UNO Wellness Guide Fall 2014

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Fall 2014 • Programs & Services Guide

heaLTh & weLLNeSS faIR wedNeSday, NOVemBeR 5 | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm | hpeR Gym (128) over 70 vendors • Free screenings • Free massage • Free giveaways & Prizes • Blood drive

whaT IS weLLNeSS? wellness means overall well-being. It combines the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a person’s life. each aspect of wellness can affect the overall quality of life, so it’s important to pay attention to each area. emotional wellness begins with managing your emotions in a constructive way, appreciating the feelings of others, and understanding and respecting your own feelings and values. environmental wellness begins with being aware of how your behavior impacts the earth and how the physical world impacts you, while demonstrating a commitment to a healthy planet. financial wellness begins with knowing where your money comes from and where it’s going, understanding your financial situation, and preparing you for financial changes. Intellectual wellness begins with recognizing your creative and cognitive abilities, growing intellectually, valuing lifelong learning, and responding positively to intellectual challenges. Occupational wellness begins with understanding your strengths, skills, values, and interests for your career and maintaining a balanced life between your work and your personal life. physical wellness begins with caring for your body and recognizing your need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep in order to stay well now and in the future. Social wellness begins with developing a sense of connection and belonging, maintaining healthy relationships, enjoying being with others, and finding a well-developed support system. Spiritual wellness begins with finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life.

cONTacT uS counseling cenTer

dance laB

HealTH services

eXercise PHysiology laB

HPer 102 • 402.554.2374

HPer 109 • 402.554.3221

camPus recreaTion

gaiT laB: BiomecHanics

HPer 104 • 402.554.2539

HPer 209 • 402.554.3225

indoor dome

golF/arcHery laB

6808 spring street • 402.554.3232

HPer 003 • 402.554.6630

recePTion desK

HPer academic oFFice

HPer atrium • 402.554.2539

HPer 207 • 402.554.2670

inTramural oFFice

inJury PrevenTion & care

HPer 104F • 402.554.3030

HPer 108 • 402.554.3170

camPus rec uPsTairs

norTH cardio cenTer

climBing Wall

souTH cardio cenTer

HPer 124 • 402.554.3342

HPer 119 • 402.554.3361

comPuTer laB

ouTdoor venTure cenTer

HPer 212 • 402.554.2876

HPer 117 • 402.554.2258


massage services

HPer 123 • 402.554.3233

HPer 229 • 402.554.3016

HPer 102 • 402.554.2409

HPer 204 • 402.554.3329

HPer 228 • 402.554.3230

HPer 200 • 402.554.3327

hpeR BuILdING hOuRS faLL & SpRING SemeSTeR monday - Thursday

6:00 am - 11:00 pm


6:00 am - 9:00 pm


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


10:00 am - 10:00 pm

SummeR SemeSTeR monday - Friday

6:00 am - 9:00 pm

saturday - sunday

10:00 am - 6:00 pm

hOLIday hOuRS & cLOSuReS august 23, 2014

summer Hours

8:00 am - 8:00 pm 10:00 am - 10:00 pm

august 24, 2014

summer Hours

august 25, 2014


september 1, 2014

labor day


october 20 - 21, 2014

Fall Break

6:00 am - 8:00 pm

november 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

6:00 am - 9:00 pm

november 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Break


november 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

10:00 am - 6:00 pm

november 28, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

8:00 am - 8:00 pm

november 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

10:00 am - 10:00 pm

december 20, 2014



december 21, 2014

Winter Break

10:00 am - 6:00 pm

december 22 - 23, 2014

Winter Break

6:00 am - 8:00 pm

december 24 - 25, 2014

Winter Break


december 26, 2014

Winter Break

6:00 am - 8:00 pm

december 27 - 28, 2014

Winter Break

10:00 am - 6:00 pm

december 29 - 31, 2014

Winter Break

6:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 Pm | monday - Friday | HPer 102 | 402.554.2409 The counseling center is staffed by licensed mental health and drug and alcohol counselors. each is committed to providing support and encouraging personal success in identifying and reaching your goals. difficult life circumstances, personal relationship concerns, balancing day-to-day responsibilities, or similar issues may be addressed in counseling. The counseling center is eager to help create a vibrant, safe campus community in which psychological health and academic life flourish. Visit for more information.

services short-Term counseling consultation emergency services group counseling Prevention services outreach education academic counseling Wellness education

gaTeKeePer Training This interactive suicide education and prevention program is designed for use with a wide variety of campus personnel. The training session includes effective communication, relationship building skills, and how to look for warning signs.

classroom PresenTaTions The counseling center staff is available to give presentations and trainings to classrooms, staff members, and faculty on a wide range of wellness topics including test anxiety, study skills, stress and time management, goal setting, and more.

glBTQ suPPorT grouP Group meets every Tuesday at 12:00 pm. contact Jeff knapp for more information at 402.554.2409 or

Speak up | safe space Ally training workshop Are you looking to establish your office or department as a safe zone for GLBTQ students, faculty, and staff on campus? Contact the UNO Counseling Center to learn how to become an Ally on campus. For more information call 402.554.2409.

Behavioral review team The University’s Behavioral Review Team (BRT) is the coordinating hub for a network of existing resources for prevention and early intervention of campus situations. These situations can sometimes involve students experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. In support of UNO students, the BRT develops intervention and support strategies, offers case coordination, regularly reviews situations, and recommends actions to address each situation. The BRT exists to make sure that UNO and its students are not only safe, but also thriving on campus. Visit for more information.

Speak up Remember, we’re here to listen. If you have experienced or believe you have experienced discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and/or intimate partner violence, you have resources and reporting options. If an incident occurs to you or you know of an incident that has occurred, please immediately contact one of these individuals who are always ready to assist you. Title IX Coordinator Charlotte Russell Eppley Administration Building, 207B (402) 554.3490

Campus Security Eppley Administration Building, 100 (402) 554.2648

Counseling Center HPER Building, 102 (402) 554.2409

heaLTh SeRVIceS

8:00 am - 5:00 Pm | monday - Friday | HPer 102 | 402.554.2374 health Services offers on–campus appointments with Board certified professionals. There is NO chaRGe for students to consult with the office staff, medical doctors, or nurse practitioners. additional fees apply for x-ray services, lab tests, procedures, and immunizations. appointments with a physician or practitioner may be made in person or by phone. No appointment is necessary for nurse visits. walk-ins are seen as schedules permit. Visit for more information.


emergency siTuaTions

Family medicine Women’s Health sport’s medicine (including X-ray) Psychiatric on-campus injury care maintenance allergy injections Blood Pressure Health screenings sexually Transmitted diseases Hiv cholesterol Triglycerides Pregnancy Tuberculin (PPd) skin Testing Health insurance assistance

for medical emergencies on campus, call campus Security at 402.554.2911. The counseling center is also available during an emergency situation to provide assistance in traumatic situations.

cosTs your fees paid at the time of registration provide you with free consultation or visits with office staff. This includes medical doctors and nurse practitioners. additional fees are required for X-ray services, lab tests, and immunizations.

immuniZaTions measles, mumps & Rubella (mmR)*, Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis, hepatitis a, hepatitis B, meningitis, Influenza, human papilloma Virus (hpV), and Gardasil. *The state of nebraska requires that all individuals have proof of two mmr shots prior to enrolling in a university or college.

Insurance Policy Information UNO Health Services provides state of the art medical services that are culturally sensitive and patient focused to the UNO community. A major medical Blue Cross Blue Shield student insurance policy is available to UNO undergraduate students enrolled in at least seven (7) credit hours or a degree-seeking graduate student. This reasonably priced policy is designed to provide benefits for medical and dental expenses. Participation is only voluntary for domestic students.

International Students International students are required to carry this or a similar policy with the following requirements: 1. Must be able to pay for care in Nebraska 2. Deductible must be $500 or less 3. Unlimited major medical coverage including pre-existing conditions 4. Unlimited medical evacuation and repatriation 5. Coverage must be paid in full for the entire semester 6. Maximum out-of-pocket coverage is $2,500 or less

Waiver information A waiver can be requested if you are currently covered by another policy. Each policy will be individually reviewed before a waiver is granted. To apply for a waiver you will need: 1. Paper copy of your proposed policy in English 2. Proof of purchase for the entire coverage period (paying by the month is not acceptable coverage) 3. All “F” and “J” students must have Medical Evacuation and repatriation insurance, which can be purchased from Health Services Waivers will not be accepted after the 14th day of class. Waivers sent after this date will NOT be honored. Students can check the status of their waiver process by verifying that the premium has been credited to their UNO student account. You can check your UNO Student Account on MavLINK. QUESTIONS? Blue Cross Blue Shield


Injury Prevention & Care

The Injury Prevention & Care (IPC) Center is conveniently located just inside the HPER entrance, left of the reception desk. It serves those who are injured in wellness programs and facilities. In addition, the IPC is a valuable resource to those who are recovering from injuries by providing answers to questions and concerns. For more information on Injury Prevention & Care visit



First Aid & Emergency Care Injury Evaluations & Treatment Taping (FREE with your own tape) Injury Advice Injury & Rehab Education Professional Referrals

IPC is staffed by certified athletic trainers and student employees who are certified in First Aid and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer by the American Red Cross.

Appointment Appointments are available for injury evaluations and rehabilitations Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Call 402.554.3170 to make an appointment.

Hours Of Operation

American Red Cross Classes

Monday - Thursday

7:00 am - 11:00 pm

Adult and Pediatric cpr/aed/first aid


7:00 am - 9:00 pm


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Athletic Supplies Pre-Wrap


1 1/2� Athletics Tape


Key Chain Face Shield


Elastic Bandage


Exercise Bands


18� Foam Roll


CPR Mask


CPR Book


Cramer Fanny Pack


Cramer Messenger Pack


The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED course teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, back injuries, heat and cold emergencies, and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies to help victims of any age - adults (about 12 years and older) and pediatric (infants and children up to 12 years of age). Students who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:30 am - 2:30 pm HPER 214 Registration Deadline 10/15. Payment must be received prior to registration. Please register in person in HPER 108. UNO Student & Rec Member




memBeRShIp OpTIONS uNO STudeNT self




guest (limit 2)




students not taking campus classes may purchase a pass for $150. facuLTy/STaff** self or spouse




self or spouse + 1




limited access*




*limited access is available m–F, 6:00 am –1:00 pm and all day saturday. no sunday access. **uno Faculty or staff can use the facility on a daily basis for $7/day. uNmc facuLTy/STaff/STudeNT self or spouse








self or spouse


$265/6 months




$505/6 months


uNO aLumNI

fIRST yeaR uNO aLumNI self or spouse


$225/6 months




$400/6 months


GueSTS adults

$7 daily

17 & under


haVe yOu uSed yOuR fRee TRIaL memBeRShIp yeT? all uNO faculty, staff, and alumni are eligible to receive a free two-week trial membership. Just stop by the wellness center reception desk to get your pass and try out our many programs and services. There are inherent risks involved with all fitness activities including loss of property, injury, illness, and death.

eQuIpmeNT & LOckeRS eQuIpmeNT checkOuT Visit the reception desk to rent all the equipment you need to enjoy yourself at the wellness center. The equipment is fRee to check out with a valid mavcaRd. all equipment must be returned by closing time on the day of checkout. racquetball racquets & Balls

Kick Balls


medicine Balls

Wally Balls

Whife Balls & Bats

sparring gloves

Badminton racquets

Ping Pong Paddles & Balls


soccer Balls

resistance Bands

Playground & nerf Balls



Jump ropes

squash racquets & Balls

Weight Balls & lifting straps




Tennis racquets & Balls

LOckeR ReNTaLS men and women locker rooms feature showers, restrooms, rental lockers, sauna, and steam rooms. Lockers are available to students, faculty, staff, and hpeR activity card holders. Separate areas are designated for faculty, staff, and students. everyone who rents a locker must pay a $10 locker deposit that is refunded upon lock return. for more information, stop by the reception desk or call 402-554-2539. uNO STudeNT & Rec memBeR RaTeS year




facuLTy & STaff RaTeS year




Group exercise

There is no registration required for Group Exercise classes unless otherwise noted. Just show up at the designated time and sign in for each class. Yoga passes can be purchased at the Wellness Center reception desk prior to attending class. You must be an enrolled student or active Campus Recreation member to attend.

Body combat

Boot Camp

Butts & Guts

A total cardio workout where you are totally unleashed. During this ultimate warrior workout, you’ll strike, punch, kick, and kata your way through calories to superior cardio fitness.

Mid to high intensity body weight exercises with interval and strength training. It’s a high calorie burning class and is designed to push you to the max.

Geared toward any level of fitness, this class is designed to increase both muscle strength and tone focusing on your lower body.

Core & More

Cycle Circuit

Cycle CORE

Focuses on your abdominals and back while mixing in other muscle groups to give you a great total body toning workout.

Conditioning workout that is perfect for people who want mixture of 30 minutes of cycling combined with toning exercises for a total body class.

Combination workout based around 30 minutes of cycling and abdominal exercises to tone and strengthen your core and lower body.


Turbo Kick


A complete cardio workout including a 5 minute warm up, 40 minutes of various intensities, and a 5 minute cool down.

Get your heart pumping with a mix of core strengthening moves and cardio kick-boxing moves.

Flowing through various poses and incorporating breathing for a mind and body class that will strengthen and lengthen you while building a mind and body balance for everybody and every BODY. Additional fees apply.

Zumba Combines moves from salsa, bachata, merengue, and chachacha. Based on the principle that a workout should be fun and easy.







Zumba Andrea S. HPER 143

Spin • Hannah A. HPER 136

6:45 am

Spin • Hannah A. HPER 136

7:00 am

Yoga • Andrea S. HPER 239

Spin Jeff F. HPER 136

Yoga • Andrea S. HPER 239

Spin Jeff F. HPER 136

12:00 pm

Boot Camp Jenni R. HPER 003

Yoga* Andrea S. HPER 239

Boot Camp Jenni R. HPER 003

Yoga* Fiona L. HPER 239

Yoga* Patricia P. HPER 239 Cycle Circuit Emily H. HPER 135/136

12:00 pm

Body Combat Patricia P. HPER 143

Body Combat Patricia P. HPER 143

1:00 pm

Zumba Meagan P. HPER 143

Zumba Meagan P. HPER 143 Butts & Guts Melissa K. HPER 135

4:00 pm

Butts & Guts Melissa K. HPER 135

5:15 pm

Turbo Kick Andrea S. HPER 143

Core & More Emily H. HPER 135

Cycle Core Emily H. HPER 135/136

Turbo Kick Andrea S. HPER 143

Zumba Bradi A. HPER 143

Zumba Peyton B. HPER 143

Zumba Peyton B. HPER 143

Zumba Bradi A. HPER 143

6:00 pm

Schedules are subject to changes. Please check the schedule online at

Yoga passes are needed for class participation.

NOTE: Classes run 45-50 minutes. Spin Class on Monday & Wednesday at 6:45 am will be an express class running 25-30 minutes.

UNO Student

$4/class or $24/semester

Rec Member

$6/class or $36/semester



Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is not solely for relaxation and pampering purposes. Massage therapy can also assist with medical conditions and be an important component of overall health and wellness. Licensed Massage Therapists (LMT) offer a variety of techniques beneficial to specific areas of the body. Techniques offered are Swedish and Athletic massage. Sessions are scheduled by appointment to fit your desired time and can be made just 24 hours in advance.


UNO Student

REC Member


30 Min.




45 Min.




60 Min.




Get 5 massages and the 6th one is FREE. Receive 20% off any massage during your birthday month. ID required.

Call 402.554.3016 today

Personal Training

With certified personal trainers on staff, you will receive one–on–one individual attention where you can learn proper weight lifting techniques and get more out of your workout. The personal training staff will help you stay motivated and increase your overall wellness. Schedule a FREE consultation during your birthday month. Package Type

UNO Student

REC Member













Purchase 10 sessions and receive an additional session for FREE.

Call 402.554.2539 today Becoming A Fitter You offers personal training in a small group setting. More details available on the next page.

Instructional programs Register by contacting 402.554.2539. More information available at



Kent Templien and Neal Hakenson take you through a number of kicking and blocking techniques where sessions include technical drills, paddle and heavy bags, and sparring.

Through a four-hour seminar called Refuse To Be A VictimÂŽ, you can learn the personal safety tips and techniques you need to avoid dangerous situations and avoid becoming a victim.

Every Tues. & Thurs. 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm HPER 124, Combat Room

Sat. Sept. 13 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm HPER 138

UNO Student

Rec Member


UNO Student

Rec Member








Becoming A Fitter You Join the personal training staff for UNO’s premier group exercise class. Learn how to exercise safely and effectively. Using functional movements, weightlifting, and aerobics to improve your strength, endurance, balance, and stamina. Sept. 1 - Dec. 12 Mon. & Wed. Tues. & Thurs.

12:00 pm - 12:50 pm 5:00 pm - 5:50 pm

UNO Student & Rec Member




Wellness Seminars & Brown Bag Specials Presentations by experts from UNO and the Omaha community are available throughout the year. Topics include weight loss, nutrition, stress management, financial wellness, and much more. Check the Campus Recreation website and the Maverick Daily for upcoming events. Free TO UNO COMMUNITY

Wellness On Wheels

These interactive, informational booths will allow you to check blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), and weight. You will also have an opportunity to talk to a Health Services staff member and Campus Recreation personal trainer and get a FREE chair massage. Sessions are held in the Wellness Center monthly and visit other areas of campus on the following Wednesdays: September 17

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

University Village

October 8

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Community Engagement Center

November 19

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Mammel Hall

December 10

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Eppley Administration Building

Locations and session are subject to change. Please visit for the most recent schedule and upcoming sessions in the Wellness Center.


Intramural sports provides exercise, recreation, competition, and fun to all participants in a relaxed, yet structured environment. Keeping the thrill of competition within its limits and placing emphasis on having fun, good sportsmanship, and fair play are all values of UNO Intramural sports.

Registration You can register yourself as a free agent or register your team by visiting

Who can participate? To be eligible to participate in the intramural sports program, the student, undergraduate or graduate, must be enrolled at UNO for a minimum of one credit hour, while the part-time or full-time faculty/staff member must purchase a current Campus Recreation membership. Spouses of students, faculty, and staff members may participate provided they purchase a Campus Recreation membership.

How Do I Pay My Deposit? Your intramural deposit will be accepted at the reception desk of the Wellness Center. The captain’s name, phone number, and address is required for all sign-ups to be accepted. You will also need to pay a $25 forfeit deposit via cash or credit card prior to the registration date closing. A team or individuals preference for playing times and dates will be solicited.

Tournaments And Events

League Type

Registration Date

Event/Play Begins

Intramural Job Fair



Aug. 26

World Record Game of Tag


Aug. 11 - 27

Aug. 27

Big Base


Aug. 25 - Sept. 12

Sept. 15

5x5 Soccer

M, W, CR

Sept. 3 - 22

Sept. 23

Racquetball Singles

M, W

Sept. 5 - 24

Sept. 25



Sept. 8 - 26

Sept. 29

Bean Bag


Sept. 15 - Oct. 6

Oct. 6

Ladder Golf


Sept. 15 - Oct. 6

Oct. 6

Chalkboard Boat Race


Sept. 22 - Oct. 10

Oct. 13

Basketball Skills Challenge


Oct. 9 - 28

Oct. 28



Oct. 13 - 31

Nov. 3



Oct. 16 - Nov. 7

Nov. 10



Oct. 27 - Nov. 14

Nov. 17



Nov. 7 - 25

Nov. 25

Goal Ball


Nov. 17 - Dec. 5

Dec. 8

Paper Airplane Toss


Dec. 1 - 17

Dec. 17

Flag Football

M, W, CR

Aug. 11 - 29

Sept. 7

Sand Volleyball

M, W, CR

Aug. 18 - Sept. 5

Sept. 7

Ultimate Frisbee

M, W, CR

Aug. 18 - Sept. 5

Sept. 7


M, W, CR

Oct. 6 - 24

Oct. 29


Indoor Soccer

M, W, CR

Oct. 13 - 31

Nov. 2

Floor Hockey

M, W, CR

Oct. 13 - 31

Nov. 2

(M) Men

(W) Women

(CR) Co-Rec

(O) Open

Visit for schedules, game times, and updates throughout the year.

Sport Clubs

Sport Clubs strive to promote interest in a particular sport or activity. A club may be instructional, recreational, competitive, or any combination. Involvement in sport clubs is a voluntary effort to enhance your college experience and compliment your overall education. Members can enjoy their leisure time by engaging in a recreational or instructional club, while others prefer to be competitive in a variety of team or individual sports. For more information visit

Join A Sport Club Or Start Your Own Interested individuals should contact each club through MavSYNC for information on joining each club. MavSYNC has the most up-to-date information for each club. All currently enrolled UNO students are eligible to join a Sport Club. If you don’t see the club you’re interested in joining, you can start your own club by contacting Campus Recreation at 402.554.2539.

Available Sport Clubs Climbing




Table Tennis







Martial Arts


Trap & Skeet

Dance Ensemble




Bass Fishing




Flag Football


Mav Kids Youth Program

Mav Kids offers a variety of youth targeted programing that is open to children of UNO students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the general public. The goal of Mav Kids is to provide a safe and fun environment where children can learn, build relationship skills, and become active. Fall events include Rock Climbing Night, the annual Halloween Bash, and Dinner at the Dome. Visit for more information.

Party Facility Rental Have your next party at the Wellness Center to take advantage of all the amenities offered. We provide cups, plates, forks, spoons, knives, napkins, table clothes, and generic decorations. Parties can include a private party room, one activity area (climbing wall, gym, pool), customized invitations, and two full hours of fun. Contact Campus Recreation at 402.554.2539 to make a reservation or for more information. Party Rental Rates

(10% off for UNO Students & Rec Members)

Climbing Wall






Climbing wall

The UNO climbing wall is 2,500 square feet of top rope and lead climbing area, with a 1,400 square foot boulder in the center of the facility. The climbing surface is constructed of concrete with artificial holds, low angles, verticals, overhangs, and two arches. The floor of the facility has six inches of dense padding, and there are several movable crash pads to further protect climbers. The climbing wall is open to all UNO students and rec members. Non-members MUST register as a guest at the reception desk, pay guest fees, and bring the receipt to the wall supervisor. Non-members may use the climbing wall starting at 12:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday (during hours of operation). Climbers ages 18 and younger are only allowed Friday (starting at 12:00 pm) and all day Saturday and Sunday (during hours of operation). HOURS OF OPERATION


UNO Student & Rec member





Monday – Thursday

12:00 pm - 9:30 pm


12:00 pm - 8:00 pm

5 Punch Shoe Card



Semester Shoe Card




12:00 pm - 6:00 pm




12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Belay Device






Lead Ropes







Climbing wall courses BELAY COURSE This course teaches the rope handling skills necessary to provide top rope protection for a climber. A Belay Skills Retest is part of this authorization process and must be completed no earlier than 24 hours and no later than two weeks after the original Belay Course. UNO student & Rec member




$4 (challenge price)

$8 (challenge price)

Lead/Sport Climbing Course This course authorizes the climber to lead climb and belay a leader on the wall. The course focuses on the ground anchors, proper belay technique, clipping into wall anchors, and even falling while lead climbing. The course can also be challenged. Contact the climbing wall staff for details. Course

UNO student & Rec member


Saturday, Oct. 11 & Dec. 6



9:00 am - 1:00 pm

$10 (challenge price)

$15 (challenge price)

Bouldering Bouldering is climbing without roped protection on the wall or boulder. Climbers only climb as high as they are willing to fall, and emphasis is placed on traversing as you climb. It is a good introduction to the sport of climbing, requires little training and equipment, and is excellent for building strength and endurance. Falls are protected with “crash pads� under the climber. UNO student & Rec member


No charge

No charge

OVC Rental Center

The Outdoor Venture Center’s (OVC) Rental Center offers outdoor equipment of all kinds. Whether you are car camping or spending a month backpacking in Alaska, the Rental Center has the gear you need. The OVC rents equipment for paddling, camping, backpacking, cross–country skiing, and some rock climbing items. A complete list of items can be found at OVC Rental Center Hours Monday – Friday

12:00 pm - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

*The OVC Rental Center will only be open on Saturday and Sunday if there is at least four inches of snow on the ground starting November 1st, 2013. This applies to Winter Hours only.

Location & Eligibility The OVC is located in the Health, Physical Education & Recreation (HPER) Building, Room 117. Everyone is eligible. UNO Student prices are for anyone with a current UNO Student MavCARD or a HPER Activity Card. Non-member prices are for all other renters.

Reservations Equipment may be reserved up to one month in advance. Cancellation of reservation less than one day before the start of the rental period will result in forfeiture of a portion or all of the deposit. Reservations are taken in person or over the phone and a security deposit must be made.

Equipment Available Camping




Sleeping Bags



Backyard Games

OVC Schedule General programs Backpacking & Camping Class This class focuses on the basic requirements of food, clothing, shelter, and equipment for living comfortably in the outdoors. It covers backpacking, camping, cooking, equipment (including stoves, tents, sleeping bags, etc.), and trip planning. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to attend the class trip. Participants must provide their own transportation to Indian Cave State Park. Early Registration Cost: $40 UNO Student & Rec Member / $50 Non-Member Late Fee: After 8/11, Add $15 Class

8/25 - 10/6

Map & Compass Field sessions Saturday, Sept. 20 Optional backpacking trip

7:05 pm - 9:45 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

10/4 - 10/5

Basic Map & Compass This class teaches the basics of map and compass work. It focuses on reading a topographic map, terrain association, and verifying your position with map and compass. The class culminates with a field trip to Hitchcock Nature Preserve to practice our skills on Saturday. Early Registration Cost: $13 UNO Student & Rec Member / $17 Non-Member Late Fee: After 9/5, Add $5 Class

Monday, Sept. 15

Map & Compass Field sessions Saturday, Sept. 20

7:05 pm - 9:45 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Leaders’ Meeting This meeting is on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7:00 pm and is for individuals that have an interest in leading trips or are already Outdoor Venture Center Leaders. The meeting will be held in the HPER building, room 116. Agenda includes general news, confirming the fall schedule, planning the spring schedule, and meeting new OVC professional staff.

Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) The Outdoor Emergency Care class, offered by the National Ski Patrol, follows the same standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation for EMT-Bs. This class is intended for prospective ski patrollers as well as outdoor enthusiasts. Subjects covered include an overview of human anatomy and physiology, patient assessment, soft and hard tissue injuries, environmental illness and injuries, sudden illnesses, triage, accident scene management, and long term care. OEC certification requires a valid CPR for the Professional Rescuer certification. OVC Volunteer Trip Leaders and Mt. Crescent Ski Patrol candidates receive a significant discount. Call the OVC about discounts or becoming a volunteer Mt. Crescent Ski Patroller. HED credit available. Early Registration: $268 UNO Student & Rec Member / $295 Non-Member Late Fee: After 7/28 Students Must Purchase Textbook Class

8/14 - 12/4

6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Practice labs

9/2, 9/23, 10/14, 11/4

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Practical exam

Saturday, 11/22

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

OEC Refresher Course The Outdoor Emergency Care Refresher is a great way to annually review important medical skills and knowledge learned in the OEC class. The Refresher requires you to demonstrate competence of 1/3 of the original class material. Completion of a Refresher extends your certification one year, effectively re-certifying in the entire course after three years. OEC Refresher information, study guide, and scenario discussion are available in June from, on the Education/OEC page. You must complete the scenario discussion worksheets before the Refresher. It is best to start preparing early so that you are comfortable with the skills. Skipping an annual Refresher invalidates continuous recertification of the entire course, requiring the certificate holder to retake the class. Valid OEC certification also requires a current CPR for the Professional Rescuer certification. Estimated registration fee for Non-Ski Patrol Members is $56 (pay on site with cash or check). Class

Saturday, Oct. 25

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

To register, call 402.554.2258 during the hours of 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Monday - Friday. More information can be found at

CPR For The Professional Rescuer Learn the steps of providing care for breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, children, and infants. The use of breathing devices and bag valve masks are covered, as well as performing two-person CPR. No prior certification is required. Subtract $13.00 if you own a reusable CPR pocket mask. Those registering late may not receive all the classroom materials. Early Registration Cost: $75 UNO Student & Rec Member / $95 Non-Member Late Fee: After 11/28, add $10 Class

Sunday, Dec. 7

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Backpacking Backpacking The Buffalo River The Buffalo River became our country’s first National River in 1972 and remains one of the most scenic free flowing rivers in the land. Join us in hiking along the river as it flows through the lush ridges and valleys of the Ozark Mountains. Waterfalls, mossy canyons, 300-foot rock outcroppings, abandoned homesteads, and the changing colors of the hardwoods will be featured on this trip. Fifty-four different varieties of mammals abound here as well as other animals, most notably black bears, bald eagles, and even an elk herd. Early Registration Cost: $181 UNO Student & Rec Member / $208 Non-Member Late Fee: After 10/3, Add $15 Mandatory pre-trip meeting

Tuesday, Oct. 7

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Friday Oct. 17 - Tuesday, Oct. 21

Leaves early Friday afternoon

Paddling Platte River Stand-up Paddle Boarding Join UNO for its first stand-up paddle-boarding adventure on the Platte River. While exploring this scenic river you may see swans, cranes, geese, eagles, herons, ducks, and many other species of bird. This is the perfect opportunity to discover the newest rage in the paddling world at the beginner level. Basics of paddling, turning, and maneuvering will be covered. Early Registration Cost: $43 UNO Student & Rec Member / $49 Non-Member Late Fee: After 9/5 Add $10 Trip

Sunday, Sept. 14

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Rock Climbing Anchor Setting Workshop This workshop will focus on setting quality top rope anchors. Emphasis will be placed on anchor design, setting, and maintaining the margin of safety for climber and belayer. This class is not for beginners. You must be able to climb at least 5.9 and have a current OVC Belay Course Card. The OVC will offer a free belay challenge from the climbing wall with registration for this workshop if necessary. Participants must have taken the course before the trip leaves. Transportation is not included in the price of this trip. Participants must also be able to attend both the mandatory pre-trip meeting and classroom session. No exceptions. Early Registration Cost: $ 136 UNO Student & Rec Member / $157 Non-Member Mandatory pre-trip meeting

Wednesday, Aug. 27

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Mandatory class session

Wednesday, Sept. 3

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Friday Sept. 5 - Sunday, Sept. 7

Leaves Friday evening

Big “O” On The Rocks Climbing Competition The Outdoor Venture Center will host the annual Big “O” on the Rocks climbing competition at the University of Nebraska at Omaha climbing wall. The format will be a red point boulder/top rope competition followed by a gear raffle with great prizes! All participants must sign a waiver to compete. Participants under the age of 19 are considered minors in the state of Nebraska and MUST have a parent’s signature to climb. The climbing wall will be closed Monday, November 3rd through Friday, November 7th in preparation. Register and pay before October 24th to receive a t-shirt. Registration forms can be found online at Early Registration Cost: $32 UNO Student & Rec Member / $37 Non-Member Late Fee: After 10/24 Add $5 Big “O” On The Rocks

Saturday, Nov. 8

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

To register, call 402.554.2258 during the hours of 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Monday - Friday. More information can be found at

Basic Climbing Learn and practice your climbing skills during these five evening sessions. The class teaches the basic moves needed for climbing. Stemming, lie back, mantling, overhangs, roofs, and rappelling are among the covered skills. The class is intended for beginners, but more experienced climbers can use it to refine their technique. Equipment is included in the price of registration. Early Registration Cost: $45 UNO Student & Rec Member / $70 Non-Member Late Fee: After 9/22 Add $5 Class

Monday, Sept. 29 - Oct. 27 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Ladies’ Night Have you ever wanted to find a reason to break into the amazing sport of rock climbing? These are the times to visit the UNO Climbing Wall and grab that chance. Take a FREE belay class and receive FREE rentals regardless of whether you are a beginner or a climbing veteran. FREE Registration for UNO Student & Rec Member / Non-Members must pay $7.00 guest entrance fee. Class

Thursday, Sept. 18

4:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Tuesday, Oct. 7

4:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Wednesday, Nov. 19

4:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Sport Climbing This four hour workshop teaches sport climbing on the climbing wall. Emphasis is placed on belaying, communication, clipping into anchors, rope management, and falling. This course can be challenged by making an appointment with Tyler. Register for the workshop in the Rental Center (HPER 117). Registration Cost: $20 UNO Student & Rec Member / $30 Non-Member Challenge Cost: $10 UNO Student & Rec Member / $15 Non-Member Class

Saturday, Oct. 11

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tuesday, Dec. 6

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Parking Information

General Public Parking on Campus If you are attending a Wellness Center program on campus Monday - Friday, you will need to obtain a parking pass to avoid receiving a ticket. Day Pass - The Wellness Center will provide participants with a ONE DAY permit, allowing you to park on campus SURFACE LOTS for single day activities and programs. Pay to Park - All levels of the East Parking Structure (Parking Structure 1) can be accessed after 1:00 pm, Monday - Friday for $2. Purchase a Permit from UNO Parking Services - This option would be good for anyone who is regularly on campus because of UNO classes or regular visits. Passes are available for one week to one year long. Free Parking in Elmwood Park - Free parking is available in Elmwood Park just southeast of UNO’s Dodge campus. Parking here will require you to walk a short distance to the Wellness Center.

For more information on UNO Parking Services and to view parking maps on campus, please visit or call 402.554.PARK (7275).

Aquatics UNO students, campus recreation members, and the community can enjoy aquatics activities in a safe environment with Red Cross certified lifeguards are duty. Aquatics offers a wide range of programming for those looking to improve their swimming abilities or just learn to become comfortable in the water. The goal is for participants to be confident in the water.

Lifeguard Class

Lifeguard Review

You will be able to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over. Receive certifications for First Aid and CPR for the Professional Rescuer and AED. Must be at least 15 years of age to take class.

You will be able to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over. This course is intended for current lifeguards who need to re-certify in First Aid or CPR for the Professional Rescuer and AED.



Friday, Nov. 7

5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Saturday, Nov. 8

8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sunday, Nov. 9

9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday, Oct. 11

10:00 am - 6:00 pm

UNO Student & Rec member


UNO Student & Rec member






Masters Swim Personal training for the advanced and novice swimmer. Masters Swim is recreational based. Our program is geared toward the individual swimmer. Practices run for an hour and individuals will swim anywhere between 1600-3000 yards per practice. Provide a brief history of yourself and goals you wish to accomplish. UNO Student & Rec member



$43.75/Month or $175/Semester

Pool schedule OPEN SWIM


6:00 am - 9:00 am

6:00 am - 9:00 am

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (no coach available)

6:00 am - 1:00 pm

6:00 am - 9:00 am

4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (no coach available)

6:00 am - 9:00 am

6:00 am - 9:00 am

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (no coach available)

6:00 am - 1:00 pm

6:00 am - 9:00 am

4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (no coach available)

6:00 am - 9:00 am

6:00 am - 9:00 am

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

4:00 pm - 7:00 pm



1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

8:00 am - 10:00 am


1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

1:00 pm - 8:00 pm (no coach available)






To register for Aquatics programs, call 402.554.2539. More information can found at

Swim Lessons

The goal of youth swim lessons is to offer a safe and welcoming environment to all participants. Group lessons offer an opportunity for kids to enhance their social skills, build relationships, and learn other valuable life skills at a young age. Group lessons consist of eight 30 minute sessions with a teacher to student ration of 1:5. UNO student & Rec member




Tuesday & Thursday






Session 1 Sept. 9 - Oct. 2 Session 2 Oct. 28 - Nov. 20

6:15 pm - 6:45 pm

Beginner A, B, C

6:50 pm - 7:20 pm

Level 1 - Level 3

7:25 pm - 7:50 pm

Level 4 - Level 6

Session 1 Sept. 1, 2014 Session 2 Oct. 20, 2014

10:00 am - 10:30 am

Beginner A, B, C

10:40 am - 11:10 am

Level 1 - Level 3

11:20 am - 11:50 am

Level 4 - Level 6

Sept. 6 - Nov. 1 *No Session Oct. 18

Aug. 29, 2014

Private Swim Lessons Private Adult or Youth Swimming Lessons may be taken at any level. Please allow two weeks for processing and scheduling. Participants will need to schedule lesson dates and times directly with the instructor who will contact them. The price includes eight sessions, each 30 minutes long. Minimum age is nine years old. UNO student & Rec member




To register for Aquatics programs, call 402.554.2539. More information can found at

MAVERICK FOOD PANTRY NEW LOCATION Community Engagement Center, Room 121

The Maverick Food Pantry serves all currently enrolled UNO students as well as faculty and staff. The pantry offers pre-packed food packages containing approximately 2 days-worth of non-perishable food items for one individual. Whether you wish to pick up a food package, donate food items, or volunteer your time to the food pantry, we welcome your participation.

Contributing the UNO’s Culture of Caring Monday through Friday 8 am to 6 pm

The Wellness Center Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building (HPER) 6001 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68182

The University of Nebraska at Omaha shall not discriminate based upon age, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender-identity, sex, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran’s status, marital status, religion, or political affiliation.

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