Alysha Tse - Urban Design Report

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PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 1 Pla z a R esid enti al Fla t Buil ding S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Ad ap tive Reus e E x tens io n H erit ag e It em Legend Gro und Flo or Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION MACKSVILLEREIMAGINING URBAN DESIGN REPORT

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 1CONTENTSPlanningContext and Analysis 3 Executive Summary 4 1.1 Regional Context 6 1.2 Public Transport 7 1.3 Hazards 8 1.4 Blue-Green Grid 9 1.5 Planning Controls 10 1.6 Street Hierarchy 11 1.7 Accessibility and Activation 12 2 Opportunities & Design Principles 13 2.1 Opportunities Mapping 14 2.2 Design Principles 15 3 Strategic Precinct Plan 17 3.1 Overview 18 3.2 Precinct Plan Option 1 19 3.2 Precinct Plan Option 2 20 3.3 Precinct Plan Option 3 21 3.4 Preferred Option 22 4 Urban Design Framework 24 4.1 Illustrative Masterplan 25 4.2 Public Domain Structure Plan 26 4.3 Block & Building Type Plan 27 4.4 Building Heights (Storeys) 28 4.5 Land Use Zoning Map 29 2 4.6 Height of Buildings Map 30 4.7 Floor Space Ratio Map 31 4.8 Heritage Conservation Map 32 4.9 3D Views 33 4.10 3D Street Views 37 4.11 Development Yield 38 5 References 24 5.1 Reference List 25

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 3 1 PLANNING CONTEXT AND ANALYSIS


Study Are a Legend Existi ng Rail Lin e Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e N EDUCATIONAL VERSION SUMMARY

Study Are a Legend Existi ng Rail Lin e Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e N EDUCATIONAL al Assets Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 200 400 1000m scale: 1:20,000 @ A3

Macksville has been identified as an important link in the NSW Fast Rail Network. The delivery of this transformative, state-shaping infrastructure, requires the implementation of a structure plan that will not only accom modate the anticipated growth of Macksville but will also contribute to the revitalisation and activation of the coastal town.


The North Coast Regional Plan 2017 (the Plan) (Department of Planning, Industry and Environment) identifies the opportunity to make use of the strategic positioning of Macksville along the Pacific Highway to stimulate social and economic development alongside the creation of employment lands that would support surrounding communities. In doing so, the Plan seeks to establish a network of communities connected by transport infrastructure along the North Coast of NSW. As a predominantly residential town, commercial activity is concentrated in the Town Centre, with rural land uses located along the periphery of the township. The natural topography of Macksville presents challenges to expanding commercial and residential activities away from the existing Town Centre. Positioned along the Nambucca River, Macksville is subject to flooding and bushfires. In addition, Macksville is bounded by low mountains to the North, West and South. In considering the delivery of the Fast Rail network and the constraints presented by the environment, an opportunity emerges to leverage the opportunities of the existing Town Centre. In doing so, this structure plan aims to improve the interoperability of the existing transport network, enhance connectivity and support the activation of the town.



PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 4 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Natur al Assets Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot po nt for mat 0 200 400 1000m scale: 1:20,000 @ A3

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 5 Nambucca Hotel Source: Smith, J 2012 River Street, Macksville Source: ABC News 2018 Macksville Train Station Source:NSW Rail 2006 Nambucca River, Macksville Source:Seen Australia n.d


Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat

Pacific Hig hway G i inag ay Way Nambucca River River Road Wilson Road H Taylors Arm Road

• There are two State forests located in the regional catchment, the Nam bucca State Forest and Ingalba State Forest located north-east and southwest of the Macksville, respectively. The Macksville Showground is locat ed north of the town and within Macksville Town Centre there is a small network of local parks, waterfront parks and sportsfields.

6 1.1

Situated on the mid-north coast of NSW, Macksville is located approximate ly 470m north of Sydney along the Pacific Highway. Located 12km south of Nambucca Heads and straddling Nambucca River, Macksville is an adminis trative centre, providing essential retail, commercial and community services to the wider Nambucca Valley in the North Coast Region of NSW (Department of Planning Industry and Environment 2017, p.80).

Major Stree t Legend State Forest Macksville Sho wground Local Park N

TaylorsArm River

Major Stree t Legend State Forest Macksville Sho wground Local Park N Pacific Hig hway G i inag ay Way Nambucca River River Road Wilson Road H Taylors Arm Road TaylorsArm River Waterfront Park Golf Course Spor tsfie ld Waterway Macksville District Ho spital Edu cational Establishmen ts Topographjy Existi ng Rail Lin e Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e Pri mary Street H



PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885

Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat

• Connectivity and access to and through Macksville is primarily vehicle and road-based. In late 2014, an extension of the Pacific Highway from Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads was developed. The extension of the Pacific Highway involves 19.5km of four lane divided road, a new major crossing of the Nambucca River at Macksville and the Macksville bypass (Depart ment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communica tions 2020). The Macksville bypass is 14km and opened in 2017, directing through traffic travelling towards Nambucca Heads away from the town.


Waterfront Park Golf Course Spor tsfie ld Waterway Macksville District Ho spital Edu cational Establishmen ts Topographjy Existi ng Rail Lin e Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e Pri mary Street H T Tilly Willy Street

Rou ndabo ut


0 500 1000 2500m scale: 1:50,000 @ A3

0 500 1000 2500m scale: 1:50,000 @ A3


• The topography of Macksville has the existing township sitting on the bank of the Nambucca River in one of the only places available that isn’t hilly or on a flood plain. The town is surrounded by low mountains to the North, West and South.


Rou ndabo ut


1.2 PUBLIC TRANSPORT Bus Route Bus Stop Bus Route No. Existing Rail Line Train Station Rou ndabo ut REGIONAL


fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 500 1000 2500m scale: 1:50 000 @ A3 Major Stree t Legend State Forest Macksville Sho wground Local Park N Pacific Hig hway G i inag ay Way Nambucca River River Road Wilson Road H Taylors Arm Road TaylorsArm River Waterfront Park Golf Course Spor tsfie ld Waterway Macksville District Ho spital Edu cational Establishmen ts Topographjy Existi ng Rail Lin e Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e Pri mary Street H T Tilly Willy Street VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885

Macksville is currently serviced by the existing bus and train public transport •network.Thebus network connects Macksville to neighbouring towns including Scotts Head (356), Nambucca Heads (358 and 360), Coffs Harbour (360) and Bowraville (351 and 352). Additionally, the 358 service is the only bus that offers connectivity within Macksville, looping around Wallace Street, Boundary Street and Cooper Street/Giinagay Way.

• The rail line offers regional connectivity across the mid-north coast region and throughout NSW. The Macksville Train Station is located on the west ern side of the town adjacent to Tilly Willy Creek. The nearest stop to the south is located at Eungai and Nambucca Heads station to the north. TRANSPORT CONTEX T

Opening paragraph bold


• The bushfire prone land is concentrate west, north and south of the Macksville Town Centre.

• There are sufficient Asset Protection Zones (APZs) in place protecting the Macksville Town Centre and current activity nodes, such as the main street and train station. and Flooding paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point mat 500 1000 2500m 1:50,000 1 Vegetation Bushfire Prone Land Legend Category 2 Vegetation Bushfire Prone Land Category 3 Vegetation Bushfire Prone Land ng

Hazards Opening

• There are also small areas of both Category 2 Vegetation and Category 3 Vegetation bushfire prone land, that adjoins Category 1 bushfire prone land. The buffers applied for Categories 2 and 3 bushfire prone land are 30 metres.

BUSHFIRE The Nambucca River and Warrell Creek hug the township creating a flood prone surrounding constraining growth in all immediate directions.

Buffers 1 in 100 F lood Exten t N Existi

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 8


• Majority of the bushfire prone land within Macksville is classified as Cate gory 1 Vegetation, which comprises of vegetation such as areas of forests and woodlands, and has the highest risk of intense bushfires occurring.

Macksville is surrounded by bushfire prone land, making it susceptible to a high risk and intensity of bushfires.

@ A3 Category




The buffers for Category 1 bushfire prone land are 100 metres, represent ed as yellow in the map.


PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 9

0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Sho wground Legend Waterfront Park Spor tsfie ld Golfcourse Waterway Existi ng Rail Lin e Local Park Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e Nambucca River TaylorsArmRiver Tilly WillyCreek

OPEN SPACE The network of public open space is limited within Macksville. The localised network of publicly accessible parks and green space comprises of Dawkins Park (1), Macksville Park (2) centrally located in the Macksville Town Centre, Thistle Park (3), Phillip Hughes Oval (4) and Donnelly Welsh Sporting Com plex (5) are located within the eastern extent of Macksville. There is a local park, Lions Park (6), located along the waterfront of the Nambucca River on the northern side. In addition, there is the Macksville Golf Course (7) located south of the town centre and is a private open green space.


1. Dawkins Park 2. Macksville Park 3. Thistle Park 4. Phillip Hughes Oval 5. Donnelly Welsh Sporting Complex 6. Lions Park 7. Macksville Golf Course WATERWAYS Macksville is located adjacent to the Nambucca River that comprises the northern boundary of the town flowing from east to west. Additionally, the Tilly Will Creek and the Taylors Arm flow into the Nambucca River from the south, shaping the western side of the township and providing the eastern boundary respectively.

Blue-Green Gri d Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat


Nambucca River TaylorsArmRiver Tilly WillyCreek

Blue-Green Gri d Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Sho wground Legend Waterfront Park Spor tsfie ld Golfcourse Waterway Existi ng Rail Lin e Local Park Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e


• There are 5 heritage items located in the study area. Items of note include the Macksville Police Station (Local Significance), the existing Macksville Railway Station (State Signifcance) and the Macksville Post Office (National Signifi cance).

0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 R5 Large Lot R esidential Zoning RE1 Pu blic Recre ation RE2 Private R ecreation RU1 Pri mary Production RU2 Ru ral Landscape SP1 Special Activitie s R3 Me di um De nsity Residenti al SP2 I nfrastructure Zoning Height Floor Sp ace Ratio Her it age B4 Mixed Use E2 Env ironme ntal Con se rvatio n E3 Env ironme ntal Man age ment IN1 Ge neral I ndustrial IN2 Light I ndustrial R1 G eneral R eside ntial B3 Co mmercial Core R2 Low Den sity R esi de ntial W1 Natu ral Wate rways W2 Recre ational Wate rways Height K (10m) N (14m) I (8.5m) FSR N (1) R (1 4) E (0.55) S (1 6) Her it age Heri tage Ite m VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Blue-Green Gri d Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 R5 Large Lot R esidential Zoning RE1 Pu blic Recre ation RE2 Private R ecreation RU1 Pri mary Production RU2 Ru ral Landscape SP1 Special Activitie s R3 Me di um De nsity Residenti al SP2 I nfrastructure Zoning Height Floor Sp ace Ratio Her it age B4 Mixed Use E2 Env ironme ntal Con se rvatio n E3 Env ironme ntal Man age ment IN1 Ge neral I ndustrial IN2 Light I ndustrial R1 G eneral R eside ntial B3 Co mmercial Core R2 Low Den sity R esi de ntial W1 Natu ral Wate rways W2 Recre ational Wate rways Height K (10m) N (14m) I (8.5m) FSR N (1) R (1 4) E (0.55) S (1 6) He r it age Heri tage Ite m VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Blue-Green Gri d Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 R5 Large Lot R esidential Zoning RE1 Pu blic Recre ation RE2 Private R ecreation RU1 Pri mary Production RU2 Ru ral Landscape SP1 Special Activitie s R3 Me di um De nsity Residenti al SP2 I nfrastructure Zoning Height Floor Sp ace Ratio Her it age B4 Mixed Use E2 Env ironme ntal Con se rvatio n E3 Env ironme ntal Man age ment IN1 Ge neral I ndustrial IN2 Light I ndustrial R1 G eneral R eside ntial B3 Co mmercial Core R2 Low Den sity R esi de ntial W1 Natu ral Wate rways W2 Recre ational Wate rways Height K (10m) N (14m) I (8 5m) FSR N (1) R (1.4) E (0 55) S (1 6) Her it age Heri tage Ite m VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Blue Green Gri d Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 R5 Large Lot R esidential Zoning RE1 Pu blic Recre ation RE2 Private R ecreation RU1 Pri mary Production RU2 Ru ral Landscape SP1 Special Activitie s R3 Me di um De nsity Residenti al SP2 I nfrastructure Zoning Height Floor Sp ace Ratio Her it age B4 Mixed Use E2 Env ironme ntal Con se rvatio n E3 Env ironme ntal Man age ment IN1 Ge neral I ndustrial IN2 Light I ndustrial R1 G eneral R eside ntial B3 Co mmercial Core R2 Low Den sity R esi de ntial W1 Natu ral Wate rways W2 Recre ational Wate rways He ight K (10m) N (14m) I (8.5m) FSR N (1) R (1.4) E (0.55) S (1 6) Her it age Heri tage Ite m VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Blue Green Gri d Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observat ons in dot po nt for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10 000 @ NA3 R5 Large Lot R esidential Zoning RE1 Pu blic Recre ation RE2 Private R ecreation RU1 Pri mary Production RU2 Ru ral Landscape SP1 Special Activitie s R3 Me di um De nsity Residenti al SP2 Infrastructure Zoning Height Floor Sp ace Ratio Her it age B4 Mixed Use E2 Env ironme ntal Con se rvatio n E3 Env ironme ntal Man age ment IN1 Ge neral Industrial IN2 Light Industrial R1 G eneral R eside ntial B3 Co mmercial Core R2 Low Den sity R esi de ntial W1 Natu ral Wate rways W2 Recre ational Wate rways Height K (10m) N (14m) I (8.5m) FSR N (1) R (1.4) E (0 55) S (1.6) Her it age Heri tage Ite m VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

• The maximum height for R3 residential in the centre of Macksville is 14m.

• Building density is regulated by both height and FSR, with residential lots located on the periphery of the Town Centre having a maximum building height of 8.5m and FSR of 0.55.

Macksville is characterised by a range of uses, including commercial, residential, industrial, and recreational. Zoning is clustered throughout the town, with concen trations of commercial uses in the Town Centre, residential zoning located on the outer rim and rural land use located on the periphery. The built form of the town has resulted in limited pockets of recreational open space located throughout Macks ville. The bulk and scale of both the commercial and residential zones are shaped by the applicable floor space ratio and height controls.

• A small network of local parks, waterfront parks and sportsfield located within the Town Centre. Gri d Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat

• The majority of buildings are subject to a maximum building height between 8.5m and 10m, which is consistent with land-use zoning.

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The street network in Macksville is reliant upon Giinagay Way and Old Coast Road providing the primary north-south connections to North Macksville and Nambucca Heads. The study area is established on network of primary struc turing and local streets, with a large majority linking back to Giinagay Way.

0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ A3 Pri mary Street Legend Main Stree t Local Stre et N Major Stree t iiGyagan W a y Pacific Highway Boundary Street Durkin Street Station Street River Street WallaceStreet Ma t i l da Stree t L i t t le Ma ry L an e O Gra dy L an e Pr in cess Stree t TaylorsArm Road Wes t Stree t JoffreStreet Sturdee StreetJellicoStreet ShortStreet Bellevue Drive Giinagay Way Coop er Stree t Ur i t i Ro a d Rosemary Gardens George CloseGlenmore C r e s c e n t Graham Close Skyline C l o s e Egan Lane Egan Street W i l l iam Stree t FerryStreet Mckay Street Tilly Willy Street Mary Stree t Provos t La ne Br insdon L an e Bu t t Lane Angus Lane Fo rres ter La ne Winifred Street Patridge Street Star Stree t Nambucca Street W i l l is Stree t Eas t S tree t Dudley Street Hardg e s La ne W a l l S t r e e t Marsh Street Nancy e Ro be r ts Dr ive Lennon Close FlorriesLane WilsonStreet Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e Lane Bridge Wa l lac e La ne Kane Stree t VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Existi ng Rail Lin e Street Hi er archy Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ A3 Pri mary Street Legend Main Stree t Local Stre et N Major Stree t iiGyagan W a y Pacific Highway Boundary Street Durkin Street Station Street River Street WallaceStreet Ma t i l da Stree t L i t t le Ma ry L an e O Gra dy L an e Pr in cess Stree t TaylorsArm Road Wes t Stree t JoffreStreet Sturdee StreetJellicoStreet ShortStreet Bellevue Drive Giinagay Way Coop er Stree t Ur i t i Ro a d Rosemary Gardens George CloseGlenmore C r e s c e n t Graham Close Skyline C l o s e Egan Lane Egan Street W i l l iam Stree t FerryStreet Mckay Street Tilly Willy Street Mary Stree t Provos t La ne Br insdon L an e Bu t t Lane Angus Lane Fo rres ter La ne Winifred Street Patridge Street Star Stree t Nambucca Street W i l l is Stree t Eas t S tree t Dudley Street Hardg e s La ne W a l l S t r e e t Marsh Street Nancy e Ro be r ts Dr ive Lennon Close FlorriesLane WilsonStreet Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e Lane Bridge Wa l lac e La ne Kane Stree t VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION STREET HIERARCHY

• At a more localised scale, there are limited connections between local and primary streets, with cul de sacs and laneways interspersed across Macksville, disjointing the local street network. Existi Hi er archy Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat

• The local street network of Macksville resembles an abstract grid, with a vast majority of local and primary roads connecting back to Giinagay Way.

• Giinagay Way is a two (2) lane arterial road as well as facilitating on street parking. It is the primary north-south connection that runs through Macks ville, connecting the town to the broader Nambucca Valley Shire.

• There are two bridges that provides connections over the Nambucca River and Taylors Arm River. The Joffre Street Bridge connects the most west ern part of Macksville and Congarinni North via Wilson Road. The Coo per Street bridge enables the continuation of Giinagay Way, connecting Macksville and North Macksville.

• There are limited east-west connections within Macksville, with River Street and Gumma Road providing the primary east-west connection along the Nambucca River.

ng Rail Lin e Street

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 11 1.6 STREET HIERACHY

Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e Blue-Green Gri d

Macksville township is a walkable area particularly between the railway sta tion and the high street. East of the high street walkability is lacking and due to a number of east west streets in the grid not continuing east.

Existi ng Rail Lin e

The Public domain elements include the Public Pool, Library and Town Hall, all located within proximity to the town centre of Macksville and each another.

The town does not include any large public areas such as squares or public courtyards. AND ACTIVATION

The commercial area and active frontages of Macksville are located in the north eastern portion of the town and are centered around Princess Street and Cooper Street/Giinagay Way. This includes a range of commercial and mixed uses such as retail, restaurants, business premises.


PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 12


Proposed High Spee d Rail Lin e

Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Active Street Fro ntages Legend Public Buil din g Walkability EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL VERSION

Existi ng Rail Lin e




Blue-Green Gri d

Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 100 200 500m scale: 1:10,000 @ NA3 Active Street Fro ntages Legend Public Buil din g Walkability EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION


PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 13 2 OPPORTUNITIES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES

• New pedestrian and cycle paths along the river and direct connections from the ‘High Street’ Precinct and Civic Plaza; and

• Realigning Wallace and West Streets to resemble a ‘traditional’ north-south connection; and

• Creating new streets and providing additional street extensions to increase permeability and meet best-practice walkability outcomes by creating blocks that are the optimal size, i.e. 150m x 80m.

3. Redefine the existing street grid to be more legible, walkable and connected 4. Expand and increase the green-grid and tree canopy to integrate with rivers Macksville’s existing street network has the foundations for the establishment of a ‘traditional’ street grid layout. Redefining the existing street grid will significantly improve both pedestrian and vehicle connectivity, especially east-west to improve mid-block permeability and north-south to provide access to the river foreshore. The addition of a pedestrianised portion of the ‘highstreet’ precinct, new pedestrian path along the foreshore and new pedestrian bridge will further improve walkability within Macksville.

5. Activate the river foreshore to establish Macksville as a waterfront destination

• Creating new pedestrian only connections, including a new pedestrian bridge connecting the Macksville Town Centre with the north-western extent of Macksville.

• Locating new mixed-use precincts, retail blocks and active frontages along the new east-west connection parallel to the river.

• Rehabilitating and transforming the environmental conservation land located north-west of the Town Centre into a new passive and active open space.

Key elements of this design principle include:

• Tree-lined streets and tree-cover on private land.

Alysha Tse - z5258885 16

Maits Rest, Cape Otway National Park Victoria Source: Outlines Riverwalk, Werribee Victoria Source: Outlines Pirrama Park, Pyrmont Sydney Source: ASPECT Studios Barangaroo South Foreshore, Sydney Source: ASPECT Studios Pedestrian bridge, Kelheim, Germany Source: Pfifer Group 0 200 400 1000m scale: 1:20000 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION 0 200 400 1000m scale: 1:20000 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION 0 200 400 1000m scale: 1:20000 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION


PLAN4002: Making Studio

• The addition of new public open spaces;

• A new linear corridor of passive open space that runs along the Nambucca River and Tilly Willy Creek foreshore to enable public access and enjoyment of the rivers;

Part of the reimagination of Macksville is making it a waterfront destination, by activating the river foreshore. Macksville is blessed by its position at the confluence of three major waterways which provides the town with an expansive outlook and views to the Nambucca River, Taylors Arm and Tilly Willy Creek. To leverage Macksville’s positioning, it is envisaged future development of the town will activate the extensive river foreshore through:

This principle is focused on expanding the green-grid, specifically along the river foreshore to better integrate with the waterways. Expanding the green-grid will provide much needed high-quality passive and active open space for the anticipated influx of visitors and residents associated with the introduction of the High Speed Rail. The provision of new open spaces along the river foreshore will deliver an appropriate interface from the proposed new built form associated with the elevated rail interchange and new mixed use precincts. Transforming land along the foreshore into new open space is the only viable option, given this land is exposed to flood risk, making it unsuitable for built form development. Additionally, increasing tree canopy with create a healthy and cool Macksville, as well as contribute the desired future character and streetscape. Key elements of this principle are:

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 17 3 STRATEGIC PRECINCT PLAN

All three urban layouts envisage a redefined wayward street grid that has rationalised and supplemented new streets, lanes and extensions to support improved connectivity and walkability. In each of the precinct plans there is a new fork intersection on the north-eastern portion of Macksville. The new fork intersection creates two new routes, with the top route taking commuters and pedestrians along the river and directly to the bridge to the western extent of Macksville, with the bottom route providing commuters and pedestrians a direct path to the station via the Town Centre Core.

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885

Bayswater Station, Perth

Three distinct and unique precinct layouts have been designed for a reimagined Macksville. Each design embodies the overarching design principle of unlocking the potential of the elevated rail corridors and interchange, whilst incorporating the remaining four design principles.

In all three precinct plans the creation of a new civic plaza under the proposed abovegrade rail interchange and activating the river foreshore were fundamental. A new mixed use civic plaza has been created in each precinct under the rail interchange (like Bayswater Station in Perth) to activate the area beneath the station, enhance the public domain and guide people from the station towards the revived high-streets and Town Centre Core. A new foreshore park that wraps around the entire river frontage of Macksville is featured in each precinct plan. This new foreshore park will activate the river foreshore and act as an urban sponge and a natural water sensitive infrastructure asset that will protect Macksville from future flood risk. Furthermore, each precinct plan

Additionally, all three urban layouts include a new key extension of Joffre Street, providing better connectivity from the western extent of Macksville into the main town centre. The existing River Street has been realigned in all three precinct plans and is now further setback from the river to protect vehicles and pedestrians from future risk of flooding, as well as accommodate a new park that runs along the foreshore.

0 10 0 20 0 50 0m sc a le: 1:10 00 0 @ NA3 T H T T T H VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION 0 10 0 20 0 50 0m sc a le: 1:10 00 0 @ NA3 H R ST VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION 0 10 0 20 0 50 0m sc a le: 1:10 00 0 @ NA3 T R T VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION 0 10 0 20 0 50 0m sc a le: 1:10 00 0 @ NA3 T H HT R VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Feng River Eco-Park, China Source: GVL Temora Railway Station Source: Temora Independent

Source: Public Transport Authority of Western Australia seeks to extend the Town Centre and intensify the Town Centre Core with a mixture of uses. Lastly, the precinct plans have retained the existing heritage buildings that comprise Macksville Train Station and are located in the new foreshore park to make them publicly accessible for the community to appreciate the heritage significance. It is proposed these buildings be repurposed for community and commercial uses like the historic Temora Railway Station and Newcastle Railway Station.



PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 19 Option 1: The 'Pocke t Park ' Pre cin ct T HSR T HSR sc a le: 1:50 00 @ 0NA3 50 10 0 20 0m E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings Bush Park H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre Wa t erwa y E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Brid ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Yout h Ce nt re T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

3.1 Precinct Plan - Option 1 Macksville Triangle Precinct Option 1 plays on the idea of a making the Macksville Town Centre Core a triangle (Macksville Triangle). This is achieved by retaining the existing ‘high-street’ along Wallace Street, creating a new ‘high-street’ extension along Princess Street, and a ‘high-street’ extension along Station Street. By creating Macksville Triangle, it will expand the existing Town Centre Core both north-east and south-west.

• A redefined, legible and rationalised street grid that includes: 1) realignment of West Street to create a new north-south connection and 2) additional east-west connections to improve walkability and permeability within Macksville Town Centre.

• A civic spine along Wallace Street, with the three new triangular shaped lots proposed to be the location of two new public buildings and a pocket park. These public buildings and pocket park will serve as anchors of the Macksville Triangle.

• A health and education sub-precinct located in the north-western extent of the Macksville Town Centre featuring a new health hub, the relocated TAFE and Primary School and a new childcare facility.

• A new primary school that is located off the busy revived high street along Wallace Street, creating a safer environment for both pedestrians and students during school drop off and pick up. Option 1: The 'Pocke t Park ' Pre cin ct o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a S treet (2 0m ) L bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ai Ab ove gra de ra i int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra i p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e x s ting ra il Legend Lo c a Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Yout h Ce nt re T R ai Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x tHSR EDUCATIONAL VERSION Option 1: The 'Pocke t Park ' Pre cin ct HSR T HSR sc a le: 1:50 00 @ 0NA3 50 10 0 20 0m E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings Bush Park H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre Wa t erwa y E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et


Key elements within Option 1 are:

E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Brid ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Yout h Ce nt re T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

T H R T H E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at o n Build ings Bush Park H ea th H ub Civ c Pla za E xis t ing A qua t c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P r ma ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre Wa t erwa y E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L brar y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Br d ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L

• A new arts and cultural facility at the base of Macksville Triangle which will provide ample gallery, exhibition and informal performance spaces for local artists within Macksville and broader region.


PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 20

1 0m ) H igh S t re et E x s t ing L ane E x s t ing Br d ge E x s t ing O pen Sp ac e E x s t ing S c ho ol Ova l E x s t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E x s t ing L o ca S t re et E x s t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a S treet (2 0m ) Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Legend Lo c a Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens o n E x s t ing H ig h S treet HSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Option 1: The 'Pocke t Park ' Pre cin ct T HSR T HSR sc a le: 1:50 00 @ 0NA3 50 10 0 20 0m E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings Bush Park H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre Wa t erwa y E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Brid ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Yout h Ce nt re T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

• A complete and redefined street grid that integrates with the existing wayward grid.

Key elements within Option 2 are:

It is envisaged the revived Town Centre Core will comprise of medium to high-density mixeduse development, with landscaped streets along the pedestrianised junction. A portion of the realined River Street will be a Shared Zone to enable appreciation of the heritage items and provide a street frontage for buildings in the foreshore park.

• A new primary school west of the existing location to enable the revitalisation and intensification of Wallace Street into a major retail strip and pedestrian priority shared zone.

• A new indoor sports centre co-located near the existing Macksville Memorial Aquatic Centre and sportsfield at Macksville Park to create a new recreation and sports subprecinct. x t La nd sc a ped S treet (4 6m ) S hared zo ne ( Hig h S treet ) H ea th H ub C vi c P a za E x s t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E x s t ing P rima ry Sc ho o E x s t ing Chi ldc a re E x s t ing H ig h S cho o R elo ca t ed Pr m ar y Sc ho o l E x s t ing H erit a ge S t at o n Bu ld ings E x s t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/C v c Centre E x s t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura Ce ntre E x s t ing L ibrar y L bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Ch ld c are Yout h Ce nt re T Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H g h S peed R ail Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis t ng ra il T HSR T HSR Bush Park Wa t erwa y La ne(6

3.2 Precinct Plan - Option 2 R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x it La nd sc a ped S treet (4 6m ) S hared zo ne ( Hig h S treet ) H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Child c are Yout h Ce nt re T Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il T HSR T HSR sc a le: 1:50 00 @ 0NA3 50 10 0 20 0m Bush Park Wa t erwa y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Brid ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Legend Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n E xis t ing H ig h S treet HSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION R ai Int ercha nge Ent r y/E

• A new civic plaza that connects the new TAFE, library and auditorium and activates the station precinct, with the new public buildings generating activity and movement of people.

Pedestrianised Macksville Junction Precinct Option 2 seeks to replicate an equivalent of ‘Pitt Street Mall’ in the Macksville Town Centre by making the junction of Matilda and Wallace Streets pedestrian priority. The pedestrianised junction of Matilda and Wallace Street will function as the major retail and commercial centre of the reimagined Macksville Town Centre and will also revive the existing Town Centre Core.

• A new high-street extension along Matilda Street, extending the Macksville Town Centre Core south-east and create opportunities for additional active frontages.

L ibrar y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Brid ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Yout h Ce nt re T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

• Making Matilda Street a new high-street, extending the Town Centre Core south-east and north-west, creating opportunities for greater intensification in the Town Centre Core and near the Nambucca River foreshore.

Option 3: Ped estr ianised H igh-Stre e t T H R T H Bush Park Wa t erwa y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Br d ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ace E xis t ing S cho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a S treet (2 0m ) Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ai Ab ove gra de ra i int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra i p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e x s ting ra il Legend Lo c a Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n E xis t ing H ig h S treet S po r t sf eld EDUCATIONAL VERSION

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 21

Option 1: The 'Pocke t Park ' Pre cin ct T HSR T HSR sc a le: 1:50 00 @ 0NA3 50 10 0 20 0m E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings Bush Park H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre Wa t erwa y E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing


• Extending the existing Town Centre west, by introducing a new high-street along Station Street.

• Expansion of Dawkins Park to provide a new active open space area.

• A new childcare located away from the revived Town Centre Core and in a more central and accessible location of Macksville to serve both the existing residential development to the east, north and south, as well as the anticipated residential development within the Town Centre Core. EDUCATIONAL VERSION T R ai Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x tHSR Co mm unit y Pavi on E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at o n Build ings H ea th H ub Civ c Pla za E xis t ing A qua t c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P r ma ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L brar y L bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Child c are Yout h Ce nt re

Activated River Precinct Option 3 prioritises the activation of the river that encompasses Macksville by extending the Town Centre west to bring activity from the high-street precinct to visitors as soon as they exit the above-grade rail interchange. Extending the Town Centre Core west will generate activity and excitement along the river and within the Station Precinct, as people travelling by rail will be greeted by a thriving high-street and new civic plaza that will feature a mixture of retail, food and drink premises and public buildings. The western extension will also act as a ‘taster’ of all the things Macksville has to offer, as it is the primary movement corridor that connects the rail interchange and civic plaza back to the Town Centre Core.

Key elements within Option 3 are:

• Community pavilions dispersed throughout the new foreshore park to activate the foreshore and foster opportunities for the community to interact with the river.

• A rationalised and legible street grid to create a highly connected and walkable Macksville Town Centre.

3.3 Precinct Plan - Option 3 T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR Co mm unit y Pavili on E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Child c are Yout h Ce nt re Option 3: Ped estr ianised H igh-Stre e t T HSR T HSR sc a le: 1:50 00 @ 0NA3 50 10 0 20 0m Bush Park Wa t erwa y La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane E xis t ing Brid ge E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n E xis t ing H ig h S treet S po r t sf ield VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS


• Limited intensification proposed in the new civic plaza and along the western extent of the Town Centre to maintain view corridors to Tilly Willy Creek and Taylors Arm further west.

All three urban layouts presented unique and city-shaping design elements that would assist in revitalising Macksville into a thriving, vibrant and contemporary Town Centre. Therefore, the preferred option is a hybrid that adopts the key elements proposed for the revived Town Centre Core. Specifically, the concept of the Town Centre Core renamed to Macksville Triangle (Option 1) has been integrated into the preferred option and is formed by the pedestrianised junction of Matilda and Wallace Streets (Option 2) and Station Street (Option 1 & 3). Additionally, the western extension of the Town Centre via Station Street (Option 3) has been adopted to activate the adjacent civic plaza by introducing retail uses, a new health hub and new TAFE which will generate activity around the new rail interchange. This western extension is the primary movement corridor that connects the rail interchange and civic plaza back to the Town Centre Core. Furthermore, making the northern extent of Matilda Street a high-street (Option 3) extends the Town Centre to the Nambucca River and provides opportunities for activation.

• A selection of streets (primarily ones exposed to flood risk) within Macksville Town Centre will feature landscaping including rain gardens and pervious surfaces. These landscaped streets will provide additional natural water sensitive infrastructure that will enable absorption and temporary storage of stormwater to help mitigate flooding within the Town Centre and severe damage.

The preferred option assumes land within East Macksville will be reclaimed for a major strategic natural flood mitigation to protect the reimagined Macksville Town Centre. Part of the strategic flood mitigation involves re-engineering and transforming Macksville Park and Dawkins Park into detention basins to allow the temporary storage of stormwater as an additional precaution to protect the Town Centre Core from flood damage. This approach is similar to Hasset Park in Section 5 Campbell, Sarah Redfern Park in Minto and Victoria Park in Camperdown, where the active and passive open spaces are at a lower elevation than surrounding streets and built form, to enable the parks to act as urban sponges by holding and absorbing rainwater when it falls. Furthermore, it is proposed and existing stream located between residential development within east Macksville be daylighted to allow storage of stormwater that will flow back to Nambucca OtherRiver.

• A new primary school and childcare facility located away from the revived Wallace Street and pedestrianised Macksville Triangle. This design element creates a safer environment for students during school drop off and pick up. Additionally, moving the school and childcare away from the high-street facilitates a safe environment for pedestrians in the new shared zone within Macksville Triangle.

• A plaza area within the new foreshore park to create a landmark destination and enable public access and appreciation to the repurposed heritage station buildings. This landmark destination will further connect the river to the Town Centre and provide opportunties for outdoor dining along the river.

key elements of the Preferred Option include:

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Preferred Option - Hybrid Macksville a Sponge City with a Pedestrianised Town Centre

• A portion of the realigned River Street made a shared zone to create a street frontage for building located within the Foreshore Park. A shared zone will enable greater appreciation of existing heritage items located along the Shared Zone.

Tse - z5258885 22 3.4

The Levee, Maitland Source: McGregor Coxall

Hasset Park, Section 5 Campbell Source: John Gollings Yagan Square, Perth Source: ASPECT Studios Sarah Redfern Park, Minto Source: JMD Design Signal Box Transformed, Newcastle Source: Alexander Mcintyre

• Lower intensification is proposed in the northern extent of the Town Centre to maintain views and vistas to the Nambucca River.

• Adaptive reuse of heritage station buildings into new community and commercial uses inspired by the historic Temora Railway Station and Newcastle Station.

• A new arts and cultural centre anchors the new pedestrianised Macksville Triangle and will also act as a beacon to signify to vehicles they are entering a shared zone.

• A new foreshore park that wraps around Macksville’s entire river frontage and includes community pavilions to provide amenity as the community interacts and enjoys the river. This new park frames the Town Centre and will serve as an urban sponge in the event of a flood.

Wa elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre S hared zo ne E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y T H SR T H SR 0 50 10 0 20 0m sc a le: 1:50 00 @ NA3 La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane S hared zo ne ( Hig h S treet ) E

Bush Park E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l S po r t sf ield Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n La nd sc a ped S treet (4 6m )

t erwa y E xis t ing Brid ge Po tent ia l N ew Her ita ge It em E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings E xis t ing S ho pp ing Ce nt re H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 23 T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR Bush Park E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l S po r t sf ield Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n La nd sc a ped S treet (4 6m ) Wa t erwa y E xis t ing Brid ge Po tent ia l N ew Her ita ge It em E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings E xis t ing S ho pp ing Ce nt re H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre S hared zo ne E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y T H SR T H SR 0 50 10 0 20 0m sc a le: 1:50 00 @ NA3 La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane S hared zo ne ( Hig h S treet ) E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Det ent io n Bas in Med ium Dens ity M ixed Us e H igh D ensit y Mi xed Use Ca nal Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Co mm unit y Pavili on Yout h Ce nt re VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR Bush Park E xis t ing O pen Sp ac e E xis t ing S c ho ol Ova l S po r t sf ield Lo c a l Pa rk O pen S pa c e E x tens io n La nd sc a ped S treet (4 6m ) Wa t erwa y E xis t ing Brid ge Po tent ia l N ew Her ita ge It em E xis t ing H erit a ge S t at io n Build ings E xis t ing S ho pp ing Ce nt re H eal th H ub Civi c Pla za E xis t ing A qua ti c Centre Ind o or Sp o r ts Cent re E xis t ing P rima ry Sc ho o l E xis t ing Chi ldc a re E xis t ing H ig h S cho o l R elo ca t ed Prim ar y Sc ho o l E xis t ing Co unc il Cham bers Co unc il/Civi c Centre S hared zo ne E xis t ing TAFE Ar t s and Cult ura l Ce ntre E xis t ing L ibrar y T H SR T H SR 0 50 10 0 20 0m sc a le: 1:50 00 @ NA3 La ne(6 1 0m ) H igh S t re et E xis t ing L ane S hared zo ne ( Hig h S treet ) E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Det ent io n Bas in Med ium Dens ity M ixed Us e H igh D ensit y Mi xed Use Ca nal Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Co mm unit y Pavili on Yout h Ce nt re VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION T R ail Int ercha nge Ent r y/E x itHSR

xis t ing P rima ry St ruc ture S t re et Prim a ry S t reet ( 20m ) E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et E xis t ing M ajo r S t reet Lo c a l S treet (2 0m ) Li bra ry R elo ca t ed TAFE Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de H ig h S peed R ail Ab ove gra de ra il int erc ha nge Ab ove gra de ra il p lat fo rm Pro po sed a bo ve g ra de e xis ting ra il Legend Det ent io n Bas in Med ium Dens ity M ixed Us e H igh D ensit y Mi xed Use Ca nal Child c are E xis t ing H ig h S treet Co mm unit y Pavili on Yout h Ce nt re VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION 12 Adaptive reuse of main station building into a flexible space for both commu nity and commercial uses such as markets. Adaptive reuse of smaller station buildings into a community pavilion, cafe and flexible studios for creative art classes.21

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 24 4 URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK

• The adaptive reuse extensions of selected heritage items have been proposed at the rear of the heritage item to allow adequate view sharing for development south the heritage items. These adaptive reuse extensions are sympathetic to the existing height of the heritage items in most cases are an additional storey in height.

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 25 4.1 Illustrative Masterplan Pla z a S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

The significant investment in infrastructure creates an exciting opportunity to leverage the High-Speed Rail to enliven and revitalise the existing Macksville Town Centre into a vibrant, resilient and integrated centre. Investment in the revitalisation of Macksville will transform the town into a Strategic Centre of the Nambucca Valley region, aligning with State Government’s Strategy for decentralisation. The Masterplan illustrates the finer grain of 3 urban blocks (10 mini blocks), setting out the desired layout of built form which is driven by the activation of the high-street streetscapes and foreshore. It also details the desired future character of the public realm by providing generous urban canopy and highquality footpaths that connect to the wider network.

• Views of the river are obtained from Block 1 and 2, with the built form proposed opposite the foreshore park of lower height. Additionally, a new view corridor has been created from the placement of apartments above mixed use in block 1, enabling potential residents in apartments in Block 2 to enjoy views of the river

• Retention and addition of new heritage items located within the foreshore park will activate the foreshore and make Macksville a waterfront destination (Principle 5). These heritage items convey the historic character and identity of the town, creating a visual interest of the reimagined Town Centre. There is potential for these heritage items to be restored for adaptive reuse into a mix of retail, community, cafes and restaurant uses.

Pla z a S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Pla z a R esid enti al Fla t Buil ding S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Ad ap tive Reus e E x tens io n H erit ag e It em Legend Gro und Flo or Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Tree Lined Street, Greenwich Village New York Source: TripAdvisor 2017 Coffs Harbour Cultural & Civic Space Source: Coffs Harbour City Council n.d. 1 2 3

• Tree planting is consistently provided along all streets to optimise shading and natural cooling within this portion of the Town Centre, embodying Design Principle 4.

• The urban blocks are located within the north-east portion of the Town Centre and northeast of the relocated Town Centre Core (Macksville Triangle). They are bound by the new foreshore park to the north, Matilda Street (High-Street) to the west, Forrester Lane to the south and Giinagay Way to the east.These blocks represent redevelopment of the existing Town Centre Core and each block has two ‘high-street’ frontages being Wallace and Matilda Streets for Block 1 and 2, and Wallace and Princess Street for Block 3.

The new High-Speed Rail Station is a catalytic project that will reimagine Macksville.

• A new civic centre including Council Chambers and public courtyard is provided at the corner of Wallace and River Streets, anchoring the precinct and will contribute to an activated foreshore with the external courtyard enabling people to gather and utilise as a through-block connection.

• Laneways play a crucial role in increasing block permeability for pedestrians and creating opportunities visually interesting spaces within the Town Centre. Both vehicle and pedestrians can be accommodated in the one-way lanes. The network of lanes also provide site-servicing, with the lanes providing rear access for deliveries or for residents accessing garages or basement parking.

• Each urban block features small public external courtyards and landscaping to facilitate opportunities for formal and informal outdoor dining and social interaction, further contributing to the vision for an enhanced public domain that will make a vibrant and activated Macksville. fur ther key

The public domain structure aims to create a highly-connected, permeable and walkable Town Centre that has access to high-quality open spaces and the new rail interchange, located 400m from the revitalised precinct.

• Through block connections are provided between the heritage buildings to enable direct access to the Foreshore Park. Additionally, the new courtyard adjacent to the new civic building provides an addition through block connection to access the foreshore Park.

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 26 4.2 Public Domain Structure Plan T hroug h Blo c k Co nnec tio n LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat B T HSR 400m B B B B B 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 H erit ag e It em Lo c a l S treet E xis t ing L ane La ne H igh S t re et S hared Zo ne E xis t ing P rima ry St ruc turi ng S t reet E xis t ing L o ca l S t re et Wa t erwa y Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e Pla z Ba us St op Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers B Bus Ro ut e WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Forrester Ln VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

• New bus routes and bus stops are proposed within the precinct to enhance public transport connectivity within Macksville. All bus routes will travel to the new rail interchange located south west of the precinct. The bus route proposed along Wallace Street connecting to Giinagay Way will service North Macksville and provide access from Macksville Town Centre to Macksville District Hospital. The bus route along River Street connecting to Forrester Lane will provide services to residents living east of the Town Centre.

• The new shared zone along a portion of River Street is to enable opportunities for activation in the external courtyards at the rear of the new mixed use developments. A shared zone is to enable safe travel of pedestrians utilising the through-block connections to access the foreshore park.

• The existing Forrester Lane has be made a new Local Street to enable bus services to utilise the street

observations in dot point for mat 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Ad ap tive Reus e E x tens io n H erit ag e It em Gro und Flo or Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION T hroug h Blo c k Co nnec tio n LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat B T HSR 400m B B B B B 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 H erit ag e It em Lo c a l S treet Legend E xis t ng L ane La ne H gh S t re et S hared Zo ne E xis t ng P rima ry St ruc turi ng S t reet E xis t ng L o ca l S t re et Wa t erwa y Pub ic O pen S pa c e Pr va t e O pen S p ac e Pla z Ba us St op Civi c Centre/C ounc l Cham bers B Bus Ro ut e WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Forrester Ln VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Paley Park, New York Source: The Cultural Landscape Foundation 2012 Rankins Lane, Melbourne Source: Bayer, M 2020

Pla z a R esid enti al Fla t Buil ding S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in bold

A diverse range of building type are proposed in the precinct to create a thriving Town Centre that serves the needs of the local community and visitors. Each building type responds to its context and role within the broader Strategic Precinct Plan.

• A new Civic building is located at the corner of River and Wallace Streets to activate the foreshore and serve as an anchor of this precinct.

• Adaptive reuse extensions at select heritage items are proposed to ensure the maintenance and preservation of heritage items remains feasible. Additionally, these adaptive reuse extensions will enable the heritage items to have a presence to the new realigned River Street and enable ground floor activation with these extensions hosting a mix of retail, cafes, offices or restaurants.


Pla z a R esid enti al Fla t Buil ding S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph in

• A key objective of the Strategic Precinct Plan is to create an active and vibrant streetscape for pedestrians travelling along the proposed ‘High-Streets’. As mentioned previously, each urban block has two frontages to two of the ‘high-streets’, therefore mixed use development will line the high-streets with cafes, retail, restaurants and commercial premises located on the ground floor to achieve the level of activation envisaged.

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 27 4.3 Blocks & Building Types Plan

key observations in dot point for mat 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Ad ap tive Reus e E x tens io n H erit ag e It em Gro und Flo or Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Ad ap tive Reus e E x tens io n H erit ag e It em B T HSR 400m B B B B B R esid enti al Fla t Buil ding Legend S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling Mix ed Use S uperm ar ket Wa t erwa y Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e Pla z a 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION The Wedge Studios Source: Hills Thalis 2022 Ad ap tive Reus e E x tens io n H erit ag e It em B T HSR 400m B B B B B R esid enti al Fla t Buil ding Legend S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling Mix ed Use S uperm ar ket Wa t erwa y Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e Pla z a 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

• Residential apartments are position on several mixed-use building on Wallace and Matilda Streets. All residential building have been oriented to face the new foreshore park and waterways, either Nambucca River (North) or Tilly Willy Creek (West), for residents to enjoy views of the water and green space. Terraces and studios above garage are located at the corner of Forrester Lane and Princess Street to represent the transition from high-density to low-density residential character. bold ther

• The Triangle Building on Block 1 will serve as a landmark to signify the termination of the Town Centre Core. This building will be mixed use with the ground level being occupied by a new small supermarket and six storeys of apartment located directly above.

• Adaptive reuse extension are limited to 3 storeys, to ensure the addition is sympathetic to existing heritage fabric and enable the developments to the south to enjoy views of Nambucca River.

Building heights within the precinct are designed to maximise views towards Nambucca River, with a step down of heights proposed along Wallace Street towards the Foreshore Park. Additionally, building heights have been considered to maximise solar access to residential apartments and green spaces.

Pla z a R esid enti al Fla t Buil ding S hop To p Ho us ing Civi c Centre/C ounc il Cham bers Terra c e S ec ond a ry d welling LOC AL CONTEXT Opening paragraph

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 28 4.4 Building Height (Storeys) Plan

fur ther key observations in dot point for mat 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Ad ap tive Reus e E x tens io n H erit ag e It em Gro und Flo or Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION H erit ag e It em REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat B B T HSR 400m B B B B B 3 St orey Legend 4 St orey 5 St orey 6 St orey S pec a l 1 St orey 2 St orey Wa t erwa y Pub l c O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e Pla z a 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Forrester Ln VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Live Work Terraces, Byron Bay Source: Habitat n.d. H erit ag e It em REGIONAL CONTEX T Opening paragraph in bold fur ther key observations in dot point for mat B B T HSR 400m B B B B B 3 St orey Legend 4 St orey 5 St orey 6 St orey S pec ia l 1 St orey 2 St orey Wa t erwa y Pub lic O pen S pa c e Priva t e O pen S p ac e Pla z a 0 15 30 75 m sc a le: 1:15 00 @ NA3 WallaceSt River St Wa l lace Ln P r incess S t Ma t i l da S t Winifred St Forrester Ln Giinagay Way Forrester Ln VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

• Mixed Use development facing the foreshore park is limited to 5-6 storeys to allow views of the river for developments to the south, the one storey of mixed use at the ground floor will enable activation along the foreshore. Taller mixed-use development is concentrated along Wallace and Matilda Streets, as it is closest to the Town Centre Core (Macksville Triangle), where primary commercial activity is occurring. Building heights along these streets vary from 5-7 storeys

• The residential flat building fronting princess street is a maximum of four storeys to signal a transition into medium density housing, with the terraces adjacent to the residential flat building proposed at 3 storeys. The terraces are proposed at three storeys to enable the potential for ‘live and work’ terraces.

• sity to low-density residential character. in bold

• Rezone Blocks fronting Matilda Street in Block 2 to B3 Commercial Core from B4 Mixed Use, as these blocks will form the north-eastern portion of the Town Centre Core (Macksville Triangle)

SP2 C assif ied Ro ad B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 RE1 RE1 RE1 SP2 Road Realignment B 4 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 2 RE1 B 2 B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re Current Zoning B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Cla ss ified R o ad B2 Lo c al Cent re Proposed Zoning B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Ro a d Ex t ensio n Current Zoning Proposed Zoning 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION SP2 C ass fied Ro ad B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 RE1 RE1 RE1 SP2 Road Realignment B 4 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 2 RE1 B 2 B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re Current Zoning B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Cla ss ified R o ad B2 Lo c al Cent re Proposed Zoning B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Ro a d Ex t ensio n Current Zoning Proposed Zoning 0 25 50 12 5m sc a e: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION SP2 C assif ied Ro ad B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 RE1 RE1 RE1 SP2 Road Realignment B 4 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 2 RE1 B 2 B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re Curre nt Zoning B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Cla ss ified R o ad B2 Lo c al Cent re Propose d Zoning B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Ro a d Ex t ensio n Curre nt Zoning Propose d Zoning 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 29 4.5 Land Use Zoning

• Downzone of B3 Commercial Core to B2 Local Centre for blocks with heritage items. This downzone is to ensure future development of the heritage items is sympathetic and respects the existing heritage fabric. Additionally, the downzone represents an additional measure to protect the heritage significance of these buildings.

• Introduction of SP2 Infrastructure (Road Alignment) to facilitate the delivery of the realigned River Street and Shared Zone.

• Rezone portion of Block 1 to B4 Mixed Use from B3 Commercial Core, as development is anticipated to be ancillary to the Town Centre Core by providing active uses along the foreshore.

• North-eastern corner of Block 2 to be rezoned B4 Mixed Use from B3 Commercial Core, to enable transition from commercial use to residential use.

The current zoning of the precinct predominantly comprises of B3 Commercial Core and B4 Mixed Use. While the proposed Masterplan can be achieved under the current zoning, it may result in a poorer outcome for development surrounding the heritage items. Therefore the following zoning changes are proposed:

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 30 4.5 Height of Buildings An uplift in maximum building height from the current 10m and 14m height limite is required to facilitate the redevelopment Macskville Town Centre. The maximum height of building have been set to ensure that the building heights resemble the masterplan. The maximum height of buildings of the masterplan vary from 9m to 24m. SP2 C assif ied Ro ad B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 RE1 RE1 RE1 SP2 Road Realignment B 4 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 2 RE1 B 2 B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re Current Zoning B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Cla ss ified R o ad B2 Lo c al Cent re Proposed Zoning B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Ro a d Ex t ensio n Current Zoning Proposed Zoning 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION S S N N N N N K K K K K K N N N1 K 1 R Q P R R R Q M M M M J P S S M J ( 9m) K ( 10m ) Current Maximum Building Height N (1 4m ) Proposed Maximum Building Height K1 (10 .5m) M (12 m) N 1 ( 13 5 m) P (18 m) Q (1 9 5m ) R (2 1m ) S (2 4m ) Current Maximum Building Height Proposed Maximum Building Height 0 25 50 12 5m sc a e: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION S S N N N N N K K K K K K N N N1 K 1 R Q P R R R Q M M M M J P S S M J ( 9m) K ( 10m ) Curre nt Maximum Building Height N (1 4m ) Propose d Maximum Building Height K1 (10 5m) M (12 m) N 1 ( 13.5 m) P (18 m) Q (1 9 5m ) R (2 1m ) S (2 4m ) Curre nt Maximum Building Height Propose d Maximum Building Height 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 31 4.6 Floor Space Ratio Majority of the precinct currently has no FSR control, except for portions of Block 2 which has FSRs of 1:1 and 1.6:1. To ensure the masterplan is accurately and effectively delivered, new FSR controls are required to control future density of the development. The new FSR controls range from 0.4:1 to 3.5:1. In conjunction with the height limits, these principal development standards will set the envelopes and massing of future development. SP2 C assif ied Ro ad B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 RE1 RE1 RE1 SP2 Road Realignment B 4 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 2 RE1 B 2 B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re Current Zoning B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Cla ss ified R o ad B2 Lo c al Cent re Proposed Zoning B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Ro a d Ex t ensio n Current Zoning Proposed Zoning 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION S S N V V V U S1 T W N L N L N DL B D D B 0 25 50 12 5m sc a e: 1:25 00 @ NA3 S 1 ( 1 4: 1) N (1 :1) Current FSR S (1 6:1 ) Proposed FSR T ( 2.4:1 ) U ( 2 7:1 ) V (3: 1) V 4 (3 4:1 ) W ( 3 5:1 ) B (0 4:1 ) D (0 5 :1) Current FSR Proposed FSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION S S N V V V U S1 T W NIL NIL N DL B D D B 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 S 1 ( 1.4: 1) N (1 :1) Curre nt FSR S (1 .6:1 ) Propose d FSR T ( 2.4:1 ) U ( 2.7:1 ) V (3: 1) V 4 (3 .4:1 ) W ( 3.5:1 ) B (0 .4:1 ) D (0.5 :1) Curre nt FSR Propose d FSR VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

The new heritage listings will protect the restored character of the buildings and prevent inappropriate development that is unsympathetic. In addition selected heritage items will accommodate adaptive reuse extensions to facilitate feasible adaptive reuse and preservation of the existing heritage items.

SP2 C assif ied Ro ad B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 RE1 RE1 RE1 SP2 Road Realignment B 4 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 4 B 2 RE1 B 2 B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Cla ss ified R o ad B2 Lo c al Cent re Proposed Zoning B3 Co mm erc ia l Co re B4 Mixed Us e R E1 Pub lic R ec rea t io n S P2 Ro a d Ex t ensio n Current Zoning Proposed Zoning 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION I4 7 N a mb uc c a R iver D epa r tm ent S to re 38 45 38 I45 II46I47 48 I49 50 I51 52 I3 8 N a mb uc c a H o tel Current Her it age Items I4 5 M ac ks ville Pos t Of f c e I4 8 T he Rem na nt Ba s ket I4 9 N A B Bra nch I5 0 E lwo o d Upho lst er y I5 1 3 R iver S treet M ac ks v lle I5 2 2 R iver S treet M ac ks v lle 1 2 H erit ag e It em Legend I4 6 T he Bridg e R ver S t Ca fe Proposed Herit age Items 3 4 5 6 7 10 9 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 Current Her it age Proposed Herit age VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION I4 7 N a mb uc c a R iver D epa r tm ent S to re 38 I45 38 I45 II46447 8 49 5 0 I51 5 2 I3 8 N a mb uc c a H o tel Curre nt Her it age Items I4 5 M ac ks ville Pos t Of fic e I4 8 T he Rem na nt Ba s ket I4 9 N A B Bra nch I5 0 E lwo o d Upho lst er y I5 1 3 R iver S treet M ac ks ville I5 2 2 R iver S treet M ac ks ville 1 2 H erit ag e It em Legend I4 6 T he Bridg e R iver S t Ca fe Propose d He rit age Items 3 4 5 6 7 10 9 0 25 50 12 5m sc a le: 1:25 00 @ NA3 Curre nt Her it age Propose d He rit age VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION Heritage Restoration River Street Source: Ward, R 2018

Within the Precinct there are two existing heritage items, being 1) the Nambucca Hotel (local) and 2) Macksville Post Office (National). It is proposed to list the remaining buildings along the old River Street (now Foreshore Park) as Local Heritage Items. This proposed heritage listing is consistent with recent work undertaken by Nambucca Heads Council to restore the historic character of the shops fronting River Street. In 2018, at a meeting held by the Nambucca Advisory Council, actress and local Rachel Ward presented her schematic design to reinvigorate the River Street facade to its former ‘glory’ and unique character.

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 32 4.7 Heritage Conservation

Alysha Tse - z5258885 33 3D Isometric S ou th -West View Scale : 1:100 10 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

Alysha Tse - z5258885 34 3D Isometric S ou th -East View Scale : 1:100 20 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

Alysha Tse - z5258885 35 3D Isometric N or th East View Scale : 1:100 30 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

Alysha Tse - z5258885 36 3D Isometric N or th West View Scale : 1:100 40 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 37 4.9 3D Street Views Sou th-East View from Foreshore Park Scale : 1:200 10 Sou th View from Civ ic/Counc il Cou r tyard Scale : 1:200 20 Sou th West from Wallace Street Scale : 1:200 30 Nor th West View from Pr inc ess S treet Scale : 1:200 40 VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION 4.8 3D Views

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 38 4.10 Development Yield

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 39 5 REFERENCES

CHROFI 2018, MaitlandRiverlink, CHROFI, viewed 26 June 2022, <>.

Outlines 2020, MaitsRest,CapeOtwayNationalPark, image, Outlines, viewed 26 June 2022, <>.

Mcintyre, A n.d, SignalBox, image, Sydney Morning Herald, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

Seen Australia n.d, NambuccaRiver,Macksville , viewed 07 August 2022, <>. Smith, J 2012, NambuccaHotel,Macksville

ABCNEWS 2018, River Street , viewed 07 August 2022, <

JMD Design 2006, SarahRedfernPark, JMD Design, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

Hills Thalis 2022, TheWedgeStudios,DulwichHill, Hills Thalis, viewed 07 August 2022, <>.

ASPECT Studio 2018, PirramaPark, image, ASPECT Studio, viewed 26 June 2022, <>.

Gollings, J 2020, HassetPark, Jane Irwin Landscape Architecture, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

McGregor Coxall n.d, MaitlandLevee, McGregor Coxall, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

ASPECT Studio 2018, YaganSquare, image, ASPECT Studio, viewed 12 July 2022, <

COX Architecture 2019, CaulfieldtoDandenongLevelCrossingRemoval, COX Architecture, viewed 26 June 2022, <>.

Coffs Harbour City Council, Cultural&CivicSpaceI, viewed 07 August 2022, < >.

TripAdvisor 2017, GreenwichVillage,NewYork , viewed 07 August 2022, <>. Ward, R 2018, HeritageRestorationRiverStreet , viewed 07 August 2022, <>.

The Cultural Landscape Foundation n.d, PaleyPark , viewed 07 August 2022, <>.

NSW Rail 2006, Macksville Train Station , viewed 07 August 2022, <>.

Outlines 2016, Riverwalk,Werribee,Victoria image, Outlines, viewed 26 June 2022, <>. Pfiefer Group 1990, PedestrianBridge,Kelheim,Germany, image, ASPECT Studio, viewed 26 June 2022, <>.

>. Bayer, M 2020, RankinsLAne,Melbourne , viewed 07 August 2022, <>.

viewed 07 August 2022, <>

Temora Independent n.d, TemoraRailwayStation, NSW Government Architect, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

ASPECT Studio 2018, BarangarooSouth-reconnectingSydney’swaterfronttothecity, image, ASPECT Studio, viewed 26 June 2022, <>.

PLAN4002: Plan Making Studio Alysha Tse - z5258885 40 5.1 References

GVL 2018, FengRiverEco-Park, Landezine International Landscape Award, viewed 12 July 2022, <>. Habitat n.d., LiveWorkTerraces,ByronBay, Habitat, 07 August 2022, <>.


Public Transport Authority Western Australia 2018, BayswaterStationUpgrade, image, Railway Technology, viewed 12 July 2022, <>.

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