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International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2019
Adverse Global Conditions Leave the Region Lagging Further Behind United Nations The global trade performance in 2019 was the worst since the international financial crisis. This edition analyses that performance, as well as the mounting trade tensions and their repercussions for the region’s own trade. The heavy slowdown in global trade is the result of the build-up of trade barriers since 2018, as well as longer-standing factors, including weaker global demand, increasing import substitution in some economies, the smaller share of Chinese production going for export, the shrinking of global value chains and the emergence of new technologies that impact trade. Also highlighted is that trade has both positive and negative impacts on the environment.
Publication Date: February 2020 ISBN: 9789211220278 Pages: 188 Price: $ $50.00 8
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Review of Sustainable Transport Connectivity in Asia and the Pacific 2019
Addressing the Challenges for Freight Transport United Nations Within the transport sector in Asia and the Pacific freight and logistics account for a significant portion of total energy use – in many countries upward of 40% – and a correspondingly large share of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, on account of economic development and population growth, the region is expected to face substantial increases in trade shares and, thus, freight volumes. Accordingly, some estimates suggest that in Asia, ton-kilometres from surface freight will increase by 261% from 2015 to 2050 accounting for over two-thirds of all surface freight globally. Against this background, the Review provides a data-supported overview and insight for policy makers.
Publication Date: February 2020 ISBN: 9789211207989 Pages: 112 Price: $35.00 9 11 12
SME Competitiveness Outlook 2020
COVID-19: The Great Lockdown and its Impact on Small Business International Trade Centre (ITC) SME Competitiveness Outlook 2020 is published at a time when the world is carefully moving out of the ‘great lockdown’, a partial or complete lockdown of the majority of economies across the globe for six weeks or longer. There are reasons to believe that this simultaneous shutdown of economic and social activities has succeeded in pre-empting what could have become a disastrous global health crisis. But the shutdown is likely to have major economic consequences that remain difficult to assess.
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211036770 Pages: 176 Price: $105.00 3 8 9
International Accounting and Reporting Issues
2019 Review United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) The International Accounting and Reporting Issues 2019 Review contains three chapters. The first and second chapters respectively present findings of surveys of implementation of the Guidance on Core Indicators for Entity Reporting on Contribution towards Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (GCI) conducted on the Dow 30 companies in the United States of America and the 30 companies that form the index of the Egyptian Stock Exchange. The third chapter contains a review of recent developments in international standards of accounting and reporting in the public and private sectors.
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211129892 Pages: 80 Price: TBD 12

Selected Issues in Cross-border e-Commerce Development in Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Technological advances – particularly in the areas of information and communication, transport, and electronic commerce and payment – have spurred international trade. When we enter an era of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, the frontier technological breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchains, robotics, 3D printing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have the potential to reshape international trade. This report aims to support policy makers and the general public to better understand the interplay between technology and trade in a context of the Asia-Pacific region.
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211208054 Pages: 48 Price: $25.00 9