4 minute read

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is the first international agreement setting out freedoms, rights and entitlements for all humanity to claim. It emphasizes the inextricable relationship between fundamental freedoms and social justice, and their connection with peace and security. Different editions exist: the YAK-illustrated hardbound edition is available in English and French; the multilingual edition featuring all six official United Nations languages is available in hardcover; individual monolingual editions are available in each of the official United Nations languages, and finally there is the children’s adaption by Ruth Rocha and Otavio Roth.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Arabic language) Publication Date: December 2017 Pages: 14 ISBN: 9789214000556 Price: $3.00 A
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Chinese language) Publication Date: December 2017 Pages: 16 ISBN: 9789216000363 Price: $3.00 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (English language) Publication Date: December 2017 Pages: 14 ISBN: 9789211013641 Price: $3.00 E
Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (French language) Publication Date: December 2017 Pages: 16 ISBN: 9789213002681 Price: $3.00 F
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Russian language) Publication Date: December 2017 Pages: 16 ISBN: 9789216000370 Price: $3.00 R
Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos (Spanish language) Publication Date: December 2017 Pages: 16 ISBN: 9789213002698 Price: $3.00 S
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Illustrated by Yacine Aït Kaci (YAK) ISBN: 9789211013146 Price: $17.00 E
Publication Date: December 2015 Pages: 72
The Convention on the Rights of the Child
United Nations Essential Documents Series United Nations Thirty years ago, world leaders made a historic commitment to the world’s children by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Convention, one of the core human rights instruments, has become the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history and has helped transform children’s lives around the world. It is up to our generation to demand that governments, businesses and communities fulfil their commitments and take action for child rights now, once and for all. The e-book for this publication has been converted into an accessible format for the visually impaired and people with print reading disabilities.
Publication Date: November 2019 ISBN: 9789211014181 Pages: 82 Price: $12.95 3 4 16

From Planning to Impact
A Manual on Human Rights Training Methodology United Nations If effectively designed and implemented, human rights training builds the capacity of individuals, groups and institutions for greater human rights protection. Based on its expanding training practice and lessons learnt, at both headquarters and field level, as well as on related research, the UN Human Rights Office has developed a comprehensive methodological approach to human rights training, which is presented in this Manual. The Manual provides practical guidance on all phases of a human rights training cycle – including planning, designing, organizing, delivering training and conducting follow-up activities.
Publication Date: March 2020 ISBN: 9789211542233 Pages: 88 Price: $30.00 4 10
World Survey on the Role of Women in Development 2019
Why Addressing Women’s Income and Time - Poverty Matters for Sustainable Development UN Women This publication focuses on the ways in which the nexus of time and income poverty shapes or constrains the lives of women. It argues that addressing this double bind is critical to achieve sustainable development, particularly in low-income contexts, and presents an integrated policy agenda for doing so. It finds large gender gaps in extreme poverty rates especially between the ages of 25-34, coinciding with the phase in the life course of family formation and child-rearing, during which women and their households face increased expenses associated with having children, while also experiencing constraints on the time they have available for engaging in paid work.
Publication Date: October 2020 ISBN: 9781632141576 Pages: 130 Price: TBD 5
Global Education Monitoring Report 2020
Inclusion and Education - All Means All United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) This publication assesses progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education and its ten targets, as well as other related education targets in the SDG agenda. It addresses inclusion in education, drawing attention to all those excluded from education, because of background or ability. The report is motivated by the explicit reference to inclusion in the 2015 Incheon Declaration, and the call to ensure an inclusive and equitable quality education in the formulation of SDG 4, the global goal for education. It reminds us that, no matter what argument may be built to the contrary, we have a moral imperative to ensure every child has a right to an appropriate education of high quality.
Publication Date: December 2020 ISBN: 9789231003882 Pages: 444 Price: $95.00 4