10 minute read

Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of the International Court of Justice
United Nations The Charter of the United Nations was signed in 1945 by 51 countries representing all continents, paving the way for the creation of the United Nations on 24 October 1945. The Statute of the International Court of Justice forms part of the Charter. The aim of the Charter is to save humanity from war; to reaffirm human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person; to proclaim the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small; and to promote the prosperity of all humankind. The Charter is the foundation of international peace and security.
Language Edition - English Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789211012835 Language Edition - Arabic Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789216000356 Language Edition - Chinese Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789210016513
Language Edition - French Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789210017886
Language Edition - Russian Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789214000488 Language Edition - Spanish Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789213002537 Colour Edition - Coral Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789211012897 Colour Edition - Orange Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789211012903
Colour Edition - Yellow Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789211012910 Colour Edition - Green Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789211012927 Colour Edition - Blue Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789211012934 Colour Edition - Violet Publication Date: September 2015 ISBN: 9789211012941
Set of Six Language Editions Publication Date: October 2015 ISBN: 9789211013016 Set of Six Colour Editions Publication Date: October 2015 ISBN: 9789211013023 Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 112 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 136 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 128 Price: $6.00
Pages: 760 Price: $45.00
Pages: 768 Price: $45.00

Action for Disarmament
10 Things You Can Do! United Nations Focusing on the risks posed by nuclear arms and small weapons, this illustrated, educational and thought-provoking book calls on the world’s young people to actively mobilise and promote disarmament in 10 practical ways. This book is a tool for young people to get involved in mobilising the public at large to participate in developing new strategies to reduce the threats posed by weapons. It will help young people to raise awareness of why disarmament is important for the future of all humankind as well as their own lives. It is recommended as a resource for teenagers and their parents, young adults, as well as high school and university professors, civil society and community leaders.
Publication Date: April 2014 ISBN: 9789211422870 Pages: 152 Price: $28.00 16
United Nations This comprehensive handbook designed for the general public explains the structure of the United Nations, how the Organization works, the main issues it addresses and its importance for people everywhere. In addition to setting out the various roles played by principle UN organs and related organizations, Basic Facts about the United Nations documents the Organization’s contributions to international peace and security, economic and social development, human rights, humanitarian action, international law and decolonization. Appendices contain current data on UN membership and peacekeeping operations, as well as contact information for UN information centres, services and offices. This latest edition, published in 2017, has been revised to take account of significant developments in the world and the Organization itself since 2014.
Publication Date: May 2017 ISBN: 9789211013504 Pages: 294 Price: $20.00
The Sustainable Development Goals: Illustrated by Yacine Aït Kaci (YAK)
United Nations On 25 September 2015, countries adopted a set of 17 goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda to be achieved by 2030. For the goals to be reached, everyone needs to do their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you. Elyx, the United Nations’ digital ambassador, uses various expressions and actions to help demonstrate the meaning of each goal. Created by French artist YAK, Elyx has no race, sex or nationality and is a universal character promoting the importance of the United Nations’ work.
Publication Date: October 2017 ISBN: 9789211013696 Pages: 76 Price: $17.00

The Essential UN
United Nations Everything you always wanted to know about the United Nations in one book! This primer to the United Nations is designed for all global citizens. It covers the history of the UN, what it does and how it does it. As the world’s only truly global organization,the United Nations is where countries meet to address universal issues that cannot be resolved by any one of them acting alone. From international peace and security to sustainable development, climate change, human rights, and humanitarian action, the United Nations acts on our behalf around the world.
Publication Date: February 2018 ISBN: 9789211013726 Pages: 160 Price: $20.00 4 16 17
Frieda Makes a Difference
The Sustainable Development Goals and How You Too Can Change the World United Nations This book is a wonderful introduction for children ages 6-8 on how we can all work together to make the world a better place. They will learn how they can be part of the solution to today’s most important global challenges: from combating climate change and protecting endangered species to ending poverty and fighting inequality. With colourful illustrations, engaging text, and tips on how to change the world, children will discover what they can do to make a difference.
Hardbound Publication Date: August 2019 ISBN: 9789211014099
Paperback Publication Date: August 2019 ISBN: 9789211014068 Pages: 52 Price: $20.00
Pages: 52 Price: $12.00 E F S
United Nations The Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council is a bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the Economic and Social Council. This issue covers the 2018 session of the Council including the organizational and substantive session. The Index is divided in two parts comprising the Subject Index and Index to Speeches. The Index is prepared by the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
Publication Date: March 2020 ISBN: 9789211014150 Pages: 120 Price: $25.00 E

United Nations The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, Volume 44 (Part I): 2019 is a compilation of the resolutions and decisions of the 74th session of the General Assembly, their voting patterns in the General Assembly and the First Committee, lead sponsors, sponsors and co-sponsors, references to First Committee report and dates of adoption.
Publication Date: June 2020 ISBN: 9789211391800 Pages: 324 Price: $65.00 5 16 17
United Nations The Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly is a bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the General Assembly. This issue covers the seventy-third session of the Assembly including its Main and ad hoc committees. The Index is prepared by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, Department of Global Communications, as one of the products of the United Nations Bibliographic Information System.
Part I - Subject Index Publication Date: June 2020 ISBN: 9789211014235
Part II - Index to Speeches Publication Date: June 2020 ISBN: 9789211014242 Pages: 280 Price: $65.00
Pages: 574 Price: $90.00 E
Achieving Our Common Humanity
Celebrating Global Cooperation through the United Nations United Nations From supporting peace and security, promoting and protecting human rights, fostering economic and social development, and shaping international law, this amply illustrated volume – with photographs, charts, maps and infographic – features a wealth of information on how the United Nations serves the peoples of the world.
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211014303 Pages: 147 Price: $35.00 E

United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2019: Part II
United Nations Summarizes developments and trends in 2019 on key issues of multilateral consideration at the international and regional levels. Reviews the activity of the General Assembly, the Conference on Disarmament and the Disarmament Commission. Contains a timeline that highlights events in multilateral disarmament in 2019. Has a foreword written by the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.

Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211391923 Pages: 350 Price: TBD 5 16 17
United Nations The Index to Proceedings of the Security Council is a bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the Security Council. This issue covers the seventy-fourth year of the Council including its commissions, committees and ad hoc committees. The Index is divided in two parts comprising the Subject Index and Index to Speeches. The Index is prepared by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, Department of Global Communications, as one of the products of the United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS).
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211014327 Pages: 380 Price: TBD
UNODA Occasional Papers No. 36
COVID-19 and Ammunition Management - Challenges and Possible Responses United Nations This paper offers a preliminary analysis of the effects of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on the ammunition management sector in the spring of 2020. It raises key issues related to the risks associated with conventional ammunition through the implementation of relevant control and management measures. It argues that shifts in national priorities and reduced resources may affect overall international disarmament efforts by undermining the management of conventional ammunition, and potentially enhance the risks of accidental explosions and diversion. Ammunition management needs to remain a priority during and after COVID-19.
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211391855 Pages: 32 Price: TBD 16 17

The United Nations Guide to Model UN
United Nations Model United Nations (MUN) simulations are popular exercises for those interested in learning more about the UN. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of students worldwide participate every year in MUN at all educational levels in schools and universities. Many of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts participated in MUN as students. Some MUNs however do not follow the actual rules and practices used at the UN. This guide is designed for students and teachers on how to organize and participate in MUNs that simulate the way the UN actually works.
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789211014198 Pages: 152 Price: $24.95 4 8 16
United Nations The Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization (A/75/1) highlights how the UN Secretariat translates resources into impact. The Report covers nine sections: (i) promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development; (ii) maintenance of international peace and security; (iii) development in Africa; (iv) promotion of human rights; (v) effective coordination of humanitarian assistance; (vi) promotion of international justice and law; (vii) disarmament; (viii) drug control, crime prevention and combating international terrorism; and (ix) effective functioning of the Organization. In light of developments in 2019/2020, the Annual Report will also include information on the UN response to COVID-19.
Publication Date: September 2020 ISBN: 9789218600516 Pages: 150 Price: TBD
United Nations The Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council provides UN Member States, UN entities, researchers and the general public a comprehensive, reliable, objective and readily accessible source of information regarding the evolving practice of the Security Council on constitutional, procedural and substantive matters since inception in 1946. The Repertoire covers in particular the Council’s interpretation and application of the UN Charter and its own Provisional Rules of Procedure and features case studies as well as summaries of its official documents.
Publication Date: November 2020 ISBN: 9789211304138 Pages: 700 Price: TBD 16