National Library of Laos Cataloguing in Publication Data (CIP)
Stories for children and everyone Published by World Food Programme
World Food Programme
Written by: World Food Programme Illustrated by: Meedeebooks Ruangsak Duangpla (Foo) Computer Graphic: Noy Sipaseuth First Edition: 2,500 copies Registration Number: ຕາມທບ134ພ20062019
-- Vientiane: MeeDeeBooks, 2019
The Secret Garden / World Food Programme. 24 p : co-ill ; 20 cm
1. Children’s literature 2. Scientific literature I. Title
808.06854 --dc21
ISBN 978-9932-02-193-3
E A T TO G R O W & G R O W TO E A T "
A small school surrounded by forests, valleys and fertile rivers, located in the countryside. The school is in a very remote area, and it is very quiet, because most children are weak and malnourished,
so children in this school are not keen on learning or being active. They have no energy.
Classroom scene: The students all look hungry, dirty and tired.
Noi, one of the students, is talking to herself.
“I feel so tired and I do not want to learn anymore.�
Vanna, who is looking at the football field outside, chimes in with a sigh:
I feel sick and have no energy to play football.
After the lesson, Noi invites Vanna for a walk.
Let’s go and take a walk. Maybe it will make us feel better.
The two children go into the jungle.
As they keep walking into the deep forest, they discover a large, green garden full of vegetables and fruit trees, and small streams flowing through it. Vanna and Noi become very excited and rush to play in the beautiful garden.
Vanna looks at Noi and says:
Wow, this is so unbelievable!
In my whole life, I have never seen such a wonderful garden!
Vanna grabs a long bean and breaks it off the stalk. looks yummy!!
super fresh
Suddenly, a forest fairy appears in front of them. They jump back in surprise and are a little afraid, too.
Do not be afraid
Who are you? Please don’t hurt us!
Does this garden belong to you? We did not want to disturb you.
Don’t worry.
Don’t forget to wash the fruit and vegetables, so that you don’t get sick, but feel free to fill your bellies.
This garden is for you. Take anything you want from it and eat to your heart’s content.
With this, the fairy disappears as quickly as she had come
Vanna and Noi look at each other in disbelief, but then they laugh this beautiful garden is ours.
‘‘I feel so good’’
They pick vegetables and fruits, wash them in the stream and enjoy them before going home happily and full of energy.
Vanna tells Noi not to tell anyone about their secret garden.
‘‘Yes, can’t agree more.’’
The next day, at dawn, Vanna and Noi wake up early feeling great and more active than they used to be.
Usually, it took their parents a long time to wake them up in the morning.
But their life is about to change.
In the classroom, both Vanna and Noi have become more motivated and focused on their studies.
Whenever the teachers give them homework, they have no problem solving the assignments.
The teacher is surprised and wondering about the sudden change in their performance.
Days go by like this. Every day after school, when the other children walk home...
Every afternoon, they eat fruits and vegetables. Soon, they start growing quickly, become more agile and skilled, and their minds are working better than before.
Vanna and Noi go to their wonderful secret garden
Vanna and Noi look so happy, energetic and smart that the other kids in school start becoming curious about what happened to them.
Like the other students, Vanna and Noi were thin, hungry, sick and impatient. Now, they learn faster and are healthier.
The teachers also try to figure out why Vanna and Noi are so different from before.
If Vanna and Noi continue like this, the teacher starts to imagine that one day these two kids will become very successful in life.
Maybe Vanna can become a community worker and Noi a scientist.
The teacher is happy about this positive development, but also wonders why Vanna and Noi have changed so suddenly.
These two are so amazing!!
After a while, Vanna and Noi start realizing that although they have only eaten the fruits and vegetables of the garden themselves
and have never taken any home with them, there is less and less to pick.
Also, the beautiful bounty is getting more wilted and dry. Why is this happening?
Saddened, they sit down by the stream and talk about what to do.
There comes the day, when Vanna and Noi realize that there is nothing else to pick.
I don’t want to lose this beautiful place!
I have been so happy, with my belly full and my mind quicker ever since we found our secret garden.
I wish the fairy would tell us what to do!
And like by a magical word, the fairy appears.
Please help us!
We are losing our garden.
“You called me?� she asks, smiling.
Look, there is barely anything left to eat.
The kind fairy looks around. A sad smile appears on her face.
Children, you have only taken for yourselves, but you have not remembered to give back to mother nature. You cannot expect her to give to you freely if you are not ready to take care of her.
Suddenly, Noi understands. “Of course!” she exclaims, “It’s like at home, where mom and dad are working in the fields in order to put rice on the table.’’
‘‘They have to water and plant and turn the earth around and ensure that the field is ready to help give us food.”
“Yes”, the fairy smiles, “Exactly.”
‘‘You have chosen to keep this garden a secret and not share it with your friends at school.’’
‘‘Did you know that mother nature will give us more if we approach her with care and affection, sharing with others?’’
Vanna looks at the fairy doubtfully. “But then there would be even
“Oh, dear boy, you have not understood yet”, says the fairy. “Look around. How can the two of you alone take care of such a big, magical garden?
less for us!” he exclaims. “You can see there is nothing left already.”
‘‘If you bring your friends, you will be able to take care of the garden in much less time, completely, and ensure it bears fruit quickly again. Also, like by magic, there will be enough to eat for all of you.”
“Of course!” Noi exclaims.
‘‘Let’s go, let’s tell our friends!’’
Off the two friends run to tell all
When they arrive to the secret garden, Vanna gets up and says to all the other children: "If we want to use the lovely bounty of this garden and become more healthy and smart, we must all work together to restore this wonderful place. We have to grow to eat and when we eat, we will grow strong."
their friends about their magical place. They lead the whole group into the forest.
Immediately, their friends understand what they have been wondering about: why Noi and Vanna have been so different lately.
‘‘This secret garden will be our source of power,’’
Vegetables and fruits are valuable to their bodies and brains. The children grow corn, salads, spinach, celery, pumpkin, and other vegetables. They also grow varieties of fruits such as bananas, prunes, pineapple, oranges, watermelons, and others.
Every day after school, they all go back to their secret garden to water their vegetables and fruits and take care of their garden.
The magical
In the end, their secret garden is fully restored and becomes a source of great power for everyone.
transformation of the children in the village is the talk of the town.
All the adults are wondering what happened suddenly for their kids to be brighter and stronger, livelier and happier.
One day, the children decide to share their well-kept secret in order to ensure that older people, including their sick and tired grandmothers and -fathers can also benefit from what they have learnt.
They lead the adults into the garden and show them what they do there every day.
They decide together with the adults that from the seeds of the garden, they will plant many more gardens in the village,
and also tell neighbouring villagers about their secret, so they can learn to grow their own secret gardens, each one of them.
As a result, all the children become enthusiastic, healthier, free from malnutrition and, more importantly, they have the power to become what they want to be and build their own future. ‘‘Don’t wait for it to happen, let’s make it happen together!’’
‘‘Do you have a secret garden at your school?’’
First published: July 2019 Printed by: PANKHAM JAMPA CO., LTD. Copyright: World Food Programme, 2019. All rights reserved.