The EDGE of the Covid era

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LAND2413 Graduation Studio Project 3: REgenerate

The EDGE of the Covid era How can The Bays waterfront be a therapeutic space in all times for near and far?

Cheuk Ling Phoebe Jong z5185300

The situation on site (during Covid-19 lockdown) Context Analysis (5 km restriction)

Balmain Lilyfield


Balmain East



Glebe Key:

5 km radius

Centre point of the site

Scale 1: 50000

What problems arrise during Covid-19? Raising awareness of therapeutic landscape




The Covid-19 Pandemic

Mental health and wellbeing Issues

Importance of therapeutic landscape

It is impacting the globe. Some of the government restrictions to minimize the spread of diseases have been carried out. Movements of social distancing, physical isolation or even ‘lockdowns’ were implemented.

The impact of mental health and wellbeing has been negatively affected to many Australians. Working from home and being isolated for a long period of time created tremendous stress.

Therapeutic landscape plays an important role to consolidate people’s emotions. It is believed that there

is a natural healing power while interacting with social and natural environment to relief physical and mental disorder.

What is specific regards with Covid-19? The importance of access local blue and green space Is there sufficient public accessible water edge and parks ? Currently, the whole Glebe Island is restricted with fences. It is not publicly accessible.


5 km radius

Centre point of the site Restricted Acess Green Open Space

Scale 1: 50000

The Harbour

The situation on site (after Covid-19 lockdown) Context Analysis

North Sydney

Balmain Lilyfield






Glebe Key:


Centre point of the site

Scale 1: 50000

Potential movement flow

Context Analysis- Potential waterfront edges networks 1. The Bays Water Promenade ~ 4 km

2. Blackwattle Bay Promenade ~ 2 km



4 3. Waterfront Park to Pirrama Park ~ 1.4 km

2 4. Darling Harbour toBarangaroo Reserve to Circular Quay ~ 5.5 km

Scale 1: 50000

Site Qualities Topography and Hydrology

White Bay

Mapping out the topography surrounded the site Most area of the distributed ground is level to slope <3%. Majority of the site is relatively flat. It is a reclaimed area through times with human activities. The higherst point around 40m, located at the Balmain side with steep slope. The slope gradient is around 25%-70%. Mapping out the drainage surrounded the site

Rozelle Bay Key: Ridgeline Drainage

Modified creek with concrete Scale 1: 10000

Water capture zone for treatment

Surface run-off will run from higher point to lower point following the ridgeline. It is also been found that there is a creekline is being modified by human. It is now a straight channel with concrete.

Site Qualities Topography and Hydrology

White Bay

Mapping out the soil surrounded the site

The disturbed terrain contained acid sulfate soil due to historical industrial background of the site.

The contaiminated soil can pose a risk to water quality such as heavy metals, into waterways and wetlands once rewetted, resulting in a reduction in pH and dissolved oxygen levels (Water Quality Australia).

Rozelle Bay Key: Hawkesbury (Coha) Birrong (ALbg) Disturbed Terrain(DTxx)

Scale 1: 10000

According to eSPADE, the acid sulfate soil in the site area is around 2 to 4m high, the bottom sediments in the surrounding bays are with high ASS probability.

Site Analysis Circulation- Public transportation

The newly built White Bay Metro Station will create new connection between Western Sydney, Inner West, the Bays and the City.

Balmain and Pyrmont are the closest ferry stops connecting the site.

One of the limits of the site currently is that the bus frequency is poor, waiting time is long due to insufficient bus lines. Situation would be improved by the new metro station opened. The site will be more convenient and publicly accessible which will bring more people into the site through different modes of transport.

Key Light rail is supplementing the travel between Inner West and the City.


Light Rail Station


Ferry Stop


Metro Station Metro line



Light Rail line Ferry line

Site Analysis Circulation- Pedestrian and Cycleways The site is a relatively flat area that is equitable and safe for everyone to walk along. It is suitable for all abilities catering different age groups and abilities. While in the higher elevation area, there is ramp and handles that allows people in wheelchairs or people with bike to come easily.

Pedestrian walkway on the northern sandstone edge with handles and rails. 250m

41 m


Pedestrian Walkway 4m



Glebe Island

15 m


Shared Pathway

Fundamental Asset Views- Along the edge B

Being in along the water edge (Fingers as framing device)


A. Standing in front of the steel frame structure of the port crane viewing the Anzac Bridge. (Google, 2021)

B. Standing along the water edge at the northern side viewing the Silos(Google, 2021)

C. Standing in front of the White Bay Powerhouse Station capturing the significant heritage. (Andrew, 2021)

D. Standing at the edge of Glebe Island capturing the stunning views of Sydney Harbour and Harbour Bridge. (Patrick, 2021)



Fundamental Asset Views- Appreciating the horizons E

Loooking at a higher elevation to view Glebe Island


E. Standing at the northern sandstone edge viewing the Glebe Island and the views of Sydney Harbour Bridge. (Author, 2021)

F. Standing on the Brent Street Rozelle viewing the White Bay Powerhouse Station, Glebe Island silos and Anzac Bridge. Small houses in foreground and city towers at the back. (Hill Thails, 2021)

G. Standing on the Brent Street Rozelle viewing the White Bay Powerhouse Station, Glebe Island silos and Anzac Bridge. Small houses in foreground and city towers at the back. (Author, 2021)

H. Standing at the Anzac Bridge Pedestrian sideway viewing the Silos and the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the backdrop. (Author, 2021)


Fundamental Asset Panorama view of Glebe Island and significant landmarks

Being In the site

(Isabel, 2021)

Looking at the site

(Author, 2021)

Opportunity Forms and Axis - how it evoke cognitive emotions 1. The White Bay Powerhouse Station

2. The Warehouses

3. The Residential Streets

4. The old railway lines

(Google, 2021).

(Google, 2021).

(Google, 2021).

(Georgie, 2021).

- has a special orientation of the surroundings.

- has a clear and direct edge.

- clearly define the space.

- old railway tracks reveals industrial historical background of the site

-perpendicular to the Anzac Bridge axis,

-visually a focal point that draws attention.

- composition is simple and symmetrical when it is viewed in a distance - juxtaposing the beautiful and peaceful waterfront with Anzac Bridge and Sydney Harbour Bridge.

-uniform walkways

-sense of security and comfort with enclosed streets and neighbourhood

- acts as a way-finding tool to facilitate pedestrian links.

Opportunity Materials found on site 1. Concrete

2. Sandstone

3. Steel

4. Asphalt


(Author, 2021)

(Author, 2021)

(Shirelle, 2021)

(Google, 2021)

(Google, 2021)

(Patrick, 2021)

(Patrick, 2021)

(Author, 2021)

(Google, 2021)

(Google, 2021)

Reuse and retain materials on site allows people to revolve memory of the site.

(Patrick, 2021)

(Patrick, 2021)

(Author, 2021)

(Google, 2021)

It can also add civic pride and sense of identity through the materials and textures.

Constraints Fences and Barriers



Fences off along the northern edge. (Chris, 2021)

Fences restricted to get in the working port pier. (Andrew, 2021)

Restricted accessed to walk closer to White Bay Powerhouse Station. (Aspect Environmental, 2021)

Restricted accessed to walk closer to Glebe Island side. (Author, 2021)

Restricted accessed to walk closer to the site. (Author, 2021)

Fences blocking the view even in high elevated side. (Author, 2021)


Closest access point Fences and Barriers

The site is all bounded around by fences along the northern edge and it is not publicly accessible. There are often fences blocking the views on high elevated platforms such as at the sandstone cliff and Anzac Bridge side.

Constraints Toxic Soil and Poor Water Quality Soil Situation:

Due to the heavy industrial history of this site the condition of the soil has greatly deteriorated. Soil remediation is in needed. This place is the heaviest contaminated area of the site. Toxins included: • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), present in fill materials. • Heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, mercury, and zinc) • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) • PCBs and VOCs • Asbestos.

Key: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Benzo (a) Pyrene Heavy metals ( zinc, lead, cadnium etc)

Water quality Situation: Average dissolved oxygen saturation

Average total nitrogen concentration

Average total phosphorus

Average chlorophyll-a concentration

Average enterococci count

(Montoya, 2015)

The site has a poor water quality, all the parameters are higher than the ANZECC guidelines. The toxic soil that flows to the Sydney Harbour negatively affects the quality of water and hence affecting the marine ecosystem.

The Measure of Time From the past, present to future

30000 years ago

Captain James Cook arrived. The disease of smallpox caused half of the indigenous people death in Sydney region.


04 03


The White Bay Powerhouse Station is transferred to Electricity Commission of NSW. Fish market is moved to Blackwattle Bay.


02 01

Glebe Island is served as the main army depot for US army.

An increase in trading activities. Boiling-down works to produce tallows near Blackwattle Swamp. Slaughterhouse has been relocated to Glebe Island.

The Cadigal and Wangal people of the Eora Nation lived in the Bays Precinct.

1876-1919 John Booth’s Steam Saw Mill is established at White Bay for producing timber. The first bridge connects Glebe Island to Pyrmont for animal-delivery in 1862.

All the historical information and graphocs are extracted from

In 2014, Inner West Light Rail extension is opened along the former rail corridor.


06 05

In 2013, the White Bay International Passenger Terminal is opened on 2013.

08 07

1969-1995 More land is reclaimed from White Bay shoreline. A new swing bridge replaced the old bridge to allow ships to pass through.

2015- 2021 The first NSW container terminal was opened at White Bay. 8 lanes of Anzac Bridge was opened.

The Measure of Time Future development proposal




10 09

Revive and recreate new biodiversity and ecosystem in the Glebe Island.

Opening up cafe and installation art elements in front of WBPS

Carry out phytoremediation to clean out the soil on the land of northern side edges and White Bay Powerhouse Station.

12 11

Reactivate the working harbour into a cultural, arts, and photography paradise.


14 13

16 15

(Dr Sue Ann, 2021)

2030 The Bays Metro Station will be opening up to public in 2023. The Sydney Metro West line is connecting from Sydney CBD to Parramatta, linking Westmead as the health cluster.

Photos: 09: Dr Sue Ann, 2021 10: Google Image, 2021 15: Bayer Crop Science, 2020

2033 Education and Workshops on community participation in horticulture therapy and enjoy sensory stimulation through plantings.

2040 Opening up the northern side of water promenade with more sports and recreation facilities and housings create a therapeutic neighbourhood.

2050 Connecting all the harbour edges one and all. Allows a long waterfront walk from the Bays to Sydney CBD.

The Aims Principles and Objectives 1. REvive - Through phytoremediation process to allows reviving the soil and purifying the site. - Through natural healing effects to recover its natural state of ecosystem with minimal human destruction.

2. REconnect - Through different community programs to foster interaction among people and nature. - Through better infrastructure development to connect the isolated Bays Precinct in the Sydney Context .

3. REactivate

- Through sports, arts, horiticulture and urban development to maximize the brown field of the Glebe Island. - Through resuscitation to recreate a lively atmosphere to the site.

Structure Plan Proposal An overview of the future development

(Amended The Bays Babes Group Structure Plan, 2021)

Scale 1: 5000

Revive Stage 1- Phytoremediation Phytoremediation would reduce the toxins on the site through revegetation. Hence, the land would become productive which allows development in the future.

Before Phytoremediation Process

Harbour tidal exchange twice

Uptake by plants Contaminants

Water flows to the harbour

Incoming tidal receving Section AA_1 1:500

After Phytoremediation Process


Clean water

Cleaner soil Nitrogen cycle by plants

Water flows to the harbour Incoming tidal receving

Section AA_2 1:500

Revive Testing through models

Metal immobilization Toxicity reduce

Through phytostablization and phytofiltration

Contaminants uptake by roots.

Decomposer create new habitats

Revive Stage 1- Phytoremediation Analysis of toxicity level through diversification in times

Key: Annual

Planting test palette

Baeckea virgata dwarf

Eschscholzia californica

Digitalis purpurea Helianthus annuus

Perennial Biennial

Cucurbita pepo

Dianella caerulea Tagetes tenuifolia Sorghum bicolor


Viola tricolour maxima

Vetiveria zizanioides

Zea mays

(Dr Sue Ann, 2021)

Reconnect Stage 2: The Bays Metro Station opened up in 2030


6 3




2 10




10 Key:


Urban Plaza


Community Garden


Installation Art Structure


White Bay Powerhouse Station


Nursery Centre


The Bays Metro


The Canal




Edge Platform



Scale 1: 500

Reconnect Stage 2: The Bays Metro Station opened up in 2030

White Bay Powerhouse Station

Community Garden

The Bays Metro

Edge Platform

Section BB 1:500

Reconnect Stage 3: Opening up cafe and installation art elements in front of WBPS Keep existing structures and materials. Revitalise the WBPS to become a visual language to create civic pride to the site.

Reconnect Testing through models

- This is a public art installation is using yarning to symbolise indigenous Australian arts and achievement to connect the community.

- It is also an interesting and playful art to interact with people around, enjoying relaxing moments appreciating the views of the Glebe Island.

- This is a terracing stepping of the edge to the water, allowing interaction with the harbour water with sensory engagement.

- Water has a calming and remediating effects on our souls to relief sad and stress.

Reconnect Stage 4: Human interactions with Nature Horticultural therapy through times Through community participation in horticulture and enjoy sensory stimulation through plantings.

Phytormediation in 2021

Phytormediation in 2030

Phytormediation in 2060

- Plant species that are used to clean up, or remediate, contaminated sites via children educational programs. - The soil is very toxic and contaminated at the moment with heavy metals, zinc and lead.

- Plant species and roots systems grown up while children also grown up through times. They are the witness and participate of the process of planting.

- Plant species and roots are fully grown up. It absorbed and purified the toxic and contaminated substances in the soil. - While the through times, the child from the old days were grown up and can bring this to their next generation and educate them as well.

Revive Stage 5: Introducing new ecosystem -Hoverflies (Insect) What is Hoverflies?

Species that found in Australia

- insect family: Syrphidae 1 - beneficial insects appear in large numbers during the spring and hot summer. - often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers - linger in gardens to feed at flowers and to seek shade


Life cycle of a hoverfly 3

Egg Eggs typically hatch a few days after they are laid.

Flight Pattern

Larva The role of larva is to feed. There are 3 stages of ‘instars’. The 3rd stage spent majority of year feeding with aphids.


Pupa The pupa is formed inside the skin of the 3rd stage. This stage take a few weeks to months to grow into adult.

Hovering in one spot


The function of adult is fully developed. It can mate, disperse and lay eggs for the next generations.

1. Melangyna viridiceps 2. Simosyrphus grandicornis 3. Eristalinus punctulatus 4. Eristalis tenax

moving suddenly sidewards

moving suddenly forwards

Hovering again

Biodiversity Hoverflies in Australia Where can we find hoverflies in Australia - Melangyna viridiceps, Simosyrphus grandicornis (Maquart), Eristalinus punctulatus(Maquart) and Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus) were present at low latitudes throughout the year but appeared at high latitudes (e.g. Victoria and Tasmania) during the summer. - Fewer records in winter than summer

Why do we introduce more hoverfies into the Glebe Island - Are out and about today in Sydney inner west - Hard-working insect that pollen and pollinate flowers - Also feast on aphids, thrips, scale insects and caterpillars -Effective natural way to control pests in terms of reducing use of pesticide

Potential seasonal migrant in Australia

-All four species were recorded throughout the year with no gaps - A rapid, ubiquitous growth of hoverfly populations due to large numbers of cereal and canola aphids experienced in crops over winter and early spring.

Biodiversity Food chain illustraive diagram

Hoverfly larvae (Melangnya spp.) attack a range of soft-bodied insects and are a particularly voracious predator of aphids.

Hoverfly larvae go largely unnoticed as they crawl over foliage in search of their aphid prey.

There is no doubt that hoverflies, have held back damaging aphid populations in crops, and will continue to do so in urban gardens.

Vegetation Planting and flowering time

Tagetes tenuifolia

Viola tricolour maxima

Eschscholzia californica

Helianthus annuus

Acacia suaveolens

Carpobrotus glaucescens

Lobelia purpurascens

Billardiera scandens

Acacia longifolia

Lobularia maritima

Planting and Flowering Chart


- The flowering chart shown that there is white, yellow, and purple blooming flowers over the year. - Insects has a different vision to human. They can perceive different colours including UV lights. White and yellow flowers tends to attract hoverflies habitat and blue and purple flowers tends to attract bees.

Human’s View

Insects’ View

Reactivate Stage 6: Opening up the northern side of water promenade Key:


Basketball Court


Public Open Space


Tennis Court


Outdoor Gym


Residential Houses (low-medium rises)


Water Promenade


Community Garden


Bridge connects Glebe Island

Combining urban furnitures and green space to make best use to be therapeutic.


2 5





7 The harbour is a natural element soften the space

Water Promenade to be continued

Scale 1: 500

Reactivate Programs/ Activites on site The northern side is planned to be a recreational hub with residential housing , creating a therapeutic neighbourhood and healthy living habitats for the community. Sport recreation includes basketball courts, tennis courts, jogging tracks and outdoor gym.

Physical and mental well-being can be improve through exercising.

Basketball Social and Competition

Waterfront Promenade & Outdoor Gym

Tennis Social and Competition

Reactivate Water promenade edge experience

Scale 1: 50

Reactivate Water promenade edge experience

The Hybrid Question

How can the current industrial working harbour coexist with future urban residential development to be a healing waterfront edge? Landscape Healing

Residential Development



Industrial working Port


Reactivate Stage 7: Activate the Glebe Island industrial working port 5 3

6 1 4



Scale 1: 1000


Industry Warehouses


The Glebe Island Public Cargo Area


The Silo


The Glebe Island Headland Park


Old Railway tracks


Bridge connects to White Bay Cruise Terminal

Reactivate Industrial Port + Arts & Photography Programs

NEVER-ENDING BLUE Immerse in the blue and green to refresh our soul and spirit. Enjoy a quiet and calming threshold area at the edge of waterfront promenade with stunning Harbour view and Harbour Bridge at the sightline.


Reactivate Industrial Port + Arts & Photography Programs

REFLECTION & COMFORT PHOTOGRAPHERS’ PARADISE Retain existing port and cargo experience to create transition of threshold. An ordinary cargo dock has become an urban backdrop for selfies, portraits, and endless creativity.

Overview Design Proposal Through model testing

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Model Testing- Night Time Safety At night time, lighting is essential to provide safety to people on site. Warm and yellow light gives a cozy feeling and guide people through the dark. Warmer lighting tends to be friend with insects and cause less pollutants and misleading signals to animals and creatures.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Model Testing- Night Time Safety

The sitting structures with curve shape allows to form a safe and enclosed feeling to people. Abstract forms of shadows adds a light of play.

Edge lighting on the side of the steps allow people to walk closer to water safer. Enjoy private night time with waves and sea breeze to quiet our minds.

Avoiding sharp corners with blind spots. Straight and flat road with the old railways track creates a way-finding symbol. Direct see-through way increase the sense of security.

The Future Stage 8: The New Bays Precinct

The New Bays Precinct

Connecting the EDGES all in one

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