The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Walking Towards Investigating the potential of active transportation in a post-industral site
Brief & Context
Walking Towards
Fundamental Assets
Design Develepment by TIME
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Hybrid & Theme Site Value in DEEPTIME
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Hybrid & Theme | Landscape Academic Topic
“By being sweet to the pedestrian and the cyclist you hit five birds with one stone – you get a lively city, you get an attractive city, you get a safe city, you get a sustainable city, and you get a city that’s good for your health. ” - Jan Gehl
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Hybrid & Theme | From Walking & Cycling to REgenerate
“By being sweet to the pedestrian and the cyclist you hit five birds with one stone – you get a lively city, you get an attractive city, you get a safe city, you get a sustainable city, and you get a city that’s good for your health.” - Jan Gehl
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Hybrid & Theme | From Walking & Cycling to Future Urban Challenge
Urban Heat Island
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Hybrid & Theme | The Hybrid Question
What if walking & cycling between Pyrmont and Balmain introduce ecological recovery to the post-industrial site and ready for high density urban development
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets| Context of Sydney
Sydney CBD Balmian Centre
Prymont Centre (Under Planning)
Walking Towards
Sydney CBD
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets| Context of Neigbourhood
Balmain Balmian Public
Life style in Prymont
Pyrmont Public Life
Life style in Balmian
The Bays Neigbourhood
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets| Context of Sydney Active Transporation -Walking & Cycling (Destination)
Sydney CBD Balmian Centre
Source: Infrastructure Australia 2019, ‘Active transport (walking and cycling) access to Sydney CBD, Inner city access to Sydney CBD, Potential investment options (Stage 2)’
Prymont Centre (Under Planning)
Walking Towards
Sydney CBD
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets| Context of Sydney Active Transporation - Walking & Cycling (Recreation)
Redevelope Pyrmont water front -Pirrama Park Playground
Balmian Centre
Prymont Centre (Under Planning)
Sydney CBD
Redevelope Balmain water front - The Fenwick
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Hybrid & Theme | The Site Selection
Balmain Centre
3 2 4 5
Propose White Bay Bridge
White Bay walk
Balmain neighbourhood
White Bay bridge
Waterfront commerical
White Bay market
Ecological park
Power station culture centre
10 11
Aquatic centre
Birrung Park
Propose Waterfront Boulevard
Study home office Cement Australia White Bay port Headland park
14 White Bay neighbourhood
15 17 18
Sydney CBD
Glebe Island Bridge
Prymont Centre
Jones Bay walk
16 Glebe Island bridge 17 Underbridge sports field
18 Light industrial 19 Waterfront commerical 20 Rozelle walk
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets Site Value in DEEPTIME
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets | Harbour Culture
Waterfront/ Water view View point
City Sunraise to east at morning
Harbour view
White house power station sunset to west at evening 2
Walking Towards
Harbour View at Birrung Park
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets | Working Harbour
Working Port Shipping Route View point
Exsiting Glebe Island Bridge (Old photo)
Walking Towards
View to Silo
te wa
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets | Exsiting and Planned Connections
Destination Path Recreation Path Destination Point Open Space
Walking Towards
lly St
Birrung Park
Donelly Street
Glebe Island Bridge
Example of developed waterfront walk
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets | Exsiting and Planned HABITAT Connections
Habitat Link Forest Habitat Open Space / Street Tree New Built Habitat
Walking Towards
Tristaniopsis laurina (Water Gum)
Banksia interifolia (Coast Banksia)
Lepidosperna laterale at Glebe Island Bridge
phytoremediation at WBPS
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets | Exsiting and Planned HABITAT Connections
Habitat Link Forest Habitat Open Space / Street Tree
Long-nosed Bandicoot
New Built Habitat
Brush-tailed possum
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Fundamental Assets ? | Toxic soil and drainage
White Bay
The Site
* Soil Imformation by Yu Fu
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Design Develepment by TIME Understand the complexity of DEEPTIME
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Neigbourhood Development
Urban Development
Birrung Park 2020
The Bays Recreation Centre 2050
The Bays Neighborhood 2030
The Bays Neighborhood 2030
The Bays Metro 2030
Rozelle Interchange 2025
The Bays Neighborhood 2030
Pyrmont Waterfront 2020
Pyrmont CBD 2050
The Bays Light Industrial 2025
Blackwattle Bay Walk 2030
New Fish Market 2025
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Now. Industrial Led / Transportation Led
The Bays Waterfront
White Bay
Glebe Island
Now • Functioning Working Harbour ONLY • Close to public
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 0. Development Led
The Bays Waterfront
White Bay
Glebe Island
Relocation Light Industries
2-5 years • Prepare the site to reopen for walking & Cycling from vehicle domain • Consolidate Functioning Working Harbour • Stage end - Finish consolidate
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 1. Landscape Led
Gravel Path
The Bays Waterfront
Birrung Park close for repair
Glebe Island Bridge close for repair
White Bay
Glebe Island
3-5 year • Re-open - Program simple activities on the site (Active the site) • Increase permeability • Begain on land and water edge ecology development (PHYTOREMEDIATION)
Pyrmont Neigbourhood development in surrounding at this stage: • Rozelle Parkland completed • New fish market opend
• Stage end event - Community reconiazed The Bays as open (public) space Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 1. Landscape Led (cont.)
Booth Street
Walking Towards
Traffic Plan
Under Glebe Island Bridge
White Bay
Glebe Island
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stgage 2. Development Led/ Ecology Led
Organize street market
The Bays Waterfront
Birrung Park Open
Glebe Island Bridge open
White Bay
The Site
after 5-10 year • Regular activities will organize • Open of Birrung Park , Glebe Island Bridge • Soil toxicity lower to x% (allow sustainable development )
Pyrmont Neigbourhood development in surrounding at this stage: • Metro openning • Blackwattle bay waterfront oppening
• Stage end event - beginning of Balmain residential & Station development - The Bays Headland park completed Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stgage 2. Development Led/ Ecology Led (conts.)
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Birrung Park
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stgage 2. Development Led/ Ecology Led (conts.)
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Birrung Park NIGHT
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stgage 2. Development Led/ Ecology Led (conts.)
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Glebe Island Bridge
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stgage 2. Development Led/ Ecology Led (conts.)
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Glebe Island Bridge NIGHT
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stgage 2. Development Led/ Ecology Led (conts.)
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Glebe Island Bridge
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stgage 2. Development Led/ Ecology Led (conts.)
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Glebe Island Bridge
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 3. Development Led/ Landscape Led
The Bays Waterfront
White Bay
The Site
after 10-20 year Stage end event - Mix-used development completed on Balmain, WPS, and Waterfront - Compeletion of White Bay Pedestriant Bridge
Walking Towards
Pyrmont Neigbourhood development in surrounding at this stage: • -80% compeleted to the Bays
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stage 3. Development Led/ Landscape Led
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Propose White Bay Bridge
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stage 3. Development Led/ Landscape Led
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Propose White Bay Bridge Structure
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 3. Development Led/ Landscape Led Propose White Bay Bridge LIGHTING STRATAGE
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stage 3. Development Led/ Landscape Led
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Propose White Bay Under Bridge
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 3. Development Led/ Landscape Led
Propose White Bay Under Bridge
- Modern style canopy ligting (also for room making) -Lighting on balustors -Lighting on-ground to ditingsh cycling and walk
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 4. Development Led/ Ecological
The Bays Waterfront
White Bay
The Site
Beyong 30 year Recreation Cetre Completed Ecological bridge & better water edge condition New Tech for cleanning the working harbour Stage end event - Mix-used development completed on Balmain, WPS, and Waterfron Walking Towards
Source : Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre (2021), Cullinan Ivanov Partnership BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
Towad by TIME | Stage 4. Development Led/ Ecological
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Waterfront Walk
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG
The Bays | REgenerate
LAND2413 Graduation Studio | UNSW 2021
Towad by TIME | Stage 4. Development Led/ Ecological
Walking Towards
BY Chufeng HUANG