Travis Millard uno #39

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At their best, there is gentleness in Humanity. some understanding and, at times, acts of courage but all in all it is a mass, a glob that doesn’t have too much. it is like a large animal deep in sleep and almost nothing can awaken it. when activated it’s best at brutality, selfishness, unjust judgments, murder. “What Can We Do?” by Charles Bukowski

Nr.1 - “Feelings”.


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Nombre completo y edad: Travis Millard, 32.

Real name and age: Travis Millard, 32.

Ciudad donde naciste / ciudad en la que vives ahora / ciudad favorita: Nací en St. Joseph, Missouri. Crecí en Kansas.Viví en Brooklyn, New York unos pocos años. Actualmente estoy en Los Ángeles, California. Si tuviera que escoger una favorita... ¡Kansas City!

City you were born / city where you live now / favourite city: Born in St. Joseph, Missouri. Grew up in Kansas. Lived in Brooklyn, New York for a few years. Now living in Los Angeles, California. ... if i had to pick a favorite... Kansas City!

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas patinando? Empecé sobre los 10 o 11 años. Aún le doy de vez en cuando. Sin embargo, mi “shredding” es un poco suave a esta edad puesto que no me sienta muy bien lo de hacerme daño... Eso sí, me animo muchísimo viendo a otros metiendo caña.

How long have you been skating? I started skateboarding around 10 or 11 years old. I still push around occasionally, but my shredding is pretty mild these days because i’m so good at hurting myself. I get really excited to see others rip it up though.

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas trabajando en la industria del skateboard? Oficialmente no mucho. Empecé haciendo ilustraciones para revistas hará unos 8 años, pero lo de diseñar tablas no comenzó hasta el 2004.

How long have you been working in the skateboard industry? Officially, not too long. I started doing illustrations for a few magazines about 8 years ago, but didn’t get into making decks until 2004 or so.

¿Cuál es tu campo profesional? Mmmmh....

What’s your professional field? Hmmm....

¿Cuál es el cliente de tus sueños? Nada de grandes clientes perfectos, tan sólo confío en deshacerme de los que se convierten en pesadillas.

Any dream clients? No big dream clients, i just hope to avoid the nightmare ones.

¿Auto-didacta o escuela? Un poco de cada. ¿Blogs o revistas? ¡LIBROS! ¿Grandes marcas o exposición de Arte? ¡Ninguna! ...Aunque a veces las dos. Dinos tu fotógrafo favorito: ¡Son demasiados para escoger sólo a uno! Veamos cómo te tomas la alimentación... ¿Disfrutas cocinando o prefieres sentarte y saborear? ¿Qué es lo mejor y lo peor que has comido en tu vida? Y por último, ¿qué pedirías en tu última cena...? Únicamente como mis bolis vacíos.


Self-education or school? A little of bot.h Blogs or magazines? BOOKS! Big brand or Art exhibition? Neither! ...but sometimes both. Tell us your favourite photographer: I have too many favorites to just pick one! Do you enjoy cooking or would you rather just sit and munch? What are the best and worst things you have eaten in your entire life? And last but not least, what would you roder in your lat supper...? I just eat my empty pens.

Nr.2 - “Vast”. (next page) Nr.3 - “Eavesdropper”.

Intros: Angel Sanz & Travis Millard

Hay algo especialmente atractivo y extrañamente dulce en su visión cínica de lo cotidiano. Es como si hasta los deshechos microscópicos de cualquier detalle que ilustra, como si los personajes que dibuja en muecas absurdas de dolor, todos, tuvieran su lado enternecedor y agradable. Aquellos aspectos oscuros y ridículos de lo mundano y de lo humano parecen entrañables en la obra de Travis. El cinismo y lo vulgar, características obvias en cualquier actividad artística relacionada con el patín, se convierten de repente en herramientas de lo dulce y lo fantástico. - AS Travis Millard (Born 1975 in St. Joseph, Missouri), Grew up in Olathe, Kansas and graduated with a BFA in Illustration/Printmaking from Kansas University in 1998. He founded the Fudge Factory Comics operation in 1997, and has been producing small run zines, prints and comics under the umbrella since then. Travis’ work has been exhibited in the US and internationally, and has been published in numerous books and journals. His work was selected for the “Cult Fiction” exhibition, curated by the Hayward gallery in London with a focus on the cross-over between comics / fine art, and traveled throughout the UK. In the summer of 07, Narrow Books released “Hey Fudge”, a 240 page solo collection of personal comics and drawings. The book is distributed by Last Gasp in the US and available in your local book store. - TM Clients include: Burton, Foundation, Volcom, Vans, Nike SB, Transworld, Hessenmob, S-One and others. As well as record packaging for bands including, The Get Up Kids, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Devendra Banhart and El-P. “There is an iterative, compulsive quality to his work, as if in drawing a thing, he might conquer it. It’s saws, saws, saws, saws, or bottles, bottles, bottles. bottles. Or skulls. Or minivans. Or ghosts, vampires, ninjas, thieves in masks, kids with hairy faces, one on top of the other, abrasive and raw.” Los Angeles Times West magazine. “There is a light-hearted, comedic touch to Millard’s work, the subject matter of which ranges from the minutiae of everyday detritus found in a magnified detail of the artist’s moustache... to variations on classic one-liner gags - as in the multi-lingual tales of The Dude with No Pants On.” Hayward Gallery, South Bank Centre, London. “It’s funny as shit.. Get on board.” Juxtapoz magazine

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Nr.4 - “Right wing conservatives getting racked”. This page “(Kick ‘em in the) Dick Cheney - videpresident” & “George W Bush - president”.

Nr.5 - “Decks for Foundation skateboards, Buen & Prestige”. (this and next page)

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Nr.4 - continues... this page “Bill O’Reilly - Fox News” & “(the late) Strom Thurmond, S. Carolina (former)”

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Nr.6 - “Skateboarding: detail list”.

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Nr.7 - “Cough”.

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Nr.8 - “Just chugged four beers”.

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Nr.10 - “Neighbor”. (previous page) Nr.9 - “Double dude”.

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Nr.11 - “Rampoline, Rail Chimes & Ramplifier”.

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Nr.12 - “Innovations”.

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Nr.27 - “Damien Smith wallride in Philly”.

Nr.13 - “Art effects”.

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Nr.14 - “Cockfight”.


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