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Martian playlist When preparing this publication, we have decided that we

moments in our new home. We are also going to listen to

cannot forget about one thing which is very important to all

David Bowie, but not to Space Oddity because we do not

of us – about music! You, Elon, must value it as well – other-

want to jinx it and share the fate of Major Tom. ;)

wise you wouldn’t have sent your “man” into outer space accompanied by David Bowie and his Space Oddity.

We are sending you a list of 20 titles. When choosing them, we wanted to get into the spirit of space travel. After settling

We were wondering together what we would listen to on

in, we will propagate on Mars the musical achievements

the last night before setting off for Mars, and then later in

of mankind, which are more extensive that the Martian

the course of the journey, on landing, and during the first

playlist text to.


S pac e I n va d e r s / W e Da r e to I n v i t e Yo u

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