is always open to holding more swim clinics with Sokolovas. If their experience has taught them anything,

swimmer in his native China, but was unable

it’s that even the top athletes in the world can

“For some swimmers from underdeveloped

to compete when China boycotted the Games.

stand some improvement – such as Michael

countries, they dropped a lot of time, seconds,”

“I always consider him an Olympian even if he

Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all

he says. “It was such a wonderful feeling

didn’t get to go,” Eddie says.

time, with a total of 22 medals and holder of

because with swimming you have different heats

The U.S. also boycotted the Olympics, but

the record for most Olympic gold medals (18).

based on time. They were usually not seeded

sent its swim team to a dual meet in China

Sokolovas began working with Phelps when

high in the heats, but to see them finishing first

instead. There David Han met legendary swim

the phenom was just 14. “Dr. G found seven or

and second and having their faces show up on

coach Don Gambril, a five-time Olympic coach

eight mistakes he could correct in his butterfly,”

the Jumbotron was such a wonderful feeling.

and head coach at the University of Alabama.

Han says. “He wanted to quit swimming! There

I would say, ‘We just tested him 10 minutes

Gambril hired the elder Han, who was by then

is no perfect stroke.”

ago!’ They were elated; they couldn’t have been

coaching, to be his assistant at Alabama. He is


now aquatics director for the city of Memphis, a




Alums make ‘history’ with gift to University By Greg Russell

Gift by Richardsons funds new history resource center designed to promote ‘community’ among students In the basement of Mitchell Hall, Hercules is flexing some muscle — Hercules, as in HERC, the University of Memphis’ new History Educational Resource Center. Complete with a warm and inviting coffee shop vibe, the renovated classroom space offers educational support that includes writing and

History adviser Chrystal Goudsouzian (center) went for a “coffee shop vibe” when choosing decor for the Department of History’s new History Educational Resource Center (HERC). “I thought back to the place I was most comfortable studying at while I was in school and it was a coffee shop,” says Goudsouzian. Renovation of the space used for HERC was made possible by a donation by alums Taylor and Mary Beth Richardson. Also pictured are history adviser Amanda Lee Savage and history chair Aram Goudsouzian. (Photo by Rhonda Cosentino)

study tutoring, academic advising, information sessions and career and postgraduate counseling to students interested in careers in

“HERC provides a quiet and comfortable

students,” he says. “It was also an opportunity

history. It was funded by U of M alums Taylor

place to study in between classes,” says Lones.

to recognize a former professor in the History

(BS ’62) and Mary Beth (MA ’97) Richardson.

“Dr. Goudsouzian did a great job of creating an

Department, Ruth Woodbury, who was an

Early signs show the center will have an impact

environment where students can feel relaxed

encouragement to me when I was in school, so

on retention and degree completion rates — a

and at home while asking for help with their

we made the contribution in her memory.

major initiative of President M. David Rudd.

papers or study tips for their history courses.”

“We wanted to show students that we are

President Rudd is a fan, too, of the new

“Personally, I am very thankful to be able to look back at individuals and events and

interested in their success,” says Dr. Chrystal

center as the University looks for ways to

institutions that have played a positive role in

Goudsouzian, history instructor, advising

increase retention rates and degree completion,

my life, and I find it very gratifying to try to give

coordinator and the brainchild behind the effort.

which factor into state funding formulas. “HERC

back when I am able,” Richardson says. “For me,

“I felt like our students were missing a sense

is a great example of departmental efforts to

many of the individuals and events I remember

of community. We have a lot of commuter

support our students and help grow retention

fondly are associated with the University.”

students and nontraditional students and we

and facilitate completion,” he says. “It also layers

felt that they didn’t have a place within the

in development, given that they were able to

says Richardson “is a man who is invested


secure private funding. I want to encourage other

in the idea that college is a life-transforming

The room is outfitted with old record albums,

initiatives to mirror that of the Goudsouzians.”


vintage popcorn maker, retro furniture (including

Taylor Richardson, who already has made

“We have seen a lot of the data on what

a “homey” couch) and a “cool” color scheme

an impact at the U of M by funding scholarships

makes for a positive experience for students,” he

that translates into a funky, coffee shop feel

for students from Lake County, says he funded

says. “It is not just being taught well, but giving

(think Midtown’s Otherlands). It also features

renovation of the space for several reasons. “I

them a connection to the institution and the

an exquisite mural of a Roman-Greco scene

liked the Goudsouzians’ idea of repurposing

people at the institution. For example, if they

featuring Hercules created by graduate student

a large space in the History Department

get personal writing attention from one faculty

Meredith Lones, already a fan of the center.

to promote a sense of community among

member, often the data says they are much

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Department chair Dr. Aram Goudsouzian



more likely to have a positive college experience, which translates into retention and degree progress.” The department chair says HERC also helps faculty members critique themselves and their teaching methods by providing them with feedback on what students report they are struggling with. “We ask them to provide a HERC report at the end of each semester so we can see patterns among students.” Says HERC adviser Amanda Lee Savage, “Faculty members come to us to see how their students are doing.” The center includes two writing tutors: graduate student Tannie Arnsdorff and undergraduate Allison Benoit. They work in tandem with the U of M’s Educational Support Program (ESP). “Our tutors help students with their historical thinking and arguments,” Savage says. “If it is strictly needing help with writing skills, such as grammar and punctuation, then we send them to ESP and then ask them to come back here for help with things like how to

Graduate student Tannie Arnsdorff (right) tutors history major Amber Humes in the Department of History’s new History Educational Resource Center (HERC), which administrators believe will increase retention and degree completion rates at the University of Memphis. Users say the center, located in the basement of Mitchell Hall, provides a sense of community among faculty, staff and students. (Photo by Rhonda Cosentino)

write a historical essay.” Savage says she feels the center, open since August, is showing signs of success because, “Our writing advisers have been incredibly busy.” Chrystal Goudsouzian says HERC generates invaluable information, which will help with

them look at ways to get through finals easier.”

she says. “We were in HERC the other day

She points to a number of photos on a

and while Tannie was busy tutoring another

bulletin board in the center that show faculty

student, there was a freshman student who

members on vacation and with family members.

was struggling. I watched the guy who never

“We want our students to feel comfortable

spoke in class get up, introduce himself and start

retention rates and degree completion. “We are

approaching and interacting with our faculty. This

tutoring this freshman. I got teary-eyed. This is

keeping track of the students who come in, what

is a way to humanize them, to make them seem

exactly what we wanted. I have seen students

they are coming in for, what they are struggling

more accessible to our students.”

introducing themselves, chatting, building a core.

with — their main issues. We have an ongoing

The space that HERC occupies was

It has been rewarding to see that growth.”

dialogue with the faculty. One of the things we

antiquated and in need of renovation before

As for the coffee shop vibe: “I thought back

are finding out is we are learning a lot about

it could be used. Aram Goudsouzian says he

to when I was an undergraduate and the place

our teaching by seeing what our students have

approached U of M development director

I felt most comfortable studying,” she says. “We

problems with.”

Carolyn Dickens for help. She, in turn, introduced

are promoting student success and wanting

the Goudsouzians to the Richardsons.

to make students feel like they are a part of a

She says as part of HERC, the department has created a number of undergraduate

“I was very impressed with the Goudsouzians

community, so we went for an inviting theme.”

scholarships and travel funds for students to

and their vision for HERC,” Richardson says. “And

travel abroad. It has become a gathering spot,

over the past couple of years, my wife and I have

relaxing on couches, tutoring and socializing

too, for student groups, including the History

come to have a high regard for Carolyn Dickens

with other students and seeking help with

Society, as well as other organizations.

in the College of Arts and Sciences.”

their academic struggles, HERC is already

“We are equipping it as a smart classroom so

Chrystal Goudsouzian says the idea of

we can do information sessions, too,” she says.

building “community” among students is taking

“This fall we have a stress management session


planned. Students can come in and use this as a gateway to the counseling center as we help 32


Given the fact HERC is filled with students

accomplishing its mission. Visit for more details.

“I had a student for three semesters who never spoke in class and who was very quiet,” THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

NOVEMBER 12 Christian Brothers 18 vs. Wichita State 24 Prairie View A&M 27 vs. 9 Baylor 28 vs. Illinois/Indiana St.

7 pm 1 pm 7 pm 11 pm TBA

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

DECEMBER 2 Stephen F. Austin 6 pm 6 Bradley 8:30 pm 13 Oklahoma State 5 pm 15 N.C. Central 7 pm 17 USC Upstate 7 pm 20 Oral Roberts 2 pm 23 Western Illinois 7 pm 31 Houston 1 pm

JANUARY 3 Tulane 8 at SMU 11 at Houston 15 Cincinnati 17 UCF 21 at Tulsa 24 at Tulane 28 East Carolina 31 at Gonzaga

TBA 8 pm 3 pm 6 pm 1 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm

FEBRUARY 4 Jacksonville State 7 Temple 10 at East Carolina 14 at USF 10 19 Connecticut 22 at UCF 26 SMU 28 Tulsa

7 pm 12 pm 6 pm 11 am 8 pm 1 pm 8 pm 7 pm

MARCH 5 at Connecticut 8 pm 8 at Cincinnati 11 am 12-15 American Athletic Conference Tournament (Hartford, Conn.)

Updated game times and info at P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014 33

University of Memphis Alumni Association LONG RANGE STRATEGIC PLAN

Strategic Initiative 1

 Build esprit de corps within the community of U of M alumni and friends. Create relevance through active and meaningful engagement with current and former students. Grow UMAA membership through focused and directed activities. • Develop the University’s presence among alumni where they live and work. • Bring alumni to the campus and other U of M facilities. • Expand communication with alumni to keep graduates informed about institutional issues and opportunities. • Contribute to increasing the value of a University of Memphis diploma, and ensure that activities and work products reflect the excellence of the U of M and the success of its alumni. • Expand programs that target graduates of the most recent decade and build relationships with students by supporting their U of M experience and introducing them to opportunities for lifelong involvement with the U of M and UMAA.


 The University of Memphis Alumni Association engages alumni, former students and friends in three challenges: advocating the ideals for the University, advancing its welfare and fostering lifelong relationships with the institution.


Strategic Initiative 2
 Motivate, facilitate and lead alumni support of the U of M through strong and committed collaboration, coordination and strategic interactions with the University. • Coordinate programs and communications to assist the University in its efforts to expand alumni giving and to strengthen membership and involvement in UMAA. • Prepare alumni to be effective advocates for public support of the University. • Ensure alumni are recognized as a vital part of the U of M community.

Enrich the lives of our constituents by providing opportunities for engagement with the University to assist them in establishing lifelong, meaningful and valued relationships with the University of Memphis and each other.


 To be the gateway to the University of Memphis and the alumni community, meaningfully engaging alumni in activities, programs and services while entrusting them as the guardians of the University. Based on its mission, vision and goal, UMAA’s actions will be guided by four strategic initiatives that will drive annual operating plans, will be informed by feedback from its constituents and will be tracked and measured for success around selected key indicators. The UMAA will adhere to the core values of respecting, informing and engaging alumni and friends of the U of M. The UMAA Executive Board of Directors and staff will review this plan each fiscal year, preparing and distributing a

Strategic Initiative 3

 Promote and advance the University of Memphis through UMAA programs and communications. • Actively engage U of M colleges to partner with UMAA to strengthen the student experience and to foster relationships with students and alumni. • Emphasize U of M’s strategic priorities in UMAA programs and communications. • Continue to work closely with University Marketing to identify faculty and student speakers, presenters and stories for UMAA programs and communications. • Grow participation from diverse alumni audiences in UMAA leadership and programs by differentiating communication and outreach to targeted groups. • Demonstrate the contributions of alumni to their professions and society. • Increase support for students by growing the UMAA scholarship program and mentoring program.

yearly progress report.




Strategic Initiative 4

 Strengthen foundational elements critical to the success of UMAA. • Attract and retain influential alumni volunteers and professionals to the leadership team. • Continue to operate the Alumni Center in a manner that positively reflects the success of the U of M and its alumni. • Use technology and best practices to ensure operations are maximizing efficiency and the alumni database is rich in content. • Become a more customer-focused and market-driven organization. • Conduct in-depth reviews of each programmatic and functional area.

Targets 1. Increase UMAA membership to 18 percent of the reachable alumni population by June 2020. 2. Research peer schools to transition paid membership model to giving levels. 3. Fund and build a new Alumni Complex by June 2020. 4. Grow UMAA’s endowment and annual gifts that enhance programs. Reach $1 million goal by June 2025. 5. Assist in the beautification of campus and the building of traditions through projects that encourage University pride. 6. Create a Career Services element within the Association and its staff to serve alumni exclusively by June 2015.


7. Continue to grow the alumni staff to have three specialized coordinators representing Lambuth, Athletics, Backpacks to Briefcases, Career Services and our young and senior alumni by June 2018. 8. Increase alumni operating budget to match peer institutions through additional revenue streams to include added affinities, member activities and programs by June 2018.

Respect • Acknowledge and involve alumni and friends as vital stakeholders in the U of M. • Serve as an advocate for alumni for the purpose of representing their interests in working with U of M constituencies and the broader community. • Treat personal information provided by alumni and friends in a professional and confidential manner. • Recognize alumni contributions of time, talent and financial means.

10. Establish standard communication medium and platform for the U of M president and UMAA president using the alumni base as a “call to action” for projects while additionally recognizing volunteer efforts.


11. Advance the efforts of communication from the Alumni Association through the creation of a magazine for members or through adding additional pages devoted to the Alumni Association to the current University magazine.

9. Expand the activity/engagement of the National Alumni Association Board of Directors’ influence and working leadership within the U of M community.

• Inform alumni and friends about the mission, goals, programs and achievements of the University and the UMAA. • Provide alumni and friends with UMAA financial and program information. • Ensure the mission, goals and programs of UMAA complement those of the University.

Engagement • Encourage alumni and friends to participate in and support the programs, services and events of both UMAA and the U of M. • Encourage alumni and friends to pursue leadership opportunities in UMAA and throughout the University of Memphis system. • Encourage alumni and friends to serve in the broader community as ambassadors for the U of M, its Alumni Association and for Tennessee higher education.

Acknowledgements: Oregon State University and Rice University. Benchmarks: University of Central Florida, University of Cincinnati, University of Houston, University of Louisville and University of Pittsburgh.

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

The annual Half Century Club Golden Homecoming Dinner honoring the Class of 1964 took place at the Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway Hall of Fame Oct. 29. In attendance: (Front row, from left): Effie Eubanks Washington, Jane Hewlett Eveland, Fran Kathryn Theos, Barbara Tochen Zimmerman, Sondra Noffel Biggs and Patsy Ray Orr. (Middle row, from left): Patricia Joyner Van Hoozer, Betty Lou Asbridge Reeves, Sylvia H. Sparkes, Mary Wells James, Nancy Lazenby Mattox and Kay Bourne Price. (Back row, from left): Emma Moore Primous, Barbara Mull Doss, Albert D. Hollingsworth, Paul H. Cockrill and Roy J. Patterson.




1967 Don Hutson (BBA) received the 2014 Master of Influence Award from the National Speakers Association at its annual convention in July. The award recognizes those who have had a positive global impact through their speaking. Past recipients have included Lou Holtz, Zig Ziglar, Art Linkletter and Deepak Chopra. Hutson has given more than 6,000 presentations in 32 countries and has addressed over half of the Fortune 500

Investigation Discovery channel program Deadly Affairs, “Spellbound” and “Playing With Hearts.” Her website is

Larry Rice (JD), a board certified Family Law Specialist and partner at Rice, Amundsen & Caperton, spoke to the Missouri Bar in August. His topics included clients, law practice management and social media. Jim Summers (JD) of Allen,

two bestsellers, The One Minute Entrepreneur,

Summers, Simpson, Lillie &

co-authored with Ken Blanchard, and The One

Gresham, was selected as a

Minute Negotiator, co-authored with Dr. George

Mid-South SuperLawyer by

Lucas. His latest book is Selling Value. Hutson

Thompson Reuters for 2014.

is CEO of US Learning, a full-service corporate training firm. Boyd Lewis (BA) retired in July after 14 years of teaching English with the Los Angeles Unified School District. Before moving to Los Angeles, he

He also was named as Best Lawyer’s 2014 Lawyer of the Year in Construction Litigation in Memphis.

Parker Dinwiddie* (BA) received the FedEx TechConnect

is known for his three decades of covering civil

FY 2014 Circle Of Success

rights struggles for National Public Radio.

Award. A retired Navy commander, he has been an

1970 Donald Godwin (MS) was named to the 2015 edition of Best Lawyers in America in the area of commercial litigation for the fourth consecutive year. He also was selected for the 2014 Texas Super Lawyers for the 12th consecutive year. Godwin is chair and CEO of Godwin Lewis, a Texas trial and appellate law firm. Byron D. Luber (JD), associate judge of the

electronic commerce analyst at FedEx for 10 years. The award recognizes FedEx TechConnect exempt, non-management employees who consistently demonstrate superior results and performance in the areas of customer satisfaction, leadership and overall business results.

an attorney with the Littler law firm, was named to the 2015 edition of Best Lawyers in


America in the area of labor law-

Janis Wilson (BA, MA ’76) appeared on


the Investigation Discovery channel program Nightmare Next Door. An attorney and fiction writer, Wilson was a commentator on the episode “Bloodshed in Biloxi.” She also was a commentator on two episodes of the 36


19 as one of “25 Most Amazing University Performing Arts Centers” in the nation by He was an adjunct professor at the U of M from 1985-99.

1987 Danny Armitage (MS), U of M assistant vice president for Student Affairs/Campus Services and interim dean of students, received the John Koldus Award for Distinguished Service from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region III. The award recognizes an individual for demonstrated leadership in NASPA at the state, regional or

Pat Riley* was named vice chair of the American Public Gas Association’s National Natural Gas Vehicle Committee. He is general manager of the Gibson County Utility District and is leading the state of Tennessee in converting vehicles to natural gas through the Tennessee Gas Association.

1989 Susan McGuire Adams (MBA) is sales manager of the Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa of sales experience, winning numerous top

Paul E. Prather (BA, JD ’82),

of Missouri by special designation in May.

Cullowhee, N.C. The Center was ranked No.

in Florence, Ala. She has more than 20 years


34th Judicial Circuit, sat with the Supreme Court

of the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing

national level as chosen by NASPA peers.


had been a writer and editor at CNN. Lewis also

Paul Lormand (MFA) is the founding director Arts Center at Western Carolina University in


companies. He has written 14 books, including


1982 Rhonda Test (BFA) is an art instructor at Memphis Jewish Home & Rehab.

producer awards. Adams worked under Dr. Frank Leeming as an assistant to the chair of the U of M’s Department of Psychology for four years, handling administrative duties of the office and graduate programs.

1990 Kelly Carlson (JD), general counsel/director for Youth Villages, was named to MartindaleHubbell’s list of “Top AV Rated Lawyers in Labor & Employment.” THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS


Col. Jeffrey J. Johnson (BPS) retired from

as a platform to present real science to students

the Marine Corps after a 24-year career. He had

and non-students. The pseudoscientific journal

been commanding officer of the Marine Corps

includes eight chapters, each mimicking the style

(BSCE) is a senior site project

Engineer School at Camp Lejeune in North

of an actual scientific article.

manager in the Nashville office

Carolina since 2012.

Jeremy Westmoreland

of Civil Site Design Group. He


has worked on such projects as

Randy Simpson (BBA) was promoted to

Kirk Caraway (BA, JD ’97) of

senior vice president and chief information systems

Allen, Summers, Simpson, Lillie

officer with EdR, a Memphis-based company that

& Gresham, was selected as

develops, owns and manages collegiate housing.

a Mid-South SuperLawyer by

the Music City Center and the Omni Hotel.


Thompson Reuters for 2014.


Laurel C. Ball (JD) re-joined the Knoxville office of Leitner,

Jim Simpson (JD) of Allen,


Summers, Simpson, Lillie &

JoyceAnn Gardner (BFA) presented the two-

in an of counsel position. Ball

Gresham, was selected as a

part series “Exploring Your Creativity,” part of the

joined the firm in 2001 and

Mid-South SuperLawyer by

Women Together program for women facing

became a member before

Thompson Reuters for 2014.

challenges related to advanced or chronic cancer.

leaving in 2013. Her practice focuses primarily on

She also showed selected works at Main Street

civil litigation and insurance defense.

Dywuana Morris Sykes

Williams, Dooley & Napolitan

Gallery in Como, Miss., in August.


(BBA) authored Cancer-Us: It was Me. Is it You? The

Brody Kane (JD) was elected and sworn in as

William Edwards (BSEd) is president of the

book is the story of Sykes’

the Criminal Court judge for the 15th Judicial

M Club board of directors. The M Club assists

journey through breast cancer.

District, covering Wilson, Macon, Smith, Jackson

alumni of U of M athletic programs. Edwards is a

By examining the practical

and Trousdale counties in Tennessee. He had

financial adviser with Strategic Financial Partners.

similarities between her physical cancer and

been in private practice with the law firm of

cancerous conditions of any kind, she offers

McBrien & Kane.

valuable lessons on assessing your condition,

2006 Jessica Benton (JD, MBA)

determining your treatment plan, evaluating your


support system, understanding the privilege of

Minton Mayer (JD) was elected president

Lillie & Gresham, was selected

survivorship and discovering your purpose. Sykes

of Memphis Jewish Home & Rehab. He is a

as a Mid-South Rising Star in

is the founder of Master Your Passions Inc.

member of Wiseman Ashworth Law Group.

construction litigation.



of Allen, Summers, Simpson,


Darrin Devault (BA, MA ’02) and his friend,

Tanja L. Thompson (JD) was

Harry Lebair IV (JD) of

Tom Graves, launched the Devault-Graves

named co-chair of the Littler

Allen, Summers, Simpson,

Agency, a publishing business specializing in

law firm’s Traditional Labor Law

Lillie & Gresham, was selected

e-books. Devault is an instructor and coordinator

practice. She is a shareholder

as a Mid-South Rising Star in

of the online journalism program at the U of M;

in Littler’s Memphis office and

construction litigation.

Graves is an author and assistant professor of

represents clients ranging from

English at LeMoyne-Owen College. The company

Fortune 500 companies to local employers.

has released Three Early Stories by J.D. Salinger.

Shannon L. Wiley (BA, JD ’10) joined the Pharma Services and Distribution practice area at

Christy Leppanen (BS, MS ’97) authored The Bulletin of ZOMBIE Research, a book designed for use in teaching science. It uses science fiction W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Bass, Berry & Sims. She focuses * Lambuth University Graduate

her practice on healthcare




regulatory matters with an emphasis in the

Sarah Coplon (BPS) was awarded a Merit

is a musical setting of a play by Richard France,

specialty pharmacy industry.

Scholarship at the Mississippi College School of

a stage adaptation of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s


original tale with a significant twist. The story


is of a scarecrow who learns through his witch Rebekah Lemmons (BA, MS ’12), a residential clinical consultant for Youth Villages, earned her licensed professional counselor-mental health service provider designation in

Tennessee. She is a consultant for Youth Villages’ group homes in middle and west Tennessee and the Deer Valley Campus in Linden, Tenn.


Eric David Huber (MA) received a master of fine arts degree in studio art from Memphis College of Art. Lisa Lynch (MA) is a marketing specialist with Hemline Creative Marketing.

2012 Emanuel Serra (MM), a librettist and composer,

circumstances of his history – define his potential.

2013 William Malone (BFA) is a graphic designer with Sullivan Branding.


won the Boston Metro Opera Mainstage Award

Ryan A. Burgett (JD) joined the Insolvency &

for his original work Feathertop: A Fairytale

Commercial Bankruptcy group at Husch Blackwell.

Opera. The work will have a full stage production

Robert Carden (JD) joined the Chattanooga

during the opera company’s 2014-15 regular

office of Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan

concert season. Serra is a Canadian vocalist

as an associate attorney. He focuses his practice primarily on general civil litigation.

and composer working chiefly in choral music,

The University of Memphis Alumni Association expresses sympathy to the families and friends of these individuals:

ALUMNI (Listed alphabetically by decades)

1920s-30s Loretta Porter Watts ’36, July ’14 Leslie Clements Williams ’39, July ’14 1940s-50s Dewayne Patridge Bolton ’57, Aug. ’14 Billy Burrough ’51, ’52, Sept. ’14 Eloise Burton Carter ’52, Sept. ’14 Charles Robert Dando ’50, Sept. ’14 Jeanne Gier Myers Fisher ’58, July ’14 Walter Bernard Hill ’52, ’60, July ’14 Mary Huey ’56, July ’14 Margaret E. Maris Liggett* ’50, Sept. ’14 Bonnie Ferguson McMullen ’53, June ’14 John Thomas Pullen III ’58, July ’14 Eldon Ralston ’58, July ’14 James Alfred Shepherd ’57, Sept. ’14 James Sampson Skinner ’58, Aug. ’14 Milton E. Starr ’51, ’57, Aug. ’14 P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014

* Lambuth University Graduate

musical theatre and soundtrack work. Feathertop



creator/mother that his confidence – not the

* Lambuth University graduate

1960s-70s Mary Janette Autry ’71, Sept. ’14 Thomas W. Bibb ’60, Sept. ’14 John “Bull” Bramlett ’63, Oct. ’14 Donald Judson Bruch ’76, Aug. ’14 Sister Carol Clasgens ’71, Sept. ’14 Bernard William Cooper ’68, Aug. ’14 Steve Corrigan ’71, ’89, June ’14 John Edward Crain Jr. ’71, Aug. ’14 Max Foner ’63, June ’14 William G. Fulmer ’69, Aug. ’14 Betty Elaine Gladding ’73, July ’14 David L. Goggans ’76, June ’14 James Melvin Greer ’73, Aug. ’14 James David Hester ’67, July ’14 Marvin Hugh Hobbs Jr. ’78, July ’14 Charles R. Hodges ’70, Aug. ’14 Thomas A. Hopper ’68, ’70, July ’14 Richard Kevin Howarth* ’74, ’78, June ’14 William Kane ’74, Sept. ’14 William Neely Key ’70, Aug. ’14 Wanda Sue Faust Lanier ’79, Aug. ’14 Richard C. Lewis Jr. ’68, Aug. ’14 Michael D. McCullar ’77, ’83, Aug. ’14 Morris H. Middleton ’63, Aug. ’14 Josephine Miller ’76, Aug. ’14 Rev. Judy L. Morris ’75, ’79, Aug. ’14 Martha Markam Morris ’74, June ’14 Raymond Lee Mullins Jr. ’70, Aug. ’14 Donna Faye Nabors ’71, Sept. ’14

Glen Parker ’64, July ’14 William D. Powell ’78, July ’14 Jack Canada Shannon ’71, Aug. ’14 Philip Vaughan ’60, ’61, Aug. ’14 Nick J. Vergos ’69, Sept. ’71 Margie Lee Edwards Wadlington ’67, ’75, July ’14 Barton Warner ’68, June ’14 Sidney Campbell White ’65, ’93, May ’14 Michael T. Winn ’75, Aug. ’14 Robert Wendell Woodard ’71, July ’14 1980s-90s Charles Porter Avery III ’89, July ’14 David Barger Jr. ’90, June ’14 Janice Marie Bell ’81, Sept. ’14 Cynthia B Coupe ’93, Sept. ’14 Mike Dalton ’94, July ’14 Joseph Bernard Gaffney IV* ’80, July ’14 George Holmes ’82, July ’14 Randle E. Hopkins ’83, Aug. ’14 Kenneth Neil Jackson ’96, June ’14 Jo Ann Mamelli ’82, Aug. ’14 Marybeth Roche McDate ’99, June ’14 Brent Franklin Randolph ’98, ’00, July ’14 Judith Rich Sliger ’82, Aug. ’14 Dr. Neil B. Thorne ’92, Aug. ’14 2000s James Lee Atwood Jr. ’06, July ’14 THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U






MYNDERS SOCIETY The Mynders Society recognizes lifetime giving to the University of $1 million or more. It is named for Seymour Mynders, the first president of the West Tennessee Normal School, which later became the University of Memphis. Mynders Hall was one of the two original buildings on campus, along with the Administration Building.

Thank You! The 2014 Honor Roll of Donors pays special tribute to those alumni, parents, and friends who heighten the campus experience and demonstrate their commitment to a quality education through contributions to the University of Memphis. We are grateful to those listed here who generously supported the U of M between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. During this time, more than 9,500 donors made commitments that exceeded $30 million. Every gift is an investment in our students and the community. W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Anonymous Donors* AT&T Armstrong Relocation Company AutoZone Janet and James W. Ayers* Mr. W. Gordon Ball* Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation Mr. Paul W. Barret Jr. (Trust)+ Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bond III* Mr. Bert H. Bornblum Mr. David Bornblum+ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bryant Jr.* Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Memphis Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Cook Hilliard and Harriett Crews* Dr. Tommie* and Mr. William B. Dunavant Jr.* Dunavant Enterprises Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards Jr.* FedEx Corporation Dr. W. Harry Feinstone+ Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Felt First Tennessee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Flautt Jr.* Ms. Glenna B. Flautt* Mr. and Mrs. Avron B. Fogelman* Martha and Robert F. Fogelman Dr. and Mrs. Jerre M. Freeman* Glassman Edwards Wyatt Tuttle and Cox, P.C. Susan and Alan Graf Guardsmark, LLC Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway* Mr. Jabie S. Hardin Jr.+ and Mrs. Helen Hardin+ Harrah’s Entertainment Incorporated E. Hunter and Jeannie D. Harrison* Mr. Herbert Herff+ (Trust) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. “Pitt” Hyde III InterContinental Hotels Group International Paper Company Jabie and Helen Hardin Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. George T. Johnson* Ms Lela Almarita Johnson*+ Mr. and Mrs. William J. Laurie* Learfield Communications Incorporated Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Incorporated Lichterman Loewenberg Foundation Barbara and Ira A. Lipman*

Dr. Thomas W. Meriwether Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Dr. Musette S. Morgan and Mr. Allen B. Morgan Jr.* Mr and Mrs Saunders Morgan Morton* Mr. Morrie A. Moss+ and Ms. Alice Wheatley Trustee Plough Foundation Dr. Trish Calvert Ring and Mr. Carl D. Ring Ring Container Technologies Mr. Michael D. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Smith Dr. W. Byron Smith* Dr. Willard R. Sparks+ and Ms. Rita T. Sparks Ms. Elaine Springer Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes Jr. SunTrust Foundation The Assisi Foundation of Memphis Incorporated The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation The Urban Child Institute The Wilson Group Mr. Henry M. Turley Jr. Union Planters Corporation Ms. Harriet S. Van Vleet+ (Trust) Volkswagen Chattanooga Mr. B. J. Wade* Jim and Gina Wiertelak Mr. C. Kemmons Wilson Sr.+ Dr. Lawrence and Ms. Sarah J. Wynn*+

BRISTER SOCIETY The Brister Society is named for John Willard Brister, the second president of the Normal School. The Brister Society recognizes lifetime giving of $100,000$999,999. Brister Hall, originally Brister Library, was constructed in 1927 and named for President Brister’s son. Anonymous Donors*+ AT&T Foundation Mr. Chris E. Adams*+ and Ms. Amelia A. Miskel* Dr. M. Brent Addington Administrative Consulting Services Air Technical Services Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Emerson A. Alburty+ Allen Steel Products Andy Warhol Foundation Dr. Charles R. Arkin* Arthur Andersen LLP Arthur F. and Alice E. Adams Foundation Associated General Contractors Athens Distributing Company Mr. and Mrs. J. Olin Atkins*

BH Electronics Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker III* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker Jr.* Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell Berkowitz PC Mr. and Mrs. L. McGraw Ballard+ Banes Capital Group Bank of America Bank of Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barksdale Jr.* Barrow-Agee Laboratories Dr. Reed C. Baskin and Ms. Alice Nishiwaki* Bass Berry and Sims PLC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Bearden* Becton Dickinson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. E. Nicholas Belisomo* BellSouth Corporate Foundation BellSouth Telecommunications Incorporated Belz Enterprises Belz Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bennett Emile and Carole Bizot* Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Black* Mr. John M. Blose* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bobango* Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Bolton Mr. Matthew T. Bond* Dr. Robert L. Bourland Jr.*+ and Ms. Jeanine Bourland David and Judy Bronczek Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown* Browning-Ferris Industries Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bruns Mr. John B. Buford Burch Porter and Johnson PLLC Mr. Herman G. Burgess*+ Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett* Mr. Robert C. Byrd* and Ms. Debra V. Byrd C. H. Sibal Trust C. M. Gooch Foundation Mr. J. Jared Campbell III* Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics Mr. and Mrs. Murry J. Card Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Carlisle Mr Kenneth J Carmack* Carrier Corporation Mr. Leon D. Cash+ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Catholic Center Diocese of Memphis McDonald’s/Century Management Mr. Wei W. Chen and Dr. Zhaohui Xu* Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Chinn* Ms. Carolyn N. Rosson and Mr. Leigh W. Christophersen* Ciba Foundation Cisco Systems Cisco Systems Incorporated Ms. Karen F. Clark* Mr. David Cohn+ College Media Advisors Comcast Con T. Welch Charitable Lead Trust DTD Construction Specifications Institute Mr. Edward W. Cook+ Ms. Norma Cox Cook* Ms. Jeanette Cooley * Alumni + Deceased



* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. Irby Cooper+ Mr. John A. Crisman+ and Ms. Grace W. Crisman+ Sheila Jordan Cunningham* and Roger J. Cunningham Ms. Bonnie B. Daniel* and Mr. Watt Daniel Darby Dental Supply Dr. Ellen Davies-Rodgers*+ Ms. Esther King Davis+ Day Foundation Ms. Frances Marie Dean+ Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas DeHart Jr.* DeHart Capital LLC A.C.A.P. - The Care Foundation Digital Equipment Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dinkelspiel* Mr. Edward Dobbs Mr. John Collier Dobbs Mr. John Hull Dobbs Sr. Robert and Deana Dodds* Mr. and Mrs. Ted B. Donaldson* Philip and Pamela Donovan* Dorothy K. Hohenberg Trust Doubletree Memphis Dr. and Mrs. David J. Dowling* Duncan-Williams Incorporated Ms. Evelyn T. Echols* Echols Family Trust Edward J. Lawler Residuary Trust John and Valerie Elkington* Eloise Kimmelman Foundation Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation Mr. William R. Eubanks* Ms. Janie Evans Exchange Club of East Memphis ExxonMobil Foundation Ms. Norma Upshur and Mr. Jeff H. Farmer Jr. Farris Bobango PLLC Rhonda* and Lenny Feiler First Tennessee Bank Dr. and Mrs. Julian G. Fleming*+ Kirby and Glenn D. Floyd* Mr. Richard L. Fogelman* Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fogelman II Forrest City Grocery Company Dr. and Mrs. Chester P. Freeman*+ Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Garrety* Mr. J. W. Gibson II and Ms. Katherine Buckman Gibson Ms. Martha L. Gilliland Glankler Brown PLLC Susan Lawless-Glassman and Richard Glassman* Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Glenn* Ann and Jim Glover+ Goodlett Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Graesser* Green Mountain Consulting Mr. Joe Grills Mr. Stephen P. Hale*+ and Ms. Kimberly R. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon S. Hall* Dr. and Mrs. Roger E. Hanes Mr. Barry E. Hardin* and Ms. Louise A. Hardin Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh PLLC Mr. Roy P. Harrover Ronald Hart Family Foundation Michael and Rebecca Hawkins* Mr. and Mrs. Furman Hebb Hewlett-Packard


Mr. George F. Higgs* Mr. and Mrs. W. Bernard Hill* Hill Clayton Trust Jim and Doris Hillhouse Charlotte and Fred Hodges* Ms. Elaine C. Hoffman+ Hohenberg Charity Trust Al and Alison Hollingsworth* Hot Graphics and Printing Incorporated Jerry and Libby Hubbard* Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hubbert* Mr. William S. Huff Mr. Jimmie L. Hughes and Ms. Peggy T. Hughes Ms. Bernice A. Humphreys*+ Mr. Edward G Humphreys Sr.*+ Mr. James R. Humphreys IQS Incorporated International Business Machines Corporation International Paper Company Foundation Interstate Blood Bank Irish Mike’s Dr. Kenneth L. Isaacman and Ms. Karen S. Fields-Isaacman* Allen and Jeri Israel* Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Israel* J. R. Hyde Sr. Family Foundation Jaco Bryant Printers Incorporated James E. and Katherine B. Harwood Charitable Trust Ms. Janet C. January* Mr. Robert J. January Jeniam Foundation John J. Campbell Company Incorporated John Q. Hammons Hotels Incorporated Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jones Mr. Paul Tudor Jones II KPMG Foundation KPMG Peat Marwick LLP Anne Marie and Tom Kadien Henry and Lena Kahn+ Kele and Associates Mr. John C. Kelley Jr.* and Mrs. Nancy P. Kelley+ Ms. Eloise Moxley Kimmelman*+ and Mr. David Kimmelman+ Ms. Bettie M. King Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. King*+ Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kraker* Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackie* Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Lasley Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lawrence Sr. Le Bonheur Healthcare Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Lenoir* Dr. Janet A. Levy Ralph Levy III and Denise Coughlin LifeModeler Inc. Gail and James Link* Mr. Lester F. Lit* Mr. and Mrs. William I. Loewenberg* Lucent Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lynch Jr.* Mr. John D. Lynn* MAAR Education Foundation Incorporated


Malone and Hyde Incorporated Dina and Brad Martin* Ms. Barbara B. Matheson+ Mr. Harvey F. Maxwell Sr.* Dr. Sheryl and Mr. Mark Maxwell Dr. G. Douglas Mayo Sr.*+ and Mrs. Mildred H. Mayo* Mr. John McCallen*+ Ms. Ruthie McCallen Mr. A. Stephen McDaniel* McDonald Outdoor Advertsing Mr. James E. McGehee Jr. Mr. Jere S. McGuffee II* Randy and Lisa McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. McLellan Dr. Charles H. McNutt Mr. Robert M. McRae Jr.+ and Mrs. Louise McRae+ Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McVean Mr. R. Clayton McWhorter Medtronic Ms. Marisa M. Meeks and Mr. D. Michael Meeks*+ Mr. Edward J. Meeman+ Memphis Advertising Federation Memphis Chamber Foundation Memphis Gridiron Show Incorporated Memphis Oral School For The Deaf Memphis Regional Chamber Metropolitan Memphis Hotel and Lodging Association Mike Driver Trust Mr. William (Bill) C. Miller Jr.* Miller Sports Incorporated Mr. Joseph N. Mitchell*+ Morgan Keegan and Company Dr. Dwight A. Morris* Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Morris III* Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Murphree* Mr. Jay B. Myers* and Ms. Maureen W. Myers* Neathery Revocable Trust New South Capital Management Incorporated American Humanics Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Connor Jr.* Oberkotter Foundation Eunice and Edward Ordman Robin and Billy Orgel Drs. Suzanne and Michael Osborn* Hal and Betty Padgett* Palisades Geophysical Institute Ms. Dianne Miller Papasan Mr. Larry W. Papasan Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Parker* Josh and Kerri Pastner Mr. David Patrick and Ms. Jeannie Moffatt* Patriot Bank Jerry and Nina Patton* Ms. Nancy Pegram+ and Mr. Ernest W. Pegram*+ Susan and David Perdue* Mr. and Mrs. Minor W. Perkins* Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Perl Ms. Joyce B. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pickens* Pickering Firm Incorporated Mr. Thomas B. Preston Procter and Gamble Fund Production Specialties Inc.

RBS Sparks LLC RLG-Macy’s Department Stores Rational Corporation Ms. Flora Hayes Rawls+ Regional Adjustment Bureau Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodson Reid* Reynolds Bone and Griesbeck PLC Amy and Bill Rhodes* Bernadette and Kyle Rice Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Richardson* Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Richardson Jr. Mr. Darrell B. Riffe Risk and Insurance Management Society Robert and Martha Fogelman Charitable Trust Mickey Robinson* and Catherine Ladnier Mr. Michael A. Robinson* Dr. and Mrs. Lowell B. Robison Jr.*+ Laura Howard Rosas and Ray Rosas* Mr. Gary A. Rosenberg* Mr. Jeff Roth Sales and Marketing Executives of Memphis Mr. Milton T. Schaeffer* Maj. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Schultze*+ Scripps Howard Foundation David and Phyllis Scruggs* Sedgwick James of Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Shouky Shaheen Mr. Arif Shakeel* Dr. W. Vance Shappley Jr.* Shelby Group International Incorporated Dr. Janann Sherman Dr. Nancy D. Simco Dr. T. David Sisk+ Ron and Linda Sklar* Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Smith Mr Steve Smith Smith & Nephew Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Dowen E. Snyder Society of Manufacturing Engineers Southeast Foundation Incorporated Southeastern Asset Management Incorporated SouthernSun Asset Management Sparks Financial Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Spell* Mr. Richard A. Sperry Ms. Christine C. and Mr. Murray A. Spindel+ Mitchell and Janet Spurlock* St Jude Children’s Research Hospital Ms. Mary Alice+ and Mr. J. Robert Stagner*+ Mr. Maurice E Stanley+ Star Distributors Company State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Steelcase Incorporated Stern Cardiovascular Center Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Strasberg* Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strickland* Mr. and Mrs. Rick Summers* SunTrust Foundation Sunstone Properties Incorporated Ms. Deborah L. Talbot* Tennessee Road Builders Association

Tennessee Titans Charity Fund Tension Envelope Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Terry* The Commercial Appeal The Hohenberg Foundation Incorporated The Rockefeller Foundation The Rose Foundation The Schadt Foundation The Sparks Foundation The Suder Foundation The West Clinic PC Mr. Elbert L. Thomas Jr.* and Mrs. Myra O. Thomas*+ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D.Thomas*+ Maurie C. and Betty J. Thomas* Thomas W Briggs Foundation Mr. Redford A. Tilson+ Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Traicoff* United Way of the Mid-South Ms. Ozelle H. Van Blue*+ and Dr. Rayburn W. Johnson+ Henry and Jeanne Varnell The Honorable Diane K. Vescovo* and Mr. Michael McLaren Susan and Steve Vescovo* Ann and Jim Vining WREG News Channel 3 Ms. Pearl Wales+ Audrey J. Walton Mr. William B. Walton Sr.*+ Mr. Robert A. Wampler* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wang* Watkins Uiberall PLLC James T. and Robin Watson* Mr. Craig L. Weiss* Mr. Robert E. (Bobby) Wharton Jr.* Whitaker Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Russel L. Wiener Mr. Fletcher Earl Wilkinson*+ William R Eubanks Interior Design Incorporated Mr. Deangelo C. Williams* Wind River Winegardner and Hammons Inc. Ms. Ethel Winfrey Wright+ Wyatt Tarrant and Combs LLP Mr. Robert W. Yates* Ms. Jan A. Yelen


MANNING SOCIETY The Manning Society is named for Professor Priestley Hartwell Manning, who joined the faculty with the school’s opening in 1912. Sixteen years later, he bequeathed the bulk of his estate to establish a scholarship fund. The Manning Society recognizes lifetime giving of $25,000 $99,999. Manning Hall, built in 1928, is named for him. Anonymous Donors*+ ABC 24 WPTY UPN 30 WLMT ABF Freight System Incorporated AC Humko Corporation ALGOR Incorporated AOC LLC Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert Abney* Adam’s Mark Hotel Dr. and Mrs. John R. Adams* Mr. Larry G. Adams* Dr. Ruth F. Adams* Adams and Reese PLLC Mr. James R. Adkins Dr. and Mrs. Justin C. Alder Jr.* Agrileum LLC Alamo Rent-A-Car Mr. Gerald W. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William R. Alexander* Mr. Cary Allen Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Allen* Allen Summers Simpson Lillie and Gresham Allen and Hoshall Incorporated Allen-Bradley Company Mr. Randy C. Almand* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Alperin+ Altera Corporation American Chemical Society American Heart Association Amoco Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Rex A. Amonette Mr. Andrew J. Anderson * Mr. Bill Anderson* Ms. Sherri D. Anderson Mr. Steve M. Anderson Anderson Tully Company Annie E. Casey Foundation Apperson Crump and Maxwell PLC Apple Computer Incorporated Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr.* Bob and Ruth Archer* Archer Malmo Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Argo* Aristotle Arkansas Museum of Discovery, Little Rock Ms. Alice M. Armstrong+ Mr. Walter P. Armstrong Jr.+ Armstrong Allen PLLC Ms. Elizabeth F. Arndt* Mr. Michael Arndt Dr. Philip M. Aronoff Dr. Esmond L. Arrindell Arts Memphis W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Askew Hargraves Harcourt & Associates Inc. Asset Services LP Dr. John Autian Autodesk Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Autry* Avis Rent-A-Car Avron B Fogelman Scholars Program Foundation Incorporated Mr. Danny Azbill B and C Construction Incorporated BDO Seidman Mr. Sam Loeb Bacherig Jr.+ and Ms. Kathy Bacherig Mr. and Mrs. Kirk P. Bailey* Estate of Phyllis O’Bryan Bailey+ Bill and Sandra Bailey* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bailey Mr. Chip Baine* Dr. Leighton M. Ballew*+ Ballin Ballin and Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Balton* BancorpSouth Millington Bank of America Foundation BankTennessee Banking Consultants of America Mr. Donald O. Barber* Mr. and Mrs. Aprad D. Bardos* Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Bargiacchi* Mr. George H. Barham+ Mr. Joseph C. Barkley* Mr. Gregory E. Barnes* Barnes & Brower Inc. Art and Susan Barnett* Ms. Julie C. Bartholomew* Mr. John Barzizza Ms. Wanda J. Barzizza* Mr. and Mrs. C. Lamar Bell* Ms. Malcolm F. Bell+ BellSouth Advertising and Publishing Corporation Bellevue Foundation Dr. Donald J. Bellott Sr.*+ Keith and Cindy Belote* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Belz Belz Foundation Anne Wulff* and Brian Bendersky* The Honorable Robert S. and Mrs. Ann Benham Robert and Kathryn Berry* Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Bertagna* Bill Heard Chevrolet of Collierville Mr. Steven F. Bilsky* and Ms. Deborah H. Bilsky* Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Binswanger* Binswanger Glass Company Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bird* Ms. Jill Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Black* Black McLaren Jones Ryland & Griffee, PC Ms. Patricia B.* and Mr. Donald A. Blackard* Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Blackard* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blackwell* Kathleen D. Blair* and Jack R. Blair Mr. Timothy S. Bland* Mr. William F. Blaylock*+ Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee BlueCross BlueShield of TN Foundation and Community Trust Bluff City Autoplex Board of Trade of the City of NY Inc.

Boatmen’s Bank of Tennessee Mr. H. Eric Bolton Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bond Jr.+ Bond Stables Dr. and Mrs. Jerrell L. Borup* Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Boswell * Ms. Tina Bounds Bounds and Gillespie Architects PLLC Ms. Barbara Bowling Capt. and Mrs. Denver H. Bowman* Mr. Larry K. Boyd* Ms. Winifred J. Boyd* Ms. Genie J. Braden* Mr. Ralph E. Braden Brady Corporation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George D. Brandenburg* Mr. Raymond A.+ and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher+ Paul and Janie Bray Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Bray* Kathy and Dan Breckenridge* Mr. Webb A. Brewer* Terry and Becki Brimhall* Brimhall Foods Co. Inc. Ms. Barbara G. Bronze*+ Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brooks* Brooks and Mazzola Brother International Corporation Dr. Craig M. Brown* Dr. Joe L. Brown II* Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Brown*+ Brown and Associates Brownsville John Deere Mr. George W. Bryan Ms. Marcia C. Row* Bryce Corporation Buckman Laboratories International Incorporated Bud Davis Cadillac Mr. Charles D. Bullock* Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Burcky* Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Buring Mr. Nat Buring+ Mr. Bill Eugene Burk*+ Mr. Donald W. Burkett* Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Busby* Butler Snow O’Mara Stevens and Cannada PLLC Gary and Cindy Byars HMI Electric C. H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. CAMAX Manufacturing Technologies CARQUEST Auto Parts Stores CBIZ MHM Thompson Dunavant CGG Petrosystems CIGNA Foundation CN CNC Software Incorporated Cadence Bank Caesars Entertainment Ms. Elizabeth T. Caldwell*+ Mr. Eric W. Callan Cannon Packaging Co Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Cantu* Mr. Albert R. Capley+ The Dana Capocaccia Family* Cargill Incorporated Bill and Patty Carkeet* Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Carls* Dr. Peter G.+ and Ms. Carolyn E. Carnesale Carnevale Incorporated

When my dreams are a reality, I hope I can invest in a student down the road who I see has the same passion and determination that I had. It’s a never-ending cycle of bettering the University of Memphis and I hope it never stops. Thank you for allowing me to have this opportunity. Emily Vallor, Accountancy



Scholarships have enabled me to pursue my dreams without the heavy burden of debt. Instead of starting out in the red, I will be able to start my career in the black, and that is only because of the generous donors that made that possible for me. Thank you! Tyler DeWitt, Law 44


Mr. John F. Carrier* Mr. Hunter Carruthers* Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Carter* Mr. Randon J. Carvel* Central BBQ Ms. Diane Chance Chancellor and Son Incorporated Dr. and Mrs. B. Todd Chappell Dr. Steve Charles Charles E. Kennedy Jr. Tennessee QTIP Trust Charlie Vergos’ Rendezvous Charter Medical LLC Barry and Susan Chase* Chevrolet Motor DivisionGeneral Motors The Honorable Robert L. Childers and Ms. Amy J. Amundsen * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Childs * Ms. Meredith W.* and Mr. Matthew T. Chism* Mr. Tyler K. Chow* Christie Medical Holdings Mr. Mark J. Christopher* Church Health Center of Memphis Inc. Ciba-Geigy Corporation Dr. John E. Cicala* Cindy Lou LLC City Auto Sales Ms. Shirlee M. Clark* Mr. and Mrs. James E. Clayton* Ms. Cheryl S. Cleaves* Dr. Jane B. Clement* Cleo Incorporated Mr. Thomas S. Cobb II* Gene B. and Sandra T. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Cockroft Ms. Ninna B. Coffman+ Drs. Dalvan+ and Greta Coger Mr. Robert B. Cohen The Honorable Stephen I. Cohen* Mr. and Mrs. George D. Cole Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Coleman Mr. Ronald L. Coleman* and Ms. Jan S. Coleman* Ms. Paula S. Collie Mr. Robert E. Collie* Colonial Country Club Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Comella * Commercial Advisors LLC Mr. Robert Compton Computer Sciences Corporation Confucius Institute Headquarters Cigna Construction Specifications Institute Continental Traffic Service Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Conway Jr.* Cook Systems International Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Hilburn L. Cooke Jr.* Mr. W. Lee Coolidge* Mr. Jack Cooper Cooper Companies Coopers and Lybrand LLP Coors Brewing Company John and Deborah Cothern* Covington Pike Toyota Steve and Valerie Cowles* Dr. C. E. Cox

Dr. J. F. Crabtree II+ and Ms. Jean W. Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Craddock Jr.* Craig Construction Co Dr. Joe M. Cromwell* Mr. and Mrs. George E. Crone Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crosby Dr. V. Glenn Crosby*+ and Ms. Nancy R. Crosby*+ Dr. Carol Crown Ranta and Dr. Richard R. Ranta Mr. Charles G. Curtis Mr. James W. Dacus Jr.*+ and Ms. Janice M. Dacus* Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dacus* Dr. Susanne B. Darnell* Mr. Bryan Darr Ms. Leslie M. Darr* Data Network Systems Mrs. Toni T. Davis* and Mr. Fred Lee Davis+ Dawson’s Printing Incorporated Mr. Jack D. Day Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Day* Ms. Renee S. DeGutis* Mr. Vincent M. DeGutis* Mr. and Mrs. Cypriano P. DeSouza* Deal Cooper Holton PLLC Ms. Susan Decker Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Rex M. Deloach* Delta Beverage Group Delta Life and Annuity Company Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Epsilon Kappa Chapter Delta Wholesale Liquors Inc. Delta Zeta Follies - All Sing Ms. Patsy K. Deming* Dr. Kin* and Margaret Dempsey Dennis Electric Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Derryberry Ms. Mary Ann Diamond* Ms. Barbara B. Dickey* Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dickey Jr.* Dillard’s Department Stores Incorporated Mr. Curtis L. Dillihunt* and Dr. Vivian C. Dillihunt* Mr. Fred Dobbs Mr. John H. Dobbs Jr. Dobbs International Services Mr. Timothy W. Donaldson* Mr. and Mrs. Bill Donigan*+ Dr. and Mrs. H. James Dorman Mr. Joe M. Dorris* Dr. and Mrs. Ron Dougan* Carol and Darrell Douglas Mr. Michael J. Douglass* and Ms. Maria Douglass Ms. Bonnie Dove Mr. J. Scott Dowdy Mr. and Mrs. David Dowland* Dr. Jackie D. Drake Jr.* Mr. Charles C. Drennon III* Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dreve* Dupont Company Dr. Marie E. Dubke Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dunavant Ms. Leslie G. Dunavant* Dunavant Development Company Mr. and Mrs. P. Todd Dunaway* Mr. Rusty Dyson

E. Mark Adams and Beth Van Hoesen Adams Eagle Specialty Products Inc. Ms. Becky E. Earl Mr. Tommy A. Earl Economy Boat Store Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Edge Jr.* Edge Biological Inc. Mr. James C. Edrington* Mr. John A. Edwards* Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Edwards Jr.* Mr. W. Terry Edwards* Dr. James L. Ellis Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Ellis* Dr. and Mrs. John A. Ellzey* Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation EnSafe Engineers’ Club of Memphis Incorporated Ernst and Young LLP Mr. Lawrence E. Evans* Evans Petree Bogatin Evans Petree PC Mr. Reid D. Evensky* Evergreen Steel Corporation Evolve Bank and Trust Ewing M Kauffman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter Exline Dr. William D. Falvey and Ms. Emily R. Woodside Mr. Michael Farien Ms. Debra L. Sandvig Debbie and Ed Farler Mr. and Mrs. John M. Farris* Mr. William W. Farris Sr.*+ Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Faudree Jr.* Ms. Linda G. Feinstone Dr. Stephen M. Feinstone Ms. Louise S. Fellows* Eddie and Gloria Felsenthal* Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Felsenthal* Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro Mr. Richard H. Fields* Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman and Dr. Ross D. Sackett First American National Bank First Tennessee Matching Gift Program Mr. Randall J. Fishman* Ms. Tina S. Flaherty* Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Flick Dr. Carl E. and Ms. Donna B. Flinn Noel and Debbie Florendo Mr. Mark A. Fogelman Mr. Humphrey E. Folk Jr.+ Bob and Ann Ford* Ms. Christy S. Forman* Mr. Scott A. Forman* Mr. Jimmie D. Fouts Sr.*+ Mr. Bryan D. Fox* Dr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Francisco Mr. James H. Frazier Mr. William O. Frazier III* Friends of Chucalissa Trust Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fristick Jr.* Ms. Dianne B. Fry Dr. Tommy L. Fudge Warren and Brenda Funk* G and W Diesel Service Incorporated GTE Corporation Mr. David T. Gadd* Keri and Doug Gage Gannett Foundation Incorporated


* Alumni + Deceased

Dr. Allison M. Garrott* and Mr. Thomas M. Garrott III* General Hotels Corporation General Mills Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gettelfinger Drs. Julia Warnock and James R. Geurin* Mr. Christopher J. Gholson* Dr. G. James Gholson Jr. Ms. Kay Yoder Dr. Edward L. Giaroli* Gibbs and Associates Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Gibson Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilliland GlaxoSmithKline Dr. and Mrs. Louis Glazer Mr. Ron Goforth Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Goldsmith* Mr. Michael Goldstein Dr. Charles R. Goodpasture*+ Marshall and Brenda Gordon Gossett Motor Cars Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Gould* Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Graflund* Gran Investment Partners LP Mr. Mickey G. Granger* Ms. Terri C. Gray Mr. Gary M. Grear* Great Cities Universities Foundation Great Western Con Fin Group Mr. David M. Greer* Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gresham Gretans Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Grinder* Grinder Taber and Grinder Inc. Mr. Donald Gronauer Dr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Grundstein+ Marty and Gayle Grusin* Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Guizlo Jr. Ms. Judy M. Gupton* Mr. Frank J. Gusmus Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. William O. Hagerman* Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Halford* Mr. Joe Hall Mr. Joseph B. Halyard* Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hamlett III Mr. Jerome H. Hanover Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hansard Jr.+ Mr. Dean Hansell Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hansen* Harcros Chemicals Mr. George C. Hargett* Mr. Neil Harkavy Mr. Mike Harless* Mr. Tom Harrison Hart Hotels Incorporated Harwood F Mullikin Trust Hattie G Watkins Educational Fund Mr. O. Mason Hawkins Dr. Radwan F. Haykal and Ms. Suzanne M. Haykal* Mr. Jimmy Hayslip* Mr. J. Kenneth Hazen* Ms. Rhonda D. Hazen Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Heffernan*+ Ms. Jean A. Heffernan Ms. Elizabeth C. Heflin* Mr. Michael Heflin Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Henning* Mr. and Mrs. P. James Henry* Glen and Sherry Herald* Herman Bensdorf II Residuary Trust W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Hewlett-Packard Incorporated Hi Lo Music Incorporated Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Hiatt Sr.* Mr. Wes Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Higginbotham* Highpointe Hospitality, Inc. Mr. Sigmund F. Hiller*+ Hilton Hotels Corporation Hilton Sandestin Beach and Golf Resort Mr. Joe D. Hinson*+ Ann and Byron Hogue Mr. Theopolis Holeman*+ and Ms. Evelyn Holeman Holihil Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Holland* Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Holmes Ms. Lorena M. Holshoy Ms. Kathryn Hookanson*+ Ms. Margaret Anne Hooker* Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks+ and Ms. Frances D. Hooks Mr. Dennis K. Hope Horace Willis Trust Hospitality Education Fund Ms. Margaret L. Hough+ Houghton Mifflin Company Marcella and John Houseal* Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Howard* Mr. John G. Hoyt+ Ms. Ann J. Huckaba Huey’s Corporation Mr. William S. Huff Dr. John G. Hughes+ Mr. William T. Hull Jr.+ and Ms. Sarah A. Hull Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Humphreys* Mr. Robert S. Humphreys* Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hutson* Mr. J. Kevin Hyneman * Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Hyneman Ms. Florence V. Illing*+ Illinois Wesleyan University Mr. and Mrs. Vince Immordino Independent Bank Ms. Barbara I. Ingram* Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Ingram* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman Jr.* Inst for the Study of Security Markets Insurance Professionals of Memphis Interactive Solutions Incorporated Interpreting Service for the Deaf Incorporated Inventory Locator Service LLC Golden Corral Corporation John and Lynda Irvine* J .H. and Dorothy Shepherd Charitable Trust J. M. Smucker Company JW and MP Richardson Living Trust Mr. Richard T. Jackson Jackson Lewis LLP Mr. Don S. Jamison Dr. Jeanne Jemison and Mr. Frank Z. Jemison Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Jerkins* Mr. Allen O. Jones Jr. Dr. Billy Mac Jones+ Earle+ and Irene Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Jones Dr. and Mrs. R. Riley Jones Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jordan Jr.* Ms. Kimberly D. Jordan KDXPRESS Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Kaltenborn+ Dr. Ehud R. Kamin* Mr. Randy Karchmer Mr. Hugh L. Keenan Jr.* Dr. Hugh T. Keenan * Keep America Beautiful Incorporated Helyn and L. Harold Keith* Kellogg Company Mr. Charles E. Kennedy Jr*+ Lisa L. Kennedy and Jonathan P. McCauley* Mr. Robert L. Kennedy* Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kersey Kiesewetter Wise Kaplan Prather PLC Ms. Delores Kinsolving* Ms. Dorothy O. Kirsch* Joe and Ronni Kirsch* Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kirsch Jr.+ Mr. Michael E. Kisber* Kisber Enterprises LLC Kiser’s Floor Fashions Mr. George Klein* Dr. Lisa M. Klesges* Mr. Donald L. Knox Mr. William L. Koeneman Ms. Janice Kolb Mr. S. L. Kopald Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Kosten* Mr and Mrs Lee Kramer Ms. Catherine Rudner Kraus* Dr. and Mrs. David H. Kraus* Dr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Kraus* Marjean and Richard Kremer Mr. Martin R. Kriger* Ms. Sonya A. Krivcher Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kustoff* Ms. Jennifer Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lackey* Lackie Trading Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lafferty Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Lambert* Lambuth University Mr. and Mrs. Burns Landess* Alex and Sarah Laskaris* Laurelwood Shopping Center Incorporated Mr. John T. Lawrence Jr.* Ms. Debbie H. Lazorov* and Mr. Stuart J. Lazarov Dr. Paul E. LeRoy+ Leader Federal Bank for Savings Learning by Giving Foundation Incorporated Mr. Scott Ledford Lehman-Roberts Company Mr. Michael I. Less* Less Getz and Lipman PLC Dr. Kris B. Levanthal* Drs. Marvin and Kris Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lewallen Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Lewellen* Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lewis* Dr. and Mrs. Myron Lewis Lewis Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Lichterman* Mr. Richard L. Lightman+ Dr. Timothy F. Linder*

Dr. Sandra P. Lipman* and Mr. Clifton M. Lipman* Ms. Sue Ann Lipsey and Mr. Bernard A. Lipsey* Mr. Edward H. Little+ Jeff and Melanie Little Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Lloyd* Mr. Lonnie E. Loeffel* Frank Ricks/Looney Ricks Kiss Mr. and Mrs. J. William Lovelace* Wayne A. Lowrie and Suzanne Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lucchesi Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Luhrs* Dr. Francesco Lurati Mr. John W. Luther Sr.* and Mrs. Elizabeth H. Luther*+ Mr. William H. Maclin* Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Maddox* Madonna Learning Center Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Maglio Sr. Dr. and Mrs. John M. Malloy Mr. John R. Malmo Mr. O. Clarke Mann+ Louise and Jeff Mann Ms. Lenore E. March+ Ms. Joanne L. Markell Ms. Annette D. Marks*+ Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marshall Ms. Virginia B. Martin+ Mr. Larry Martin Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. William E. Mashburn* Masscomp Computer Company Phil Massey Massey’s Auto Parts Inc. Mr. S. Eugene Mathis Jr.* Mrs. Nancy L. Mattox and Mr. Richard A. Mattox* Mr. M. Woodrow Mauldin Ms. Judy May Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. May* Mr. Jeff McAlexander Mr. James B. McBryde* Mr. Richard O. McBryde Jr.* and Mr. Mark W. McBryde McCabe Construction Company Ms. Janet McCaskill Mr. Andrew J. McClurg Dr. Harold A. McCormack* and Ms. Beverly M. McComack*+ Col and Mrs James K McCurdy*+ Ms. Beverly McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. McGee* Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGee* Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. McKenna* Mr. Edward J. McKenney Jr.* Mr. Doug McKnight* Mr. Jerry E. McLaurine+ Ms. Shirley A. McLaurine Mr. Phillip H. McNeill Jr.* McNeill Commercial Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. McStay Mr. Ronald B. McSwain* McVean Trading and Investments Media General Broadcast Services Medical Insurance Filing Services Medtronic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Meeks+ Mr. and Mrs. William S. Melton* Memphis Area Association of Realtors Memphis Area Legal Services Inc.

Memphis Bar Association Memphis Communications Corporation Memphis Community Develop Partnership Memphis Dermatology Clinic Memphis Engraving Company Memphis Grizzlies Memphis Restaurant Association Memphis Runners Track Club Memphis Shelby Crime Commission Memphis Speech and Hearing Center Incorporated Memphis in May Menard Gates and Mathis Incorporated Dr. Lisa L. Mendel and Dr. Maurice I. Mendel Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Mendelson* Mr. Hubert S. Menke+ and Ms. Stella Menke Mr. and Mrs. K. Dale Menkel III* Jo Ann and Del Mercer* Merrie Oldsmobile-GMC Truck Mr. Roy G. Mersch*+ Ms. Laurie P. Meskin Mid-America Apartment Communities LP Mid-South Association of Contingency Planners Mid-South Head Trauma Mike’s Autoplex Ms. Carolyn Miller Millington Telephone Company Mr. and Mrs. James E. Millrany* Mr. Stanley Mills* Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation Mr. John T. Minger Mirabile Investment Corporation Missouri Hardware Flooring Company Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Mollerup* Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Montesi* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Montoya* Mr. John H. Moore* Morgan and Thornburg Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Olin F. Morris Mr. and Mrs. John G. Morten Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Morton Jr.* Jeri and Mitch Moskovitz* Dr. and Mrs. William B. Moss* Jim Moton Mount Moriah Dodge Mueller Industries Incorporated Ms. Christine B. Munson* Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Murdock Murdock’s Nissan Motors Professor William J. Murnane Jr.+ Mr. J. Michael Murphy and Mrs. Sherry DuBose Murphy* Mr. Robert A. Murray* Dan S.+ and Patricia H. Murrell Barbara and Glen Murry Naegele Outdoor Advertising Nahon Saharovich and Trotz PLC Nashville Community Foundation Nathan Associates National Assn of Security Dealers National Guard Products Incorporated National Healthcare Scholars Foundation



* Alumni + Deceased

NationsBank Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Neal New York Times Company Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Newman* Ms. Beverly J. Nicholson Mr. Lee A. Nicholson Nike Incorporated and Affiliates Gil and Sybille Noble Nonprofit Leadership Collaborative David and Suzon Burrows Mr. Marcus H. Norton* Dr. Wayne A. and Mrs. Jonzell M. Norton* Marilyn and Herbert L. Notowich* Ms. Trudy A. Noyes*+ Michael and Maureen O’Neal* Onyx Medical Corporation Orange County’s United Way Mr. Joe Orgill III* Orgill Incorporated Dr. Daniel E. Otten Mr. and Mrs. James A. Owen* Ms. Debbie C. Padawer* and Mr. Paul R. Padawer* Carol and Mike Palazola* Ms. Catherine T. Palazola* Mr. Mark Palazola Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Paller* Ms. Vicki Roman Palmer * Mr. William L. Pankey*+ Dr. Richard C. Parker* Parker Hannifin Foundation Pathtrace Systems Incorporated Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Payne* Mr. David M. Pennington* Penny Hardaway Incorporated Peoples Bank Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Pera* Ms. Deborah B. Perkins* Perkins Restaurant and Bakery Mr. Hugh M. Peterson Jr.* Ms. June C. Peterson * Mr. John E. Petree Jr.* John and Nancy Petree Pfizer Foundation Mr. John V. Phelps* Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Phillips Sr.+ Melvin and Ann Phillips Phillips Brothers Investments Dr. John H. Pickens* and Suzanne Satterfield, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Pierce Ms. Rochelle Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Pierotti* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pilgrim Ms. Shirley E. Piontek+ Dr. Charles Plesofsky Plough Broadcasting Company Dr. Chloee K. Poag and Mr. G. Daniel Poag Jr.* Poag Lifestyle Centers LLC Mr. Dion G. Pogson* Polaroid Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Polden Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A. Pollard* Polycryl Corporation Pope Ferrington Trust Mr. Hugh Potts


Power and Telephone Supply Company Mr. Paul E. Prather* Dr. Barbara U. Prescott* and Mr. Allie J. Prescott III* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Presley* Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Preston Ms. Dorothy B. Kay Price* PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP Carol and Mike Prince Pro-Golf Discounters of Memphis Mr. Morris N. Proctor* Professional Secretaries International Promus Hotel Corporation Pryor Oldsmobile and GMC Elwood+ and Janet Qualls Mr. Daniel B. Quinley* Dr. Gabriel P. Racz+ Mr. Andrew H. Raines* Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rainey Mr. Ronnie Randall* Dr. Richard R. Ranta and Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Mr. Britt F. Rast* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ray Jr.* Mr. Oscar Edwin Reece+ Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Reed* Mr. William R. Reed Jr. * Ms. Mildred A. Reeves+ Regions Bank Regions Financial Corporation Foundation Ms. Tina S. Reisedge* Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Reisman* Research for International Tobacco Control Restoration Systems Incorprated Retirement Companies of America LLC Dr. John W. Richardson Jr.+ Mr. and Mrs. Terry Richardson Mrs. Robert G. Ring+ Ms. Rebecca B. Rivalto* Roadshow BMW Incorporated Ms. Elma N. Roane*+ Mike and Debbie Robb* Dr. and Mrs. S. Gwin Robbins Jr. Mr. William R. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson Mr. Richard Robinson Rock Island Corporation Ms. Monice J. Roland Rose Construction Inc. Mr. Herschel Rosenberg* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rosenblum+ Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rosengarten* Mr. James B. Rothman Dr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Rousseau Sandra and Joe Rowell* Ms. Laura Rowland* Mr. Robert E. Royal Royal Furniture Company Ms. Caroline Royal-Evans and Mr. L. Brad Evans Ruby Avenue Realty Mr. and Mrs. William B. Rudner Mr. Charles S. Ryan S and M Financial Services Incorporated


SFI of Tennessee SKAL Club of Memphis Mr. David W. Sage* Saint Francis Hospital Auxiliary Saks Incorporated Foundation Mr. Harry D. Samuels Ms. Barbara J. Sandberg* Mr. Reid Sanders Sara Lee Foundation Mr. William C. Schadrack Jr.*+ and Ms. Marianne Schadrack Schahet Hotels Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Elkan Scheidt* Schering Plough Foundation Incorporated Schering-Plough HealthCare Products Ms. Neal Schilling+ Schilling Enterprises Schwartz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Scobey* Murray and Susie Scott* Seamless Systems Security Bancorp of Tennessee Inc. Security Bank Sedgwick Incorporated Mr. Arthur N. Seessel III Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Seessel Mr. and Mrs. Melville J. Seessel Ms. Frank E. Seidman Mr. and Mrs. James R. Selberg* Dr. and Mrs. Bob L. Sellers+ Serra Chevrolet ServiceMaster Mr. Larry T. Shaffer Dr. Naseeb Shaheen+ Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sharp* Sharp Manufacturing Company Ms. Verna T. Sharpes + Mr. and Mrs. J. Alvin Shelby* Shelby Electric Company Shelby-Skipwith Incorporated Shell Oil Company Foundation Ms. Elizabeth W. Shelton* Dr. Thomas B. Shelton Mr. John S. Shepherd Sherman W. Parry Credit Trust Drs. Rick J. and Paula M. Short Mr. William O. Shults* Sigma Tau Health Science Incorporated Mr. Howard A. Silver* Dr. Judith C. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Siskin* Ms. Donna W. Skaarer* Skeeter Gowen Memorial Foundation Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Skopp* Mr. Dennis L. Slone* Dr. Linda Smiley Ms. Anne C. Smith Mr. Aubrey A. Smith Jr. Mr. Brad V. Smith Charles and Harolyn Smith Dale Smith Mr. Darrell D. Smith* Mr. Garland T. Smith Mr. Gary K. Smith* Mr. Johnny Smith Dr. Mark S. Smith* Ms. Melody D. Smith Wendy Geurin and Michael D. Smith*

Dr. R. Eugene Smith+ Dr. and Mrs. Rick A. Smith* Mr. Travis E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Smith* SSR Ellers Inc. SmithKline Beecham Foundation The Estate of James R. Smoot+ Dr. Allen and Mrs. Hope H. Sneed* Memphis Chapter Society for Information Mr. Jack Soden Solar Barque Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Solmson Southern Security Federal Credit Union Southern Steel Supply Company Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Spain Dr. James N. and Emily C. Speakman David and Charlene Spiceland Spiceland Inc. Ms. and Mrs. Clyde H. Springer Jr.+ Mr. James F. Springfield Sr.* Mr. James E. Spurlock+ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Staed+ Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Stafford* Dr. Louis Charles Stagg and Mrs. Mary Casner Stagg Standard Construction Company Incorporated State Farm Companies Foundation State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Dr. Marc H. Stegman Dr. Gilbert G. Stein Ms. Jill M. Steinberg Mr. Kenneth A. Steinberg* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Stellute* Mr. Michael J. Stengel* Mr. Robert L. Stephens* Stevenson and Bullock PLC John and Margie Stoever* Stone Higgs and Drexler Storopack Incorporated Mr. Elmer W. Stout Mr. Dennis W. Strickland* Mr. Todd Strickland Mr. Mike P. Sturdivant Sr.+ Ms. Diane Smith Sullivan*+ and Mr. David C. Sullivan* Mr. James B. Summers* Sun Microsystems Incorporated Surfware Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Svoboda* Mr. and Mrs. Mel Swaffer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry K. Swatley* Dr. Robert E. Sweeney and Ms. Lynn Franklin* Sysco Memphis LLC TAM Electric Company TPI Restaurants Incorporated Ms. Pat Tanner Mr. William B. Tanner+ Dr. Kurt Tauer Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Taylor* Sharon Taylor Mr. Michael R. Teague* Technical Consultants Inc. Mr. Edgar H. Tenent Jr.*+ Tennessee Chapter American Planning Assn Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Assn

Ms. Annie Ruth Terrell* The 100 Club of Memphis The Arthritis Foundation The BAR BRI Group The Bodine Company The Bornblum Foundation The Brinkley Foundation The Cargill Foundation The Hardison Law Firm The Highland Hundred The Hispanic Education Foundation of Tennessee The Josephine Circle Incorporated The Knapp Foundation Incorporated The Kroger Company The Menke Foundation The Pallet Factory The Peer Power Foundation The Phoenix Mfg Co Inc. The Presser Foundation The Principal Financial Group Foundation The Rainwater Family Companies The Ronald C. Hart Family Foundation The Sun Microsystems Foundation The W E Flaherty Family Foundation The WMC Stations The Wetherbe Group The William C. Miller Revocable Trust Ms. Elisabeth Thomas+ Mr. James A. Thomas* Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Thompson Sr.* Ms. Nancy B. Thompson* Mr. Stephen R. Thornburg ThyssenKrupp Elevator Manufacturing Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. D. Barry Ticer* Mr. Joe A. Tidwell* Mr. Joseph G. Tidwell Tiger Book Store Incorporated Ms. Pat Kerr Tigrett* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Titon* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Todd John and Lori Touliatos Tower Ventures V LLC Tri State Armature and Elec Works Incorporated Triumph Bank Mr. Corey B. Trotz* Mr. Kevin True Mr. James L. Tucker Ms. Laurie A. Tucker* Mr. Charles T. Tuggle Turley Foundation Dr. and Mrs. F. Dexter Tutor* Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Tutor Sr.* Mr. Jeffrey L. Tyler* U of M Wives Club US District Court - Middle District of Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Underberg*+ Union Pacific Foundation Unisource Worldwide UNISYS United Auto Recovery United Inns Incorporated United Technologies Carrier University Career Associates University Microfilms Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Valadie’ * Valero Refining Company TN


Ms. Carol Thompson Van Hoozer* Mr. David R. Van Hoozer* Ms. Mary C. Vaughan+ Susan and Steve Vescovo* Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Vickers Vining Sparks IBG Virginia Electric and Power Vista Host Incorporated Vistacare Health Services Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Voldeng* WGKX Radio WICAT Systems Incorporated Wachovia Foundation Jim and Yvonne Waggener Dr. George Wai Yiu Cheung Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee Walker III* Mr. Larry Walker Mr. Melvin E. Walker* Walker and Associates Incorporated Mr. Robert H. Wallace Jr.* Mr. Thomas L. Wallace Sr.* Dr. Robert R. Waller Wang’s International Incorporated Mr. Benjamin F. Ward III Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Warder Jr. Stephen and Dianna Waring* Warner-Lambert Company Mr. Ben C. Watkins* Mr. Rodger D. Watkins* Mr. and Mrs. William H. Watkins Jr.* Ms. Ellen I. Watson Gary and Janet Watts Dr. and Mrs. Mark Weatherly Ms. Pauline A. Weaver* Mr. and Mrs. James G. Webb* Mr. John E. Webb * Mr. and Mrs. William G. Webb* Mr. Jim D. Webster Jr. Ms. Rosalie Allen Wedaman* Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Weiss+ Dr. Kenneth Weiss Ms. Mae K. Weiss+ Dr. and Mrs. S. Danny Weiss Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. Elliot Wender Ms. Penina K. Wender* Dr. and Mrs. Scott P. Werner* Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wernet* West Memphis Steel Corp Dr. James C. Wetherbe Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wexler Mike and Julie Wharton Whirlpool Foundation Mr. and Mrs. G. Wayne White* Josh and Kym White* Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. White* Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. White White Construction and Assoc. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. G. Byrne Whitehead Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. William J. Whitehead Ms. Laura S. Whitsitt * Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Whitten Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wiedman* Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Wiener Ms. Sally Wilbourn Mr. John P. Wilcox+ Dr. and Mrs. W. David Wilcox* Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilder Mr. Cal Wilkins Mr. Ricky E. Wilkins Ms. Carol B. Williams+ W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. Dodd Williams Mr. Edward A. Williams* Mr. and Mrs. James R. Williams* Ron and Kay Williams* John and Shirley Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Williams III* Dr. and Mrs. G. Trent Wilson* Mr. Kevin J. Wilson Mr. Nolen C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson* Mr. William C. Wilson+ Mr. William G. Wilson* Windgate Charitable Foundation Incorporated Winegardner Community Foundation Incorporated Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation Mr. James D. Witherington Jr. Ms. Cornelia Littlejohn Wolfe*+ Marianne and Berkley Wolff Mr. Tommy D. Womack* Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis Mr. David S. Work* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Worley Jr.* Wright Medical Technology Incorporated Mr. Alvin W. Wunderlich Jr. Mr. A. William Wunderlich III Mr. and Mrs. Kent Wunderlich* Ms. Jocelyn D. Wurzburg* Wyatt Tarrant and Combs Xerox Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Yoder* Mr. Logan Young III* Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Young Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Zellner* Zenith Data Systems Corporation Zonta Club of Memphis

THE PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY The President’s Society members are among the University of Memphis’ most generous and loyal benefactors. Membership in this giving society is a visible symbol of one’s belief in the mission of the University of Memphis. The following alumni and friends have demonstrated their leadership and support by making gifts of $1,000 or more during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. $250,000+ Anonymous Donors*+ The Assisi Foundation of Memphis Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Cook Ms. Norma Cox Cook* Dr. and Mrs. Julian G. Fleming*+ The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McVean Dr. Trish Calvert Ring and Mr. Carl D. Ring Ring Container Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Smith Ms. Pearl Wales+

$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous Donors* Eloise Kimmelman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Felt Martha and Robert F. Fogelman Dr. and Mrs. Jerre M. Freeman* Great Oaks Foundation Hope Christian Community Foundation Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. “Pitt” Hyde III J R Hyde III Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George T. Johnson* Ms. Eloise Moxley Kimmelman*+ and Mr. David Kimmelman+* Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Dr. Musette S. Morgan* and Mr. Allen B. Morgan Jr. Mr. Robert W. Yates* Ms. Rita T. Sparks

$50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous Donor Andy Warhol Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bobango* Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Epsilon Kappa Chapter Mr. L. Brad Evans Eddie and Gloria Felsenthal* Mr. and Mrs. Avron B. Fogelman* Highpointe Hospitality, Inc. Hilton Hotels Corporation Charlotte and Fred Hodges* Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hubbert* Mr. William S. Huff InterContinental Hotels Group Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Incorporated Dan S.+ and Patricia H. Murrell Mr. Joe Orgill III* Drs. Suzanne and Michael Osborn* Ms. Caroline Royal-Evans Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Spell* The Jewish Foundation of Memphis The Suder Foundation The Honorable Diane K. Vescovo* and Mr. Michael McLaren Dr. Robert R. Waller Wyatt Tarrant and Combs LLP

$10,000 to $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker III* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker Jr.* Belz Foundation Ms. Kaci A. Billings Bioventus Robert and Lillian Montalto Bohlen Mr. Raymond A.+ and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher+ Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bruns Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett* Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics Campus School Parent Network Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Clarke* Commercial Advisors LLC

Receiving a donor-funded scholarship means that someone else’s experience at the U of M has been so impactful that they want me to have that same experience. I am so thankful that someone cares enough about this University and the students that they want to give back. You have given me an opportunity to receive a once-ina-lifetime education that many around the world would love to have. Thank you! Ashley Neal, Psychology P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


The real prize is to know that someone else feels that my future is something worth investing in and it is a feeling that I find difficult to put into words. I am so honored, so thankful, so truly touched to have stood out to someone as a venture worth funding. I look forward to continuing to excel and proving that it was a decision well worth making. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Mary Carnes, History 48


Consulate of Italy Dr. Susanne B. Darnell* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dinkelspiel* Philip Francis Donovan* Mr. and Mrs. David Dowland* Ernst & Young Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. Farris* Farris Bobango PLLC FedEx Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Francisco Mr. David M. Greer* Ms. Lynsey L. Freeman* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Garrety* Ms. Martha L. Gilliland Gilliland Marital Trust Green Mountain Consulting, LLC Randi Greene Chapman and Family* Mr. Joe Grills Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Halford* Health Choice LLC Mr. Sigmund F. Hiller*+ Mr. Joe D. Hinson*+ Mr. Chris Holeman Marcella and John Houseal* Ms. Barbara I. Ingram* Jabie and Helen Hardin Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. James E. Jacobs*+ Dr. Pu-Qi Jiang Dr. Julie Greer Johnson* Dr. Hugh T. Keenan* Dr. Lisa M. Klesges* Marjean and Richard Kremer Label Vision Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackie* Learning by Giving Foundation Inc. The Honorable Sheri Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCarroll Mr. James E. McGehee Jr. McGehee Family Foundation Medtronic Foundation Medtronic Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare Incorporated Metropolitan Memphis Hotel and Lodging Association Ms. Carolyn Miller Mr. William (Bill) C. Miller Jr.* Mr. Billy M. Morgan Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Morgan Morton* Ms. Brett A. Brenninkmeijer* Ms. Trudy A. Noyes*+ Onyx Medical Corporation Ms. Dianne Miller Papasan Mr. Larry W. Papasan Lauren and William Pickens* Mickey Robinson* and Catherine Ladnier Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rose Mr. Jack C. Russell III* Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. Scheidt Family Foundation David and Phyllis Scruggs* Mr. Arif Shakeel* Mr. John S. Shepherd Dr. Judith C. Simon Mr. Travis E. Smith Smith & Nephew Inc. Speer Charitable Trust Mitchell and Janet Spurlock*

Dr. Louis Charles Stagg and Mrs. Mary Casner Stagg State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company The Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc. Dr. Richard J. Sweigard Luke Thara and Elizabeth Thara The BAR BRI Group The Josephine Circle Inc. Richard R. Dilling Memorial Grant from the Material Handling The Peer Power Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Richardson* Mr. and Mrs. Terry Richardson The Vazomica Foundation Incorporated The William C. Miller Revocable Trust Thomas W Briggs Foundation John and Laurie Tucker* US District Court Middle District of Tennessee Ann and Jim Vining Mr. and Mrs. James L. Vining Mr. John K. Walsh Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Warder Jr. Mr. Ben C. Watkins* Mr. and Mrs. William H. Watkins Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Russel L. Wiener Mr. William C. Wilson+

$5,000 to $9,999 American Chemical Society Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr.* A2H, Inc. Bank of America Foundation Mr. Gregory E. Barnes* Dr. Reed C. Baskin and Ms. Alice Nishiwaki* Black McLaren Jones Ryland & Griffee, PC Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bullock* Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bryant Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mr. Mark J. Christopher* Ms. Karen F. Clark* Construction Specifications Institute A.C.A.P. - The Care Foundation Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards Jr.* Valerie and John Elkington* Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro Mr. Douglas W. Ferris Jr. First Tennessee Foundation Dr. Allison M. Garrott and Mr. Thomas M. Garrott III* General Mills Foundation Susan Lawless-Glassman and Richard Glassman* Mr. Michael Harless* Ronald Hart Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James A. Haslam, III Hattie G Watkins Educational Fund Healthcare Clinics at select Walgreens Hohenberg Charity Trust Interactive Solutions Incorporated KPMG Foundation Lambda Alpha International, Memphis Chapter Ms. Lynn M. Lewellen* and Mr. Mitch Lewellen Barbara and Ira A. Lipman* Dr. and Mrs. Billy W. McCann Sr.*

Mr. James E. Meeks Jr. Mphasis Mr. Jay B. Myers* Northwestern Mutual Foundation Ms. Jonzell and Dr. Wayne Norton* Omega Psi Phi Susan and David Perdue* Portable Technology Solutions Mr. Paul E. Prather* Procter and Gamble Fund Mr. Andrew H. Raines* SKAL Club of Memphis Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. Gayle H. Shiba* Mr. Arthur C. Smith + and Ms. Kathryn M. Norstrom Spectra Energy Foundation Mr. James F. Springfield Sr.* Stevenson and Bullock PLC Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes Jr. Strike Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Svoboda* Syntel Ms. Deborah L. Talbot* Dr. Irvin L. Tankersley* Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association The Haslam III Foundation Thomas Garrott Foundation Thomason Hendrix Harvey Johnson Mitchell Mr. Corey B. Trotz* Trucking Industry Defense Association Watkins Uiberall PLLC Ms. Pauline A. Weaver* West Coast Ultrasound Institute Inc. Mr. Robert E. (Bobby) Wharton Jr.*

$2,500 to $4,999 AIDC 100 Alex’s Tavern American Hotel and Lodging Foundation Aramark Inc. Dr. Neil Aronov Tina and Rhomes Aur* BASF Corporation Dr. Daniel L. Baker Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell Berkowitz PC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Belz* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bennett Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham and Mr. John J. Davis* Mr. Scott E. Bohon Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neill Bomer IV* Anonymous Brown Missionary Baptist Church Buckman Laboratories International Incorporated Butler Snow O’Mara Stevens and Cannada PLLC CBIZ Operations Incorporated Ms. Jennifer H. Case* Dr. Karen E. Chancellor* The Honorable Robert L. Childers and Ms. Amy J. Amundsen* Drs. David and Carol Ciscel* Cigna CFMA Memphis Chapter Ms. Winnie P. Conway*


* Alumni + Deceased

Deborah and John Cothern* Hilliard and Harriett Crews* Crews Family Foundation Mr. Thomas J. Cullen Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. David J. Dowling* East Tennessee Foundation Mr. Brian Ebert Ms. Jacquie L. Ebert Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman and Dr. Ross D. Sackett First South Financial Credit Union Ms. Christy S. Forman* Mr. Scott A. Forman* Germantown Performing Arts Centre Ms. Sue C. Gilmore Glankler Brown PLLC Glassman Edwards Wyatt Tuttle and Cox, P.C. Mr. Nelson F. Glenn Gossett Motor Cars Incorporated Greater Middle Baptist Church Ms. Helen S. Gronauer Ms. Jennifer F. Hinson Holiday Inn University of Memphis Mr. Daniel W. Hooper* Hope Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Humphreys* Dr. and Mrs. Masanori Igarashi* John and Lynda Irvine* Anne Marie and Tom Kadien Patte and David S. Kennedy Dr. Henry A. Kurtz and Dr. Bette Ackerman Lipscomb and Pitts MINACT Incorporated March Foundation Dina and Brad Martin* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAllister* Mr. Andrew J. McClurg Spencer and Karimeh McDaniel* Memphis Bar Foundation National Council on Economic Education Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Park Dr. Abby L. Parrill-Baker Dr. John H. Peacher Ryan* Ms. Carla A. and Dr. John H. Peacher Ryan* Mr. Pradeep Srinivasa B. Podila* Dr. Harold A. Price* Brad and Dina Martin Amy and Bill Rhodes* Dr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Rousseau* Dr. Ross D. Sackett and Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman Mr. Sidney P. Samuels* Dr. Charles A. Schulz* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Selkirk Ms. Karen B. Shea* Shell Oil Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Shorb* Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stefan M. Smith* Dr. Carmelita B. and Mr. Norman C. Teeter Teklynx Americas, Inc. The Presser Foundation The Regional Medical Center at Memphis Mr. Elbert L. Thomas Jr.* Ms. Bettye Jo Thrash James T. and Robin Watson* Prof. and Mrs. James F. Williamson* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

$1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous Donor* AllWorld Project Management, LLC Dr. Diane and Mr. Terry Allen* Alpha Delta Kappa TN Alpha Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Frank Andrasik Archer>Malmo Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Argo* AutoZone Axicon Auto ID Mr. Ray Babaoglu III* Mr. Andrew L. Bailey* Dr. Paul Balister Mr. Erie Lachelle Banks* Mr. and Mrs. David Barger Mr. and Mrs. George D. Barnes* Belfor USA Group, Inc. Dr. Linda A. Bennett Dr. John R. Berschied Jr.* Mr. Ian N. Birla Mr. David L. Bishop* Ms. Jennifer O. Black* Drs. Shannon and Robert Blanton Dr. Peggy J. Bodine* and Mr. Dick Bodine Ms. Becky Boone Rikki and Bill Boyce* Breast Cancer Eradication Initiative Incorporated Pierre and Maria Breber Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Brooks* Dr. Craig M. Brown* Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Brown* Ms. Janis B. Brownlee Sherry Bryan and Michael Hagge* Drew and Melissa Buchner* Dr. Ted J. Burkey and Karen J. Zissoff Ms. Kayla Burns CB Richard Ellis Memphis Ms. Susan C. Caldwell Mr. Paul E. Cameron* Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Carter* Ms. Ruth R. Cash* Ms. Mary K. Chapleau* Mr. N. B. Cheatham* Chism Hardy Investments LLC Mr. Robert E. Clark* Mr. Daniel F. Cody* Mr. Ronald L. Coleman and Ms. Jan S. Coleman* Mr. William P. Colston* Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga ConocoPhillips Contempora Magazine Inc Business Management Associates Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cook, Jr.* Cornerstone Systems Mr. Larry D. Cox* Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Craddock Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. David W. Crippen* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crosby Mr. Patrick D. Crowley* Dr. Carol Crown Ranta and Dr. Richard R. Ranta Ms. Joanna E. Curtis* DDMS Operations LLC Dr. Paul and Ms. Elizabeth Darke*

Dr. Priscilla N. Davis* Mr. and Mrs. Winston J. Daws* Dr. Russell J. Deaton and Ms. Harriet W. Deaton* Ms. Catherine C. Decker Deloitte Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dempster Mr. William W. Deupree Jr. Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP Mr. and Mrs. Ted B. Donaldson* Dr. Marie E. Dubke Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durham Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Eckstein The Honorable George R. Ellis* Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation Engineered Systems Environmental Test & Balance Company Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Erlbacher II* Ernst and Young LLP Mr. William R. Eubanks* Marsha and John Evans Mr. Lawrence E. Evans* Evans Petree PC FM Global Foundation First Tennessee Matching Gift Program Mr. Richard K. Fisher Ms. Cristina S. Fockler* and Mr. Robert M. Fockler Mr. Hal Fogelman Sondra and Bill Fondren Mr. Fred J. Fowler Michael and Elise Frick Gannett Foundation Incorporated Claire Weatherford Garrett* Dr. W. Walton Garrett Gayle S Rose Foundation Inc. Dr. Dan Gentry and Mr. Patrick Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Gibson Jr.* Dr. Lois N. Gilbert*+ Mr. Stewart Goddard Goddard Foundation Mr. Samuel P. Golden Ms. Devon L. Gosnell* Elvis Presley Enterprises, Incorporated Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Graesser* Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Greene* Dr. Mary J. Greil and Dr. Donald K. Carson* Jason E. Murtagh and Mary R. Hackett* Dr. Warren O. Haggard Ms. Sandra Street Hale* Ms. Maria C. Ham Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Hanrahan Mr. Jerry R. Harber* Ms. Judy H. Harber* Mr. and Mrs. Marino C. Hardy* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hargett* Mr. Alan N. Harris Mr. and Mrs. David A. Harris* Dr. and Mrs. Gaylon L. Harris* Theresa* and John Hash* Herman Bensdorf II Residuary Trust Ms. Deborah W. Hernandez Dr. Maxine L. Hetherington* Hi Lo Music Incorporated Mr. John S. Hicks* Shirley and Herb Hilliard*

Hillshire Brands Dr. and Mrs. John I. Hochstein Mr. James R. (Jim) Holcomb* Holliday’s Flowers Incorporated Al and Alison Hollingsworth* Ms. Elsie C. Holmes* Dr. Jane H. Hooker* Ms. Patricia L. Hooks Gray Ms. Mary M. Horner Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Horton* Ms. Donna M. Howard Dr. Gene Huang Ms. Betty J. Huff Ms. Bethany K. Huffman* Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hutson* Mr. Frank Inman Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman Jr. Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Inc. Intel Corporation International Paper Company Dr. R. Eugene Jackson* Mr. and Mrs. James E. Jacobs* Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Janz Mr. Rick Johns Ms. Julie A. Johnson Mr. Michael R. Johnson Ms. Gloria B. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Jones* Dr. Mary Ellen Jukoski* KPMG Peat Marwick LLP Dr. Ehud R. Kamin* Mr. John C. Kelley Jr.* Ms. Andrea Epstein Kerlan* Ms. Asjanae Kimble Mr. Kevin D. Kimery* Mr. S. L. Kopald Jr. Dr. Santosh Kumar Linda and Craig Leake* Mr. Jun Ho Lee Mr. Timothy R. Lee* Lee & Lin Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Leith* Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Lester* Peter and Felicity Letsou Dr. Marian C. Levy Lt. Col. Patricia J. Lewis* Mr. Xiaoou Li* Dr. and Mrs. Kam S. Lie Mr. Tarit Lim* Mr. Bruce A. Livesay Lois Gilbert Living Trust Frank Ricks/Looney Ricks Kiss Mr. Richard Lou Ms. Lois A. Marchini Ms. Becky A. Martin* Ms. Kimberly C. McAfee Jackie and Gregg McBride Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. McCree* Mr. A. Stephen McDaniel* Ms. Beverly McDaniel Ann and Barry McGee* Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGee* Mr. and Mrs. Harrison D. McIver Mr. Edward J. McKenney Jr.* Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau The Merck Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Meyers* Ms. Karen Mhoon Christian* Mid-South Marketing Systems

Mike Driver Trust The Honorable and Mrs. Louis J. Montesi Jr.* Mr. Peter Moon Mr. Dennis E. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Moore Ms. Phyllis Golden Morey* Morgan Stanley Mr. Jason Murtagh and Ms. Mary Hackett Ms. Marianne C. Mussett* Mr. and Mrs. Brenton J. Nair* Mr. David Nanney National Philanthropic Trust Dr. Monika Nenon and Dr. Thomas J. Nenon Jr. Nesvick Trading Group LLC Ms. Katherine S. Nevill Mr. Patrick E. Nevill New Sardis Baptist Church Nissan North America Inc. Dr. Virginia M. Norton* and Mr. John D. Norton Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Connor Jr.* Mr. Thomas C. O’Connor Optimist International Foundation Betty and Hal Padgett** Carol and Mike Palazola* Dr. Nick C. Parker Peer Power Foundation Inc. Mr. David M. Pennington* David M. Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Perl Ms. Elizabeth L. Perry* Ms. Rosetta M. Perry* Pfizer Foundation Mr. Knox Phillips Pickering Firm Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Pike* Phillip Landon Pinkston* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Pitt Jr.* Susan B. Plunkett* Mr. E. Todd Presnell* Mr. Thomas B. Preston Mr. Bobby A. Prince Project Motion Incorporated Dr. Ernest A. and Mrs. Jeanine H. Rakow* Dr. Richard R. Ranta and Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rantzow Re Transportation, Inc. Mr. David F. Read* Ms. Jean M. Redfield* Mr. Paul J. Reimold* Jean and Don Rhoads* Dr. Malcolm L. Richardson* Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Ricks Jr.* James and Mary Jane Richens* Dr. and Mrs. Webster Riggs Jr. Mike and Debbie Robb* Mr. Jonathan S. Roberts* Ms. Emma Milliner Robinson Ms. Sarah D. Rogers Prof. David S. Romantz Ms. Gayle S. Rose Rotary International District 6800 Mr. Edgar M. Rothschild III* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Rudner Charles Santo Ms. Courtney M. Santo* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaeffer* Mr. and Mrs. Oscar N. Seelbinder Jr.*



* Alumni + Deceased

Richard Sellers and Marifran Bustion* Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shannon Jr. Ms. Amanda A. Sharp* Dr. Cheryl Goudie Simco* and Dr. Bill A. Simco Mr. William A. Simco Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Sklar* Ms. Delaine R. Smith* Mr. G. Henry Smith* Dr. Kevin H. Smith and Dr. Marilyn Dunham Smith Ms. Marsha L. Smith* Dr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Smith* Ms. Catherine R. Smythe* Dr. James N. Speakman and Ms. Emily C. Speakman Sperry Van Ness Investec Realty Svcs., LLC Spicer Flynn and Rudstrom PLLC Mr. Larry J. Stanley Ms. Agnes Gordon Stark Mr. Milton E. Starr* State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company Dr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Steinhauer Ms. Dianne M. Stokely* Mr. B. A. Street* Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Street Mr. Herman W. Strickland Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Terry K. Swatley* Mr. James M. Taylor III* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Taylor* Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Taylor* Ms. Susan C. Te Paske Temple Israel Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Terry* The Brinkley Foundation The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Ms. Jackie A. Thomas* Ms. Jessica A. Thompson* Ms. Tanja Lueck Thompson* ThyssenKrupp Elevator Manufacturing Incorporated Ms. Mary R. Todd* Jean and Charles Tuggle Mr. Henry M. Turley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tuttle* U S Learning Incorporated Vaco Mid-South LLC Ellen and John C. Vergos* Susan and Steve Vescovo* Mr. John M. Vosse* Mr. Raymond VunKannon Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Waggener* Dr. Donald I. Wagner and Ms. Susan M. Wagner Dr. William L. Wallace* Dr. Patricia L. Walls* Dr. Jane Walters Chuck and Anita Ward* Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ward Mr. Jonathan E. Watkins Ms. Ellen I. Watson Ms. Stephanie E. Weaver* Wells Fargo Foundation West Tennessee Area Health Education Center, Inc. Ms. Linda Bass Westbury* Where The Heart Is, Inc. Ms. Laura S. Whitsitt* Linda O. Wible


William R Eubanks Interior Design Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Williams* Ms. Myra B. Wilson* Bill and Elaine Woods* Worldwide Label & Packaging Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Yukon* Mr. and Mrs. David A. Zelinski* Mr. and Mrs. David G. Zettergren* Dr. Lin Zhan

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Amerigas Propane LP First Tennessee Foundation MassMutual Financial Group GlaxoSmithKline ADP-Automatic Data Processing Inc. FM Global Foundation Regions Financial Corporation AutoZone Wells Fargo Foundation D’s Wrecker Service Deloitte Foundation Securian Foundation Pfizer Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation AT&T Foundation Ingersoll Rand Company Ltd Texas Gas Transmission Corporation International Business Machines Corporation The Principal Financial Group Foundation Ernst and Young LLP Shell Oil Company Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Norfolk Southern Foundation ConocoPhillips CIGNA Foundation Medtronic Foundation Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies UnumProvident Corporation Procter and Gamble Fund ExxonMobil Foundation Gannett Foundation Incorporated Ameriprise Financial Siemens Medical Solutions USA Incorporated Anonymous Donor Regions Financial Corporation Foundation BASF Matching Gift Program Philips Electronics NA Corporation First Tennessee Matching Gift Program Marsh and McLennan Companies Pharmacia Foundation Incorporated Duke Energy Foundation Unilever United States Foundation Incorporated Time Warner Foundation Bank of America Foundation Boeing Company Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation Verizon Foundation AutoZone H J Heinz Company


CBI Na-Con East Division Towers Perrin KPMG Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation GE Foundations Sprint Foundation J R Hyde III Family Foundation SunTrust Foundation Eli Lilly and Company Foundation First Tennessee Foundation Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company Macy’s Foundation RJ Reynolds Foundation McKesson Foundation Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program TCF Foundation Altria Group, Inc. DCP Midstream Wacker Chemical Corporation MetLife Foundation Albemarle Foundation New York Life Insurance Company The Merck Foundation AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program EOG Resources Inc. Spectra Energy Foundation Piedmont Natural Gas Ernst & Young Foundation Pepsico Foundation Davidson Companies Hillshire Brands Harris Foundation Nissan North America Inc.

FACULTY AND STAFF Anonymous Donor Dr. Roxanne J. Aaron* Ms. Meredith Aden Dr. Manohar Aggarwal Dr. SangNam Ahn Dr. William L. Akey* Ms. Maria Alam Dr. Ralph Albanese Dr. William A. Alexander Ms. Alena M. Allen Dr. David Allen Dr. Lorraine Allen* Mr. Ryan G. Alpert Ms. Jo Ann Ammons Ms. Constance R. Amos* Dr. Frank Andrasik Mr. Edwin P. Antoniak Jr. Dr. Morgan D. Arant Jr. Ms. Susan P. Armacost Mr. Daniel D. Armitage* Ms. Katherine V. Atkinson* Ms. Ashli Avis* Dr. Emin Babakus Dr. Daniel L. Baker Ms. Wattine Baker Mr. Wren Baker Ms. Dana L. Baker-Hardin* Dr. Paul N. Balister Ms. Peggy F. Ball* Dr. Patrik Banerjee Ms. Casandra B. Banks

Mr. Thomas E. Banning* Mr. Harry C. Barber Jr. Mr. Joseph T. Barnett Dr. John W. Baur Ms. Cindy C. Beard* Dr. Daniel S. Beasley Ms. Lisa D. Beasley* Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley* Ms. Deborah A. Becker Ms. Donna Beene Dr. Barbara K. Bekis* Ms. Karen A. Bell* Mr. Phillip D. Bemis Dr. Linda A. Bennett Dr. Kevin Berisso Ms. Paula C. Bethge Dr. Phyllis G. Betts Dr. Charles J. Biggers Mr. Joseph W. Biggers Dr. Rosie P. Bingham Mr. Charles D. Black Jr.* Dr. Stephanie Blaisdell Dr. Robert G. Blanton III Dr. Shannon L. Blanton Dr. Stephan Blatti Dr. Richard Bloomer Dr. Bryna Bobick Dr. Kevin P. Boggs* Mr. James H. Bollwerk* Dr. Beverly G. Bond* Ms. Linda H. Bonnin Dr. Maria F. Botelho Mr. Roy W. Bowery Dr. Gary L. Bowlin Mr. Dwight E. Boyd* Ms. Lou G. Boykins Ms. Patti R. Bradford* Mr. Ryan G. Bradley Mr. Robert E. Branan Mr. Brian P. Brantley Ms. Lindsey M. Bray* Mr. Stephen I. Brewer* Dr. Linda R. Brice* Dr. Peter K. Bridson Dr. Bonnie O. Briggs* Dr. Keri V. Brondo Dr. Lloyd D. Brooks Ms. Judith C. Brown* Dr. Walter R. Brown Ms. Janis B. Brownlee Ms. Sherry L. Bryan* Mr. Sergei Bryant Ms. Melissa M. Buchner* Ms. Elizabeth S. Buck Dr. Eugene H. Buder Ms. Alicia R. Buford* Dr. Joel D. Bumgardner Mr. Larry H. Bunch Mr. Daniel A. Bureau Mr. Cedric J. Burgess* Dr. Ted J. Burkey Dr. Bert O. Burraston Dr. Lauren Ellis Burrow Ms. Brenda K. Butler Dr. Kathy D. Butler* Ms. Constance M. Butts Ms. Caroline C. Caldwell* Ms. Mary A. Caldwell* Mr. Jeremy D. Calico* Ms. Amy T. Campbell Mr. Jonathan E. Campbell Dr. Michael P. Cannito Mr. Edwin D. Cantler Jr.*+

Dr. Gloria Carr Mr. Michael L. Carter* Ms. Pamela G. Cash Ms. Kathleen M. Cates Dr. Michael J. Cervetti* Ms. Colis C. Chambers* Ms. Vicki L. Chandler Dr. Carl M. Chando* Dr. Cyril F. Chang* Mr. John J. Chiego Mr. Michael K. Chisamore Mr. Md Rezaul H. Chowdhury* Dr. Quentin C. Chu Dr. King-Thom Chung Ms. Amanda L. Clarkson* Dr. Joy A. Clay Dr. Lavonnie P. Claybon Dr. Jane B. Clement* Ms. Tori M. Cliff* Mr. Howard C. Cobbs Jr. Mr. Michael E. Cochran Dr. Pamela A. Cogdal Ms. Lauren L. Blum Ms. Susan S. Cohn* Dr. Lorinda B. Cohoon Ms. Amelia B. Cole* Ms. Jacquelyn D. Cole* Dr. Kimberly W. Collins* Mr. Steven A. Conlee Dr. Robert P. Connolly Mr. Leroy Conway III* Ms. Beverly E. Cook Ms. Courtney Cook Dr. Melloni N. Cook Ms. France Ilene Cooper Dr. Susan L. Copeland* Ms. Jennifer R. Cordero* Mr. Anthony B. Cornelsen Ms. Angelina M. Cowles* Dr. David N. Cox Dr. Robyn M. Cox Mr. Samuel D. Cox* Mr. Ray A. Craft* Dr. Charles W. Crawford Dr. Jennifer L. Crider Ms. Sherry L. Crone* Ms. Patricia A. Crowell* Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Dr. Amy L. de Jongh Curry* Ms. Angela Curry Ms. Ladonnal W. Curry* Ms. Joanna E. Curtis* Dr. Teresa S. Dalle* Dr. V. Carol Danehower Ms. Natalie T. Davis* Dr. Antonio R. de Velasco Dr. Russell J. Deaton* Ms. Bridgette Decent Ms. Tammy R. DeGroff Dr. Maria E. Delavega Dr. Pamela R. Dennis* Ms. Polly A. Dennison Ms. Pamela DeShields Mr. Darrin M. Devault* Ms. Catherine P. Dice* Ms. Carolyn J. Dickens* Ms. Connie L. Diffee* Ms. Cheryl Diggs Dr. Stewart E. Dismuke Ms. Candy F. Donald Dr. Earle G. Donelson Ms. Nataliya Doroshenko Ms. Brenda B. Driver* THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

Mr. Aaron C. Drown Dr. Michael R. Duke Mr. Jonathan D. Duncan Dr. Randolph T. Dupont Dr. William O. Dwyer Ms. Patricia E. Earnest* Dr. Eugene C. Eckstein Ms. Cheryl F. Edwards Ms. Laura Edwards* Ms. Emma B. Elliott Ms. Mary C. Elliotte* Ms. Lendon C. Ellis Mr. Sean Ellis* Dr. Graves E. Enck Mr. Bruce A. Erskine Dr. John E. Evans* Dr. Richard D. Evans Dr. Thomas K. Fagan Dr. Judith A. Faris* Ms. Barbara J. Farrar Mr. John E. Farrell* Mr. Geoffrey T. Fenlong* Mr. Charles A. Ferryman* Dr. James E. Fickle Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman Dr. J. Richard Fischer Ms. Susan V. Fitzgerald* Dr. Belinda D. Fleming Dr. Randy G. Floyd Dr. Sylverna V. Ford Ms. Brenda E. Fortney Mr. Robert L. Foster Dr. Donald R. Franceschetti Ms. Tammy Franklin Ms. Misty Freeman Mr. Brad J. Frewin Ms. Elizabeth R. Fudge* Mr. Justin J. Fuente Ms. Shelia Gaines Dr. Shaun Andrew Gallagher Ms. Deborah L. Galloway Mr. Billy H. Garrett Jr.* Mr. Joseph P. Garrone* Dr. T. Kent Gartner Dr. Pamela Gaston Dr. James Daniel Gentry Jr. Dr. Ebenezer O. George Dr. Mark L. Gillenson Dr. John E. Gnuschke Mr. Paul A. Gogonelis Ms. Katherine J. Goliver Dr. Arthur C. Graesser Ms. Leslie D. Graff Dr. Sage L. Graham* Dr. Angela G. Grant Ms. Kimberly M. Grantham Ms. Jill D. Green* Ms. Julie E. Green* Mr. Stephen M. Green* Mr. Travis D. Green* Mr. David A. Greganti* Dr. Arthur L. Grehan II* Dr. Denis Grele Mr. Peter C. Groenendyk Dr. Rajiv Grover Ms. Sharon F. Guffin* Ms. Judy M. Gupton* Dr. John R. Haddock Dr. Warren O. Haggard Mr. Michael Hagge* Ms. Katherine R. Hair* Ms. Diana K. Hale Ms. Ann M. Hall* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Dr. Charles E. Hall Jr. Ms. Heather C. Hampton* Mr. Bruce C. Harber* Ms. Sharon A. Harber Mr. Willard E. Harding III Dr. Donna S. Harkness* Mr. James W. Harris* Dr. Laura E. Harris* Mr. Lee A. Harris Ms. Patricia A. Harris Ms. Alice M. Hart* Dr. Teresa A. Hartnett* Ms. Marianne R. Hartquist* Ms. Holly B. Hazlett Ms. Tammy Hedges Ms. Deborah W. Hernandez Dr. Leigh N. Hersey Mr. Darrell E. Hickey Ms. Cynthia Hill Ms. Danielle L. Hillman* Mrs. Eileen M. Hinders* Ms. Deborah J. Hochstein Dr. John I. Hochstein Ms. Esther Hollie Ms. Riviera R. Hollowell* Dr. Ramin Homayouni Mr. Patrick A. Hoover Jr. Ms. Robynn G. Hopkins* Ms. Lorna L. Horishny* Ms. Cathy G. Horton Ms. Kimberly B. House* Ms. Sheladia K. Houze Ms. M. Kate Howard* Dr. Michael E. Howell-Moroney Mr. Brandon Hoyer Dr. Xiangen Hu Ms. Tomeco L. Hubbard Ms. Betty J. Huff Dr. Michael G. Huffman* Ms. Annelle R. Huggins Dr. Carolyn S. Hull-Toye* Ms. Diana Humphrey-Mckee Ms. Angela Humphreys* Mr. Ricky C. Hunley Ms. Virginia Brown Huss Dr. Andrew Hussey Ms. Lorie A. Hutson Dr. Stanley E. Hyland Mr. Roger D. Iles* Dr. Carol C. Irwin Dr. Richard L. Irwin Mr. Khandakar M. Islam* Dr. Kristen Iversen Dr. Stephanie S. Ivey* Ms. Barbara D. Jackson Dr. Robert J. Jackson* Dr. Wade M. Jackson* Dr. M. Shah Jahan Dr. Pankaj K. Jain Ms. Melanie A. James Dr. Richard K. James Dr. Richard Janikowski Dr. Brian D. Janz Dr. Linda Jarmulowicz Ms. April L. Jauregui* Ms. Pamela J. Jenkins Ms. Shanette R. Jenkins-Parks Dr. Jessica Amber Jennings Dr. Chunrong Jia Dr. Christine X. Jiang Dr. Pu-Qi Jiang Mr. Clyde L. Johnson Jr. Ms. Helen R. Johnson*

Ms. Julie A. Johnson Ms. Kathryn I. Johnson Mr. Tony L. Johnson Dr. John M. Johnston Dr. D. R. Jones Mr. Jessie B. Jones Dr. Joseph Jones Mr. Ryan D. Jones* Ms. Tammy R. Jones* Ms. Kim M. Josh* Dr. Matthias Kaelberer Ms. Laurie Cooper Kay Dr. Ben L. Kedia Dr. Satish K. Kedia Ms. Deborah K. Keeney* Ms. Denise Gay Keeney* Mr. Dale F. Kehr Dr. David M. Kemme Ms. Heidi A. Kendall* Dr. William J. Kettinger Ms. Carol C. Key Ms. Jamie B. Kidd* Mr. Daniel H. Kiel Dr. Loel Kim Mr. Robert Kirby Dr. Lisa M. Klesges* Ms. Judith D. Knight Mr. Steve Knowlton Dr. Robert W. Koch Mr. Daniel E. Kohn Mr. Leonard D. Kohr Prof. William P. Kratzke Ms. Patsy A. Krech* Mrs. Lisa J. Krull Dr. Santosh Kumar Dr. Hsiang-Te Kung Mr. Jeffrey S. Kupper Dr. Henry A. Kurtz Ms. Meta C. Laabs Mr. Chad I. Lake* Ms. Carol L. Laney* Dr. Craig J. Langstraat Dr. Mohamed Laradji Ms. Donna LaRiviere Mr. Lonnie E. Latham* Dr. Dan L. Lattimore Ms. Holly Lau Dr. Peter S. Lau Dr. Justin T. Lawhead* Mr. David G. Lazich Mr. Craig Leake* Ms. Bernadette Y. Lee* Dr. Joonhyung Lee Ms. Anita J. Lenhart Dr. Peter V. Letsou Dr. Martin L. Levin Ms. Shawn Levstek Dr. Marian C. Levy Dr. Yuhua Li Mr. Lawrence E. Liles* Ms. Lorrean L. Lim* Mr. Tarit Lim* Mr. Erno Lindner Dr. Eric C. Link Mr. Daniel M. Linton Jr.* The Hon. Sheryl H. Lipman Mr. Lavaire Lockhart Ms. Laruth K. Lofties* Mr. William E. Lofton* Ms. Moira J. Logan Ms. Ashlesha S. Lokhande Mr. Richard Lou Ms. Carol S. Lowry*

Receiving a donor-funded scholarship means that I can fulfill my dream of being an attorney without taking on massive amounts of debt. More importantly, it means that someone believed in me, trusted me and made an investment in my future, and for that I will be forever thankful. Kimbra Ratliff, Law P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


Words cannot express the relief I felt when I discovered that someone is helping me to achieve my goals. I can focus a little harder on my work instead of outside jobs, and I can take heart that my community cares about education, art and the future. Laura Lawson, Art



Dr. Deborah Lowther Dr. James M. Lukawitz Ms. Glynda P. Luttman* Ms. Megan E. MacLeod Ms. Christina L. Magueyal Dr. Susan Magun-Jackson* Dr. Robert Maichrowicz Dr. John M. Malloy Dr. Walter H. Manning Ms. Mary H. Mansour* Dr. Jeffrey G. Marchetta* Mr. Robert A. Marczynski* Ms. Barbara P. Marese Mr. Tyler Mariucci Dr. Kristine M. Markman Ms. Patsy A. Marner* Ms. Mary M. Marr* Mr. William J. Marshall* Dr. Reginald Martin* Mr. R. Brad Martin* Ms. Stacy S. Martin Ms. Naomi Martinez-Jones Ms. Yolanda Y. Mathews Dr. Yuki Matsuda Ms. Lisa Mayne Mr. Charlie Mazzone* Dr. Brad McAdon Ms. Carrie J. McAdon* Ms. Kimberly C. McAfee Mr. James R. McArthur Ms. Nichole McBride Mr. Todd McCarver* Dr. Barbara S. McClanahan* Dr. Sue Ann McClellan* Mr. Andrew J. McClurg Ms. Tammy Y. McCoy Mr. Cedric McCray Dr. Herbert L. McCree* Dr. Randall G. McCutcheon Dr. Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy Dr. Evelyn A. McDonald* Mr. Timothy McDonnell Ms. Daphene R. McFerren Ms. Melissa McFerrin Mr. Daniel E. McGarry III* Dr. Thomas H. McInish Ms. Jean McIvor Dr. Leslie McKeon Mr. Darrell McKissick Dr. Larry McNeal Mr. Russell McNickle Ms. Keri L. Means* Mr. Michael K. Means Mr. Ronald Mears Dr. Nancy C. Mele Dr. Lisa Lucks Mendel Dr. Maurice I. Mendel Mr. Kevin W. Merriman Dr. Andrew W. Meyers Ms. Susan D. Mikell* Dr. Neal Douglas Miller Mr. Shannon E. Miller* Dr. Thomas R. Miller Ms. Aretha R. Milligan Dr. Sanjay R. Mishra Dr. Larry W. Moore Dr. Larry Moore* Ms. Yolonda M. Moore Ms. Melissa L. Moore-Brigance* Dr. Vivian G. Morris Mr. Benjamin E. Morton Mr. John T. Mueller Ms. Karen Mueller

Mr. William J. Mueller* Ms. Vanessa A. Muldrow* Mr. Richard P. Mulrooney The Hon. Steven J. Mulroy Mr. Glenn W. Munson Ms. Jennifer L. Murchison Ms. Carolyn F. Murrell Mr. Dan H. Murrell* Dr. Victoria S. Murrell* Mr. James L. Nabors Dr. Susan Neely-Barnes Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer Dr. Monika Nenon Dr. Thomas J. Nenon Jr. Mr. Jerry D. Newman* Dr. Ernest L. Nichols Jr. Ms. Kallie M. Noble Dr. Vikki G. Nolan Mr. Cedar L. Nordbye Ms. Angela R. Norwood Ms. Kathryn J. O’Bryan* Dr. Albert A. Okunade Dr. D. Kim Oller Dr. Andrew M. Olney* Mr. Errol M. O’Neill Dr. DeAnna N. Owens Ms. Rose Owens Dr. Laura D. Owens* Ms. Shelia D. Owens* Dr. Janet Page Mr. Daniel E. Pallme* Ms. Shkendie Papraniku* Dr. Abby L. Parrill-Baker Ms. Latasha T. Parrish* Mr. Joshua P. Pastner Dr. Philip Pavlik Mr. Felio Perez Dr. Edward H. Perry Ms. Felesha R. Perry* Ms. Frankie Perry* Ms. Jennifer W. Perry* Ms. Vera J. Martin-Perry Ms. Vickie H. Peters* Dr. Larry R. Petersen+ Dr. Richard L. Petersen Dr. Stephen H. Petersen Dr. Truc Chi T. Pham* Dr. Joshua S. Phillips Ms. Kaylee H. Pierce Ms. Janet G. Pitts* Dr. Gene A. Plunka Dr. Daniel J. Poje* Dr. Susan L. Popham Dr. Robin S. Poston Ms. Laxmiswetha Potana* Mr. Phillip A. Poteet* Dr. Sarah Potter Mr. Sri Rajalingam Prahalathan* Ms. Susan R. Prater Dr. Chrysanthe Preza Mr. Bobby A. Prince Dr. Ernest A. Rakow Ms. Jeanine H. Rakow* Dr. Mary F. Ransdell Dr. Richard R. Ranta Dr. Kenneth Reardon Dr. Kay C. Reeves* Mr. George E. Relyea* Ms. Wendy G. Reynolds Ms. Joanne F. Rhodes* Ms. Julia M. Rhodes Ms. Mary L. Rhodes* Dr. N. Dewaine Rice* Ms. Marcia Richardson Dr. Sandra Richardson

Ms. Teresa A. Richardson Dr. Todd M. Richardson Dr. Robin R. Roach* Ms. Janet C. Robbins Ms. Paulette P. Robertson* Dr. Hoke Robinson Dr. Martha D. Robinson Ms. Tracy P. Robinson* Ms. Jaclyn S. Rodriguez* Ms. Sharon A. Roehrig Ms. Kimberly L. Rogers* Prof. David S. Romantz Ms. Alisha D. Rose Mr. Robert W. Rose* Mr. Allison I. Ross* Mr. Steven J. Ross Ms. Caroline Royal-Evans Dr. Thomas F. Rucker* Dr. Vasile Rus Dr. Wanda S. Rushing Mr. Hassan Saadat* Mr. Eric M. Sabin* Dr. Ross D. Sackett Dr. Lynda M. Sagrestano Dr. Charles A. Santo Ms. Courtney M. Santo* Ms. Katherine L. Saunders* Ms. Monique S. Savage* Dr. S. J. Schaeffer III* Ms. Michele R. Scherer Dr. Chrisann Schiro-Geist Dr. Gary F. Schneider* Mr. Daron J. Schoenrock Ms. Leila B. Schroeder* Dr. Margaret R. Schultz* Ms. Sherri L. Schwartz Mr. Galen R. Scott Ms. Margaret Ann Scott Ms. Rachel E. Scott Mr. Ryan G. Seidner* Dr. Frank W. Shaffer Jr. Mrs. Alissa Campbell Shaw Ms. Lauren M. Shelley Ms. Courtney M. Shelton Ms. Elizabeth W. Shelton* Ms. Mary S. Shepard Dr. Janann Sherman Dr. Gayle H. Shiba* Mr. James J. Shibest Mr. Timothy Shiu Dr. Sajjan G. Shiva Ms. Patricia K. Short Ms. Michele D. Shouse Dr. Bill A. Simco Ms. Madeline R. Simington Dr. Judith C. Simon Dr. Paul S. Simone Jr.* Mr. H. Wayne Simpkins Ms. Kay Sims Mr. James E. Singleton Dr. Omar Skalli Dr. Arwin D. Smallwood Ms. Janette Y. Smith* Ms. Jeanette G. Smith Ms. Karen M. Smith Dr. Kevin H. Smith Ms. Ruth Stolarick-Smith* Dr. William T. Smith II Ms. Holly L. Snyder* Ms. Laura H. Snyder* Dr. Steven D. Soifer Mr. Scott C. Southall* Ms. Jenci Spradlin Mr. Robert P. Stalder


* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. Beau B. Staples* Ms. Katie R. Stella Ms. Cynthia F. Stephens Ms. Sherri G. Stephens* Dr. Stanley E. Stevens Jr. Dr. Craig O. Stewart* Ms. Alicia V. Stires Ms. Mary Stock* Ms. Lornette W. Stokes Ms. Joy R. Stout* Mr. Louis J. Strasberg* Mr. Calvin O. Strong* Dr. Carrie Hayes Sutter Dr. Thomas R. Sutter Dr. Richard J. Sweigard Dr. George H. Swihart Dr. Stephen E. Tabachnick Dr. Sunghee H. Tak Dr. Irvin L. Tankersley* Dr. Robert R. Taylor Ms. Ora L. Taylor-Strowder* Ms. Susan C. Te Paske Mr. Steven A. Terry Ms. Kathleen A. Terry-Sharp Ms. Connie E. Thiemonge Ms. Elizabeth G. Thomas* Dr. Nicole L. Thompson Ms. Rachael F. Thompson Dr. William J. Thompson Ms. Karen Thurmond Ms. Inez L. Todd Dr. Deborah P. Tollefsen Ms. Beverly A. Tsacoyianis Dr. Jeremy M. Tubbs* Ms. Kathy A. Tuberville* Dr. Cynthia G. Tucker Ms. Destin B. Tucker* Ms. Debra M. Turner Ms. Kenisha M. Udell* Mr. Daniel J. Vacanti Ms. Pamela M. Valentine Dr. Roy B. VanArsdale Ms. Susan K. Van Dyck* Ms. Rebecca A. Vandyck-Laumann* Ms. Bridget P. VanLandeghem Mr. James A. Vest* Mr. Vance R. Vice Ms. Alexandra Victor Ms. Joann E. Waddell* Dr. Donald I. Wagner Ms. Susan M. Wagner Dr. Adam G. Walker* Ms. Corina V. Walker Mr. Niles A. Wallace Dr. Stanley N. Walls* Dr. Yongmei Wang Dr. David J. Wark Ms. Marilyn D. Wark Ms. Lisa A. Warmath Ms. Carol S. Warren* Ms. Stormey K. Warren Ms. Ellen I. Watson Ms. Terrice E. Watson Dr. Carmen L. Weaver* Ms. Wanda D. Webb Mr. Jon Weber Dr. Karen D. Weddle-West Ms. Daphne Wei Dr. James P. Whelan* Dr. Kristina M. Whicker* Ms. Nancy S. White Ms. Shundra L. White* Mr. Christopher W. Whitehead W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Dr. Mate’ Wierdl Mr. Holmon D. Wiggins Ms. Cathy N. Wilhelm* Ms. Armie J. Williams* Mr. Carl R. Williams* Ms. Colette B. Williams Ms. LaGerra J. Williams* Dr. Ruth Williams-Hooker* Prof. James F. Williamson Dr. Robert L. Williamson* Dr. Catherine T. Wilson* Ms. Deborah F. Wilson* Dr. Jeffery L. Wilson Ms. Kimberly Wilson Mr. Robert E. Wilson Ms. Toya L. Wilson Dr. Alistair J. Windsor Ms. Leah W. Windsor* Mr. Robert F. Winn Jr.* Ms. Holly L. Withers* Dr. Mitchell M. Withers Mr. Clay A. Woemmel* Ms. Teresa Wolf Dr. Tit-Yee Wong Ms. Jacqueline Y. Woodall* Mr. Alton Woods, Jr. Ms. Martha M. Woods Ms. Katherine Wright Mr. Thomas E. Wyatt* Ms. Kay Yager Dr. Xinhua Yu Ms. Adrienne E. Zaitz Dr. Stephen A. Zanskas Mr. John B. Zawacki Mr. David G. Zettergren* Dr. Lin Zhan

GIFTS IN KIND Anonymous Donors Andy Warhol Foundation Aramark Inc. Art Center Supply Store Ms. Jaclyn L. Barnhart Mr. William Bearden Ms. Mary Belenchia Dr. Kevin Berisso Ms. Elva Bertram Big Shoulders Books Bioventus Drs. Delano and Lynette Black Robert and Lillian Montalto Bohlen Buckman Laboratories International Incorporated Dr. Richard A. Bunch Ciao Bella Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cole Corvinus Books David Lusk Gallery LLC Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Jr. Dr. Pamela R. Dennis Estate of Herbert and Arlene Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Fischer Foodline Services Incorporated dba Frank Grisanti’s Dr. Sylverna V. Ford and Mr. Louis Paris Jr. Mr. Chip Forrester Fox Ridge Pizza - Cordova Ms. Lynsey L. Freeman Susan Lawless-Glassman and Richard Glassman

Glassman Edwards Wyatt Tuttle and Cox, P.C. Ms. Katherine M. Hanna Mrs. Ann F. Harbor Mr. Norman C. Hass Ms. Anna L. Heiberg Ms. Renee D. Hodges Holiday Inn University of Memphis Holliday’s Flowers Incorporated Ms. Sherrie R. Hopper and Mr. Chett W. Hopper Mr. William S. Huff Ms. Annelle R. Huggins and Mr. Joseph F. Huggins Huntingdon College Houghton Memorial Library Intel Corporation International Double Reed Society Ghada Ismail Ms. Bettye C. Jessen Dr. David M. Kemme Ms. Karen Kersten Mr. Steve Knowlton La Baguette Label Vision Systems, Inc. Mr. Tarit Lim Mahaffey Tent and Awning Co Mr. and Mrs. James McConnell Ms. Julie L. McGee Dr. and Mrs. Randy A. McPherson Memphis in May Memphis Zoo & Aquarium Mr. Kevin W. Merriman Nature’s Earth of Memphis Peck Signs Specktacular Graphics Dr. Terry Hill Pickett Mr. Arthur Pinkerton Mr. David L. Pool Portable Technology Solutions Dr. Todd M. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robilio Mr. Steven J. Ross Ms. Valeria A. Roy Mr. Charlie Scheel Ms. Rachel E. Scott Ms. June S. Smith Smithsonian Institution Ms. Cynthia F. Stephens Dr. George H. Swihart Tennessee Preservation Trust Luke Thara and Elizabeth Thara The Church Historian’s Press Ms. Bettye Jo Thrash Ms. Beverly A. Tsacoyianis Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Tubbs University of Maryland University of Miami UofM Tiger Printing & Graphic Services Dr. Cheng-Hsuan Wu

COLUMNS SOCIETY The Columns Society is a means by which the University of Memphis acknowledges those who have the vision, foresight and generosity to include the University in their planned and estate giving. Membership is open to donors who have made provisions for the University of Memphis Foundation through any variety of estate planning options. We acknowledge those listed below for this longterm critical support. Anonymous Donors+ Mr. Chris E. Adams+ and Ms. Amelia A. Adams Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr. Ms. Eleanor S. Appling+ Mr. Robert C. Appling+ and Ms. Eleanor E. Appling Ms. JoAnn R. Ashley Mr. and Mrs. J. Olin Atkins Ms. Martha Baber+ Mr. Sam Loeb Bacherig Jr.+ and Ms. Kathy Bacherig Mr James O. Bacon+ Charles+ and Phyllis Bailey+ Mr. and Mrs. George D. Barnes Mr. Paul W. Barret Jr.+ (Trust) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Bearden Ms. Eva Bernhardt+ Ms. Clair S. Berry Emile and Carole Bizot Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bland Jr. Mr. Michael R. Bookhout Mr. David Bornblum+ Ms. Jean M. Bradfield+ Mr. Willie L. Branim Sr.+ and Ms. Delphia C. Branim Mr. Raymond A.+ and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher+ Mr. James T. Bridges+ Dr. Edward J. Brovarski and Dr. Deloryse J. Nord Dr. Jane Warne Brown Dr. Joe L. Brown II Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Brown+ Mr. Herman G. Burgess+ Mr. Bill Eugene Burk+ Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett Mr. Jerry R. Bussey Mr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Carrier+ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cesani Dr. S. Wayne Chamberlin Mr. Ken Chipley Ms. D. Ann Cicala Ms. Sara S. Clemons Mr. Eugene D. Cline+ Robert and Paula Collins Ms. Jeanette Cooley Dr. Susanne B. Darnell

Ms. Carla G. Davis Ms. Esther K. Davis+ Mr. Kelly O. Davis Ms. Frances Marie Dean+ Ms. Catherine C. Decker Mr. and Mrs. Lester K. Diamond Robert and Deana Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Bill Donigan+ Philip Francis Donovan* Ms. Marcia A. Duckworth Mr. William B. Dunavant Jr. Ms. Sara Eaton+ John and Valerie Elkington Ms. Josephine O. Elosua Mr. L. Brad Evans and Ms. Caroline Royal-Evans Ms. Janie Evans Dr. W. Harry Feinstone+ Mr. Edward S. Felsenthal Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman and Dr. Ross D. Sackett Mr. Robert C. Fite+ Mr. Thomas C. Fleet Jr.+ Dr. and Mrs. Julian G. Fleming+ Ms. Laurie Petrick Flynn Mr. Scott A. Forman Mr. Daniel O. Forrester Sr.+ and Ms. Betty T. Forrester Mr. Bryan D. Fox Mr. James H. Frazier Mr. Harry M. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fristick Jr. Ms. Joyceann Gardner Dr. Lois N. Gilbert+ Dr. Charles R. Goodpasture+ Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Graesser Mr. Mickey G. Granger Mr. Joe Grills Ms. Mildred F. Grooms+ Ellen Elaine Kayser Haas Trust Mr. and Mrs. William O. Hagerman Mr. J. Frank Hall Jr. CDR and Mrs. Michael S. Harber Mr. Jabie S. Hardin Jr.+ and Ms. Helen E. Hardin+ Mr. Michael Harless Jackie Jensen Hart and Ron Hart Mr.+ and Mrs. James E. Harwood III Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Hiatt Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bernard Hill+ Hill Clayton Trust Mr. Sigmund F. Hiller+ Mr. Joe D. Hinson+ Ms. Elaine C. Hoffman+ Ms. Janice M. Holder Dr. Jack W. Holt+ Dr. Jane H. Hooker Mr. Daniel W. Hooper Mr. Emmett House+ Dr. Charles H. Hubbert Mr. and Mrs. William L. Huettel Sr. Mr. William S. Huff Dr. John G. Hughes+ Mr. Edward G.+ and Mrs. Bernice A. Humphreys+ Ms. Florence V. Illing+ Ms. Barbara I. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman Jr. Ms. Kathryn E. James Mr. Don S. Jamison Ms. Janet T. Jennings Ms. Lela Almarita Johnson*+



* Alumni + Deceased

Ms. Ruth F. Johnson+ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Johnson Jr. Mr. Stanley H. Justis+ Dr. James C. Kasperbauer Mr. Guy M. Kennedy Mr. Guy T. Kennedy+ Eloise Kimmelman Foundation Ms. Delores Kinsolving Ms. Virginia H. Klettner Major and Mrs. Walter J. Klimek Mr. S. L. Kopald Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kraker Mr. and Mrs. Burns Landess Mr. and Mrs. Lester Larimer III+ Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lawler+ Mr. and Mrs. F. Lin Lawrence Dr. Douglas C. Lemmon+ Ms. Elsie M. Ligh Ms. Celia Lightman+ Gail and James Link Dr. George G.+ and Barbara Lipsey Ms. Sue Ann Lipsey and Mr. Bernard A. Lipsey Mr. Cole W. Litton+ Mr. and Mrs. Barlow T. Mann Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. William E. Mashburn Ms. Barbara B. Matheson+ Mr. Harvey F. Maxwell Sr. Dr. Sheryl and Mr. Mark Maxwell Dr. W. Theodore May+ Mr. John McCallen+ Ms. Ruthie McCallen Ms. Judith K. McCown Col. and Mrs. James K. McCurdy+ Mr. A. Stephen McDaniel Ms. Glenda Huey McDaniel Mr. Bill McKinnie Ms. Shanti McKinnie Randy and Lisa McKnight Mr. Robert M. McRae Jr.+ and Mrs. Louise McRae+ Ms. Tina B. McWhorter Ms. Marisa M. Meeks and Mr. D. Michael Meeks+ Dr. Maurice I. Mendel and Dr. Lisa L. Mendel Mr. Roy G. Mersch+ Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Olin F. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Morgan Morton Ms. Susan Bailey Moss Ms. Sharon R. Murdock Professor William J. Murnane Jr.+ Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Murphree Dan H. and Vicki S. Murrell Dr. Patricia H. Murrell Mr. Jay B. Myers Harry and Jane Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Nolan Ms. Kathryn M. Norstrom Ms. Trudy A. Noyes+ Mr Richard M Nunnally+ Eunice and Edward Ordman Mr. Mac E. Ozier+ Hal and Betty Padgett Mr. Larry W. Papasan Dr. Lloyd D. Partridge+ Mr. David Patrick and Ms. Jeannie Moffatt Mr.+ and Mrs. John B. Peyton Mr. Dion G. Pogson


Ms. Dorothy B. Kay Price Mr. Bobby A. Prince Mr. and Mrs. John B. Raiford Jr. Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady Mr. James F. Rand Dr. John H. Rand Ms. Flora Hayes Rawls+ Mr. Oscar Edwin Reece+ Mr. William R. Reed Jr. Ms. Geraldene D. Reynolds Bernadette and Kyle Rice Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Richardson Dr. John W. Richardson Jr.+ Mrs. Robert G. Ring Ms. Elma N. Roane+ The Honorable Kay and Victor Robilio Mr. Jeff Roth Ms. Laura Rowland Ms. Virginia A. Rust+ Mr. Carl Sanders Jr. Dr. Helen M. Sawyer Ms. Katherine B. Sevedge+ Dr. Naseeb Shaheen+ Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sharpe Sr.+ Ms. Karen B. Shea Mr. John S. Shepherd Dr. Janann Sherman Ms. Mary E. Sherman Mr. William O. Shults Dr. Nancy D. Simco Mr. M. Hayes Smith Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Omar E. Smith Jr. Mr. Arthur C. Smith+ Mr. M. Hayes Smith Jr. Dr. W. Byron Smith Mr. James R. Smoot+ Dr. Allen and Mrs. Hope H. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Spain Dr. James N. and Emily C. Speakman Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Stafford Dr. Louis Charles Stagg Mrs. Mary Casner Stagg Ms. Mary Alice Stagner+ Drs. Bobbie and Jim Staley Mr. Robert L. Stephens Ms. Harriet W. Stern+ Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stokes Jr. Ms. Deborah L. Talbot Ms. Celia H. Terry+ Estate of Edith B. Thomas+ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Thomas+ Dr. Wayland A. Tonning+ Dr. Robert E. Tooms Mr. Donald R. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Traicoff Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Turetzky Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Turner Mike and Norma Turnipseed Ms. Sandra B. Van Velsor Mr. Richard C. Vaughn Ms. Pearl Wales+ Mr. Thomas L. Wallace Sr. Dr. Robert R. Waller Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Warder Jr. Ms. Nancy R. Warrick+ Mr. William H. Watkins Jr. Ms. Ellen I. Watson Mr. Con T. Welch+ Alison Weld and Charles Russell Ms. Elizabeth Hall Weymers+ Jim and Gina Wiertelak Estate of Fletcher Earl Wilkinson+


Ms. Carol B. Williams+ Prof. James F. Williamson Mr. Calvin M. Wills Jr.+ Mr. C. Kemmons Wilson Sr.+ Mr. William C. Wilson+ Ms. Cornelia Littlejohn Wolfe+ Mr. James H. Woodbury+ Harry and Ruth Woodbury+ Ms. Emmie B. Woodward+ Ms. Jocelyn D. Wurzburg Dr. Lawrence and Ms. Sarah J. Wynn*+ Mr. Robert W. Yates Mr. John L. Zoccola Ms. Jane E. Zussman+

$500 to $999 Anonymous Donor* Mr. Daniel F. Acciani Jr.* Ms. Amelia A. Adams* Mr. Larry L. Adams* Kay and Michael Allen* Ms. Jessica P. Alsobrook and Mr. G. Robert Alsobrook Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Arkin* Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Arnold* Ms. Annette Askew Mr. and Mrs. J. Olin Atkins* Ms. Mary B. Ausbrooks* Mr. Larry W. Babb* Mr. Robert E. Bailey* Ms. Claire Barnett* Dr. and Mrs. John W. Baur* Ms. Rebecca B. Beal* Dr. Daniel S. Beasley and Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley* Mr. Albert R. Biggs* Mr. Van E. Boals* Suzanne F. Boda and George W. Grindahl Ms. Wight F. Boggs* Mr. Daniel J. Bonnet* Ms. Linda H. Bonnin Dr. Maria F. Botelho Mr. and Mrs. Blake W. Bourland Dr. J. Hays Brantley and Mrs. Judith S. Brantley* Dr. Charles W. Bray Ms. Kathryn A. Brinson* Mr. R. Grattan Brown Jr. Mr. Charles H. Bryant Ms. Sybil B. Bryant* Larry and Angela Bunch* Carol and Paul Calame* Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Caldwell* Ms. Mary Ann M. Camp* Ms. Mary K. Chapleau* Dr. John E. Cicala* The Honorable Stephen I. Cohen* Mr. James P. Cole Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Collins* Mr. Pace D. Cooper Sherry and Terry Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Crowder Jr.* Ms. Eleanor B. Currie Ms. Wendy S. Dabbous* Ms. Carol H. Daniel* Dr. Debora C. Daniel* Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Jr.* Dr. Pamela R. Dennis* Mr. David K. Deterding and Ms. Mary K. Lovan*

Ms. Carolyn J. Dickens* Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Dickens Ms. Julie Dill Dr. Stewart E. Dismuke Dr. Earle Donelson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dora, Sr. Mr. James Dora Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Winfield C. Dunn* Drs. Elizabeth M. and Randolph T. Dupont* Dr. Larry W. Dupree* Dr. and Mrs. James D. Eason Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ellis* Lendon and Sean Ellis* Ms. Josephine O. Elosua Mr. Michael E. Elsner* Ms. Jennifer A. Esposito* Mr. and Mrs. Pat Farley Ms. Rebecca M. Fiechtl* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Franklin Carol and Harry Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Ganoung* Ms. Jennifer Gaspari Luther and Dot Gause Mr. Richard B. Gossum Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gratzek* Mr. Travis D. Green* Drs. Paul Rabe and Cheryl Gunter* Ms. Janice R. Hall* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Halperin* Mr. C. George Hanson Jr.* Mrs. Ann F. Harbor* Mr. Larry J. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. David E. Harrison* Dr. Teresa A. Hartnett* Ms. Jean A. Heffernan Mr. Dennis D. Hinson Ms. Julia A. Hinson* Mr. Chadwick T. Holeman Mr. R. Thomas Horton Jr.* Dr. Kelly K. Hunt* Ms. Nancy M. Hunt Ms. F. Grace Hutchinson* Mr. W. Thomas Hutton Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hyden Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Hyland* Dr. Richard and Carol Irwin Dr. Stephanie S. and Mr. Charles B. Ivey Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Jackson* Mr. Vernon Jackson* Ms. Dawn D. James Mr. Billy A. Jeffries Jr.* Ms. Jeriann Jeffries Ms. Ann M. Jennings Mr. Dwight Jeter Ms. Emilie Johnson Ms. M Annette Johnson Dr. Sigurd H. Johnson* Mr. Dennis W. Johnston* Ms. Linda N. Joseph* Mr. Jim Kastner* Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Keeney Mr. James J. Keras, Jr. Dr. William J. Kettinger Mr. and Mrs. Kendall M. Keuter* Mr. Larry S. King* Ms. Delores Kinsolving* Ms. Patsy A. Krech* Meta and Albert Laabs Dr. Dan L. Lattimore Ms. Frances K. Lawhead

Ms. Carol W. Lawler and Mr. Paul R. Lawler* Mr. Richard T. Lawson III Ms. Josephine K. Learned* Mr. Timothy R. Lee* Mr. David A. Lenz Dr. and Mrs. W. Mike Leppert* Mr. John A. Lindquist Ms. Moira J. Logan Dr. and Mrs. Miles H. Lovelace* Mr. Stephen Luttmann* Ms. Connie L. Luzwick* Mr. and Mrs. James H. Marshall Mr. Richard W. Martinell* Ms. Carolyn Bradley Matheny* Mr. Harvey F. Maxwell Sr.* Dr. Sheryl and Mr. Mark Maxwell Dr. Rosella O. McClain* and Mr. Edward McClain The Honorable Richard P. McCully* Ms. Daphene R. McFerren Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKelvy Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Sewell R. McKinney* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McKinnon* Ms. Wanda J. McShane* Ms. Tina B. McWhorter* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Medford* Mr. Logan E. Meeks Ms. Randy Meeks* Ms. Sherry K. Meeks* J. C. Moraja Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. L. Morgan* Mr. William J. Morris* Mr. James M. Morse Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mueller Mr. Larry H. Nance* Dr. William T. Neumann* Mr. Anthony Norris Ms. Deborah A. Northcross* Mr. Robert Ori The Honorable Roger A. Page* Ms. Tommie Pardue* Jim and Marcella Payne Dr. Janice P. Pazar* Ms. Linda K. Peppers Mr. Austin C. Perry* Sherry and Johnn Perry* Mr. Robert R. Peters* Mr. Arville B. Phillips* Mr. Richard A. Piretti Ms. Karen L. Plaster* Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Poje* Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Polden Mr. David L. Pool* Ms. Frances J. Porter Mr. Charles W. Poss* Mr. Richard S. Powelson* Mr. Rick Pride Ms. Judy Thomas Rabinowitz* Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady Ms. Monica N. Rawson* Spectra Energy Partners Ms. Deborah M. Rios Ms. Ashley J. Robinson Mr. Ronnie Robinson, Jr. Mr. Carroll L. Ross* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ross-Spang* Ms. Laura Rowland* Mr. Patrick Ruckh Mr. and Mrs. Joshua R. Russell* Ms. Sara T. Savell* Ms. Marianne Schadrack


Dr. Chrisann Schiro-Geist and Mr. John J. Conway Sr. Ms. Lorayne Scott Mr. and Mrs. John W. Selkirk Ms. Elizabeth Seminara Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shannon Jr.* Ms. Mary L. Sharp* Louie and Linda Sheppard Ms. Mona L. Sides* Dr. Nancy D. Simco Mrs. Tona Jackson Simpson and Mr. Randy Simpson* Ms. Teresa C. Sloyan* Dr. and Mrs. David L. Smalley* Dr. Amanda D. Smith* Ms. Valerie L. Smith* Mr. Gene Spires* Mr. Chad E. Stewart* Ms. Julie A. Stewart Dr. and Mrs. M. Todd Stewart* Mr. Tommy Stewart Ms. Jean A. Stowe* Mr. Gaines P. Sturdivant Ms. Anne A. Swank* Mr. Darol L. Swords* Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tagg Jr.* Mrs. Nancy L. Tashie and Mr. James D. Tashie* Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Taylor* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Taylor Ms. Connie E. Thiemonge Mr. Bracton Thoma* Mr. Jeremy M. Thompson* Mr. Jon K. Thompson Mr. Samuel B. Thompson Jr.* Mr. David B. Tobin* Ms. Anne O. Tomasso* Dr. Joseph R. Tomasso Jr.* Dr. Jennifer L. Troyer* and Mr. John R. Teague Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Tsurusaki* Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Tubbs* Mr. Clement B. Turner Mr. George T. Waddoups* Dr. Jane Walters* Ms. Barbara June Wamble Margie and Daniel Ward Dr. Frederick L. Ware* Ms. Katherine C. Warren Dr. Karen D. Weddle-West Dr. Mary M. Weiner* Ms. Elizabeth A. Weintraub* Jeff and Melody Weintraub* Mr. Nick Wells* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Wells Mr. Derek T. West* Mr. and Mrs. Steve West* The Honorable and Mrs. A. C. Wharton Jr. Mr. John A. Wilkinson* Mr. Brian J. Willett* Ms. Julia S. Williams* Mr. Timothy Joel Williams* Prof. and Mrs. James F. Williamson* Dr. Amanda P. and Mr. Tommy G. Winter* Mr. Alan R. Wolfe* Ms. Joyce G. Wolfe* Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wood* Dr. Michael C. Wooten* Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Yarmowich* Dr. Joshua J. Zhao* Mr. and Mrs. James M. Zotkiewicz* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

$250 to $499 Dr. Manohar Aggarwal Dr. and Mrs. William L. Akey* Ms. Maria Alam Ms. Jill E. Albright Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Allen* Ms. Tanya Alles Dr. and Ms. Ben Amaba Mr. Keith R. Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. S. Newton Anderson* Mr. Robert Anno Dr. Morgan D. Arant Jr. Dr. Dot Arata Mr. and Mrs. John H. Arends Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Armitage* Ms. Elizabeth F. Arndt* and Mr. Michael Arndt Ms. Penny M. Aronson* Ms. Katherine V. Atkinson* Ms. Nancy W. Averwater* Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Averyhart Sr.* Mr. Matthew S. Bailey* Ekundayo O. Bandele Mr. Thomas E. Banning* Ms. Beth A. Barnes* Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Beahm* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Bearden* Dr. Barbara K. Bekis* Ms. Martha J. Bennett* Ms. Diane Benson* Dr. Kevin Berisso Ms. Paula C. Bethge Mr. Venkata N. Bhaireddy* Mr. Gregory P Bilinski Mr. Ozzie L. Binion* Dr. Dennis D. Black* Dr. Stephanie Blaisdell Ms. Cherry L. Blanton Dr. Beverly G. Bond and Mr. Geraldus Bond* Mr. and Mrs. P. Robert Boone* Mr. Kevin C. Bourquin* Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bradford* Dr. Linda R. Brice* Dr. Carol A. Britson* Mr. Scott A. Brockman Dr. Keri V. Brondo Mr. Meryl C. Broussard Sr. Mr. Mitchell J. Brown* Ms. Sarah L. Brown* Mr. Guy Buckley Mr. Charles A. Bukauskas* Daniel and Amanda Bureau Mr. Donald L. Burnett* Dr. Thomas D. Byl and Mrs. JoAnn Byl* Ms. Caroline C. Caldwell* Robert and Mary Ann Capocaccia* Mr. Martin and Dr. Gloria Carr Dr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carson Mr. Stephen D. Carter* Mr. Thomas L. Carter* Rick and Paula Chaffin Cyril and Alice Chang* Dr. and Mrs. B. Todd Chappell* Mr. Randall K. Cherry* Mr. Wilson Chiu* Ms. Carolyn N. Rosson and Mr. Leigh W. Christophersen* Ms. Katherine A. Christy*

Capt. Benjamin B. Clancy* Mr. James L. Clark* McKay Dockery Clark* Mr. Larry C. Clay Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cocke* Ms. Linda S. Cody* Mr. Ray Cole Ms. Carol C. Coletta* Dr. Robert Patrick Connolly Mr. Dennis G. Cooper* Ms. Jennifer R. Cordero* Mr. Chris A. Cornaghie* Dr. and Mrs. David N. Cox* Dr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Crawford Ms. Mary L. Crawford* Ms. Audrey K. Croley* Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrew Crone Mr. Metcalf Crump Mr. Dorral P. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Earl C. Davis The Honorable and Mrs. William H. Davis* Mr. and Mrs. Houston D. Davis* Mr. Kelly O. Davis* Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Davis* Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Davis Jr.* The Honorable William H. Davis* Ms. Tammy R. DeGroff Ms. Renee S. DeGutis* Mr. George S. Dendrinos* Cheri and Darrin Devault* Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Dickerson* Dr. Bonnie T. Dill Robert and Deana Dodds* Dr. Charlene L. Donovan* Mr. Arnold R. Dormer* Ms. Barbara M. Doss* Mr. Gary B. Douglas* Mr. William C. Drummond Mr. John P. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. James H. Duke* Mr. Thao M. Duong Ms. Gabrielle N. Dycus* Mr. Paul M. Eisenberg* Ms. Penny Estes Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Everett Ms. Teresa Exum* Dr. William D. Falvey and Ms. Emily R. Woodside Mr. Thomas C. Farnsworth Jr. Ms. Kay E. Farrish* Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Felsenthal* Mr. Robert J. Fink Mr. Timothy J. Finnell* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Fischer* Mr. Martin H. Fishman Dr. Larry W. Fite* Mr. Joseph G. Fitzgerald* Mr. Jeffrey K. Fleishmann* Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Fletcher* Ms. Hailey B. Fong Mr. Nicky A. Fong* Mr. Barry L. Frager* Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Franceschetti* The Honorable and Mrs. Isaac S. Freeman* Dr. Nolan T. Gaffney* Dr. Shaun Gallagher Mr. Kurt H. Garber* Mr. Darin S. Gerlach* Mr. Eric Gibson Ms. Deborah K. Golden*

This scholarship has helped me so much financially and it has validated all the sacrifices and hard work I have put in over the last few years. It continually motivates me to fight through the struggles and be thankful for the support. Meelad Hanna, Law P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


This scholarship builds a bridge to my dreams and passions. Thank you. Steevon Hunter, Law



Nick and Pamela Gotten Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grafenreed III* Dr. Anne Bartolucci and Mr. Jason S. Graham Ms. Patricia L. Hooks Gray Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Green* Rabbi Micah D. Greenstein Mr. and Mrs. Elbert K. Grimes Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Grinder* Ms. Sharon F. Guffin* Mr. Thomas L. Guffin* Dr. John R. Haddock Mr. Jeffery L. Hall* Ms. Rose S. Hall* Ms. Jo-Ann Hammons Mr. Jeffrey W. Hanley* Dr. Esther A. Harbert* Dr. Shinko K. Harper and Mr. Kevin J. Harper* Mr. Gerard L. Harts* Mr. S. Floyd Harvey III Mr. Michael W. Harwood* Mr. Todd Hauptli Ms. Debra A. Haynes* Ms. Tammy Hedges and Mr. Jim Green Ms. Susan A. Helms and Dr. Richard Helms* Ms. Verlinda J. Henning* Ms. Leslie L. Herman* Ms. Alice Pettigrew Heywood* Mr. Hugh O. Higginbotham Jr.* Mr. Henry Robbins and Ms. Danielle Hillman* Mrs. Eileen M. Hinders* Lt. Col. Benjamin P. Hobday* Mr. Ronald J. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horsey* Dr. Xiangen Hu Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huff* Mr. Charles W. Huffstetler Ms. Helen Humber* Ms. Joan Hunold The Honorable Rhynette N. Hurd* Ms. Cynthia F. Hurst* Mr. Roger D. Iles* Mr. Anthony B. Johnson* Mr. Richard E. Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Johnson Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Jones* Dr. Alina F. Jukkola* Mr. and Mrs. David C. Kabakoff* Ms. Dorothy S. Katoe* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Katz* Mr. Thomas G. Kennon III* Ms. Anna Khokhlova Mr. Daniel E. King* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. King Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Koch Mr. Shobhan Koneru* Mr. David R. Kopald* Mr. Richard Kozel* Prof. William P. Kratzke Ms. Reva M. Kriegel* Mr. John E. Kruger* Mrs. Lisa J. Krull Nancy and Brian Kuhn* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Kuntzman Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kustoff* Dr. Nancy G. Kutner Mr. William J. Lamkin* Mr. John C. Landman Dr. Craig J. Langstraat

The Honorable Robert A. Lanier* Barbara and George Lapides* Mr. Lonnie E. Latham* Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Latimer* The Honorable Dr. Jennie D. Latta and Dr. James Burr Latta* Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lea* Mr. Stephen B. Lewis* Dr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lipinski Ms. Sue Ann Lipsey and Mr. Bernard A. Lipsey* Ms. Bertha R. Looney* Dr. Christopher Lornell* Mr. Matt Lowe* Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lupfer Mr. and Mrs. Jamal M. Mansour* Ms. Mary Mansour* Dr. Jeffrey G. Marchetta* Mr. James R. Marineau Jr.* Ms. Anne B. Mathes* Dr. Stephen T. McClain* Dr. Barbara S. and Mr. W. Richard McClanahan* Ms. Glenda Huey McDaniel* Mr. and Mrs. C. Phillip McDow* Mr. Robert G. McEniry Mr. and Mrs. Doug McGowen* Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McIvor Jr.* Ms. Toni Tate McLauren* Mr. Sidney L. McLemore* Dr. Larry McNeal Dr. and Mrs. Randy A. McPherson* Dr. Nancy C. Mele Mr. G. David Milam* Dr. Marie A. Milam and Mr. Thomas Jerome Milam* Mr. Bruce E. Miller* Dr. Sanjay R. Mishra Chuck and Delia Molinski* Mr. and Mrs. John E. Monroe III* Mr. Charles L. Moore Jr.* Mr. Benjamin E. Morton Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Morton Jr.* Dr. Mary T. Moss* Ms. Terri Murphy Mr. Dan H. Murrell and Dr. Victoria S. Murrell* Ms. Elaine M. Musick Mr. Henry H. Myar Mr. Gregory R. Nevins* Mr. Richard E. M. Nichol Jr.* Caren and Richard Nichol Kevin L. and Susan M. Nicholas* Mr. Brett S. Norman* Ms. Bethany S. Odom* Mr. Matthew J. Odom The Honorable Rex H. Ogle* Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Olberding* Mr. Alejandro G. Ordonez* Mr. James E. Outlaw Jr.* Dr. Laura D. Owens* Ms. Necie E. Pable* Dr. Hong S. Pak* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Pallme* Dr. Linda T. Pate* Mr. Kevin G. Patterson* Mr. Todd A. Pattison Mr. Clinton O. Pearson Jr. Ms. Beverly A. Perkins* Richard and Pamela Perkins* Ms. Elizabeth L. Perry* Ms. Barbara J. Perutelli* Ms. Jackie L. Phillips

Dr. Wendell B. Phillips Jr.* Mr. Bryan Pitawanakwat* Mr. Kevin M. Poe* Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Delores Polk Ms. Rita M. Pomtree* Mr. Phillip A. Poteet* Mr. Lynn M. Pouncey* Mr. Ralph A. Prater Mr. William H. Raines* Ms. Risa D. Ramsey* Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Reardon Mr. John M. Reese* Ms. Joanne F. Rhodes* Ms. Vicki J. Rice Ms. Marcia Richardson Dr. Ona Z. Riggin* Mr. Khaled A. Rihani* Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Rittenberry* Mr. Gregory J. Rizzo Mr. William A. Roach* Ms. Shirley A. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robilio* Ms. Sarah Robinson Ms. Pamela J. Rodriguez* Ms. Charleen B. Rosebery* Mr. R. Mitchell Ross* Ms. Margaret L. Routon Ms. Emily B. Ruch* Ms. N. Janell Rudolph* Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Russell* Mr. Charles W. Rutledge* John and Katherine Ryan* Mr. and Mrs. Verties Sails Jr.* Ms. Jeanette M. Saino* Flora and Harry Samuels Ms. Monique S. Savage* Mr. Richard Scarbrough* Mr. Patrick L. Scatamacchia* Jack and Gloria Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schanck* Karl and Gail Schledwitz* Mr. Ben J. Scott Mr. William R. Seto Dr. Martha Kay Hedley Shaw* Ms. Jessica L. Shernwell* Ms. Margaret N. Sherard Ms. Mary F. Sidney* Ms. Stephanie A. Simpson* Mr. David B. Sims Jr.* Ms. Jennifer E. Sisson* Valerie and Gregg Smith* Ms. Jeanette G. Smith Mr. Jonathan H. Smith* Mr. Kenneth M. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Southall* Ms. M. Gail Spruill* Mr. Terry R. Standridge* Ms. Claudine Stansbury* Ms. Lucy B. Stansbury* Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Stansbury Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Stark* Ms. Katie R. Stella Ms. Cynthia F. Stephens Ms. Jeni Stephens Mr. David T. Stern Ms. Joan M. Stewart* Mr. Robert R. Stickney Mr. Raymond R. Stitle Ms. Dorothy A. Stockdale* Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Strasberg* Ms. Mary C. Strench* Mr. Calvin O. Strong* Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Stubbs*


* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. Royce L. Sullivan* Dr. Carrie Hayes Sutter and Dr. Thomas R. Sutter Ms. Dywuana M. Sykes* Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Tackett* Mr. Lyndon C. Taylor Ms. Karen Thurmond Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Tracy* Ms. Rorie N. Trammel* CDR Edgar S. Trotter Jr.* Ms. Kathy A. Tuberville* Mr. Robert J. Tucker Ms. Carolyn B. Turman* Ms. Debra M. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Vacanti Ms. Deborah L. Van Sickle* Ms. Margaret E. Vance* Mr. Brian D. Vanderheyden and Ms. Blair C. Taylor* Ms. Brenda B. Vanderslice* Mr. and Mrs. James L. Vaughn* Paul and Shara Vigil* Dr. and Mrs. R. Meade Walker* Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wanderstock* Mr. C. B. Ward* Mr. William H. Watkins III* Ms. Gloria M. Webb* Mr. Paul T. Webb* Ms. Angela S. Weems* The Honorable Harry W. Wellford Ms. Shea S. Wellford* Ms. Bettie C. Welsh* Ms. Mary Agnes Welsh* Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Whalum Jr.* Mr. Louis K. Wheatley* Mr. and Mrs. G. Byrne Whitehead Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Troy E. Wiegand* Dr. Freda G. Williams* Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Williams Ms. Karen P. Williams Mr. Scott Williams Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Wilson* Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Wood* Tom and Paula Wood* Mr. Wilson M. Yager* Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yelvington*

$100 to $249 Dr. Roxanne J. Aaron* Ms. Sarah S. Aaron* Mr. Donald A. Abbott* Dorothy and Mickey Ables Ms. Emily B. Abraham Ms. Valerie L. Adair* Mr. Dennis Adams Mr. and Mrs. James W. Adams Jr.* Mr. John Adams Dr. John B. Aday Jr.* Mr. John B. Adcock Esquire* Ms. Frances S. Addicott* Ms. Tiffany D. Adkins* Mr. Kelly L. Agee* Dr. SangNam Ahn Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Akers* Dr. Ralph Albanese Mr. and Mrs. Vince Alfonso Jr. Dr. Shoukath M. Ali* Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Aljets* Prof. Lee Harris and Prof. Alena Allen Dr. and Mrs. David Allen Ms. Heather L. Allen Mr. Jamison W. Allen* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Phyllis B. Allen* Ms. Suzanne S. Allen Mr. Edward J. Alrutz* Ms. Jacqueline K. Alsobrook Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Amling* Ms. Constance R. Amos* Mr. C. Richard Anderson* Ms. Roberta T. Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Andreas* Mr. Clayton Andrews Ms. Susan M. Andrews* Ms. Jeanne Anstey* Mr. David M. Anthony* Mr. Edwin P. Antoniak Jr. Dr. Kenn Apel* Mr. Alfred Apodaca* Ms. Eleanor E. Appling Ms. Susan P. Armacost Ms. Cowanetta Armstrong Rev. John L. Armstrong* Forrest and Melinda Artz Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Askew* Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Askew* Ms. Hanan Assfoura* Dr. Truman T. Atkins* Ms. Joy Austin-Files Ms. Shante K. Avant Scott and Tina Ayers* Dr. and Mrs. Emin Babakus Ms. Margaret H. Bach* Mr. Raymond G. Bader* Mr. Javier M. Bailey* Mr. and Mrs. Rashad A. Bailey* Ms. Stacy A. Bailey* Mr. Anthony F. Baird* Ms. Judy C. Baird* Ms. Beverly A. Baker* Ms. Claudia M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Baker* Mr. Kerry A. Baker* Mr. Robert D. Baker* John and Rebecca Bakke* Mr. Jai Balasubramanian Ms. Peggy F. Ball* Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Ballin* Dr. Harold R. Bancroft Mr. Vijay Bandaru* Dr. Patrik Banerjee Mr. and Mrs. John G. Bannister* Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barbarek Mr. John F. Barbee Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barden* Ms. Elgie W. Barfield* Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Barkley* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barksdale Jr.* Lt. Col. Lorraine Barlett* Ms. Nan Barlow* LCDR DeEtta L. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Barnes* Ms. Amani P. Barnett* Mr. Joseph T. Barnett Mr. Russell A. Barnett* Ms. Martha H. Barta* Mr. James C. Bartels Dr. Robert B. Bartlow* Ms. Amelia F. Barton* Lisa and Dan Barzel Mr. John Barzizza Ms. Wanda J. Barzizza* Mr. Jon Patrick Baskette* Pat and Margaret Baskette* Ms. Nina Mayfield Beach* Ms. Lisa D. Beasley*

Ms. MJ Becker Ms. Lee Ann Beckwith* Ms. Naomi L. Beesley Ms. Deborah L. Bell and Mr. James P. Bell* Ms. Karen A. Bell* Mr. Robert H. Benedetti* Ms. Kimberly C. Beneka* Mr. R. David Benner* Mr. Michael D. Bennett Ms. Elisabeth A. Benson* Dr. Barbara D. Benstein* Nancy and Charles Benton* Mr. Derrick J. Bernard and Ms. Eugenia L. Anderson* Ms. Donna M. Best* Ms. Beth Biez* Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Biggers* Dr. Christy J. Bingham and Mr. Mark C. Bingham* Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Bingham* Mr. Dennis J. Biodrowski* Mr. and Mrs. Madan M. Birla* Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bishop Barbara and Alan Bisno* Ms. Bonnie I. Black* Mr. Dan A. Black* Mr. Raymond W. Blackson* Dr. Christina L. Blanchard-Horan* Dr. William E. Blank* Ms. Carole C. Blankenship and Mr. Jeffrey L. Blankenship* Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Blockman* Dr. Richard Bloomer Mr. John M. Blose* Mr. Samuel J. Blustein* Dr. Bryna Bobick Ms. Paula K. Boehme* Kevin Boggs and Family Mr. Gerald A. Bohannon* Mr. Joel H. Bolger Ms. Barbara P. Bolton* Mr. Walter A. Bolton* Mr. Elias S. Bond* Mr. William D. Bond III* Ms. Zorana J. Booker* Ms. Sherrie R. Boone* Dr. and Mrs. John D. Booth Mr. Andrew D. Borg* Dr. Frank Bosco Jr.* The Honorable and Mrs. G. Harvey Boswell* Mr. Roy W. Bowery Dr. Gary L. Bowlin Ms. Shatesha J. Boyce Ms. Ann T. Boyd* Ms. Modistyne J. Boyd* Mr. Phillip J. Braden Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bradley Mr. Michael J. Bradley Mr. John P. Brand* Mr. M. Stephen Brandon* Dr. Joe Dell Brasel* Ms. Janet K. Braun* Ms. Julie M. Brauninger Mr. Stuart A. Brazile* Dr. Celeste F. Bremer Ms. Jo Shaw Bridges* Dr. Peter K. Bridson Mr. David M. Briggs* Dr. and Mrs. Lew Brinkley Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Britt III* Mr. Charles W. Britton Jr.*

Ms. Rita J. Broadway* Ms. June Deets Brollier* Mr. Jeffrey S. Brooks* Mr. Anthony R. Brown* Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Brown Jr.* Mr. David B. Brown* Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brown Ms. Judith Brown* Ms. Linda H. Brown* Mr. Marvin L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Doyal Brown* Mr. Randall H. Brown* Ms. Rebecca H. Brown* Ms. Sheri M. Brown* Mr. Steven D. Brown* Dr. Walter R. Brown Mr. Edward M. Browne* Ms. Marianne A. Broyles* Dr. and Mrs. Ray E. Bruce* Ms. Christine A. Bruenn* Mr. Paul E. Bryant Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Robert Buchalter* Ms. Elizabeth S. Buck Dr. Eugene H. Buder Mr. Brett G. Buehrer* Dr. Joel D. Bumgardner Ms. Clarice Burchfield Ms. Michelle Burchfield-Rye* Ms. Kay K. Roberson* Mr. and Mrs. Cedric J. Burgess* Ms. Lila Beth Burke Maj. Eric S. Burrage* Dr. Bert O. Burraston Bill and Katie Burrow Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bursi* Mr. and Mrs. George W. Burton* Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Busby* Mr. F. Steven Bush Mr. Rene Bustamante* Ms. Brenda K. Butler Dr. Kathy D. Butler* Ms. Leah J. Butler* Mr. Raymond P. Butler Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Randal L. Byrd* Dr. Caroline L. Cade* Ms. Darci Ann Caesar and Mr. Gregory P. Caesar* Mr. Leo D. Cage Jr.* Dr. John D. Calhoun* Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy D. Calico* Mr. Kenneth S. Callicutt* Ms. Amy T. Campbell Ms. Jennifer Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Cantrell* Mr. Billy J. Caperton* Mr. G. Coble Caperton* Roni Cappadonna Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Carney, Jr.* Mr. Gerard W. Carpenter* Ms. Georgetta Y. Carr* Ms. Elaine T. Carroll* Mr. James F. Carson Mr. Brett C. Carter Ms. Elizabeth R. Carter* Mr. James J. Carter* Ms. Linda M. Carter* Ms. Ossie W. Carter* Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cartwright* Ms. Marianne Case* Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Cash III* Ms. Pamela G. Cash Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Casteel* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Castellaw*

Ms. Colis C. Chambers* Felicia Chambers, Esq. Ms. Mahi C. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Chambers* Mr. Samuel E. Chambers* Ms. Carol G. Champion* Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Champion* Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. Chando* Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Chando Jr.* Ms. Karen J. Chapman* Ms. Martha N. Chapman* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Chapman* Ms. Alison Johnson Charles Ms. Wanda M. Cheatham* Dr. Jinqiu Chen* Steve and Joyce Cheshier* Mr. and Mrs. John J. Chiego* Mr. Edward J. Childers Jr.* Mr. Francis X. Chiozza and Ms. Mary L. Chiozza* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Chipley* Mr. Bill R. Chism* Ms. Ernestine R. Chism* Mr. Randy N. Chism* Ms. Elisabeth A. Chismark* Nancy Kaplan Chiz* Ms. Laurie Christensen* Mr. Michael O. Christoff* Dr. Valerie Y. Chu and Dr. Quentin C. Chu* Ms. Catherine M. Chubb* Dr. King-Thom Chung Ms. Eileen Cioe* Ms. Mary E. Civey* Ms. Kimberly A. Claar* Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Clapsadle* The Honorable Kathy J. Clark* Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Clark* Ms. Tricia D. Clark* Ms. Jean H. Clark* Mr. Thomas W. Clarke* Ms. Amanda L. Clarkson* Dr. Joy A. Clay Mr. Michael A. Clay Mr. Larry C. Clayton* Dr. William R. Clayton* Ms. Mimi Clemons* Ms. Sara S. Clemons* Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Clifton* Mr. Charles E. Climer Jr.* Ms. Barbara C. Clutter* Mr. Howard C. Cobbs Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cochran* Dr. Pamela A. Cogdal Ms. Frances C. Cogdill* Drs. Dalvan+ and Greta M. Coger Dr. James C. Cohen* Ms. Mary Ann Cohen Dr. Lorinda B. Cohoon Ms. Alicia Cole Ms. Viola O. Cole* Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Coleman* Mr. Matthew T. Collier* Ms. Babe J. Collins* Mr. and Mrs. David A. Collins* Mrs. Gracie H. Collins* Ms. Gwendoly R. Collins Dr. Kimberly W. and Mr. Harold B. Collins* Mr. Oliver C. Collins III* Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Paula Collins* Dr. Charles J. Colvin* Dr. Tisha S. Colvin*



* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. Prachak Comkornruecha* Ms. Lucy S. Conley* Ms. Tracey Coleman Conley and Mr. J. Lee Conley* Mr. Leroy Conway III* Ms. Ramona D. Conwell* Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cook Jr.* Mrs. Angela R. Jackson Cook and Mr. Joseph S. Cook* Ms. Julia A. Cook* Ms. Ilene Cooper Mr. William L. Cooper III* Dr. Susan L. Copeland and Mr. Rockey A. Copeland* Dr. and Mr. Steven M. Coplon* Mr. R. Dave Corbin* Mr. and Mrs. James G. Couch* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Cowles Jr. Ms. Gillian I. Cox Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Cox* Dr. Robyn M. Cox Mr. Samuel D. Cox* Ms. Mina M. Coy* Ms. Julia P. Crabb* Mr. Ray A. Craft* Dr. and Mrs. William R. Crandall* Mr. John R. Crane* Mr. Marvin L. Cranfield Drs. Darrell and Dixie Crase Mr. Charles J. Crass* Dr. Charles W. Crawford Ms. Kim D. Crawford* Ms. Anne T. Crawley Dr. and Mrs. T. Kyle Creson Jr. Mr. David B. Crislip* Mr. Darrell W. Criswell* Mr. Michael D. Crockett Mr. and Mrs. O. Pierce Crockett* Cathie and Harrel Crone* Ms. Sherry L. Crone* Mr. Jimmy L. Croom* Mr. William Cross Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Crouse* Ms. Patricia A. Crowell* Ms. Susan M. Crumby* Ms. Connie B. Cruthirds* Mr. Victor M. Cruz* Ms. Marthe M. Cumming* Mr. Barry E. Cummins Jr.* Mr. Daniel N. Cummins Jr.* Ms. Ladonnal W. Curry* Ms. Katherine R. Curtis* Ms. Mary Lou Cushing* Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Dabbs Jr.* Mr. Ronnie E. Dacus* Dr. Teresa S. Dalle and Dr. Reginald A. Dalle* Dr. Aliasghar Danesh* Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Daniel Jr.* Mr. Robert E. Daniel Jr.* Ms. Mimi S. Dann Ms. Holley C. Dargie* Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Davis* Ms. Diane D. Davis* Dr. Ellen B. Davis* Ms. Lisa A. Davis, Ph. D. Ms. Margaret E. Davis* Ms. Shirley M. Dawkins Mr. Walter L. Day* Mr. David A. DePeters Ms. Archangela M. DeSilva Drs. Jo and Jerry DeVane* Ms. Chinisha Hayes Dean*


Ms. Valerie H. Debrule* Ms. LeeAnn Fry* Mr. William T. Dees* Dr. Maria E. Delavega Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Demos* Karin and Scott Dering Mr. Frederick M. Dick II* Dr. Amy P. Dietrich* Ms. Cheryl Diggs Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Dillingham Jr.* Mr. Sheng Ding* Mr. Steven L. Dishion* Ms. Martha W. Ditto* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dixon Ms. Dianne R. Dixon* Mr. Fred Dixon* Sherman and Twyla Dixon* Mr. Gary F. Dobias* Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Dodson* Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Doering* Ms. Candy F. Donald Ms. Patsy H. Donaldson* Mr. Tunney A. Dong and Ms. Leslie A. Habenicht* Dr. and Mrs. H. James Dorman Ms. Nataliya Doroshenko Ms. Dorothy R. Dorsey* Ms. Alys Drake Mr. Andy Drake Ms. Jean T. Drew* Vivian Cesar Driscoll* Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Driver* Ms. Donna S. Droke Mr. Steven C. Droke* Mr. James F. Drummond Jr.* Mr. Michael L. Ducker Mr. David Dufour Dr. Michael R. Duke Ms. Betty J. Dulaney* Mr. John P. Dumire* Ms. Delories A. Duncan Mr. Jonathan D. Duncan Mr. R. J. Duncan* Mr. Wallace L. Duncan* Ms. Nicole B. Dunlap* Ms. Naomi P. Dunn Mr. Vance Stuart Durbin Ms. Katherine L. Durham* Ms. Susan S. Durham Mr. Gill L. Duykers* Ms. Mary F. Dwyer* The Honorable and Mrs. Timothy J. Dwyer* Dr. William O. Dwyer Mr. Bruce A. Dziedzic* Ms. Naomi Earp Dr. and Mrs. Hamel B. Eason* Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. East Sr.* Jim Easter Mr. and Mrs. E. Everett Edwards III* Mr. Steven M. Edwards* Mr. Augustine E. Egedegbe* Mr. Eric L. Elms* Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Elrod* The Honorable George W. Emerson Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Emerson* Mr. Brian D. Emery* Dr. Paula D. Engles* Ms. Karen J. English* Mrs. Sue S. Enneis and Mr. William H. Enneis Jr.*


Ms. Doreen E. Enns* Mr. and Mrs. Corey Epps* Ms. Janet Thorpe Estey* Mr. Jim Ethridge Dr. and Mrs. John E. Evans* Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Evans Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen Exelbierd* Dr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Fagan Mr. Greg M. Fair Ms. Joyce B. Fannin Dr. Judith A. Faris* The Honorable David R. Farmer* Mr. Charles R. Fausey* Mr. James T. Fee and Ms. Patsy K. Fee* Dr. Sammy L. Felton* Mr. Charles A. Ferryman* Ms. Sharon W. Fewell* Ms. Susanne T. Field* Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Finney* Mr. John W. Fischer Jr.* Ms. Peggy R. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Fitzgerald* Mr. Walter L. Fitzgerald Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Flack* Ms. Elizabeth W. Flanagan* Mr. Daniel L. Flatt* Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Flatt* Ms. Lea A. Flatt* Ms. Sandra C. Flatt* Dr. Belinda D. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fleming Mr. Michael G. Floyd, Esq. Dr. and Mrs. Randy G. Floyd Ms. Kathy Fly* Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Fly* Ms. Laurie Petrick Flynn* Mr. and Mrs. T. Clyde Ford* Mr. William H. Ford Jr.* Ms. Betty T. Forrester* Ms. Brenda E. Fortney Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dossett Foster* Ms. Anna Karen Foutes* Mr. Arthur M. Fowler II* Ms. Beverly M. Frank* Dr. Harry A. Frank* Mr. and Mrs. David L. Franklin* Ms. Desiree M. Franklin* Mr. Sidney M. Franklin* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Fratini* Mr. William O. Frazier III* Mr. Gene R. Frederic II* Mr. Michael J. Fredi* Mr. James W. Freeman* Ms. Tiffany D. Freeman* Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Freund* Beverly and Ben Froelich Dr. Carol S. Fruchtman Ms. Elizabeth R. Fudge* Lt. Col. (ret) Wayne L. Fuller* Mr. Kenneth D. Fullerton Ms. Joan H. Fullwood* Ms. Ingrid S. Fulmer* Ms. J. Lynette Gabryluk* Dr. Donna Martin Gambill* Mr. Subramaniam Ganesan* Ms. Kathryn M. Garibaldi* Dr. Neal W. Garner* Mr. and Mrs. Billy H. Garrett Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett Ms. Ruby Garrett Mr. Joseph P. Garrone* Dr. T. Kent Gartner

Ms. Yolanda Garza Mr. Lee Gaston Leesa and Pat Gavin* Lucian and Amy Geise* Ms. Elizabeth A. Gentzler* Dr. Ebenezer O. George Ms. Patricia G. Geshke* Anne and Frank B. Gianotti III Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Gibbons* Dr. Donald R. Gibson* Marsh and Anne Gibson Mr. Robert J. Gildea Jr.* Dr. Mark L. Gillenson Ms. Jane D. Gillespie* Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gilmer* Ms. Catherine S. Ginn* Mr. Billy G. Glasgow* Mr. John H. Glass* Mr. Gregory W. Glenn Ms. Joyce H. Glenn* Dr. John D. Glover* Mr. Thomas L. Glover* Ms. Karen A. Gloyer* Marilyn and Stewart Gloyer* Dr. and Mrs. John E. Gnuschke* Ms. Bettye J. Goddard* Ms. Shelly Goebel Ms. Katherine J. Goliver Mr. Chaohui Gong* Mr. Jeffrey B. Goodman Mary and Jack Goodman Mr. Paul F. Goodman* Mr. Wallace E. Goodwin* The Honorable Thomas C. Gott* Mr. Charles Chris Grace* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chris Grace* Ms. Monique Graf-Castellaw* Ms. Leslie D. Graff Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Graham Ms. Letha R. Granberry* Dr. Angela G. Grant Ms. Elizabeth M. Grant* Mrs. Laura B. Graves Mr. Charles E. Gray Mr. John E. Greaud Dan and Betty Green* Mr. Johney B. Green Jr.* Mr. Shawn E. Green* Ms. Madalyn Scott Greenwood* Mr. James F. Greer* Mr. R. Larry Greer* Mr. David A. Greganti* Dr. Anna W. Grehan and Dr. Arthur L. Grehan II* Ms. Gloria Greiner-Callihan* Ms. Monica Greppin-Watts* Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Griffin Mr. William T. Griffin Jr. Ms. Donna C. Grisham* Mr. Ronny L. Grisham Mr. Michael J. Grommersch* Dr. Rajiv Grover Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Gruenewald II* Ms. Pamela M. Guasco* Mr. Maurice K. Guinn* Ms. Dorris Shelton Gulley* Joloreal Guy Mr. David T. Guyton Jr.* Mr. Douglas E. Gwin Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hadaway* Mr. David A. Hager* Ms. Patricia A. Haggard*

Mr. Ellis L. Haguewood* Armie and Jo Anna Haines Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hair* Ms. Ann M. Hall* Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon S. Hall* Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hall* Ms. Kelley J. Hall* Mr. Mitchell M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. M. Ronald Halpern* Mr. James G. Hamm* Ms. Roy Ellen Hammann* Mr. Gilbert A. Hammond* Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Hamrick Sr.* Mr. Michael L. Hancock* Mr. Edward W. Hankins Mr. Jeffrey C. Hannah* Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Hanover* Mr. Hakan J. Hansson* Dr. Jerry L. Harber* CDR and Mrs. Michael S. Harber* Dr. Heiko Harborth Ms. Betty H. Hardy* Dr. Donna S. Harkness and Mr. Furniss B. Harkness* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Harman* Ms. Carrie L. Harris* Mr. Edmond C. Harris Prof. Lee Harris and Prof. Alena Allen Mr. Robert L. Harris* Ms. Willetta M. Harris* Ms. Janet Harris-Smith* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hartney* Ms. Marianne R. Hartquist* Ms. Mary E. Harvey* Ms. Betty W. Hassell* Ms. Christine C. Hasselle* Mr. and Mrs. Monty D. Hatcher Mr. Arthur H. Hathaway* Mr. Michael J. Haugh* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Haughney* Ms. Deborah V. Haughton* Ms. Bernadette W. Hawkins* Mr. O. Mason Hawkins Mr. Dwight Hawks* Mr. James A. Hay Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hayes* Ms. Sharon L. Hayes Mr. Jim Haynes Ms. Holly B. Hazlett Mr. and Mrs. Paula and Cecil Hearn* Mr. Kenneth P. Hearn* Ms. Beverly D. Hedgepeth* Dr. Julia Wick Heerding* Mr. John J. Heflin III Mr. Robert Q. Heglund Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Henderson Jr.* Mr. Willis B. Henderson* Janie and Bob Hendrix* Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hendrix Mr. Richard J. Henry* Mr. Pinkney Herbert* Dr. Leigh N. Hersey Ms. Beth Hesser Ms. Vickye T. Hester* Mr. Steven M. Heye* Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hiatt Mr. Ralph H. Hickman Dr. Elizabeth S. Higginbotham The Honorable Gina C. Higgins* Ms. Linda J. Higgins* Chuck and Darlene Hilboldt Mr. John W. Hildebrand*


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hildenbrand Jr. Ms. Billye R. Hill* Ms. Cynthia Hill Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hill III* Ms. Georgia A. Hill Ms. Judy F. Hill Ms. Ginny Hillhouse Warren and Leigh Hinkle Ms. Denise A. Hinson* Ms. Oliver A. Hinson* Ms. Jane W. Hobson* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hockaday* Mr. Michael Hodges Ms. Joan L. Hoeck Dr. Adrienne B. Hoeglund* Dr. Gina S. Hogue* Mr. Gene Holcomb Mr. John R. Holden* Mr. and Mrs. Oba H. Hollie* Mr. John G. Hollis Ms. Lisa D. Hollis* Mr. Frank C. Holloman Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Holt II* Dr. Ramin Homayouni Ms. Margaret Anne Hooker* Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hooks Mr. Robert B. Hooks, III Mr. Ronald K. Hooks Mr. Patrick A. Hoover Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Hopkins* Ms. Kitty P. Hopkins* Ms. Mae Alice Hopkins* Dr. Robert A. Horn* Dr. William E. Hornor* Mr. Randy J. Horras Ms. Adana K. Horst Ms. Lexine R. Horton* Ms. Anna Traicoff Hough* Ms. Thelma Housley Ms. M. Kate Howard* Mr. Joe B. Howell* Ms. Joyce R. Howell* Mrs. Patricia A. Howerton* Mr. Brandon Hoyer Ms. Sha Hua* Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hubbard* Drs. Amy A. and John D. Huber II* Ms. Betty M. Hudson Ms. Virginia W. Hudson* Ms. Valerie J. Huery* Ms. E. Eileen Huey* Dr. Michael G. Huffman* Joan and Bob Hug Ms. Annelle R. Huggins and Mr. Joseph F. Huggins* Mr. and Mrs. M. Dean Hughes* Mr. Tavarski D. Hughes Lee A. Hulett Dr. Carolyn S. Hull-Toye* Ms. Eboni D. Humes* Ms. Diana Humphrey-Mckee Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Humphreys* Mr. Robert C. Humphreys* Ms. Carolyn L. Hunter* Ms. Annabelle Hurd* Dr. F. Jack Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Hurst* Ms. N. Sue Hurst* Dr. Andrew Hussey Donna and Michael W. Hutchison Ms. Lorie A. Hutson Mr. James D. Hysmith W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Mary L. Incardona* Ms. Colleen Ingles Baum Ms. Barbara I. Ingram* Ms. Carol O. Iovino* Dr. Pati S. Irish and Mr. Michael J. Irish* Mr. James T. Irvine* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Isham* Mr. Khandakar M. Islam* Dr. Kenneth J. Israel* Dr. Kristen Iversen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ivey* Ms. Geneva C. Jackson* Mr. Jason Jackson Ms. Margaret Skinner Jackson* Dr. Robert J. Jackson* Dr. and Mrs. Wade M. Jackson* Dr. M. Shah Jahan Ms. Melanie A. James Mr. William Edward James* Ms. Wanda E. Jamison* Dr. Linda Jarmulowicz Mr. James D. Jarrett* Dr. Robert W. Jarrett Jr. Jim and Sandy Jaskulski Ms. Monica A. Jenious* Ms. Pamela J. Jenkins Jef Jenner Church of the River Choir Dr. Amber Jennings Drs. Lisa K. and David K. Jennings* Ms. Bridget L. Jensen* Ms. Ronalda (Robin) S. Jensen* Mr. Robert J. Jessee* Dr. Chunrong Jia Dr. Christine X. Jiang Ms. Ye Jin* Mr. Johnny K. Jines* Mr. Matthew I. John* Ms. April D. Johnson* Dr. Betty J. Johnson* Mr. Calvin D. Johnson* Dr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson* Dr. Diane M. Johnson* Ms. Helen R. Johnson* Mr. James M. Johnson Jr.* Mr. James S. Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Johnson Jr.* Mr. Joseph D. Johnson* Ms. Judith T. Johnson* Ms. Kay C. Johnson* Mr. Martin W. Johnson* Mr. Marvin Johnson* Dr. Mavis B. Johnson* Jamie and Nolan Johnson* Dr. Warren S. Johnson* Ms. Carol A. Johnson Bishop* Dr. Rose M. Johnston and Mr. Thomas S. Johnston* Ms. Anjali M. Jones* Ms. Catherine Jones Mr. and Mrs. George R. Jones Jr.* Mr. L. Epps Jones* Mr. Ryan D. Jones* Mr. Stephen D. Jones* Ms. Tammy R. Jones* Ms. Jolene H. Jordan* Lyn and John Joyner* Mr. Brian A. Juengling* Ms. Kathy Junkin* Dr. Matthias Kaelberer Mr. Shih H. Kao* Mr. W. Gary Kaplan*

Mr. George E. Karalus Jr.* Ms. Regan S. Kasman Mr. Joe KatterJohn Ms. Carmen R. Keathley Dr. Ben L. Kedia Dr. Satish K. Kedia Mr. Guy Kedziora* Mr. John R. Keenan* Mr. Robert T. Keeton Jr.* George and Norma Keistler Mr. Larry David Kellar* Ms. Desiree M. Kelly* Rev. Harvey L. Kelley* Dr. Patricia A. Kelley* Mr. Russell B. Kelly* Ms. Heidi A. Kendall* Ms. Jean D. Kendall* Mr. Edwin J. Kennedy Jr.* Ms. Janice B. Kennedy* Mr. and Mrs. Kelly G. Kennedy* Mr. Greg A. Kenney Mr. Terry Kennon* Thomas and Jane Keough* Ms. Jamie B. Kidd* Ms. Jill Kidd Dr. Loel Kim Ms. Martha C. Kimmons* Ms. Christy L. Kinard* Mr. Casey N. King* Ms. Charlotte G. King Mr. Luther King Ms. Patricia C. King* Ms. Traliza Y. King* Dr. Vanja M. King and Mr. Charles S. King III* Ms. Caroline D. Kinser* Mr. Robert Kirby Mr. Roger P. Kirk* Mr. R. Michael Kiser* Tom and Lynne Kissell* Ms. Karen K. Klein Mr. Paul M. Klinck* Ms. Judith D. Knight Dr. Carol S. Knowles* Mr. Steve Knowlton Mr. Todd A. Knuckey Mr. Micheal A. Kobetsky Mr. Daniel E. Kohn Mr. Leonard D. Kohr Ms. Kathleen Kolby Mr. Billy E. Koskie Ms. Leah T. Kourvelas* Ms. Pamela Kovalic Mr. and Mrs. E. Carl Krausnick Ms. Betty C. Krone* Mr. David W. Krueger* Dr. Hsiang-Te Kung Scott W. Kunkel, Ph.D.* Mr. Eric L. Kurtz* Mr. Jerome R. Kutliroff* Mr. Robert J. Kwech and Mrs. Virginia M. Vasseur-Kwesh* Ms. Virginia Dawn LaFon* Bill and Iris LaGrone* Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lafferty* The Honorable L. Terry Lafferty* Mr. Michael J. Lahaie* Mr. Chad I. Lake* Mr. K. C. Lam* Ms. Vivian S. Lamb Mr. Reed Landau Mr. Richard M. Lane* Ms. Carol L. Laney*

Donor-funded scholarships are so much more than a monetary help, they are the knowledge that someone believes in me and my abilities. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and I promise to both not let it go to waste and to pass it on in the future. Stephen Tankersley, Mechanical Engineering P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


A donor-funded scholarship is more than just its monetary worth, it is an utmost honor. It is a clear sign that someone has so much faith in one’s capabilities that he or she is willing to contribute actual money in order to support that student’s aspirations. Lance Yu, Biomedical Engineering 60


Mr. P. Bradley Laney* Ms. Susan N. Lange* Ms. Edith I. Langston Mr. Robert C. Lanier Mr. John Montgomery Lannom* Dr. Mohamed Laradji Ms. Judith C. Larson* Ms. Jeannie S. LaRue* Ms. Holly Lau Dr. Peter S. Lau Dr. Jode M. Lavine* Ms. Peggy C. Lavine Dr. Justin T. Lawhead* Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lawhead* Mr. Joseph A. Lawson* Mr. Wilfred U. Leaks* Dr. Joonhyung Lee Ms. Nancy A. Lee* Mr. Stephen M. Lee Mr. Tyler W. Lee* Ms. Victoria Montrallo Lee* Ms. Patty B. Leonard* Mr. Terry L. Lessenberry Drs. Wanda S. Rushing and Martin L. Levin Mr. Sidney B. Levine* Ms. Melanie L. Levingston Mr. and Mrs. Marshall K. Levy* Mr. Boyd H. Lewis* Ms. Jo S. Lewis* Dr. Yuhua Li Dr. Kenneth L. Lichstein Dr. Nancy B. Lillie* Mr. Khiok C. Lim* K. C. and Lorrean Lim* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Limbaugh* Mr. Ronald L. Limberg* Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Lindsey* Dr. Eric C. Link Jim and Joanne Lippy* Mr. Mathew W. Lipscomb III* Ms. Jeana M. Littrell* Dr. Timothy D. Lockey* Mr. Donald R. Lockhart* Ms. Laruth K. Lofties* George and Elizabeth Lofton* Ms. Jan Cates Lofton* Mr. Gordon A. Lohnes Jr.* Ms. Vivian A. Lomax* Mr. Alan M. Long* Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Long* Dr. and Mrs. William E. Long* Dr. Irene H. Loomis* Professor Richard A. Lord* Mr. George W. Loveland II Dr. Alton S. Lovvorn* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Lowrey* Dr. Deborah Lowther Capt. Dale M. Lozier* Ms. Nancy P. Lubiani* Mr. William L. Lumpkin* Jamie and Rue Luter* Ms. Loretta Lyons* Ms. Heather D. Maclin* Ms. Mary D. Maduska* Mr. and Mrs. B. Percy Magness Ms. Stacey Magnett* Mr. Keith A. Mahal* Mr. Timothy J. Maharrey* Drs. Harry and Ramona Mahood Mr. Vincent J. Malavasi, Jr. Dr. Mojtaba Malekmohammadi* Mr. Harry H. Malkin*

Dr. John L. Malone* Ms. Mary E. Maness* Mr. and Mrs. Barlow T. Mann* Mr. D. Mark Manning Dr. Walter H. Manning Ms. Maria F. Manoso* Charles and May Lynn Mansbach Ms. Leigh B. Mansberg* Mr. Robert F. Marek Jr.* Mr. Albert E. Markham III* Dr. William and Mrs. Mary Marking* Mr. Ferrell C. Marks Jr. Mr. Scott N. Markwell* Prof Megan B. Marlatt Mr. and Mrs. William G. Marr* Mr. Christopher P. Martin* Mr. Frank L. Martin* Dr. Reginald Martin* Mr. Rick W. Martin* Mr. Steve A. Martin Mr. Jeffrey S. Martindale Mr. Ramon A. Marus Jr.* Mr. Frank A. Masiello* Mr. Fred L. Massa* Mr. Shawn E. Massey* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Masterson Ms. Yolanda Y. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mathis* Ms. Lisa A. Matlock* Ms. Earline T. Matthews Peter W. and Laura O. Matthews* Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. May Mr. Matthew T. May* Ms. Wanda M. May Ms. Krista K. Mayfield* Ms. Lisa Mayne George and Barbara Mayo* Mr. Dennis R. Mays* Dr. Brad McAdon Ms. Carrie J. McAdon* Mr. Darren G. McBride* Dr. Loretta H. McBride* Ms. Mary McCalla* Ms. Claudia McCarthy-Phillips Mr. Todd McCarver* Mr. and Mrs. Evans McCaul* Mr. Mack E. McCaul Jr.* Dr. Sue Ann McClellan* Ms. Peggy Latham McClure* Ms. Lorene W. McCollins* Mr. John J. McCommon Sr.* Ms. Eleanor A. McCormick* Mr. Steven M. McCoy* Ms. Tammy Y. McCoy Mr. Barry J. McCrory* Ms. Iva Katherine McCutchen* Mr. J. Lawrence McDaniel* Ms. Virginia (Sissy) McDonald Mr. John D. McDonnell* Mr. and Mrs. R. McElhaney Jr.* Ms. Deborah C. McElroy Ms. Kimberly A. McGarity* Ms. Allison McHenry Ms. Lauren B. McHugh* Mr. Rick D. McIntosh* Paige and Daniel McKee Ms. Joyce A. McKee* Dr. and Mrs. Paul McKeegan Dr. Leslie McKeon Mr. Randolph M. McKinna* Ms. Shirley D. McKnight* Mr. J. W. McMurray* Mr. Jamie R. McMurry*

Ms. Prelna R. McNeil* Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. McRae* Mr. and Mrs. John L. McRae* Mr. Zachary W. McRae* Mr. Ronald B. McSwain* Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey C. Meador* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Mealer* Ms. Marilyn G. Meeks* Ms. Fariba Mehdizadeh Ms. Donna N. Mehr* Mr. Sidney Mendelson* Mr. Luther T. Mercer II* Ms. Mary L. Merriweather* Ms. Sandra P. Meyer Mr. Matthew E. Michalenko* Ms. Margaret S. Middleton* Mr. James H. Midyett* Ms. Susan D. Mikell* Ms. Traci M. Milam* Mr. Michael R. Miles* Mr. Edward W. Miller Jr.* Mr. J. Don Miller* Dr. John G. Miller IV* Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Miller Ms. Nancy H. Miller* Dr. Neal Douglas Miller Mr. Ralph E. Miller Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Miller* Dr. Thomas and Mary Jo Miller Ms. Aretha R. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mincer* Mr. John C. Mitchell* Mr. and Mrs. Logan T. Mitchell* Ms. Syble M. Mitchell* Ms. Barbara A. Moore* Mr. Hal C. Moore* Ms. Paula Hearn Moore* Mr. Robert E. Moore Jr.* Mr. Roy A. Moore* Dr. and Mrs. William R. Moore* Ms. Yolonda M. Moore Ms. Melissa L. Moore-Brigance* Ms. Carol D. Moreland* Mr. Robert L. Moreno* Dr. and Mrs. Sam B. Morgan* Mr. Scott Morrell Mr. Chad T. Morris* Mr. Terry R. Morris* Dr. Vivian G. Morris and Mr. Curtis L. Morris Mr. William Stephen Morris* Ms. Regina D. Morton Ms. Edith T. Mosby Ms. Carol J. Mosow* Ms. Filsun O. Moussa* Mr. William J. Mueller* Ms. Vanessa A. Muldrow* The Honorable Steven J. Mulroy Mr. Francis M. Mumiukha* Ms. Delores H. Munn* Ms. Christine B. Munson* Mr. Glenn W. Munson Ms. Jennifer L. Murchison Ms. Robin S. Murchison* Mr. George M. Murphree* Mr. Joseph C. Murphy Jr.* Mr. Mario J. Musarra* Dr. Sarah I. Mynatt* Ms. Shirley H. Mynatt* Mr. James L. Nabors Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nahmias* Ms. Nina W. Nash* Ms. Fowziyyah A. Nasir*


* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Neal* Ms. Alice T. Neel* Dr. Susan Neely-Barnes Ms. Kathy L. Nelson* Mr. and Mrs. Tyree V. Nesbit* Ms. Leighann D. Ness* Mr. and Mrs. Spencer G. Nesvick* Ms. Joyce E. Newbern Hal and Ronna Newburger Mr. Floyd S. Newman III* Mr. Jerry D. Newman* Dr. Ernest L. Nichols Jr. Ms. Glendon D. Nichols* Mr. James A. Nichols* Mr. Ronald D. Nichols* Roy and Margaret Nicholson* Mr. Robert P. Nieman* Dr. Philip S. Nitse* Mr. and Mrs. William S. Nixon* Dr. Vikki G. Nolan Mr. Cedar L. Nordbye Ms. Mary Pierce Norton* Dr. Charles E. Notar* Mr. William R. O’Connor* Mr. Steve O’Looney Ms. Doris M. Colvard* Mr. Matthew R. Oates* Mr. Scott Odom Ms. Stacii T. O’Donald* Mr. Jerry U. Ogawa Seibang Oh and Sookja Oh* Dr. Albert A. Okunade Mr. Jerry Oliver* Dr. Diana L. Oliver and Mr. Timothy E. Oliver* Dr. D. Kim Oller Mr. Frank D. Osborne* Mr. Robert R. Osgood* Ms. Beverly J. Overton* Mr. Harold E. Owen Jr.* Ms. Mary S. Pace* Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Pacheco* Ms. Linda S. Pack* Dr. Janet Page Ms. Linda Ayers Paige* Ms. Nina H. Paight* Mr. and Mrs. William W. Pallme* Mr. John S. Palmer* Ms. Betty M. Parham* Mr. Nathaniel W. Parham* Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Parker Mr. E. L. Parker III* Ms. Irene L. Parker* Ms. Lyda G. Parker* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Parkison* Ms. Amy Parks Dr. John A. Parnell* Mr. Barney C. Parrella Ms. Jennifer G. Parris* Ms. Rebecca D. Pate* Ms. Niyati G. Patel* Ms. Danielle M. Patrick* Mr. Daniel W. Patterson* Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Patterson Ms. Nancy E. Patterson* Mr. Robert G. Patterson Jr.* Bob Patterson* Dr. Philip Pavlik Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pearcy Mr. Gregory J. Pease* Ms. Elizabeth Peeples Dr. Barbara L. Peery* J. C. and Cindy Pendergrast W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Bradford D. Pendley Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Perkins III* Ms. Lynnefer E. Perry Ms. Mary M. Perry* Ms. Stephanie L. Perry and Mr. Derek V. Johnson* Mr. John E. Person III* Ms. Vickie H. Peters* Dr. Richard L. Petersen Ms. Patricia W. Petkosek* Dr. and Mrs. John R. Petry Mr. and Mrs. James G. Petterson* Dr. Truc Chi T. Pham* Mr. Thomas A. Phelps* Ms. Anne S. Phifer* Dr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Phillips* Mr. John A. Phillips Mr. Lawrence Phillips* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Phillips Mr. Paul A. Phillips Dr. John H. Pickens. and Suzanne Satterfield, M.D.* Mr. Michael Pietruszka Mr. Robert V. Pirani* Dr. Cynthia D. Pitcock* Ms. Jennifer P. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Pitts* Ms. Patrice M. Pitts Cary Platt Dr. Charles Plesofsky Dr. Gene A. Plunka Ms. Jessie M. Polk* Mr. Mack E. Polk* Dr. Susan L. Popham Mr. Ethan A. Porter* Ms. Harriet W. Porter* Dr. William E. Porter Dr. Robin S. Poston Ms. Florence Annette Powell* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Powell* Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Powell* Dr. Robert W. Powell Jr.* Ms. Jill Powelson* Ms. Dorothy J. Kelley* Mr. Pat Prahalathan* Mr. W. Richard Price* Ms. Gwendolyn E. Pritchard Mr. John P. Pritchard* Trey and Lisa Pruitt* The Honorable Ann L. Pugh* Mr. Raymond A. Pullen* Ms. Carolyn M. Pulliam* Ms. Mary L. Purtle* Mr. Wayne W. Pyeatt Dr. Lea G. Queener* Mr. Glynn G. Raby Jr.* Ms. Bonnie B. Ragland* Mr. Andrew M. Raines* Ms. Emma T. Randolph* Mr. Chuck and Dr. Mary Ransdell Dr. Marshall E. Rasnake* Mr. and Mrs. Nathan F. Rast* Ms. Amanda S. Ray Dr. Angela G. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Raymond Dr. and Mrs. Gene Reddick* Mr. Stephen E. Rees* Ms. Linda Reese Dr. Donna E. Reeves* Mr. Regis Reeves* Mr. Christopher D. Reilly Mr. George E. Relyea and Dr. Barbara J. Wilson-Relyea*

Mr. Charles A. Remaklus III* Dr. Benjamin T. Reves* Ms. Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki Ms. Margaret Rhodes Mr. Michael E. Rhodes Dr. and Mrs. N. Dewaine Rice* Ms. Martha Martin Richards* Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Riddle* Mr. Bill Ridge Ms. Nikola A. Rigley Ms. Connie Riley* Mr. Shane D. Riley Dr. Thomas B. Ripy* Dr. Linda Rising Mr. Richard J. Riski* Ms. Jean Rittmueller Ms. Geraline Rixter* Dr. Robin R. Roach and Mr. Jeffrey L. Roach* Ms. Ashlee K. Roberts* Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Roberts Ms. Ida L. Robertson* Ms. Margie A. Robertson Ms. Paulette P. Robertson* Mr. Terry A. Robertson* Ms. Chanda L. Robinson* Leigh and Greg Robinson* Dr. and Mrs. Hoke Robinson* Ms. Tracy P. Robinson* Ms. Dixie Y. Rockholt* Mr. and Mrs. Thad S. Rodda Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Warner B. Rodda* Mr. and Mrs. Nestor A. Rodriguez II* Mr. Norman Rodriguez Ms. Kimberly L. Rogers* Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rogers* Ms. Monice J. Roland Mrs. Alrene R. Rolsen Ms. Ashley R. Rook* Mr. and Mrs. Greg Roper* Ms. Alisha D. Rose Ms. Christina Rosenthal Mr. Gary L. Rosenthal* Mr. Cameron Ross Ms. Cynthia J. Ross Ms. Pat Rosser Doug and Michelle Roth Ms. Penny M. Roubion Ms. Danielle L. Rouseau Mr. Michael E. Rowland* Ms. Sharon S. Rowland Dr. Jane P. Rowlett* Mr. Robert A. Roy Mr. Michael A. Rubin* Mr. John R. Rucker Jr.* Dr. Thomas F. Rucker* Ms. Francis K. Ruffin* Dr. Vasile Rus Mr. Gene A. Rush Mr. and Mrs. Tate E. Rush Ms. Ro Ellen S. Rushing Dr. Wanda S. Rushing Mr. Jerry L. Russell II* Mr. Thomas R. Russell* Dr. James P. Ruyl* Ms. Mary Ryan* Mr. David A. Sabatini* Mr. Scott M. Sadler* Dr. Lynda M. Sagrestano Mr. Robert A. Saigeon Jr.* Ms. Ann G. Salky* Ms. Heather R. Sanders Ms. Susan L. Sanders*

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sanderson* Mr. Keith T. Sanford* Mr. Joseph J. Santomero Jr.* Suzanne Satterfield, M.D. and Dr. John H. Pickens Matt and Katie Saunders* Ms. Lipi Saxena* The Honorable Jon P. Schaefer* Mr. John L. Schaffler IV Mr. William Schamroth* Ms. Julia R. Schap Ms. Carole Q. Schargenberger* Ms. Sonya J. Schenk and Mr. Kent H. Schenk* Mr. Jonathan Schmitt* Dr. Gary F. Schneider* and Ms. Paula L. Schneider* Mr. Phillip J. Schoenbeck Mr. Frank V. Schriner Jr.* Ms. Velvet L. Schultz* Mr. and Mrs. Gavin D. Scott* Ms. Thelma F. Scott* Ms. Angela F. Scrivens Mr. Thomas W. Scruggs Jr.* Ms. Joyce H. Sealand* Ms. Cecelia A. Seaman Ms. Judy M. Sebelius* Ms. Michele H. Seekings* Mr. James Segraves Mr. Seth M. Segraves* Dr. James E. Selbe* Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Selmon* Rev. Linda W. Serino and Mr. Robert M. Serino* Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Shaffer Jr.* Ms. Patty L. Shannon Mr. Wayne C. Shannon and Mrs. Donna Sue Shannon* Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Sharp* Ms. Karen B. Shea* Ms. Rachael B. Shedaker* Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Shedlock Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Franklin R. Shelton* Ms. Kathryn L. Shelton Ms. Renea Y. Shelton* Mr. and Mrs. Thad Shepard Ms. Georgia H. Shepherd* Mr. John B. Sheppard Dr. Janann Sherman Ms. Mary E. Sherman* Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Sherman* Mr. Timothy Shiu Dr. Sajjan G. Shiva Dr. Thomas D. Shockley Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joel L. Shore* Mr. Barry L. Shulkin Mr. J. Cecil Shumacker* Ms. Glenda K. Shumate* Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Shuster* Dr. F. Morgan Simpson* Mr. John A. Sims* Ms. Shirley J. Sims* Mr. Ratan D. Singh Ms. Vicki J. Singh* Mr. and Mrs. David W. Sink Jr.* Mr. Patrick J. Sirayathorn* Dr. Laura L. Sisterhen* Dr. William F. Slagle Jr.* Mr. Marquis L. Sledge* Ms. Cari A. Slough* Dr. Arwin D. Smallwood Mr. Anthony L. Smith* Mr. Craig A. Smith*

Mr. Derick Smith Mr. Donald R. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Smith Jr.* Mr. Frank L. Smith Jr.* Mr. Harry W. Smith Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Smith* Dr. Mont S. Smith* Mr. Ralph E. Smith* Ms. Sandra S. Smith* Dr. William T. Smith II Ms. Byrle V. Smith-George* Ms. Leigh A. Snider* Ms. Laura H. Snyder* Dr. Steven D. Soifer Dr. Carole F. Southerland Mr. Dick Spann* Dr. Paula Spence-Evans Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Spiva* Mr. Vincent F. Splain* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Spore* Ms. Eloise C. Square* The Srite Family Mr. Barry R. Stacy* Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Stafford* Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Stalder* Mr. David A. Stanfill Dr. Jon C. Stanford* Dr. Virginia F. Stanford* Mr. Barry P. Staubus* Diana (Zhao)* and Michael J. Stauffer Mr. Charles E. Stavely* Ms. Judi Steinmeyer Mr. John A. Stemmler Mr. Michael E. Stephens* Ms. Stephanie R. Stephens Ms. Anita L. Stewart Semper* Dr. Craig O. Stewart* Ms. Kandace C. Stewart* Ms. Loretta H. Stewart* Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Stewart* Ms. Stephanie Stewart Mr. Erskine E. Stockard* Ms. Cathy Stogsdill Stone* Mr. Charles E. Stone Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Stone, Esquire* Vera and Jim Stone Mr. Danny R. Stoppenhagen Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer and Ms. Kathryn E. Story* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stout Ms. Joy R. Stout* Mr. Luke H. Stribling* Ms. Oma R. Strickland* Mr. E. Nelson Strother Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. William F. Sturdivant Jr.* Ms. Nancy C. Sullivan* Mr. Chao Sun* Jay and Marci Sweeney* Dr. De-An W. Swihart Dr. George H. Swihart Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Tabachnick Dr. Sunghee H. Tak Ms. Janine P. Tankersley* Mr. Rickie A. Tankersley* Dr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Tanner* Mr. Richard K. Tanner* Ms. Dena B. Targ Mr. Ricky D. Tate Mr. Shepherd D. Tate Ms. Janet S. Taylor* Mr. Jeffrey C. Taylor*



* Alumni + Deceased

Ms. Pearline Taylor* Mr. William Hal Taylor* Mr. William C. Teachout Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Teas* Mr. and Mrs. Jed G. Tennison* Mr. Harold C. Terrell* Ms. Lauralan Terrill-Grisoni* Ms. Pam C. Thigpen* Mr. Babu Thomas* Ms. Felicia M. Thomas* Mr. Kevin Thomas* Raymond and Shearon Thomas* Ms. Sharon Thomas Mr. Stuart B. Thomas* Ms. Elizabeth R. Thompson* Ms. Jennifer F. Thompson* Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Thompson* Dr. Nicole L. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thompson* Dr. William J. Thompson Mr. Don Thomson* Mr. William F. Thornton* Mr. Ronald Thurman* Ms. Donna Tillis Sanders* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Timmerwilke* Mr. Randy W. Tingle* Ms. Deborah D. Tipton* Mr. Jack W. Tipton Jr.* Dr. Nathan G. Tipton and Mr. Paul L. Foster* Ngok-Ming To Ms. Sharron D. Todd-Jerry* Mr. James H. Toles* Dr. Deborah P. Tollefsen Mr. Michael Towles Mr. Ronald Towles Dr. Justin D. Towner III Maj. Joseph T. Townsend* Mr. R. Chris Traicoff* Mr. and Mrs. Troy D. Traxler* Mr. Stanley H. Trezevant III* Mr. and Mrs. James G. Tribo* Mr. Wentsung R. Tseng* Mr. Kenneth E. Tucker Jr.* Ms. Jane S. Turcotte* Mr. Russ J. Turman Ms. Barbara B. Turner* Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Turner* Ms. Johnnie R. Turner* Ms. Lenna Diane Turner* Ms. Lura E. Turner Ms. Patricia S. Turner Dr. Mureena A. Turnquest* Mr. Tyler W. Tursky* Mr. Jeffrey L. Tyler* Mr. Omprakash Ullagaddi* Ms. Jeane Umbreit Mr. R. E. Urich* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Vail Ms. Pamela M. Valentine Dr. Roy B. VanArsdale Ms. Rebecca A. Vandyck-Laumann* Mr. and Mrs. William Van Hooks Sr.* Ms. Sandra B. Van Velsor* Mr. Jay VanWinkle Mr. and Mrs. William D. Vance* Mr. Rene Vanwalsem* Mr. and Mrs. Himanshu Varma* Mr. Lionel G. Varner* Mr. Richard C. Vaughn* Ms. Erica H. Vecchio* Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Venable Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Ventre*


Ms. Wanda L. Vickery* Mr. Michael W. Vinson* Mr. Larry W. Von Boeckman* Dr. Patricia B. Wachholz* Mr. David P. Wages* The Honorable Brenda J. Waggoner* Mr. Kent J.Wagner Ms. Elizabeth A. Wale* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Walk Jr.* Mr. Charles I. Walker* Corina and Duke Walker* Rev. Sonia L. Walker Mr. Randy Walker* Mr. Gregory H. Wallace* Ms. Mary C. Wallace* Dr. Stanley N. Walls* Dr. Yongmei Wang Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Ward* Mr. John L. Wardlaw* Ms. Geraline Wardlow* Dr. and Mrs. David J. Wark Dr. Anne S. Warlaumont* Ms. Lisa A. Warmath Mr. and Mrs. James C. Warner Dr. and Mrs. James L. Warner Mr. and Mrs. John L. Warner Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Otis S. Warr III Ms. Beth Warren Mr. Rex Warren III Ms. Alice C. Wasdin* Ms. L. Michelle Waterhouse* Mr. Kenneth W. Watkins* Mr. Joe Watson* Ms. Terrice E. Watson Mr. Theodore C. Watts* Dr. V. Lynn Weber* Ms. Doris D. Webster* The Honorable Robert W. Wedemeyer* Mr. Ben O. Weeks Jr.* Mr. Daniel J. Wehner Ms. Daphne Wei Ms. Susan D. Weis* Ms. Sharon T. Welch* Mr. and Mrs. Walker L. Wellford III* Ms. Dorothy S. Wells* Mr. Herbert Wells Jr.* Ms. Stacey H. Wells* Loren A. Wenzel Ph.D.* Mr. Charles H. Wexler* Ms. Georgia W. Whaley* Dr. and Mrs. Benton M. Wheeler Drs. Freddie V. and James P. Whelan* Ms. Rebecca I. Whitaker and Mr. Jack A. Whitaker Jr.* Ms. T. C. White Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. White* Ms. Jacqueline B. White* Dr. Jerre R. White* Mr. Keith R. White* Ms. Lorraine S. White* Mr. Richard White Ms. Shundra L. White* Mr. David T. Whitefield* Ms. Marilyn Whitesell Mr. Lawrence Ray Whitley* Ms. Clara S. Whitney* Ms. Doris J. Whitson* Mr. George E. Wilburn Ms. Shannon L. Wiley* Lauren & Chad Wilgenbusch* Ms. Cathy N. Wilhelm*


Mr. Blake Williams Jr. Mr. Carl R. Williams* Ms. Colette B. Williams Mr. Dane A. Williams* Ms. Erma P. Williams* Mr. F. Michael Williams* Dr. Glenn J. Williams* Ms. Gwendolyn W. Williams* Mr. J. Len Williams* Ms. Kay P. Williams* Dr. and Mrs. Darren Williams Ms. Linda S. Williams* Ms. Mary S. Williams Gay and Mike Williams* Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams Mr. Neville Williams Mr. Rob Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Williams* Dr. Ruth Williams-Hooker* Ms. Rebecca M. Williamson* Capt. and Mrs. Christopher A. Wilson* Dr. Jeffery L. Wilson Ms. Julia D. Wilson* Ms. Kimberly Wilson Ms. Patricia H. Wilson Ms. Patricia P. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson* Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Wilson* Dr. Susan R. Wilson* Dr. Barbara J. Wilson-Relyea and Mr. George E. Relyea* Dr. Alistair J. Windsor Mr. William T. Wingo Jr.* Mr. Donald C. Winn* Mr. and Mrs. Byron B. Winsett Jr.* Ms. Brenda Wisniewski Ms. Holly L. Withers* Dr. Mitchell M. Withers Dr. Mark E. Wiygul* Mr. Clay A. Woemmel* Dr. Tit-Yee Wong Mr. Michael D. Wood* Mr. W. Lewis Wood Jr.* Ms. Vicki L. Woods* Mr. Robert E. Wray III* Drs. Lynette and Earle Wrenn Jr.* Ms. Sarah H. Wright* Ms. Jocelyn D. Wurzburg* Mr. Thomas E. Wyatt* Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Wylie* Mr. Harold E. Yager* Ms. Kay Yager Ms. Emily B. Yaghoubian* Mr. Bill Yardley Mrs. Louise C. Yarwood* Mr. Timothy M. Yeager* Mr. Charles E. Young* Ms. Elizabeth J. Young* Mr. Roberto W. Young* Mandy and Stephen Young* Dr. Xinhua Yu Ms. Cynthia P. Zanone* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Zanskas Dr. Herbert D. Zeman Mr. William J. Zenk* Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Zepatos Jr.* Mr. James Zerby Dr. Hongyuan Zhang* Dr. Weifeng Zheng* Mr. Scott P. Zimmerman* Mr. Donald L. Zlotky*

$1 to $99 Mr. Abdeljalil K. Abdelhalim* Ms. Glenda P. Abernathy* Mr. Robert T. Abernathy III* Mr. John R. Abts* Ms. Ellen A. Adams* Ms. Mary F. Adams* Ms. Samantha C. Adams* Ms. Carolyn C. Adcock* Ms. Constance N. Adcock* Ms. Meredith Aden Mr. Anthony A. Adeumi* Lesley and Jay Adkins* Dr. Piyatilake Adris* Ms. Patricia Lunn Adsit* Ms. Rocio Agundis Dr. Syed M. Aijaz* Dr. Nkosi K. Ajanaku* Mr. William F. Akin* Mr. William N. Akin* Ms. Lynn M. Alberson* Ms. Marilyn Albert* Ms. Nancy H. Albonetti* Ms. Beverly Alexander Mr. Claude N. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. James D. Alexander Ms. Sonja L. Alexander Ms. Sue Alexander* Dr. William A. Alexander Ms. Amy C. Allen Mr. Lawrence E. Allen Jr.* Dr. Lorraine Allen* Ms. Patricia P. Allen* Ms. Deborah L. Allison* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Allison* Mr. John E. Allmon III Ms. Josephine B. Allsop* Dr. James Alsobrook* Ms. Ann M. Alsup* Ms. Dawn M. Amburgey* Mr. Andrew F. Ammons* Ms. Jo Ann Ammons Dr. Paula J. Amrod* Ms. Jeanne G. Andersen* Mr. Andrew J. Anderson* Ms. Betty T. Anderson* Mr. James H. Anderson* Ms. Joyce B. Anderson* Ms. Katherine M. Anderson* Mr. Mark Patrick Anderson Ms. Melanie T. Anderson* Ms. Patricia K. Anderson* Ms. Renee L. Anderson* Ms. Sherrie R. Anderson* Ms. Stephanie S. Anderson* Ms. Tatinisha Anderson* Ms. Charlotte S. Andrews* Ms. Jeanne G. Andrews* Mr. Bruce E. Angotti* Mr. Herve Aniglo Ms. Carol Antley Ms. Brenda M. Antwine* Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Apalodimas* Dr. Robert W. Appleton* Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Appling* Mr. Jeremy T. Armstrong* Dr. Mary H. Armstrong* Mr. Robert O. Armstrong* Mr. and Mrs. H.Neil Arnold Jr.* Mr. Russell L. Artz* Ms. Rula S. Asali* Dr. Beulah M. Ashbrook*

Mr. Hal L. Ashe* Mr. William M. Ashworth* Ms. Rebecca M. Atkeison* Ms. Elaine V. Atkinson* Ms. Sarah C. Atkinson* Ms. Ruth A. Atnipp Mr. and Mrs. Paulo D. Aur* Maj. Stephen W. Austin* Mr. and Mrs. John N. Avis* Ms. Mary Ashli Avis* Ms. Sherry M. Awsumb* Mr. Victor W. Ayres* Ms. Chaitra Babu* Ms. Alicia M. Bachus* Mr. Andrew R. Bacon Mr. Vernon H. Bacon* Mr. Carter Branham S. Bagley* Mr. Clinton I. Bagley* Ms. Suzanne S. Hill Bagley* Ms. Barbara G. Bailey* Mr. Gary C. Bailey* Mr. Gene M. Bailey Ms. Kayla Bailey Ms. Melba J. Bailey* David and Penny Bailey Mr. Bryan T. Baker* Dr. Diana R. Baker and Mr. Hal L. Baker* Ms. Dorothy C. Baker* Mr. Sheridan E. Baker* Mr. Winford M. Baker* Ms. Dana L. Baker-Hardin* Ms. Nancy J. Balazadeh Mr. Abdoulaye Diao Balde Mr. Adrian Baldizon Mr. Kenneth G. Balkunas* Ms. Mary Kay Ball Ms. Ephie J. Ballard* Mr. William W. Ballard Mr. Christopher G. Ballenger Amy Baltimore Mr. Louis J. Baltz III* Ms. Brenda T. Banks* Ms. Casandra B. Banks Mr. Daniel B. Banks* Mr. Frank J. Banks Ms. Elizabeth T. Banton* Mr. Harry C. Barber Jr. Ms. Shirley J. Barber* Mr. Louis D. Barbieri* Ms. Carol R. Barbour* Ms. Sarah S. Barclay* Ms. Mildred S. Barfoot* Mr. William D. Barge* Mr. John E. Barger Jr.* Ms. Catherine Barker Ms. Courtney P. Barker* Ms. George Ann Barker Ms. Kay F. Barkin* Mr. James D. Barksdale Jr.* Mr. Reginald K. Barner* Ms. Caroline M. Barnett Ms. Harriet S. Barnett* Mr. Kim Barnett* Ms. Mary S. Barnett* Mr. James J. Barney* Ms. Gayle M. Barnwell* Ms. Patricia B. Baroff* Mr. Timothy M. Barratt* Mr. Corbin Daniel Barron Ms. Nancy G. Barron* Mr. and Mrs. Terry S. Barron* Ms. Sandra F. Barry*


Ms. Kathleen W. Bartholomew Ms. Faye J. Bartlett* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Bartlett* Mr. Andrew Bartolotta Mr. John B. Barton Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Basden* Dr. R. Edward Bashaw* Ms. Victoria Y. Bass* Mr. Cody Bateman* Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Bateman* Mr. John D. Bates Dr. Allen O. Battle III* Ms. Rose T. Bauer* Ms. Jeanne W. Baxter* Mr. James W. Beach* Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Beard* Ms. Bonnie C. Beasley* Ms. Deborah A. Becker Ms. Linda Childress Beckham* Ms. Naya Bedini* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Bedwell* Ms. Pariesha Bee Ms. Donna Beene Ms. Ingrid Beierle Mr. Donald E. Beisswanger* Mr. Adam M. Belew* Ms. Rebecca T. Belknap* Ms. Alberta Bell* Ms. Betty T. Bell* Mr. Bryan J. Bell Mr. Calvin C. Bell Ms. Charlene A. Bell Mr. Christopher N. Bell* Ms. Deborah J. Bell Ms. Diane A. Bell* Mr. Geoffrey Bell Ms. Gwendolyn J. Bell Ms. Mary E. Bell* Mr. Mike Bell Ms. Pearlita Bell Mr. Richard Bell Mr. Richard T. Bellchamber* Mr. Justin Belle Ms. Doris B. Bellott* Mr. Phillip D. Bemis Ann and Bill Bendall Ms. Kristen M. Benjamin* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bennett* Ms. Barbara A. Benson* Ms. Jessica Benton* Mrs. Carolyn S. Bernard and Mr. John M. Bernard Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bernbaum* Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Berry* Mr. Ralph L. Berry Dr. Treva G. Berryman* Ms. Teresa D. Bertasi* Ms. Annette C. Bickers* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Biggers Mr. and Mrs. Lodie V. Biggs III* Ms. Sondra Noffel Biggs* Ms. Terry Billen Ms. Kelby N. Billings* Ms. Essie F. Bingham* Ms. Sheila Bingham Ms. Kristy A. Birmingham* Ms. Leonora G. Bishop* Drs. Delano and Lynette Black Ms. Mary Alice Black* Mr. and Mrs. William Black* Mr. Justin H. Blackstock* Mr. Aaron J. Blackstone* Ms. Kerri L. Blair* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Carolyn A. Blakney* Mr. George E. Blancett* Ms. Devetra L. Bland* Ms. Nancy S. Blankenship* Ms. Marion L. Blasch* Dr. Stephan Blatti Ms. Sarah M. Bleau* Mr. Vincent M. Bleau Mr. Carroll H. Bledsoe* Ms. Ellen S. Blix Mr. Daane J. Blocksma* Dr. Judith A. Blucker* Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Blum* Ms. Linda L. Blumen* Ms. Elizabeth M. Blythe* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Boals* Ms. Laura R. Boatman* Ms. Susie M. Boatman Mary Dodson Boaz* Ms. Dorothy L. Bobbitt Mr. William H. Bodley Jr.* Ms. Stacy A. Bohne* Mr. Justin T. Bolton* Mr. Walter A. Bolton* Ms. Patrice Bolton-Shipp* Ms. Barbara Bond Linda and George Bond* Linda Deming Bond* Mr. John R. Bondurant* Ms. Mary L. Bondurant* Mr. and Mrs. Charlie M. Booker* Mr. Clarence L. Boone Ms. Judy S. Boone* Mr. Lawrence R. Boone III* Mr. Scotty Boone Mr. Scott A. Borgert Mr. and Mrs. John K. Borup* Mr. Emery Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Boucher* George and Joanne Boudreau Ms. Betsy H. Bourner Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Bowers* Ms. Dorothy H. Bowers* Mr. Marcus Bowlin Ms. Kimberly R. Bowman* Lina and Fred Bowyer* Mr. Richard J. Boyarski* Ms. Josephine C. Boyce* Ms. Marcia R. Boyd* Dr. William S. Boyd* Ms. DeRayne Boykins, M.D. Ms. Jennifer Boyland Dr. Patricia D. Brackin* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Bradley* Ms. Robbie R. Bradley Ms. Robin R. Bradley Ms. Ruthie S. Bradley* Mrs. Sarah P. Bradley Ms. Sonya Bradley* Mr. Michael A. Brady* Ms. Anna K. Brainerd Mr. Robert E. Branan Ms. Marie Z. Branch* Mr. Marlon L. Branch* Ms. Rachel E. Brandon Mr. Robert L. Brandon* Mr. J. Allen Brasfield Jr. Russ and Kirsten Brasfield* Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Braun* Ms. Ashley K. Bray Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bray Ms. Lindsey M. Bray* Ms. Patricia A. Breen*

Mr. Philip J. Breen Mr. Stephen I. Brewer* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridger* Ms. Kathy R. Brinkley Ms. JoAnna C. Brinson Mr. Lynn K. Britt* Mr. Robert E. Brittain* Mr. Terrence D. Brittenum* Mr. Stanley E. Broadway* Ms. Amy E. Brode* Stephanie and Brent Brockway* The Bromley Family Ms. Sandra W. Brooks* Mr. Robert E. Brosnahan III* Ms. Patricia H. Brotherton* Mr. Kevin A. Brower* Ms. Aukina Q. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Brown* Ms. Constance E. Brown* Ms. Jennifer A. Brown Ms. Kelleen A. Brown Mr. Kenneth M. Brown Ms. Mary L. Brown* Ms. Monica C. Brown* Mr. Raymond Brown Ms. Sherri T. Brown* Dr. Susan I. Brown* Mr. William H. Brown Jr. Mr. Darryl R. Bryant Mr. Jason L. Bryant* Mr. Sergei Bryant Ms. Veronica R. Byrant* Ms. Ann K. Buchignani* Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buckner III* Ms. Phyllis B. Buehler* Ms. Alicia R. Buford* Ms. Jack P. Bugbee* Ms. Joan L. Buie* Ms. Shirley B. Bullard* Ms. Theresa Bullock* Mr. Richard A. Bult* Mr. Bruce E. Burding Mr. William J. Burg* Ms. Lori M. Burgess Mr. Raymond Buring* Ms. Amanda B. Burke* Susan and Michael Burke Ms. Susan L. Burke* Ms. Megan H. Burkes* Mr. D. Alexander Burkhalter III* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Burleigh Jr.* Mr. Ronald G. Burleson* Dr. Alta M. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Burnett Sr* Ms. Toni Y. Burnett Mr. Kenneth C. Burnette* Ms. Brittany J. Burney* Ms. Valerie A. Burnie* Ms. Linda R. Burns* Mr. Marvin J. Burns* Ms. Yvonne I. Burns* Ms. Laura L. Burpo Mr. John C. Burr* Dr. Lauren Ellis Burrow Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Burrows* Ms. Claire B. Bursi* Dr. Diana B. Burt* Ms. Betty L. Burton* Mr. Ross D. Burton* Ms. Sandra W. Burton* Mr. Baker H. Bush* Mr. and Mrs. John L. Butch* Ms. Gloria Butler*

A donor-funded scholarship motivates me to become a better student. Thank you for believing in me and giving me the opportunity that takes me one step closer to my goal. Tuyen Truong, Chemistry P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


It is truly a blessing for someone I have never met—and may never meet—to invest in my future in this fashion. I believe that the only way for me as a student to repay the donor for their generosity is to excel in my area of study and never give up on my academic and career goals. Daniel Stevenson, Civil Engineering 64


Mr. Jason O. Butler* Ms. Marilyn J. Butler* Ms. Nicole C. Butler* Joe and Constance Butts Ms. Linda A. Butts Mr. David M. Buxbaum* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Byrd* Ms. Rachel Byrd Mr. James E. Cadenhead Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cahayla Ms. Glenda K. Cain* Ms. Mary A. Caldwell* Ms. Mary L. Caldwell* Mr. and Mrs. William H. Caldwell Jr.* Ms. Cynthia B. Calhoun* Mr. Timothy C. Callister Ms. Bette R. Callow* Mr. John H. Callow* Ms. Caroline Cameron Ms. Barbara J. Campbell* Ms. Emily S. Campbell Mr. Jonathan E. Campbell Ms. Sheila T. Campbell* Dr. William L. Campbell* Mr. Alberto Candelaria Mr. Robert A. Canei* Dr. Michael P. Cannito Ms. Elizabeth D. Cannon Ms. Hazel H. Canon* Mr. Joshua A. Canterbury* Mr. Steve C. Cantor* Ms. Stephanie P. Cape* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Capon* Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Carey* Mr. Curtis K. Carlson* Randy Carman Mr. Robert Carmichael Mr. William R. Carmichael* Mr. David L. Carney* Ms. Virginia H. Carney* Mr. Oscar C. Carr III Ms. Mary M. Carrell* Mr. Corey D. Carroll Mr. James D. Carroll* CDR and Mrs. Wayne S. Carrozza* Ms. Alice M. Carruthers* Mr. Joseph C. Carson* Ms. Betty J. Carter* Ms. Cheryl D. Carter* Ms. Imogene G. Carter* Mr. Michael L. Carter* LtJG Michael L. Carter* Mr. William M. Carter* Ms. Suzanne Carter Smith* Ms. Amy J. Carver* Ms. Karen L. Casey* Mr. G. Paul Castleberry* Mr. James O. Catchings* Dr. C. Gregory Cates* Ms. Kathleen M. Cates Mr. and Mrs. David Cazalas* Ms. Claire R. Cepeda* Mr. James E. Cepeda* Mr. John J. Cergnul* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cernosek Mr. and Mrs. James G. Cernosek* Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cesani* Ms. Dionne R. Chalmers* Ms. Melinda M. Chalmers* Ms. Connie Chambers Ms. Cynthia L. Chambers* Mr. L. Dwain Chambers* Mr. Joseph A. Chamoun*

Ms. Vicki L. Chandler Mr. William A. Chandler* Mr. Clement Chang* Ms. Ginger M. Chapman Mr. Jerry O. Chappell* Ms. Lois D. Charm Mr. and Mrs. Deepak Chawla* Mr. Pak-Chung Cheng Mr. Michael W. Cherry* Ms. Tanya L. Cherry* Ms. Sharon K. Chesher Mr. John E. Childers* Ms. Barbara J. Childress* Dr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Chin* Mr. Ben T. Chipley* Mr. Michael K. Chisamore Ms. Lakeisha R. Chism* Ms. Sanell R. Chism* Mr. Roy H. Chockley Jr.* Mr. Dennis J. Chomicki* Ms. May G. Chow* Mr. Md Rezaul H. Chowdhury* Mr. and Mrs. William Christenberry* Mr. John M. Chulos* Dr. Shifei Chung* Mr. and Mrs. C. Timothy Church* Ms. Cheryl Burch Citrone* Ms. Carol I. Claassen* Ms. Deborah R. Clark* Ms. Kay S. Clark Ms. Suzanne Nicholson Clark* Ms. Catherine M. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Clarke III* Drs. Teddy J. and Rhonda B. Clarke* Dr. Lavonnie Perry Claybon Ms. Naomi D. Claybon* Mr. and Mrs. James E. Clayton Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Clayton Sr.* Ms. Stephanie R. Clein Dr. Jane B. Clement* Ms. Calandra L. Cleveland* Ms. Yolanda Cleveland Ms. Tori M. Cliff* Ms. Carla S. Clifft* Ms. Billie Gates Clokey* Ms. Susan F. Coates* Ms. Rebecca F. Coats* Ms. Anita A. Cobb* Mr. Edward L. Cobb* Mr. James W. Cobb* Mr. Robert C. Cobb* Dr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Cochran* Ms. Julie B. Cochran* Mr. Michael E. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cochran Sr.* Mr. Robert M. Cockrell* Ms. Suzanne A. Cohan Ms. Deede W. Cohen* Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Cohn* Ms. Marcelene B. Coker* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coker Jr.* Ms. Mary H. Colbath* Ms. Amelia Cole* Dr. Barbara C. Cole* Mr. Brian T. Cole Ms. Jacquelyn D. Cole* Mr. John M. Cole Jr.* Bill and Martina Cole Ms. Debra D. Coleman* Mae and Charlie Coleman Ms. Joy S. Coleman* Ms. Joyce D. Coleman Mr. Larry E. Coleman III*

Ms. Rebecca L. Coleman* Ms. Roquita T. Coleman Ms. Sarah Smith Coleman* Mr. Dennis L. Collins* Ms. Maria H. Collins* Dr. Melissa Collins Gen. Peter B. Collins USMC* Ms. Andrea L. Collins-Pierce* Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Conaway* Ms. Paula S. Conder* Mr. John J. Condon III* Ms. Teresa S. Condrey* Mr. Steven A. Conlee Ms. Nina I. Conley* Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Connell* Ms. Melynda Howell Conner* Ms. Sheridan V. Conner* Ms. Margaret A. Conway* Ms. Margaret M. Conway* Mr. Lester E. Conyers* Ms. Beverly E. Cook Ms. Cayla D. Cook* Ms. Courtney Cook Mr. James W. Cook* Ms. Janice S. Cook Ms. Megan K. Cook Dr. Melloni N. Cook Ms. Molly B. Cook* Mr. Joshua Cooley Ms. Diane F. Coons* Rev and Mrs. James C. Cooper Ms. Janice P. Cooper Dr. Kathy E. Cooper* Ms. Betty D. Copeland* Mrs. Kim Copeland Mr. Dan R. Corum Mr. C. Michael Coscia* Ms. Kasson L. Cosmini* Ms. Kay A. Cotten* Mr. Joshua Coules* Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Coveny* Ms. Emma R. Covington* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie A. Covington* Mr. Joseph Cowan Ms. Joy Cowan Ms. Vickey W. Cowell* Ms. Angelina M. Cowles* Ms. Diana C. Cox* William and Ernestine Cox Ms. Julia E. Cox* Mr. William D. Cox* Mr. William N. Cox The Honorable Janice C. Craig* Michael and Romelle Craig* Ms. Lynn F. Crane* Ms. Chyral G. Crawford* Mr. James A. Crawford* Mrs. Laura M. Crawley* Mr. Robert S. Crenshaw Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Barney E. Crews Jr.* Dr. Jennifer L. Crider Mr. Philip J. Crocker* Ms. Miriam J. Crosby and Mr. G. A. Crosby* Mr. Alan B. Cross* Mr. Raymond L. Crossnine* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie P. Crossnoe* Ms. Lea Ann Crowe Ms. Michele R. Crump* Beth and Stephen Crump Dr. William G. Crump* Mr. Henry L. Crusoe* Ms. Tara Cuccaro-Grant*


* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. Collin L. Cull* Daniel and Tammy Cullen Linda Payne Cullum* Dr. Vincent P. Culotta* Mr. Lewis C. Culpepper III* Ms. Suzanne L. Culpepper* Ms. Christen Culverhouse Ms. Katherine Culverhouse Mr. Kyle R. Cummins* Ms. Marmaud J. Cummins* Mr. Roderic J. Cunningham* Ms. Kimberly A. Cupp* Ms. Sharyn W. Curbo* Mr. Richard J. Curran Jr. Mrs. Ann C. Currie Ms. Angela Curry Ms. Kira N. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Curtis* Ms. Millett B. Cuthbertson Mr. William W. Dabbs* Ms. Barbara Dagastino Mr. Phillip L. Dagastino Jr.* Ms. Donna A. Dahlberg* Mr. Eric L. Dahler* Mr. William D. Dalehite* Mr. McKinley Dandridge Jr.* Ms. Madelyne Rafael Daneman* Mr. Gary D. Daniel Ms. Carolyn M. Danley* Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Dargie III* Ms. Nancy B. Darnall* Mr. Benjamin D. Daugherty Mr. Morgan Daugherty JoAnne and Ernie Daunter Ms. Carlie A. Davis* Ms. Debra Davis Ms. G. Jeanne Davis Ms. Linda C. Davis* Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Davis II* Mr. Ronald C. Davis* Ms. Ruth H. Davis* Ms. Sara K. Davis* Mr. Stanley W. Davis* Mr. Wheatley J. Davis Jr.* Dr. Judy Davis-Dorsey* Mr. Randle S. Dawkins Mr. David M. Dawson* Mr. Joseph R. Dawson III* Mr. Larry Allen Dawson Jr.* Ms. Cynthia M. Day* Ms. Tanya Day Ms. Margaret M. DeBaun* Ms. Judith J. DeBerry* Ms. Amy K. DeFoor* Mr. Michael C. DeGroff* Ms. Emily A. DeLozier Ms. Pamela DeShields Ms. Carolyn A. Deas* Mr. George N. Debakey Jr.* Ms. Bridgette Decent Ms. Joyce Deener Ms. Ashley Deering Dr. Robert W. Deininger Ms. Melissa L. Dejan* Mr. David Delgado Perusquia Ms. Lauren Michelle Delmonico* Mr. Patrick M. Demere* Ms. Jean R. Deming* Mr. Edward Dempsey* Mr. R. Douglas Dempsey* Mr. Scott G. Denaburg* Ms. Karlene Dent Mr. Thomas E. Dent* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Ann L. Denton* Mr. C. William Denton* Ms. Laura B. Derrington* Ms. Peggy D. Derrington* Drs. Elizabeth and Wil Dershimer* Mr. Charlie W. Dervrich Mr. Clifford M. Dettelbach* Ms. Carolan M. Deutch* Dr. Antonio R. de Velasco Ms. Linda A. Dever Ms. Catherine P. Dice* Ms. ChristyAnne C. Dickson Mr. Nolan Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Dienell* Ms. Ann T. Diggs* Mr. Walter W. Diggs Ms. Leasa A. Dillow* Ms. Kathrine N. Dilts* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Dixon* Mr. Lloyd Dixon Ms. Lori Dixon Mr. John M. Dobbins Jr.* Ms. Gloria L. Dobbs* Ms. Tracy L. Dobson* Dr. Matthew M. Doggett* Ms. Alice Joe Dong* Mr. Larry C. Donmoyer* Ms. Jane M. Donnelly* Dr. and Mrs. Gregory V. Donnenwerth Ms. Allison H. Donofrio* Mr. Robert F. Donohue* Ms. Sherry L. Dopwell Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Dorfman* Mr. Gregory Dotson* Ms. Donna J. Douglas* Ms. Malinda Douglas Mr. Calen Douglass Scott and Lauren Douglass Ms. Christy Doyle Mr. William L. Draper* Mr. Jed Dreifus Mr. Dennis S. Drexler* Ms. Gloria C. Driver* Mr. Aaron C. Drown Mr. James D. Duckorth* Mr. Praveen Duddu* Ms. Haley V. Duffey Mr. and Mrs. John W. Duffy Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Dugan* Mr. C. Jay Duggins* Dr. Deborah G. Duke* Ms. Elizabeth J. Duling* Ms. Diane B. Dull* Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Ms. Deborah M. Dunaway Ms. Earline W. Duncan* Dr. Victor W. Dungan Jim and Connie Dunkin* Mr. Jasen M. Durrence* Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Duskin* Dr. Alo Dutta Ms. Dorothy K. Duvall* Ms. Ann Tutwiler Dwyer* Ms. Molly B. Dye* Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dyer Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Eades* Dr. and Mrs. Gary C. Earhart* Ms. Patricia E. Earnest* Mr. Harry R. Easley* Mr. Myron O. Eason* Dr. Frank D. Easterday* Ms. Shirley A. Eaves*

Mr. Tito Echiburu Ms. Julie A. Eder* Ms. Frances P. Edison* Chris and Cheryl Edwards Ms. Delores A. Edwards Mr. John A. Edwards* Ms. Mary Frances Edwards Rev. Mary Wall Edwards* Ms. Chelsea M. Ehalt Ms. Barbara S. Ehrlich* Ms. Barbara N. Eichenberger* Ms. Kathleen P. Elbrecht* Dr. George B. Elder* Ms. Latoya Y. Elder Ms. Evadne W. Elion* Dr. Rachel K. Elkins* Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Ellenburg* Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Elliott* Ms. Emma B. Elliott Mr. Jarvis J. Elliott Ms. Laura J. Elliott Dr. David L. Elmendorf* Ms. Helen B. Elphingstone* Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elrod Mr. John M. Ely* Mr. Charles J. Emerick* Mr. Kent C. Emerson Dr. and Mrs. Graves E. Enck Mr. Arnold R. Engelberg* Mr. Leonard J. English* Ms. Judith W. Ennis* Mr. Robert S. Ennis Jr.* Alan and Linda Ensminger* Ms. Laura K. Entrekin Ms. Cynthia G. Epley* Mr. Clarence O. Epps* Mr. Steven D. Eppstein* Mr. Pravin Eric* Ms. Ann S. Erickson* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Erskine Mr. and Mrs. Tommy C. Estes* Dr. and Mrs. Hayden F. Estrada* Ms. Connie F. Ethridge* Ms. Eleanor G. Eubank* Mr. George D. Eubanks* Ms. Sue F. Eubanks Ms. Constance V. Evans* Mr. Robert G. Evans* Ms. Sidney Springfield Evans* Ms. Jane H. Eveland* Mr. Charles L. Everett* Mr. John S. Everett Jr. Ms. Nikki J. Everett* Ms. Bonnie T. Everson* Ms. Dorothy C. Ewing Mr. Johnston M. Ewing* Mr. and Mrs. W. Hickman Ewing Jr.* Ms. Querita S. Faddis* Ms. Mary M. Fadgen Ms. Lydia F. Faiers* Dr. Melissa D. Fallone* Ms. Janice G. Fankersley* Mr. Terry A. Fann* Ms. Evelyn E. Farley Mr. and Mrs. James E. Farmer* Ms. Barbara J. Farrar Mr. John E. Farrell* Ms. Camille L. Farris* Ms. Willie Mae Farris Dr. Paddy C. Favazza* Mr. Wayne H. Fay* Ms. Miriam H. Fearnley Mr. Robert L. Feasel*

Ms. Susan Feld* Ms. Tanea L. Felder* Dr. Jesse D. Feldman* Ms. Vera Feldman Ms. Carole L Felks Mr. Geoffrey T. Fenlong* Mr. Jonathan Fenno Ms. Denise H. Ferguson Mr. Matthew B. Ferguson Ms. Denise L. Fernandes* Cdr. Timothy L. Ferree* Mr. Lucas Curotto Ferreira* Mr. James H. Feuerbacher Jr.* Dr. Curt Fields Jr.* Dr. Linda P. Finch* Ms. Linda M. Finerson Fite* Ms. Mickeyla Finley Dr. J. Richard Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Fisher* Ms. Tracie G. Fisher* Dr. Malinda E. Fitzgerald and Mr. Ronald G. Fitzgerald* Mr. Timothy M. Fitzgerald* Mr. Adam Flanery Mr. David B. Fleisher* Ms. Marilyn C. Fleming* Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Fletcher* Ms. Faye E. Fletcher Mr. Paul A. Flowers* Mr. William M. Fondren III* Ms. Jennifer J. Fontane* Mr. Josue Fontanez* Ms. Diane T. Ford Mr. Eugene Ford Dr. Sylverna V. Ford and Mr. Louis Paris Jr.* Mr. David L. Forster* Mr. Steven S. Foss* Mr. David W. Foster* Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Foster* Mr. Robert L. Foster Mr. Roger A. Fowler Mr. James E. Fox* Ms. Judy K. Fox* Ms. Susan D. Fox* Ms. Dorothy S. Frady* Ms. Holly K. France Mr. Rudy Frank* Ms. Margrethe E. Franklee* Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Frankle Dr. Adrienne K. Franklin* Ms. Doretha H. Franklin* Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Franklin* Ms. Tammy Franklin Ms. Leigh D. Fraser* Mr. Ricky Frazier Sr. Ms. Catherine M. Freeburg* Ms. Cecily S. Freeman* Mr. Joel T. Freeman* Mr. John L. Freeman* Ms. Judith D. Freeman* Ms. Kelly N. Freeman* Ms. Misty Freeman Ms. Ruby J. Freeman* Ms. Harriet Freiberger* Ms. Melva T. French* Mr. Brad J. Frewin Ms. Sandra P. Friedlander* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Frisch* Ms. Virginia Frizzell Mr. Larry D. Fry Dr. Alice M. Frye* Mr. John F. Frye Sr.

Ms. Ann Fuehrer Ms. Esther Fultz* Ms. Sandy S. Furrh* Mr. Lynn E. Fussell Mr. Larry Gaddy Mr. and Mrs. Aashish Gahlaut Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andrew Gaia* Ms. Lillie A. Gaines* Ms. Shelia Gaines Ms. Kathryn K. Gallagher Taylor B. Galloway Ms. Melanie D. Galvin* Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Garavelli* Ms. Carmen M. Garcia Ms. Renee S. Gardiner Gen. Donald R. Gardner* Mr. Bartley S. Garey* Ms. Teresa L. Garland Ms. Doris W. Garner* Mr. Robert Fallis and Dr. Christine H. Garrett-Fallis* Mr. and Mrs. Solomon M. Garrett Jr.* Ms. Sarah M. Garrison* Ms. Susan H. Garts* Ms. Clarice V. Gary* Dr. Pamela Gaston The Honorable and Mrs. Dee D. Gay* Mr. Lakshmi Sai Sunil Geddam* Ms. Pamela Gentry Ms. Patricia Gentry* Mr. and Mrs. Riley Gentry Mr. Richmond M. George* Ms. Jayne Geranios Dr. Monty H. Gerbush* Ms. James R. Giandina* Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Gibbs Jr. Ms. Linda C. Gidley Dr. James W. Gieselmann* Mr. Gordon L. Gilbert* Ms. Jessica L. Giles* Mr. Thomas W. Giles, Jr. Mr. Ceaser L. Gillespie Ms. Phyllis Y. Gillespie* Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gillespie* Ms. Anne S. Gillis* Ms. Debra Hall Gingery* Mr. Victor F. Giusti* Ms. Goldia M. Given Mr. Dennis R. Givens* Mr. Freddie Givens Jr.* Mr. Spencer L. Glaser* Rev. Donna L. Apolzon Glazier* Ms. Elisabeth G. Glenn* Ms. Teresa B. Glisson* Dr. Martha M. Glover and Mr. Billy J. Glover* Ms. Mary K. Gluszek Ms. Betty E. Godbold* Ms. Carol S. Goddard* Ms. Tamara Goff Mr. Paul A. Gogonelis Ms. Diane H. Gold* Ms. Victoria P. Golden Mr. Fred C. Goldsmith* Mr. Jorge O. Gonzales Mr. Joshua Gonzalez Mr. J. Waldon Gooch* Ms. Margaret M. Gooch Ms. Louise C. Goodale* Mr. Jared W. Goodman Ms. Judith C. Goodnow* Ms. Debbie A. Goodrum*



* Alumni + Deceased

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gossett* Ms. Mandy A. Goudy* Ms. Alida H. Gover* Mrs. Teri P. Graber and Mr. Larry Graber* Ms. Joyce A. Grace Mr. Richard C. Graff Mr. James Merrin Graham Ms. Laura K. Graham* Ms. Teresa B. Gramm Ms. Kimberly M. Grantham Mr. Byron M. Graves* Ms. Diane Graves Mr. and Mrs. Frierson Graves Mr. James A. Graves Ms. Sandra D. Graves* Ms. Susan Graves Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Gray* Ms. Jackie L. Gray* Ms. Jaquel Gray Ms. Maureen E. Gray* Ms. Valerie Gray Mr. William F. Gray* Ms. Dorothy M. Greaney Dr. Betty W. Green* Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Green Jr.* Mr. Harry L. Green Jr.* Mr. Yancey Green* Mr. Stephen M. Green* Ms. Virginia C. Green* Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Green* Ms. Amy Greenberg Dr. E. Dianne Greenhill* Ms. Nancy L. Greenwalt* Ms. Jaquarius Greer Sidney Rowe Greer Ms. Emily L. Gregg* Dr. Denis Grele Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Grieve* Ms. Virginia W. Griffee* Mr. Michael P. Griffin* Ms. Nelda F. Griffith* Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grimmitt* Mrs. Liz Grisham Ms. Carol Grishen Mr. C. Michael Grissom* Mr. Peter C. Groenendyk Col. Albert C. Gross Jr.* Ms. Patricia S. Gross Ms. Loren R. Grossman* Mr. Samuel Grossmann Ms. Marla M. Grubbs* Mr. Pablo Guerra Monje* Mr. and Mrs. William E. Guess* Dr. Lawrence J. Gulde* Dr. Nell S. and Mr. Jacky Gullett* Ms. Laverne Gurley Mr. and Mrs. Nick L. Gurley* Mr. Ross J. Guscette Rose and Gerald Gustafson Mr. Randy E. Guy* Ms. Michele B. Ginn* Ms. Jordan E. Haag* Ms. Jacquelyn C. Haas* Mr. Robin D. Hadaway* Mr. and Mrs. Odis E. Haggard Jr.* Mr. Vladimir Fox Haight* Mr. Joe Hailey* Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Hairston Ms. Mary C. Haizlip* Ms. Diana K. Hale Mr. James C. Haley* Mr. Charles A. Hall*


Dr. Charles E. Hall Jr. Mrs. James J. Hall Jr. Mr. Dustin T. Hall and Ms. Kimberly A. Enfield* Ms. Gwendolyn S. Hall* Mr. James E. Hall Mr. James V. Hall Mr. Robert F. Hall* Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hamblen* Ms. Annetta A. Hamilton* Ms. Cynthia A. Hamilton* Helen and Charles Hamilton Mr. Robert L. Hamilton Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Hamm* Mr. Edward C. Hammonds* Ms. Heather C. Hampton* Ms. Nicole Clark Haney Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Haraway* Mr. Larry D. Harber* Ms. Sharon A. Harber Mr. Timothy D. Harbeson* Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Harder* Ms. Virginia M. Hardiman* Mr. Willie E. Hardiman* Mr. Randle D. Hardin* Mr. Willard E. Harding III Ms. Jacqueline S. Hardison Ms. Bonnie A. Hardwick* Ms. Linda G. Hardwick* Ms. Mary A. Hardy Mr. Mark Harkins* Mr. William F. Harlow III* Ms. Rita G. Harman* Mr. Ben J. Harmon* Ms. Angela D. Harris* Ms. Christina M. Harris* Mr. and Mrs. David G. Harris* Mr. David L. Harris* Ms. Diane L. Harris* Mr. Dominic R. Harris* Mr. James W. Harris* Ms. Kathryn L. Harris* Dr. Laura E. Harris* Ms. Patricia A. Harris Ms. Rita J. Harris* Ms. Sandra Durrett Harris* Mr. Steve Harris Ms. Treva C. Harris* Ms. Thelma J. Harris* Ms. Gayle D. Harrison* Mr. and Mrs. J. Greg Harrison* Dr. Judy A. Harrison* Ms. Twyla R. Harrison* Ms. Alice M. Hart* Ms. Jo E. Hartline* Dr. Eliyahu E. Hartman* Ms. Alyssa M. Hartz* Dr. Jaye Harvey* Mr. Robert E. Harvey* Ms. Gale S. Harwell* Mr. Mohamed M. Hassan* Ms. Deborah S. Hasty* Ms. Larisa P. Hasty Mr. Kevan Hatamzadeh Mr. Majid E. Hatamzadeh* Ms. Margaret O. Hatch* Ms. Pamela A. Haun* Ms. Cynthia J. Hawes* Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Hawkins* Mr. Nyrone M. Hawkins* Dr. Jean S. Hayden Mr. Mark J. Hayden* Mr. Seth C. Hayden*


Ms. Kay A. Haye* Ms. Betty H. Hayes* Dr. Danese F. Hayes* Ms. Emily Hayes Ms. Sandra R. Hayes* Mr. Aaron M. Haynes* Ms. Bonney J. Haynes* Ms. Atlanta S. Heathman* Ms. Jennifer A. Hedge Ms. Barbara Cantor Segal Hellman* Mr. and Mrs. Kim A. Hellman* Ms. Barbara J. Henderson* Ms. Carol D. Henderson Mrs. Darcie L. Henderson Dr. Francoise Coulont Henderson* Mr. Jesse P. Henderson* Mr. Roy T. Henderson Jr.* Ms. Ruth A. Henderson* Ms. Sharikka S. Henderson Ms. Shellie R. Hendren* Mr. and Mrs. James R. Henry* Mr. Mark E. Henry* Mr. Michael L. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hermsdorfer* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Herr* Ms. Vanessa B. Herring* Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Herrod* Mr. John E. Herron* Mr. and Mrs. John E. Herron* Mr. Kenneth J. Herron* Ms. Greta R. Heru* Mr. and Mrs. Corey A. Hickerson* Mr. Darrell E. Hickey Ms. Patricia W. Hickman* Mr. and Mrs. Trent Hicks Mr. Fharon M. Hicks* Mr. Jacquez M. Hicks-Sweeney* Ms. Amanda Higginbotham Ms. Jayniece R. Higgins* Ms. Diane Hight Ms. Dianne Hightower* Ms. Anna B. Hilger* Ms. Michelle M. Hill Ms. Tiffanee S. Hill* Ms. Dorothy Hill Mr. Zane Hill* Ms. Sammie Hines Ms. Carla J. Hinkle* Mr. Samuel W. Hinson* Ms. Lauren M. Hintz Mr. James L. Hisky* Mr. Everett L. Hixson III* Ms. Tina T. Hobson* Mr. Clare C. Hodge III* Mr. Walter F. Hoehn* Ms. Joanna D. Hofman Dr. and Mrs. Randall L. Holcomb* Col. and Mrs. James P. Holland* Ms. Mary H. Hollingsworth* Ms. Phylicia R. Hollis* Mr. Frank C. Holloman III* Ms. Jaimee Hollowbush-Stoker Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Hollowell* Ms. Sandra J. Hollowell* Maj. Albert L. Holmes Jr.* Ms. Cheri A. Holmes* Mr. George D. Holmes* Mr. Steve R. Holmes Ms. Toni L. Holmes Mr. Bryan D. Holstrom* Ms. Keri Holt Ms. Patricia C. Holt* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Holzemer*

Ms. Jenny T. Honeycutt Mr. Dennis C. Hooker Mr. Randall S. Hooten* Mr. Daniel J. N. Hope* Ms. Dorothy V. Hope* Ms. Haley M. Hopkins Ms. Nichole L. Hopper Pearl and Rev. Dorsey Hopson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hopson Ms. Peggy F. Hora Ms. Jeanne M. Horishny* Ms. Lorna L. Horishny* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Hornsby* Ms. Cathy G. Horton Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Horton* Judy and J. Warren Horton Mr. and Mrs. Philip Z. Horton* Ms. Pamela A. Horvath Ms. Megan R. House* Ms. Sheladia K. Houze Mr. and Mrs. Osbie L. Howard Jr.* Dr. Michael E. Howell-Moroney Ms. Suzanne V. Hoyal* Ms. Barbara L. Hubbard Ms. Tomeco L. Hubbard Ms. Lori L. Hudson* Mr. Richard S. Hudson* Ms. Theresa Hudson Dr. David W. Huey* Ms. Deborah W. Huffman* Mr. & Mrs. Ira B. Hughes* Ms. Rebecca J. Hull Ms. Linda M. Hulsey* Ms. Denise M. Hummel Ms. Angela Humphreys* Mr. Keith A. Humphreys* Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Hundley* Ms. Kelley K. Hundt* Mr. Zachary C. Hunter* Ms. S. Charlene Hurdle* Ms. Wendy D. Hurt Dr. and Mrs. William T. Huskison* Mr. John E. Husser Jr.* Mr. Lyman A. Hussey Mr. Richard A. Hutchinson Jr.* Ms. Paula W. Hymel* Ms. Arlinda Ibezim Mr. Hamza B. Ibrahim Ms. Jana Infield Mr. Christopher S. Ingram* Mr. James S. Ingram* Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ingram* Ms. Shunitra L. Ingram* Mr. Timothy M. Ingram, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ippolito* Ms. Debra J. Irvine* Ms. Lauren E. Isaacman* Ted and Joan Isbell Mr. Clinton W. Isenhower* Mr. and Mrs. Tsunehiko Ishikawa* Ms. Alicia D. Ivory* Ms. Annie Ivory Dr. William A. Ivy* Dr. Rekha V. Iyengar* Dr. Sabrina J. Jack* Ms. Barbara A. Jackson* Ms. Barbara D. Jackson Ms. Brenda Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jackson Jr.* Mr. Correll R. Jackson Jr.* Ms. Helen M. Jackson* Mr. Kevin B. Jackson* Mr. Micheal E. Jackson*

Ms. Stephanie R. Jackson* Ms. Teresa Jackson* Ms. Ronda R. Jacques* Ms. Lauren E. Jade Dr. Pankaj K. Jain Ms. Peggy E. Jalenak and Mr. L. R. Jalenak Jr. Ms. Diane M. Jalfon* Mr. James A. Jamerson Ms. Avar H. James* Ms. Grayce L. James* Ms. Mary K. James* Dr. Richard K. James Ms. Ginger R. Jamison* Ms. Cachetta L. Jamison-Hardrict* Drs. Richard Janikowski and Phyllis Betts Mr. Linwood B. Jarratt Ms. Lisa M. Jarratt Ms. Terri T. Jarratt* Mr. Curtis G. Jasper Mr. Robert L. Jefferson* Ms. Anshon T. Jenkins* Drs. Terrence R. Tiersch and Jill A. Jenkins* Ms. Lisa B. Jenkins* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Jenkins* Ms. Shanette R. Jenkins-Parks Mr. Morris Jennings* Ms. Cheryl S. Jensen Mr. Spencer F. Jerrolds* Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jerry II Ms. Stacye D. Jeter Ms. Sheryl L. Jett* Ms. Faye P. Jeu Sheck* Ms. Betty W. Jewett* Mr. Raymond Jimenez Jr.* Ms. Tiffany V. Joe* Mr. and Mrs. Subodh K. Joglekar* Ms. Almeda N. Johnson* Mr. Andrew M. Johnson* Ms. Beverly J. Johnson* Mr. Charlton C. Johnson* Rev. and Mrs. Don E. Johnson Ms. Claire O. Johnson* Mr. Clyde L. Johnson Jr. Ms. Diane W. Johnson* Ms. Elizabeth A. Johnson* Mr. Ernest Johnson* Ms. Frances H. Johnson* Mr. James R. Johnson* Ms. Janeen L. Johnson* Ms. Janet C. Johnson* Mr. Jeffrey C. Johnson* Ms. Karen S. Johnson* Ms. Kathryn I. Johnson Ms. Kierra Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Johnson* Ms. Nikia L. Johnson* Ms. Quiarra Johnson Ms. Rebecca C. Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Johnson* Mr. Tony D. Johnson* Mr. Tony L. Johnson Ms. Trinette M. Johnson* Mr. Zachary B. Johnson Dr. John M. Johnston Mr. Michael Burnett Joiner* Mr. Harmon L. Jolley Ms. Adrienne R. Jones* Ms. Alisha N. Jones* Dr. Anna L. Jones* Mr. Brian K. Jones*


Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Jones* Dr. D. R. Jones Mrs. Dorothy A. Jones* Mr. Frank Jones III Dr. George S. Jones* Ms. Hazel E. Jones Mr. Jessie B. Jones Dr. Joseph Jones Ms. Lisa G. Jones* Ms. Marian Dunn Jones* Mr. Michael F. Jones* Ms. Phylis J. Jones* Mr. Quincy D. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones* Ms. Skye E. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Jones* Ms. Pearlie M. Jones-Fields* Mr. Jodee M. Jordan* Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn A. Jordan Jr.* Mr. Richard L. Jordan* Ms. Robina F. Jordan* Mr. George E. Joy* Ms. Lindsey M. Joyce Ms. Gwendolyn S. Joyner* Dr. M. Ellis Julien* Mr. Suresh Kagoo* Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kaman* Mr. Kenneth R. Kane* Ms. Mary N. Kanowitz Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kaplan* Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Kaplan Mr. Sidney E. Kaplan* Mr. Jeffery P. Karafa* Ms. Neva W. Kauffman* Ms. Debra K. Kaufman* Mr. Gerald S. Kaufman Ms. Gayathri Kaushik* Ms. Laurie Kay Mrs. Tami L. Kayea Ms. Paula G. Kee* Mr. W. Robert Keelen* Ms. Deborah K. Keeney* Ms. Denise Gay Keeney* Mr. Dale F. Kehr Ms. Jennifer C. Kellett Mr. James B. Kelley* Ms. Rose Ann Kelley Ms. Barbara G. Kellogg* Mr. Evan Kelly Ms. Linda Smith Kelly* Ms. Carol J. Kelman* Mr. William S. Keltner* Dr. Charles E. Kendrick* Wade and Cindy Kennedy Mr. Peter M. Kennedy Mr. Britt Kennedy* Ms. Billie J. Kennett* Mr. Joseph B. Kent* Ms. Rhonda Kerley Ms. Angeline F. Kern* Ms. Carol C. Key Mr. Daniel H. Kiel Ms. Joan J. Killian* Ms. Amy C. Kimble* Mr. Kenneth J. Kimble III* Ms. Billie Kimbrough* Ms. Crystal Kimmons* Mr. Charles H. King* Ms. Dianne C. King* Ms. Lolita M. King* Mr. Raymond E. King III* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. King Ms. Alicia M. Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kirby* Mr. Ricky E. Kirby Jr. Ms. Brittney W. Kirk Dr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Kirk Mr. Jason M. Kirk* Ms. Marilyn W. Kirkpatrick Mr. Daniel D. Kiser Jr.* Mr. Nicholas A. Kistenmacher Mr. Morton Kivel* Ms. Shirley B. Klass Ms. Sally Klatt Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Kleiman* Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholas Klein III* Mr. William M. Klein* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kleiser Jr.* Ms. Margaret C. Knack* Dr. Sharon Knafo* Ms. Julie D. Knight* Hyun Ju Ko Mr. Marvin B. Koch* Dr. Douglas J. Koertge Mr. James S. Koffman* Dr. Alan R. Kolski* Mr. Dan J. Koppen* Mr. Sidney W. Kornegay* Ms. Linda C. Krebs* Ms. Judith M. Kriger* John and Sharon Kriha Mr. Charles R. Krivcher* Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Krivcher* Mr. Bryant B. Kroll* Mr. Ronald P. Kubicki* Mr. Upen Kumar* Dr. Madan M. Kundu Ms. Evelyn J. Kurtz* Kurtzman Family Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Kyle* Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kyzar* Ms. Bethany I. LaGrone Ms. Sylvia B. LaHue* Mr. Richard E. LaNear* Maj. Edward T. Ladd* Mr. Ryne Ladley Dr. Daniel R. Ladner* Ms. Audra J. Laird* Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Lambert* Mr. John F. Lamond* Ms. Karen A. Lane-Saunders* Ms. Kim F. Lane* Mr. Randal L. Lane* Ms. Vanessa A. Lantin* Ms. Carroll Larremore* Mr. Bradford A. Larson Ms. Jana L. Larson* Ms. Kathleen T. Larson* Ms. Tiffany G. Latham* Ms. Dana Lathrop* Mr. Roland E. Launius* Ms. Dena R. Lawing Ms. Connie S. Lawrence* Mr. Harold W. Lawrence* Mr. Lewis L. Lawrence II* Ms. Sarah G. Lawrence Dr. Katherine E. Lawson* Ms. Shaquona L. Lawson Mr. Steven M. Lawson* Ms. Deborah A. Lawson-Abron Mr. Christopher G. Lazarini* Mr. David G. Lazich Mr. Granville J. LeMeune III* Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lea*

Mr. Marshall H. Lebovits* Ms. Bernadette Y. Lee* Mr. Brian A. Lee Mr. Robert W. Lee* Mr. Robert J. Leeke* Ms. Paula Leeker Ms. Annie Laurie (Lollie) Holland Lehman* Mr. Robert J. Leibovich* Mr. and Mrs. Rick Leigh Dr. Richard S. Lemler* Ms. Kayla R. Lendermon Mr. Andrew W. Lenhart* Ms. Anita J. Lenhart Mr. Reid R. Lentz* Ms. Lora L. Leonard* Mr. Robert Levey Ms. Shawn Levstek Mr. Darrell L. Lewis* Ms. Gilda G. Lewis* Mr. Jonathan P. Lewis* Ms. Angela R. Lexner* Ms. Haiying Li Dr. Rao Li* Ms. Zhihong Li* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Liberto* Ms. Scarlett L. Lichterman Mr. Byron L. Liles* Mr. Andrew Loy Lilley* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Lilly* Mr. and Mrs. Barry T. Lincoln* Dr. William C. Linderman* Mr. Erno Lindner Mr. and Mrs. Rosendo A. Lindo* Ms. Susana Lindo* Marilyn and Tim Lineberger Ms. Rhoda Linton Mr. Frank A. Linxwiler* Dr. J. Kenneth Lipner* Mr. Hershel S. Lipow* Mr. Billy R. Little* Mr. Daniel W. Little* Ms. Whitney Jo Little Ms. Terry Littmann Ms. Janyth B. Littrell* Ms. Yuxiang Liu and Dr. Xihui Zhang* Ms. Catherine Crooks Livesay* Mr. Richard A. Livingston* Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Lloyd* Ms. Victoria K. Lo* Mr. Everick D. Lockhart* Mr. Lavaire Lockhart Mr. Henry Gregg Loeb* Ms. Emily Lofton Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lofton* Mr. Jonathan K. Long* Ms. Laura M. Long* Dr. Norma J. Long Mr. Tracy Long Mr. Anthony A. Longo* Ms. Kerri S. Lorigan Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Lothrop* Mr. John H. Lovelady* Mr. James R. Lovett* Mr. Jacob M. Lowes Ms. Dee Lowrance Ms. Carol S. Lowry* Ms. Judy Kincaid Loy* Ms. Melissa F. Loy* Mr. Anthony S. Lu* Ms. Lisa L. Lucas* Ms. Linda Lucatelli-Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Luhrs*

Hard work really pays off. This scholarship will allow me to focus on pursuing my education. As an adult student, and a mother of three small children, going back to school full time is a decision that is impacting my personal life, and financial help is much appreciated. An opportunity like this helps me make my dream to become a licensed architect come true. I sincerely appreciate this opportunity. Roselma Pereira, Architecture P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


In my opinion, it speaks volumes of a person’s character when he or she voluntarily supports a student. It shows passion and a giving spirit, and I am grateful to be on the receiving end of that generosity. Kendrick Nelson, Engineering 68


Dr. James M. Lukawitz Ms. Laura R. Lukawitz* Mr. and Mrs. Nenad Lukic* Mr. Robert Lundy Ms. Deborah B. Lupia* Ms. Mikiela S. Luter* Ms. Glynda P. Luttman* Ms. Jan C. Luxton* Ms. Annie L. Lynch* Denis and Monica Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lynch* Rev. Shirley G. Lynn* Dr. Bonita S. Lyons* Mr. Floyd Lyons* Mr. George E. Mabon Mr. Billy L. Mabry Jr. B. B. MacPhail, Esq.* Ms. Glenda Mace Mr. Antonio M. Mack* Ms. Velma M. Maclin* Ms. Regina L. Macy* Mr. Thomas A. Maddox* Ms. Lurene B. Maddux* Mr. John R. Madison Ms. Ellen H. Magalian Ms. Paula D. Magnus* Ms. Christina L. Magueyal Dr. Susan Magun-Jackson and Mr. Neal F. Jackson* Mr. Sarat Mahavratayajula* Ms. Victoria L. Maher* Dr. Robert Maichrowicz Ms. Kathleen R. Mainardi* Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Malarkey* Ms. Michele H. Mallory Ms. Delores T. Malone* Mr. Dwight H. Malone Jr.* Mr. George E. Malone Ms. Emily W. Mancill Ms. April Joy Manger* Ms. Neena Maniktahla* Ms. Elfredda B. Mann* Mr. William T. Mann Ms. Whitney N. Manning* Mr. Harold Mansfield* Ms. Dominique L. Maples* Mr. Antonio M. Marchetti* Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Marchini Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marczynski* Dr. Nancy H. Mardis* Mr. Richard M. Marendt Jr.* Ms. Barbara P. Marese Ms. Donna Markey Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Markham II* Ms. Meghan P. Markie* Dr. Kristine M. Markman Ms. Marva Marks* Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Markus Mr. Lawrence E. Marley* Mr. Ricky L. Marley* Ms. Carmen R. Marlin* Mr. and Mrs. Orlando K. Marner* Ms. Mary M. Marr* Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Marsh* Mr. Michael T. Marshall* Mr. William J. Marshall* Ms. Dorcus D. Martin* Mr. and Mrs. James F. Martin Mr. James F. Martin* Mr. Jasmus D. Martin Ms. Mikay M. Martin* Ms. Rachel C. Martin* Ms. Naomi Martinez-Jones

Ms. Mary L. Marvin* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Maschmeyer Jr.* Ms. Judith E. Masel* Mr. W. Brent Mashburn Mr. Curtis R. Mason* Dr. and Mrs. James M. Mason* Mr. Frank M. Massa* Ms. Jean F. Massengale* Mr. Myers N. Massengill II* Mr. Brian D. Massey* Rev. Deborah M. Mathewson and Mr. Harry F. Mathewson* Ms. Evelyn R. Matlock* Ms. Sandra J. Matousek Dr. Yuki Matsuda Mr. Jeremiah G. Matthews Ms. Nicole L. Matthews* Ms. Tierney R. Matthews* Mr. Charles D. Maxwell S. R. Maxwell Jacquelyn and Bishop Mays* Ms. Elizabeth A. Mays* Ms. Kenisha C. Mays Ms. Gladys C. McAdoo Mr. Tony E. McAfee* Mr. and Mrs. James O. McAllister* Mr. and Mrs. John L. McAlpin* Ms. Taylor McAlpin Ms. Nichole McBride Mr. Jesse McCabe Mr. Benjamin C. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. McCalla* Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy McCaskey Ms. Carol H. McCaul* Ms. Perry McClew Ms. Kimberly H. McCollum* Mr. and Mrs. Guerry C. McComas Sr.* Ms. Allison McCommon Mr. and Mrs. William L. McCord Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. McCormack* Ms. June W. McCormick* Ms. Marilyn C. McCormick* Tom McCormick* Mrs. Kaleigh A. McCrary* Mr. Cedric McCray Ms. Erma E. McCrory Mr. Darnell M. McCurdy* Ms. Denise M. McCurtain* Dr. Randall G. McCutcheon Ms. Lynn McDermott Dr. Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy Mr. and Mrs. David G. McDonald Dr. Evelyn A. McDonald* Ms. Janice E. McDonald* Ms. Julia C. McDonald Ms. Zella C. McDonald* Mr. Timothy McDonnell Coach Lloyd C. and Carolyn McDougal* Mr. David G. McDowell* Ms. Claudia L. McFerren-Jones* James M. McGarrity* Mr. Daniel E. McGarry Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. McGee* Ms. Kimberly M. Bryant Ms. Annette McGhee Ms. Bess Y. McGhee* Ms. Britney McGhee Ms. Sylvia D. McGhee* Ms. Terrica A. McGhee* Ms. Amy E. McGinn* Mr. Jimmy I. McGlaughlin Jr.*

Ms. Adelaide J. McGowan Ms. Charline M. McGrath Mr. Mark E. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie R. McHellon Dr. Thomas H. McInish Ms. Sharion S. McInnis* Mr. Tevin McInnis Ms. Betty W. McIntosh* Ms. Jane B. McIntosh Mr. J. Don McKay Ms. Marsha A. McKay* Ms. Susan McKenzie Ms. Marie A. McKinnie* Mr. Darrell McKissick Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nip McKnight* Ms. Mary L. McLarty* Ms. Kathryn J. McLaughlin* Ms. Teresa G. McLendon* Ms. Barbara C. McMahon* Mr. Brien McMahon Mr. Kenneth A. McMahon* Mr. W. Clint McMorris* Ms. Maya McNeary Ms. Donna L. McNees* M. McNellis Mr. Malcolm H. McPherson* Mr. H. Woodson McRae* Ms. Ruth McWhirter Dr. Antonia S. Mead* Ms. Keri L. Means* Mr. Michael K. Means Mr. Gary A. Mecklin* Mr. Marion I. Meeker Ms. Renee C. Meeks* Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mehr* Dr. Michael T. Meier* Ms. Mary P. Meixell* Mr. G. Thomas Mendina* Ms. Angela V. Menne* Dr. Brian W. Meredith* Mr. Kevin W. Merriman Ms. Pamela K. Merritt* Ms. Queen D. Merriweather* Mr. Adam S. Messina* Mr. Larry D. Messing Jr.* Dr. Theodore J. Meyers* Mr. Steve M. Middlebrook Jr.* Ms. Barbara Higgins Migliara* Dr. and Mrs. Marc Mihalko* Mr. Bobby J. Miles* Ms. Melanie Miles Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Miller* Bill and Beth G. Miller* Mr. Charles L. Miller Ms. Johann T. Miller* Mr. Michael Miller Mr. Robert R. Miller* Mr. Shannon E. Miller* Ms. Shirley J. Miller-Johnson* Ms. Sharon A. Miller-Jones Mr. Mark C. Milliken* Mr. Brett A. Millikin* Ms. Marla M. Milling* Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Mills* Mr. Warren G. Milnor* Ms. Latecial Milton Ms. Suzanne B. Minotto* Ms. Elizabeth Minton Mr. Hubert L. Minton Mr. Joshua M. Mintz* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Mirdo* Ms. Arlynn K. Mirvis* Mr. Jerry E. Mitchell*


* Alumni + Deceased

Dr. Graham R. Mitenko and Ms. Terrye L. Mitenko* Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moffatt* Mr. Michael Mogilefsky* Mr. Ferris Y. Mogy* Mr. and Mrs. Steele H. Molloy* Ms. Nancy H. Molteni* Dr. Sharon L. Momany* Mr. Juan c. Monge Alvarado Ms. Kara Montague* Ms. Mary C. Montanus* Harriet and John Montgomery* Ms. Jennifer L. Montgomery* Mr. Ralph A. Montgomery* Mr. Robert E. Montgomery* Paul Montray and Patricia Montray Ms. Patricia L. Moody* Ms. April M. Moore* The Honorable Betty T. Moore* Ms. DeAndrea L. Moore* Ms. Deborah D. Moore* Mr. George H. Moore Dr. Larry Moore* Mr. Mark H. Moore* Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Moore* Ms. Pamela L. Moore Mr. Richard Moore* Ms. Virginia R. Moore* Mr. Gary P. Morel* Ms. Judith M. Morell* Mr. Kevin J. Morgan* Ms. Marilyn F. Morgan* Ms. Janice L. Morganfield* Ms. Janace Mork Clearthur Morris Mr. James A. Morris* Mr. Joseph Morris* Mr. Joshua R. Morris* Stacey Morris Ms. Bessie M. Morrow* Ms. Armetrea L. Mosby* Ms. Eva E. Mosby* Mr. James D. Moseley* Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Moseley* Ms. Shirley W. Moser* Ms. Martha L. Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Moss* Mr. Willie C. Moten Jr.* Ms. Dawn L. Mott* Mr. and Mrs. David L. Motta* Rev. Judd A. Mowery* Ms. Kristin M. Mudd* Mr. Ryan M. Mudd Ms. Eunice O. Mullen Ms. Hilda C. Mullen* Ms. Kathleen Mulligan* Ms. Mitzi D. Mulligan* Ms. Judith P. Mullins* Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie W. Mungle* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Murley Jr.* Ms. Joyce Hulme Murley* Ms. Justina L. Murphy* Ms. Katy L. Murphy* Dr. Laura O. Murphy* Mr. Bobby L. Murray* Mr. John E. Murray Mr. and Mrs. William S. Murray IV* Ms. Carolyn F. Murrell Mr. Philip A. Muth* Ms. Dabrielle N. Myers* Ms. Deborah A. Myers* Mr. John W. Myers II* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Ms. Patricia B. Myers* Ms. Aisha Naantaanbuu Mr. Zachary P. Nahmias* Ms. Amy M. Nance* Ms. Corazon P. Navarro Ms. Mary J. Navarro Bob and Charlotte Neal Maj. and Mrs. Emmett G. Neal Jr.* Mr. Michael D. Neal* Mr. Phillip Neal Ms. Stacey O. Neel* Ms. LaKeidra P. Neely* Mr. Thomas C. Neiman* Haleh Nekoorad-Long, M.D. Mr. Ken Nellans Ms. Georgia E. Nelson-Robinson* Mr. Gregory S. Nelson* Ms. Ida Hill Nelson* Dr. John P. Nelson Jr.* Mr. Jonathan E. Nelson* Ms. Laura K. Nelson* Ms. Teresa A. Nelson* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Nelson* Ms. Jacquelyn J. Nerren* Ms. Kathryn P. Nesbitt* Ms. Shabrekia N. Nesbitt* Ms. Dorothy H. Neuf* Ms. Sandra A. Necombe* Ms. Sandra H. Newsom* Mr. Marvin W. Newsum* Ms. Juanita B. Newton Ms. Christina P. Ngo Mr. Chuong H. Nguyen* Ms. Elizabeth Nguyen Mr. Sa Nguyen* Ms. Marcelle Z. Nia* Ms. Debra M. Nichols* Mr. Donald R. Nichols* Mr. Jere A. Nichols* Ms. Joan J. Nichols* Ms. Lillian M. Nichols* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Nichols Ms. Laurel B. Niday* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Niebruegge* Mr. Michael J. Niehaus* Dr. Terry D. Noah* Ms. Julia Y. Noel* Mr. Marcus A. Noel* Ms. Harriet H. Nolan* Mr. James H. Nolen* Mr. Jacob E. Norman* Kim Norman Ms. Ruth B. Norman Ms. Aura Northcutt Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Northern* Ms. Frances C. Norton* Ms. Sandra W. Norton* Ms. Angela R. Norwood Ms. Melissa Chism Norwood* Marilyn and Herbert Notowich** Dr. Mary Ellen M. Nourse* Mr. Kevin Novak* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Nunes* Ms. Kay K. Nunnelee* Ms. Audrey C. Nunnery* Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Nunnery Jr.* Mr. John S. O’Brien* Ms. Kathryn J. O’Bryan* Mr. Jack R. O’Kelley* Ms. Mary O’Kelly Ms. Sarah G. O’Neal* Mr. Errol M. O’Neill Ms. Terry T. O’Roark*

Mr. Michael T. Oaks* Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Oldenburg* Dr. Andrew M. Olney* Ms. Rachel C. Olney* Eunice and Edward Ordman Ms. Joyce A. Ores* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Ores* Mr. Michael A. Orians* Mr. Stephen J. Orians* Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Orlansky* Ms. Gay B. Clapp* Mr. Richard J. Oshlag* Ms. Lucia C. Outlan D. Glynne Owen Dr. JoAnne T. Owen* Ms. Tulita P. Owen* Dr. DeAnna N. Owens Ms. Rose Owens Mr. Ezekiel Owens Jr.* Mr. George M. Owens* Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Owens Ms. Marina Pacini and Mr. David McCarthy Ms. Elizabeth G. Pacaud* Melvyn and Linda Padawer* Mr. Melvyn S. Padawer Mr. Gordon K. Pafford* Mr. Louis J. Pagano* Ms. Tracy C. Pagano* Mr. Winford A. Page Ms. Donna N. Paine* Ms. Josephine Palazola Dr. and Mrs. Rodolfo A. Palazzolo* Ms. Holly B. Palmer* Ms. Stephanie M. Palmer Mr. Steven M. Palmer* Mr. Tommy J. Palmertree* Ms. Wende S. Paoni* Dr. Patricia T. Papachristou* Mr. Andrew Pappas* Ms. Shkendie Papraniku* Mr. Arnold L. Parham* Mr. Billy F. Paris* Ms. Sara S. Parisotto* Mrs. Stacey L. Park* Mr. Alex H. Parker* Ms. Bethany M. Parker* Ms. Deborah S. Parker* Ms. Gretchen Z. Parker* Mr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Parker Jr.* Mr. Marcus Parker Mr. Mark P. Parker* Mr. Keith M. Parnell* Dr. Thomas D. Parnell* Ms. Janice Parran* Ms. Latasha T. Parrish* Mr. Charles M. Parsons Jr.* Ms. Jacqueline Ruth Partee* Mr. Thomas M. Parzinger* Ms. Patricia L. Pate* Mr. Ravi S. Patel* Ms. Kristy L. Patrick* Ms. Rubbie S. Patrick-Herring* Ms. Shani Patterson Mr. William R. Patterson* Mr. Michael A. Patton* Ms. Shirley R. Paul* Mr. Harry A. Paulk* Ms. Brittany Latrice Payne* Ms. Jacqueline L. Payne* Ms. Patricia A. Pearce* Mr. William C. Peatross

Mr. and Mrs. Monte R. Peck* Ms. Elizabeth Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Penick* Ms. Maria D. Perez Mr. Jackson E. Perkins* Ms. Tamara A. Perkins* Mr. and Mrs. I. Frank Perlman* Mr. Stephen F. Perlowski* Ms. Amelia A. Permenter* Mr. Frank E. Pernell* Ms. Kathryn S. Perrine* Nancy Manley Perrine* Dr. Barbara A. Perry* Ms. Bonnie F. Perry* Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Perry Ms. Felesha R. Perry* Ms. Frankie Perry* Ms. Vera J. Martin-Perry Mr. Jason O. Perryman* Mr. Donald F. Peters Dr. Stephen H. Petersen Ms. Ashley M. Peterson* Ms. Deanna I. Peterson Dr. Robert M. Peterson* Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Petrie* Mr. Daniel L. Petriskie* Ms. Marcia A. Petty* Mr. Johnathan Pham Ms. Jennifer L. Phares* Dr. Joshua S. Phillips Ms. Mary T. Phillips* Mr. Rodney W. Phillips* Ms. Carmen T. Phillipy* Mr. James H. Philpott* Ms. Carolyn S. Phipps* Ms. Estella C. Phipps* Ms. Jane P. Pienaar* Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Pierce* Mr. Josef A. Pierce* Piggott Family Ms. Kate D. Pigue* Mr. Paul Piker Ms. Jennifer K. Pinho* Ms. Verma Y. Pinkney* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Pirani* Mr. Steven T. Pittman* Mr. and Mrs. Wintrell R. Pittman* Mr. Jerry E. Pitts* Ms. Bridget Pitts-Jaffe* Dr. Doris A. Pleas* Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Pledger Jr.* Mr. William M. Plosser* Ms. Kini Kedigh Plumlee* Ms. Jo Ann Plunkett Ms. Kimberly D. Pointer Mr. Samuel L. Polk* Ms. Tommie J. Polk Ms. Dianne K. Polly* Mr. Edwin H. Poole* Mr. Christopoher L. Pope Ms. Andria N. Porter* Ms. Cynthia G. Porter* Ms. Wilma B. Porter* Mr. Jeffrey Porterfield* Mr. Allen Portner Ms. Laxmiswetha Potana* Dr. Sarah Potter Ms. Jane W. Poulos* Ms. Edana L. Pounders* Ms. Jacqueline Powell* Ms. Louvenia H. Powell* Ms. Ruby J. Powell Mr. Bheerendra R. Prasad*

Ms. Susan R. Prater Ms. Sarah D. Pratt* Ms. Loretta K. Prentice* Ms. Michelle E. Prentice* Dr. Chrysanthe Preza Ms. Cherie D. Price Mr. Donald R. Price* Ms. Dorothy B. Kay Price* Ms. Sarah J. Price* Ms. Susan A. Price* Ms. Barbara T. and Mr. Forrest C. Priddy* Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Pritchard* Ms. Velma M. Pritchard* Ms. Kristine L. Protopsaltis* Ollie R. and William Provall Ms. Jennifer M. Provost* Mr. John L. Prudhomme* Ms. Sharron J. Pruitt* Ms. Robbie N. Pulliam* Mr. Fred A. Pullins* Mr. Julian R. Purifoy* Ms. Carol B. Purvis* Mr. Peter L. Purvis* Ms. Theresa V. Purvis Ms. Wakina L. Puryear* Ms. Teresa Stanley Queen* Mr. Robert A. Quilliams* Ms. Janet M. Quinn* Mr. Will Quinn* Mr. Charles A. Rafael* Ms. Brenna M. Ragghianti* Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Ragghianti II* Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Ragghianti Jr.* Ms. Nancy L. Rahm* Ms. Lisa A. Raines Ms. Amanda G. Rainey* Mr. Wayne M. Rainey Dr. James P. Rakowski Ms. Staci Croom Raley* Mr. David L. Ralston* Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Ramer Jr.* Mr. James A. Ramsey III* Ms. Margaret W. Ramsey* Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ramsey* Dr. and Mrs. E. James Randall* Mr. James A. Randle* Mr. Thomas R. Rankin* Mr. Warren Ransom Ms. Emilie G. Ratner* Ms. Alice W. Raver* Dr.and Mrs. J. Bentley Rawdon* Mr. Malcom V. Rawls* Ms. Clarice Bowlent Ray* Mr. R. Jerry Ray Mr. and Mrs. Rashawn J. Ray* Mr. Abdul Razak* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Rea* Ms. Frances C. Reasons* Ms. Randii Reaves Ms. Susan E. Recker* Ms. Sarah A. Rector Mr. Kyle Allen Reece Rev. Richard D. Reece* Dr. Allen G. Reed* Mr. Kenneth W. Reed* Ms. Telisa R. Reed Ms. Virginia D. Reed Dr. Anne M. Reef* Dr. Kay C. Reeves* Mr. Timothy N. Regenold* Ms. Mary E. Reinitz* Ms. Tina S. Reisedge*



* Alumni + Deceased

Ms. Heather R. Vucetin* Ms. Wendy G. Reynolds Ms. Jamie R. Rhea* Ms. Evann A. Rhodes* Ms. Julia M. Rhodes Ms. Mary L. Rhodes* Ms. Patsy Herring Rhodes* Mr. Elvis M. Rias* Ms. Ashley M. Rice* Ms. Rachel E. Rice* Don and Marjorie Richard* Mr. William T. Richards* Mr. and Mrs. William W. Richards* Ms. Ashley H. Richardson* Mr. Cortney C. Richardson* Mr. and Mrs. Merle J. Richardson Jr.* Dr. Sandra Richardson Mr. Warren A. Richey Ms. Hazel B. Richmond* Ms. Phyllis W. Richmond* Mr. Raymond J. Ricossa Sr.* Ms. Jennifer L. Riddle* Ms. Kimberly E. Ridgway* Ms. Sheran A. Riley* Dr. William J. Ristey* Mrs. Monica E. Ritchie Ms. Betty J. Rixter* Mr. and Mrs. James Rixter Ms. Jennifer K. Roames* Ms. Janet C. Robbins Mr. Patrick A. Robbins* Mr. Richard C. Robbins* Dr. and Mrs. S. Gwin Robbins Jr. Dale and Kelly Robble Mr. Michael S. Roberson Mr. Barry D. Roberts Ms. Charlotte A. Roberts* Ms. Leanne Meeker Roberts* Mr. William C. Roberts Jr.* Mr. E. C. Robertson Mr. Ryan T. Robertson* Mr. Arzell Robins* Ms. Clara J. Robinson* Mr. Donald W. Robinson* Dr. Gail D. Robinson* Ms. Janice Ewell Robinson* Mr. John Robinson Ms. Joyce G. Robinson* Ms. Julietta R. Robinson* Dr. Martha D. Robinson Ms. Rhonda Robinson* Ms. Tiffany N. Robinson* Ms. Rebecca L. Roche* Mr. Patrick J. Rodrigues Ms. Stacey J. Roe* Ms. Sharon A. Roehrig Mr. Rick J. Roelke* Ms. Beth Rogers Mr. Carson L. Rogers* Mr. Jeffrey G. Rogers* Ms. Jennifer R. Wilkins* Dr. Norma P. Rogers* Mr. Ryan J. Rogers* Ms. Amie L. Roland* Ms. Shirley S. Rollins* James and Theta Rone* Ms. Joyra E. Rook Vargas Mr. James A. Rose* Mr. Robert W. Rose* Ms. Rena L. Rosenberg* Ms. Carol Ann G. Ross* Ms. Melpha Ross Ms. Minnie Ross*


Mr. Terry G. Ross* Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Roth* Mr. Irwin Z. Rothenberg* Alan Skid Rowe* Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rowe Jr.* Stephen and Donna Rowland* Ms. Judith E. Royal* Ms. Megan C. Rubenstein* Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rubin* Ms. Ann P. Ruble* Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Ruby* Ms. Diane Rudner Ms. Maegan B. Rusch Ms. Linda A. Rushing Mr. and Mrs. S. Kittrell Rushing III* Mr. Austin Russell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Russell* Mr. Steve E. Russell* Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Rutledge* Mr. Kenneth M. Rutzky Ms. Claire L. Rychlak* Mr. Hassan Saadat* Ms. Ikrimah Sabalillah* Ms. Aman Sachdev Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sadowski* Mr. Mitchell L. Sadowsky* Mr. Ali Salehi* Ms. Zoe K. Sams* Ms. Katie Sandage* Ms. Patti P. Sandage* Mr. Darren J. Sanders* Mr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Sanders* Dr. Sara B. Sanders* Dr. Leon B. Sanderson* Ms. Jasmine F. Sankhon Ms. Stephanie P. Sarasohn* Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Sasser* Ms. Danielle Saulsberry Mr. Ike W. Savelle Ms. Tamara A. Sawyer* Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Scanlon Jr.* Mr. Blake Scarbrough Mr. Keith W. Scarbrough* Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schadrack III* Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Schaeffer III* Dr. S. J. Schaeffer III* Ms. Lisa W. Schafer* Debbie and Sid Scheinberg* Ms. Cynthia A. Schepman* Ms. Michele R. Scherer Ms. Mildred S. Schiff* Mr. Robert G. Schiffer* Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Schilling* Charles and Martha Schneider* Mr. Thomas E. Schneider and Mrs. Wanda J. Kilgore-Schneider* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Schrack* Ms. Kathy A. Schrack* Ms. Leila B. Schroeder* Ms. Sharon Schroeder Ms. Erin G. Schuetz Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schuetz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Schuier* Mrs. Ann M. Schwieters Mr. David J. Scobey* Suzanne Potts Scobey, FNP* Ms. Margaret Ann Scott Mr. Mark A. Scott* Ms. Kathy T. Scruggs* Mr. Ryan G. Seidner* Don and Jerrie Seiler* Mr. Steven M. Self*


Ms. Vera L. Self* Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sellers Ms. Mary G. Sesley* Dr. Alireza A. Setayesh* Ms. Marjorie H. Settles* Ms. Patricia C. Sexton* Ms. Jane M. Seyer* Ms. Vivian L. Seymour* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Shackelford* Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Shackleford* Mr. Adam L. Shacknai* Dr. William R. Shadish Jr. Bhrugu M. Shah Ms. Adelyn Shankle Penny Shannon Ms. Dominique Sharp Joe and Sharon Sharp* Ms. Rebecca A. Sharp* Mr. Curtis D. Shatley* Mrs. Alissa Campbell Shaw Ms. Babette J. Shaw* Ms. Amy D. Shead* Ms. Annette E. Shearin* Dr. Arthur L. Shearin* Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shefsky* Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Sheft Ms. Margaret S. Sheft* Ms. Lauren M. Shelley Ms. Brenda Shelton Ms. Courtney M. Shelton Ms. Elizabeth W. Shelton* Mr. Larry J. Shelton Ms. Mary M. Shepard-Miller* Mr. Gerald D. Sher* Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Sheridan* Mr. Hon Yie E. Shieh* Mr. and Mrs. Earnest C. Shinault* Mr. Mil Shirley* Mr. Steven D. Shirley* Mr. Thomas M. Shivers* Ms. Susan Fasbinder Shone* Ms. Patricia K. Short Mr. Steven M. Short* Ms. Gwendolyn G. Shorter* Ms. Michele D. Shouse Ms. Celeste C. Shull* Ms. Sehrish Siddiqui* Dr. Philip H. Siegel* Ms. Lindsay N. Sigler* Ms. Cassie M. Siler* Ms. Madeline R. Simington Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Simmons* Ms. Patricia W. Simmons* Ms. Vernell S. Simmons Ms. Andria W. Simonsen* Mr. C. Greer Simonton* Mr. H. Wayne Simpkins Mrs. Kathryn Hicks Simpson and Mr. James A. Simpson Jr.* Mr. Michael R. Simpson* Mr. Steven L. Simpson* Mr. Anthony F. Sims Ms. Jeanette L. Sims* Ms. Kay Sims Ms. Viola M. Sims* Ms. Sheridan Sinclair* Ms. Donna W. Skaarer* Dr. Omar Skalli Ms. Christi I. Skinner* Ms. Harriet S. Skupin* Mr. Randal Lee Slavik* Mr. David C. Sloan*

Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Sloan Sr.* Ginny and Jim Slover* Ms. Jane L. Sluppick Mr. and Mrs. Saro W. Sluppick* Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Smalley Jr.* Ms. Michelle Smeyne Mr. Thomas Smigielski* Ms. Latacha Smiley* Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Smith Ms. Barbara L. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Basil E. Smith Jr.* Ms. Beverly P. Smith* Ms. Bryce M. Smith* Mr. Derrick C. Smith* dot fisher smith Mr. Edgar B. Smith* Dr. Helen C. Smith* Mr. J. Stephen Smith Ms. Jacqueline M. Smith* Ms. Janette Y. Smith* Ms. Jene W. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Smith* Ms. Joyce D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith* Mrs. LaKeisha M. Smith Ms. LaQuita Smith Ms. Lakesha B. Smith* Mr. Lonnie L. Smith* Dr. Manis J. Smith Jr.* Ms. Nicole A. Smith Ms. Patricia F. Smith* Ms. Patricia F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith Jr.* Mr. Robert W. Smith Jr.* Mr. Shannon J. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith* Ms. Tonie M. Smith-Chenault* Mr. and Mrs. William H. Smith* Ms. Chloe B. Smithson Ms. Rebecca B. Smykowski* Mr. Dan Snell Ms. Bettye P. Snipes* Ms. Tess L. Snipes Ms. Holly L. Snyder* Ms. LaTonya Snyder Ms. Leighanne Soden Mr. Jack Soden Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Sorrels* Mr. and Mrs. John R. Southerland* Mr. Cecil W. Sowell Ms. Margaret S. Spain* Mr. Joe M. Spake* Mr. Edward G. Spangler Jr.* Mr. David L. Sparkes Ms. Heather P. Sparkes* Ms. Ruthie L. Spearman* Mr. Andrew D. Spears Terri Spears Dr. Richard G. Speck* Mr. Charles E. Speer Ms. Alice B. Spence Ms. Sheryl T. Spence* Mr. Daniel Spencer Ms. Suzanne K. Spiceland* Mr. Virgil Spight* Dr. Randall W. Spinney* Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony Spitzer* Richard and Trish Spore Ms. Jenci Spradlin Ms. Leila D. Springer Ms. Lisa Turner Spurlin* Ms. Linda Sroufe Ms. Jennifer Stabenow

Ms. Courtney D. Stafford Drs. Bobbie and Jim Staley* Ms. Kay M. Stamps* Ms. Tina Stanfield Ms. Holly J. Stanford* Mr. Beau B. Staples* Ms. Andrea Stark* Ms. Catherine H. Stark* Ms. Sara H. Staskiews* Ms. Martha Staten Ms. Tygima A. Steele* Ms. Dianne B. Steen* Mr. Robert M. Stein* Mr. Gregory C. Steiner Dr. Kathryn L. Stephens* Ms. Sherri G. Stephens* Mr. Matthew A. Stepp Mr. Grigsby A. Stevens* Mr. Carlton T. Stewart Mr. Christopher B. Stewart* Ms. Doris Baptist Stewart* Mr. and Mrs. Dougley E. Stewart* Mr. James M. Stewart Jr.* Ms. Kathy R. Stewart* Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. Stewart Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Winston A. Stewart* Mr. Wyatt A. Stewart III* Ms. Bridgett L. Stigger* Mr. James L. Stiles* Dr. and Mrs. Vaughn E. Stimbert* Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd K. Stimson* Ms. Alicia V. Stires Ms. Joan J. Stivers* Mr. and Mrs. Blair A. Stock* Ms. Conni C. Stock Mr. Paul V. Stoddard* John and Margie Stoever* Ms. Lornette W. Stokes Dr. Joyce D. Stone* Ms. Christen Satterlee Stotts* Mr. and Mrs. William L. Stotts* Ms. Shelia Stout Ms. Lloydetta M. Stovall* Mr. Bernard A. Street Jr.* Ms. Roberta H. Stricker* Ms. Annette H. Striligas Ms. Patricia B. Stringer* Mr. Corey O. Strong* Ms. Eugenia R. Sugg* Ms. Lana Y. Suite Mr. Darius Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Sullivan* Ms. Mary T. Sullivan Mr. Richard S. Sullivan* Mr. Paul C. Sumereau* Ms. Doniesha L. Summons* Mr. Alan P. Sun* Ms. Gail R. Susman* Ms. Doris P. Sutherland* Ms. Patricia A. Suttle* Ms. Donna Rhodes Sutton* Mr. and Mrs. Mel Swaffer Sr. Ms. Paula G. Swan* Ms. Janie J. Swartz* Ms. Anne L. Swearingen* Ms. Veronica Sweeney Ms. Laritha H. Sweet* Mr. Gilbert W. Swift* Mrs. Stephanie Swims Kevin and Meg Sybert* Mr. Valerie A. Sykes* Ms. Betty L. Tabor* Dr. and Mrs. Owen B. Tabor*


Mr. Zeab E. Tadessee* Mr. Henry B. Talbot* Mr. Marshall L. Talley* Mr. Matthew B. Talley Ms. Wenjie Tang* Mr. and Mrs. David W. Tankersley* Gertrude Tara-Casciano* Ms. Jacquelyn P. Tate* Mr. Joseph H. Tate* Mr. Louis V. Tate* Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Taube* Dr. Charlotte C. Taylor* Ms. Dora L. Taylor* Ms. Elizabeth A. Taylor* Ms. Eula S. Taylor* Ms. Frances H. Taylor* Rev. Gary A. Taylor* Mr. Gerald J. Taylor* Ms. Gloria P. Taylor* Dr. and Mrs. H. Leon Taylor Mr. Hal W. Taylor* Mr. Joseph M. Taylor* Ms. Kiva A. Taylor* Mr. Larry S. Taylor* Ms. Marianne G. Taylor Mr. Robert S. Taylor* Ms. Wilma B. Taylor* Ms. Yvonne M. Taylor* Ms. Ora L. Taylor-Strowder* Mr. Christopher M. Teague* Ms. Gloria J. Teal* Mr. Charles F. Teamer* Ms. Renee Teate Ms. Laurie K. Telfair* Mr. Howard T. Tellepsen Jr. Ms. Annie Ruth Terrell* Mr. Curtis C. Terry Jr.* Dr. Patricia S. Terry* Mr. Steven A. Terry Dr. David C. Sharp* and Ms. Kathleen A. Terry-Sharp Ms. Kaleigh R. Thacker* Mr. and Mrs. John C. Thatcher IV* Ms. Teresa M. Theiner* Ms. Mary C. Thesmar* Mrs. Pamela J. Thing Ms. Edwina Thomas* Ms. Elizabeth G. Thomas* Mr. James A. Thomas* Ms. Jeanette L. Thomas Ms. LaShunta M. Thomas* Ms. Lakesha N. Thomas* Mr. LeRoy Thomas* Ms. Liese A. Thomas Mr. Patrick J. Thomas* Robin and Ardnett Thomas Mr. Ronald L. Thomas* Mr. Stanley J. Thomas III* Ms. Tara C. Thomas* Lt. Col. and Mrs. James F. Thomasson Jr.* Ms. Cathy W. Thompson* Mr. Charles A. Thompson III* Mr. David A. Thompson* Mr. Don Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James V. Thompson* Dr. Linda M. Thompson* Ms. Rachael F. Thompson Ms. Rakiya Thompson Ms. Talitha M. Thompson* Mr. Matt N. Thomson* Ms. Tonya R. Thorne* Ms. Sharon L. Thorpe* W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. Darren L. Thweatt* Mr. Joseph W. Thweatt* Ms. Sarah Jane Tice* Ms. Cassie J. Tidwell* Drs. Terrence R. and Jill A. Tiersch* Ms. Jessica Tigner Dr. Bette B. Tilly and Mr. Charles M. Tilly* Ms. Mary M. Tincher Dr. David A. Tipton* Ms. Inez L. Todd Ms. Melissa A. Streicher-Todd* Jessie and Dave Tolley Mr. Louis Tomayko Ms. Jennifer Tomes Mr. W. Russell Toone* Ms. Christina L. Torres Lt. Col. David M. Townley* Mr. and Mrs. William E. Townsend* Mr. Roy G. Trafton* Mr. Kelvin Tran Mr. Joseph R. Trantham Jr.* Ms. Elizabeth A. Trayal* Rev. Lewis E. Trotter* Ms. Carole P. Troutt* Ms. Vyonne L. Trusdale* Ms. Bonnie K. Tubbs* Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Tucker* Dr. Cynthia G. Tucker and Dr. David M. Tucker Ms. Lequita D. Tucker* Mr. Mark A. Tucker* Ms. Penny E. Tucker* Ms. Sylvia Tucker Mrs. Claudia D. Tullos-Leonard and Mr. Anthony W. Leonard* Ms. Doris C. Tunstall* Ms. Lorene G. Turkalo* Ms. Alice J. Turner* Ms. Barbara C. Turner* Ms. Bettie L. Turner* Ms. Beverly D. Turner* Ms. Evelyn R. Turner* Ms. Gina G. Turner* Ms. Marva K. Turner* Mr. Terry M. Turner* Ms. Verna H. Turner* Mr. William G. Turner Jr.* Mr. Christopher J. Tutor* Ms. Jeanne K. Tutor Mr. Ted G. Tutor* Ms. Clarissa Tye-Jones Ms. Shanell Tyler* Mr. Leonard E. Tyson Ms. Kenisha M. Udell* Mr. Charles Uffelman Ms. Vivian J. Umfress* Mr. Christian Underwood Dale and Joyce Underwood* Mr. Cecil F. Ungab Mr. Sashi P. Upadhyayula* Mr. Seegur Raviraj Urs* Mr. Terry M. Uselton* Ms. Mohsinah Usmani* Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Utterback* Donald and Lynda Valdez* Ms. Beth H. Valenta* Mr. Leonard E. Van Eaton* Mr. Kyle Garner Van Gundy Mr. Joseph H. Van Hook* Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Van Pelt* Ms. Mary K. VanGieson* Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vanderpool

Ms. Lucia D. Vanderpool* Ms. Susan Vandeinckel* Ms. Carolyn C. Vann* Ms. Hazel W. Vann* Mr. Michael S. Vargo* Mr. Gregory R. Vaughan* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Vaughan* Dr. Tammy J. Vaughan* Mr. Luke A. Vaughn Ms. Pam Vaughn* Kay and Walter Veazey* Ms. Michelle Ventrini Mr. Jan P. Verhage* Ms. Alexandra Victor Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Vincent* Dr. Dawn Butler Vincent* Ms. Marjorie M. Vincent* Ms. Bevalee B. Vitali Mr. and Mrs. Karl Volner Ms. Kelsey L. Volner* Ms. Mary B. Volner* Mr. Ryan S. Voyles Ms. An N. Vu* Ms. Joann E. Waddell* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Waddell* Ms. Irene B. Wade Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade* Ms. Margaret Wade Rudd* Ms. Mary L. Wagner and Mr. Thomas D. Owen* Ms. Victoria A. Waits* Ms. Morgan M. Wakefield Dr. Adam G. Walker* Ms. Cynthia S. Walker* Mr. David D. Walker* Mr. G. Lee Walker III* The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph H. Walker III* Ms. Pamela B. Walker* Mr. Phillip R. Walker* Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee Walker III Mr. Joseph C. Wall* Ms. Mary B. Wall* Ms. Stephanie Wall Mr. Niles A. Wallace Mr. Terence Wallace* Ms. Wanda Wallace Mr. Robert L. Waller* Mr. Earl T. Walton* Mr. Gerald Walton Col. and Mrs. Floyd E. Ward Jr.* Mr. Michael J. Ward* Ms. Megan E. Warden* Ms. Tori Warford Ms. Arnetta B. Warren* Ms. Carol S. Warren* Ms. Linda E. Warren* Ms. Stormey K. Warren Ms. Brittany R. Washington* Ms. Carol A. Waters Dr. Louise W. Watkins* Ms. Martha J. S. Watkins* Mr. Sammy D. Watkins* Dr. Betty A. Watson* Ms. Frances G. Watson Ms. Loretta H. Watson* Ms. Lucille J. Watson* Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Watson Ms. Rachel M. Watson* Ms. Joijau D. Watt* Ms. Emily Watts* Ms. Shirley C. Watts Mr. Edward Weatherly

This scholarship means a future with choices; without it I wouldn’t have the freedom to enjoy all that the University of Memphis has to offer. Jonathan Turner, Biomedical Engineering P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


Receiving a donor-funded scholarship means that someone has taken the time to make sure that I can have the best education that I can. It also means that I have shown that I have potential and can make the best of my college education. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to receive this scholarship. Christian Boyd, Theatre and Dance 72


Mr. Raymond H. Weatherly* Dr. Carmen and Mr. Joe D. Weaver Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Weaver Jr.* Ms. Wanda D. Webb Mr. and Mrs. William G. Webb* Mr. Edward C. Weber Mr. Jon Weber Ms. Susan S. Weber Ms. Sloane Weddel Mr. Joseph T. Wehlacz* Mr. Blair A. Weigel* Mr. Ira E. Weinstock* Dr. Jeremiah Weinstock* Mr. and Mrs. S. Lewis Weiss* Ms. Ann S. Welch* Mr. John T. Welch II* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Welch* Mr. William D. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Wellford Jr.* Mr. Norris E. Wells* Ms. Sarah K. Wells and Mr. Marvin J. Stockwell Jr.* Ms. Teresa D. Wells* Mr. Terry Wells Ms. Brigid C. Welsh* Mr. George B. Welte* Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Welton Mr. Elliot Wender Ms. Penina K. Wender* Mr. Clifton D. Wentworth* Ms. Stephanie L. Wessels Mr. Zackerus B. Westfield* Dr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Westmoreland Ms. Susan M. Whalen* Dr. David E. Wheat* Dr. Kristina M. Whicker* Mr. Charles A. Whitaker Ms. Anita F. White* Dr. Clarice R. White* Mr. Gerry O. White Ms. Leona C. White* Ms. Mamie A. White* Ms. Nancy S. White Ms. Patricia B. White* Ms. RoseAnn White* Mr. Sam A. White* Mr. Stephen Dennis White* Ms. Rita B. Whited* Mr. Christopher W. Whitehead Ms. Jeanne Y. Whitesides Maj. Gen. and Mrs. James A. Whitmore* Mr. Danny W. Whitt* Mr. Paul K. Whittenburg* Dr. James E. Whitworth* Ms. Ruth E. Whitworth* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wichers* Ms. Bonnie F. Wicker* Mr. Corky F. Wicks* Ms. Donna R. Widener* Dr. Mate’ Wierdl Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wigington* Ms. Joyce Reaves Wiginton* Mr. Frank R. Wilbourne* Ms. Charlotte M. Wilburn* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Wildeboer* Mrs. Margaret A. Wildmann Mr. Jaroslaw J. Wilkiewicz* Ms. Marlene R. Wilkinson* Ms. Annie B. Williams Ms. Armie J. Williams*

Ms. Brenda L. Williams Ms. Cori J. Smith* Mr. David H. Williams* Ms. Dolecia V. Williams* Dr. Dwight A. Williams Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Williams* Mr. Geoffrey S. Williams Ms. Jada K. Williams Mr. Joshua Williams* Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Williams Mr. Keathen C. Williams* Ms. LaGerra J. Williams* Ms. Linda W. Williams* Dr. Marshall V. Williams Jr.* Mr. Richard B. Williams Mr. Richard M. Williams* Sharon and Robert H. Williams Jr.* Rev. Stephen L. Williams* Mr. Thomas M. Williams* Mr. and Mrs. Todd V. Williams* Ms. Virginia R. Williams* Mr. Willis T. Williams* Ms. Winter S. Williams* Dr. Robert L. Williamson* Ms. Frances Willis* Ms. Gennora R. Willis Mr. and Mrs. George Willis* Mr. Gregory L. Willis* Mr. and Mrs. James D. Willis* Ms. Joy P. Wills Mr. Michael R. Wills* Ms. Renee M. Wills* Mr. Timothy W. Wilmot* Mr. Bobby R. Wilson* Dr. Catherine T. Wilson* Mr. Donald L. Wilson and Ms. Amy R. Wilson* Harvey and Ebonee Wilson Mr. Gordon B. Wilson and Ms. Deborah F. Wilson* Jana Wilson Mr. Jeremy G. Wilson Ms. Michele A. Wilson* Ms. Mona R. Wilson Mr. Robert E. Wilson Ms. Sharra Wilson Ms. Shelby L. Wilson* Ms. Sylvia R. Wilson* Ms. Toya L. Wilson Mr. William J. Wilson* Ms. Leah W. Windsor* Mr. Scott M. Winkler* Mr. Matthe J. Winters* Dr. Michael R. Winters* Prof. Peggy Fincher Winters* Ms. Jo Wise Mr. Aaron J. Wiseman Ms. Jo Anne G. Wochner* Mr. Ronald A. Wochner* Ms. Stella Woehst Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Wofford* Ms. Amanda N. Wolf* Mr. Joseph L. Wolf* Ms. Teresa Wolf Mr. Jack G. Wood* Dr. Kenneth I. Wood* Ms. Michelle L. Wood* Mr. Rod W. Wood Ms. Michelle Wood Ms. Jacqueline Y. Woodall* Mr. J. Roger Woods* Ms. Keeya M. Woods* Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Woods Jr.*

Mr. R. L. (Woodie) Woodward* Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Woody* Joanne H. Woody / Jo Ann Owen Ms. Cindy M. Wooten* Mr. Keith H. Wooten* Ms. Marsha B. Wooten* Ms. Dorothy D. Work Mr. G. David Worley* Ms. Rachel Worthington Mr. Nick Wozniak* Mr. and Mrs. A. Carl Wright* Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Wright* Jamie B. Wright Ms. Jo T. Wright* Mr. Joel J. Wright* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Wright* Ms. Katherine Wright Mr. Mitchell Wright Ms. Rachel P. Wright* Mr. Rickey Wright Ms. Robin E. Wright Dr. and Mrs. Walker D. Wright* Mr. Willie J. Wright* Ms. Elizabeth Wrinkle Mr. and Mrs. Fuyih C. Wu* Ms. Jimmie A. Wyatt* Thomas E. Wyatt, MD Mr. William B. Wylie* Ms. Anita M. Wyninegar* Mr. Louis A. Wynne Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Wyrick* Ms. Josephine Yamada Ms. Celia A. Yancey* Mr. Kai Yang Mr. and Mrs. Waudell T. Yarbro* Ms. Tiffany C. Yarbrough* Ms. Darcy J. Yates* Ms. Jenifer B. Yates* Ms. Joslyn Yates Mr. Darryl L. Yochem* Mr. David A. Young* Mr. Dennis K. Young* Mrs. Erika D. Young Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren Young* Ms. Gladys E. Young* Ms. Janice J. Young* Ms. Kayla A. Young Ms. Mae C. Young* Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Young Ms. Trista N. Young* Ms. Zainab R. Yunus* Ms. Adrienne E. Zaitz Mr. John B. Zawacki Mr. Michael F. Zboyan* Ms. Megan D. Zearfoss* Ms. Charlotte R. Zerfoss* Jie Zhang Dr. Xihui Zhang and Mrs. Yuxiang Liu* Dr. Wenyan Zhao* Ms. Sarah F. Zimmerman* Mark and Leigh Zipperer* Mr. Chad D. Zurcher* Dr. Joan H. Zurhellen* Ms. Kathy A. Zvolanek*


* Alumni + Deceased

BLUE AND GRAY SOCIETY The Blue and Gray Society recognizes regular giving to the University. Building and stewarding a committed group of Annual Fund supporters is also key to maintaining a solid financial foundation for the U of M. For this reason, we recognize and celebrate the donors loyal in their support of the University of Memphis’s academic initiatives. Donors who make an annual gift for five or more consecutive years or who have made a gift every year since graduation, are recognized through membership in the Blue and Gray Society. 40+ Years Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Stafford ’57 Mr. Richard C. Vaughn ’65

35-39 Years Drs. Delano and Lynette Black Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Dr. and Mrs. John E. Gnuschke Mr. Joe Hailey ’65 Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Humphreys ’77 Dr. Richard K. James Dr. James W. Newcomb Dr. Ernest A. and Mrs. Jeanine H. Rakow Dr. Richard R. Ranta and Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Richardson ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Shaffer Jr. Mr. Robert M. Stein ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. White

30-34 Years Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Biggers Mr. Samuel J. Blustein ’75 Mr. and Mrs. P. Robert Boone Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bradford ’77 Mr. Edwin D. Cantler Jr. and Dr. Jenina M. Cantler ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Caplinger Drs. David and Carol Ciscel Dr. Charles W. Crawford Dr. Carol Crown Ranta and Dr. Richard R. Ranta Dr. Teresa S. Dalle and Dr. Reginald A. Dalle ’70 Dr. Marie E. Dubke Mr. and Mrs. E. Everett Edwards III ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Franceschetti

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Garrety ’74 Dr. John D. Glover ’63 Dr. Arthur L. Grehan II and Dr. Anna W. Grehan ’02 Mr. C. George Hanson Jr. ’48 Mr. Willis B. Henderson ’63 Dr. M. Shah Jahan Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Jones ’61 Mr. Sidney E. Kaplan ’54 Dr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lipinski Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lofton ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lupfer Dr. Gene A. Plunka Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Poje ’84 The Honorable Jon P. Schaefer ’74 Dr. Nancy D. Simco Mr. H. Wayne Simpkins Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Timmerwilke ’76 Mr. Niles A. Wallace Ms. Nancy S. White Mr. Lawrence Ray Whitley ’69

25-29 Years Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham and Mr. John J. Davis Cyril and Alice Chang ’72 Dr. Quentin C. Chu and Dr. Valerie Y. Chu Dr. King-Thom Chung Dr. Jane B. Clement ’89 Dr. William O. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Erskine Dr. Ebenezer O. George Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Graesser Dr. John R. Haddock Dr. Charles E. Hall Jr. Al and Alison Hollingsworth ’64 Dr. Michael G. Huffman ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Humphreys ’75 Ms. Barbara I. Ingram ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Israel ’67 Ms. Patsy A. Krech ’73 Dr. Dan L. Lattimore Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGee ’95 Dr. Richard L. Petersen Mr. George E. Relyea and Dr. Barbara J. Wilson-Relyea ’76 Ms. Georgia H. Shepherd ’66 Dr. Judith C. Simon

20-24 Years Mr. and Mrs. S. Newton Anderson ’86 Dr. Morgan D. Arant Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Armitage ’87 Dr. Daniel S. Beasley and Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley Dr. Linda A. Bennett Dr. Walter R. Brown Ms. Mary Ann M. Camp ’04 Mr. Robert W. Canfield Jr. ’59 Ms. Pamela G. Cash Ms. Sherry L. Crone ’03 Ms. Catherine C. Decker Mr. Ian M. Edward ’80 Rev. Mary Wall Edwards ’75 Ms. Laurie Petrick Flynn ’80 Claire Weatherford Garrett ’76

Ms. Diana K. Hale Sarah F. Haney ’69 Dr. Esther A. Harbert ’80 Dr. Donna S. Harkness and Mr. Furniss B. Harkness ’75 Ms. Margaret Anne Hooker ’68 Ms. Annelle R. Huggins and Mr. Joseph F. Huggins Dr. and Mrs. Wade M. Jackson ’76 Drs. Richard Janikowski and Phyllis Betts Dr. Ben L. Kedia Mr. Leonard D. Kohr Dr. Hsiang-Te Kung Dr. Craig J. Langstraat Ms. Laruth K. Lofties ’07 Dr. James M. Lukawitz Mr. Curtis R. Mason ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mazzone ’71 Dr. Thomas H. McInish Mr. Edward J. McKenney Jr. ’74 Dr. Vivian G. Morris and Mr. Curtis L. Morris Mr. James L. Nabors Dr. Monika Nenon and Dr. Thomas J. Nenon Jr. Dr. Ernest L. Nichols Jr. Dr. Albert A. Okunade Ms. C. Lynn Parkes ’76 Dr. Janann Sherman Dr. and Mrs. David L. Smalley ’78 Dr. William T. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Stansbury Mr. Calvin O. Strong ’80 Ms. Jeanne K. Tutor Mr. Michael S. Vargo ’73 Dr. and Mrs. David J. Wark Mr. and Mrs. David G. Zettergren ’74

15-19 Years Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr. ’71 Ms. Deborah A. Becker Emile and Carole Bizot ’60 Mr. Daniel J. Bonnet ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Doyal Brown ’62 Dr. Eugene H. Buder Ms. Lila Beth Burke Robert and Mary Ann Capocaccia ’84 Ms. Colis C. Chambers ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. Chando ’74 Mr. John M. Chulos ’71 Dr. Lavonnie Perry Claybon Dr. Pamela A. Cogdal Mr. David B. Crislip ’92 Ms. Mary Lou Cushing ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dinkelspiel ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Dodson ’64 Mr. James D. Edwards ’49 Mr. Steven D. Eppstein ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Foster ’69 Dr. Pamela Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Gibson Jr. ’74 Mr. Billy G. Glasgow ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Greene ’72 Ms. Sharon A. Harber Ms. Mary E. Harvey ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hayes ’65 Ms. Deborah K. Keeney ’79 Ms. Andrea Epstein Kerlan ’68

Prof. William P. Kratzke Dr. Nancy G. Kutner Mr. Roland E. Launius ’67 Ms. Carol W. Lawler and Mr. Paul R. Lawler ’84 Ms. Moira J. Logan Mr. Alan M. Long ’71 Dr. Susan M. and Mr. Neal F. Jackson ’84 The Honorable Richard P. McCully ’65 Bill and Beth G. Miller ’62 Dr. Larry Moore ’74 Ms. Glendon D. Nichols ’53 Mr. Frank D. Osborne ’68 Ms. Frankie Perry ’95 The Honorable Ann L. Pugh ’75 Mr. John M. Reese ’89 Dr. and Mrs. N. Dewaine Rice ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Hoke Robinson Ms. Caroline Royal-Evans Ms. Delaine R. Smith ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Stark ’86 Ms. Jennifer F. Thompson ’77 Ms. Karen Thurmond Mr. Louis K. Wheatley ’57 Prof. Peggy Fincher Winters ’76 Ms. Kay Yager

10-14 Years Dr. Roxanne J. Aaron ’83 Mr. Daniel F. Acciani Jr. ’70 Mr. James L. Adams ’68 Mr. Larry G. Adams ’69 Ms. Mary F. Adams ’88 Dr. John B. Aday Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Akers ’69 Mr. William F. Akin ’61 Ms. Lynn M. Alberson ’85 Ms. Josephine B. Allsop ’65 Dr. Paula J. Amrod ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Andreas ’62 Dr. Dot Arata Dr. Charles R. Arkin ’61 Dr. Beulah M. Ashbrook ’71 Ms. Katherine V. Atkinson ’92 Maj. Stephen W. Austin ’89 Ms. Sherry M. Awsumb ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Emin Babakus Ms. Carol K. Baker ’65 Mr. Kerry A. Baker ’87 Ms. Elizabeth T. Banton ’77 Ms. Shirley J. Barber ’52 Mr. Joseph T. Barnett Mr. John D. Bates Ms. Nina Mayfield Beach ’57 Ms. Rebecca B. Beal ’91 Ms. Karen A. Bell ’09 Mr. R. David Benner ’76 Ms. Leonora G. Bishop ’56 Ms. Jennifer O. Black ’81 Mr. Raymond W. Blackson ’95 Dr. Christina L. Blanchard-Horan ’94 Dr. William E. Blank ’70 Mr. William F. Blaylock ’29 Mr. Carroll H. Bledsoe ’76 Dr. Peggy J. Bodine and Mr. Dick Bodine ’65 Ms. Wight F. Boggs ’80 Ms. Elizabeth S. Boswell ’62 Lina and Fred Bowyer ’61 Ms. Marcia R. Boyd ’68

Dr. Patricia D. Brackin ’88 Dan and Kathy Breckenridge ’71 Mr. Jeffrey S. Brooks ’89 Mr. Meryl C. Broussard Sr. Ms. Lillian Hammond Brown ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bryant Jr. ’68 Drew and Melissa Buchner ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burkett ’73 Mr. Ronald G. Burleson ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Busby ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Randal L. Byrd ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Capon ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Carney, Jr. ’68 Ms. Mary M. Carrell ’59 Mr. James D. Carroll ’93 Mr. Samuel E. Chambers ’58 Steve and Joyce Cheshier ’70 The Honorable Robert L. Childers and Ms. Amy J. Amundsen ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Chipley ’73 Ms. Sara S. Clemons ’54 Mr. Charles E. Climer Jr. ’82 Ms. Billie Gates Clokey ’50 Ms. Anita A. Cobb ’68 Dr. Lorinda B. Cohoon Dr. Barbara C. Cole ’93 Mr. John M. Cole Jr. ’50 Ms. Joy S. Coleman ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Coleman ’76 Ms. Carol C. Coletta ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Collins Jr. ’76 Mr. Leroy Conway III ’09 Ms. Margaret A. Conway ’79 Ms. Winnie P. Conway ’64 Dr. Susan L. Copeland and Mr. Rockey A. Copeland ’04 Deborah and John Cothern ’70 Ms. Mina M. Coy ’71 Mr. Ray A. Craft ’90 Mr. John R. Crane ’89 Mr. Charles J. Crass ’77 Mrs. Laura M. Crawley ’56 Ms. Madelyne Rafael Daneman ’84 Ms. Peggy W. Daniel ’77 Dr. Susanne B. Darnell ’70 The Honorable and Mrs. William H. Davis ’70 Ms. Valerie H. Debrule ’67 Ms. Tammy R. DeGroff Mr. Edward Dempsey ’72 Ms. Peggy D. Derrington ’56 Ms. Martha W. Ditto ’82 Ms. Tracy L. Dobson ’00 Philip Francis Donovan ’82 Ms. Betty J. Dulaney ’62 Mr. John P. Dumire ’70 Ms. Delories A. Duncan Drs. Randolph T. and Elizabeth M. Dupont Mr. Vance Stuart Durbin Ms. Patricia E. Earnest ’13 Mr. Harry R. Easley ’56 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Eckstein The Honorable George W. Emerson Jr. ’77 Mr. Clarence O. Epps ’82 Mr. Lawrence E. Evans ’76 Mr. Robert G. Evans ’80 Ms. Patsy K. Fee and Mr. James T. Fee ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Felsenthal ’79 Ms. Susanne T. Field ’82



* Alumni + Deceased

Dr. Ruthbeth D. Finerman and Dr. Ross D. Sackett Mr. David B. Fleisher ’70 Mr. Steven S. Foss ’67 Ms. Dorothy S. Frady ’81 Dr. Harry A. Frank ’72 Mr. James W. Freeman ’63 Dr. T. Kent Gartner Pat and Leesa Gavin ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gettelfinger Ms. James R. Giandina ’61 Dr. James W. Gieselmann ’72 Ms. Jane D. Gillespie ’92 Mr. Victor F. Giusti ’70 Dr. Martha M. Glover and Mr. Billy J. Glover ’93 Mr. J. Waldon Gooch ’72 Mr. Mickey G. Granger ’68 Ms. Elizabeth M. Grant ’83 Mr. Byron M. Graves ’62 Ms. Donna C. Grisham ’89 Mr. Peter C. Groenendyk Mr. Michael J. Grommersch ’72 Col. Albert C. Gross Jr. ’54 Ms. Pamela M. Guasco ’76 Mr. James T. Guess ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Odis E. Haggard Jr. ’00 Mr. Charles A. Hall ’60 Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hampton ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Hamrick Sr. ’67 Ms. Sandra Durrett Harris ’72 Mr. Gerard L. Harts ’78 Mr. Robert E. Harvey ’81 Theresa and John Hash ’95 Ms. Sharon L. Hayes Ms. Tammy Hedges and Mr. Jim Green Ms. Susan A. Helms and Dr. Richard Helms ’88 Ms. Verlinda J. Henning ’81 Ms. Sammie Hines Ms. Jane W. Hobson ’82 Dr. and Mrs. John I. Hochstein Mr. Walter F. Hoehn ’78 Ms. Cheri A. Holmes ’89 Ms. Kitty P. Hopkins ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Hornsby ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Hurst ’64 Ms. Mary L. Incardona ’80 Mr. Frank Inman Jr. ’75 John and Lynda Irvine ’72 Dr. Stephanie S. and Mr. Charles B. Ivey Jr. ’98 Mr. Micheal E. Jackson ’74 Ms. Ginger R. Jamison ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Janz Mr. James D. Jarrett ’91 Mr. Billy A. Jeffries Jr. ’83 Dr. Christine X. Jiang Dr. Diane M. Johnson ’75 Mr. and Mrs. George T. Johnson ’70 Mr. James S. Johnson ’66 Ms. Julie A. Johnson Ms. Karen S. Johnson ’67 Mr. Marvin Johnson ’91 Mr. Michael R. Johnson Ms. Carol A. Johnson Bishop ’77 Mr. Dennis W. Johnston ’72 Dr. John M. Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jones ’58 Mr. L. Epps Jones ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones ’72


Mr. William H. Jones ’72 Mr. Brian A. Juengling ’80 Dr. Alina F. Jukkola ’71 Mr. Kenneth R. Kane ’81 Mr. Jim Kastner ’87 Ms. Denise Gay Keeney ’79 Rev. Harvey L. Kelley ’74 Ms. Heidi A. Kendall ’95 Mr. Britt Kennedy ’83 Thomas and Jane Keough ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. King ’77 Dr. Alan R. Kolski ’81 Mr. Shobhan Koneru ’99 Ms. Betty C. Krone ’75 Dr. Henry A. Kurtz and Dr. Bette Ackerman Meta and Albert Laabs Ms. Kim F. Lane ’81 Mr. Richard M. Lane ’72 Mr. John Montgomery Lannom ’78 Dr. Mohamed Laradji Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Latimer ’52 Ms. Connie S. Lawrence ’65 Mr. John T. Lawrence Jr. ’70 Ms. Lora L. Leonard ’68 Dr. and Mrs. W. Mike Leppert ’77 Dr. Nancy B. Lillie ’91 K. C. and Lorrean Lim ’89 The Honorable Sheri Lipman Ms. Janyth B. Littrell ’70 Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Lloyd ’67 George and Elizabeth Lofton ’74 Mr. Michael S. Long ’71 Dr. Timothy E. Long ’82 Ms. Judy Kincaid Loy ’67 Jamie and Rue Luter ’72 Rev. Shirley G. Lynn ’83 Mr. Floyd Lyons ’89 Dr. Ramona M. Mahood Mr. Harry H. Malkin ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marshall Ms. Mikay M. Martin ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Maschmeyer Jr. ’84 Ms. Lisa A. Matlock ’84 Ms. Earline T. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Evans McCaul ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. McCree ’92 Ms. Iva Katherine McCutchen ’72 Ms. Glenda Huey McDaniel ’59 Mr. J. Lawrence McDaniel ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McIvor Jr. Ms. Barbara C. McMahon ’59 Mr. Ronald B. McSwain ’61 Ms. Tina B. McWhorter ’74 Ms. Sherry K. Meeks ’67 Dr. Nancy C. Mele Jo Ann and Del Mercer ’78 Ms. Susan D. Mikell ’12 Mr. Bobby J. Miles ’73 Mr. Robert R. Miller ’82 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Monroe III ’74 Ms. Barbara A. Moore ’69 Ms. Paula Hearn Moore ’93 Dr. and Mrs. William R. Moore ’78 Ms. Judith M. Morell ’80 Ms. Marilyn F. Morgan ’89 Mr. William J. Morris ’68 Rev. Judd A. Mowery ’81 Ms. Christine B. Munson ’79 Mr. J. Michael Murphy and Mrs. Sherry DuBose Murphy ’76 Ms. Marianne C. Mussett ’72


Ms. Alice T. Neel ’41 Mr. Gregory S. Nelson ’88 Ms. Ida Hill Nelson ’74 Ms. Jacquelyn J. Nerren ’76 Mr. Paul Nickell ’79 Mr. Marcus A. Noel ’77 Ms. Frances C. Norton ’70 Ms. Mary Pierce Norton ’75 Marilyn and Herbert Notowich* ’54 Ms. Audrey C. Nunnery ’73 Mr. and Mrs. David O’Brien ’77 Dr. D. Kim Oller Ms. Sarah G. O’Neal ’68 Eunice and Edward Ordman Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Orlansky ’67 Drs. Suzanne and Michael Osborn Mr. James E. Outlaw Jr. ’94 Ms. Beverly J. Overton ’85 Mr. Jerry L. Owen ’62 Ms. Tracy C. Pagano ’85 Mr. Larry W. Papasan Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Parker ’64 Dr. John A. Parnell ’92 Mr. Kevin G. Patterson ’80 The Honorable John S. Patton ’36 Mr. Gregory J. Pease ’04 Dr. Barbara L. Peery ’82 Richard and Pamela Perkins ’82 Mr. Stephen F. Perlowski ’71 Ms. Mary M. Perry ’89 Ms. Marcia A. Petty ’72 Mr. Rodney W. Phillips ’78 Ms. Kate D. Pigue ’65 Phillip Landon Pinkston ’95 Mr. Steven T. Pittman ’76 Mr. Jerry E. Pitts ’68 Mr. Max A. Piwonka ’85 Susan B. Plunkett ’85 Dr. Susan L. Popham Ms. Harriet W. Porter ’66 Dr. Robin S. Poston Mr. Phillip A. Poteet ’95 Ms. Louvenia H. Powell ’80 Mr. Paul E. Prather ’82 Mr. Thomas B. Preston Mr. W. Richard Price ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Pritchard ’93 Mr. Morris N. Proctor ’82 Ms. Mary L. Purtle ’99 Mr. Glynn G. Raby Jr. ’46 Ms. Lisa R. Ragghianti ’77 Ms. Bonnie B. Ragland ’75 Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady Mr. Thomas R. Rankin ’54 Dr. Marshall E. Rasnake ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Rea ’69 Mr. Charles A. Remaklus III ’69 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rice Sr. ’60 Don and Marjorie Richard ’60 Ms. Martha Martin Richards ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Merle J. Richardson Jr. ’72 Mr. Raymond J. Ricossa Sr. ’58 Dr. Ona Z. Riggin ’76 Dr. and Mrs. Webster Riggs Jr. Ms. Connie Riley ’73 Ms. Geraline Rixter ’90 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robilio ’71 Mr. Donald W. Robinson ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Thad S. Rodda Jr. ’75 Dr. Norma P. Rogers ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rogers ’82

James and Theta Rone ’61 Shelli and Sheldon Rosengarten ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ross-Spang ’78 Ms. Laura Rowland ’88 Ms. Claire L. Rychlak ’83 Ms. Jeanette M. Saino ’73 Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Scanlon Jr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schadrack III ’75 Dr. S. J. Schaeffer III ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. Dr. Chrisann Schiro-Geist and Mr. John J. Conway Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Scobey ’74 Mr. Mark A. Scott ’90 Ms. Judy M. Sebelius ’83 Don and Jerrie Seiler ’74 Ms. Patricia C. Sexton ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shannon Jr. Dr. Martha Kay Hedley Shaw ’62 Ms. Elizabeth W. Shelton ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Sherman ’62 Dr. Sajjan G. Shiva Ms. Mary F. Sidney ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Simmons ’80 Ms. Stephanie A. Simpson ’97 Dr. Laura L. Sisterhen ’97 Dr. Arwin D. Smallwood Ms. Barbara L. Smith ’98 Ms. Jeanette G. Smith Dr. Mark S. Smith ’74 Wendy Geurin and Michael D. Smith ’88 The Estate of James R. Smoot Jim and Janice Sorsby ’73 Ms. Rita T. Sparks Ms. Sheryl T. Spence ’86 Ms. M. Gail Spruill ’63 Dr. Louis Charles Stagg and Mrs. Mary Casner Stagg Dr. Jon C. Stanford ’76 Ms. Andrea Stark ’75 Ms. Catherine H. Stark ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Dougley E. Stewart ’70 Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Stewart ’65 Ms. Dorothy A. Stockdale ’74 Mr. Charles E. Stone Jr. ’63 Dr. Joyce D. Stone ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Stone, Esquire ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strickland ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Svoboda ’79 Jay and Marci Sweeney ’73 Mr. Gilbert W. Swift ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Tabachnick Mr. Rickie A. Tankersley ’74 Mr. Richard K. Tanner ’75 Gertrude Tara-Casciano ’87 Mr. Gerald J. Taylor ’78 Mr. James M. Taylor III ’69 Mr. Mark H. Taylor ’97 Mr. William Hal Taylor ’59 Mr. Charles F. Teamer ’72 Mr. Steven A. Terry Raymond and Shearon Thomas ’65 Ms. Elizabeth R. Thompson ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thompson ’72 Mr. Samuel B. Thompson Jr. ’57 Ms. Tanja Lueck Thompson ’97 Dr. William J. Thompson Mr. Jack W. Tipton Jr. ’74

Lt. Col. David M. Townley ’87 Mr. Roy G. Trafton ’73 Ms. Doris C. Tunstall ’82 Ms. Lorene G. Turkalo ’76 Ms. Debra M. Turner Mr. Jeffrey L. Tyler ’65 Dale and Joyce Underwood ’70 Ms. Sandra B. Van Velsor ’70 Ms. Marjorie M. Vincent ’73 Mr. Robert L. Waller ’89 Dr. Jane Walters ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wanderstock ’70 Dr. Yongmei Wang Col. and Mrs. Floyd E. Ward Jr. ’68 Mr. John L. Wardlaw ’03 Ms. Carol S. Warren ’75 Ms. Alice C. Wasdin ’72 Dr. Louise W. Watkins ’56 Mr. Theodore C. Watts ’64 Mr. Raymond H. Weatherly ’50 Ms. Pauline A. Weaver ’71 Ms. Doris D. Webster ’75 Ms. Susan D. Weis ’81 Dr. Jaye Harvey ’89 Ms. Dorothy S. Wells ’93 Ms. Bettie C. Welsh ’63 Loren A. Wenzel Ph.D. ’90 Mr. Charles H. Wexler ’56 Dr. David E. Wheat ’81 Ms. T. C. White Jr. ’79 Mr. Stephen Dennis White ’68 Ms. Rita B. Whited ’86 Mr. David T. Whitefield ’68 Dr. Dwight A. Williams Jr. ’62 Mr. J. Len Williams ’76 Ms. Julia S. Williams ’78 Dr. Marshall V. Williams Jr. ’73 Sharon and Robert H. Williams Jr. ’80 Mr. Leonard J. Wiseman Jr. ’83 Dr. Mitchell M. Withers Mr. Ronald A. Wochner ’81 Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Wofford ’67 Mr. Alan R. Wolfe ’79 Mr. W. Lewis Wood Jr. ’58 Mr. R. L. (Woodie) Woodward ’70 Mr. David S. Work ’78 Mr. Joel J. Wright ’87 Ms. Sarah H. Wright ’69 Ms. Jimmie A. Wyatt ’62 Mr. William B. Wylie ’70 Mrs. Louise C. Yarwood ’60 Ms. Darcy J. Yates ’76 Mr. Robert W. Yates ’68 Mr. David A. Young ’75 Ms. Elizabeth J. Young ’81 Mandy and Stephen Young ’94

5-9 Years Mr. Robert P. Abbott Mr. Abdeljalil K. Abdelhalim ’86 Ms. Glenda P. Abernathy ’87 Mr. Ron Abernathy Mr. Andrew Adams ’06 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Adams Jr. ’64 Mr. Lawrence H. Adams Jr. Mr. Michael B. Adams ’03 Dr. M. Brent Addington Mr. James R. Adkins Dr. and Mrs. Justin C. Adler Jr. ’73 Ms. Patricia Lunn Adsit ’80


Mr. Kelly L. Agee ’98 Ms. Gwendolyn H. Ahleman Mr. Jeffrie L. Akins ’79 Mr. Andrew F. Albert ’80 Mr. Marcus H. Albright ’14 Marilyn and Don Alexander ’61 Mr. Glynn M. Alexander Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Alexander ’71 Ms. Sue Alexander ’76 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Alexander ’93 Mr. Lynn C. Alford ’74 Ms. Alice Cartwright Allen ’75 Michael and Kay Allen ’71 Mr. Edward J. Alrutz ’75 Ms. Patricia A. Baggett ’78 Ms. Marilyn H. Andereck ’50 Mr. Andrew J. Anderson ’68 Ms. Barbara A. Anderson Mr. James H. Anderson ’70 Dr. Jerry L. Anderson Ms. Joyce B. Anderson ’85 Mr. Mike Anderson Ms. Roberta T. Anderson ’80 Mr. Ruble E. Anderson Ms. Stephanie S. Anderson ’98 Mr. David M. Anthony ’96 Ms. Eleanor E. Appling Mr. and Mrs. James D. Appling Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Argo ’98 Mr. B. F. Armstrong Mr. Kenny W. Armstrong Mr. Robert O. Armstrong ’61 Dr. Philip M. Aronoff Mr. Russell L. Artz ’87 Mr. Byron Ashby Mr. Jimmie F. Atkins ’70 Ms. Elaine V. Atkinson ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Autry ’96 Mr. Jeffrey K. Autry and Ms. Beth K. Autry ’85 Mr. Tim Autry Ms. Nancy W. Averwater ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Averyhart Sr. ’89 Ms. Mary Ashli Avis ’98 Mr. Vernon H. Bacon ’70 Mr. Richard A. Badour Mr. John R. Baertels Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Bailey Debbie and Kirk Bailey ’77 Mr. Matthew S. Bailey ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bailey Bill and Sandra Bailey ’78 Mr. Bryan T. Baker ’05 Dr. Daniel L. Baker Ms. Dorothy C. Baker ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Baker ’68 Ms. Kelly L. Baker John and Rebecca Bakke Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bakke Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Balton ’76 Mr. Thomas E. Banning ’85 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Bannister ’60 Mr. Donald O. Barber ’83 Mr. Jerry E. Barber ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Barber III ’58 Mr. Louis D. Barbieri ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Aprad D. Bardos ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Bargiacchi ’81 Mr. Jared S. Barker ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Barkley ’58

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barksdale Jr. ’71 Lt. Col. Lorraine Barlett ’83 Mr. Christopher M. Barnes Mr. Mark I. Barnes ’84 Ms. Patricia W. Barnes ’80 Ms. Claire Barnett ’85 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bartlett Dr. Robert B. Bartlow ’91 Mr. John Barzizza Bob and Diane Baskin Mr. and Mrs. Greg G. Basye ’81 Ms. Anita Beacham Mr. Timothy A. Beacham ’85 Mr. Leo Bearman Jr. Dr. Daniel S. Beasley and Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley ’80 Ms. Lee Ann Beckwith ’81 Mr. J. Benedict Beer Sr. Mr. Donald E. Beisswanger ’71 Dr. Barbara K. Bekis ’95 Ms. Sandra S. Belk Mr. Tim Belton Ms. Martha J. Bennett ’73 Nancy and Charles Benton ’80 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Berry ’87 Dr. Treva G. Berryman ’96 Ms. Annette C. Bickers ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Biggers Mr. and Mrs. Lodie V. Biggs III ’68 Ms. Krystal J. Billings ’98 Mr. Steven F. Bilsky ’76 Mr. Ozzie L. Binion ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bird ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Madan M. Birla ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bishop Barbara and Alan Bisno Mr. Charles D. Black Jr. and Ms. Anita A. Black ’74 Dr. Dennis D. Black ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Black ’72 Ms. Patricia B.* and Mr. Donald A. Blackard* ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Blackard ’63 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Blackburn ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blackwell ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Blackwell Ms. Kathy Pyrdam ’96 Jack R. Blair Mr. Jack H. Blair Jr. Dr. Stephanie Blaisdell Ms. Carolyn A. Blakney ’64 Ms. Nancy A. Bland Mr. Timothy S. Bland ’89 Drs. Shannon and Robert Blanton Dr. Michael D. Blen Mr. Scott Blen Dr. Judith A. Blucker ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Allen Boals Dr. Bryna Bobick Ms. Paula K. Boehme ’73 Mr. Gerald A. Bohannon ’63 Mr. James H. Bollwerk ’86 Mr. Walter A. Bolton ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neill Bomer IV ’72 Ms. Barbara Bond Mr. Dave Bond ’66 Mr. Joseph T. Bond ’05 Mr. Matthew T. Bond ’84 Ms. Linda H. Bonnin Mr. Michael R. Bookhout ’74 Mr. Lawrence R. Boone III ’70

Mr. Max Boone Mr. Russell A. Boone Ms. Tina Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Jettie D. Bowen Jr. Mr. Bobby L. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. T. Glen Bowman ’90 Mr. Richard J. Boyarski ’85 Rikki and Bill Boyce ’74 Ms. Shatesha J. Boyce Mr. Larry K. Boyd ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Boyd ’82 Susan McCoy Boyd ’90 Mr. Joe Brackett Ms. Katherine T. Bradshaw ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Brasfield ’00 Mr. Raymond A.+ and Mrs. Maxine Ritchey Bratcher+ Pierre and Maria Breber Mr. G. Olan Brevard ’73 Dr. Linda R. Brice ’73 Mr. Barry C. Bridger ’02 Ms. Carolyn H. Bridges Mr. David A. Bridges ’93 Dr. Peter K. Bridson Dr. Bonnie O. Briggs ’12 Terry and Becki Brimhall ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Britt III ’74 Ms. Rita J. Broadway ’83 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brooks ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Brooks Ms. Sandra W. Brooks ’87 Ms. Constance E. Brown ’74 Dr. Craig M. Brown ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Brown ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Brown Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Brown ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brown Mr. and Mrs Roger L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Rudy B. Brown Ms. Sarah L. Brown ’88 Mr. Michael D. Browne Mr. Paul L. Brundige ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bruns Ms. Janice F. Bryant ’75 Mr. Paul E. Bryant Jr. ’67 Ms. Patricia A. Bryce Ms. Elizabeth S. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Buehler Mr. Brett G. Buehrer ’94 Mr. David M. Buford ’86 Mr. John B. Buford Ms. Shirley B. Bullard ’66 Dr. Joel D. Bumgardner Mr. Donald W. Burkett ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Burns Mr. Marvin J. Burns ’69 Maj. Eric S. Burrage ’99 Mr. Eugene L. Bursi Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bursi ’82 Jerome and Marsha Burt Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Busby ’77 Mr. Mark W. Busby Ms. Gloria Butler ’99 Gary and Cindy Byars HMI Electric Ms. Mary L. Caldwell ’85 Mr. Michael J. Caldwell ’00 Mr. John H. Callow ’75 Kevin and Gina Campbell ’83 Dr. William L. Campbell ’65 Mr. Alberto Candelaria Dr. Michael P. Cannito Mr. Jack B. Cannon The Dana Capocaccia Family ’84

This scholarship means that dreams can come true, that giving your best does have reward, and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Evelyn Aguilar Villela, Marketing and Supply Chain Management P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


This scholarship allows me to complete my degree earlier than planned, hopefully helping more patients and making a bigger positive impact as a FNP. Thank you for this opportunity! Ashley Autry, Nursing



Mr. and Mrs. John J. Capocaccia ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Murry J. Card Sr. ’73 Bill and Patty Carkeet ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Carls ’99 Mr. Erik J. Carlson ’00 Ms. Carolyn E. Carnesale Mr. Tommie L. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Carpenter ’76 Ms. Elaine T. Carroll ’84 CDR and Mrs. Wayne S. Carrozza ’80 Ms. Alice M. Carruthers ’71 Ms. Anne C. Carter ’64 Mr. Roy L. Carter Jr. Mr. Stephen D. Carter ’75 Ms. Jennifer H. Case ’04 Mr. Lawrence V. Casey ’95 Mr. Michael Casimir Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Cassidy Jr. ’88 Mr. Robert D. Castleman ’75 Ms. Rosemary Catalani Ms. Kathleen M. Cates Rhonda and Dan Causie Ms. Patricia F. Cavender ’64 Mr. Harry Centella Dr. Michael J. Cervetti ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Chambers ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Champion ’77 Ms. Diane Chance Dr. and Mrs. B. Todd Chappell ’99 Barry and Susan Chase ’60 Dr. Jinqiu Chen ’05 Mr. Joe T. Chew ’77 Ms. Sara W. Chiego ’81 Ms. Barbara J. Childress ’62 Mr. Michael A. Chitwood ’88 Mr. Tyler K. Chow ’80 Mr. Md Rezaul H. Chowdhury ’01 Mr. Earl E. Christian Jr. Ms. Carolyn N. Rosson and Mr. Leigh W. Christophersen ’73 Dr. Shifei Chung ’95 Mr. and Mrs. David Church Mr. Michael S. Ciaramitaro Mr. James S. Ciochetty Ms. Kimberly A. Claar ’93 Mr. A. Russell Clack Jr. ’71 Mr. Jack B. Claiborne Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Clapsadle ’85 Freda and Bonnie Clark Mr. Robert E. Clark ’75 Mr. Thomas W. Clarke ’90 Mr. Thomas K. Clarke Ms. Amanda L. Clarkson ’04 Dr. Joy A. Clay Mr. Larry C. Clayton ’65 Ms. Cheryl S. Cleaves ’71 Ms. Beth Cloud Ms. Joan Elise Clough Ms. Barbara C. Clutter ’77 Gene B. and Sandra T. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cochran ’69 Ms. LaRose A. Coffey Drs. Dalvan+ and Greta M. Coger Mr. Robert B. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coker Jr. ’67 Ms. Amelia Cole ’11 Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Coleman Mr. Lenon C. Coleman Ms. Rebecca L. Coleman ’78 Mr. Matthew T. Collier ’81

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Collins ’68 Mr. Carey Michael Collins ’04 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Collins ’62 Mr. James F. Collins ’78 Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Paula Collins ’75 Mr. William P. Colston ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Rick L. Colter ’73 Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Comella ’77 Mr. J. Lee Conley and Ms. Tracey Coleman Conley ’86 Ms. Nina I. Conley ’86 Mr. Andrew Conner Dr. Robert Patrick Connolly Mr. Louis K. Connor ’82 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cook, Jr. ’86 Ms. Beverly E. Cook Mr. Dennis K. Cooley Ms. Juanita G. Cooper ’63 Dr. Kathy E. Cooper ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Cooper Mr. Robert F. Cooper ’80 Mr. William L. Cooper III ’85 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Corbitt ’66 Ms. Suzanne S. Counts Mr. R. James Covington Jr. ’68 Steve and Valerie Cowles Mr. and Mrs. David R. Cowsert ’88 Dr. C. E. Cox Dr. and Mrs. David N. Cox Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Cox ’66 Mr. Jeff Cox Mr. Larry D. Cox ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Cox ’75 Mr. Preston G. Cox ’01 Mr. Samuel D. Cox ’88 Ms. Patricia H. Craddock Michael and Romelle Craig ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Crawford Mr. Hall Crawford Jr. Pam and Jim Crawford ’76 Ms. Mary L. Crawford ’73 Mr. Stephen C. Crawford ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Drury B. Crawley Jr. ’65 Mr. Kenneth N. Crenshaw Mr. Robert S. Crenshaw Jr. ’78 Ms. Shirley P. Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Crews ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Crews Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Crockett Jr. ’64 Dr. Joe M. Cromwell ’76 Cathie and Harrel Crone ’60 Margaret and Ronnie Crook ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crouch Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Crouch Jr. ’66 Ms. Patricia A. Crowell ’87 Ms. Susan M. Crumby ’75 Mr. Charles A. Crump Sr. ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Crumpler Mr. Victor M. Cruz ’06 Mr. Thomas J. Cullen Jr. ’84 Linda Payne Cullum ’68 Dr. Vincent P. Culotta ’84 Mr. Lawson Culver ’02 Sheila Jordan Cunningham and Roger J. Cunningham ’79 Mr. Charles G. Curtis Ms. Joanna E. Curtis ’12 Ms. Katherine R. Curtis ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Curtis ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Dacus ’87

Ms. Donna A. Dahlberg ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Dahlman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Dailey Sr. Dr. V. Carol Danehower Mr. Robert E. Daniel Jr. ’71 Ms. Victoria S. Daniel Mr. Doy L. Daniels Sr. ’57 Dr. Paul and Ms. Elizabeth Darke ’94 Mr. Bryan Darr Keith and Melissia Davidson ’03 Dr. Ellen B. Davis ’92 Ms. Glenda K. Davis Bruce and Janet Davis Mr. Kelly O. Davis ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Davis ’98 Ms. Margaret E. Davis ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Davis ’96 Mr. Ronald C. Davis ’90 Mr. Stanley W. Davis ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Davis ’82 Mr. Wheatley J. Davis Jr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dawkins ’69 Mr. David M. Dawson ’04 Mr. Jack D. Day Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Day Terry and Cheryle Day ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean Ms. Chinisha Hayes Dean ’83 Ms. Judith J. DeBerry ’78 Ms. Linda L. DeBerry Ms. LeeAnn Fry ’76 Mr. Joseph L. Deen ’76 Mr. William J. Deere ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dees Mr. Vincent M. DeGutis ’83 Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Jr. ’54 Mr. Charles A. Demastus Mr. Kendall K. Demetriou ’76 Mr. Scott G. Denaburg ’89 Mr. George S. Dendrinos ’70 Dr. Pamela R. Dennis ’00 Tommy and Carla Dennis Ms. Polly A. Dennison Mr. and Mrs. Cypriano P. DeSouza ’98 Cheri and Darrin Devault ’93 Mr. David C. Devins ’91 Rita and Don DeWeese Mr. Michael A. Dexter ’08 Ms. Catherine P. Dice ’89 Ms. Carolyn J. Dickens ’89 Sheila K. and Michael Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dickey Jr. ’78 Sheila and Buddy Dietz ’73 Mr. Curtis L. Dillihunt and Dr. Vivian C. Dillihunt ’72 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dilorio Ms. Kathrine N. Dilts ’95 Ms. Jeanne Distretti ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Dixon ’84 Ken and Greta Dixon Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dixon Jr. ’93 Sherman and Twyla Dixon ’65 Mr. Collier Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Ted B. Donaldson ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Dooley ’91 Mr. Thomas P. Dorian ’84 Ms. Lena Dotson Dr. and Mrs. Ron Dougan ’76 Darrell and Carol Douglas Ms. Bonnie Dove Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dover Dr. and Mrs. David J. Dowling ’90


* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. Michael L. Dowling ’76 Mr. Robert W. Draffin Dr. Jackie D. Drake Jr. ’03 Mr. Charles C. Drennon III ’81 Ms. Judith A. Drescher Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dreve ’71 Mr. Dennis S. Drexler ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Driver ’74 Susan and Stan Droke ’76 Ms. Helen Duke Mr. Tim Dunahoo Ms. Ann H. Dunavant ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dunavant Mr. and Mrs. P. Todd Dunaway ’85 Ms. Earline W. Duncan ’76 Mr. Gill L. Duykers ’86 Ms. Mary F. Dwyer ’82 Ms. Molly B. Dye ’96 Mr. Rusty Dyson Mr. Bruce A. Dziedzic ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Eades ’74 Mr. Charles E. Earle ’70 Ms. Jo Earnest Mr. Myron O. Eason ’82 Mr. Bobby E. East Jim Easter Dr. Frank D. Easterday ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eberle III ’65 Ms. Andrea Rae Eberly Mr. Johnny Eddlemon ’77 Mr. James C. Edrington ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Edwards Mr. John A. Edwards ’87 Dr. Larry R. Edwards ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Edwards Jr. ’61 Ina and Dick Eiseman Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Eisenstatt Ms. Evadne W. Elion ’94 Valerie and John Elkington ’73 Ms. Mary C. Elliotte ’05 Dr. James L. Ellis Jr. ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Ellis ’77 Lendon and Sean Ellis ’10 Ms. Rita Varnado Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elrod Mr. Michael E. Elsner ’97 Mrs. Sue S. Enneis and Mr. William H. Enneis Jr. ’71 Mr. Daniel Ervin ’07 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Erwin Mr. Jacob Estes Ms. Janet Thorpe Estey ’80 Dr. Hayden F. Estrada ’60 Ms. Eleanor G. Eubank ’62 Mr. Charles Evans Ms. Constance V. Evans ’73 Marsha and John Evans Ms. Jane H. Eveland ’64 Ms. Bonnie T. Everson ’76 Mr. David L. Everson ’74 Dr. William D. Falvey and Ms. Emily R. Woodside Mr. Terry A. Fann ’87 Mr. Michael Farien Mr. and Mrs. Pat Farley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Farley ’90 The Honorable David R. Farmer ’66 Ms. Willie Mae Farris Ms. Kay E. Farrish ’70 Dr. Paddy C. Favazza ’77 Mr. James T. Fee and Ms. Patsy K. Fee W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Eddie and Gloria Felsenthal ’68 Eddie and Gloria Felsenthal ’80 Dr. Sammy L. Felton ’82 Mr. Geoffrey T. Fenlong ’07 Ben and Ginger Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro Ms. Janet Y. Ferrell Dr. James E. Fickle Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Finch Dr. Linda P. Finch ’81 Mr. Robert J. Fink Ms. LaVonne W. Finley ’63 Mr. Timothy J. Finnell ’80 Mr. Kent D. Fisher Mr. J. Timothy Fite ’76 Mr. Joseph G. Fitzgerald ’00 Ms. Peggy R. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Fitzgerald ’75 Ms. Janice C. Fitzpatrick Mr. Daniel L. Flatt ’85 Mr. Jackie Fleet Mr. Jeffrey K. Fleishmann ’02 Ms. Carol A. Fleming Ms. Marilyn C. Fleming ’83 Mr. Patrick T. Fleming Mrs. Marsha Fletcher ’66 Mr. Michael A. Flexsenhar Jr. ’83 Noel and Debbie Florendo Kirby and Glenn D. Floyd ’82 Dr. and Mrs. Randy G. Floyd Mr. Mark A. Fogelman Mr. Richard L. Fogelman ’92 K. C. Folden Col. and Mrs. Elmer K. Follis Jr. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ford Jr. ’85 Dr. Sylverna V. Ford and Mr. Louis Paris Jr. Tony and Debora Forsythe Mr. Donald R. Forte ’75 Ms. Anna Karen Foutes ’73 Dr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Francisco Mr. William O. Frazier III ’00 Kevin and Stacy Freeman Ms. Patricia W. French ’81 Michael and Elise Frick Ms. Sandra P. Friedlander ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fristick Jr. ’73 Dr. Carol S. Fruchtman Ms. Dianne B. Fry Dr. Alice M. Frye ’73 Lt. Col. (ret) Wayne L. Fuller ’75 Ms. Joan H. Fullwood ’81 Warren and Brenda Funk ’71 Mr. David T. Gadd ’67 Keri and Doug Gage Mr. Geoffrey G. Gaia ’90 Mr. Ricco E. Gaia ’71 Mr. David H. Gaines Jr. ’87 Ms. Deborah L. Galloway Mr. Keith A. Gambill ’95 Mr. Robert S. Ganong ’76 Mr. Bernard E. Gant Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gardino ’74 Gen. Donald R. Gardner ’73 Gary and Elizabeth (Boo) Gardo Mr. Lanier E. Garland Jr. Dr. Neal W. Garner ’70 Mr. Tommy Garner Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Garrett ’92 Mr. Jackie N. Gatlin ’83 Bob and Suzanne Gehringer ’83

Lucian and Amy Geise ’98 Ms. Patricia Gentry ’75 Mr. David L. George Dr. Edward L. Giaroli ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Gibbons ’70 Mr. Andrew B. Gibson II ’01 Mr. Eric Gibson Mr. Robert J. Gildea Jr. ’78 Mr. Scott C. Giles ’91 Dr. Mark L. Gillenson Mr. and Mrs. Erik J. Gilley ’87 Mr. Billy M. Gipson ’77 Dotty and Jim Giusti Mr. Andy Glancy ’94 Susan Lawless-Glassman and Richard Glassman ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glatstein Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Glatstein ’03 Mr. Benjamin H. Gleason ’98 Ms. Joyce H. Glenn ’59 Billy and Nancy Glidewell Ms. Teresa B. Glisson ’79 Mr. Thomas L. Glover ’71 Marilyn and Stewart Gloyer ’84 Mr. Raymond L. Godman Mr. Ron Goforth Chancellor and Mrs. Arnold B. Goldin ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Goldsmith ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. James C. Good Jr. ’68 Ms. Stephany L. Goodnight ’95 Nancy and Dan Goodwin ’60 Mr. Harold Gossett Mr. Richard B. Gossum Jr. ’78 Nick and Pamela Gotten Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Gould ’93 Ms. Katherine Gould Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gowen Jerrold J. Graber Mr. Wil Grace ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grafenreed III ’73 Ms. Annie H. Graham ’85 Sage and Randy Graham ’95 Ms. Dorothy M. Greaney Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Grear ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Greaves Dan and Betty Green Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Green Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Green ’97 Mr. Yancey Green ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Green ’81 Ms. Virginia C. Green ’92 Mr. Roy Greenberg Mr. Michael D. Greene Mr. Randall Greenslade Ms. Nancy L. Greenwalt ’90 Mr. James F. Greer ’55 Mr. Rocky A. Gresham ’03 Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Grieve ’96 Mr. Donald Gronauer Ms. Marla M. Grubbs ’77 Dr. Gordon E. Gruen Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Gruenewald II ’54 ’55 Ms. Sharon F. Guffin ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Guizlo Jr. Dr. Lawrence J. Gulde ’80 Ms. Dorris Shelton Gulley ’86 Drs. Paul Rabe and Cheryl Gunter ’79 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gurney ’94

Mr. Darrell J. Guymon Ms. Jacquelyn C. Haas ’72 Ms. Candace Halbrook Ms. Ann M. Hall ’82 Mr. Tony Hall Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon S. Hall ’83 Mr. James V. Hall Ms. Kelley J. Hall ’93 Sheila and Robert Hall ’65 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hamblen ’83 Helen and Charles Hamilton Mr. Mark W. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Hamilton Jr. ’65 Mr. Robert L. Hamilton Jr. ’79 Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hamlett III Ms. Damra Gail Hammack ’69 Ms. Roy Ellen Hammann ’60 Mr. Gilbert A. Hammond ’93 Mr. Richard T. Handwerker ’71 Mr. Lewis M. Hansen ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hansen ’82 Mr. and Mrs. David Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Allison Harber ’91 Mr. James B. Harber ’74 Mr. Jerry R. Harber ’80 Dr. Jerry L. Harber ’65 CDR and Mrs. Michael S. Harber ’89 Mr. Timothy D. Harbeson ’82 Mrs. Ann F. Harbor ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Harder ’72 Mr. Barry E. Hardin ’75 Mr. George C. Hargett ’79 Mr. Neil Harkavy Mr. Michael Harless ’66 Ms. Rita G. Harman ’75 Mr. Brian R. Harris Jr. ’94 Ms. Carrie L. Harris ’65 Mr. David L. Harris ’78 Mr. James A. Harris Mr. Kenneth Harris Dr. Laura E. Harris ’92 Prof. Lee Harris and Prof. Alena Allen Mr. Michael P. Harris ’01 Ms. Vicki C. Harris ’80 Mr. Wallace E. Harris Mr. and Mrs. William A. Harris ’68 Mr. Christopher R. Harrison ’96 Mr. Tom Harrison Ms. Jo E. Hartline ’60 Dr. Teresa A. Hartnett ’02 Ms. Marianne R. Hartquist ’14 Mr. Joseph D. Haselwood II ’99 Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Hatcher Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hathaway Mr. Robert A. Hatmaker ’83 Ms. Bernadette W. Hawkins ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Hawkins ’80 Ms. Jane E. Hayden Ms. Betty H. Hayes ’57 Dr. Radwan F. Haykal Mr. Callen M. Hays ’94 Mr. Homer Hazelip Ms. Holly B. Hazlett Mr. and Mrs. Steven Heinsz ’77 Mr. James R. Helton Dr. Francoise Coulont Henderson ’70 Mr. Roy T. Henderson Jr. ’80 Ms. Ruth A. Henderson ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Hendrix ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Henson ’86

Ms. Deborah W. Hernandez Mr. John E. Herron ’66 Dr. Leigh N. Hersey Mr. Steven M. Heye ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Corey A. Hickerson ’95 Mr. Ralph H. Hickman Mr. Wes Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Higdon ’75 Mr. Hugh O. Higginbotham Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Higginbotham ’69 Chuck and Darlene Hilboldt Mr. Larry Hilbun ’57 Ms. Anna B. Hilger ’64 Mr. Jerome B. Hill ’91 Mr. Kenneth Hill Mr. John A. Hill Mr. Henry Robbins and Ms. Danielle Hillman ’00 Mrs. Eileen M. Hinders ’82 Mr. Russell L. Hines Mr. Jeffrey L. Hink ’90 Dr. and Mrs. John I. Hochstein Mr. Roxy R. Hockman Mrs. E. K. Hoffman, Michael Hoffman, and Ruth Ann Sanford ’85 Ann and Byron Hogue Dr. Gina S. Hogue ’97 Col. and Mrs. James P. Holland ’79 Mr. Jim Holley Ms. Esther Hollie Mr. and Mrs. Lance W. Hollingsworth ’95 Mr. John G. Hollis Mr. Frank C. Holloman III ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Hollowell ’12 Mr. James S. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Holmes Mr. Paul A. Holt ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holt ’70 Mr. C. Owen Hooker Dr. Jane H. Hooker ’69 Mr. Dennis K. Hope Ms. Dorothy V. Hope ’84 Ms. Mae Alice Hopkins ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Hopkins ’13 Jacqui and David Hopper Ms. Megan A. Cobb ’07 Roderick and Alison Hori Robert and Hilda Hornbeak Mr. and Mrs. William B. Horner ’56 Mr. Cedric Horton Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Horton ’72 Ms. Pamela A. Horvath Ms. M. Kate Howard ’01 Mr. David E. Howell Jr. ’07 Ms. Suzanne V. Hoyal ’74 Jerry and Libby Hubbard Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hubbert ’02 Ms. Ann J. Huckaba Mr. and Mrs. Jason Huckelberry ’13 Mr. Richard Huddleston Mr. William Hudson Jr. Ms. Becky J. Huelsing Ms. Betty J. Huff Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huff Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hughes Dr. Carolyn S. Hull-Toye ’97 Ms. Linda M. Hulsey ’72 Ms. Diana Humphrey-Mckee Ms. Carolyn L. Hunter ’87



* Alumni + Deceased

Ms. Virginia Brown Huss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. “Pitt” Hyde III Dr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Hyland Mr. Roger D. Iles ’97 Mr. William C. Irby Jr. ’86 Mr. J. Patrick Ireland ’89 Ms. Debra J. Irvine ’83 Mr. James T. Irvine ’85 Drs. Richard and Carol Irwin Don and Lynn Irwin Ms. Lauren E. Isaacman ’01 Dr. Kenneth J. Israel ’81 Dr. Kristen Iversen Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Jack ’83 Mr. Alan Jackson Mr. Correll R. Jackson Jr. ’90 Ms. Geneva C. Jackson ’98 Mr. Jimmy D. Jackson ’73 Dr. and Mrs. Wade M. Jackson ’72 Mr. Gary T. Jaehnen Dr. Pankaj K. Jain Ms. Melanie A. James Mr. Chris Jameson Steve and Pat Jameson ’83 Mr. Dean Jameson Dr. Linda Jarmulowicz Ms. Terri T. Jarratt ’88 Rick and Candace Jefferies Ms. Pamela J. Jenkins Ms. Shanette R. Jenkins-Parks Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Jerkins Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jeter Ms. Karen H. Jetton Mr. Gary L. Jewel ’70 Dr. Chunrong Jia Sammy and Shirley Jobe ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Johnson ’96 Mr. C. Terry Johnson ’73 Dr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson ’67 Ms. Helen R. Johnson ’88 Dr. James T. Johnson ’69 Mr. Jhan D. Johnson Mr. Larry W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Johnson ’11 Dr. Sigurd H. Johnson ’99 Dr. Warren S. Johnson ’79 Mr. Charles T. Jones ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jones ’70 Ms. Doris A. Jones Chris and Traci Jones ’92 Dr. Joseph Jones Dr. and Mrs. R. Riley Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Jones ’71 Mr. Willie C. Jones and Andre Jones Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Jordan Jr. Elise and Richard Jordan ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Josh ’87 Ms. Kathy Junkin ’68 Ms. Brenda L. Justus ’73 Mr. Bruce M. Kahn Mr. John R. Kalb Mr. Roy A. Kaminsky Mr. Lenny Kaplan Mr. Randy Karchmer Dr. Satish K. Kedia Mr. Hugh L. Keenan Jr. ’69 Mr. John R. Keenan ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Keeney Mr. Dale F. Kehr Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kelley Mr. Kevin J. Kelley


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy M. Kelly ’61 Mr. Martin S. Kelman ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Kelly G. Kennedy ’90 Lisa L. Kennedy and Jonathan P. McCauley ’89 Mr. Robert L. Kennedy ’83 Mr. Thomas G. Kennon III ’74 Ms. Angeline F. Kern ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kern Dr. William J. Kettinger Ms. Jennifer H. Kettler ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Kendall M. Keuter ’87 Mr. William N. Key ’70 Ms. Deborah K. Kinard ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Jim King Mr. Larry S. King ’77 Mr. Michael G. King Ms. Patricia C. King ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Kirkland Jr. Joe and Ronni Kirsch ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kissell ’72 Tom and Lynne Kissell ’82 Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholas Klein III ’76 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kleiser Jr. ’66 Dr. Lisa M. Klesges ’91 Mr. Paul M. Klinck ’83 Ms. Margaret C. Knack ’89 Mr. Jerry D. Knauss Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Knight Sr. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Knight ’96 Ms. Judith D. Knight Ms. Julie D. Knight ’97 Mr. Donald L. Knox Ms. Janice Kolb Mr. David R. Kopald ’82 Ruth and Dennis Kopcial Mr. Richard Kozel ’71 Becky and Wes Kraker ’85 Dr. Roberta H. Krapels ’93 Mr. Robert H. Krauch Jr. ’75 Mr. Martin R. Kriger ’78 Mr. Sidney Kriger Mr. John E. Kruger ’74 Mr. Kevin Krumrey Scott W. Kunkel, Ph.D. ’79 David and Roberta Kustoff ’89 Robert and Katherine Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kyzar ’58 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackie ’76 Mr. Christopher M. Ladley ’07 Bill and Iris LaGrone ’91 Mr. Michael J. Lahaie ’03 Mr. Brent Laird Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lamar ’83 Ms. Nicki W. Lamar ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Lamb Ms. Dianne Lambert-Chester Mr. William J. Lamkin ’73 Mr. Reed Landau Ms. Carol L. Laney ’04 Mr. James W. Lanier Ms. Donna LaRiviere Ms. Judith C. Larson ’65 Alex and Sarah Laskaris ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Lasley Sr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Laurenzi ’81 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lawrimore ’70 Mr. Joseph A. Lawson ’72 Mr. Bryan D. Lawton ’89


Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Lazarov Linda and Craig Leake ’66 Ms. Dorothy S. Leath Mr. James R. Leath Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ledford ’86 Mr. Scott Ledford Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Lee ’84 Mr. Benny O. Lendermon III ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Lenoir ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Leopold ’75 Mr. Michael I. Less ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Lester ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lester Drs. Marvin and Kris Leventhal Dr. Marian C. Levy Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lewallen Jr. ’75 Mr. Buddy Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Hal F. Lewis Mr. Joseph M. Lewis ’98 Dr. and Mrs. Myron Lewis Mr. Stephen B. Lewis ’99 Dr. Yuhua Li Mr. Stephen F. Libby ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Liberto Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Lichterman Ms. Gerlene S. Lifer ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Limbaugh ’78 Dr. Timothy F. Linder ’78 Ms. Susana Lindo ’13 Dr. Angela Link Dr. Eric C. Link Mr. Daniel M. Linton Jr. ’95 Ms. Rhoda Linton Mr. Frank A. Linxwiler ’56 Dr. Sandra P. Lipman* and Mr. Clifton M. Lipman* ’82 Barbara and Ira A. Lipman Dr. J. Kenneth Lipner ’66 Mr. Hershel S. Lipow ’74 Jim and Joanne Lippy ’70 Mr. Mathew W. Lipscomb III ’78 Mr. Lester F. Lit ’68 Dr. Melvin Litch Jr. Ms. Jeana M. Littrell ’92 Mr. Robert S. Loeb Jr. ’74 Mr. Leslie M. Loeffel ’79 Mr. and Mrs. William I. Loewenberg Ms. Jan Cates Lofton ’82 Mr. Gordon A. Lohnes Jr. ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Long ’84 Professor Richard A. Lord ’75 Bobbie and Bill Lovelace Mr. Steven L. Lovelace ’73 Mr. John H. Lovelady ’53 Mr. William H. Lovell III ’65 Dr. Alton S. Lovvorn ’02 Ms. Robbie D. Lowery ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Lowrey ’61 Ms. Carol S. Lowry ’88 Mr. Ernie Lubiani Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lucchesi III ’90 Mr. David Luechauer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Luhrs ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Nenad Lukic ’96 Ms. Deborah B. Lupia ’86 Mr. Christopher C. Lurry Mr. John W. Luther Sr. ’64 Ms. Glynda P. Luttman ’82 Mr. Stephen Luttmann ’81 Ms. Annie L. Lynch ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lynch Jr. ’74

Ms. A. Michele Lynn ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Lyons ’00 Dr. Douglas M. Macgaw Mr. William H. Maclin ’90 B. B. MacPhail, Esq. ’78 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Maddox ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Madewell ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Maglio Sr. Mr. Keith A. Mahal ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Makowsky Dr. and Mrs. John M. Malloy Dr. John L. Malone ’74 Mr. Robert C. Malone Mr. Philip E. Maness ’83 Ms. Martha G. Manley ’77 Ms. Elfredda B. Mann ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Linda Mann ’70 Dr. Walter H. Manning Dr. Weber W. Manning ’71 Ms. Mary Mansour ’81 Ms. Mary Alice Marable Dr. Jeffrey G. Marchetta ’99 Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Marchini Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Markham II ’80 Dr. William and Mrs. Mary Marking ’68 Ms. Marva Marks ’78 Mr. Ricky L. Marley ’82 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Marr Mr. Michael T. Marshall ’74 Ms. Tatyana B. Marshall Chuck and Ellen Martin Mr. Frank L. Martin ’79 Mr. Marcellus Martin Dr. Reginald Martin ’79 Mr. Rick W. Martin ’75 Mr. Thomas L. Martin Mr. Ramon A. Marus Jr. ’84 Ms. Mary L. Marvin ’91 Ms. Judith E. Masel ’97 Mr. Richard V. Mashburn ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathis Jr. ’65 Mr. Richard A. Mattox and Mrs. Nancy L. Mattox ’67 Ms. Martha Ellen Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maxwell ’89 Dr. Sheryl and Mr. Mark Maxwell Ms. Judy May Mr. Matthew T. May ’06 Mr. Scott F. May Mr. Thomas E. Mayberry ’78 Ms.Traci L. Mayer ’91 Mr. Dan Mayhew George and Barbara Mayo ’78 Dr. Brad McAdon Ms. Gladys C. McAdoo Ms. Kimberly C. McAfee Mr. Jeff McAlexander Mr. James B. McBryde ’81 Ms. Claudia McCarthy-Phillips Ms. Janet McCaskill Dr. Stephen T. McClain ’95 Dr. Barbara S. and Mr. W. Richard McClanahan ’90 Dr. Sue Ann McClellan ’93 Andy and Trudie McClelland ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. McCleskey ’81 Ms. Catherine B. McCollum ’89 Mr. David R. McCollum

Ms. Kimberly H. McCollum ’98 Mr. Mike McConkey Ms. Kerry L. McCormic Ms. Eleanor A. McCormick ’83 Ms. Elizabeth A. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCormick Mr. Samuel K. McCrary ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCullar Ms. Ashley Davis Mr. Floyd F. McCullough Ms. Malinda A. McDaniel ’74 Mr. Tommy McDaniel Dr. Evelyn A. McDonald ’00 Mr. John D. McDonnell ’89 Mr. Jerry W. McEwen ’70 Ms. Daphene R. McFerren Ms. Mary McGarrh ’00 Mr. Patrick L. McGarrity ’66 Dr. Betty Sue McGarvey ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. McGee Mr. Anthony M. McGregor Mr. Vince McGrory Mr. Jere S. McGuffee II ’87 Mr. D. G. McGuire Mr. Philip A. McIllwain ’58 Ms. Marsha A. McKay ’02 Mary Jane and Sidney McKay Dr. Don H. McKee ’68 Mr. Harry McKee Mr. Jimmy L. McKee Mr. William M. McKee ’70 Dr. Paul E. McKeegan Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKelvy Jr. ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. McKenna ’81 Mr. Joseph W. McKibben ’97 Mr. Randolph M. McKinna ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. McKinnon ’61 Mr. Michael D. McKnight ’99 Randy and Lisa McKnight Mr. Michael McLaren and The Honorable Diane K. Vescovo Ms. Toni Tate McLauren ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark McLeod Mr. Brien McMahon Mr. Steven G. McMillian ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Randy A. McPherson ’93 Mr. and Mrs. William S. McWatters ’73 Ms. Ruth McWhirter Dr. Lisa L. Mendel and Dr. Maurice I. Mendel Mr. G. Thomas Mendina ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Merritt ’70 Ms. Michele D. Merritt ’83 Ms. Mary L. Merriweather ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. James N. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Ricky J. Michael Mr. Harvey E. Middleton ’67 Mr. Matthew C. Middleton ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Miller ’80 Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Miller ’83 Mr. J. Don Miller ’57 Mr. Ralph E. Miller Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Miller ’76 Ms. Catherine J. Millican Ms. Aretha R. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Minderman Mr. John T. Minger Ms. Elizabeth Minton


Dr. James B. Mitchell Jr. ’74 Mr. John C. Mitchell ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Logan T. Mitchell ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mitchell Carl and Jeannine Mize Danny and Teresa Moeschle ’94 Mr. John C. Moeschle ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Mohundro ’77 Chuck and Delia Molinski ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Mollerup Mr. Mike Molpus Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Montesi ’78 Mr. Ralph A. Montgomery ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Montoya ’84 Mr. Alex W. Moore ’53 Mr. David Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Mr. John H. Moore ’79 Ms. Shirley P. Moore Mr. Ralph Morgan Dr. and Mrs. Sam B. Morgan ’59 Ms. Janace Mork Mr. D. E. Morley Mr. and Mrs. David W. Morris Janet and Clark Morris ’66 Mr. Norman B. Morris ’78 Mr. James M. Morse Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Morten Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morton Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Morton Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mosby Jeri and Mitch Moskovitz ’92 Mr. William J. Mueller ’90 Ms. Vanessa A. Muldrow ’07 The Honorable Steven J. Mulroy Ms. Jennifer L. Murchison Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Murdock Mr. and Mrs. John D. Murdock Mr. Edward J. Murray Mr. Robert A. Murray ’86 Mr. Dan H. Murrell and Dr. Victoria S. Murrell ’93 Barbara and Glen Murry Ms. Katharine H. Myar Ms. Mary E. Mynatt ’00 Mr. and Mrs. John Nabers Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nalley Mr. Larry H. Nance ’76 Phillip Julie and Kelli Neal ’79 Mr. Thomas C. Neiman ’75 Ms. Laura K. Nelson ’74 Barbara and Stephen Nelson ’90 Mr. Stephen C. Nelson Dr. William T. Neumann ’81 Mr. Floyd S. Newman III ’82 Mr. Marvin W. Newsum ’78 Kevin L. and Susan M. Nicholas ’82 Ms. Lillian M. Nichols ’77 Mr. David W. Nickel ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Niebruegge ’67 Gil and Sybille Noble Ms. Gloria M. Nobles Mr. Michael W. Nolen Mr. Anthony Norris Ms. Melissa Chism Norwood ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Nunes ’74 Ms. Kay K. Nunnelee ’66 Ms. Kathryn J. O’Bryan ’78 Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Connor Jr. ’85 Mr. Jack R. O’Kelley ’69 W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. Louis M. O’Kelly ’03 Robin and Billy Orgel Mr. Joe Orgill III ’09 Ms. Terry T. O’Roark ’76 Ms. Joye J. O’Rourke Mr. John W. Osby Mr. Richard J. Oshlag ’94 Myra Osment and Kenny White Ms. Marianne J. Overall Mr. Harold E. Owen Jr. ’81 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Owen ’75 Mr. Gary B. Owens ’96 Shelia Owens and Paul Wilson ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oxner Ms. Debbie C. Padawer* and Mr. Paul R. Padawer* ’76 Betty and Hal Padgett ’67 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Pallme ’85 Ms. Randy Meeks ’88 Mr. Andrew Pappas ’91 Mr. Louis W. Pardue Ms. Betty M. Parham ’70 Michael Ralph Parham Mr. Nathaniel W. Parham ’55 Mr. Billy F. Paris ’70 Ms. Lyda G. Parker ’61 Mr. Mark P. Parker ’93 Ms. Tammy G. Parker Mr. Keith M. Parnell ’93 Dr. Abby L. Parrill-Baker Mr. Thomas M. Parzinger ’91 Josh and Kerri Pastner Mr. Jay Patchen Dr. Linda T. Pate ’79 Dr. Mahadev R. Patil Mr. Robert G. Patterson Jr. ’82 Mr. Kurt T. Patton Mr. Harry A. Paulk ’60 Mr. Don E. Payne ’76 Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Payne ’68 Ms. Carla A. and Dr. John H. Peacher Ryan* ’78 Mr. William H. Pearigen III ’76 Mr. Ronald G. Pennington ’75 Ms. Dana Sue Percer Susan and David Perdue ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Minor W. Perkins ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Perl Mr. Austin C. Perry ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Perry John and Sherry Perry ’77 Ms. Vickie H. Peters ’01 Phyllis and Larry Petersen Mr. John E. Petree Jr. ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Petrie ’68 Mr. Douglas C. Petties Mr. Charles R. Petty ’62 Mr. Charles D. Petty Ms. Clara A. Petty Mr. Douglas C. Petty Ms. Lauren Peyton Mr. Michael P. Pfrommer ’95 Dr. Truc Chi T. Pham ’03 Mr. John A. Phillips Ms. Joyce B. Phillips Mr. Kevin G. Phillips Melvin and Ann Phillips Dr. Wendell B. Phillips Jr. ’67 Ms. Carolyn S. Phipps ’70 Lauren and William Pickens ’86 Ms. Virginia Piercey Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pilgrim Mr. Tony G. Pinson ’89

Mr. David Pinter Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Pipkin ’70 Ms. Connie Piraino ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Pirani ’86 Mr. Robert V. Pirani ’88 Ms. Carolyn P. Garrett ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pittman ’55 Dr. Charles Plesofsky Poag Lifestyle Centers LLC Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Podgorski ’80 Ms. Rita M. Pomtree ’98 Mr. David L. Pool ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Posey ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Billy Poston Ms. Laxmiswetha Potana ’06 Ms. Jane W. Poulos ’00 Terrie and Chuck Pounders ’93 Ms. Florence Annette Powell ’83 Mr. Ralph A. Prater Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm E. Pratt ’73 Ms. Michelle E. Prentice ’75 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Price ’62 Ms. Dorothy B. Kay Price ’64 Mr. Forrest C. and Mrs. Barbara T. Priddy ’60 Mr. Russell R. Pridemore II ’76 Mr. Bobby A. Prince Carol and Mike Prince Col. Ronald L. Proctor ’65 Mr. John L. Prudhomme ’82 Gail and Bob Pruette Ms. Lunetha Y. Pryor Ms. Carolyn M. Pulliam ’68 Charlie and Debra Purdon Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Pyron Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. Quarles ’69 Mr. Will Quinn ’92 Mr. Robert (Gus) Radford ’70 Mr. Andrew H. Raines ’77 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rainey Mr. David L. Rains Jr. ’70 Dr. Ernest A. and Mrs. Jeanine H. Rakow ’94 Dr. James P. Rakowski Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Ramsey ’67 Mr. Ronnie Randall ’66 Mr. John R. Ranson Jr. Mr. William A. Rasch Mr. Britt F. Rast ’88 Ms. Emilie G. Ratner ’77 Ms. Frances C. Reasons ’54 Ms. Deborah K. Reed ’02 Mr. Jerry W. Reed Jr. Ms. Vicki W. Reed ’79 Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodson Reid ’77 Mr. Paul J. Reimold ’76 Ms. Tina S. Reisedge ’94 Dr. Joel Reisman Dr. Steven J. Remington ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Renfro Mr. and Mrs. Bobby S. Renfro ’86 Mary Ellen and Ernie Restivo John and Anita Reuter ’84 Mr. Heath L. Reynolds ’08 Dr. Thomas A. Reynolds Ms. Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki Amy and Bill Rhodes ’93 Ms. Julia M. Rhodes Ms. Mary L. Rhodes ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Murry R. Riales ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Richardson ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Lee K. Richardson ’02 Dr. Malcolm L. Richardson ’70

I am extremely grateful for the interest that my community has in the success of its future leaders and work force. The donors are not forced to give money from their own pockets to incoming college students. I am more than thankful that there are individuals and companies willing to help support me through college. Ashley Brower, Civil Engineering P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Ricossa Jr. Gene and Bruce Riesenberg ’77 Darrell and Courtney Riffe Ms. Nancy R. Rigell ’92 Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Riley Jr. ’84 Mr. James M. Ringel Dr. Thomas B. Ripy ’74 Ms. Jean Rittmueller Ms. Rebecca B. Rivalto ’89 Mike and Debbie Robb ’78 Mr. Jonathan S. Roberts ’02 Mr. E. C. Robertson Ms. Ida L. Robertson ’91 Mr. Terry A. Robertson ’87 Ms. Chanda L. Robinson ’02 Mickey Robinson and Catherine Ladnier ’68 Mr. Michael A. Robinson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Robinson Ms. Tracy P. Robinson ’96 Dr. and Mrs. Lowell B. Robison Jr. Ms. Rebecca L. Roche ’66 Ms. Sharon A. Roehrig Mr. Dennis G. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Rogers ’58 Mr. James E. Rogers Mr. Jeffrey G. Rogers ’99 Ms. Monice J. Roland Mr. Joshua M. Roman ’01 Mr. and Mrs. B. Wayne Romesburg ’96 Laura Howard Rosas and Ray Rosas ’87 Mr. Herschel Rosenberg ’74 Mr. Gary L. Rosenthal ’83 Ms. Melpha Ross Mr. Gerald R. Rossi Mr. Jeff Roth Mr. James B. Rothman Ms. Carol A. Rowe ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Rowell ’84 Mr. Robert E. Royal Dr. Thomas F. Rucker ’05 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Rudner Ms. N. Janell Rudolph ’70 Mr. Albert Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Tate E. Rush Ms. Susan Rush ’04 Ms. Vicki D. Rush ’75 Mr. Jerry L. Russell II ’96 Mr. Mike Russell ’75 Carl and Cheryl Rutherford Ms. Debbie K. Rutkowski ’77 Mr. Charles W. Rutledge ’76 Skeeter and Karen Rutledge ’71 John and Katherine Ryan ’73 Paul and Gwyn Ryan Ms. Ikrimah Sabalillah ’87 Mr. David A. Sabatini ’85 Mr. David W. Sage ’94 Dr. Lynda M. Sagrestano Mr. Lambert K. Sain Edwardo W. and Lori T. Salera ’82 Ms. Bonnye A. Sampson Mr. Otha L. Samuels Jr. Ms. Katie Sandage ’82 Mr. Craig J. Sander Gwendolyn and Frederick Sanders Mr. G. Jeffrey Sanders and Ms. Kassaundra E. Sanders ’94 Ms. Kathleen H. Sanders ’91 Mr. Realis H. Sanders ’98 Ms. Susan L. Sanders ’01



Mr. Keith T. Sanford ’78 Mr. Joseph J. Santomero Jr. ’71 Mr. Paul D. Sax ’84 Michael D. Scearce Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaeffer ’86 Mr. Kent H. Schenk and Ms. Sonya J. Schenk ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Scherer Mr. Stephen Dale Schocke Ms. Danielle K. Schonbaum ’86 James Schrader ’06 Dr. Charles A. Schulz ’72 Mr. Ray O. Schwill II Mr. David J. Scobey ’79 Suzanne Potts Scobey, FNP ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Gavin D. Scott ’69 Mr. J. Warren K. Scott ’04 Murray and Susie Scott ’80 Ms. Tara Scott Barnes David and Phyllis Scruggs ’70 Mr. Arthur N. Seessel III Mr. and Mrs. Melville J. Seessel Mr. Ryan G. Seidner ’97 Joe and Nancy Sellers Richard Sellers and Marifran Bustion ’73 Dr. Beth Senter Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shannon Jr. ’73 Joe and Sharon Sharp ’86 Ms. Mary L. Sharp ’92 Mr. Curtis D. Shatley ’68 Ms. Amy D. Shead ’08 Ms. Annette E. Shearin ’74 Ms. Margaret S. Sheft ’60 Dr. Thomas B. Shelton Ms. Mary S. Shepard Mr. John S. Shepherd Louie and Linda Sheppard Dr. Gayle H. Shiba ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shields Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Shiffman ’70 Bill and Joy Shinault David and Carole Shipman Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Short ’79 Mr. James Short Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Shorter Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Showalter Jr. ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Shuster ’82 Dr. Cheryl Goudie Simco and Dr. Bill A. Simco Mr. F. Joe Simi Mr. John J. Simonetti Ms. Madeline Simonetti Mrs. Kathryn Hicks Simpson and Mr. James A. Simpson Jr. ’99 Mr. Michael Simpson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Simpson Sr. ’66 Mrs. Tona Jackson Simpson and Mr. Randy Simpson ’88 Ms. Claudia Ann Sims ’12 Mr. David B. Sims Jr. ’71 Mr. John A. Sims ’79 Ms. Loni Sisco Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Siskin ’00 Ms. Jennifer E. Sisson ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Skopp ’74 Ms. Harriet S. Skupin ’72 Dr. William F. Slagle Jr. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Sloan Sr. ’66 Ginny and Jim Slover ’71 Dr. Linda Smiley

Ms. Angela D. Smith Mr. Brad V. Smith Ms. Bryce M. Smith ’75 Charles and Harolyn Smith Dr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Smith ’64 Mr. Dale Smith Mr. and Mrs. David E. Smith ’71 Ms. Deborah R. Smith ’87 Mr. Donald R. Smith ’91 Mr. Garland T. Smith Mr. G. Henry Smith ’80 Col. and Mrs. Haywood R. Smith ’53 Mr. Johnny Smith Mr. Kenneth M. Smith ’79 Dr. Kevin H. Smith and Dr. Marilyn Dunham Smith Ms. Marsha L. Smith ’73 Mr. Michael V. Smith ’81 Dr. and Mrs. Omar E. Smith Jr. ’54 Mr. Ralph E. Smith ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Smith Mr. Robert W. Smith Jr. ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith Jr. ’87 Mr. Robert W. Smith Ms. Ruth Stolarick-Smith ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Smith Sr. ’78 Mr. Kenneth W. Smithart Jr. ’92 Tracy and Brenda Smitherman Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Smithers Sr. Ms. Catherine R. Smythe ’00 Dr. Allen and Mrs. Hope H. Sneed ’94 Mr. McDonald L. Sneed ’76 Dr. and Mrs. Dowen E. Snyder Ms. Holly L. Snyder ’09 Ms. Kerry C. Snyder Mr. Tim Soder Capt. John J. Sorce Dr. Carole F. Southerland Mr. Bobby J. Spears ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Speer Ms. Alice B. Spence Dr. Paula Spence-Evans Ms. Suzanne K. Spiceland ’94 Dr. Randall W. Spinney ’79 Mr. Gene Spires ’82 Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Spiva ’88 Mr. James O. Stacy Mr. John T. Stacy ’02 Mr. Albert W. Stafford Jr. ’92 Mr. J. Steven Staggs ’89 Mr. Darryl Starnes Mr. Barry P. Staubus ’83 Mr. Charles E. Stavely ’68 Ms. Dorothy C. Steen Dr. Marc H. Stegman Mr. Nicholas A. Steht ’02 Dr. Gilbert G. Stein Mr. Kenneth A. Steinberg ’83 Mr. Michael J. Stengel ’86 Ms. Sherri G. Stephens ’07 Bob Stephenson ’58 Dr. Craig O. Stewart ’00 Ms. Kathy R. Stewart ’80 John and Margie Stoever ’83 Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer and Ms. Kathryn E. Story ’87 Mr. C. Michael Straign ’81 Mr. Ryan Strain ’05 Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Strasberg ’73 Ms. Barbara Stratton Mr. B. A. Street ’49 Ms. Linda K. Street ’81


* Alumni + Deceased

Mr. Luke H. Stribling ’89 Mr. Dennis W. Strickland ’99 Mr. Herman W. Strickland Jr. ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Terence Sturdivant ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Summers Mr. and Mrs. Rick Summers ’92 Ms. Patricia A. Suttle ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Mel Swaffer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry K. Swatley ’83 Mr. Billy L. Swift Dr. George H. Swihart Mr. Darol L. Swords ’84 Mrs. Virginia Szalay and Mr. David Szalay ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Don Tabb Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Tackett ’83 Ms. Ashlee B. Talley Dr. Irvin L. Tankersley ’67 Ms. Pat Tanner Mr. Joseph H. Tate ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Tatum ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Taube ’70 Rev. Gary A. Taylor ’74 Sharon Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John M. Templeton ’91 Ms. Annie Ruth Terrell ’80 Mr. Curtis C. Terry Jr. ’71 Mr. Michael D. Terry Ms. Rachel L. Terry ’91 Ms. Cheryl L. Theil ’88 Mr. Bracton Thoma ’97 Dr. Champ Thomas Jr. Ms. Florida H. Thomas ’74 Mr. James A. Thomas ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Justin K. Thomas ’02 Maurie C. and Betty J. Thomas ’66 Lt. Col. and Mrs. James F. Thomasson Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Thompson Sr. ’78 Dr. Charles L. Thompson Mr. Don Thompson Ms. Kathy S. Thompson Dr. Linda M. Thompson ’93 Mr. Richard M. Thompson Ms. Talitha M. Thompson ’72 Mr. David J. Thweatt ’98 Mr. Joe A. Tidwell ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Titon ’66 Mr. James R. Timbs ’70 Dr. David A. Tipton ’88 Dr. Nathan G. Tipton and Mr. Paul L. Foster ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Todd Dr. Deborah P. Tollefsen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Tomlinson Ms. Kimbra Toney-Bernard ’99 Mr. Bruce A. Townsend Ms. Debra J. Townsend ’82 Mr. James Tresvant Ms. Janine B. Carney ’72 Mr. William J. Trigg ’81 Mr. Dennis Triplett Mr. Kenneth F. Trocki ’76 CDR Edgar S. Trotter Jr. ’61 Dr. Jennifer L. Troyer and Mr. John R. Teague ’93 Mr. Kevin True Ms. Vyonne L. Trusdale ’78 Mr. Wentsung R. Tseng ’81 Dr. Cynthia G. Tucker and Dr. David M. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Tucker ’04 W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry Tucker Mr. Melvyn M. Tuggle ’69 Ms. Jane S. Turcotte ’82 Ms. Susan W. Turman ’68 Ms. Bethany J. Turner ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Turner Mr. Jeffrey B. Turner Ms. Johnnie R. Turner ’71 Mr. Matthew R. Turner ’00 Mr. Mike Turnipseed and Mrs. Norma Turnipseed Dr. and Mrs. F. Dexter Tutor ’70 Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Tutor Sr. ’66 Mr. Leonard E. Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Vacanti Mr. John Vaden Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Valadie’ ’87 Donald and Lynda Valdez ’75 Ms. Susan K. Van Dyck ’78 Mr. Owen H. Vance Jr. ’89 Mr. Brian D. Vanderheyden and Ms. Blair C. Taylor ’81 Mr. Richard J. Vanelli ’93 Ellen and John C. Vergos ’73 Dr. Barry A. Vescovo The Honorable Diane K. Vescovo and Mr. Michael McLaren ’80 Susan and Steve Vescovo ’80 Ms. Wanda L. Vickery ’69 Mr. Peter F. Voehringer ’90 Janie and George Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Voldeng ’89 Mr. John M. Vosse ’62 Ms. Joann E. Waddell ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade ’02 Mr. Paul Wadsworth Jim and Yvonne Waggener Mr. Jerry S. Wagley and Rev. Martha B. Wagley ’63 Dr. Donald I. Wagner and Ms. Susan M. Wagner Mr. Peter Wai Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Waldrip Ms. Bonnie S. Walker Mr. Danny Walker Mr. Dennis W. Walker III ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Dusty R. Walker ’71 Mr. G. Lee Walker III ’72 Ms. Lynn M. Walker Dr. and Mrs. R. Meade Walker ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Mr. Warren K. Walker Jr. Ms. Cathy D. Wallace ’91 Dr. William L. Wallace ’71 Dr. Patricia L. Walls ’84 Mr. Leonard E. Walp ’83 Mr. Andrew L. Ward Jr. Ms. Beverly M. Ward ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ward Dr. Frederick L. Ware ’84 Stephen and Dianna Waring ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Waring II ’66 Dr. and Mrs. David J. Wark Ms. Linda E. Warren ’97 Mr. Bradford K. Washam Ms. Belinda G. Watkins Mr. William W. Watkins and Dr. Rhetta J. Watkins ’64 Ms. Ellen I. Watson Ms. Lucille J. Watson ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Watson Mr. Brian D. Weathers ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Allison L. Weaver ’71

Mr. William S. Polk III and Ms. Emily J. Webb ’80 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Webb ’60 Mr. John E. Webb ’68 Mr. Justin M. Webb ’07 Ms. Phyllis Webb Mr. Richard L. Webb ’76 Rod and Diane Webb Mr. and Mrs. William G. Webb ’69 Ms. Angela S. Weems ’67 Ms. Daphne Wei Mr. Craig L. Weiss ’00 Dr. Kenneth Weiss Dr. and Mrs. S. Danny Weiss Ms. Ann S. Welch ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Welch ’75 The Honorable Harry W. Wellford Ms. Stacey H. Wells ’92 Mr. George B. Welte ’67 Mr. Elliot Wender Dr. and Mrs. Scott P. Werner ’87 Mr. James J. Wetter Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wexler Mr. Robert E. (Bobby) Wharton Jr. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Whitaker Mr. Barry F. White Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. White ’59 Mr. John D. White Mr. Keith R. White ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. White ’73 Ms. Marilyn H. White Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. White ’80 Ms. Shundra L. White ’06 Mr. and Mrs. G. Byrne Whitehead Jr. ’66 Ms. Marilyn Whitesell Ms. Clara S. Whitney ’54 Ms. Doris J. Whitson ’00 Mr. Danny W. Whitt ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Whitt ’02 Mr. James P. Whittington ’96 Mr. Noel B. Whitworth ’12 Ms. Bonnie F. Wicker ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick S. Wieland ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Wiener Jim and Gina Wiertelak Mr. Ron Wigginton Mr. Frank R. Wilbourne ’54 Ms. Charlotte M. Wilburn ’70 Dr. and Mrs. W. David Wilcox ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Wildeboer ’72 Ms. Cathy N. Wilhelm ’12 Mr. William P. Wilkes II ’71 Mr. Britton W. Wilkins ’96 Barbara and Marvin Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Willey, III Mr. Dodd Williams Mr. Edward A. Williams ’72 Dr. Glenn J. Williams ’83 Ms. Gwendolyn W. Williams ’71 Ms. Kay P. Williams ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Williams ’75 Ms. Linda S. Williams ’95 Gay and Mike Williams ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Todd V. Williams ’09 Steve and Kathy Williams ’76 Bill and Alice Williams Dr. Ruth Williams-Hooker ’01 Mr. Lance A. Willis ’03 Ms. Joy P. Wills Ms. Blanche N. Wilson ’79

Ms. Deborah F. Wilson and Mr. Gordon B. Wilson ’75 Dr. and Mrs. G. Trent Wilson ’75 Ms. Kimberly Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson ’66 Ms. Sylvia R. Wilson ’77 Ms. Theresa K. Wilson ’91 Mr. William J. Wilson ’73 Mr. William G. Wilson ’76 Mr. William C. Wilson Ms. Nancy Wimmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Winn Jr. ’75 Dr. Amanda P. and Mr. Tommy G. Winter ’14 Dr. Michael R. Winters ’91 Mr. James D. Witherington Jr. Mr. Clay A. Woemmel ’99 Mr. Jerry Wolfe Marianne and Berkley Wolff Tom and Paula Wood ’78 Lt. Col. Jackie V. Woods ’58 Martha M. and Eddie Woods Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Woods ’93 Bill and Elaine Woods ’76 Joanne H. Woody / Jo Ann Owen Mr. Ralph N. Woody Ms. Cindy M. Wooten ’06 Mr. Robert M. Wooten Jr. Drs. Lynette and Earle Wrenn Jr. ’83 Julie and Craig Wright ’96 Dr. and Mrs. Walker D. Wright ’86 Mr. Willie J. Wright ’81 Mr and Mrs. Kent Wunderlich Mr. and Mrs. J. Terry Wynne ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Roddy T. Yager ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Yancey ’96 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Yancey Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Yaun Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yelvington ’99 Mr. Bob R. Young ’79 Mr. Fred Lee Young Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Young Jr. ’58 Ms. Teresa A. Young Ms. Glenda Youngblood Shayne and Donna Younger Ms. Sandra H. Zehntner ’81 Ms. Charlotte R. Zerfoss ’83 Dr. Hongyuan Zhang ’96 Mark and Leigh Zipperer Mr. Donald L. Zlotky ’80

TIGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donors to the Tiger Scholarship Fund contributed $6 million in 2013-2014 toward studentathlete scholarships. As the primary fundraising arm for University of Memphis Athletics, Tiger Scholarship Fund finances the cost of athletic scholarships for more than 350 studentathletes every semester. This is achieved through the generous contributions and stewardship of fans, friends, family and alumni. These resources allow our student-athletes to meet the immediate challenges of competition and the classroom. Lifetime dividends are paid in terms of leadership and loyalty in our community. Ambassadors $500,000+ Bill and Madonna Bond Dave and Judy Bronczek Glen and Valerie Brown Ben and Martha Bryant Mike and Marian Bruns Bob and Debra Byrd Marsha Cohn Jennifer and Michael Cook Hilliard and Harriett Crews William and Tommie Dunavant, Jr. Evelyn Echols Doug and Andrea Edwards, Jr. Lenny and Rhonda Feiler Daniel and Kathryn Feinstone Frank and Brenda Flautt, Jr. Glenna Flautt Susan and Alan Graf Anferee Hardaway Michael and Becky Hawkins Jim and Doris Hillhouse Fred and Charlotte Hodges Jim and Peggy Hughes Ken Issacman and Karen Fields-Isaacman Janet and Bob January George and Betty Johnson Jack Jones and Sandra Saunders Jones Tom and Ann Marie Kadien Al and Carol LaRocca Ken and Sandy Lenoir Brad and Dina Martin Jackson and Betty Moore Bill and Ann Morris Billy and Robin Orgel Mark and Lauren Pickens Kyle and Bernadette Rice



* Alumni + Deceased

Ray and Laura Rosas Mike and Debbi Rose Gary Rosenberg Elkan and Laurie Scheidt Fred and Diane Smith Rita Sparks Rick and Sandy Spell Elaine Springer John and Anne Stokes, Jr. Ron and Wynoka Terry Tom and Robin Watson Jim and Gina Wiertelak

Platinum Tiger $25,0000+ Dr. M. Brent Addington Armstrong Relocation Emile and Carol Bizot Paul Brothers Bryce Corporation Charles Burkett Mr. Bob Byrd Hilliard Crews Ken Isaacman and Karen Fields-Isaacman Robert F. Fogelman II Auto Zone Irish Mikes LLC George and Betty Johnson Jim and Kay Kelly William L. Koeneman Pepsi Americas David C. Perdue Joyce Phillips Dr. Robert L. Richardson, Jr. Roadshow BMW Mike Rose Rudi E. Scheidt Sedgwick Claims Management Regional Adjustment Bureau, Inc. Tiger Sports Properties Mrs. Carolyn Williams-Bennett

Gold Tiger $15,000-$24,999 Jack Aaron Air Technical Services, Inc. Banes Capital Management Bank of Fayette County Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky Bond, Johnson and Bond Central BBQ C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. Shelia Jordan and Roger Cunningham Michael McLaren and Diane Vescovo Dobbs Management Services Fino’s From The Hill Glenn Floyd Fogelman Management Group Jim Frazier Green Mountain Consulting Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon Hall Hardin Sysco Hicks Convention Center Services Wes Hicks Jerry and Libby Hubbard Jim Jacobs John Hull Dobbs Mr. Johnny Kalb Charles E. Kennedy, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackie Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. Lit Phil and Mary Tom Massey Richard McBryde McDonald Outdoor Advertising Jere and Angie McGuffee Phillip McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Paul Padawer Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Parker Woody and Lisa Reid Republic Services Restoration Systems Michael A. Robinson Craig Russell Reid Sanders Dr. William V. Shappley Ron and Linda Sklar Southern Spray Company/K. Throckmorton Stone, Higgs and Drexler Swaffer Fleet Leasing Morgan and Thornburg, Inc. Joe Tidwell Tri-State Armature David Wedaman Craig Weiss Logan Young III

Scholarship Tiger $10,000-$24,999 Johnny Aaron Dr. Rex Amonette Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Argo Edward and Mary Autry Banes Capital Group Barnes and Brower Inc. Belz Investment Company, Inc. Chris and Christi Bird Brimhall Food Co. Inc. John B. Buford Phoenix Mfg./Ken Carmack Carolyn Carnesale Chris Woods Construction Co. Bob and Joanne Cohen Larry E. Crum Bryan Darr Ted and Jan Donaldson Darrell Douglas, CFP Eagle Specialty Products Economy Boat Store James L. Ellis, Jr. M.D. Dr. William D. Falvey Lenny and Rhonda Feiler Peter and Judy Felsenthal Randy Fishman Scott Forman Trow Gillespie Joseph Halyard Harcros Chemicals Robert Hatmaker Hot Graphics and Printing Rusty Hyneman Integrated Communications Interstate Blood Bank, Inc. Bryan and Kim Jordan Randy and Laurie Karchmer Jimmie Kelly Kisber Enterprises Kiser’s Floor Fashions Wesley and Becky Kraker Star Distributors/Al LaRocca Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lawrence, Jr.


Don Lawrence John Cicala Jeff and Melanie Little Mr. and Mrs. J. William Lovelace Joe and Donna Lucchesi Helen Hardin Trust Darin McDonald Judy McDonald Scott McDonald Michael T. Mitchell Larry Moss Jim Moton Warren Nunn Orgill, Inc. Mark and Cathy Palazola Larry Papasan and Jack Blair Rebecca Pate Dr. Paul Payne William Pickens Shelly Pierce/ Joe and Billie Pierce Mike and Carol Prince Lee Purkey Dan and Myra Quinley Becky Rivalto Frank Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Lowell B. Robison Royal Furniture/Butch Faber James W. Russell, Jr. Murray and Susie Scott Security Bank Signature Advertising Linda M. Smiley Putt-Putt Family Park Industrial Painting LTD Rick and Sandy Spell Mark Story Jim Strickland, Jr. Rick and Cheryl Summers Mrs. Anita Tauer Dr. Kurt Tauer Mr. and Mrs. Maurie C. Thomas Tiger Book Store/John Williams McFadden Brothers Company Kevin True Unisource USFoodservice Stephen and Angie Valadie Dr. Danny Weiss West Cancer Clinic Robert E. Wharton, Jr. Wilson Air Bob and Nelda Wilson Wunderlich Securities

Super Tiger $5,000-$9,999 Abney and Uhlmann Attorneys Mr. and Mrs. James R. Adkins Dr. and Mrs. Justin C. Adler, Jr. Larry Adler Administrative Consulting Services Glynn Alexander Jr. Mike and Pam Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jim Amann Amerispan Tents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anderson Rex D. Anderson Marlin and Denise Angell Scott Bailey Bank of America Dominic Bardos ProTech Systems Group

John M. Barzizza Dr. Reed Baskin James Beaty Dr. Donald J. Bellott Bodie Council, Best Tarps Cynthia Bicknell Steven Bilsky Richard and Debbie Binswanger Jack Blair Scott Blen Jeffrey Block Craig Blondis John and Lisa Bobango Larry Boyd Ralph Braden, Jr. Dan Breckenridge Brooks and Mazzola Alex Brown R. H. Buckman Maurice Buring Don and Janet Burkett Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bush Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Hammond, III Gary and Cynthia Byars John J. Campbell Co., Inc. Bill and Patty Carkeet Tommy Carls Carrier Corporation Carty and Company Diane Chance Chancellor and Son, Inc. Todd Chappell, M.D. Cindy Lou LLC John Clark Cheryl Cleaves Gene B. and Sandra T. Cochran Jan and Ron Coleman Active Bolt and Screw Comcast Spotlight John and Rhonda Conway Rick Cooper Anna Coplon Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cothern Steve and Valerie Cowles Dr. Clair Cox Milton Cox Craig Construction Company Greg and Bradley Cross Patricia Crowell Mark Crowl Charles and Ellie Curtis Stephen and Alicia Davis Fred and Toni Davis Robert W. Dawson Jack D. Day, Jr. Ronald L. Day Vince DeGutis Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger, Jr. Kin Dempsey Cypriano and Laurie DeSouza Charles E. Dickey James and Sonia DiLorio Gary Dodson Jess and Pamela Dotson Bonnie Dove David and Marie Dowling Jackie Drake Jr. John and Leslie Dunavant Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dunaway Mrs. Betty Durham Dyson Associates Brian Earl Tommy Earl

Clay Edrington Martin Edwards Charles Ennis Enviro USA Evergreen Steel Corporation Michael Farien First Capital Bank Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Flick Flintco Constructive Solutions Dr. and Mrs. Noel Florendo Dianne B. Fry David and Jane Gadd Keri Gage Berl B. Garey, Jr. Mr and Mrs. Dennis George Dr. Nello Giaroli Tim Gillespie Susan Lawlless-Glassman and Richard Glassman Ron Goforth Doug Golden Larry Goldsmtih Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldstein Jason Gonzales Marshall and Brenda Gordon Dawn Graeter Mickey Granger/Jackson Cemetery Association Glenn Gravatt Dan and Betty Green Hulet Gregory Fred Grinder Grinder Fabricating Company Bartlett Home Furnishings Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Hailey Ralph B. Hamilton, Jr. Bob and Betty Hammons Hand Family Beverage/ Budweiser of Memphis Jerome Hanover Hardin Sysco Barry E. Hardin Chris and Lori Harding Neil Harkavy Danny Harris and Raymond Kelley/ Ledbetter Foods Tom R. Harrison Randy and Laurie Higginbotham Dr. and Mrs. T.C. Hilger Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hogue Dr. Randall Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Holland Albert D. Hollingsworth Drs. Brian and Melissa Holmes Paul A. Holt Margaret Anne Hooker Dennis Hope John Horn Independent Bank Dr. Charles P. Ingram Inventory Locator Service, LLC Allen Israel Donald J. Israel Dr. Bryan Jackson Judy Jackson Tommy Jagendorf Jamison Pest Control John and Debbie Jerkins Ernie Jetton Dr. Samuel and Nacquia Johnson C. Lauren Jones/Crye-Leike Realtors Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Jordan, Jr. Mike Karel THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

Mrs. Betty Keirsey Marty Kelman Bob and Judy Kennedy Tom Kennon/Boyd Metals Kevin Kenny/ Dupont Flooring Systems Jerry Knauss Steve Knott Janice L. Kolb Martin R. Kriger Erik Krull Bernie and David Kustoff/Kevin Snider James M. LaBarreare Diane Lambert-Chester Kim Lane Howard and Bettye Lasley Mike Lathum Stan Lautar Dr. Stuart Lazarov Lehman-Roberts Company Michael I. Less Marvin Leventhal Clif Lipman Lonnie E. Loeffel Lichterman-Loewenberg Foundation Michael Long Wayne Lowrie Chris and Betty Luhrs John Luther and Marilyn Andereck Richard and Paula Lynch Mr. Bill Maclin Jimmie and Elizabeth Madden Nancy Paschall Maddox Marsh USA Inc. Elizabeth and Jerry Marshall Larry Martin Richard and Nancy Mattox Jeffrey Mayhew Barry Puckett and Jim McBryde McCabe Construction Company Mike McCaskill McDonald’s/Century Management Dale and Jan McGee William S. McKee Rick McKenna McKnight Family Donor Fund Milton and Jo Anne McLellan Mabel McNeill Richard A. McStay Ron McSwain McVean Trading Memphis Communication Corporation Jeffrey and Laurie Meskin Methodist Health Systems Mid-South Specialties Marc and Wendi Mihalko James and Debby Mirda Lisa Moffat John and Cathy Moore John G. Morten Glenn W. Munson Dr. Ian Murray Glen and Barbara Murry National Equipment Services Cynthia and Paul Newman NexAir LLC Terry and Sheila Nightwine Larry Nolen John and Glenda O’Connor Drs. Michael and Suzanne Osborn Dan Otten W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Patriot Bank Paulsen Printing Company Minor and Jackie Perkins Arnold and Mary Lynn Perl Peterson Insurance Services, Inc. Nancy and John Petree Brad Phillips Evans/Templeton Gary and Ginger Pilgram Dr. Charles Plesofsky Paul Prather and Patrick Fleming Christopher Pratt/Jason Guff Private Wealth Management Inc. Morris Proctor Pyramid Food Brokers, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Win Rainey Ronnie Randall Britt Rast Chris and Tina Reisedge Amy and Bill Rhodes David Richardson Darrell and Courtney Riffe Nancy Rigell Kris and Pam Robinson J. M. Robinson Jimmy Ross Walter Rotenberry Jeff Roth Jim Rout Robert E. Royal Tate and Deborah Rush Susan Rush Wilkes Safety-Quip David Sage Mr. and Mrs. Don Scobey David and Phyllis Scruggs Seamless Systems Brad Sessell Richard and Sharon Shaknis Thomas B. Shelton Charles and Mary Beth Simmons and Mary Ann Tapp Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Simpson Dr. Milton Siskin Smith Seckman Reid Charles and Harolyn Smith Darrell D. Smith Foster Smith Johnny Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Smith Nancy Smith Lenahan Smith and Bargiachi, CPA Michael D. Smith and Wendy Geurin Smith Allen and Hope Sneed Dr. and Mrs. Buck Snyder F. S. Sperry Company, Inc. Will and Karen Stafford Ken Steinberg Michael Stengel Service by Air Dr. Gary D. Strasberg Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Strickland James B. Summers Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Svoboda Terry and Caron Swatley Patricia Tanner Mr. and Mrs. David Tate Technical Consultants, Inc. Annie Ruth Terrell The Lilly Company The Pallet Factory Mr. and Mrs. Elbert L. Thomas, Jr.

James Thomas William Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thompson Sandra Thompson Tillman Insurance Service Jerry Todd Miss Katie Toler Charles Trammell R. Dean Tutor, Sr. F. Dexter Tutor and Jimmy Tutor Frank Uhlhorn Ronald Underberg Owen Vance, Jr. Henry and Jeanne Varnell Walter and Kay Veazey Susan and Steve Vescovo Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Vickers, III Vining-Sparks Kurt Voldeng Larry and Lisa Walker William E. Warner James G. Webb Kenneth Weiss Elliot Wender Scott Werner Maurice Wexler Barry F. White Bryne Whitehead Whitehorn Tankersley and Company David Wilcox Cal Wilkins Willis Willey Ron and Kay Williams Thomas and Jan Williams Jim Witherington Wooldridge Construction Company John D. Worley, Jr. Jack Wright Katherine Wright Jim and Marlene Wright Todd and Kay Yoder Ms. Sandra Zehntner

Striped Tiger $2,500-$4,999 Larry and Elaine Adams Wayne Addison Advanced Pools Agrileum LLC Michael Anderson Kenny W. Armstrong Byron Ashby and Amanda AshbyBrumbaugh Larry and Helen Bailey Robert L. Baker/ Plant Maintenance Service Stephen and Tracy Balton Trey Barber Bob and Deborah Barksdale Mr. Jeff Barnes Beale Street Merchandising, Inc. Larry and Carn Beilstein Michael H. Bennett Patricia and Mario Bertagna Stanley Bilsky Robert Black Donald A. Blackard Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Blackard David W. Blackburn Timothy S. Bland BlueCrossBlueShield of Tennessee Kirk Bobo P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


James Bollwerk Tina Bounds Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bourland, Jr. Joe and Sue Bracket Bill and Kathy Bradshaw Larry R. and Stacie J. Bray Family Zechariah Brewer Steve Brinkmeyer Jeffrey Bronze John H. Brooks Patricia Bryce Howard E. Buehler Christopher Burcky Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burcky Doris Burton Bert Canfield Canup Engineering, Inc. Deborah Capocaccia Micahel Casimir Tom Cassidy Robert Casteel Kathleen Cates Dan Causie Judge Robert L. Childers James Ciochetty The Russell Clack Family Barbara and Ken Clenin Elise Clough Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Coleman Carrier Mid-South Dr. Lynn Conrad Dennis K. Cooley Robert F. Cooper Clyde and Suzanne Counts Dr. J.F. and Jean Crabtree Pat Craddock Dr. and Mrs. Joe M. Cromwell Scott and Meg Crosby Cummins Inc. Cypress Creek Sheldon and Susan Dacus Peggy W. Daniel and Drew Daniel Keith Davidson Davis Painting and Drywall Inc. Robert and Linda Dawkins Harry Day Joseph L. Deen Tommy and Carla Dennis Don Deweese Michael Dexter C.L. and V.C. Dillihunt Sally and Jim Dorman Dr. and Mrs. Ron Dougan Michael and Mary Dreve Stan Droke Jon Duke Clarke and Andrea Little Jerry L. Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Edwards John Edwards Cheri Eggers Billy J. Evans, II Sandra Faullkner and Don Sharp Mrs. H.W. Fienup Jay and Katie Fik William H. Fisher, III Richard Fisher Mrs. Janice Fitzpatrick K. C. Folden FPS Company Will Frazier David and Diane Freeman Thomas A. Fristick, Jr.



M.B. Futhey, Jr. G.W. Palmer and Co. Bernard E. Gant Dr. Robert L. Gardino, DDS Tommy Garner Pat and Leesa Gavin Peter Giannini E.J. and Camille Gilley James Gilliland Billy Gipson Jim and Dotty Giusti Mark Goodfellow Lisa Greear William B. Greer John and Clare Griggs Tim Grommersch Skip Gronauer Dr. Gordon E. Gruen Mark Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hamlett, III Lou Hansen Eddie Hardin Hugh and Claire Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Harless Danny Harlow Robert and Vicki Harris Richard Haston Harley and Cora Etta Hathaway Bryan Hatsell Radwan F. Haykal, M.D. Mr. James E. Hayslip Glen Heath Mark Herrington Tony Hill Jeff Hink John G. “Mouse” Hollis Richard J. and Judy M. Holt Terry Hopkins Michael E. Hopper Anthony House/Chick-Fil-A David Howell Richard Huddleston and Sarah Lebovitz Jacob Tubing Chris Jameson Alan Jankowski Mr. and Mrs. James D. Jarrett Dr. Gerald R. Jerkins Paula P. Johnson Charles R. Jones Chris and Traci Jones Donald and Wanda Jones Robert C. Jones JW Moore Inc. Lenny and Ginger Kaplan Michael E.Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kelly Kay Kelly Meade Kendrick III Jim and Ruth King Joe and Ronni Kirsch Klinke Bros. Ice Cream Co. Clark E. Knight Neil and Roberta Krapels Robert H. Krauch, Jr. Gordon J. Kraus Mrs. Margie Lackie Brent Laird Nancy Lakey Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Laskaris Mr. Lawrence Laurenzi Jim and Sheila Lawrimore Dan Learned

Scott and Roxanne Ledford Ken Lee Nick Lee John and Susan Lewallen/Ron Crook Paul Lewis William Lifsey Richard and Judy Linder Dr. Angela Link Sheri Lipman/ David Romantz George and Elizabeth Lofton Joey Lucchesi Michele Lynn James A. and Mary L. Maglio, Sr. Tony Maranise Jim Markham, Jr. Willima R. Massey Charles M. Mathis, Jr. Harvey F. Maxwell Mr. Scott May Pillar Sales Group David Wilson McAdams Karimeh McDaneil Jimmy L. McKee Steve and Tina McMillian Mr. Al Meeks Matthew Middleton Mid-South Products and Maintenance Mark and Abbey Miesse Dora Milam and Rita Burgess Eric Miller Gerald and Linda Miller Harry B. Miller J. Don Miller Jeff Miller Dr. Mark Miller Rick Miller Mike Montesi Stephen and Angela Montoya Joseph and Jeanne Morton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mosby Mitch Moskovitz Dr. and Mrs. William B. Moss Fred and Joyce Murdock J. Michael and Sherry Murphy Richard Murphy Jay and Maureen Myers John Nabers New South Capital Management New Tech Packaging Lee Nicholson Mike O’Kelly J.F. Owen and James A. Owen Scott Owens Hal and Betty Padgett William Pallme Buzz and Sandra Fly James H. Paulsen Jr. Robin Payne Harold Perry/Plant Maintenance Service Corp. Donald Petri Doug Petty Michael Pfrommer Kevin G. Phillips Melvin and Ann Phillips Pickering Companies David Pinter Janet Pitts Max and Sarah Piwonka Paul Plescher Poag and McEwen Lifestyle Centers, LLC


* Alumni + Deceased

Dion G. Pogson Billy and Jackie Poston Charles Powell Robert B. Preston Kay Price Pride Construction Russell Pridemore Robert Radford Peggy Reeve Nick Ringel Barry Roberts Sandra Robertson RMCI Foodservice/ Danny and Ken Robinson Chris Robinson Herschel L. Rosenberg Sheldon Rosengarten Jim Rotenberry Robert J. Rowan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ruiz Eddie and Lori Salera Vince Sampietro Valerie and Juan Sanchez Craig Sander Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scherer Schilling Farms Dental John Scheutz Josh and Rachel Scobey Terry Sesti Brian Sexton Fran Shannon Shelby Electric Company Elizabeth Shelton Elesco, Inc. Madeline Simonetti John and Scottie Simpson Danielle Mitchell and Larry Sims Marian E. Sisco John Skelton Dennis Slone Angela D. Smith Dr. Mark Smith Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Smith Vincent and Connie Smith Michael P. Sobczak John G. Sowell Susan and Kenneth Spurlock Marc Stegman, MD Dr. Gilbert G. Stein Terry and Linda Sturdivant David and Ginny Szalay Alfred B. Wexner Cummins PowerCare Business Vickie Thomas Dwight Thompson Jonathan Thompson Jarred Thweatt Robert L. Tilton George T. Traicoff Sharon Turner William A. Tuttle Twenty-Five Club in Memory of Dr. Bailey Prichard Matthew Twigg Jim and Yvonne Waggener L.D. Waldrip Chuck and Anita Ward Sam Ware and Associates Tom and Sandra Waring David and Anita Wathen Rodger Watkins/Watkins Construction Brian Weathers W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

John E. Webb Rod and Diane Webb William H. West Thomas and Marilyn White Dan and Pat Whitt David and Margerite Wieland L.Wiener/W.Willey/B.Wunderlich Marvin Wilkins Robert and Sharon Williams Steven Williams Todd Williams Dr. G. Trent Wilson Gary Wilson Marianne and Berkley Wolff Bill Woods and Elaine Green Joanne H. Woody/Jo Ann Owen Dr. Leonard Wright Jr. Philip and Sherry Yelvington Mark and Leigh Zipperer

Bengal Tiger $1,000-$2,499 Robert P.Abbott Elliot and Sandra Abel Ron Abernathy Buddy Adams Michael and Brenda Adams Advanced Industry Support Marcus Albright Bill and Wendy Alexander James D. Alexander Lynn C. Alford Jerry and Kathy Anderson Stephanie C. Anderson Victor Asuncion/Natalie Leftkawitz Jeff Atchley Jimmie and Nancy Atkins John and Janet Avis John Baertels Janice Bailey William and Sandra Bailey Chip Baine Melvin C. Barber, III Kevin R. Barker Arthur J. Barnett,III Henry and Linda Barnhardt Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bartlett Bob Baskin Greg Basye Linda Bedrin Mr. J. Benedict Beer, Sr. Sandra Belk Tim R. Belton Linda Bennett Maureen and Tony Bernot Claire Blackwell John W. Blackwell Darrell Blanton Mrs. Joe T. Bond, II P. Robert Boone Kathy Bost Ms. Susan Boyd Mark Bradford Selinda Bradley David Branch Jr. Hunter Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Cecil F. Bridges David Bridges Bonnie Osborn Briggs Record Imaging Systems Lloyd Brooks Ralph Brower

Daniel L. Brown Daniel M. Brown Bernie and Judith Brown Lillian Hammond Brown Roger L. Brown William and Marylou Brown Paul L. Brundige Andrew and Melissa Buchner Michael and Sherry Burrage Eugene L. Bursi, Jr. James C. Busby Dorothy Bushart Dean A. Butler C.R. Fuller, CPA Kevin and Gina Campbell Roy Campbell Dana Cappacoccia Thomas Capon William and Laura Capooth Don and Denise Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carruthers Anne Carter Carey Carter Cash In A Flach Patricia F. Cavender Jack Childs Tyler K. Chow Chris-More, Inc. David and Connie Church Michael S. Ciaramitaro Jay and Carol Clacher Thomas Keenan Clarke Thomas W. Clarke Larry Clayton Dr. Jane B. Clement Kent and Sherry Clothier Michael Cochran LaRose Todd Coffey Mike Collins Bobby and Paula Collins Rick Colter Juanita and Gerald Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James W. Corbitt Scott Corbitt Frank Cotham David Cowsert David N.Cox Jeff Cox Preston and Andrea Cox James Crawford Mr. Richard Crews Scarlett and Walter Crews Audrey Crowley Lee Crouch Annie Crowder Dianna and Edward Crumpler Lawson Culver Dr. Carol Danehower Victoria Daniel Datacomm Services Corporation Coach and Reba David Crystal Davis Georgia Davis Larry and Judith Davis Natalie Davis Terry and Cheryle Day Collins Day Linda L. DeBerry Harry Cooper Mrs. Joe W. Deming, Jr. Polly Dennison James E. Dillard Ms. Jeanne Distretti

David Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Douglas Ernest and Charlotte Draffin Charles Drennon, III Dennis and Martha Drexler Steve and Donna Droke Bobby East Sandra Eberle Joe Edmondson Dr. and Mrs. Larry R. Edwards Mark Edwards Tom and Connie Edwards Harold and Rita Ellis Jerry M. Ellis Farees Farooq Thornton Fee and Kirk Fee Dr. James E. Fickle Christopher and Andrea Finch Lavonne Finley Michael A. Flexsenhar Jr. Cynthia Ford Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ford Jr. Mark and Ladrica-Menson Furr G and W Diesel Service David Gardner Gary and Elizabeth (Boo) Gardo Lanier and Victoria Garland Suzanne Gehringer Charlie Gentry David George Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Gibson Andrew Gibson Billy and Nancy Glidewell Robert Goldwin Don and Dee Goodwin Dan and Nancy Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gould Katherine Gould Beth Graber Jerrold J. Graber Sage Graham Cindy Greaves Kevin Green Sean Green Justin Grinder William B. Groth Henry Groves David Guasco Todd Haines Todd Haines Sheila and Robert Hall Chris Hamman Barry and Jo Hammons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hamrick, Jr. Kathym Hannings Gary Harder Furniss and Donna Harkness Brian Harris William Harris Chris Harrison Meredith and Don Haselwood J. Edward Hatcher, Jr. Steve Hawkins Jane Hayden Martin Haywood Roy Henderson Darrell Higdon John D. Hockaday Cercil Hogan Andrew Trimigan Holmes Steve and Cheri Holmes Robynn Hopkins David E. Hopper

Robert and Hilda Hornbeak William and Lina Horner Charles Horton William Hudson Dean and Linda Hughes Robert S. Humphreys Greg Hunt Barbara I. Ingram Melvin Jackson Wade Jackson Lisa James Steve and Pat Jameson Zach Jaworski Rick and Candace Jefferies Bill Jeffries Al Jennings Jay Jennings Gary Jewel Vaughn and Amy Johnson Jhan and Donna Johnson Warren Johnson Bill Jones Dean Jones Doris Jones/Marjorie Russell Gwen Gordon Kim Josh David and Sheryl Joyner Hugh Keenan Beth Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy M. Kelly William J. Kettinger Robert Kilpatrick Deborah Kinard Amanda King Michael G. King Dr. Lisa Klesges Paul M. Klinck Donald Knox Ruth and Dennis Kopcial Henry A.Kurtz Iris and Bill LaGrone Burns Landess Brad and Carol Laney Brad and Jana Larson Dr. Dan Lattimore James Henry Leath Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ledford Greg Lee Mike Lemmi Benny Linderman First Mercantile Trust Company Sumner Levine Hal F. Lewis Joey Lewis Stephen Lewis K.C. and Lorrean Lim Dr. Martin E. Lipinski Jeana Littrell Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lloyd Timothy Long Miller Loosier Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Lott Steve and Andrea Lovelace Lowrie Electric Jonathan Lyons Makowsky and Ringel, Inc. Dr. John M. Malloy Martha Manley Steve Manley Kenneth Markwell, III Patsy and Orlando Marner Tommy Martin Edward Martin



* Alumni + Deceased

Tom Maschmeyer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Matlock Nancy Matthews Dan Mayhew Ryan Mayhew Charlie and Sally Mazzone Nancy McBride Lynda J. McCavitt Andy and Trudie McClelland Steven and Martha McCleskey Carl and Margie McCullar Malinda A. McDaniel Jerry W. McEwen Melissa McFerrin Kenneth McGarvey Vince McGrory Chris Mchaney Robert and Jean McIvor Rip and Bonnie McKeever Kenny McKenzie Don McKinnon Michael D. McKnight Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin Mr.& Mrs. Mark McLeod Bill and Sandra McWatters Medallion Financial Services Inc. Lone Star Industries Maurice Mendel Ronald H. Campbell Jo Ann Mercer Michele Dote Meritt Andy and Lee Meyers Jim and Jeonie Meyers Shaun and Stephanie Micheel Brandy Miller Richard Miller James and Martha Millrany Patrick Minderman Mike Molpus Mr. and Mrs. Alex W. Moore Brad Moore Dave A. Moore Lauren Moore Patty Moore Ted Morley Clark and Janet Morris Donald and Nancy Morton Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Morton David T. Moss Tim Mott Richard Mulrooney Karen C. Murdock Dr. James K. MusKelley Gary Myers N.E.W.S. Transport Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Nickel Gloria Nobles Mary Nolen Sharon Ohsfeldt Skip O’Leary Joseph Orgill, III Melvin Orlansky Billie Ann Owen Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Paller Tammy Parker Jay Patchen Dr. Mahadev Patil Kurt Patton Sidney Payne Hart Pearigen Ronald and Cindy Pennington Mrs. Charlie Perkins Kevin and Lucinda Perkins


Patrick L. Perry Kjeld Peterson Douglas C. Petties Daniel and Dianne Phillips Jonathan Phillips Tony Pinson Raymond Pipkin C M Piraino Susan Popham Dr. Robin S. Poston Phyllis Pyeatt Mary Quinn David and Carolyn Ragland David L. Rains, Jr. Ernest Rakow Jeanine Rakow Jack Ramsey Ethan Randall Kenny and Lynda Ratliff Jim Regensburger Marc Reisman and Morris Rosenberg John and Anita Reuter Reynolds, Bone and Griesbeck Thomas A. Reynolds William H. Rice Kirk and Emily Richardson Bruce and Gene Riesenberg Bob and Brenda Riggins Harry and Mariam Riker Mary Ellen Riley Jimmy Ringel Riverside Couriers Michael L. Robb Tommy G. Roberts Bill Robilio Dennis and Jan Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Don Rogers Al Ross Gerald R. Rossi Michael B. Russell Rusty Boone Debbie Rutkowski Otha Samuels Jr. Tyler and Kelly Sanders John Saunders Michael Scarbrough Elder’s Lawn Service Jonathan Schrack Margaret Schultz Kyle Scott Joe and Nancy Sellers Mike Selvey Mary Shepard Dorothy Shields Carl and Ann Shorter Ted Showalter Keith and Debra Shults James Singelton Prof. N.D. Simco Frederick Simi William and Janet Simpson Randy and Tona Jackson Simpson William Simpson Jerry and Debra Sisson Dr. Omar E. Smith, Jr. David Smith Deborah Smith Jason Smith Jeff Smith Joe and Debbie Smith Dr. Mary Ann Smith Thomas Smith


Tommy Smith Kerry Snyder Tim and Donna Soder Janice and James Sorsby Southern Steel Southern Steel Supply Co., Inc. SouthernSun Asset Management Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sparkes Dr. J. David Spiceland James W. Stafford Jr. James W. Stafford John Stanfill John and Margery Stoever Linda Street Calvin O. Strong Tommy and Beverly Summers Mickey, Susan and Cody Swain Timothy Sweeney Don Tabb Charles Tackett Robert Talley Charles Tartera Michael W. Tatum Louise Tayloe Herb and Diane Taylor Janis and Pat Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Taylor Charles F. Teamer Michael Terry TESCO Properties, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thomas Justin Thomas Barbara Thompson Charles Thompson Craig and Cindy Thompson Mr. Bruce Townsend Debra Townsend Tubelite Company Inc. Agnes Ann Turley Susan Turman Jeffrey L. Tyler George and Janie Vogel Paul Wadsworth Jerry Wagley Dr. Donald Wagner Dennis and Deb Walker Lee Walker Barry Walls Kyle Walp Stephen and Dianna Waring Belinda Watkins Michael Watson William G. Webb Van Weinberg/Randy Fishman Joseph H. Werner Jr. Louis L. Werner Susan Whalen Larry and Donna White Jim and Gina Wiertelak Shelby Wilhelm Britton and Teresa Wilkins Dodd Williams Edward and Yancey Williams John Williams Mary Williams Michael and Gay Williams Leigh Wilson Charles Winfield Amanda Winter Ron and Jo Wochner Patsy Woodard J. Craig Wright Mike and Pat Yancey

Mark Yarbrough Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Young, Jr. Teresa Young Richard John Zaino Mr. and Mrs. David Zelinski David Zettergren

Tom’s Club $500-$999 A. S. Barboro, Inc. Jan R. Acuff Brent Adams Airways Electric, Inc./J.E. Dickey Bill and Gail Akey Ms. Alice C. Allen Andrew and Natalie Allen Robert and Sue Allen Andrew and JoAnn Ammons Barbara A. Anderson Don Anderson Jeanie Anderson Jack and Barbara Anthony James and Dorma Appling Martha Armstrong Jennifer Walker Attendant Care Services Inc. Jeff Autry Mary Ashli Avis David S. Millen Kelly Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball Bank of Ripley Brent Berry Van Biggs, CLU, CHFC Christopher Billings Joseph Billings Nancy A. Bland Josh Boals Dave Bond Glenda and Jettie Bowen Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyd Chris and Lisa Boysen Mr. and Mrs. Russ G. Brasfield Tom and Amy Braswell Mr. and Mrs. George Bruch Willie O. Burcham Belinda Burns Kathy and David Burns Marvin Burns Richard I. Byrd Bob Canfield Jack B. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Capocaccia Sr. Erik Carlson Melissa and Kennon Carlton Janine Carney Gary f. and Ginger H. Carter Roy L. Carter, Jr. Larry Casey Cash In A Flash Check Adv. Pamela Cash Harry and Jane Centella Michael Cervetti Kim Cherry Joe Chew, Jr. Michael A. Chitwood Jim Clayton/Jack Stanford William J. Cochran Robert P. Cockerham Carey Collins Mr. and Mrs. James F. Collins

Chris Conlee Susan Copeland Kenneth N. Crenshaw Harry G. Crockett, Jr. Bennie Crossnoe Robert Curtis Andrea Dahlman Kendall K. Demetriou George Dendrinos David Devins Mary Ann Diamond Ken and Greta Dixon Thomas Dorian Tim Dunahoo Jerry and Beverley Dunn Johnny and Merri Eddlemon Bill Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Eiseman Matthew and Kathryn Ephlin/Tim and Shirley Ephlin John and Eleanor Eubank Farrell-Calhoun Paints Edward and Gloria Felsenthal Kent Fisher Dr. and Mrs. J. Tim Fite Tony Forsythe Don Forte David and Joann Franks Michael and Elise Frick Thomas C. Fryar Geoffrey Gaia Ricco Gaia Shirley D. Galvin Woody and Kathy Galyean Steve Ganong Frank and Heidi Garrett Jackie Gatlin Leslie and Mark Gillenson John Gillum Patrick Glancy Howard and Penny Glatstein Jeff Glatstein Ed Goings Arnold Goldin Mary Ann Goodwin Wally and Julie Green Phil Griggs Darell Guymon Donna and Rodney Hammack Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton Harold and Trina Hanks David and Shelia Hansen Bruce and Allison Betchick Harber Michael Harber Heath Harrell Kenneth Harris Brandon Henderson Ralph H. Hickman Jerome B. Hill, Jr. Mrs. E. K. Hoffman, Michael Hoffman and Ruth Ann Sanford George and Kay Holliday Brandon Hollie Esther Hollie Dr. Jane Hooker Roderick Hori Danny F. Hosea Greg Howard Jason Huckelberry Becky Huelsing Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hughes Diana Humphrey-Mckee THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS

Kim and Jessica Hunter Bill Irby Jr. J. Patrick Ireland Michael and Marcia Jack R. O. Jamison Brian Janz Mark Jobe Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Jobe Nick Johnson Christie Johnston Jalrattan S. Kamra James Keen Leigh and Bill Kennon-Larimore Robert and Valerie Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Kirkland, Jr. Grace and Tony Kreager Meta Laabs John Lamar Nick Lamey James R. Leath Roland and Rene Lee Bob A. Leopold Buddy Lewis Danny Linton Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Litch, Jr. Robert S. Loeb Charles F. Long Laura and Howard Lothrop Ernie Lubiani Kevin Luke Christopher Lurry Debbie Lynch Tatyana Marshall Marcellus, Martin Tom Martin Dr. and Mrs. George D. Mayo, Sr. Susan B. McArthur Ms Catherine McCollum Mike and Paula McCormick Tommy McDaniel McDowell Marketing Willie and Linda Mosby/ Vera McFarland Hal McGeorge Dr. Sidney McKay Jody McKibben Mac Mclain Randy McPherson Lisa Lucks Mendel Alan and Cynthia Merritt Suan Mikell Danny and Teresa Moeschle Delia and Chuck Molinski Joyce Miollerup W. Herbert Montgomery Norman Morris Vivian and Harry Murchison Mike and Janice Musick Mustin Auto Parts Mary Mynatt National Guard Products, Inc. Phillip, Julie, and Kelli Neal Gregory S. Nelson James W. Newcomb Mr. Roger Wright Sybille Scott and Gilbert Noble Michael W. Nolen Marianne J. Overall Rick and Elaine Owings Gwendolyn Oxner Louis and Donna Papageorgeon Ilinda and Mike Parham Betty Booker Parks W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Bob Pierce Amanda Perry Dr. Mars Pertl Linda and Doyle Phillips Robert and Jean Pinkston Lewis Pittman Wayne Podgorski Cynthia Pruitt Quality Concrete Products/L. Kellett Wayne and Elizabeth Quarles Lisa R. Ragghianti Richard and Lovie Raines Mrs. Jessica Rando Ray J. Ricossa Louis E. Ricossa, Jr. Bennett Roberson Paul K. Robinson Thad S. Rodda, Jr. Mr. James Rogers James and Theta Rone Erik and Whitney Ross Mike Ross-Spang Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rowell Leonard Rut Danielle K. Schonbaum Ray and Cathy Schwill Ryan Seidner David Sellers Mike and Pat Sexton Steve Shapard Rob and Diane Shields Susan Shreve K. S. Shumate Norma Simon John J. Simonetti Michael Simpson Donna Skaarer John and Kathleen Slavick Haywood Smith Karen Smith Lana Smith Ruth Stolarick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Smitherman Charles and Gail Smithers John Sorce Bobby J. Spears, Jr. John and Sandra Stacy Robert Stalder David Stanfill Dr. and Mrs. Cooper Stanford Dorothy Steen Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Steht Guy Stephenson Dr. Stanley Stevens Jeremy and Tonia Stinson Linda Stoltz Regina Street Rick Sweigard B.J. Thomas Steve Thomas Kathy Thompson Letonia Williams Thomas W. Tomlinson Linda Toombs William Trigg Krystal Triplett Linda Tucker Robert Tucker Daniel Turner Mike and Norma Turnipseed Susan K. Van Dyck Brian Vanderheyden James A. Vest

Robert Vidulich Peter and Sharon Voehringer Danny Walker Erica Walker Lynn Walker Robert Walker Stanley J. Wallace Ben Ward Allen and Beverly Ward Dr. David J. Wark Terri Wazler Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Wener Mark White Sean Whitt Dorothy Wilkerson Bill Wilkes Donald E. Williams Nelson Williams Dennis Wilson Robert Q. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. Art Winsler, III Ralph Woody Robert F. Wright, DDS Doug and Cathrine Yancey Bob R. Young Bill Zava

Tiger Tracker $250-$499 Kerry Adair Kevin Adams Mike and Kynn Alberson Don and Marilyn Alexander Harold Alexander Ruble Anderson Tim Autry Richard Badour Roxie Bagley Dennis Baker Eddie Baker Jared Barker Jeff and Shelia Barker Tara and Phillip Barnes Timothy Beachman Bob and Barbara Beaty Jon Berry Robert Bertling Ashley Sartino Greg Bologna Sarah Bomar B.L. Bowers Mark Allan Boyd Jennifer Bradford Sam J. Brenner Gordon and Stephanie Brigman Scott Brockman Robert Brown Rudy Brown Janice Bryant David Buford Eric Burrage Renee Byars Michael Caldwell Eddie and Jenina Cantler Jeff Cantor Dr. Tom Caplinger Cash In A Flach Southaven Robert D. Castleman Mark Chambers Jack Christmas Leigh W. Christophersen Freda CLark P R ESI DENT’S R EPORT 2014


Jamie Cockrell Jerry Collins Paul Colston Sam Cox Ryan Cranford Alan Crawford Edward G. Crawford Michael Cronk Bruce and Erika Dailey Ashley Davis Glenda Davis Bruce and Janet Davis Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Davis Margaret Davis Onslow Davis Steve and Kristi Davis Charles and Evelyn Demastus Jeremy T. Dennis Michael and Sheila Dickerson Darrell Dickey Buddy Dietz Connie L. Diffee Donna Dixon Mike and Stacey Dodd Michael and Jodee Dooley William Dorsey Chad Douglas Daniel T. Dover Robert W. Draffin Helen Duke Tom Dunn Rick Dunning Michael Edmundson Fay Ellis Jacob E. Estes Robert G. Evans Judge David Farmer Stan Farmer Richard Fast Susan Faughn Steve Fink Elmer K. Follis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford Dr. John C. Ford Mr. and Mrs. John F. Franklin Keith Frazier David Gaines Carolyn Garrett Eddie and Charla Garrison Peggy Reynolds Kellum Greg Geske Charles Gibson Graphic Systems, Inc. Don and Sheri Grear Randall Greenslade Rocky Gresham Karen Griffin James T. Guess John C. Gurney Odis Haggard Candace Halbrook Greg and Catherine Hall Tony Hall Ronnie and Bennye Hamilton Brad Hancock Mr. Charles Harris Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harris Thomas P. Haughney Homer and Nan Hazelip Sylvester Heathcock Jr. Robert Henderson Kenneth Hill Russell Hines



Mike Hobday Lance Hollingsworth Gary Holmes James Holmes Home Juice Corp Derek Houtz Betty Huff Mark Hunter Virginia Huss Lynn Irwin Mike Israel Jimmy Jackson Melanie James Dean Jameson Jerry and Sonja Jeter Terry and Kathy Johnson James Jonakin Willie C. Jones, Jr. Brenda Jones Charles Jones Brian and Margo Juengling Brenda Justus Bruce M. Kahn Laurie Kay Keeler Iron Works Dale F. Kehr Angeline F. Kern Brad and Vicky King Michael C. Kleimeyer Charles “Sparky” Knight Scarlett and Kevin Krumrey Robert Kyle Justin Ladd James Lanier George Lapides Lee and Patricia Lester Harry and Louise Liberto Gerlene S. Lifer Tom Lockhart Chris Luter Wallace Madewell Robert Malone Dr. Weber Manning Mary A. Marable Brian Marks Jim and Mary Jane Maroon George and Patricia Marr Richard Mashburn Michael and Cynthia Maxwell J. McAlpin James and Elizabeth McCallen, Jr. David R. McCollum Kevin McCollum Kerry and Karen McCormic Mary McGarrh Shamrock Systems Dan McGarry Bob McGregor Harry McKee Lue McNinch Bobby J. McVay Roln and Ann Mears Joe Micheletti Cathy Millican Dallas and Kathy Minner Carl and Jeannie Mize John Mosechle Danny Mohundro Ralph Morgan David W. Morris Jose Morris Scott and Debbie Morton Mike and Margaret Murdaugh

Edward J. Murray Joe and Cheryl Nunes Pam O’Brien Barry Odom Gary and Kathy Owens Tom and Elaine Pacello Victor and Minnie Lou Parker Carl Parnell Don E. Payne Katherine Peak Nancy Huggins Brittany Petty Charles D. Petty Gary Alexander Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Petty Lauren and Timothy Peyton Jessica Phillips Virginia Piercey Mike Poindexter Henry Posey Terrie Seiter Pounders Malcolm Pratt Premium Graphics, Inc. Carl and Kathy Price Ron Proctor Charles and Debra Purdon Michael R. Pyron Mr and Mrs. Tom Ragan John Ranson Don and Deborah Reed Jerry Reed Larry and Vicki Reed Billy J. Renfro Bobby Renfro Mary Ellen Restivo Robert Reynolds Murry Riales Gary Richardson Jim and Ruth Riddle Joseph and June Riley Cindy Roberson Kimberly Rogers Josh and Ursula Roman Paul and Gwyn Ryan Lambert Sain Kathleen Sanders Mr. Realis Sanders Michael D. Scearce James and Kristi Schrader Sheila Segerson Greg and Beth Senter Ed Seratt John Sharp and Ben Ward Debra Shelton Paul and Sylvia Sherman Bill Shinault David and Carole Shipman James Short Paul Simone James A. Sledge Amelia Smith Charles Speer Patricia Ann Spicci Bill Stafford Joel Stark Robert M. Stein Charles Michael Straign Ryan Strain Barbara Stratton Luke Stribling Subway Development David Sutton Richard and Barbara Swiggart


* Alumni + Deceased

Curt Terry Cheri Theil Mr. and Mrs. Willie T. Thomas, Jr. James Thompson Richard Thompson Joseph R. Tiscia, Jr. Kimnta Toney-Bernard Shan Tracy Wyatt True J. Larry Tucker M. Tuggle/L. Hollowell Jeff Turner Matthew and Amanda Turner Christy Utterback Rick Vanelli Nancy Verble and Becky Mullikin Terry and Debra Waggoner Walker Gardens and Landscape Dusty Walker Cathy Wallace Andrew Ward Lynn Weaver Louis K. Wheatley John White Kenny White and Myra Osment Alton R. Williams Bill Williams Lance Willis Bill Wilson Forrest and Carolyn Wilson Jay and Kay Wilson Nancy Wimmer Bob, Susan and Casey Winn Jack Woods Ronnie D. Workman Jo Ann and Roddy Yager Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yarbrough Eddie and Sherrye Yaun Fred Lee Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young

Tiger Associate $100-$249 Edwin and Becky Adair Andrew Adams James L. Adams Jeff Akins Ryan Alpert Dale Anderson Mike Anderson Doyle Andrews Daniel Armitage Wren Baker Jerry and Camilla Barber Mark and Barbie Barnes Particia Barnes Steve Beale Norma Belz Les H. Birchfield Jennifer Black Elizabeth Boswell Shane and Melanie Bowen Tom and Mia Bowen T. Glen and Courtney Bowman Lewis Brand and Bonnye Sampson Brian Brantly Olan Brevard Michael D. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Brown Robert and Roslyn Brown Michael Browne Thomas and Patty Burnett W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

Mark and Karen Busby Kenneth M. Caldwell Campbell Clinic Marketing Emmett Canady Tommie L. Carney Mark and Emily Carter Joseph W. Chittick Rachel Cohen and Sarah Dietrich Lenon Coleman Andrew Conner Larry and Betty Cooper Nick Cornwell Carlton Coveny Donnie Craft Stephen and Jean Crawford Phyllis Crockett Charles Crump Terrence P. Dahlman Bernice Danner Ken Davis David Dawson LeeAnn Deegan Liz Deely William Deere Mike, Rhonda and Matt Dowling Jean Drake Wayne Drake Rick Draper Ann Dunavant John C. Dunavant Frank Earnest Ryan Eason Fred Elchlepp Mary Elliotte Tommy Elliott Larry and Gewn Elrod Daniel Ervin David Everson Jerry Farley Vance Fearnley Ben and Ginger Ferguson Jeffrey J. Fik William Flack Jackie Fleet Carol Fleming Everett and Sherry Ford Bill Fox Glena Fox Mike Fredi Justin and Jenny Fuente Keith Gambill Melissa Garner Larry Giannini Robert J. Gildea Jr. Ray Godman Hugh M. Goldberg Jim Good/Commercial Interior Finishes Harold Gossett Gerald Gourley Billy Grace Tom Grantham Mike Greene Faye Greer Carl W. Gruenewald, II Leland and Judy Gupton Rick Handwerker Jerry L. Harber Andrew Harris Barbara Harris Don Harris Michael Harris Mrs. Tommy (Carol) Harrison

Loretta Hayes Callen and Amy Hays Steven and Becky Heinsz John W. Henry Jeffrey L. Henson Sue Herring Dr. Leigh Hersey H.L. Hilbun Roxy R. Hockman Walter Hoehn, Sr. Judge Wyeth Chandler Jim Holley Jimmy Hough Steven Howell Ricky Hunley Alan Jackson Gary Jaehnen Edward Johnson James T. Johnson Larry W. Johnson Michael Johnson Carol A. Johnson-Bishop Odell Jordan Roy A. Kaminsky Guy Kedziora Jim Keller Kevin Kelley Fred and Pam Kern Jennifer Kettler Dr. Robert M. Kraus Tommy and Nicki Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Lamb Donna and Darrell LaRiviere Paul and Carol Lawler Bryan Lawton Mr. and Mrs. David Lindstrom Mr. and Mrs. James W. Long David Luechauer Randolph Lusk Jeff Maddock Patricia Malone Phil Maness Tyler Mariucci Chuck and Ellen Martin Shawn Massey Joe Matthews, Jr. Lane McCarter Evans and Nancy McCaul Mike McConkey William McCormick Samuel K. McCrary Floyd and JoAnna McCullough Tommy McGrory Don and Sandra McKee William McKee Randy and Diane McKinna Jim and Becky McKissack Chester McMillin James N. McNamee Russell McNickle Leigh Meador Dr. Richard D. Meekins Joseph R. Merritt Ricky, Barbara and Christine Michael Regina Mohamed Ed Mullikin Phillip Murnin Gary E. Nalley Steve Nelson Marquis Odeneal David W. O’Rourke John Owens Shelia D. Owens

Louis Pardue Billy and Martha Parker Steve Pearson Dana Sue Percer Charles R. Petty Tommy Phelan Phillip Brown Construction LLC Phillip Poteet Dr. Richard Potts George Powell David W. Price Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Pruette Kathy Pyrdam Glynn Raby, Jr. Glenn A. Ramsey William Rasch Sr. Virginia Reed Charlie Rhodes Sean Rial Lifetime Industries, Inc. Wayne Romesburg Discount Building Materials William Rutherford Jr. Cheryl and Carl Rutherford Skeeter and Karen Rutledge Chrisann Schiro-Geist Sherri Schwartz Harry and Nancy Seratt Coach Shibest and Dianna Shibest Bill A. Simco David E. Smith Richard S. Smith Tom Smith Donald Sparkman Suzanne Spiceland Jimmy Stacy/Mark Anderson Steve Staggs Anges Stark Mr. Darryl Starnes Bob Stephenson Charlie Stone Ken Stull Ronald Suzore Ronnie Suzore Billy L. Swift Ashlee and Clark Talley Chris Teague Boe and Jennifer Teal James R. (Bob) Terrell Rachel Terry Champ Thomas Rodney Thomas James Timbs Carl Thomas Towery James Tresvant Ken Trocki Bethany J. Turner Jeffrey B. Turner Mark Turner John and Kay Vaden Vance Vice Peter Wai Adam Walker Stan Walker Ryan Walters Hugh Wardlaw David Warmath Harry Warren Jr. Brad Washam Wayne A. Whitaker Stephen White James Whittington Noel Whitworth

Frank R. Wilbourne Blanche and Roy Wilson Erik Wolak Jerry L. Wolfe Eddie and Martha Woods Robert M. Wooten, Jr. Terry Wynne Jacki Yancey Shayne and Donna Younger

TSF Suppporter Wattine Baker John E. Ballard W. Jerry Bell Charles D. Black, Jr. Narong Chantara John M. Chulos Brad Cornelsen Phillip Cox Shirley Crenshaw Tammy DeGroff Chris and Julia Denegri Charles Earle Doug Forsythe Mamie Freeman Debra Galloway Greg Gaston Theresa Glaser Gene and Patricia Green Stephen Green Wallace Harris Brad and Kimberly Harrison Allen Harvey Megan Hopper Danny Hunt Robert Jordan Robert P. Jordan Jason Kirk Chris Ladley John Lancaster William Lofton Ashlesha Lokhande Andrew Luther Stacy Martin Lisa Mayne Tommy McClure Brock McWhorter Alan Morella Kallie Noble Anthony Penchion Forrest and Barbara Priddy Dr. Richard R. Ranta Shane Riley Nancy Russell Eric Sabin Daron Schoenrock David Schultz Galen Scott Eric Sebastian Ken Smithart Edward Spangler Bridget Vanlandeghem Justin Webb Allen and Barbara West Holmon Wiggins

Other Athletic Supporters Dr. A. Michael Alabaster Mr. Robert E. Allen Mr. Dan Alvarez David Van Hoozer



Mr. and Mrs. Preston Arnwine Astor Online Attendant Care Services Avery Dennison Ms. Jennifer L. Avoli Ms. Carol K. Baker Ruth and Gene+ Bartow Mr. Daniel R. Beaird Mr. and Mrs. T. Brian Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Black Jr. Bolivar Insurance & Real Estate Agency, Inc. Ms. Lou G. Boykins Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bramlett Mr. LaVaughn Bridges Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brimm The Al Brown Family Monte and Grace Brown Mr. Joseph M. Buchwald Mr. Eugene L. Bursi Jr. Ms. Mary E. Brock Byrd Mr. Thomas A. Cabush Carolyn Ward Leake Revoc Living Trust Mr. Ray B. Carter Dr. Darlene T. Cash Ms. Susanne L. Cato CH Morton Consulting LLC Ms. Susan Chipman Mr. Jerry Cockrell Janie Cotton and Tom Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Berney H. Crane Pam and Jim Crawford Ms. Cynthia L. Crosby Mr. Jerry N. Daniel Judith and Larry Davis Mr. William J. Deere Carla and Tommy Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Dlugach and Brent Dlugach Dr. and Mrs. John M. Dobson Ms. Joyce H. Dodd Mr. Rick R. Draper Sr. Mr. Dennis Duke Douglas and Kristen Duncan Mickey Durden Mr. Miles Q. Durfey Mr. Joe H. Edmondson Dr. and Mrs. R. Alan Ellis Mr. and Mrs. James F. Erwin Evelyn I Springer Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Finder Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Finnegan Ms. Donna K. Fisher Buzz and Sandra Fly Ms. Leslie A. Folsom Ford and Harrison Kyle J. Frame Dr. Jeffrey L. Freiden Friends of Bill Morris PAC Ms. Deborah L. Galloway Garner’s Pro Shop Mr. Scott C. Giles Mr. and Mrs. Tom Green III Ms. Christine H. Hardin Mr. Bryan A. Hawkins Mr. Callen M. Hays Mr. Rodney S. Higdon Mr. John F. Hill Mr. James Hise Jr. Holley’s Automotive Holley’s Wrecker Service Holliday Exterminating



Mr. Richard H. Howell Ms. Kimberly J. Hunt J Olin Atkins Trust Ms. Geneva L. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Williams Ms. Beth A. Jennings Ms. Sandy Jolly Chris and Traci Jones Mr. William W. Jones IV Mr. David D. Jordan Dr. Marda L. Kaiser-Rehnelt Ms. Jacquelyn L. Kees Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy M. Kelly Yoriko Kitai Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Knight Sr. L&E Management Co Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ladyman Ms. Catherine C. Leake Mr. David F. Leake Mr. Donelson M. Leake Mr. John P. Leake Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Liles Mr. John W. Maiden Dr. Walter Makous Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Linda Mann Mr. Ernest J. Mannerino Mr. and Mrs. Levon Mathews Ms. Elizabeth A. McCormick Mr. Tom McCraw Ms. Sherry McCraw Ms. Melissa McFerrin Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKissack Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McVean Jr. Mr. Fred H. Medling Ms. Laura Meier Memphis Rugby Club Foundation Memphis Stone and Gravel Company Ms. Deanna J. Miller Dr. Gayle Minard Mr. William B. Mitchell Ms. Margaret H. Moffatt Ms. Nancy A. Moffatt Rose and Tom Morris Mr Rooter of Memphis Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mullis Narayanan Pediatric Clinic, PC New York Life Insurance Company Dr. Joshua I. Newman Ohio National Foundation Ms. C. Lynn Parkes Pathmark Transportation Marketing Company Mr. Felio Perez Mr. Malcolm C. Phillips Mr. Tony G. Pinson Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pittman Mr. Paul F. Plescher Providential Fabeicators, Inc. Mr. Joseph B. Reafsnyder Mr. Lloyd R. Reed Jr. Ms. Laura E. Riggins Ms. Jenett Rochester Mr. Chris Rodzewicz Mr. Robert O. Roebuck Ms. Diane M. Rosloniec Ms. Virginia L. Rowe Mr. Jeff Sawyer Mr. Paul D. Sax Ray Schultz Ms. Mildred S. Schwartz Mr. Jayson Scott

Joe and Nancy Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sells Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Shiffman Alice and Jimmy Shotwell Judy and Don Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Smith Ms. Nancy W. Smith Mr. Robert A. Smith Ms. Cheryl A. Soelke Mr. Tom Solon Southaire, Inc. Ms. Katherine M. Steen Bob Stephenson Ms. Susan Stralka Ms. Harriet Strasberg Mr. Howard Strelsin Swaffer Fleet Leasing Incorporated Mr. Brian Vanderheyden and Ms. Blair Taylor Mr. Phillip C. Taylor The Vineyards HOA Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Thompson Tiger Budo Club Mr. Larry Townsend and Ms. Barbara E. Geater Ms. Debra A. Tummins Ms. Stacy Turk Ms. Agnes Ann Turley University of Dayton Ms. Judy C. Uzzell V. Alexander and Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Don A. VanCleave Mr. William M. Vaughan Ms. Laura A. Veesart Dr. Barry A. Vescovo Frankie E. Wade Mr. Danny Walker Mr. Ward Walthal Ms. Lois Westmoreland Ms. Jan Whisenant Mr. Ron Wigginton Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilder Bill and Alice Williams Mr. F. O. Wittichen Ms. Julia L. Wittichen Ms. Mary L. Wolff Wolff Ardis Attorneys Dr. Thomas O. Wood Mr. William D. Woodmansee Ms. Nancy L. Woodson Mr. Lee W. Woolbright III Mr. Wilson D. York Ms. Nelie W. Zanca Mr. W. Philip Zerilla Jr.


HONORARIA A gift made in honor of a person is a living testimonial that keeps on giving. It can be used as a way to recognize someone who has made an impact in your life, achieved a special milestone or for the person who has everything. Such a gift is appreciated by the honoree as well as the university and benefits students, faculty and University initiatives. In honor of C. Lynn Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bennett In honor of Stacy Adams Ms. Carol L. Laney In honor of Becky Hays Adkins Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of William L. Akey Mr. and Mrs. David A. Collins In honor of Elizabeth Simpson Alrutz Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Rhomse Aur Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Terry In honor of Carol Baker Ms. Caroline D. Kinser In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnett Ms. Katharine H. Myar In honor of Stephanie Barry Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Deanna Bates Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Marlene and Phil Bauman Mr. K. C. Lam In honor of Misty Bellew Mr. Jacob M. Lowes In honor of Linda Bennett Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Alyson Berliner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fleming In honor of Dr. Charles Biggers Ann and Bill Bendall In honor of Dr. Rosie Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Armitage Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Kaplan Dr. Marian C. Levy

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

In honor of Susan Hamrick Bingham Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Mrs. Milton Binswanger Ms. Katharine H. Myar In honor of Madan Birla Mr. Ian N. Birla Bhrugu M. Shah In honor of Alex Bivens Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Marie Terr-Bivens Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Anna Kate Brainerd Ms. Kayla A. Young In honor of Rachel Brandon Mr. Raymond Brown Ms. Carmen M. Garcia

In honor of Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Ms. Stephanie A. Simpson Linda O. Wible In honor of Aaren Mitchell-Cassidy Ms. Ginny Hillhouse In honor of Colis Chambers Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil In honor of Wendy Clark Ms. Margrethe E. Franklee In honor of Elizabeth T. Collins Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Harold Collins Mount Olive Cathedral CME Church

In honor of Rachel Elise Brandon Ms. Jessica Tigner

In honor of Lorelei Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKelvy Jr. Ms. Cecelia A. Seaman In honor of Rhonda Cosentino Dr. Jane H. Hooker

In honor of Robert Breymaier Pat and Margaret Baskette

In honor of James Couch Ms. Michelle Smeyne

In honor of Keri Brondo Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Larry D. Cox Alliance Utilities Inc. Anonymous Mr. Thomas C. Farnsworth Jr. Thomas Garrott Foundation Ms. Julie A. Stewart Margie and Daniel Ward

In honor of Dr. Lloyd Brooks Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Janz In honor of Jan Brownlee Dr. Marian C. Levy In honor of Charles Burkett Ms. Julie A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Terry In honor of Stephen Bush Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Trae Cadenhead Ms. Adelaide J. McGowan In honor of Kim Caldwell Ms. Perry McClew In honor of Logan Caldwell Ms. Ginny Hillhouse In honor of Sarah Thompson Calvery Ms. Rachael F. Thompson In honor of Robin Campbell Ms. Jennifer C. Kellett

In honor of Dr. Pat Cunningham Ms. Susan M. Andrews In honor of Joanna Curtis Ms. Connie E. Thiemonge In honor of Stella Day Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil In honor of Dean's Staff and Faculty Ms. Marianne R. Hartquist In honor of Anu Debes Ms. Anjali M. Jones In honor of Sarah DeLozier Ms. Emily A. DeLozier In honor of Carolyn Dickens Ms. Lisa Mayne

In honor of Bob Cannon Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Douglas Lauren and Scott Douglass

In honor of Karen Cannon Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Andrea Cannon Dugger Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Dr. Donald K. Carson Mr. Gregory R. Nevins Mr. and Mrs. William B. Walk Jr.

In honor of Connie Dunn Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil

Honoraria and Memorials Tribute gifts are deeply appreciated and can give form and permanence to someone’s life by recognizing them at the University level.

In honor of Dr. William O. Dwyer Mr. Craig A. Smith



In honor of Campbell Ellis Lendon and Sean Ellis

In honor of Elinor K. Grusin Anonymous

In honor of Lendon Ellis Mrs. Alissa Campbell Shaw Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp Ms. Connie E. Thiemonge

In honor of Linda Hall Ms. Sheri M. Brown

In honor of James Epley Ms. Cecily S. Freeman In honor of Dr. Nathan L. Essex Dr. Jane P. Rowlett In honor of Dr. David Evans Dr. Christopher Lornell In honor of Tyler Farmer Ms. Mona L. Sides In honor of LaTonya Faulkner Ms. Ginny Hillhouse Ms. Carol L. Laney In honor of Victor Feisal Dr. Dot Arata In honor of Dr. Linda C. Finch Anonymous In honor of John Paul Finerson Ms. Linda M. Finerson Fite In honor of Carter Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fleming In honor of Tracy Ford Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Coach Fuente City Auto Sales In honor of Lisa Fry-Gassaway Ms. LeeAnn Fry In honor of Roxy Gee Griffith Productions In honor of Salomon Gerlicki Ms. Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gettlefinger Mr. Stephen J. Burns In honor of Meredith Ginley Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Louisa Goebel Ms. Shelley Goebel In honor of Ronan Goff Ms. Tamara Goff In honor of Kat Goliver Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Julie Graves Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of George Johnson Ms. Emilie Johnson

In honor of Ira J. Lichterman Anonymous Carl and Judith Carlson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hopper Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Jalenak Jr. Barry Lichterman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. McCormack Ms. Mildred S. Schwartz Ms. Elise M. Williams

In honor of Julie Johnson Mr. James H. Philpott

In honor of Wil Linder Mr. Wilson D. York

In honor of Marianne Hartquist Mr. Bobby A. Prince Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Kimberly Johnson Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Janna Lipford Meta and Albert Laabs

In honor of Holly Hazlett Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Aurora Jones Ms. Neena Maniktahla

In honor of Barbara K. Lipman Carol and Harry Friedman

In honor of Sam Hedge Ms. Jennifer A. Hedge

In honor of Jacob Karam Dr. Charles Plesofsky

In honor of Bonita Lyons Mr. Robert W. Yates

In honor of Tammy Hedges Mr. and Mrs. David A. Collins

In honor of Tiffany Keith Ms. Ginny Hillhouse

In honor of Neena Maniktahla Ms. Anjali M. Jones

In honor of Spencer Helflin Ms. Elizabeth C. Heflin

In honor of Abigail Kellett Ms. Jennifer C. Kellett

In honor of Mrs. Ed Marks Ms. Katharine H. Myar

In honor of Deborah Hernandez Dr. Chrysanthe Preza

In honor of Catherine Kellett Ms. Jennifer C. Kellett

In honor of Cammie Martin Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Robert Hewitt Mr. Ronald J. Hoffman

In honor of Sharon King Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Dylan Holzemer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Holzemer

In honor of Lisa Klesges Dr. Marian C. Levy

In honor of Dina and Brad Martin Dr. Daniel S. Beasley and Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley The Haslam III Foundation Ms. Jeni Stephens

In honor of Dr. Jane Hooker Coach Lloyd C. and Carolyn McDougal

In honor of David Kustoff Mr. Gregory H. Wallace

In honor of Molly Christine Martin Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Klinton Hord Mr. Zachary P. Nahmias

In honor of Mary Kyle Dr. Marian C. Levy

In honor of Malvin Massey Anonymous Mr. Daniel J. N. Hope

In honor of Coach Frank Horton Mr. Larry Townsend and Ms. Barbara E. Geater

In honor of Meta Laabs Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil

In honor of Lisa Mayne Mrs. Alissa Campbell Shaw

In honor of Kate Howard Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Tucker

In honor of Meta and Albert Laabs Ms. Stephanie A. Simpson

In honor of Sue Ann McClellan Corina and Duke Walker

In honor of Brandon Hoyer Mr. and Mrs. David A. Collins

In honor of Chelsea Lanier Ms. Adelyn Shankle

In honor of Zachary McElwain Ms. E. Eileen Huey

In honor of Mrs. Betty Hunter Ms. Katharine H. Myar

In honor of Mike Larkin Dr. Ralph E. Bashaw

In honor of Elise McKellar McIntosh Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Jane Hyde Valerie and Gregg Smith

In honor of Lonnie Latham Daniel and Amanda Bureau Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Mr. Ceaser L. Gillespie Mr. Bobby A. Prince Ms. Susan C. Te Paske

In honor of Lee Dodson Meyers Ms. Anjali M. Jones

In honor of Martha Harrell Dr. Marian C. Levy In honor of Dakota Harris Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Robert Jackson Dr. Marian C. Levy In honor of Diane Jamieson Ms. Carolyn Evans In honor of Linda Jamulowicz Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Jazz program Wells Fargo

In honor of Rajiv Grover Susan and David Perdue



In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jernigan Engineers' Club of Memphis, Inc. In honor of Cato Johnson Ms. Diane Rudner

In honor of Dr. Dan Lattimore Drs. Darrell and Dixie Crase In honor of David Lazich Dr. Marion C. Levy

In honor of Lisa and Paul Miller Ms. Ginny Hillhouse In honor of Michael Montesi Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Sorrels In honor of Vanessa Muldrow Dr. Marian C. Levy In honor of Dan Murrell Ms. Connie E. Thiemonge

In honor of Dr. Patricia Murrell Mr. Joel H. Bolger Dr. Celeste F. Bremer The Honorable Robert L. Childers and Ms. Amy J. Amundsen Ms. Mary Ann Cohen Ms. Mary Frances Edwards Dr. Mary J. Greil and Dr. Donald K. Carson Janie and Bob Hendrix Ms. Peggy F. Hora Ms. Karen K. Klein Mr. Dan H. Murrell and Dr. Victoria S. Murrell Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer and Ms. Kathryn E. Story Ms. Juanita B. Newton Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Poje Mr. Gerald Walton In honor Carol and Henry Myar Ms. Katharine H. Myar In honor of Dr. J. L. Netters Sr. Ms. DeRayne Boykins, M.D. In honor of Peter Nguyen Dr. Marian C. Levy In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Elbert Nothern Dr. and Mrs. John R. Petry In honor of Matt Oates Ms. Lisa Mayne In honor of Jimmy Ogle IFTI Team In honor of Billy Orgel Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. In honor of Jesse Green Osias Ms. Ginny Hillhouse In honor of Lauren and Rachel Parkison Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Parkison In honor of Zachary Parris Ms. Michelle Smeyne In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Ron Perel Ms. Katharine H. Myar In honor of Dr. Edward H. Perry Mr. Paul Nickell Stephen and Donna Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Joel G. Townsend In honor of Joe Polk Anonymous Mr. Thomas W. Clarke In honor of Barbara Prescott Mike and Debbie Robb In honor of Dr. James Preston Mr. Johnny K. Jines In honor of Bobby Prince Ms. Marianne R. Hartquist Mr. James H. Philpott

In honor of Mrs. Arnold Levine Ms. Katharine H. Myar


In honor of Rachel Ms. Shunitra L. Ingram In honor of Dr. Shirley C. Raines Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Strasberg Ms. Laura S. Whitsitt In honor of Dean Richard R. Ranta Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Askew John and Rebecca Bakke Mr. Pak-Chung Cheng Ms. Eleanor B. Currie Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Franklin Graceland Enterprises Hi Lo Music, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hubbert Ms. Peggy E. Jalenak and Mr. L. R. Jalenak Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Kaplan Ms. Charlotte G. King Dr. Douglas J. Koertge Marjean and Richard Kremer Mr. Robert C. Lanier Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKelvy Jr. Ms. Lucia C. Outlan Mr. Phillip J. Schoenbeck Ms. Laura H. Snyder The Vazomica Foundation, Inc. In honor of Judy Reed Ms. Shelly Goebel In honor of Taylor Richardson The Honorable Richard P. McCully In honor of Fred M. Ridolphi Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crosby In honor of Carol A. Risher Anonymous In honor of Austin and Katie Robinson Leigh and Greg Robinson In honor of Ms. Diane Rudner and Family Ms. Katharine H. Myar

Deborah Dunklin Tipton Charitable Foundation Ms. Leighanne Soden In honor of Rudi Scheidt Mr. John Barzizza Mr. O. Mason Hawkins R. Brad Martin Family Foundation Mr. Robert McEniry Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson In honor of Prof. Eugene Shapiro Ms. Gloria Greiner-Callihan In honor of Mary Sharp Memphis Commercial Real Estate Women, Inc. In honor of Alissa Campbell Shaw Ms. Lisa Mayne Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp Ms. Connie E. Thiemonge In honor of Libby Shelton Ms. Sharon L. Hayes

In honor of Jim Strickland Mr. Gregory H. Wallace In honor of Danielle & Carson Suite Ms. Lana Y. Suite In honor of Maura Black Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Jessica Smith Sutton Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Mr. Robert M. Sweeney, PE Engineers’ Club of Memphis Inc. In honor of Dr. Bob Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Janz In honor of Trish Taylor Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Joel Teretsky Dr. and Mrs. John R. Petry

In honor of Dr. Bill Simco Dr. Harold R. Bancroft Dr. Carol A. Britson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Medford Dr. Virginia M. Norton and Mr. John D. Norton Sr. Drs. Suzanne and Michael Osborn Dr. Nick C. Parker Jim and Marcella Payne Dr. Richard R. Ranta and Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Mr. Robert R. Stickney Dr. Joseph R. Tomasso Jr.

In honor of Laura Terry Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Carolyn Simonton, FNP Suzanne Potts Scobey, FNP

In honor of Lori Maynard Thrower Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Stephanie Simpson Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil

In honor of Rorie Trammel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Armitage

In honor of Slide Society Shady Grove Presbyterian Church

In honor of Connie Thiemonge Mrs. Alissa Campbell Shaw Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp In honor of Rachael Thompson Ms. Ginny Hillhouse Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Matthews In honor of Rob Thornton Dr. Marian C. Levy

In honor of Ellen Earthman Tullock Ms. Adelaide J. McGowan

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Rudner Ms. Katharine H. Myar

In honor of Emily Smith Valerie and Gregg Smith

In honor of Amalie and Keegan Vacanti Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Vacanti

In honor of Brian Ruggaber Ms. Jennifer Gaspari

In honor of Patsy Fisher Smith Valerie and Gregg Smith

In honor of Lee Ann Castle Virden Ms. Ginny Hillhouse

In honor of Dr. Randal Rushing Mr. R. Larry Greer

In honor of Sharon Heider Snow Mrs. Alissa Campbell Shaw

In honor of Sue Wagner Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dyer Jr.

In honor of Rob Sanders Ms. Anjali M. Jones

In honor of Sandra Sperry Ms. Nicole Clark Haney

In honor of Dr. Robert Waller Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates

In honor of Paul Sax Mr. George F. Higgs Ms. Frances K. Lawhead

In honor of Elaine Springer Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown

In honor of Jean McDermott Watson Mr. Joe Watson

In honor of Thomas Starck Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sharp

In honor of Betsy Weintraub St. Mary's Episcopal School

In honor of Sloane and Shea Stock Ms. Conni C. Stock

In honor of Louise and Tom Wells Ms. Katharine H. Myar

In honor of Michelle Stout Dr. Marian C. Levy

In honor of Megan Welton Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Welton

In honor of Honey Scheidt Ms. Diane M. Jalfon Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKelvy Jr. In honor of Honey and Rudi Scheidt Mr. Stephen Luttmann Hal and Ronna Newburger W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U



In honor of Karen Weddle-West Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Armitage Dr. Marian C. Levy In honor of Maurice Wexler Eddie and Gloria Felsenthal

In memory of Jim Balentine Mr. and Mrs. John H. Arends

In memory of Greg Bradley Mr. Timothy J. Finnell Ms. Kathy Guttery Ms. Kelly Jacobson Ms. Barbara J. Whalen

In honor of Clay Yeager Mr. Daniel J. N. Hope In honor of Kayla Young Ms. Jessica Tigner

In memory of Coach Gene Bartow Ruth Bartow

In honor of Zeta Beta Tau Mr. Kevin A. Brower

In memory of Robert A. Beesley Anonymous Mr. Thomas W. Clarke Ms. Claire Barnett Ms. Naomi L. Beesley Mr. Charles H. Bryant Mr. Oscar C. Carr III Connico Incorporated Mr. Larry D. Cox Ms. Dianne R. Dixon Engineers' Club of Memphis, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey W. Hanley Mr. Curtis G. Jasper Mr. John E. F. Jenner Mr. Todd A. Knuckey Mr. Vincent J. Malavasi Jr. Mr. D. Mark Manning Mr. Robert E. McIvor Jr. Stacey Morris Ms. Martha L. Mosley Mr. Matthew J. Odom Mr. Robert Ori Sherry and John Perry Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Delores Polk Mr. Kyle Allen Reece Mr. Bill Ridge Ms. Shirley A. Roberts Roy D. McQueen and Associates Ltd Ms. Susan L. Sanders Mr. Cecil W. Sowell Mr. David L. Sparkes Mr. Danny R. Stoppenhagen THY, Inc. Mr. James H. Toles Mr. James Zerby

In honor of Meri Williams Dr. Marian C. Levy In honor of Michael C. Williams Evans Petree PC In honor of Sarah Willis Mr. Gregory L. Willis In honor of Norma Wilson Ms. Nicole Clark Haney In honor of Shelby Wilson Dr. Catherine T. Wilson

MEMORIALS A gift made in memory of a person is a special way to honor a respected colleague or a beloved friend or family member. Such a gift creates a legacy and memorializes the person by providing future generations with the ability to continue the dream and pass it on. In memory of Charles Adair Ms. Valerie L. Adair In memory of Chris Adams Ms. Ginger M. Chapman Ms. Dena R. Lawing PERK Club of Plough, Inc. In memory of Kellah Murray Allgood Mr. and Mrs. David A. Collins In memory of Sister Nardine Aquando Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady In memory of Amin Aur Mr. and Mrs. Paulo D. Aur In memory of Susan W. Babb Mr. Larry W. Babb


In memory of Marie L. Bourbeau Ms. Julie A. Johnson

In memory of George Barham Dr. Anne Bartolucci and Mr. Jason S. Graham Mr. Daniel R. Beaird CH Morton Consulting LLC Dr. and Mrs. John M. Dobson The Honorable and Mrs. Timothy J. Dwyer Ms. Donna K. Fisher Ford and Harrison Alison and Al Hollingsworth Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy M. Kelly Dr. Walter Makous Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Shiffman Judy and Don Simpson Mr. Luke H. Stribling Swaffer Fleet Leasing, Inc. The Vineyards HOA, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Don A. VanCleave Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Whitten Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilder

In honor of Elinor Williams Ms. Wattine Baker


In memory of Rick Bailey Ms. Karen F. Clark

In memory of Lenore Binswanger Mr. Henry Myar In memory of Dr. Grady Bogue Ms. Betty J. Huff Mr. William C. Peatross

In memory of Louise Briggs Ms. Karen F. Clark In memory of Emalie Appleton Brooks Ms. Julia C. McDonald In memory of Al Brown J. Olin Atkins Trust Carolyn Ward Leake Revoc Living Trust Mr. John P. Leake In memory of Charlene Bulpitt Ms. Carole C. Blankenship and Mr. Jeffrey L. Blankenship In memory of Gene Bursi Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bursi In memory of James F. ‘Jim’ Byrd Ms. Mary E. Brock Byrd In memory of Mrs. Charles W. Campbell Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. William Black In memory of Ed Cantler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Armitage Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Meta and Albert Laabs The Highland Hundred In memory of Marilyn Zlotky Carlton Ms. Kathleen Kolby In memory of Claire Carroll Ms. Sara S. Guthe In memory of Stevens Clark Ms. Bettye C. Jessen In memory of Sara T Cole Mr. James P. Cole Ms. Marianne C. Mussett In memory of Mike Collins Ms. Laura K. Graham In memory of Gene Connour Ms. Karen F. Clark In memory of Mrs. Sam Cooper Ms. Katharine H. Myar In memory of Blondell B. Cox and Albert Bernard ‘Buddy’ Cox Jr. Ms. Norma Cox Cook In memory of Grace Crisman Ms. Brenda L. Hardin


In memory of James Walter Dacus Jr. Ms. Marjory B. Berky Ms. Camille C. Dolan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Morton Jr.

In memory of Dan Forrester Sr. Dr. Daniel S. Beasley and Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley

In memory of Margaret Davis Debbie and Mike Robb

In memory of Alta Freeman Ms. Carole L Felks Ms. Diane T. Ford

In memory of Paul Timothy Doyle Ms. Vanessa A. Lantin

In memory of Liz Glankler Ms. Marianne C. Mussett

In memory of Larry Edwards Ms. Emily B. Abraham Anonymous Dr. Bryna Bobick Drs. Dalvan+ and Greta M. Coger Beth and Stephen Crump Ms. Millett B. Cuthbertson Ms. Shirley M. Dawkins Dr. and Mrs. Gregory V. Donnenwerth Ms. Naomi P. Dunn Ms. Susan S. Durham Dr. and Mrs. Graves E. Enck Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Frankle Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Garavelli Sidney Rowe Greer Mr. Mitchell M. Hall Mr. Pinkney Herbert Ms. Betty W. Jewett Dr. Carol S. Knowles Dr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lipinski Ms. Moira J. Logan Ms. Emily W. Mancill Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Markus Prof Megan B. Marlatt Ms. Virginia (Sissy) McDonald Dr. Paul E. McKeegan Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKelvy Jr. Ms. Marina Pacini and Mr. David McCarthy Ms. Marina Pacini Ms. Josephine Palazola Ms. Jo Ann Plunkett Dr. Richard R. Ranta and Dr. Carol Crown Ranta Ms. Nikola A. Rigley Mr. Ike W. Savelle Dr. Carrie Hayes Sutter and Dr. Thomas R. Sutter Mrs. Claudia D. Tullos-Leonard and Mr. Anthony W. Leonard Ms. Jeane Umbreit Ms. Margaret E. Vance Mr. Rene Vanwalsem Dr. and Mrs. Otis S. Warr III Ms. Patricia P. Wilson

In memory of Chuck Graves Mrs. Laura B. Graves

In memory of Carmen Yates Estraca Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hamblen In memory of Dr. George Etheridge Ms. Tulita P. Owen In memory of Jeff Hines Farmer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. McCalla In memory of Thomas Farmer Dr. Dan L. Lattimore In memory of Thomas Ferguson Ms. Pamela L. Moore

W W W. M E M P H I S . E D U

In memory of Edward F. Greaney Ms. Dorothy M. Greaney In memory of Kathleen Greaney Ms. Dorothy M. Greaney In memory of William Greaney Ms. Dorothy M. Greaney In memory of Michael David Greene Alzheimer's Association Randi Greene Chapman and Family Ms. Joyce B. Fannin Ms. Ella G. Thompson In memory of James A. 'Jimmy' Griffin Mr. John A. Lindquist In memory of Patricia Guerrero Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Janz In memory of Joe Guess Mr. and Mrs. John H. Arends In memory of Wells Hanley Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dyer Jr. In memory of Jim Harbor Mrs. Ann F. Harbor In memory of James Harrell Ms. Catherine Crooks Livesay In memory of Percy Harvey Ms. Joyce H. Sealand In memory of H. Pat Heffernan Ms. Jean A. Heffernan In memory of Thomas Hal Herron Anonymous In memory of Joanna Higdon Dr. Lisa M. Klesges In memory of Joe D. Hinson Ms. Alicia Cole Ms. Janice S. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Demos Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dempster Mr. Michael L. Ducker Mr. and Mrs. Monty D. Hatcher Ms. Judy F. Hill Ms. Denise A. Hinson Ms. Adana K. Horst Sandy and Jim Jaskulski Ms. Julie A. Johnson Ms. Whitney Jo Little

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Masterson Ms. Ruth B. Norman Mr. Jerry U. Ogawa Ms. Carol A. Waters In memory of Theopolis Holeman Dorothy and Mickey Ables Mr. John Adams Mr. Claude N. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Anderson Anonymous Ms. Cowanetta Armstrong Mr. Bryan J. Bell Mr. Calvin C. Bell Ms. Charlene A. Bell Mr. Geoffrey Bell Ms. Gwendolyn J. Bell Mr. Mike Bell Ms. Pearlita Bell Mr. Richard Bell Mr. Gregory P Bilinski Ms. Terry Billen Mr. Michael J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bradley Mr. Marvin L. Brown Mr. Guy Buckley Mr. F. Steven Bush Roni Cappadonna Mr. Brett C. Carter Ms. Yolanda Cleveland Mr. Dorral P. Davis Ms. Renee S. DeGutis Ms. Archangela M. DeSilva Ms. Julie Dill Mr. Andy Drake Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durham Mr. Fred J. Fowler Mr. Larry D. Fry Ms. Yolanda Garza Mr. Samuel P. Golden Mr. Jeffrey B. Goodman Mr. Alan N. Harris Mr. Jim Haynes Mrs. Darcie L. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Trent Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hildenbrand Jr. Mr. Chadwick T. Holeman Mr. Chris Holeman Ms. Thelma Housley Ms. Colleen Ingles Baum Mr. Dwight Jeter Ms. Regan S. Kasman Mr. Greg A. Kenney Mr. Billy E. Koskie Ms. Melanie L. Levingston Marilyn and Tim Lineberger Mr. Steve A. Martin Jackie and Gregg McBride Ms. Allison McHenry Ms. Fariba Mehdizadeh Ms. Sandra P. Meyer Ms. Elaine M. Musick Mr. Thomas C. O'Connor Ms. Jackie L. Phillips Ms. Patricia M. Rice Ms. Deborah M. Rios Mr. Gregory J. Rizzo Mrs. Alrene R. Rolsen Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sellers Ms. Patty L. Shannon Spectra Energy Ms. Stephanie Stewart

Strike Ms. Veronica Sweeney Mr. Lyndon C. Taylor Mr. Howard T. Tellepsen Jr. Ngok-Ming To Mr. William D. Welch Ms. Jo Wise Ms. Brenda Wisniewski Mr. Bill Yardley Mrs. Erika D. Young In memory of Sandy Holmon Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Meta and Albert Laabs In memory of Sally Wallace Hook Mr. and Mrs. James A. Haslam, III Mr. Herbert D. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKelvy Jr. Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Smith In memory of Ike Howard Ms. Linda C. Gidley Ms. Joyce A. Grace Ms. Donna M. Howard Ms. Joan Hunold Dr. Linda Rising

In memory of Earle Jones Cooper Companies Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Dickens Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dora, Sr. Mr. Ronald Kendall First Hospitality Group, Inc. Mr. Martin H. Fishman General Hotels Corporation Hankamer and Associates Brokers LLC Highpointe Hospitality, Inc. Mr. David A. Lenz Newport Hospitality Group, Inc. OTO Development LLC Schahet Hotels, Inc. SJC V LLC Mr. Gaines P. Sturdivant Vista Host Incorporated In memory of Dr. Morris Klass Ms. Karen A. Gloyer In memory of Mary Lou Krieger Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Armitage Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil Meta and Albert Laabs In memory of Ernest Lairmore Anonymous In memory of Harold W. Layton Dr. Thomas H. Appleton Jr.

In memory of Isaac Howard Pebble Point Corporation

In memory of Cathy Linxwiler Mr. Frank A. Linxwiler

In memory of Dena Huffman Mae and Charlie Coleman JoAnne and Ernie Daunter Ms. Goldia M. Given Mr. Richard C. Graff Rose and Gerald Gustafson Ms. Betty M. Hudson Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Janz Mr. Michael A. Kobetsky Mr. R. Jerry Ray Mrs. Ann M. Schwieters Dave and Jessie Tolley Ms. Stephanie Wall

In memory of Earnestine Lowe Ms. Deborah A. Northcross In memory of Earnestine Macklin Ms. Angela D. Harris In memory of Sajjad Mahmood Ms. Karen A. Bell

In memory of Jody Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Meredith A. Crawford

In memory of George B. Mahoney Ms. Charlotte M. Browder Ms. R. Lindy Green Ms. Shirley Lincoln In memory of Joseph E. Malloy Mr. Joseph C. Murphy Jr.

In memory of Bhavani Jejan Meta and Albert Laabs In memory of Dr. Rienzi W. Jennings Ms. Jo S. Lewis

In memory of Dr. James Matthews Mr. David W. Krueger In memory of Rubye Maxwell Ms. Jonzell and Dr. Wayne Norton

In memory of Dana Johnson Dr. Julie Greer Johnson

In memory of Jack R. May Ms. Wanda M. May

In memory of J. Wayne Johnson Alison and Al Hollingsworth

In memory of Dr. Douglas Mayo Mr. and Mrs. P. Robert Boone Dr. Shirley C. Raines and Dr. Robert J. Canady

In Memory of Sammie Burnett Johnson Ms. Bertha R. Looney In memory of Shirley Lenti Johnson Mr. Andrew M. Johnson

In memory of Viola Harris McFerrin Anonymous Ms. Daphene R. McFerren



In memory of John T. McLemore Mr. Sidney L. McLemore In memory of Stella Menke Ms. Katharine H. Myar In memory of Dr. H. Franklin Miller Anonymous Ms. Joy Austin-Files Mr. Gene M. Bailey Ms. Clarice Burchfield Ms. Doris M. Colvard Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Cowles Jr. Mr. Richard J. Curran Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Earl C. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Winfield C. Dunn Ms. Sue F. Eubanks Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Flatt Mr. William T. Griffin Jr. Ms. Joan D. Isbell Ms. Carmen R. Keathley George and Norma Keistler Ms. Marilyn W. Kirkpatrick Dr. and Mrs. Billy W. McCann Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Sewell R. McKinney Charlotte and Bob Neal Dr. Charles Plesofsky Preston D Miller Jr. Living Trust Ms. Sandy Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Roberts Ms. Ida L. Robertson Dr. William F. Slagle Jr. Dr. Justin D. Towner III Ms. Mary C. Wallace Ms. Michelle A. Waterhouse In memory of Patsy Jackson Moore Mr. Dennis E. Moore In memory of Melvin R. Mulligan Ms. Kathleen Mulligan In memory of Dolores M. Mulvihill Ms. Julie A. Johnson In memory of Dan Murrell The Honorable Robert L. Childers and Ms. Amy J. Amundsen Mr. Gerald Walton In memory of Sam Myar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Wells In memory of Jackie Oates Glazer's Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. In memory of Bill Pankey Ms. Jane C. Cash Legacy Wealth Management In memory of Stevan Porter Ms. Frances J. Porter In memory of Joseph H. Powell Drs. Delano and Lynette Black In memory of Carol Ptasienski Lesley and Jay Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie A. Covington Mr. Mark E. Henry Mr. Daniel J. N. Hope Ms. Carol J. Kelman


Mr. Michael T. Oaks Ms. Kini Kedigh Plumlee Ms. Kimberly L. Rogers Kay and Walter Veazey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Willis In memory of Dr. Gabriel P. Racz Dr. Marie E. Dubke In memory of David Anthony Raines Dr. Daniel S. Beasley and Ms. Stephanie S. Beasley Ms. Julie A. Johnson Ms. Ellen I. Watson In memory of Bobby G. Rice Ms. Vicki J. Rice In memory of Dr. Joseph Raymond Riley Mr. Craig A. Smith In memory of Ronnie Robinson Ms. Gwendolyn R. Collins Pearl and Rev. Dorsey Hopson Ms. Barbara L. Hubbard Ms. Hazel E. Jones Ms. Emma Milliner Robinson Ms. Joyce D. Smith Ms. Patricia S. Turner In memory of David C. Rochester Ms. Jenett Rochester In memory of Charles Roper Mr. and Mrs. John H. Arends In memory of Beverly Ross Anonymous In memory of Ella Rosser Ms. Pearl Wales+

In memory of Joshua T. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Gene Reddick Ms. Brenda L. Williams In memory of Kelly Leanna Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vince Alfonso Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Clifton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett Ms. Ruby Garrett Gingerbread House by Wilda or Tito Echiburu Mr. Gene Holcomb Ms. Catherine Jones Mr. and Mrs. Rick Leigh Mr. and Mrs. James H. Marshall Mr. Charles D. Maxwell Mr. Richard C. Rantzow Ms. Margaret N. Sherard In memory of Mary Lou Smith Mr. J. Stephen Smith In memory of Christian Dale Soronen Anonymous Ms. Elizabeth A. Weintraub In memory of Hamlet Stern Mr. David T. Stern In memory of Nannell Thomas Ms. Lakesha N. Thomas In memory of Chris Tugwell Teresa and Wesley Tugwell In memory of Phyllis Vail Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Vail In memory of James Perry Walker Mr. and Mrs. Rudi E. Scheidt Sr.

In memory of Jean Rossiello Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dyer Jr.

In memory of Marie and John Walker Ms. Pamela B. Walker

In memory of David Rushing Ms. Ro Ellen S. Rushing

In memory of Mary Walker Mr. Larry H. Nance

In memory of Kenneth R. Sanders Ms. Susan L. Sanders

In memory of Elaine Walsh Mr. John K. Walsh

In memory of Mary Clayton Martin Saunders Ms. Ann M. Jennings

In memory of Dorris Jean Weddle Dr. Karen D. Weddle-West

In memory of Tom Sayger, Ph.D. Dr. Janice P. Pazar In memory of Ethel F. Schiro Ms. Linda A. Dever Dr. Alo Dutta Mr. Jorge O. Gonzales Dr. Madan M. Kundu Ms. Charline M. McGrath Dr. Chrisann Schiro-Geist and Mr. John J. Conway Sr. Vera and Jim Stone In memory of Harry F. Schuh Mr. and Mrs. Geddes Self Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weymouth Jr.


In memory of David Russell Williams Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Shaffer Jr. In memory of Edward F. Williams III Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Stubbs In memory of Joe Williams Dr. Donald K. Carson and Dr. Mary Jo Greil In memory of Dr. William Wingfield Dr. Dan L. Lattimore In memory of Dr. Lawrence Wynn Mr. Ellis L. Haguewood

The University of Memphis, Office for Development makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the Honor Roll of Donors. Please notify us of omissions or errors by sending an email to or contacting us by phone at 901-678-2987. Donors are recognized, unless anonymity is requested.






University of Memphis Alumni Association Life Members • Owners, Holliday’s Flowers, Inc. • Mark - Past President of the Alumni Association National Executive Board of Directors and past member of the Board of Visitors • Chairs of the Alumni Association’s Tigers Around Town Project Committee • Instrumental in the design of signature University of Memphis events including: 2012 Centennial Year activities, Homecoming, Distinguished Alumni Awards, and the Empowering the Dream Campaign Celebration • U of M donors and University community philanthropists • WUMR U92 FM Supporters • The U of M is a family affair for the Longs – both sons and their wives attended the University

Awards include: • 2013 True Blue Traditions Award recipients • 2012 Alumni Centennial Processional Delegates • 2011 Eye Of The Tiger

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