The New Stour & Avon Magazine Issue 56 02/06/2023

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Friday, June 2, 2023 Edition 56 FREE EVERY FORTNIGHT The New Stour & Avon Read online at: Wimborne Office 01202 842922 | Ferndown Office 01202 890890 Local, Loyal & Trusted Please call for a FREE valuation of your home MONK BUSINESS! Wimborne gets ready for the big folk festival, p43 Five-page Retirement Special

What’s inside this issue...

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2 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
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n Fun in the sun p10
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Fun at the farm, p50

Fond farewell for a lollipop lady

A huge show of respect was shown for Jean Witt, the long-standing lollipop lady at Merley First School.

As her funeral cortege passed the school, many pupils, teachers, parents and members of the public lined the road to say farewell.

Jean started as a lollipop lady in the mid-Seventies in Corfe Mullen at Rushcombe First School, then Lockyers Middle School, before moving to Merley First School around 30 years ago.

Although she was originally only standing in for two weeks, she ended up crossing pupils safely over the road for 47 years, only retiring in 2022 at 83 years of age, having received a number of certificates and acknowledgements for her service. Thousands of children came to know Jean over the years, and some of those children are now adults bringing their own children to Merley School, to make the same safe crossing that they had done.

Every year, Jean would donate a real Christmas tree to the school that was proudly displayed inside and, as a way to remember her commitment as a lollipop lady, a cherry tree is being planted in the grounds of the school, near to where she stood for many years.

BCP council to be led by new alliance

BCP Council has announced that it will be led by a new administration, the Three Towns Alliance, following the recent local elections.

The new administration has been formed from the Liberal Democrats (28 councillors), Christchurch Independents (eight councillors), Poole People Party (five councillors) and the Bournemouth Independent Group (three councillors).

The new administration will be led by Councillor Vikki Slade in her second term in the BCP Council role.

She was the first leader of BCP Council from May 2019 to October 2020.



Lollipop lady Jean Witt and, left, her cortege

Ms Slade said: “The council needs to get the basics right and earn the trust and confidence of all our residents across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole before we can go on to deliver those more exciting projects that we all want to see.”

Buoyed by a surging economy, the market for Chinese antiques and art has been on an upward trend over the past 20 years. At the top end of the market, formidable sums are paid for the finest works once belonging to Imperial families of the Chinese Ming and Qing dynasties. This has paved the way for the middle market collectors and dealers branching out and the prices are now on the rise for ‘Min-yao’ wares (Also known as ‘people’s wares’, pieces which were manufactured for trade, export, and the more common population).

(1722-35). SOLD £23,400 INCL. Premium

At Ma San Auction in Bath, we specialise in the authentication and selling of Chinese and Asian Art. We hold live auction sales every 2 months and offer free valuations on

your items by home appointment, in-house or by photos via WhatsApp. Feel free to visit our website for further information and to browse our previous sale catalogues!

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 3
2 Princes Buildings,
Ma San Auction
17/18th Century Chinese items previously sold at Ma San
4 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023

New chance to bring out your inner thespian

Broadstone Players Theatre Company have a long tradition of encouraging new, local acting talent by holding open auditions for parts in their annual Plays ‘n Chips production of three one-act plays performed each September.

Anyone new to the Players and with or without any acting experience is guaranteed a part in one of these short plays, which this year will be staged on the weekends of Friday and Saturday, 8/9th and Friday and Saturday 15/16th September.

The auditions are on Wednesday, June 7, at 7.30pm in the Red Barn, Tudor Road, Broadstone. The barn is at the end of the gravelled part of Tudor Road behind St John’s Church. For more information, contact honsec@broadstoneplayers. or call 01202 678449. The Players promise a warm welcome to everyone who comes along, whether you would like to act, to help backstage or just to find out more.

A concert for the summer

Fordingbridge Choral Society cordially invite you to their Summer Concert on Saturday, June 10, starting at 7.30pm at St Marys Church in Fordingbridge. Led by Nigel Edwards accompanied by Chris Dowie on the organ and piano plus the Avon Brass Fanfare Trumpets, they will be performing an interesting programme including Capt Noah And His Floating Zoo by Horovitz, Finzi’s God Is Gone Up, Britten’s Rejoice In The Lamb and Shearing’s Songs And Sonnets. An eclectic mixture for all to enjoy.

Tickets are £12 in advance, £15 at the door with under-18’s free. Interval refreshments are included in the price. Tickets are on sale at the Fordingbridge Bookshop in Salisbury St, or online via fordingbridgechoral.

For more info please ring the FCS Sec on 01425 656348 or visit the FCS webpage or via Facebook events section.

Town chooses its new mayor

n The new Mayor for Ferndown in 2023/2024 is Councillor Krissy Stamp.

She is pictured, right, with other counsellors from Ferndown Town Council


New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 5 LUXURY SENIOR LIVING BOURNEMOUTH A warm welcome awaits you at Glenhurst Manor Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022 Lasting companionship Deliciousfood Elegant interiors Spacious en-suite rooms 01202 761175 Call us today to arrange a viewing... a warm welcome awaits you. Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022

Foundation awards at upper school

The John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation (JTYAF) was delighted to have the opportunity to meet the award winners at Ferndown Upper School, for the first time since the Covid Pandemic.

Bursaries and scholarships were presented to the students during an awards assembly, which was the perfect opportunity to celebrate their considerable achievements. The applications were of an outstanding quality and of those successful, 15 students were awarded bursaries and four received scholarships. This first round of applications

saw more than £10,000 awarded and a similar process will take place later in the year. Two talented GB athletes received scholarships. A 13-year-old who has qualified for the World Martial Arts Games in Florida for karate and a gymnast, also 13, who will be representing her country in tumbling at the Loule Cup in Portugal. In addition, scholarships were awarded to a gifted singer/ songwriter to help with the cost of music equipment and to a 15-year-old wheelchair racer to cover the cost of racing rollers. These will support his training, helping him

to develop and improve his racing. Bursaries were presented to 15 students for a range of activities from taekwondo to music lessons and sewing machines.

The JTYAF was established in 2008 to honour the memory of John Thornton, a young Royal Marines Officer from Ferndown who was killed, at the age of 22, whilst serving in Afghanistan.

In the last 15 years the Foundation has made a really important difference in our community, providing opportunities to more than 2500 young people.

6 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 Wimborne's Kitchen Specialists Kitchens project managed from design to installation Individual Kitchens, Affordable Prices Mobile: 07725 184051 Showroom: 01202 022049 Email: 61-63 LEIGH ROAD, WIMBORNE, DORSET BH21 1AE WWW.MK-INTERIORS.CO.UK FREE Design and Planning CONTACT US: Showroom inside Dacombes of Wimborne
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There is no legal obligation for cyclists to use a cycle lane

In response to John Heath’s ‘rant’ in edition 54 of the New Stour & Avon, I wonder if he was inconvenienced by no more than 60 seconds whilst waiting to safely overtake some cyclists. Although I can empathise with his plea regarding cyclists not using a cycle lane, the cycle lane past the airport is a shared use path in a very poor state of repair. It is not suitable for riders looking to make progress, or enjoy a more social experience with other riders. There is no legal obligation for cyclists to use a cycle lane, and riders wanting to ride two, or even three abreast are perfectly entitled to do so. In fact, John would do well

to note that it is easier for a motorist to safely pass two riders abreast than it is two riders in single file (a larger gap in traffic is required to pass the length of two cyclists). This also ensures the motorist is likely to ‘close pass’ the cyclist. With regard to the ‘respect’, what is John looking for?

A friendly wave from the cyclist to thank the driver for not killing them? How such an article ever made it into the magazine shows a worrying amount of misunderstanding.

Mark Fenwick


(This was in fact a reader’s letter, not an article. Ed)

Riding two abreast recommended

I would like to address John Heath’s letter in the May 19 edition of the New Stour & Avon. There are several points. Riding two abreast is the recommendation as it is easier to overtake a short block of cyclists than a strung out line of cyclists. Cyclists also do this to stop motorists squeezing past without allowing the 1.5m passing distance

Secondly, mixed-use paths should not be confused with cycle lanes. The recommended max speed is 15mph and I would suggest even slower in the presence of children, people and dogs. The recommendation is anything over 18mph should be on the road

even for dedicated cycle lanes. I passed the same cycle lanes in Ferndown and noted there were quite a lot cars parked on the path.

The other problem with the local cycle/ mixed use paths is cars from joining roads or drives, have to cross the path , often without looking, making paths more dangerous.

I personally wouldn’t use most UK cycle lanes as there too many hazards, crossing junctions, lamp posts and other street furniture, parked cars, pedestrians, unmaintained surfaces and broken glass .

Join our friendly village WI group

Godshill WI are a friendly group who meet on the first Wednesday afternoon of the month at Godshill Village Hall. We welcome new members, and anyone may come along to a meeting free of charge to meet us and have a WI experience! We have a very varied programme of events.

For details, please contact me on 01425 657664 or by email ajhap.dobson@btinternet. com; Anne Thomas by email or Marlene Williams by email marlene.williams3@btinternet. com.

It’s been hot recently and many of us were among the throngs throwing ice lollies into our supermarket baskets over the bank holiday. But did you know, you probably wouldn’t be enjoying your refreshing lolly if it hadn’t been for an 11-year-old child called Frank Epperson and a mistake that probably earned him a telling off?

In 1905, little Frank left some soda powder and water outside in a cup, with a wooden stirrer. The chilly San Francisco air meant when he returned to it, it was frozen solid. He called it the Epsicle and sold it around his neighbourhood, at nearby amusement parks, and even patented the recipe. Years later, he changed the name, to popsicle. However, as with many a lolly, the ending wasn’t a happy one. A broke Epperson sold his patent to the Joe Lowe Company in the 1920s, and regretted it as his invention became a huge success.


Flyers had been printed and put through the letterboxes of our neighbours the week before Coronation weekend, inviting them to join us for a Litter Pick in our local area. Sarah from Wimborne War on Waste had kindly delivered a big bag of litter ‘grabbers’, gloves and hi-visibility jackets ready for the Bank Holiday Monday.

The day before our foray into the verges and on to the pavements had been glorious sun, but on the Monday, the rain fell, the bunting was hanging limply in gardens and the Coronation flag flown from a neighbour’s flagpole blew damply in the wind.

As the song goes ‘it just takes two’ my neighbour and I set off undaunted going as far as Leigh Common to start our litter-pick. By this time, the sun had come out and drivers on the main road were smiling, tooting their horns and acknowledging our efforts. We had thought that we

needed to start at the Canford Bottom Roundabout, but this was practically litter-free, thanks to the efforts of a team of two, a local girl who is doing her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and regularly goes litter-picking with her dad.

My neighbour and I went into the ‘ByTheWay’ woods to see how bad the litter problem was, but the woods were not too litter strewn, so we picked litter in one field and walked home, making the main road our last port of call, where we encountered the largest rat that we had ever seen (dead, thankfully!) and we despatched it into our black bag and made our way home. Well, judging by the size of the rat, and the fact that we were volunteering for the King, we named him the King of all rats!

Job done!

8 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 Your email comments are very welcome, however we cannot publish them anonymously and we reserve the right to edit them as deemed necessary Letters
Litter-picking volunteers are upstaged by King

Here’s a big thank-you to all our lovely people

To celebrate Volunteers’ Week, here at Young Lives vs Cancer (formally CLIC Sargent) we want to say a huge thank-you to all of our incredible volunteers who help us in Dorset.

We are lucky to have an amazing team of passionate people who have created a real sense of community and champion the charity.

Volunteers are crucial to our work and mission to help families find the strength to face everything cancer throws at them. We’ve been there before. We’ll face it all, together.

The benefits of volunteering are felt by everyone from the volunteers themselves, to our staff teams and, most importantly, the children and young people we support. Whether that’s in our shops, with office, warehouse or remote teams, with our social

care teams, in our Home from Homes and our fundraisers. We wouldn’t be Young Lives vs Cancer without every single one of them.

A volunteer often comes to us after a personal experience of cancer in their family, but many also give their time to meet new people, develop their skills or simply because they want to make a real difference.

A famous quote states: ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’

We are always looking for more volunteers. If any readers would like to find out more, they can do so by visiting our website. Thank you to each and every one of our volunteers and to the people from Dorset for continuing to support us.

Platinum Award-Winning Care 2022

We have been awarded this much sought after accolade for our work with Gold Standards Framework

What do these parties stand for?

Whenever I read Labour’s Alan Cross political round up I notice he has nothing to say about what his party stand for or what they intend to do on immigration, etc. However, I heard this week that Keir Starmer is going to allow 16-year-olds to vote and allow building on green belt land. Maybe the Labour Party has not noticed Wimborne and the other areas already being spoiled with houses?

All Alan seems to discuss is how awful the Conservatives are but has no idea what his party stands for? Then we have Vikki Slade (Lib Dems) again without any discussion of her party’s political views.

This party does well without anybody knowing what they stand for.

At least our Christopher Chope has interesting views in this magazine unlike the other two.

Calling out for the class of ’83

If you left Corfe Hills’ sixth form in 1983, you can catch up with friends for a 40th anniversary reunion on Saturday, June 10.

The event has been posted on our Facebook page, and I thought it would be great to see what we are all up to 40 years on.

So far, 20 people are coming from as far as Northern Ireland and Cornwall, but pupils have made contact from Diego Garcia and Edinburgh.

There will be tea and coffee on the afternoon, however attendees should take a plate of cake or sandwiches to share. Any photos will be welcomed.

Wimborne Community Centre, 1.00pm to 5.00pm.

Tickets are £5 from eventbrite. com/e/40-year-6th-form-corfehills-school-reunion-tickets -536025726377. Details from:


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in for the big village fair

A big book jumble sale will be held at a village fair.

Trinity Fair, hosted by Wimborne St Giles Church, is between 11am and 3pm tomorrow, Saturday, June 3. A general jumble and bric-abrac will take place, with jams and cakes on sale.

Light refreshments will be served and there will be music, with funds raised going to the church roof repair fund. Entry is free but donations are welcome.

Coffee in bloom

The Wimborne in Bloom spring Coffee Morning returned last week, the first since 2019. Held at the home of Anthony and Christine Oliver it was attended by around 70 people. The sunny morning helped the event to raise £630 which will be used towards the cost of providing the plants in the flower towers and planters around the town this summer. The new mayor Diann March attended as one of her first events of the new mayoral year.

Music and fun in the sun

An image from a great day’s line up of amazing talent of local musicians at the Eco Fair on May 20 in the Furlong at Ringwood.

We enjoyed a great time, as did many others on a full-on sunny day Words and picture: TOM SCRASE

10 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Bathing a problem? We can help Call for our friendly advice, free survey and quote *Terms and conditions apply. 01202 509188 AHM is rated Excellent FREE* Mirrored cabinet or high raised toilet with any full bathroom installation • Easy accessible wet room showering • Rapid bath out walk-in shower conversions • Back to a warm deep soak with a walk-in bath • Making bathing safer with simple changes; Grab rails, shower seats, raised WCs & slip resistant safety flooring • Council (DFG), SSAFA and charity grants quotes available • Discounts for over 60s and ex-service personnel
New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 11

A short marriage but enduring legacy

Sunny June, with its profusion of roses, is the traditional month for weddings, so how better to get in the mood for romance than with the poignant love story of Walter and Henrietta, who played an integral part in the history of the Bankes family of Kingston Lacy. Photos of Walter and Henrietta Bankes from the Bankes Family Archives offer a fascinating and, at times, moving insight into their marriage and family life at Kingston Lacy and on days out on Studland Beach.

In 1869, after a carefree existence, pursuing his love of travelling, horse racing and country recreations, Walter Bankes unexpectedly inherited the Kingston Lacy and Purbeck Estates, when his elder brother, Henry, died.

As the new custodian, he commissioned a grand stable block and a large kitchen garden with glasshouses. Both ‘upgrades’ are still in use today; the stables as a visitors’ shop and dining area, the garden still producing vegetables and flowers.

Even the herd of Red Devon cattle that Walter introduced into the parkland is still thriving.

Despite being a very eligible bachelor, Walter clung to the single life until his mid-forties. However, after finally encountering his wife-to-be, Miss Henrietta Fraser, on June 14, 1897, he proposed within days and they married a month later. He was 44, she was 29.

A glamorous London wedding followed, then Walter took his new bride on a continental honeymoon, before bringing her home to Kingston Lacy.

Triumphal arches marked their route from the Minster station to the mansion and a

large crowd gathered to congratulate them. At the first arch at Hillbutts, the horses were replaced by a team of sturdy local chaps, who pulled it the extra mile to the house.

Following the excitement of the homecoming and a garden party, Henrietta settled into the role of mistress of Kingston Lacy, organising the household and contributing to local society, including hosting events for locals around August and at Christmas.

In June 1898, Daphne, their first child was born, then came Viola, in February 1900. When the heir, Henry John Ralph (referred to as Ralph), arrived in July 1902, there was great rejoicing across the estate. He was christened in Wimborne Minster on September 23, 1902 with Walter’s uncle, Wynne Albert Bankes (known as Albert), recording in his diary that:

‘The Bells rang many peels [sic] and the organ played.’

The couple’s happiness was short-lived when, after just seven years of marriage, Walter died of a heart attack, leaving Henrietta a young widow.

Despite various suitors, she never remarried and instead dedicated herself to managing the estates for her young son and fulfilling a term of Walter’s will; to design a new church, St Stephen’s, for the village of Pamphill.

Uncle Wynne and his wife Florrie were supportive of Henrietta after Walter’s death and Albert referred to her as ‘Jennie’ in his diary and letters.

Henrietta’s younger daughter, Viola, described her mother as ‘a stern parent’. And, in fairness, Henrietta does appear to have favoured Ralph – ‘the young Squire’ – giving him prominence at family or public events. As was tradition, the family looks stern in the photographs, however Viola’s anecdotes of their childhoods, written in later life, reveal they had their share of fun and freedom. One of the most striking, and era-defining photos is the one of Henrietta with her darling boy Ralph and still dressed in black widow’s weeds, even at the beach.

12 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
ON THE BEACH: Bankes children Daphne, Viola and Ralph with great uncle Albert on Studland Beach, c.1907 (Pictures courtesy NT)
New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 13

Crowning glory for a champion volunteer

With this week being Volunteers Week, it’s a good time to thank those who, often unsung and unseen, help keep things going in our neighbourhoods.

With the Big Help Out an integral part of the Coronation weekend, one Dorset volunteer ended up getting more involved in the celebrations than she could have imagined... NHS responder Juliet Mosney was doing a quick check of her junk mail when she got a right royal surprise.

“I’d been nominated for a Coronation Champion Award for my involvement in the NHS Volunteer Responder Scheme and, rather underwhelmingly, discovered I was a winner when I found an email in my junk folder!”

Juliet, a former teacher at St. Michael’s Middle School, Colehill, was chosen as one of 500 national Coronation Champions.

“I had to keep it secret until a big social media launch - and then I shared my joyful news with anyone that would listen!”

Next, a stunning presentation box arrived in the post. “It contained a beautiful certificate, signed by Their Majesties, and a Coronation pin badge.”

There was more.

“I was invited to attend the Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle. I took my 15-yearold nephew, Finlay as my escort.”

As well as being a responder, Juliet also moderated the largest unofficial Facebook group with more than 10,000 volunteers, and

became the Volunteer Representative on the organisation’s advisory board.

‘I am also in the National Design Group for the planning of the future of the NHS Volunteer Responder Scheme.’ She has been volunteering since she was a student at Blandford Upper School.

“I remember winning an award from the Lions Club for volunteering. At the start of the Pandemic, Matt Hancock requested an ‘army of volunteers’ to support people in our communities.

“I signed up with the NHS and received alerts via the GoodSAM App. I did shopping and collecting prescriptions.

“People were overwhelmed to have vital supplies delivered and most loved a sociallydistanced chat on the doorstep.”

Of the Coronation concert, she says: “We were blessed with a glorious, sunny evening.

“I’d seen details of the huge stage on TV, but nothing prepared me for the stunning

backdrop of Windsor Castle against glorious clear blue skies.

“The crowd was well warmed up by DJ, Scott Mills and then Olly Murs got the show off to a great start.

“The Royal Family arrived to the loudest ovation. I could see them from my seat and they were all up dancing, waving their flags and luminous wrist bands. I was disappointed it was past Prince Louis’ bedtime!

“Finlay enjoyed the spectacular drones that unexpectedly lit up the night sky.”

Juliet has supported Encircles, a charity for the homeless, and Horatio’s Garden, a charity that provides beautiful gardens in spinal centres and was founded at Salisbury Hospital.

“I have my own health issues,” she says, “which is why I am no longer able to teach, but I have transferable skills I can use to support others.

“Volunteering was key to the Coronation weekend and I will continue to do my bit to serve those in need.”

14 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
THANKFUL: Hazel Morgan

Claire - from dieter to cheerer-onner!

I can only really remember once in my life when I was happy with my weight. That was around 16 years ago when I was getting married. I’d put a lot of work into getting the figure I wanted so I wouldn’t be embarrassed at being the centre of attention and in countless photographs (which I’ve never been comfortable with). I didn’t stay that size for long as pregnancy soon followed and fitting into my favourite jeans became a distant memory.

I yo-yoed from then on really, but each time I fell off my latest diet my heaviest weight grew and grew. My feet were agony getting out of bed in the mornings and I had shin splints walking the dog. I tried joining the village yoga class but found the poses that I was once able to do were near on impossible. I was almost suffocating under my boobs in my clumsy attempt at a shoulder standthankfully, I can still laugh at this!

I was finding excuses not to go out with friends. With no clothes that fitted and no desire to go shopping, it was easier to stay at home with wine and lots of nibbles. Luckily, my friends like to entertain at home so I could be comfortable with people I knew. On the few occasions I did go out on the town, baggy tops and jeans were the “go-to” outfits with flat shoes - even a slight heel had me hobbling around and looking forward to getting home to my slippers!

forever counting points/syns or whatever, the novelty quickly wore off and I often ended up heavier than when I started!

I’d seen the results of The 1:1 Diet from friends, but I was still sceptical that I could be that disciplined and didn’t really know what was involved. But, I thought if I could just get through a few

weeks... I met up with Nicki for my initial consultation which put my mind at rest. There were plenty of different products so I wouldn’t get bored and not just shakes but bars, savoury meals, soups, bites...all sorts! – Hurrah!! Nicki has been brilliant - so knowledgeable and always there for support or a kick up the backside when I’ve needed it!!

Now I am almost 5 stone lighter, run at least 3 times a week, and feel well, fit and healthy for the first time in years, possibly ever. I can hop out of bed with no pain in my feet and there’s no sign of shin splints. I am SO happy I took the leap - it has changed everything, not just the way I look, but the way I feel. A good night out on the town (in heels) with friends can’t be beaten!!!

I’ve also gained so much self-confidence, to the point where I am now going to be, with Nicki’s support and guidance, a 1:1 Diet Consultant myself! Before starting this

process, I never would have thought I would feel like this let alone be starting my own business. I want to help others feel as good as I now do!

Thank you Nicki - you’ve been amazing!!

Earlier last year, and at my heaviest, something clicked and I decided enough was enough - I WAS going to be slim and fit before my 50th birthday. I’ve “tried” most other diets, but with shopping lists, menu planning and *The weight lost and/or timeframes are particular to this slimmer. Everyone’s weight loss journey is unique to them.

You can see the rest of Claire’s amazing journey on her facebook page @one2oneclairecornelius

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 15 Facebook:nickiedwardsthecambridgelady “The1:1Dietistheonlydietthat workedforme” Edwards Nicki Cambridge The Lady Edwards CambridgeLady The Nicki 07904331589 Spottedmypinkcarwhizzing aroundWimborneyet? Ilost4½stonethankstoThe1:1Diet andhavemaintainedmyweightfor over15years. RegionalConsultantoftheYear
Claire lost 4.5 st in months5

Political round-up

How will landlords be affected by Renters’ Bill?

The content of the Renters’ (Reform) Bill has been published.

The detail revealed is causing great concern to me and many of my colleagues. In essence, the Bill abolishes all shorthold tenancies, the arrangement whereby a landlord and a tenant can agree that a house or flat be let for a fixed period such as six months or a year at the end of which possession is recovered. Not dissimilar principles apply to hiring a vehicle.

You contract to have exclusive use of it for a fixed period, at the end of which you must return it in good condition.

In evaluating different policy options, government ministers are normally required to consider a regulatory impact assessment setting out the costs and benefits of alternative proposals.

No such assessment has yet been provided for the Renters’ (Reform) Bill therefore frustrating those of us who

are trying to evaluate what is proposed.

Will landlords withdraw rental properties from the market? What will be the effect on rents? How will landlords lawfully be able to let to students for a fixed term? How long will it take to recover possession through the courts from antisocial tenants? These and many other questions need to be addressed so that

fears about the unintended consequences of the legislation can be allayed.

I have taken the usual course of putting down Parliamentary questions to ministers along these lines.

Meanwhile, I am pleased to report the outcome of my further questions about the proposals for the accommodation barge at Portland Port, the Bibby Stockholm.

I asked why the information requested had not been provided. Instead of replying to that, more information has now been given.

Those accommodated in the barge will have already been through initial screening and checks, will have been assessed for their suitability to reside at Portland and will have had their fingerprints and identities recorded.

They are ‘likely to come from various countries’ and will be ‘non-detained’. If someone

is late returning from a visit off the vessel ‘they will be contacted to ascertain their whereabouts’.

The barge will provide the capacity for 506 asylum seekers. It will contain ‘multiple occupancy rooms that are an appropriate size for the number of occupants in the appropriate space standard’.

‘There will be adequate accommodation, catering, laundry, facilities to support their wellbeing and transport to and from the local community’.

‘Any entry into and/or movement through the port is controlled by the security provider’.

‘Appropriate procedures will be in place to prevent the spread of infectious disease which is being considered by the Multi Agency Forum Health subgroup’.

Why are government ministers still so reluctant to provide full information to MPs and their constituents?

The tories have driven up house prices

‘Nothing reeks more of decline than a country that no longer knows how to build things’ said Keir Starmer to the British Chamber of Commerce last week.

That’s certainly the case for house building, which he proceeded to focus on in his speech.

A lack of supply of new homes has driven the average house price to seven times the average income. Why? A principal reason is that the tories have abolished house building targets.

Sunak was forced to end them by a mutiny in his own party. The net result is that, in Starmer’s words, the Tories have ‘killed the dream, the aspiration of homeowning for a whole generation.’

Do we recognise this picture here in the Vales?

We frequently hear about how people born here cannot afford to live here once they leave

school or university. Whilst we could perhaps all agree there’s a problem, I doubt we would coalesce around a solution. Take the pages of this newspaper. It often features stories of planning applications being rejected – and many with good reason. But how many of us could genuinely claim to being a BIIMBY (build it in my back yard)?

Do we not know how to build things, as Starmer says, or rather do we just not want to build things where we must see them?

Difficult questions... now, how about some solutions?

A Labour government would bring back house-building targets – but with some crucial changes.

Firstly, Labour will look at implementing more collective targets that apply across local authority areas.

Currently co-operation is guided by a ‘duty to co-operate’

principle that causes more confusion than good. Take the example of Dorset’s previous housebuilding target before they were abolished. No one could agree on the number, because no one was sure how many houses Dorset would have to ‘take’ when Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole couldn’t fit in their allocation.

Paralysis prevailed.

Secondly, under Labour local authorities would have more flexibility as to how they meet their targets.

This includes greater ability to build on green belt. Starmer had an example of a council in Kent that built on a school playing field because the car park it originally planned to build on was in greenbelt. The playing field was not. Inflexibility thus leads to madness.

Thirdly, a Labour government will remove the veto effectively used by big landowners to stop shovels hitting the ground.

Currently, it is too easy to amass landbanks that reduce the supply of developable land and drive up the costs of new homes.

Commentators have accused Starmer of being, ironically, too conservative in policy pronouncements to date. His ambition on housing shows this is far from true.

16 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Christchurch & East Dorset CHRIS CHOPE MP Dorset Labour GREG WILLIAMS

Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher

Time to embrace change on our high streets?

When people talk about today’s town centres, it is rarely positive. They bemoan empty units, high rents, complain about charity shops and mutter about the excessive number of barbers and cafes.

I ran a business on a high street for 14 years and led a Chamber of Trade for close to a decade. These issues have been part of my daily work for all of this century.

One assumes that the high street of the late 20th century - with Woolworths, Radio Rentals, a string of banks and WH Smith - always existed, but they themselves were a snapshot of their time.

Woolworths probably bankrupted the independent haberdasher and ironmonger that would, a couple of generations earlier, have sat side by side on the high street. The pick ‘n’ mix in a paper cup superseded the white paper bag of toffees eagerly chosen from the traditional sweetshop and

their Ladybird children’s clothes probably saw off a local clothing store.

Modern high streets do look different but what if we stop and think - charity shops allow us to buy inexpensive clothes in streets that could not support a range of fashion stores, we can give new life to toys and homewares that would otherwise be hidden in a cupboard or – worse – thrown in the bin. Barbers and salons reflect our interest in personal grooming and cafes provide a fantastic hub for improved wellbeing. The 20th century high street is gone, and rather than yearn for its return we should imagine what a 21st century town centre should be. One hundred years ago, people lived in towns –above the shop or next door. Then we built homes on the edge of town, the high street would empty at 5pm and became deserted. From the outside looking in this seems

Learn about volunteering at fair

People can find out more about volunteering in Dorset at an event in Wimborne.

The first Dorset Wide Volunteer Fayre is set to take place at Wimborne Community Centre on Friday, June 9, between 2pm and 6pm.

Entry is free and Mayor of Wimborne, Diann March, will open the event.

“Volunteering comes in all shapes and sizes; it can be a regular commitment or an adhoc task,” said a spokesman for the fayre, which is being organised by Volunteer Centre Dorset and Dorset Community Action.

“Whichever role you choose, it’s a great way to meet new

people and learn new skills.” Charities, community groups and organisations at the fayre will showcase their good work, services and volunteering opportunities.

Visitors can also ask any questions about volunteering, where to start, finding the best role etc, in a special meet and greet area.

“If you’re an organisation who encourages your staff to volunteer, this is a great way to find opportunities in your local area,” the spokesman added. For more information, email julie.johns@ or v.hall@volunteeringdorset.

New speed limits a step closer

Wimborne and Pimperne are among five Dorset towns that are a step closer to implementing 20mph speed limits.

The applications are now being assessed for funding

by Dorset Council They will then go through a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) public consultation where residents can give their comments, support, or object to the proposals.

like a waste of time and space –separating businesses from their customers, employers from their staff for no real reason. If we rethink town centres as communities, we can reduce the space used for retail and encourage the reuse of buildings for other purposes. Bring in homes, GP practices, nurseries, and community centres, reimagine towns where people

co-exist with business, work can be just a stroll away and workshops or offices can abut a park, church, or café.

Those living in towns will want businesses on their doorsteps but not in a 20th century way. A new normal may develop; one where we don’t use shops, but instead buy from people; online shopping may become even more popular with deliveries by drones or robots or our desire to buy things may reduce altogether?

We can either embrace change as previous generations did and design the towns of the future or we can cling to the past and be dragged there anyway, reacting to necessity rather than proactively creating spaces to love.

We do not know what the future holds for our high streets, but the current model seems to be broken beyond repair and I hope we have the courage to grasp change.

All aboard!

Saturday 10th June

Camden Market £25

Wednesday 14th June

Dorchester Market & Weymouth .............................................£14

Thursday 15th June

Cheddar & Wells......................................................................................£22

Sunday 18th June

Shepton Mallet Antiques Fair (coach & entrance) ............£23

Monday 19th June

Exeter £24

Tuesday 20th June

Hurst Castle (coach, entrance & ferry) .........................................£25

Tuesday 27th June

Gunwharf Quays £18

Monday 24th July

Jurassic Coast Tour £24

Wednesday 26th July

Sound of Music at Chichester Festival Theatre (coach & ticket) .......................................................................................£69

Wednesday 26th July

New Forest Show (coach & ticket) £33

Thursday 3rd August

West Bay & Lyme Regis £24

Sunday 5th August

Portobello Road, London ...................................................................£25

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 17
Dorset Lib-Dems VIKKI SLADE
For details or to book: 01202 767022

Antiques & Collectibles


Coins and Coin Collections

Call 07754 058850

Records Bought


ANTIQUES WANTED furniture, paintings, glassware, ceramics, studio pottery, Asian art, records. Call Jerry 07906 530054

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of Sherborne (near the Abbey)

Thirty years of dealing in antique and Collectible Toys.

Top prices paid for all types of model railway, die cast cars, early Action Man and Star Wars, Scalextric, Meccano, unmade Airfix kits etc.

Those magical makes; Hornby, Dinky, Triang, Spot-On, Corgi, Subbuteo, Britains, Timpo plus plus plus

Telephone: 01935 816072

Mobile: 07527 074343

There is a great selection of more than 50 classic and vintage cars going under the Charterhouse gavel in their auction at Haynes on Thursday, June 8.

“We have supercars, big cars, little cars, show cars, project cars, off-road cars and even camper vans ready for summer fun,” said Richard Bromell of Charterhouse.

“With motors dating from 1936 to 2012 there is a great choice with some being sold without reserve, up to an iconic 1970 Jaguar E-Type estimated at £65,000”, pictured.

There are prestige marques including a 2004 Bentley Continental GT, a 1977 Rolls-

Royce Shadow II and a 2000 Aston Martin Vantage Volante. For pre-war enthusiasts there is a trio of Austin 7’s, all from a Somerset deceased estate being sold without reserve, along and a 1935 Rover 14 Special once owned by Mr Peter Rowntree of the sweet firm’s family. For those who like the wind in their hair there is a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 500SL, a Porsche 550 Spyder replica and a 1989 BMW 325i convertible. And for those who like smaller cars there is a 1980 Mini pickup and a brace of Fiat 500F’s. These and all the other entries are available to view at where

Next Sale

Jewellery & Watches, Coins & Silver, Toys & Games, and 20th Century Pictures & Decorative Arts

Saturday 10th June

For a full list of our specialist sales please see our website

Specialist Free Valuation Days

Monday 12th Pictures, Maps, Books & Postcards

A Stuart Devlin gold goblet, London 1968. SOLD FOR £13,000

For free verbal valuations please contact and South Kensington, London

Station Road, Semley, Shaftesbury SP7 9AN 01202 842 900

Full details on

Tuesday 13th Silver, Jewellery, Watches & Clocks

Consignment Days in Sherborne

Wednesday 14th Model Cars, Trains, Dolls & Toys

Jewellery, Watches & Silver 5th

Thursday 15th Medals, Militaria, Coins & Stamps

Pictures, Maps, Books & Postcards 6th

Friday 16th Asian Ceramics & Works of Art

Chinese & Japanese Ceramics & Bronzes 7th

Classic Motorcycle Auction 28th October

Mid Century & Decorative Arts 8th

Classic Car Auction 11th November

Model trains, Cars, Dolls & Toys 9th

Further entries now being accepted

Classic Motorcycle Auction 29th June

The Long Street Salerooms Sherborne DT9 3BS

18 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
We’re coming back Just like the Old Days
8th June 6th July 29th June 28th October 5th & 6th November
Classic Car Auction 8th June 12 noon
01935 812277 • 5th & 6th November
At Haynes Motor Museum BA22 7LH Further Entries Now Invited
Phone Ken 01202 822044 Verwood

On your marques, get set, gone!

live online internet bidding is also available.

Viewing is at the Haynes Motor Museum, Sparkford, on Wednesday, June 7, 9.30am-5pm and on the day from 9.30am with the sale starting at noon.

Charterhouse are now accepting further entries for their summer specialist auctions including classic motorcycles, pictures, books, decorative arts, silver, jewellery and watches.

n Richard Bromell and the team at Charterhouse, The Long Street Salerooms, Sherborne can be contacted for valuations and advice on 01935 812277 or via email on

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 19 Antiques & Collectibles
AUCTIONS 01425 480178 The Close, Ringwood, BH24 1LA Each auction always includes following sections: Jewellery and Silver - Works of Art Ceramics - Pictures - Books Miscellaneous Collectables such as Stamps, Postcards and Toys Furniture - Garden and Agricultural Items Contact us to find out about entering items into our auctions! WANTED Books hardback, fountain pens, coins and stamps, costume jewellery. Cash paid. Tel Mr Jones 01202 733550 Vintage Costume Jewellery All eras from 1890 - 1980! All Items considered (even if it needs a little TLC) Friendly Service & Generous Prices Paid Please contact Annabelle on: 01202 077177 Beau Bijou 44 High St. Wimborne

Fine Italian cuisine in the heart of Ringwood

Amarone restaurant is contemporary Italian restaurant situated in central location in Ringwood.

Whether you are looking for romantic atmosphere; a place to have some drinks and antipasto before a night out; a setting for business entertainment; or somewhere special for family celebrations look no further than Amarone the cheapest Italian restaurant in Ringwood.




34B Christchurch Road Ringwood 01425 472555

Pop to Pimperne for coffee

Coffee lovers have a new place to visit in Pimperne after the opening of a new venture.

Laurie Griffin has opened LO’s Coffee Shop in the grounds of R Lukins Fitness.

And she says the venue provides a perfect spot for a relaxing drink.

“I’ve been saving for the new venture and took two months to plan, adapt and shop fit,” she said.

“The outdoor space is a very peaceful and tasteful place to be.”

The menu consists of local roasted coffee, Dorset produce and locally-sourced food and drink.

“It’s a popular place to go to walk your dog, cycle, or stroll,” Laurie said.

“I saw an opportunity as there was no food and drink facility on site.

“The village has been very supportive and welcomed me. “We-re dog-friendly and welcome all well-behaved dogs.

“We even sell Doggy Ice Cream

and Doggy Yogurt.”

A successful launch saw more than 100 people turn up, with LO’s now looking at holding events and opening for private hire.

The next event planned is The Great Pimperne Dog Walk on June 11, raising money for Margaret Green Dog Rescue. “We are also offering free coffee for dads this Father’s Day,” Laurie added.

“It’s a very hard time to start a business but I really do feel the new coffee shop will benefit local people, helping them make new friends and use it as a community hub.”

Everything you need for dining outdoors...

arrive, Salamander Cookshop has everything you need for cooking and eating outdoors from superb cast iron griddles, barbecue tools and paella pans to drinks coolers, cool bags,

Salamander’s cooking at home section on their website has some great simple recipes too. Come and meet GBBO finalist

evening, Friday, June 2, from Salamander, in conjunction with Gulliver’s Bookshop, are delighted to host Greta

and food tasting and there will some great extra offers at the event too.

Become a BBQ expert –Sunday, June 25, 3pm to 6pm

Salamander has an event that could be a great Father’s Day present or present for anyone who is interested in elevating their meat cooking and barbecuing skills!

It is led by Australian artisan butcher and BBQ enthusiast Antony Navarro who will demonstrate and offer handson experience in preparing chicken and introduce some great sauces and marinades too.

including a welcome drink

This is for a small group of max 10 participants. Tickets are £10 per person including food tasting and there will be some great discounts on their outdoors cooking ranges and a prize draw on the day too.

20 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 Food & Drink
ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE FATHER’S DAY 18 JUNE GIFT IDEAS incl BBQ Skills event Sun 25 Jun Phone / call in / e mail for details 57 High Street, Wimborne - 01202 840144 - Open Mon - Sat 9 - 5 & Sun 11 - 3

Food & Drink

Cooking... with Martha Legg

Hors D’oeuvres

Martin says that I have an inner ‘Hyacinth Bouquet’ that comes out when we have friends or family over! I like to try and do things properly and serve ‘appitiesers’ or ‘ Hors D’oeuvres’

As a result of French influence, ‘hors d’oeuvre’ has become a commonly used term in English to refer to small dishes served before meals. In the Victorian and Edwardian periods, savouries included such toppings as fried oysters wrapped in bacon, and Scotch woodcock, which was a savoury made of scrambled eggs, ground black pepper and Gentleman’s Relish on buttered toast, served hot.

In France, cheese was often part of the savoury course or added with simple fruit as a dessert.

Recently, we had long-standing friends over for dinner, before they embarked on a holiday to Oz.

While Martin put the finishing touches to the dinner, (risotto, which I love), I entertained Julia and David. After making sure we all had wine, I brought out my Hors D’oeuvres. I used smoked salmon, ham and cherry tomatoes as the toppings. David complimented me on the pastry so I had to

confess that on this occasion, I cheated and used ready-made pastry! They all went down very well with the wine and cocktails that Martin served.

Julia has a phobia about spiders, so Martin took great delight in reminding her of all the horrible species that live in Australia! David sent us some pictures when they arrived, it looked beautiful. He also reported that Julia wouldn’t walk through the grass in flip flops, in case she got attacked!


4oz Plain Flour

2 oz Margarine

Water to mix

Cream Cheese

Bits of smoked salmon, ham, tomato, olives etc

Bun tins


Make the short crust pastry

Using a small cookie cutter, cut out rounds, prick the bottom and bake until brown. I have a tray of small bun tins which are perfect for this.

Once the pastry has cooled, fill each one with cream cheese and then place the topping on.

Don’t do this until just before they are needed as they can go soft.

The Ultimate Thai Experience

At Tiien Thai Restaurant, we are proud to create exceptional food that is carefully prepared and beautifully presented. Experience joy and harmony in a serene yet contemporary environment where the most exciting Thai food will be served.

Our chefs source only the finest authentic Thai ingredients to produce the most sublime flavours.

The team at Tiien will guide you on a magical adventure of tastes, aromas and textures.

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 21
TIIEN bournemouth TIIEN SOUTHBOURNE TIIEN BROADSTONE Book your table and view our menus at 105 St Michael’s Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5DU 01202 299412 65 Seabourne Rd, Bournemouth BH5 2HD 01202 830620 13 Moor Road, Broadstone BH18 8AZ 01202 693600

Bringing the inside out for youngsters

Indoor learning has been put in the shade by a new extension at a school near Wareham.

A new outdoor learning space has got top marks from pupils at Sandford St Martin’s Primary School. Featuring a 15m x 5m wooden pergola, reception children can now learn and play in a natural environment without worrying about the weather.

The under-cover area was created by local contractor Andy Critchell with an £8,000 investment from PTA funds. It adds another tick on the list of facilities at the primary school which already boasts its own large on-site forest school, a dipping pond and two further outdoor classrooms in its spacious grounds. Headteacher Paul Beveridge said: “We’ve been longing for this sort of extension for years and we’re thrilled with the results!”


about Blandford’s stunning new retirement development at Stour Gate

McCarthy Stone is holding an exclusive sales and lifestyle event at the Crown Hotel on West Street, Blandford on Thursday, June 22, between 11am and 4pm.

Retirees will be able to find out more about the coming-soon development including prices, flexible purchase options, apartment specifications, the stress-free lifestyle, and the thriving communities that McCarthy Stone retirement living developments create. A perfect blend of privacy and community.

Construction work is well under way at Stour Gate, where, once complete, 43 luxurious one and

two-bedroom, low-maintenance apartments will be available. The development will have plenty to offer the most discerning retirees, with stylish fixtures and fittings and top-ofthe-range built-in appliances set to be in every apartment. The show suite can be viewed from the end of July with homeowners moving in at the end of 2023.

Prices for these stunning apartments start from £298,00. For further information or to book a place at the sales and lifestyle event, call 0800 882 1174 or visit: mccarthystone.

‘Good’ report for Wimborne school

A Wimborne school is ‘good’, according to Ofsted.

Colehill First School, which has more than 150 pupils, has been handed the rating after a visit by inspectors.

The watchdog’s report also ranked the school as ‘outstanding’ for its personal development.

The school gives pupils lots of experiences and knowledge that build their cultural capital. This prepares pupils well for future life, it added.

Colehill, which caters for children between five and nine, became part of Wimborne Academy Trust in 2015, before it merged with Minerva Learning Trust to become Initio Learning Trust.

Executive headteacher Sharon Staddon said: “There are some excellent comments in the report and I’m pleased for the staff who put in so much effort.

“It was particularly pleasing that inspectors noted how pupils ‘enjoy an impressive range of experiences that enrich their personal development’.

“To be judged ‘outstanding’ in this area was extremely welcome and well deserved and encapsulates the essence of our school.

“Our curriculum was also praised and it was important that inspectors noted how well children do in the fundamentals of reading and mathematics.

“Inspectors also noted how pupils were proud of the beach clean they did and how they see this as a way of ‘showing respect for the environment’.

“We will not rest on our laurels and the report made several suggestions in how we can improve further.”

Liz West, chief executive officer of Initio Learning Partnership, said: “This is a superb report and reflects so well on the staff and pupils.

“It confirms that at the heart of school life are the values of ‘respect, reflection and resilience’.

“Getting a good start to school life is so important and as a trust we are able to continue to develop children through to A-Levels.”

22 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023

Local retirees invited to find out more about Stour Gate, the new retirement development coming soon to Blandford

McCarthy Stone is holding an exclusive sales and lifestyle event at the Crown Hotel on West Street, Blandford on Thursday 22nd June between 11am and 4pm.

Retirees will be able to find out more about the coming soon development including prices, flexible purchase options, apartment specifications, the stress-free lifestyle, and the thriving communities that McCarthy Stone retirement living developments create. A perfect blend of privacy and community.

Construction work is well under way at Stour Gate, where, once complete, 43 luxurious one and two-bedroom, luxurious, low-maintenance apartments will be available. The development will also have plenty to offer the most discerning retirees, with stylish fixtures and fittings, including top of the range built-in appliances, set to be in every apartment. The show suite will be available to view at the end of July with homeowners moving in at the end of 2023. Prices for these stunning apartments start from £298,00.

For further information or to book a place at the sales and lifestyle event, call 0800 882 1174 or visit:

Has the time come to make plans for your future?

If you have worried about becoming forgetful or confused in the future, you may have assumed that your close family will automatically be able to take over managing your money. It may surprise you to know this is not the case. Your family will only be able to take over and look after your money if you have given them written permission, in a form that banks, utility companies and other organisations will accept.

The way to give this written permission is by making a Lasting Power of Attorney.

If you have already received a diagnosis of dementia, you need to make your Lasting Power of Attorney sooner rather than later.

We can help you make a Lasting Power of Attorney that is tailored to your circumstances. That gives your family all the permissions they need. And that builds in protection to prevent things going wrong

If you would like to talk about making arrangements for the future by making a Lasting Power of Attorney, please call Christine on 01308 424808 to arrange a date for us to call on you at home. Or email

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 23 Retirement Living CENTRE SALES • HIRE • SERVICING SERVICING FROM JUST £39.99 Come in and see us at St Johns Hill, Wareham BH20 4NB. Open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-1pm Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-1pm. Disabled parking directly outside shop 01929 552623 Come and meet us at St. Johns Hill, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 4NB SUMMER IS HERE! a genuinely ultra-light, aluminium boot scooter with full suspension weighs just 9.9kg heaviest part. THE ILLUSION A great selection of light-weight rollators and walkers in store. Beautiful sandals and shoes in many styles and colours. For everyone with wider feet. NEW SUMMER CATALOGUE OUT NOW! | To make sure your scooter is in tiptop condition, book in for a service now.

Retirement Living

Live-in care

When a care home seems like the only option, and the thought of being separated from your partner, pets, home and community fills you with dread, Live-in Care may be the solution for you.

With costs comparable to a care home, Live-in care is growing in popularity across the UK with more and more people choosing to stay in their own homes. Live-in care offers several benefits for individuals who require ongoing care and support.

Personalised Care: Live-in care provides one-on-one attention and a care plan tailored to your specific needs.

Continuity of Care: With live-in care, your carer is present for several weeks. This ensures your carer is familiar with your routines, preferences, and specific care requirements. Independence: Live-in care aims to supports you to maintain your independence to the best of your abilities.

Companionship: Live-in carers not only provide physical assistance but also offer companionship and emotional support.

Peace of Mind: Live-in care brings peace of mind to you and family members knowing that a trained carer is present around the clock, providing care and support.

Promedica24 are passionate about providing care to the highest standards. CQC rating Good. Homecare score 9.9

Retirement, Reimagined…

Deciding on the care right for you, your family member, or your friend, can be challenging, and here at Apex Prime Care, we are here to help.

Home is where the heart is, and to many is a safe space where we feel comfort and security. There are many options to care at home, making it a viable option for most people and the benefits are endless. We can help with all aspects of a daily routine, and we’re here to enhance your life at home. Shopping trips, days out, domestic help, there’s much more to home care than just personal care.

No desire to retire? Rewrite your retirement and begin a fulfilling job where you can make a real difference. Retirement is an opportunity to do what makes you happy. This is your moment to make a real difference and turn your life experiences into a rewarding job helping others.

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24 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Our live-in care keeps couples together
“We dreaded the thought of becoming separated in care homes but live-in care has prevented that.”

Retirement Living

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 25
26 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 UPTON MANOR & VERWOOD HOUSE
care homes offer a vibrant community where residents enjoy a busy and active lifestyle with support where needed from our award-winning Homemakers.
facilities are fabulous, the care is top class, and Mum is happy.”  DAUGHTER OF AN UPTON MANOR RESIDENT
love everything about Verwood House. My mum (and I!) have been made incredibly welcome.”  DAUGHTER OF A VERWOOD HOUSE RESIDENT Contact us today to find out more, and to book in your visit: Upton Manor: 01202 620 020 | 1 Dorchester Road, Upton, Poole, Dorset BH16 5NJ Verwood House: 01202 812 250 | 42-44 Ringwood Road, Verwood, Dorset BH31 7AH | SPACIOUS ENSUITE BEDROOMS | WELLBEING & BEAUTY SALON | AN ELEGANT CAFÉ | DELUXE CINEMA PRIVATE DINING SUITE | LANDSCAPED GARDENS | RESIDENT CHEF & COMPLETE NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT RESIDENTIAL CARE PROVIDER OF THE YEAR 2022 Retirement

Retirement Living

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 27

Slipped discs – can chiropractic help?

One of the back conditions that patients routinely visit a chiropractor for is a herniated disc.

This type of injury generally responds well to chiropractic treatment so it’s wise to schedule an appointment in the early stages. Herniated disc treatment not only helps reduce pain levels and increase mobility, but can help patients avoid prescription pain medications and any side effects that come along with them.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc refers to a situation where the outer portion of one of your vertebral discs has been torn. This allows the inner portion of the disc, or nucleus, to protrude through the disc wall (think of jam coming out of a donut). Herniated discs are sometimes called ruptured discs or slipped discs. The herniated portion of the disc can end up compressing nerves that surround the disc, which is why it is often associated with a lot of pain.

Common Causes

A herniated disc usually has an original traumatic cause, such as lifting something heavy or twisting. Sometimes herniated discs can become episodic, where they gradually improve but sometimes a little lift or sitting

too long can cause them to become painful again. As we get older, our discs lose moisture content and become less flexible, making them prone to tears and ruptures without a whole lot of stress being placed on them. Some factors that may increase your risk of suffering a herniated disc such as having a physically demanding job, improper lifting, and even sitting too long every day.

Common Herniated Disc Symptoms

Herniated discs can cause a lot of pain if they press on a nerve. If your herniated disc is in your lower back, you’ll be more likely to feel pain in your buttocks, hips, thighs, and calves. If the problem is in your cervical vertebrae


We strive to give every patient the absolute best chiropractic and massage care , as well as providing outstanding customer service. We are a motivated team passionate about getting you better and enabling you to live a pain free life, getting you the best version for you !

Conditions we can treat:

• Migraines

• Lower Back Pain

• Joint Pain

• Frozen Shoulder

• Tennis Elbow

• Neck Ache

• Sports Therapy NEW PATIENT

£40 (NORMALLY £120)


in your neck then you’re more likely to feel pain in your shoulders and arms. Numbness, tingling and general weakness are also symptoms of a herniated disc. Typically, the muscles that surround the area affected will also become spasmed, causing limitations in movement and pain.

When to See a Chiropractor

Many patients will come to us with these symptoms, but no diagnosis. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, or any back pain that’s been undiagnosed, our chiropractors can assess the issue and formulate an effective diagnosis and treatment plan. Our examination involves neurological and orthopaedic testing to assess the nerves, muscles and joints, so we can effectively understand what nerve is being affected by the disc, if that is the issue. We then tailor our care to that. Chiropractic treatment can vary from very gentle techniques, such as mobilisation and acupuncture, to stronger techniques such as adjustments. Typically with disc herniations we start with gentle treatment only in order to calm down inflammation and muscle spasm, and then gradually progress the treatment as the disc heals.

28 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 Health & Wellbeing Nicki Edwards: The Cambridge Lady 07904 331589 Opening Times: Monday – Thursday 8am – 7pm Friday 8am – 6.30 pm Arrowsmith Road, Wimborne BH21 3BD 01202 604707 / /

‘Dragons Den’ pitch is a roaring success

A pioneering proposal to set up a county-wide social support group for children who stammer, and their families, has scooped funding from a Dorset NHS trust.

The Stammering Support Initiative has won Dorset HealthCare’s annual staff innovation competition, Dragons’ Den, while a further nine other projects have also been awarded cash support –bringing the overall total to more than £15,100 – to help improve patient care.

Dragons’ Den invites staff from across all of the Trust’s community and mental health services to come up with fresh ideas to benefit patients and/ or carers. People are asked to provide evidence of likely benefits and show how such projects could be sustained over a long period.

A record 3,100 staff and members of the public voted for their favourite proposals this

year, with the people behind the top five then pitching to a panel of ‘dragons’ – as on the BBC-TV show – to secure an investment and bring their ideas to fruition.

The Stammering Support Initiative was the brainchild of speech and language therapists Carla Mitchell and Jenny Beston.

Stammering affects eight per cent of children, impacting their confidence, wellbeing and relationships, yet there are no specialist support groups in Dorset.

The pair were awarded £2,600 to establish a community social group to help build confidence, reduce anxiety and make lasting social connections for children

who stammer and their families. And the other four proposals which made the final also scooped cash investment. These included:

Sensory Toolkit Library (£1,500) Emergency Care Physiotherapy Works (£3,231)

Emotional Wellbeing Toolkits (£750)

LEAD by Example: Learning Essentials about Learning Disabilities (£600) .

And the good news didn’t stop there. The ‘dragons’ were so impressed with the calibre of entries this year that the other five ideas which went to the public vote were also given start-up funding.

This will total just under £6,500, and be used to support projects including art activities for dementia patients, yoga clinics, after-care for leg ulcer patients, events for people with disabilities and their carers, and connecting relatives of people with learning disabilities.

Solicitors focus minds on mental health

Mindful lawyers in Wimborne put their heads together to talk about ‘managing stressful conversations’ during Mental Health Awareness Week.

They donned their thinking caps to tackle the subject during a special ‘Lunch & Learn’ session at Ellis Jones Solicitors with Dorset Mind.

The workshop was held in person and remotely via Teams for staff, pictured right, in Ellis Jones’ six offices, including its Wimborne office in East Street.

Nigel Smith, managing partner, said: “Law can be an extremely pressurised profession, especially when dealing with clients and colleagues at some very difficult times.

“We are committed to supporting our people in a meaningful way by creating a working environment with an ethos of support and a focus on wellbeing inside and outside of the office.

“Dorset Mind joined us for

a very well received Lunch & Learn meeting in January and we are grateful to the charity for returning for another incredible valuable session during Mental Health Awareness Week.”

Ellis Jones has a strong programme of support for its staff, including training, awareness-raising and signposting as well as activities like Pilates and exercise classes. In addition, activities and initiatives are organised by its health and wellbeing group, social committee, equality, diversity and inclusivity group, and eco group.

The firm is also about to launch afterwork volleyball training sessions on Bournemouth beach and a paddleboard club.

Ellis Jones holds two to three Lunch & Learn sessions every month for personal and professional development in a range of subjects as part of its support for its staff.

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 29 Health & Wellbeing Nicki Edwards: The Cambridge Lady 07904 331589
Sarah D - TAROT Connect with your Spirit Guides Tarot & Oracle card readings Mediumship - Psychometry Over 30 years experience Text/email for appointments 07415635244
AWARD: From left, outgoing Dorset HealthCare chairman Andy Willis, Dragons’ Den winners Jenny Beston and Carla Mitchell and Dorset HealthCare’s chief nursing officer Dawn Dawson

Celebrating the world of art

1700 care staff in county are autism trained

More than 1700 health and social care staff across the county have received new training to enable them to better support the autistic community. The staff, all employed by Dorset Council, BCP Council, NHS Dorset, hospitals and community health providers took part in an autism training programme co-produced and co-delivered by Christchurchbased charity Autism Unlimited. Autism Unlimited has designed its training around the National Core capabilities Framework for Autism with two stages, Understanding Autism, an e-learning course teaching learners what autism is and how the autistic community experience the world, and Autism Acceptance, a faceto-face session which equips learners with strategies and techniques so they can help autistic people feel included, understood and supported. On July 1, 2022, a new legal requirement was introduced by the Health and Care Act 2022 that all registered health and social care providers must ensure their staff receive training in learning disability and autism appropriate to their role.

Care homes across Dorset have chosen creative ways to celebrate visual art and culture. Residents at Colten Care homes in West Moors, Longham, Poole and Sherborne have all enjoyed activities, talks and presentations inspired by the annual Unesco World Art Day. At Brook View in West Moors, residents were treated to a talk and art demonstration by New Forest-based equine illustrator and author Alan Langford, pictured right. They watched and asked questions as he sketched and coloured a picture of a horse. As he worked, he explained

Win Family Circus Tickets

We’re giving away 10 sets of family tickets to see Jay Miller’s Circus.

the different techniques he was using.

Resident Paula Merels said:

“It was fascinating to see the painting coming to life before our very eyes. It was fun and educational.”

At the end of the visit, Alan donated his picture to the residents.

“They were absolutely enthralled by Alan’s session, how quickly he built up the picture, and his surprise gift at the end,” said companionship team member Jo Vardy.

“Alan has kindly offered to return to hold an art masterclass, hearing that we

have some keen painters among us, especially residents Patricia Upshall and Pam Roberts who were transported back to happy memories of days when they were creating art themselves.” World Art Day has been celebrated internationally every year since 2012 on the April birthday of renaissance genius Leonardo Da Vinci.

Q: What was the name of the circus impresario known as “The Greatest Showman”?

A) P.T. Barnum

B) P.C. Farnham

C) P.G. Rated

Enter via our website...

30 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 Health &
Full terms & conditions available on our website.
New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 31 Health & Wellbeing A lifestyle tailored to you Residents’ quality of life is at the heart of everything we do, helping individuals to stay active and independent so they can live each day to the full. If you’re considering care call 01202 139240. Trusted to care Ferndown Manor care home Ferndown

Health & Wellbeing

New location for home’s memorial event

Forest Holme Hospice has announced details of its annual Tie A Yellow Ribbon annual memorial event which is returning in June at a brand new location.

This year the free event, which is sponsored by Smith Hobbs Wealth Management, will take place in the new location of Poole Park on Saturday, June 17, between noon and 3pm and is open to everyone, not just those who have lost a loved one

at Forest Holme. This special event is an opportunity for the community across Wimborne, Poole and the Isle of Purbeck to come together to remember their loved ones and write a dedication and tie a yellow ribbon, with the ribbons then being returned to the hospice garden for the remainder of the summer.

Claire Cooper from the charity team at Forest Holme, said:

“The event will be a chance for our local community to come together to reflect and celebrate the lives of our loved ones. “It will be the perfect opportunity to bring a picnic and spend the afternoon with us in the beautiful surroundings of Poole Park and enjoy local

craft stalls and hear a special performance from the Citrus Singers choir.”

For those who are unable to attend but would still like to make a dedication, the hospice will happily make it in their absence. Visit forestholmehospice.enthuse. com/cf/tie-a-yellow-ribbon.

32 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023

Care home on front foot for dementia

Six residents from a Dorset care home joined team members for a windy seafront walk in aid of charity Dementia UK.

The party from Colten Care’s Fernhill home in Longham completed a 2.5 mile/4km route alongside the beach on the promenade from Branksome Chine to Sandbanks. The hour-long outing, coupled with a tea party held earlier in May, raised £200 and was topped off for residents with a homemade picnic lunch.

Companionship team member Miezy Reynolds said: “Our residents absolutely loved being by the sea. They dressed appropriately for the weather and were full of enthusiasm for the cause, tackling the challenge with confidence and a spirit of adventure.”

Resident Carole McGuiness said: “Despite the weather being windy I really enjoyed the walk and would happily do something like it again.”

Fellow resident Sarah Kellett said: “It was nice to be out in the fresh air and walking.”

The Fernhill afternoon tea party, held earlier as part of Dementia UK’s Time for a Cuppa campaign, featured a cake sale and chance to play bingo.

The event followed an open invite for

families, friends and community contacts to come into the home.

Blessed with good weather, much of the fun was had outside in the garden of the Outstanding-rated home.

Nurse Lexie Gibson asked: “It was so much fun, could we do it every week?”

And Fernhill resident Jean Renwick said: “This was great. It was so lovely to

be outside in the lovely weather in the garden.”

Time for a Cuppa is Dementia UK’s annual fundraiser involving tea parties at care homes and other venues around the country. It aims to bring friends, families and neighbours together to talk openly about their experiences with dementia while raising money for the charity.

The highs and lows of fostering

The fostering support network

What is it like to be supported or have the feeling that you are being looked after?

“There are always highs and sometimes some really tough lows, but each one brings new rewards and new challenges”

The hustle and bustle of a busy household can provide so much joy and fulfilment, seeing others achieve or just sharing experiences over a heart-warming breakfast. Yet, that does not mean there are no challenges involved, with any household regardless of size and make up has its own unique challenges – and that is the same for fostering households.

For most a good support network helps them to achieve a sense of security, that will be there to talk and discuss life’s happenings. A strong support network can help an individual to achieve their goals when stepping into a role as a Foster Carer; there is a significant transition in life to becoming a carer by profession. We know that transitions can be difficult in all walks of life which is why Footprints have regular support groups. Within these support groups, carers and social workers gather to discuss key topics relating to fostering, and have an open discussion around their current wellbeing.

When children come into your life, whether that be short term or long term you know as a carer that, at some point, it is more than likely this child may move on to a more permanent home. It can be emotional to see a youngster move on but our carers highlight that it is nice to see when they become settled and happy in a new home. One carer notes such moment is “a high and a low together! … A high as we know we have made a difference in their lives, but a low, because they are leaving you”

that all children have the time and opportunity to take part in activities and develop their potential. Another added: “Footprints provide excellent support for mine and the child’s goals and needs.

Advertising feature

That is why Footprints pay close attention to this transition, giving the support required for all individuals. Over the last years, more special guardianships have been approved, allowing carers to look after youngsters on a more permanent basis, this is a great outcome that Footprints are proud of.

One carer said: “Footprints are very supportive. They have a monthly support group where you mix with other carers and there is a lot of training on offer”. The support network extends to the children within the agency that are looked after by our fantastic carers, ensuring

“There are monthly meetings with your Supporting Social Worker and monthly support groups and constant ongoing training with great days out for the children. They’re a wonderful team who are on hand at any time and they are people who listen to you.” Being on hand at any time is key for the team at Footprints, we stand by the motto that we are only a phone call away; that means when choosing Footprints, you’re guaranteed to talk to someone you know and someone that knows you.

If you are up for a new challenge fostering could be your next step, but remember it does not always go swimmingly, but it promises rewards! That is why Footprints are the best choice for anyone that would feel content in a small supportive environment.

This is not only a difficult time for the carer, the child must also get used to a new home, and new guardians.

In the next article from the series, we will be exploring what inspires our wonderful foster carers!

We love to help people and change lives for the better, that is one reason why Stephanie and Vanda started the agency. If you’d like to find out about how we can support your first steps into fostering, please get in touch with our friendly team!

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 33 Health & Wellbeing
Could you give a child a foster home? 01202 573408 Personalised social worker support, 24/7, 365 Regular training Informal get togethers Excellent financial rewards

Ensuring local families are happy ones

May 15 was the International Day of Families and Community Action Network have chosen DorPIP to be their Community Heroes in the Spotlight for this month, due to the support they offer local families.

DorPIP (Dorset Parent Infant Partnership) is a unique parent infant relationship service.

Its mission is to give babies the best start by nurturing them through the first 1001 days of life. This is from conception to the age of two.

DorPIP empower parents/primary carers to form a secure attachment with their baby. This is through psychotherapeutic interventions, attachment-led infant massage and peer support groups. By promoting the importance of early attachment and investment in very early relationships they aim to ensure infants and their parents/primary carers live healthy and happy lives together.

DorPIP offer expectant parents, or families with children under two, a warm, nurturing, confidential space for them to talk about the emotional transition to parenthood.

Parents/primary carers and the child’s mental health and wellbeing is of top priority.

A highly qualified, experienced team support parents/primary carers to develop a safe, secure relationship with their infant.

Starwatch night sky events with Kate Earl of the Wessex Astronomical Society

It is with great sadness that we report the death of regular contributor to Starwatch night sky events, Bob Mizon MBE. Bob was an avid campaigner for the Commission for Dark Skies, an organisation that promotes the importance of keeping our skies dark for nature and human health. Kate Earl, a colleague of Bob’s, and current chairman of the Wessex Astronomical Society has agreed to follow in Bob’s footsteps and keep us updated on what we can see in the night sky.

Spica, the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo, can be spotted low in the southwest around 11pm.

It is found using the old astronomy adage ‘Arc to Arcturus, then speed onto Spica’, by tracing an arc round the handle of the Plough, through bright star Arcturus, with Spica, the next star in line.

Spica is actually two stars, which orbit so close to each other that their strong

Parents/Primary Carers may be asking:

Why is being a new parent more difficult than I thought?

Have I got post-natal depression (PND)?

Why haven’t I bonded with my baby?

What are the baby blues?

Why do I feel so sad and stressed?

When does becoming a parent get easier? DorPIP are here to help. One parent said, ‘Something magical happens in this safe space.

“I grew in confidence as a parent and my relationship with my baby flourished.’

CEO and founder of DorPIP, Viv says: “One of the reasons I founded DorPIP

was because of my own experience of becoming a parent, with the unconscious ‘ghosts in the nursery’ lurking in my psyche, impacting on my ability to be fully present and emotionally attuned to my children’s needs.

This robbed me of the joy and pleasure of parenting and my children of the sensitive care they needed.

Through DorPIP I wanted to provide a safe, confidential space where parents could explore their own ghosts in the nursery with empathy and caring of a skilled professional, so that families can flourish together, and children can get the best start in life.’

DorPIP’s support is crucial as they report that:

One in five women suffer from mental health issues in pregnancy or first year Of new mothers with mental health issues 50 per cent go undiagnosed and unsupported

Suicide is the leading cause of pregnancyrelated death of women in the year after pregnancy

Viv continues: “Parents and their infants need DorPIP’s support, and being CAN’s Community Heroes in the Spotlight for the month of May means we’re more able to reach those families who may have otherwise not heard of us.”

To find out more, contact hannah.rees@

Finding Spica’s ‘Spanker’

gravitational pull distorts each star into an egg shape.

Below Spica lies the faint but distinctive constellation of Corvus the Crow. Marked by four stars that make a wonky rectangle,

it was an important navigational marker to ancient Polynesian sailors.

It is affectionately known as Spica’s Spanker, as the stars were thought to resemble a ship’s eponymous sail.

34 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 Health & Wellbeing Nicki Edwards: The Cambridge Lady 07904 331589


New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 35 Home & Garden BEAUTIFUL TIMBER GATES AND GARAGE DOORS LOOKING FOR QUALITY HAND-MADE TIMBER GATES OR GARAGE DOORS? Wooden Gate Makers produce a wide variety of styles, made in our 2 workshops in Poole, Dorset. Units 1&7, Slader Business Park, Witney Road, Nuffield Industrial Estate, Poole, Dorset BH17 0GP Tel: 01202 670770 Email: unwindwithus unwindwithus Come and visit us in our newly refurbished yarn shop Safari Chunky Linendale DK Baby Sparkle DK Whirls We also run courses in beginner ’s crochet sock knitting and amigurumi among others 148 Station Road West Moors BH22 0LA 01202 891222 INTRODUCING UNWIND We have new ranges arriving regularly from the following brands SPECIAL OFFER Stylecraft Bellissima DK £2 a ball (Usually £3 a ball) Visit our website for a FREE online quotation Open Mon to Sat 9am-5pm BS 7412 BS 7950 BS EN 12608 Our windows can achieve a Window Energy Rating of A and B 188 Stanley Green Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 3AH These offers supersede all previous offers. “ YOUR LOCAL PVCU AND ALUMINIUM EXPERTS ” 01202 661299 All windows and doors are available in ANY Colour Description available upon request “ Really pleased with the work carried out. The fitters were brilliant, taking so much care not to damage plaster work when replacing the bay windows. They were always on time and the quality of finish is excellent. Poole Joinery Windows were not the cheapest out of quotes I obtained from Checkatrade members to do the work, but the windows and door I had installed are far better than work I have had done by other double glazing companies in the past ” Customer in Poole, August 2015 RECOMMENDATIONS
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Hannah’s horticulture

A cool end to spring/start to the summer has meant that the late spring-flowering shrubs and flowers have bloomed much later this year, about three weeks behind where they normally are. We seem to have turned the corner now, and have had some glorious days. There’s still lots to enjoy doing in the garden, but take care in the heat of the day now and in the sun, make sure you wear sun protection and keep hydrated now that summer is here.

Start deadheading flowers! As the summer plants begin to flower, particularly herbaceous, bedding plants and roses, regularly deadhead them to ensure you continue to get repeat and prolific flowering. You can also prune spring flowering shrubs now too if you haven’t already.

Camellias, rhododendrons (if they have finished flowering – they have been late this year due to the cold spring), azaleas, choisya, etc, all can be pruned

this month rather than later to keep the shape and size but not damage next year’s flower buds. Don’t cut those hedges!

Please please reconsider cutting hedges at this time of year. The birds are still actively nesting and raising young, and

you have a question for her, email:hannah.hobbschell@ including a picture

easily abandon nests and young if disturbed.

Nests which become exposed are also much more prone to predation and to colder winds and hot sun which could harm young birds.

If you absolutely must trim a hedge, it is an offence to intentionally disturb nests, and a check for nesting birds is strongly advised.

Unfortunately I have heard of an instance where, despite a thorough check, a nest was missed and sadly a chick suffered at the hands of the tools. Blackspot on roses

Keep an eye out for black spot on roses and remove damaged

36 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Hannah Hobbs-Chell is a horticulturist and garden designer/consultant. If
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l Rhododendrons have been late, but showy, this year!

leaves as soon as possible. I have had success with a couple if products (no affiliation or commission paid!) – Uncle Toms Rose Tonic which if you buy from the Rose Society means they benefit from your purchase, and SB Plant Invigorator.

SB PI is based on natural soap based ingredients, and is an environmentally friendly and economical way of controlling a wide range of rose pest species including whitefly, aphid, spider mite, etc, by physical means. It is not absorbed by the plant nor a threat to bees unless sprayed on them directly. It also helps prevent powdery mildew and is a plant stimulant so will help plants to become resilient to attacks.

Uncle Toms is a foliar feed and root drench for resilient plants, and an environmentally friendly way to protect against black spot and mildew.

Finish cropping asparagus by the end of the month

Asparagus needs to be allowed to grow a few spears to enable it to re-feed itself ready for next year.

You can continue to crop rhubarb until end of July however so rhubarb crumble is still on the menu!

Keep ponds topped up Use rainwater ideally to top up ponds and water sources for wildlife and your fish if you have them.

Keeping the ponds topped up is essential for wildlife access and oxygen and heat management in the summer.

n On June 10 and 11, four gardens in Ferndown will be opening in aid of Ferndown Community Support. For a bargain £5 total per adult, you can come and see some stunning gardens.

Whilst there, enjoy tea and cake, browse bric-a-brac, and be tempted by some plants to take away to your own garden with that loose change in your pockets! All in support of Ferndown Community Support, who run a variety of services and events in the East Dorset area, including the Community Larder and Food Bank+ .

With previous and current NGS

gardens included, we hope this will become a ‘growing’ (sorry!) annual event.

You can start and finish at any garden, but tea, cake, and brica-brac is at 13 St Mary’s Road only.

Please consider walking if you can, and be considerate around parking. Do come along and support us, share the news, bring friends, and get some garden therapy!

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Plant power boosts wellbeing project

‘Words don’t come easy to me. I would not be alive today without the staff and volunteers who have kept me going.’

Ironically affecting words from a volunteer at Cherry Tree Nursery, a mental health project where the power of plants is used to take people from their darkest days to lighter, more hopeful futures. The concept’s simple. Volunteer for two days or less a week, help grow plants (or do other useful stuff) then sell them to raise funds for the scheme. It looks like a regular plant nursery, rows of shrubs and pops of colour from plants as far as the eye can see, and cherry trees, naturally, however, within minutes of talking to its volunteer workers, it’s impossible to miss the comparison between the physical work going on and the emotional healing that’s taking place.

By taking seeds and planting and nurturing them until they’re strong and healthy, those doing the caring get to thrive, too.

Plants and people, finding the sun together. Take Sue and Anne-Marie (above). They propagate, take cuttings and protect plants from the elements. Understandably, they’re nervous when we meetthey’ve been through tough times. When we discover our mutual love of plants, though, they become animated.

We go to where the magic happens, a vast greenhouse, and stand amid sun-warmed lavender. They don’t just grow it, they wallow in it.

“It’s fragrance is so calming,” says Sue, “if a pharmaceutical company could market it, they’d be made. Rosemary’s the same,” she says, rubbing some and sharing the comforting waft. “I keep a bit in my pocket to sniff when I’m stressed. It works.” How did she find the scented sanctuary?

“I was suffering from extreme mental illness and my GP suggested it. I knew Cherry Tree when it was just a few huts, so I contacted them.

“I met Trish (who helps run it, with administrator/events coordinator, Ray and a few other permanent staff). She was so helpful, I stayed.”

Anne-Marie cups a cutting in her hand.

“This is what’s so satisfying. You start with nothing and suddenly you have this.”

Despite being off a busy roundabout, the setting is quiet and rural.

“We get frogs, toads and there’s a family of robins that we feed. Our cat’s called Magic.”

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Magic is the cover star of staff birthday cards, for some, the only card they’ll get.

Anne-Marie finds another favourite.

“Bleeding Hearts - so delicate and beautiful.”

She’s been volunteering for three years.

“It’s a life saver. I was on the NHS Steps to Wellness programme so someone called regularly to chat. Realising I had a horticultural background, they recommended Cherry Tree. “I was anxious, but I went and I’ve never looked back. The routine and sense of purpose have changed my life.”

The project was founded in 1990 by philanthropist Cyril Speller and Canon Roslyn Aish, former pastor of St. Anne’s psychiatric hospital, to address issues rising from the government’s closure of UK mental health institutions in the Eighties.

Recognising a need for emotional and practical support for those sent into the community, they created a place where vulnerable people could work with plants. What started with five people and a dog, is now a four-and-a-halfacre site producing more than 100,000 plants a year.

It’s safe and non-threatening with supportive staff and strength comes from forming friendships and sharing experiences; basically, it’s a full cycle of kindness.

The tranquillity, the meticulous lining up of specimens makes everything, including the people, seem loved. I put this to the girls and they say that’s because they are.

Friends of Cherry Tree, a group of helpers, work and raise funds essential to its success, but they need more people. If you could join them, they’d be very grateful. To help or to find out about forthcoming fundraising events, visit

38 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
fascias, soffits. Gutters cleaned, repairs. Free estimates. Telephone 07788 376752

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It’s summer time at last


Summer has finally arrived, and all our gardens and patios and balconies are ablaze with colour.

New flowers and foliage is emerging every day.

Roses, perennials, rrees, and shrubs full of blossoms, scents and busy insects buzzing and humming, pollinating as they go.

All your summer bedding, patio and basket plants can be planted out now.

They come in every colour, trailing and upright for full sun or shade.

Check with your nursery or garden centre staff to select the best.

Choose from hundreds of varieties, Geraniums, Begonias, Bizzy Lizzie, Marigolds, Lobelias, Fuchsias, Petunias, Trailing, Upright or Bush, to suit every situation.

Vegetable plots, greenhouses, all your tender Beans, Tomatoes, Courgettes,

Cucumber, Chillies, and many more can now all be safely planted or potted out to get the summer sunshine for strong growth and heavy cropping.

Fruit bushes, and plants may need to be netted to protect from birds and mammals so that fruit is in tip-top condition for eating.

Sowing of vegetable seeds can still be carried out for later crops of fresh Carrots, Lettuce, Spring Onions, Peas, and Beans. Late planting of seed Potatoes can still be done. Lawns can be fed and weeded. Seed can be sown, for repairs and renewals.

Feeding of all your pots, baskets, containers throughout the summer with liquid or granular feed.

This will be essential for more flowers, fruits, and health. Make the most of these summer days, sit back and enjoy all your gardens and plants it’s a wonderful time of year.

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Gardener David’s book is labour of love

A gardener, who began volunteering at a Dorset hospice after losing his wife, has written a book about his experiences.

David Dawson has written of work to transform the grounds at Forest Holme in recent years. Volunteer David hopes proceeds from the book, Forest Holme Flowers, will help provide more much-needed care.

The book is his personal account of how he, along with his fellow volunteer gardeners, dedicated time over the past few years to transform the garden at the Poole-based hospice into an oasis of calm and colour for patients and their families. David’s volunteering efforts began nearly five years ago after he sadly lost his wife to cancer. He wanted to give something back, especially as he had experienced first-hand the positive impact of the hospice and had enjoyed time outside in the garden with his wife before she died.

“When I learned of Forest

Holme’s need for a volunteer gardener it was a no brainer,” he said.

“Having personally experienced the love and care given to my lovely wife by Forest Holme on her journey to heaven, to transform large areas of boring bark to attractive, colourful flower borders was a challenge worth taking to benefit all patients, visitors and staff to the hospice.

“I sincerely hope that my book will give enjoyment to all its readers, as it covers dedication, humour, community, empathy and teamwork proving that love and care strongly exist in the world we live in today.”

Kirsty Perks from the charity said: “David was instrumental in launching a drive to create the beautiful and tranquil garden space that the hospice has today.

“David not only goes out and about to collect plants and other items for the garden, but he also grows plants and flowers from seed at home in his greenhouse

before transferring them to Forest Holme.

“He is a wonderfully gentle and kind soul who always has a smile on his face and is a joy to have around the Hospice when he is volunteering.” Since taking on the role David, along with volunteer gardeners Viv and Petula, are estimated to have planted well over 3,000 plants, including at least 1,000 daffodils, as well as landscaping, creating borders and providing a weekly general up-keep of the outdoor spaces at the hospice which provides endof-life and palliative care to people across Wimborne, Poole and Isle of Purbeck.

Forest Holme Flowers is available from the fundraising office at Forest Holme for £6, or

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 41 Home & Garden
01202 002713
Call now for a Royle appointment

First photo show for gallery

The Purbeck New Wave Gallery in Swanage High Street will be holding its first ever open photography exhibition from Tuesday, June 13 until Thursday, July 27, 2023.

The photography on show will be focused on Purbeck, seen through different photographic genres, including landscape, seascape, underwater, aerial, animal and astro as well as unique

images of the Jurassic coast from sea level.

The gallery is open every day from 10.00am to 5.00pm and can be found at 43a High Street, near the seafront, opposite the library.

Photographers include Richard Murgatroyd, Milly Haines, Rhonda Hoskins, Ash Saydi, Cenk AlbayrakTouyé, Sarah Day and Steve Belasco

Tribute to genius arriving just like that!

If you loved a certain fez-wearing magician back in the day you’ll love Just Like That! The Tommy Cooper Show, which is coming to the Forest Arts Centre at New Milton on June 15. Part of the New Forest Comedy Festival, this Cooper estate-approved show features John Hewer giving ‘a remarkably faithful performance’ (Time Out) as he ‘captures Tommy’s style, from mumbled speech and loud laughter to the awkward giant body language’ (The Stage).

Complete with live musical accompaniment, this nostalgic tribute is full of mirth and charm –as well as the comic’s classic gags, some lesserknown gems from his joke archive and many magical tricks.

After a sell-out run at Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival and 16 weeks at London’s Museum of Comedy, this tribute has been consistently

successful since its premiere in 2014. Booking details:

It’s the season for kicking back in the sunshine (hopefully) and sipping a cool libation, while soaking up some great live music.

And if the line-up for this year’s Wimborne Minster Folk Festival is anything to go by, you can do just that all weekend from June 9 to 11.

Yes, there will be festi-frippery, yes there will be crafts - of both the brewery and the arty variety - and, of course there will be grub galore, however, with the Festival it’s really all about the music, the folk music.

As the already-rock-solid folk scene continues to draw the faithful while inspiring the next generation with its grassroots purpose, it’s been evolving.

Embracing the new audiences, artists with contemporary narratives and reaching dizzying heights of hipness, Wimborne is set to be high on summer’s hotlist of festival must-dos.

Opening headliners are alt-folk outfit, Ranagri, who, with a string of music credentials as long as your fiddle arm and holders of Fatea Magazine’s Band of the Year 2022 title, will deliver a feisty start to the weekend with a new and gleefully-energetic sound that’ll have you air fiddling in no time.

Saturday’s big draw is BBC Radio 2’s award-winning trio, The Trials Of Cato, dubbed ‘the Sex Pistols of folk.’

Formed in the Lebanon, their extraordinary rise has attracted much critical attention. That they clearly pay homage to the folk tradition while wrangling its old bones into something more febrile and modern could well be why. Expect stomp-able tunes and enthralling stories. Heading-up Sunday are the Joshua Burnell Band, an alluringly innovative lot, described as ‘Outstanding’ by Folk Radio U.K., as ‘… adding lashings of Peter Gabriel stylings to the world of trad arrangement’ by the Guardian, and as ‘Folk-fused baroque ‘n’ roll for the modern world’ by themselves.

Sounds fancy and probably why they were the winner of the Rising Star award in the Folk Awards.

42 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 Arts & Entertainments
Richard Murgatroyd Rhonda Hoskins Steve Belasco Milly Haines

Fest with the best zest!

Organised by volunteers, the festival is Wimborne’s biggest event of the year and regularly attracts tens of thousands to the town. It also features one of the largest gatherings of dance teams and musicians in the south.

Wimborne loves an event and really comes alive over this weekend of music and comedy, ceilidhs, workshops, dance displays, street markets and family areas.

Other acts to look out for: Cool: 16-String Jack’s strippedback, driving hybrid of Americana, Irish Traditional music and shanties, is so popular they get asked back every year.

Authentic: Blandford’s Allan Winter’s true, traditional folk sound comes via a repertoire of songs collected from around the world. With added intricate guitar playing, he’s a reminder of what folk is all about.

Spirited: The clue’s in the name. Bomo Swing comes bouncing out of Bournemouth to add a swing vibe to folky proceedings. The energetic eight piece offers a unique blend of influences, strung together by a vigorous gypsy violin. Should add a smile to your face and a fiesta to your feet.

Dorsety: Again, the clue’s in the name. Dorset Phil, a one-off with a big following for his

light-hearted, original songs about cider, good times, and, well, Dorset.

Rockin’: Bournemouth’s Mikey Ball and The Company wow audiences and critics alike with numbers influenced by Bruce Springsteen, Frank Turner, The Levellers and Jason Isbell.

Hyper-local: Wimborne Guitars, a guitar group – funnily enough - ranging from advanced to absolute beginners usually meet up at the Allendale Centre, but they’re about to hit the festival, so be sure to give them a big, finger-pickin’ hand!

Story-weaver: Singer-

songwriter, Will Adams is an expert historical storyteller and musicians like Simon Swarbrick and Leonardo McKenzie are in his line-up of musos who form part of Graffiti – a flexible collection of talented English Folk sorts located in Dorset. Crowd pleaser: Fancy that, it’s Tit4Tat! This acousticcovers duo from Bournemouth and Wimborne packs a hefty selection of much-loved covers with a few surprises thrown in. Be warned – you will sing along to their classics ‘with a twist’. Poignant/funny: Female-led musical comedy outfit, the Polly Morris Band, performs both laugh-out-loud songs and heart-breakingly-moving ones. Dorset based, they advise their audience to ‘Expect the Unexpected.’

Must-see: Shimmie Theatre helps adults with special needs build their confidence and get creative through performing. This enables social interaction, a sense of self-esteem and increased health and wellbeing. They’ll be showcasing the music, dance and drama they’ve been rehearsing – so go see!

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& Entertainments

Arts & Entertainments

44 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023

Keep an eye out for a silver-spotted top hat as national treasure, MBE, and Godfather of Glam, Noddy Holder is in Wimborne this month to reminisce over a lifetime of monumental achievements, possibly through star-shaped, rose-tinted glasses. Prepare to be transported back to the poptastic Seventies, Eighties and Nineties in this show where Sir Nodward, of West Midlandshire picks his favourite songs and tells stories from his early days on the beat scene, his stint as Robert Plant’s roadie, the all-conquering Top of the Pops appearances, endless world tours, thespian triumphs and changing the face of fashion!

This is a gig with a difference as, rather than performing, Holder’s the guest of Tom Seals, the lauded musician behind Sky’s Tom Seals Presents... a music chat show he hosts on TV and in sell-out live shows worldwide.

Hailed by Jools Holland as ‘an extraordinary young talent’ and compared to Little Richard, by Tom Jones, Seals is already a big hitter, regularly selling out at London’s Ronnie Scott’s, New York’s Birdland Jazz Club and the Dubai Opera House. Holder is chuffed to buttons that he can sit back and chew the fat, between live performances of favourite tunes, courtesy

of jazz/blues pianist/vocalist Seals and his excellent band.

This show sees Sales and Holder reunited on stage after ‘triumphant’ appearances together in Edinburgh and London. Seals is a demon on the piano and has

Ska and Pimms; what’s not to like?

‘There is an air of excitement at The Wimborne Royal British Legion as they gear up to welcome members and non-members alike during the annual Wimborne Minster Folk Festival.

They certainly have a fun-filled weekend of events planned for their visitors.

On Saturday, Hobos Morris will be dancing twice and Paul Michael (as seen on ITV’s Starstruck) will be performing a host of tracks from all musical genres from 4.00pm.

On Sunday Lewis & The Sound

Of The Suburbs will be treating the crowds to a selection of SKA and Reggae numbers from 3.00pm.

Weather permitting, both live music events will be held on the outside terrace.

All weekend there will be mouth-watering, freshly prepared food from both Flaming Peaches’ food truck and also the Fiery Fox and their wood-fired pizzas.

The outside bar will open from

Arts & Entertainments

Holder the front page, Nod’s in town!

worked with artists like Jools Holland, Jamie Cullum, Gregory Porter, Dame Cleo Laine and Hugh Laurie.

Tickets: Online £28.60, box office £26. Wednesday, June 7, 7.30pm.


midday and will be offering a host of ‘festival offers’ on jugs of lager, cider and, of course, the legendary Pimms! There is an abundance of outside seating on which to sit and relax to enjoy the entertainment and also plenty of shady spots and quieter indoor space should the sun and/or fun become too much!

With so much entertainment on offer, fabulous food, fantastic drinks deals and a friendly welcome too, the Wimborne Royal British Legion is set to be one of the best places to enjoy the folk festival weekend.


The Usual Friday Night

Fun & Games, Including Bingo, Meat Draw, Silent Quiz


Hobos Morris Dancers, Live Music! Paul Michael from 4pm On The Terrace, Weather Permitting


Live Music! Lewis & The Sounds Of The Surburbs from 3pm On The Terrace, Weather Permitting


Outdoor Bar, Fresh Food From Flaming Peaches & The Fiery Fox Wood Fired Pizza


New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 45

Arts & Entertainments

HIGH ST, CHRISTCHURCH (01202) 499199


Sun 4 June: 10:30 (KID’S CLUB)


Follows the new journey of four best friends as they take their book club to Italy for the fun girls trip they never had.


Sun 4 June: 16:30

Part of our Wes Anderson Retrospective.


Sun 4 June: 19:00


Mon 5 June: 10:30 (SILVER SCREEN)

New modern rom-com. Tickets £6, includes free hot drink and a biscuit.


Mon 5 June: 14:00 | Wed 7 June: 14:00 | Thu 8 June: 17:30\

A young woman tries to ease the pain of her fiancé’s death by sending romantic texts to his old cell phone number, and forms a connection with the man the number has been reassigned to.


Tue 6 June: 19:30

16x summit non-Sherpa world record-holder Kenton Cool takes audiences on a fascinating journey through the history of the highs and lows of summit attempts on Everest.


Wed 7 June: 10:00

Take a look behind the scenes of the Regent


Mon 5 June: 17:00 | Wed 7 June: 20:15 | Thu 8 June: 14:00

Jim Broadbent and Penelope Wilton


Fri 9 June: 19:30

Get ready for the ultimate feel-good show celebrating the music of two legendary hitmakers. INSIDE OUT (U)

Sat 10 & Sun 11 June: 10:30 (KID’S CLUB)


Sat 10 June: 19:30

Although it is not currently a legal requirement, please consider wearing a face covering to protect yourself and others when visiting the Tivoli.

Generosity is music to everyone’s ears

Generous bequests and donations have enabled a local church to buy a brand-new organ. Thanks to the kindness of others, Wimborne Methodist Church has had a modern Allen digital organ installed and to celebrate, will host an organ recital at the Church in King Street, Wimborne. David Warwick will be

showcasing the new arrival’s versatility and sound by preforming secular, traditional and modern music on the smart, pale wood instrument. Tickets are £10 from the church coffee lounge between 10am and noon, Monday to Friday, or at the door on the night The recital will take place on Wednesday, June 28, from 7.00pm at the church.


Thursday 8th June Tickets Adult: £8.00

Child under 16: £6.00



Sunday 11th June 7.30pm Tickets £18.50



46 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Saturday 17th June 7.30pm The Greatest Hits Of Spandau Ballet & Duran Duran. Tickets £21 Thursday 15th June 7.30pm Tickets £17.50 adult/£15 Over 60’s & Under 16’s Wednesday 7th June 7.30pm Tickets £26 Wednesday 14th June 7.30pm OVER 18’S ONLY Tickets £22.50
Friday 16th June 7.30pm Tickets £37.50 Saturday 3rd June
John Verity and Del Bromham Tickets £18.50 Saturday 10th June 7.30pm Tickets £21
5th & 6th June 7.30pm Matinee 6th June 2.30pm & 7th June 12.30pm Adult: £8.00 evening/£7.00 matinee
Sun 4 June: 13:45 | Mon 5 June: 20:00 | Tue 6 June: 14:00 | Wed 7 June: 17:30 | Thu 8 June: 20:00
star in this poignant adaptation of the best-selling novel by Rachel Joyce. Revel in the sounds of Willie Nelson, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, Brooks and Dunn, Kenny Rogers, John Denver, Brad Paisley and many more.

Take a journey into anthemic rock

Since the Seventies, Foreigner and Journey have been giants of the oft-dubbed Adult-Orientated Rock genre.

Their musical nous has let them bypass trends and fashion fads and still achieve huge success, as in selling in excess of 80 million albums.

That’s all very well, but for UK fans, concerts over here are as rare as hen’s teeth, so thank the god of air guitars and hairbrush mics, then, that the next best thing’s here and it’s coming to Wimborne.

A Foreigner’s Journey – see what they did there? – have been touring the UK and

Spring romance in Broadstone

St John’s Church, Broadstone on Sunday, May 21, was the venue for another excellent chamber music concert given by BSO’s principal viola Tom Beer, Helen Nicholas (piano) and Samatha Crawford (soprano) who thrilled us with songs by Rachmaninoff, Schumann and Brahms. We started, though, with a rare piece by Vaughan Williams, the Romance for Viola and Piano, discovered in 1958.

Helen then played two of Rachmaninoff’s Fantasy Pieces, the first the familiar Prelude in C sharp minor (no sheet music required here) and the second, the Melodie in E major. She then joined Helen to give us two songs by Alma Mahler.

Three of the four Rachmaninoff songs which followed are also based on nature. My favourite was ‘How fair this spot’ which praises the beauty of a flower meadow by a river.

After the interval Tom and Helen played Robert Schumann’s Fairy Tale Pictures, for Piano and Viola, Op. 113, in four movements.

The concert ended with Samantha’s beautiful rendition of two Brahms songs with viola and piano accompaniment Op 91),‘ A Stilled Longing’ and ‘You who hover’ . Once again Samantha provided the audience with background on how the piece came about. Broadstone Music Series is indebted to Poole Society for Young Musicians, a member of the charity which champions voluntary music.

Europe for six years, headlining festivals and building themselves a reputation as one of the most respected and acknowledged tribute shows around.

Cherry-picking the best numbers from both groups, including bona fide rock classics

like the Glee-friendly, Don’t Stop Believing, Separate Ways, Cold As Ice, Juke Box Hero, Waiting For A Girl Like You, I Want To Know What Love Is, the list goes on. A Foreigners Journey always aim to go beyond the mere trib gig, offering a big, visceral and power-packed show. A must for fans of quality, commercial rock or who just love singing along to belt-outin-the-car anthems.

Online tickets £22, box office tickets £20 from This event has been rescheduled from Saturday, June 4, 2022, to this evening, Friday, June 2, 2023.

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 47
& Entertainments

Head to Hanford between 19 – 25th June when the school opens its doors to the public for their Festival of Performing and Creative Arts with concerts and talks throughout the week. Take your pick from “An evening with Larry Lamb”, perhaps best known for his starring roles in Gavin & Stacey and EastEnders, a classical concert “Music

Through the Ages” with leading violinist Shana Douglas and Julian Gallant, a concert with the British soprano singer Alexandra Lowe or a ‘”Play on Words” with singer and entertainer Hal Cazalet who will bring the lyrics and stories of P G Wodehouse to life. The range and wealth of talent involved in this week’s festival is remarkable and testament to Hanford’s commitment to fostering creativity, curiosity and fun.

The events are all available to book on Hanford’s website and will cost between £10 – 20. Drinks will be available from 6.30pm and the events will run from 7 - 8pm. The week will end on an upbeat note with the beautiful Hanford gardens on display to visitors as part of the National Gardens Scheme, along with live music from the Blackmore Vale Brass Band, teas and cakes and magic by the Great Baldini. Sunday tickets are available to book via the National

Garden Scheme website. Hanford’s commitment to the performing and creative arts is deep and long lasting and it was a natural step to base our annual festival around this theme. Hanford girls are encouraged to take part in a large number of productions each year, which are not just fun and creative but also help instil confidence that the girls then take to other parts of their school lives and beyond. Hanford has a tradition of holding festivals for pupils and the public alike; these have included a Literary Festival in 2017, an Arts Festival in Summer 2018 and an Adventurers and Explorers Festival in Autumn 2018.

Festival Programme

Monday 19 June, 7pm - Soprano

Alexandra Lowe in concert Spanish-born British soprano Alexandra Lowe has already made an indelible impression on critics and audiences alike, from her exquisite Dafne (Apollo e Dafne) to her tour-de-force Pierrot Lunaire at Covent Garden. This season marks her first since graduating from the prestigious Jette Parker Young Artist Progamme at the Royal Opera House with highlights including Donna Elvira in John Ramster’s new production of Don Giovanni for Kilden Opera under Risto Joost and Mozart’s Requiem and

Bologne’s L’amante anonyme on the Glyndebourne Tour.

Tuesday 20 June, 7pm - Hal Cazalet

‘Play on Words’

‘Play On Words’ sees multi-accomplished performer, composer and lyricist Hal Cazalet honouring the Broadway career of his step Great-Grandfather P.G. Wodehouse, alongside his favourite songs celebrating the birth of the American musical and theatrical writing highlights of the last 120 years. Featuring the work of P.G. Wodehouse, Jerome Kern, George and Ira Gershwin, Alan Jay Lerner, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Cole Porter, Maury Yeston, Noël Coward, Stephen Sondheim, Hal Cazalet, Dudley Moore, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Alan Ayckbourn, and many more. Simon Beck accompanies on the Piano.

Wednesday 21 June, 7pmViolinist Shana Douglas in concert with Julian Gallant

London-based American violinist Shana Douglas has held the Sub-Leader position in the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra for the past ten years, where she is also on the Board of Directors. Her recent performances include chamber music recitals at Kings Place and Barbican Hall, London, concertos

by Barber, Beethoven, Brahms, Dvořák, and Mozart with orchestras in the UK and the USA, and a solo recital in Molière Hall in Lyon, France. She will be accompanied on the piano by Julian Gallant. Julian has travelled the world with ensembles including the Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Oxford Philomusica, Moscow Philharmonic, City of London Sinfonia, and Kiev Chamber Orchestra. He has also been the Chief Conductor of the Russian Chamber Orchestra of London and Director of the Oxford Philomusica.

Saturday 24 June, 7pm – An Evening with Larry Lamb

Larry Lamb is one of Britain’s most popular and accomplished stage and screen actors. He has starred in numerous TV series, playing iconic roles such as ‘Mick Shipman’ in BBC’s Gavin & Stacey and ‘Archie Mitchell’ in Eastenders. Larry’s talk, in conversation with a local Dorset friend, is loosely entitled “Don’t Put Your Daughter On The Stage, Mrs Worthington” and it promises to be a wonderful evening, full of fun and laughter in wonderful company. Not to be missed! Book your tickets for these exciting performances on the

48 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
HANFORD GUEST PERFORMERS LARRY LAMB | ALEXANDRA LOWE | HAL CAZALET | SHANA DOUGLAS celebrating performing and creative arts, music and theatre PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL Hanford School NGS Open Gardens, Sunday 25 June Plus Teas, Cake, Magic Show and Live Band tickets available via 19-25 JUNE PUBLIC TALKS & CON CERTS FESTIVAL
PERFORMING AND CREATIVE ARTS 19 – 25th JUNE 2023 Advertising Feature
Arts & Entertainments

Free mandala exhibition

We are thrilled that the Tashi Lhunpo Monks are returning to the Museum of East Dorset once again as part of their 50th Anniversary Tour. Taking place over the Wimborne Folk Festival period, the monks will construct an intricate sand mandala, exemplifying the Tantric tradition of meditation daily from Wednesday, June 7, through to Sunday, June 11. These two-dimensional representations of a Buddha’s palace are made out of millions of grains of coloured sand, painstakingly put into place over a period of five days. Through this mandala exhibition, the highlyskilled monks offer a unique opportunity to experience this

Yesterday will be here soon

Open air cinema comes to West Moors on August 12, when the Richard Curtis Beatles movie ‘Yesterday’ will be shown, in a fundraiser for the village youth club.

The evening starts at 6pm with music performed by local artists, followed by a screening

Celebrations at village school

St James First School and Nursery in the village of Alderholt is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an event this coming Saturday, June 10.

Visitors will be able to explore the grounds and enjoy toddler

play in the new nursery playground.

There will also be a bouncy castle, old fashioned games, craft stalls and a history of the school.

The celebration is from 10am2pm.

The home of Country House opera in South West England featuring renowned soloists, a full orchestra and a large chorus of emerging young artists


Sung in French with English surtitles 26, 27 July at 19.00 | Matinée: 29 July at 14.00

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Sung in Italian with English surtitles 25, 28, 29 July at 19.00 | Matinée: 27 July at 14.00

Coade Theatre, Bryanston, Blandford Forum

Box Office:

07570 366 186

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 49
& Entertainments
Original design by Augusto Ferri for the first Italian production of Le roi de Lahore in 1878 | Archivio Storico Ricordi
Marquee bar | Picnics | Formal Dining
Jules Massenet

Farming & Environment

A day at the farm with

Tiffany Fleming

Tiffany Fleming is a volunteer at High Mead Farm in Longham, Ferndown. High Mead Farm is a working farm run to promote the benefits of engaging with animals, soil, and nature. They ‘create purposeful roles for our co-farmers, young people and adults alike, to help bring about a sense of well-being and self-worth that many have never experienced before’.

What do Oniscidea (Woodlouse) Racing, Exotic Animal Displays and Stilted Balloon Walkers all have in common?

The High Mead Farm Spring Fayre of course!

The timing of the Farm’s annual fayre varies from year to year and, when it’s held in the autumn, it transports me back to my childhood and simpler times, celebrating harvest and giving thanks for all the good things in life; but this year a Spring Fayre filled with all the

excitement and promise of the season felt right. The event was expected to be an energetic and hugely enjoyable affair, full of May madness, and, if all I hear is to be believed, it did not disappoint. Sadly, I was unable to attend, but I have enjoyed it vicariously. I was slightly concerned that the reports back from my (usually wholly reliable) sources might have been a tad exaggerated but, the more I hear, the more my sources’ seemingly shaggy-

dog stories are to be believed! On that subject, local dog behaviourist Vicky Mansfield, of ‘Paws on Board’, hosted a dynamic dog-show at the Fayre, appealing to a wide

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variety of four-legged visitors. With categories as diverse as Waggiest Tail, Speediest Sausage Eater and dog ‘That Looks Most Like Its Owner’, there was a class for everyone. Vicky assures me that every dog deserved to be a winner. Another ‘show-stealing’ feature was the ‘Tortoise Creep’. The very fact that a group of tortoises is called a creep is enough to make me chuckle. I spent the Friday before the Fayre watching the tortoises grazing in the sunshine, their

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slow, exaggerated snatches at the grass. This, somehow prehistoric, primeval scene was extraordinarily relaxing. As some of the oldest living animals on earth, tortoises are to be admired, but the fact that they have barely evolved means that their design must be fit for purpose. I am a little

lost as to what that purpose is, but they bring a great deal of pleasure to us at the Farm. Tortoise shells are, despite their tough appearance, very sensitive to touch, so we must limit our amount of interaction with them, but they seem to command a level of respect akin to that bestowed on aged-

grandparents by small children, often our visitors are quite happy to simply stand by and quietly survey them roaming their run.

By Monday, peace had been restored to High Mead and, if there wasn’t so much photographic evidence, you would be forgiven for thinking

the chaos of the Spring Fayre was simply a figment of our imagination... well done to all those involved. The organisation, the execution, and the restoration to the norm is quite a feat. What an absolutely extraordinary and awesome team we are blessed with.

Farmland values are moving up again

The value of farmland is showing ‘signs of a return’ to pre-Pandemic levels, according to a leading agent.

Research by property firm Savills indicated an upturn in the value of land as owners saw more certainty over the post-Covid landscape and future agricultural support plans.

The firm said it forecast an increase in farmland supply over the next few years, with an anticipation supply will reach 150,000 acres by 2024.

During the first quarter of 2023, 16,700 acres were publicly launched across the UK, the most since 2016, and 30% more than during the same period of 2022.

The South West and South East of England accounted for 18% and 16% respectively of farmland marketed in England during 2023, to end of March.

Andrew Teanby, associate director of Savills rural research, said: “It’s early days and the next few months will be significant in determining the supply side of the farmland market.

“This being said, our rural agents have confidence that there are a good number of commercial units coming to the market in the next two quarters.”

And Geoff Jones, a director of Savills rural agency team in the south, said the market was encouraging people back to sales.

“As is often the case, some sellers need the reassurance from the visibility of other sales or market activity before pressing ahead with their own sale, and late March in particular has seen a flurry of activity,” he said.

“In January and February, a number of properties were offered privately with

vendors choosing to test the market rather than embarking upon an open market launch.

“Even with the anticipated uptick in supply during Q2, there remains pent-up demand in the market driven by a wide range of motivations associated with land investment,” he added.

In the South West of England, the average value of prime arable land rose by 1.5% to £10,100 during the first quarter of 2023 and by 3.3% to £10,500 in the South East. Geoff said: “A backlog of capital gains tax rollover relief motivated buyers remain a force in the market.

“These buyers are required to reinvest within three years of selling or disposing of an asset, and given supply has been constrained for the last three years, the clock is ticking for many of these investors. “To what extent the increases in supply will meet demand in 2023, is yet to be seen. Quarter two will undoubtedly paint a clearer picture, with close to 50% of the acreage marketed each year usually launched during this period.

“Many prospective buyers will hope this trend continues.”

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 51 Farming & Environment
n Geoff Jones of Savills rural agency team
52 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 WANTED Dave buys all types of tools. Call 01935 428975 for more information ROOFING SYSTEMS & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE An established family business for over 100 years Local Authority & National Trust Contractor Flat Roofing Specialists with High Performance Polyester and Elastomeric Systems All Other Roofing Repairs Carried Out Insurance Backed Guarantees Roofing tel: 01202 882777 • Felt Roofing Specialist • Tiling, Slating and UPVC • Velux Windows • No Job Too Small • Insurance Work • Leadwork Friendly Service Free Estimates Mobile 07973 248319 ABBEY DRAINAGE UNBLOCKING DRAINS • Sinks • Toilets • Sewers • Drain repair/relining • Drain Investigation • CCTV Surveys for drains 01202 748523 / 07587 238 563 Specialist Wood Burner Installation Co. 07521647885 WWW.STOVEANDCHIMNEYSOLUTIONS.COM Call now for a free survey and advice. Building and plastering jobs undertaken all at affordable prices No chimney no problem Twin wall bespoke metal chimney systems Chimney stack rebuilds, repair, leak fix Relining flexible liner existing stove installations False fireplaces Professional and highly recommended company with 5-star reviews Local Services KDL PLUMBING & HEATING. ALL JOBS UNDERTAKEN. FREE ESTIMATES. CALL KEVIN 0747-512-8249 (01202)-374216 (01258)-490265 Barn Store d S eas one d Fire woo d £90 per bag Free deliver y, any area Call Phil on 07903 535 745
New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 53 Local Services Wall & Floor Tiling | Interior & Exterior Painting | Wallpaper Hanging | Staining & Varnishing | Patio Laying & Block Paving | Fencing & Decking I have been established since 1990. I am fully insured. References upon request. Very reliable services. 01202 868745 07814 548026 www. .com HOUSE CLEARANCE Plus Sheds, Attics, Garages & Gardens Quality Items Offset Registered Waste Carrier Tel: 01202 001614 or 07853 275379 Announcements At Messider Interiors we provide a friendly, reliable and professional service to deliver only the best of quality. Pride and care is taken in any job that we do, from tap replacements to complete kitchen and bathroom refurbishments or installations with luxury-level flooring and tiling plus fully qualified plumbing work, as required. And we even do the decorating, just to put the high-level cherry on top! THE BEST OF FINISHES IS ALWAYS ENSURED 07951 103 729 WELCOME TO MESSIDER INTERIORS LIVE IN CARER Needed to assist 90 year old lady with daily tasks in her own home and out and about. Ideally a driver. Initially 3 months but long term position likely to be available. Tarrant Valley. For further information please phone or message 07887 753036 It pays to advertise in the New Stour & Avon Contact: jane.toomer@ blackmore P.J.W PAINTING & DECORATING IN THE TRADE FOR OVER 20 YEARS FREE ESTIMATES COMPETITIVE PRICES FULLY INSURED TEL: 01202 900714 MOBILE: 07743895382 DOUGLAS HUTCHINS Landscaping & Driveways Landscaping With a Personal Touch Fully Insured Family Company Covering Dorset and Hampshire 01202 788376 07971 543323 51 Bracken Road Ferndown, BH22 9PD Artifical Grass Supplied & Laid • Patios • Decking • Fencing • Block Paving • Shingle • Turfing • Sandstone • Porcelain • Artificial Lawns • Sleepers • Tarmac

Which are the most common and costly

Speed limit offences are top of the list for driving convictions, followed by mobile phone use while driving and traffic signal offences.

But 7 in 10 (70%) UK drivers admit to escaping punishment for motoring offences they’ve committed.

In total, local councils have missed around 29.1 million1 motorists who’ve committed motoring offences.

What is a motoring conviction?

A motoring conviction is where you get a fine and/or points on your licence for committing a motoring offence. For example, drink driving or speeding. The points could stay on your licence for 4 years or more depending on the motoring conviction.

If you’re buying car insurance, they might ask you about any motoring convictions in the last 4-5 years.

If you compare insurance policies with us, we’ll ask you about any motoring convictions in the last 5 years.

What are the top motoring offences?

According to our data, the top 5 motoring offences for drivers who’ve been convicted were:

Speed limit offence 72%

Using a mobile phone/other interactive device 15%

Traffic signal offence 15%

Illegal/unauthorised parking

Parking illegally 18%

phone while driving you can get:


Moving traffic offence 11%

38% of those who were caught breaking the law had points on their licence or had to attend a speed awareness course . Around 1 in 10 (11%) drivers were banned from driving as a result of their offence. The price to pay for vehicle offences is high too.

More than half (53%) were fined. Nearly 1 in 4 (23%) had a fixed penalty notice. And just over half (51%) have been charged for breaking the law in the past. Motoring offenders have paid around £191 in fines, on average, as a result.

All this means that the government could be cashing in more than £5.5 billion for drivers’ mistakes.

Top offences without prosecution

We asked drivers if they’d committed a motoring offence and hadn’t been caught. Around 7 in 10 (70%) admitted to this. Here are the most common offences for those drivers who have committed a driving offence, but didn’t get a conviction:


Driving under the influence of alcohol 12%

Speeding seems to be prevalent in the UK. It’s the top motoring offence for drivers who’ve escaped a conviction. It’s also the most common offence that drivers are convicted for. In some areas, speed limits have been introduced to reduce emissions. These areas have further monitoring by speed cameras. And in some parts of the UK there’s a 20mph speed limit in residential areas. These new enforcements could explain why speed limit offences are so high.

What are the penalties for the top 5 convicted motoring offences?

Speed limit offence penalties

If you’re caught by a speed camera you’re sent a Notice of Intended Prosecution. Sometimes this’ll be accompanied by a section 172 notice.

If you’re stopped by the police they might:

• Give you a verbal warning.

• Issue or send you a Fixed Penalty Notice.

• Order you to go to court. You should get a letter telling you what you’re being prosecuted for.

Using a mobile phone penalties

If you’re caught using a mobile

• 3-6 penalty points

• £200 fine

You can also be taken to court and get a driving ban and a fine of £1,000 or £2,000 if you’re driving a lorry or bus.

You can also lose your licence if you’ve passed your test in the last 2 years.

Traffic signal offence penalties

If you’re caught running a red light you could get a fine of £100 and 3 points on your licence.

Illegal/unauthorised parking

You usually don’t get penalty points for parking on yellow lines or overstaying in a private car park. But if you’re parked dangerously you could be charged with ‘leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position’. This comes with 3 penalty points and a fine of up to £1,000.

Moving traffic offences

Moving traffic offences include:

• Incorrectly driving into a bus lane

• Going the wrong way down a one-way street

• Illegal U-turns

• Stopping in a yellow box junction

You could get up to 3 penalty points for a moving traffic offence and fines vary.

These usually stay on your licence for up to 4 years.

54 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Driving through a red light
Using a mobile phone/device

motoring offences?

Are fines an effective deterrent for breaking the law on the road? It seems fines aren’t an effective deterrent for committing a motoring offence.

More than 1 in 3 (31%) convicted drivers admit to reoffending. And more than 3 in 5 (63%) offenders said they weren’t put off committing offences again after being convicted.

A fifth of drivers say that the punishments for motoring offences should be more severe. So, police forces and the Government could consider harsher punishments for motorists in future.

How much are fines costing motorists?

The average cost of a fine for a speeding conviction reaches almost £200 per conviction. This costs motorists dearly, especially if drivers are willing to risk and reoffend.

Not every fine costs the same. The fines for offences like speeding or careless driving

could cost drivers thousands of pounds.

Car insurance costs could also increase by £78, on average, following a motoring conviction. Younger drivers’ (aged 18-24) insurance costs grew by £117 at renewal if they’d had a motoring conviction.

As a result, more than half of young drivers (57%) said they were put off committing a motoring offence in future. Many drivers are taking risks when behind the wheel. If caught, drivers could face penalties such as a fine or in serious cases, imprisonment.

The financial implications can also be huge. The average cost of a fine being around £191, although this could be higher, depending on the offence. The cost of car insurance can also increase, with some drivers reporting rises of almost £100, on average. So the true ‘cost’ of a motoring offence should really be considered when everything is put into perspective.

2013 (13) BMW 1 Series 114i 1.6 Sport 5dr. 102bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, auto lights & wipers, hill start assist, Bluetooth, air con, alloys, 70,500 miles ......................................................................£7650

2014 (14) BMW X1 2.0TD X Line Automatic 4x4 SUV 5dr. 181bhp, diesel, 8 speed automatic gearbox, 4 wheel drive, heated leather seats, parking sensors, hill start assist, hill descent control, DAB, Bluetooth, decent boot, flat folding rear seats, upto 52mpg, 66,900 miles .....£11650

2015 (65) Ford Focus 1.5TDCi Titanium X 5dr. 120bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, Free tax, upto 74mpg, sat nav, partial leather, heated seats, parking sensors, reverse camera, auto parking system, auto lights & wipers, xenon lights, cruise control, Bluetooth, hill start assist, appearance pack, 42,000 miles ...................................................£11250

2011 (11) Ford C-Max 1.6 Zetec MPV Estate 5dr. 105bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, high seating, large boot, tip tumble & removable rear seats, ideal cheap workhorse or load lugger, air con, alloys, parking sensors, clearance car to be sold as seen with MOT until October 2023, cambelt has been replaced, 108,500 miles ....................................£2000

2015 (15) Honda Jazz 1.4i-VTEC ES Plus Automatic 5dr. 99bhp, petrol, CVT Automatic gearbox, flat folding rear seats, decent boot, Bluetooth, alloys, air con, sat nav, sign recognition, hill start assist, 22,500 miles ...........................................................................................£11450

2015 (65) Mercedes-Benz A180 1.5CDi AMG Sport 5dr. 109bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, £20 a year road tax, upto 72mpg fuel economy, partial leather seats, auto activation lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, Bluetooth, DAB audio, 56,900 miles .........£12250

E-mail: Mobile: 07731960554

2015 (15) Peugeot 3008 2.0HDi Hybrid Automatic 4x4 Allure SUV 5dr. 200bhp, diesel hybrid, 6 speed automatic gearbox, switchable drive modes including 4 wheel drive, high seating, large boot, flat folding seats, sat nav, park sensors, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, head up display, hill start assist, Bluetooth, partial leather, FREE road tax & upto 74mpg fuel economy, 114,900 miles ................AVAILABLE SOON £7850

2011 (61) Toyota Rav4 2.0 XT-R Automatic 4x4 Station Wagon

SUV 5dr. 158bhp, petrol, 6 speed automatic gearbox, 4 wheel drive, high seating, big boot, leather & alcantara, heated seats, sliding rear seats, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, Bluetooth, only 48,500 miles .£10850

2022 (72) Vauxhall Astra 1.2T Ultimate Automatic 5dr. 130bhp, petrol, 8 speed automatic gearbox, New shape, ½ leather, memory heated seats, heated steering wheel, park sensors, cameras, Nav, auto lights & wipers, main beam assist, sign assist, lane aid, adaptive cruise, sunroof, hill start, head up display, under 450 miles ..................................£26950

2015 (15) Vauxhall Vivaro 1.6CDTi Bi-Turbo 2700 Sportive L1 H1 Day Van 5dr. 120bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, 5 seats, sink, hob, cupboards, rear seats, table, reversable front seats, carpeted & lined, insulated, side bars, roof rails, curtains, air con, cruise, auto lights & wipers, Bluetooth, parking sensors, 70,500 miles


New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 55 Motoring Five Square Motors (Bosch Garage) Salisbury Road (A30) Shaftesbury SP7 8BU
Unit H/I Longmeadow Ind. Est. Ringwood Road Three Legged Cross BH21 6RD
Request a Free Estimate for Your Car Today and Quote when you call BIRTHDAY HELP US CELEBRATE OUR BIRTHDAY FIRST with this * £10 off voucher We offer : High quality SMART Repairs Paint Scratch Repairs Minor Dent Repairs Bumper Scuff Repairs *Offer valid until 31st August 2023
Text : 07731960554

Could you give a child a foster home?

Arrow words



Types of Plant


18 Identifying piece of paper (5)

20 Strength-training muscle (3)

Brain chain

56 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Recipient indicator (inits) Holy chalice Ant-eating African mammal Caper Small child Refrigerator gas (inits) Toffs Fish-andchips fish The state of being three Outdoor shoe-wiping rug Unwrapped 18-hole game Hold responsible Screen resolution (inits) Earl Grey, eg Hogwash Lengthened He lives in a lamp Give a right to Large tree in the beech family Whirling mist Pilot’s prediction (inits) Suriname, on a car (abbr) Garden hut 1 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 19 21 22 2 3 4 6 7 8 13 14 15 18 20 Across 1 Strange; rare (7) 5 Sharp slap (5) 9 Oppressive (13) 10 Swinging weight (8) 11 Shorten, as in a sail (4) 12 Next to (9) 16 Burn the surface of (4) 17 Wood or iron, eg (4,4) 19 Alikeness (13) 21 The universe beyond Earth (5) 22 Actors (7) Down 2 Feeling of sickness (6) 3 Planner (9) 4 Relating to hearing (5) 6 Disfigure (3) 7 Pursues (6) 8 Impresses down upon (6) 11 In a fundamental way (9) 13 Nullify (6) 14 Get back (6) 15 Barely audible utterance
ALGAE BUSH CACTUS CEREAL CLIMBER CORM EVERGREEN FERN FUNGUS HERB MOSS PERENNIAL SAPLING SEEDLING VEGETABLE WEED R C E C N A H C R G A H C E G B G L S G D O F F E N G P V E U N B U T R E S A W C S A E N S R A T M E G E E E R E L R U H A T C R T A E R E T M G G V C T E A S E D E S C D V A R U U C G C F L A C P R W L E E E F L E E T L S E G S E E I E A E I V U E S R E H N L E R N N R M E U O E G E D R I G S C G T B A M N H A D U D T L I F E S E H N F U N G U S N S P E N S R I H S L L R L C R S N A E R A E H E R B R E G E E G S S L R N E A L E L E N F P L I B 7 8 5 1 8 1 1 7 2 1 7 6 8 3 8 3 8 4 5 2 6 9 5 9 1 5 6 7 18 RESULT +33 ÷3 +35 ÷4 ×3 Sudoku Puzzles Foster Care 01202 573408 www footprintsfostercare co uk in association with

Jumbo 3D Sudoku

Could you give a child a foster home?

Cryptic crossword

Killer Sudoku Pro


7 Deplorable Republican repelled number enthralled by elegance (7)

Across 7 Deplorable Republican repelled number enthralled by elegance (7)

9 By the sound of it, check rule (5)

9 By the sound of it, check rule (5)

10 Greyish brown hill of sand largely (3)

10 Greyish brown hill of sand largely (3)



Brain chain (hard)

11 Group with comedian performing creating successful trend (9)

11 Group with comedian performing creating successful trend (9)

12 Select group getting drunk in middle of week (5)

12 Select group getting drunk in middle of week (5)

14 Copy sales person in charge in US city (7)

16 Huge disorder in attic (7)

14 Copy sales person in charge in US city (7)

18 Shame about European showing holiness (5)

16 Huge disorder in attic (7)

19 Fighter with fixed allowance making move abroad (9)

18 Shame about European showing holiness (5)

20 Tree remains in Washington (3)

19 Fighter with fixed allowance making move abroad (9)

21 Fish in basket overturned first off (5)

22 Tin here bent not at all (7)

20 Tree remains in Washington (3)

21 Fish in basket overturned first off (5)

22 Tin here bent not at all (7)

Killer Sudoku Pro:

1 Set of police in revolutionary state getting searching challenge (4,4)

1 Set of police in revolutionary state getting searching challenge (4,4)

2 Design restricted for health food (4)

2 Design restricted for health food (4)

3 Give power to a bishop left in east and northeast (6)

3 Give power to a bishop left in east and northeast (6)

4 Stop to find part of hospital? (4,2)

5 Guide is dressed to take in sun in misleading appearance (8)

4 Stop to find part of hospital? (4,2)

6 A number supported by Norway soon (4)

5 Guide is dressed to take in sun in misleading appearance (8)

8 Making shorter denial with inspector gone (11)

13 Key gin later developed (8)

6 A number supported by Norway soon (4)

15 In any place when year is out (8)

8 Making shorter denial with inspector gone

17 Tidy close largely with figure (6)

13 Key gin later developed (8)

18 Writer with chapter on article in Rome – it could be sharpened! (6)

15 In any place when year is out (8)

19 Nuts obtained when entering Montana (4)

17 Tidy close largely with figure (6)

20 Pain in hypochondriac healed (4)

18 Writer with chapter on article in Rome –could be sharpened! (6)

19 Nuts obtained when entering Montana

20 Pain in hypochondriac healed (4)

Place 1 to 9 once each into every row, column and bold-lined 3×3 box.

No digit may be repeated in any dashed-line cage, and all the digits in each cage must add up to the value shown in that cage.

For the solutions turn to page 62

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 57
3 2 3 8 1 9 6 4 1 8 7 6 1 2 4 5 3 7 3 2 7 5 6 5 4 8 7 7 3 4 1 8 6 2 3 1 5 7 8 9 2 6 1 9 6 3 1 6 8 9 6 4 3 8 1 5 9 1 4 8 4 5 3 9 7 2 4 2 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 13 15 17
7 40× 7+ 16× 15+ 6÷ 3 5× 20+ 0 336× 30× 21× 56× 11+ 5 20+ 2 9+ 3 4÷ 1 3÷ 0 40× 189× 4 36× 20+ 216× 756× 81 RESULT ×2/3 -50% +153 ×4/5 +95
7 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 13 15 17
Foster Care 01202 573408 www footprintsfostercare co uk in association with


Clean Room Production Operatives

Local Medical Company based between Gillingham and Shaftesbury

Various shifts available

£11.01-£11.56 per hour

Full/Part Time Office Assistant

Local Manufacturer located between Gillingham and Shaftesbury

Hours and hourly rate to b e discussed on interview


Port Regis is a delightful preparatory school, for day and boarding children aged 2 -13, in Shaftesbury, Dorset.

We are seeking to recruit to the following roles:










*The necessary training and qualifications for these roles are desired but not essential and can be arranged for successful candidates

The successful candidates can expect competitive rates of pay and benefits; and to join an exceptional working environment and staff team.

For full details of the roles and application procedure, please visit our website -

Early applications encouraged

Port Regis (Charity No: 306218) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful applicants will required to undertake an Enhanced DBS and safer recruitment vetting checks

We are looking for our next superstar to join our team! Independent educational caterer Milton Abbey School, Blandford Forum

£10.42 - £12.00 per hour

Full-time / Part-time / Weekday / Weekend / Morning / Afternoon and Evening roles available. 16 - 40 hours a week

Opportunity for overtime

School open 52 weeks per year. Contact Paul @ pwallis@holroydhowe. com


Required for longestablished Shaftesbury based company

Ability to undertake a range of various areas of work an advantage

Good rates of pay for the right person, dependent on experience and ability Contact Andy 07979 210074 or email andy@ for details

Experienced tradesman, Good rates of pay, variable work immediate start, for local family run business, 01747 82490

Independent Co-educational

Independent Boarding and Day School for Pupils aged 4 -18 GSA/CISC

Full or Part Time Domestic Assistants

We are looking for organised, friendly and cheerful Domestic Assistants to join our committed Domestic team whose role is to ensure that the school is cleaned to a very high standard.

Hours are flexible and will be agreed with the Domestic Supervisor.

Benefits include staff discount and free uniform.

Rate of pay: £10.42 per hour.

We are seeking to appoint a School Minibus Driver to start at the end of August 2018 The role entails driving the School vehicles on designated routes collecting children in the morning and dropping off in the afternoon at prearranged points You will also assist with some basic maintenance and cleaning of the fleet The primary qualities sought are a genuine commitment to the welfare and safety of young people. You must hold a valid PCV Manual, (D or D1) Licence

Hours: 20 hours per week, Monday to Friday, 0630 to 0830 and 1730 to 1930 Term Time only. Rate of Pay: £9.69 per hour plus holiday pay

For further information and to download an application form please visit our website: Closing date for Applications: Friday 16th June 2023.

Please send your CV with the names of two referees to the HR Manager, Leweston School Leweston, Sherborne, DT9 6EN or email: recruitment@leweston dorset sch uk www leweston co uk


58 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
I M E , T E R M T I M E O N LY
Driver Required PA R T T
An enhanced DBS
Leweston School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check will be required. Leweston is an equal opportunities employer. A Catholic Foundation which welcomes pupils of all Denominations Leweston School Trust is a registered charity number 295175
Boarding and Day School Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form The Society of Heads/CISC

Gardener/Handyman wanted 3- 4 hours per week.

Mainly mowing grass with self propelled mower/ride on mower.

Good rate of pay - suit active retiree.

Call 07717 760623

M B Crocker Ltd Farm worker/engineer required to run fixed machinery on a busy farm.

Full time 40 – 50 hrs per week

Please contact Paul 07967 388895 or email:

Full-time mobile cleaner required around West Dorset area Van provided For further information 01305 261624

Wincanton Primary School

Station Road, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9EL

Headteacher Mr G Wilson (NOR 387)


Wanted experienced gardener one day a week to look after a pretty garden in Stour Provost

Please call James on 07831 645490

Telephone: 01963 32132 Email: office@wincantonprimaryschool co uk

Website: www wincantonprimaryschool co uk

School Secretary/Admin Officer

Mondays to Thursday 8 30am-4 30pm Friday 8 30am to 4pm, term time only Grade 13: (£11 38-£12 46ph) depending on experience Permanent Post

We are looking for an efficient and hardworking person to be our Admin Officer in our busy and friendly school office Areas of responsibility will include pupil records, attendance and correspondence to name a few We would like to hear from you if you have:

• proven administrative experience good initiative

• excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Independent Boarding and Day School for Pupils aged 4 -18 GSA/CISC

Independent Co-educational Boarding and Day School Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form The Society of Heads/CISC

• accurate grammar and spelling knowledge good literacy and numeracy skills

• good ICT skills, including Word, Excel, Outlook

• working knowledge of SIMS and ParentMail desirable, but training will be given

• well organised and ability to prioritise

Driver Required

Full Time Early Years Practitioner

Leweston School is seeking a full-time enthusiastic and committed Early Years Practitioner to join our thriving Nursery, which offers high quality childcare and education. We offer highly competitive rates of pay (£10.15 per hour for NVQ Level 2 qualified & £11.58 per hour for NVQ Level 3 qualified) and generous holiday allocations in addition to a package of benefits which includes; delicious meals for staff and use of leisure facilities plus generous discounts on staff childcare, exceptional access to CPD and further training and a ‘golden hello’ scheme.

We are seeking to appoint a School Minibus Driver to start at the end of August 2018. The role entails driving the School vehicles on designated routes collecting children in the morning and dropping off in the afternoon at prearranged points. You will also assist with some basic maintenance and cleaning of the fleet The primary qualities sought are a genuine commitment to the welfare and safety of young people. You must hold a valid PCV Manual, (D or D1) Licence

• ability to multi-task

• calm, reliable and efficient manner

• an understanding of the importance of confidentiality

Interested candidates are warmly invited to look around our school Please contact the school office to make an appointment Application packs and further information are available to download from the school website www wincantonprimaryschool co uk

Application forms should be returned to the Headteacher Mr G Wilson by 12 noon on Friday 2nd June 2023 Interviews Friday 9th June 2023

The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects staff and volunteers to share this commitment This post is subject to enhanced DBS disclosure and pre-employment checks will be undertaken before any post is confirmed



Hours: 20 hours per week, Monday to Friday, 0630 to 0830 and 1730 to 1930 Term Time only Rate of Pay: £9 69 per hour plus holiday pay

Working within our friendly and professional team, this is an opportunity for well-qualified practitioners to help create a nurturing and stimulating environment for children aged 0 - 4 years. The ideal candidates will have a good working knowledge of the EYFS, strong communication skills and a passion to be an exceptional Early Years Educators. We are committed to the professional development of our staff and there will be opportunities for progression.

Applicants should be qualified to either NVQ Level 2, NVQ Level 3 or equivalent, experience of working in a similar role is desirable.

The position is full-time, hours to be agreed with the Nursery Manager. Hours of work are between 7.30am and 6.15pm, Monday – Friday, in accordance with the duty shift rota.

For further information and to download an application form please visit our website:


Closing date for Applications: Friday 16th June 2023

of children and young

We are looking for a Gardener to cover maternity leave for up to 12 months, starting on 3 July 2023

37 hours per week

23 days annual leave

(plus Bank Holidays and 2 extra days at Christmas)

Local Government Pension Scheme

A full driving licence and experience of working in a similar environment are essential

Further information and application details can be found on our website:

Closing date for applications: 4 June 2023

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 59
Leweston is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check will be required A Catholic Foundation which welcomes pupils of all Denominations Leweston School Trust is a registered charity number 295175
send your CV with the names of two referees to the HR Manager, Leweston School Leweston, Sherborne, DT9 6EN
email: www leweston co uk An enhanced DBS check will be undertaken by the School
Closing date: 15th August
An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check will be required. Leweston is an equal opportunities employer. A Catholic Foundation which welcomes pupils of all Denominations Leweston School Trust is a registered charity number 295175
Leweston School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare
people and expects all staff and volunteers



PERSON required for Agricultural Engineering company near Shaftesbury. Mon-Fri

8am-5pm with more hours available. Fulltime/permanent position. Agricultural background/ knowledge would be an advantage. Call Rich 07967 208754.

Evening cleaner required Dorchester 07788 593040

Carer supporting rolepart time

Male or female retirement age for brother (64) Support and socialising. Phone Barb 01935 415081

Landscapers and labourers needed.

We are looking for skilled landscapers and general labourers to join our team. A good knowledge of hard and soft landscaping along with a can do attitude required, drivers preferred but not essential. Long term positions within an establish local company. Previous applicants need not reapply.


Full Time Electrician/Handyman & Part Time Housekeeper/Assistant Gardener

Live-in couple required for a large property near Sixpenny Handley

Charming secluded cottage included. Mechanical and IT competence of particular interest. Caretaking duties every other w/e.

Phone 0777 186 1110

The New Stour & Avon



Wolvercroft Garden


Co-op Southern


Caravan Park

Golf Course


Candy Chocs

M & S Food Hall

Tesco Express

Café Gardenia

Broadstone Library


Stuarts Garden Centre


Damory Garage

Post Office


Bartletts Country Store

Gorge Café


M & S

Tourist Information


Canford Magna Garden


Hamworthy Club



Parish Rooms


Regents Centre


Nisa Local

M & S

East Dorset Bowls Club



Colehill Library

St Michaels Church Hall

Chemist Pharmacy


Holme Bush Inn

Naked Cross Nurseries

Co-op Candy’s Farm Shop



Cranborne Stores

Accounts clerk

Do to our continued growth, we are looking for an experienced PART TIME accounts clerk, must be fully conversant with SAGE systems, VAT and associated procedures.

20 hrs per week spread over 4 days Mon to Friday, exact hours to be agreed upon. Excellent rate of pay for the right applicant.

If this might be of interest, please E MAIL us detailing your suitability and experience.


Londis Petrol Station


Village Stores



Phone Box



Edward ARG Works




Phone Box


Horton Inn


Adventure Wonderland


Plants Direct





Greyfriars Community Centre

Lunns of Ringwood

Crow Farm Shop

Texaco Petrol Station

In Excess Garden Centre

Ringwood Information Centre



Sandleheath Village Stores




Village Hall Box

Clampets Farm


Aunt Fannys Farm Shop

Artisan Shop




Bus Shelter


Crossways Farm


Bus Shelter


McCalls Spar

Ferndown Post Office


Sam’s Newsagent

Hearnes Estate Agent

M & S Food Hall

High Mead Farm

Ferndown Library

Barrington Centre

Wimborne Garden Centre



Nisa Local

Vines Close Farm Shop





The Shed


Cart Shed



Tesco Express


Woolsbridge Farm


Hillier Garden Centre



Lytchett & Upton Council Library



Verwood Heritage Centre

Verwood Library

Andrews Butchers

Co-op Southern

Tesco Express

The Hub



Spar/ Post Office Library


Basket and Blooms

In Excess

Herbies Fish and Chips



Allendale House

T & S News

Long Johns Fish and Chips

Co-op Petrol Station


Keating Butchers

W. H. Smith

Allendale Centre


Green Man

Wimborne Minster


Coach & Horses

V & A Store

Tourist Information/ Museum

Fair Ground Fair Trade Shop

Gullivers Book Shop


Fluffetts Farm


WOW Fitness

David’s of Wimborne

Wimborne Library

Wimborne Community Centre

Cricketers Arms



Post Office



Red Post Filling Station




The Egg Shed

60 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
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The prettiest bag of fish, char none!

The Poole and Wimborne Fly Fishers Headed way out west to Sutton Bingham Reservoir.

Well Yeovil to be exact!

This reservoir is owned and stocked by Wessex Water and is always a challenge, even to the most expert of anglers. Look at this haul from Steve Hemingway! Five beautiful Sparctic Char.

These are a cross species of Brook Trout and Arctic Char and among the most beautiful game fish with a myriad colours and shades.

With several anglers failing to catch, Steve’s haul of five fish is all the more impressive.

With May in full flow, fish were falling to black patterns. Dry flies also did well where lures failed to produce. Here he is with his bag of 10lbs 5 ozs.

Winners spot went to an impressive haul of almost 12 lbs from Gary Austin.

Well done Gary!

Why a lasting power of attorney is so important

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney and why is it recommended to have one?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document which allows you (the donor) to choose a person or persons that you trust to make certain decisions on your behalf. Granting an LPA gives you peace of mind to know that should you be unable to manage your financial affairs or health and welfare due to lack of mental or physical capacity then you can choose a person or persons that you trust to be able to manage your affairs and/or your welfare on your behalf. There are two different types of LPA, one for your financial affairs and one for your health and welfare. LPAs can only be set up whilst you have the mental capacity to make decisions. If you become mentally incapable of making your

own decisions and do not have LPAs in place, the Court will appoint a Deputy to work on your behalf. A Deputy works very much like an Attorney but has the added complexity of strict Court oversight and involvement (which results in the inevitable extra costs and delays for you in the long run).

We believe everyone over the age of 18 should set up an LPA as it will give you the security to know that if your health does decline you can rest secure in the knowledge that someone of your own choice, someone you trust, will be looking after your affairs for you.

New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 61
Harold G Walker Solicitors
Friend-in-Law for Life. SCAN ME | Contact Your Friend - In - Law today Verwood 01202 823308 Christchurch 01202 482202 Broadstone 01202 692448 Wimborne 01202 881454 FREE LEGAL ADVICE CLINIC 24TH JUNE | 10AM 12 AM 27 VICARAGE ROAD, VERWOOD, BH31 6DR Family Law Buying/Selling Property Employment Law Litigation Wills & Probate ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE

Phils Happy

I get called in after dog trainers have been. I have never put a dog in a crate.

I work in silence.

I will control any situation with your dog.

Single visit specialist.

Any dog, any age, any issue.

30% discount for rescue dogs.


Puzzle solutions

Pamper your travel companion

From pooches to pussycats, our furry friends give their owners unconditional love and have boundless enthusiasm so it’s little wonder that the pet travel industry is hotting up. Owners are discovering the joys of vacationing with their animal companions, with 37% of pet owners taking their pets on a trip.

Here are some of the most popular pet travel products: Owners want to ensure their pets are safe while traveling so sturdy collars, harnesses, and leashes are very popular products. The pet travel clothing market has seen a huge rise in demand in recent years. Pet owners must exercise their

pets in all weathers, and dog raincoats and microfiber drying coats enable owners to keep their animals warm and dry wherever they may be. These removable products also help keep pets clean before they jump back into a car or on a train to continue their travels. The dog bowl market is also experiencing steady growth, with dog owners seeking compact and collapsible options to save space.

Portable water bottles for dogs are another sought-after item with a great long-term growth outlook. Most dog owners exercise their animals daily, while a new German law compels dog owners to walk their pets twice a day.

62 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023
Sudoku Brain chain Crossword 9 2 7 8 6 5 3 1 4 8 3 1 4 2 7 9 5 6 5 4 6 1 9 3 8 7 2 1 5 4 9 7 2 6 3 8 6 9 2 3 5 8 1 4 7 3 7 8 6 4 1 2 9 5 2 6 5 7 3 9 4 8 1 7 8 3 2 1 4 5 6 9 4 1 9 5 8 6 7 2 3 18 RESULT 51 17 52 13 39 U N U S U A L S M A C K A C U S A H A U T H O R I T A R I A N S E A A S P E N D U L U M R E E F A U P A S A L O N G S I D E R E E I M S E A R G O L F C L U B C A A A T C O M P A T I B I L I T Y U E E E L E S P A C E P L A Y E R S F M S G A A R D V A R K N O B S E A S A N T I C C T G O L F D O O R M A T C D P I L B E N T I T L E G E N I E O A K E T A S M E E D D Y S H E D Arrow words Any problems with these puzzles? Email newsdesk@ Cryptic crossword Jumbo 3D Sudoku Killer Sudoku Pro 6 1 8 5 2 9 4 3 7 2 9 7 6 3 4 1 8 5 5 3 4 7 8 1 9 6 2 8 6 5 1 9 7 2 4 3 7 4 1 2 6 3 8 5 9 9 2 3 4 5 8 6 7 1 3 7 6 9 4 2 5 1 8 1 5 9 8 7 6 3 2 4 4 8 2 3 1 5 7 9 6 7 40× 7+ 16× 15+ 6÷ 3 5× 20+ 0 336× 30× 21× 56× 11+ 5 20+ 2 9+ 3 4÷ 1 3÷ 0 40× 189× 4 36× 20+ 216× 756× 2 5 4 3 8 6 9 1 7 8 1 3 9 7 2 4 6 5 2 9 3 8 6 7 1 4 5 5 9 2 6 4 3 7 1 8 5 6 4 1 3 2 9 8 7 6 7 5 1 2 4 3 8 9 8 2 9 4 7 1 5 3 6 7 6 4 1 8 5 3 9 2 1 8 7 9 5 4 6 2 3 5 4 3 8 1 9 6 2 7 7 2 9 6 3 4 5 8 1 8 6 1 2 5 7 4 3 9 3 1 8 7 4 5 6 2 9 9 5 7 8 2 6 3 1 4 4 6 2 3 1 9 5 7 8 8 3 1 9 7 6 4 5 2 5 2 4 9 6 7 1 8 3 2 8 9 7 3 5 4 6 1 2 5 3 4 9 8 1 6 7 1 8 9 6 7 5 2 3 4 6 7 4 3 2 1 8 9 5 8 4 6 7 5 1 2 3 9 5 9 3 4 2 8 7 1 6 2 7 1 6 9 3 5 4 8 1 4 8 7 5 6 3 2 9 3 9 8 6 7 2 5 1 4 2 1 3 8 6 7 4 9 5 A B E D D A C H R O N I C R E I G N I A A O A S O D U N B A N D W A G O N T L T U U E L I T E R E P L I C A S N A S N T I T A N I C P I E T Y E E T E W M I G R A T I O N A S H A R T O C C E S K A T E N E I T H E R T L N L E E Brain chain (hard) 81 RESULT 54 27 180 144 239 Dog Behaviour Expert
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64 New Stour & Avon, June 2, 2023 EXTRA Redeemable against any product* Please bring this voucher with you! % OFF10 VOUCHER store bed the Ferndown, Eastleigh, Poole, Christchurch & Salisbury FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Stores in: CARPETS | BEDS | RUGS | VINYL | FLOORING | MATTRESSES STORES NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK *Excludes floor preparation materials, labour and any already discounted items. NSA NSA 6

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Articles inside

Phils Happy

pages 62-63

Why a lasting power of attorney is so important

page 61

The prettiest bag of fish, char none!

page 61


pages 58-60

motoring offences?

pages 55-57

Which are the most common and costly

page 54

Farmland values are moving up again

pages 51-53

Farming & Environment A day at the farm with

pages 50-51

Take a journey into anthemic rock

pages 47-49

Holder the front page, Nod’s in town!

pages 45-46

Fest with the best zest!

pages 43-45

First photo show for gallery

page 42

Gardener David’s book is labour of love

page 41

What do you know about lifetime mortgages?

page 40

It’s summer time at last

page 39

Plant power boosts wellbeing project

pages 38-39

Hannah’s horticulture

pages 36-38

Ensuring local families are happy ones

page 34

The highs and lows of fostering

page 33

Care home on front foot for dementia

page 33

New location for home’s memorial event

page 32

Win Family Circus Tickets

pages 30-32

Celebrating the world of art

page 30

Solicitors focus minds on mental health

page 29

‘Dragons Den’ pitch is a roaring success

page 29


page 28

Slipped discs – can chiropractic help?

page 28

Retirement Living

page 24

‘Good’ report for Wimborne school

pages 22-23

about Blandford’s stunning new retirement development at Stour Gate

page 22

Bringing the inside out for youngsters

page 22

Cooking... with Martha Legg

page 21

Everything you need for dining outdoors...

pages 20-21

Pop to Pimperne for coffee

page 20


page 18

Time to embrace change on our high streets?

pages 17-18

The tories have driven up house prices

pages 16-17

Political round-up How will landlords be affected by Renters’ Bill?

page 16

Crowning glory for a champion volunteer

pages 14-15

A short marriage but enduring legacy

pages 12-13


pages 10-11

Here’s a big thank-you to all our lovely people

page 9

There is no legal obligation for cyclists to use a cycle lane

page 8

Foundation awards at upper school

pages 6-7

New chance to bring out your inner thespian

page 5

BCP council to be led by new alliance

pages 3-4

Fond farewell for a lollipop lady

page 3
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