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Video games help explore space A journey to Mars is a time of certain limbo between two

The University of Silesia offers classes dedicated to the

worlds. This time can be used in an effective way to prepare in-

creation of new worlds and simulations which enable

terplanetary travellers for living in an alien environment. Video

players or future astronauts to enter a different reality.

games have the unique ability to simulate all, even the most

Our students and graduates contribute to the Polish game

improbable events. It is thanks to such simulations that

industry, which is considered one of the most dynamically

one may gain essential experience without the necessity

developing sectors in the world. It is, among others, thanks

of putting the success of the whole expedition at risk.

to their hard work that a few hundred games are created

The University of Silesia is ready for the conquest of inter-

in Poland a year, and many of them are world’s best sellers,

planetary space thanks to the created study programme

such as The Witcher 3, Dying Light, This War of Mine etc.

in the field of video game design.

Can we imagine a better group of people who will conquer Mars before embarking on the real journey?

Remigiusz Kopoczek, PhD Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science, University of Silesia in Katowice President of the Management Board of ARP Games Ltd


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