Robin Heart Robots must be considered as a part of the future of mankind,
mechatronic solutions. Robin Heart robots offer the oppor-
which will allow for making dreams of freedom come true.
tunity to introduce optimal standards of medical service on
Robots give strength to the weaker, efficiency where people
the Earth and beyond. Before we send a man to Mars, we
lack it, and relief from dangerous or tedious work. They are a
should settle robots there to prepare the whole system of
chance for many to live longer, happier and fitter. Also to live
services needed for people. Because robots will be the main
away from the green planet – the Earth.
human companions on Mars, during rest and work, at home and during the penetration of the planet. They will be the
The Polish robot family, named Robin Heart, prepared for
first to bring help in need. Medical robots such as Robin He-
clinical application, has a potential to provide a lot of inno-
art are necessary to ensure people’s safety.
vative techniques of minimally invasive surgery, which are expected by surgeons. The experimental studies conducted
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus and robots...
on animals and teleoperation attempts proved the effec-
from the Earth. Let’s do it to fulfil our needs and dreams!
tiveness of developed devices and the accuracy of applied
When flying to Mars, do not forget about Robin Heart robots!
Zbigniew Nawrat , Prof. PhD hab. Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development & Medical University of Silesia President of International Society for Medical Robotics
S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u