3 minute read

The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020
Water and Climate Change United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) This publication illustrates the critical linkages between water and climate change in the context of the broader sustainable development agenda. Supported by examples from across the world, it describes both the challenges and opportunities created by climate change, and provides potential responses – in terms of adaptation, mitigation and improved resilience – that can be undertaken by enhancing water resources management, attenuating water-related risks, and improving access to water supply and sanitation services for all in a sustainable manner. It addresses the interrelations between water, people, environment and economics in a changing climate, demonstrating how climate change can sometimes be a positive catalyst.
Publication Date: March 2020 ISBN: 9789231003714 Pages: 234 Price: $60.00 6
Update 2019 United Nations The United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) is a global classification and management system applicable to mineral, petroleum, nuclear fuel, renewable energy and anthropogenic resources, as well as injection projects for geological storage. Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), managing energy and raw material resources in a sustainable manner has become paramount to all stakeholders including governments, industry, investors and communities. This updated version of UNFC is intended to satisfy the requirements of different resource sectors and applications, as well as making it fully aligned to the sustainable resource management called for by the 2030 Agenda.
Publication Date: March 2020 ISBN: 9789211172331 Pages: 26 Price: $15.00 7 12
Environmental Performance Reviews: Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan - Third Review United Nations This publication assesses progress made by individual countries in reconciling their economic and social development with environmental protection, as well as in meeting international commitments on environment and sustainable development. It assists countries in improving their environmental policies by making concrete recommendations for better policy design and implementation. It helps integrate environmental policies into sector-specific policies such as those in agriculture, energy, transport and health. The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Uzbekistan. It takes stock of progress made by Uzbekistan in the management of its environment since it was reviewed for the second time in 2009–2010.
Publication Date: July 2020 ISBN: 9789211172409 Pages: 500 Price: $75.00 13
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A Compilation of Policies and Practices United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) This is a compilation of policies and practices that contribute to bridging a knowledge gap with regards to climate change impacts and adaptation for coastal transport infrastructure. It presents examples of legal and policy approaches, as well as of reports, studies and guidance to support climate risk, vulnerability and impact assessment, and the development of effective adaptation response measures for coastal transport infrastructure, with a view to informing and inspiring policy makers, national authorities, transport managers, infrastructure owners, and other stakeholders in their efforts.
Publication Date: July 2020 ISBN: 9789211129700 Pages: 94 Price: $35.00 9 13
Guidelines on the Promotion of Green Jobs in Forestry
United Nations This publication is intended to assist stakeholders in the forestry sector to successfully navigate the transition to a forest sector that is fully engaged in the green economy. New and increasing opportunities for providing forestbased services and products, growing business and revenue as well as creating jobs arise from this transition. Application of the guidelines will assist in ensuring that the forestry workforce is fit for purpose and forestry is able to attract workers in the 21st century’s labour market.
Publication Date: October 2020 ISBN: 9789211172430 Pages: 60 Price: TBD 8 9 12