Rachel Hertz - Process Journal

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1 textures & light. a procession of textures

“Then leaf subsides to leaf.” The site changed by colonisation and then again through restoration.

To not repeat the past and create a better understanding for the future it is important to acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land by bringing it back to its original purpose, a place for storytelling.

“Natures first green is gold, the hardest hue to hold” the land once full of culture as a place to come together for celebrating music and storytelling is reduced to remnants of significant engravings scattered throughout the site.

“So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day.” The land of the Cammeraygal people has been lost. “Nothing gold can stay.”

“Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour.” These engravements are related to The Dreaming, something of significance to the root of Cammeraygal People’s Spirituality and Kerwin insightfully states the significance of The Dreaming highlighting how “Geography, ecology, and religion were fused into a landscape both spiritual and practical, directing daily life.”

‘Nothing Gold Can Stay’ a poem by Robert Frost I believe encapsulates the site of the Cammeraygal People. What was once a sacred site and rich with history to the Cammeraygal People has been shattered to Balls Head Reserve, named after Henry Lidgbird Ball who arrived on the First Fleet.

4 impression. site task 01

5 site material. a proscession of textures

6 drawing. a proscession of textures

7 montage. a proscession of textures

8 film. https://youtu.be/6GZs0df94d0 a proscession of textures

9 ecology. bushland & main vistas Berry’s Bay Balls Head Balls Head Drive Open MajorLowClosedForestForestClosedForestViews/Vistas

The canopy of Balls Head Reserve is typical of bushland throughout Sydney’s North Shore.

It is characterised by an Open Forest/Woodland form that is dominated by two main species of trees Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Corymbia gummifera (Red Bloodwood).

Berry’s Bay Balls Head Bushland Remnant Proposed Bushland Corridor Planting Proposed Native Grassland Area Fauna Movements

10 ecology. proposed bushland planting corridoor Bushland Remnant Proposed Bushland Corridor Planting Proposed Native Grassland Area Fauna Movements

The headland also supports three lower-growing scrub communities, dominated by a diverse range of shrubs, such asKunzea ambigua (Tick bush), which thrives on the shallow cliff-top soils that are found in the headland’s south-west corner. This shrub attracts numerous birds and colourful soldier beetles when in flower.

The composition of vegetation is variable in the centre of the Reserve due to the parkland/bushland situation that existed in the past. Exotic and nonindigenous trees and shrubs have been planted along the edges of Balls Head Drive and throughout Balls Head Reserve. These plantings are now surrounded by the mature and regenerating native vegetation.

11 ecology. flora & fauna Angophora costataSmooth-Barked Apple Corymbia gummiferaBlack Butt Pittosporum undulatum Open Forest Ceratopetalum apetalumCoachwood Glochidion ferdinandiCheese Tree Closed Forest Elaeocarpus reticulatus Tradescantia albifloraWandering Jew

The Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus, listed as Vulnerable under the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995, was observed flying over and feeding in the reserve.

12 ecology. flora & fauna Protect and Recreate Habitat:

Blue-tongue Lizard Brushtail Possum Common Eastern Froglet Crimson Rosella Grey-headed Flying-fox Lesuer’s Velvet Gecko

Cyathea australisRough Tree Fern Livistona australisCabbage Palm Echinopogon caespitosusTufted Hedgehog Grass Hydrocotyle peduncularisPenny Wort Acacia longifoliaSydney Golden Wattle Corymbia maculataSpotted Gum

More Examples of Flora in Bushlands

Rainbow Lorikeet Ringtail Possum Skinks Southern Fig Bird Southern Leaf-tail Gecko Tawny Frogmouth

Ringtail Possums were found to be particularly abundant. The Large Bent-wing Bat and the Greyheaded Flyingfox were recorded. Twenty-three bird species were recorded, of which five species are exotic. Dog scats were found throughout the reserve and the Black Rat and House Mouse were also recorded. Three species of skinks, two species of geckos and one species of frog were recorded.

The Large Bent-wing Bat Miniopterus schreibersii, listed as Vulnerable under the Threatened SpeciesConservation Act, 1995, was recorded in the Fauna Survey at Balls Head Reserve.

Supurb Blue Fairy-wren Large Bent-wing Bat White-browed Scrub-Wren Owls

sensory. morning Smell: Ocean, grass, bush, damp tunnels Taste: Salt air See: Harbour, trees, coal loader, tunnels Touch: Trees, bushes, sandstone, grass, wind Balance: StairsHear: Waves lapping, birds chirping, leaves rustling


sensory. midday Smell: Food, car fumes, damp tunnels Taste: food, salt air See: Harbour, trees, coal loader, tunnels, people Touch: equipmentExercise Balance: Stairs Hear: Children playing, people exercising, cars driving past, boats in the harbour


sensory. evening Smell: Ocean, grass, bush, damp tunnels Taste: Salt air See: Harbour, trees, lights in the distance Touch: Trees, bushes, sandstone, grass, wind Balance: StairsHear: Waves lapping, birds chirping, leaves rustling


16 sensory. points of interest Whale Rock Carving Coal Loader Cafe TunnelsPlatformWharf

The radical model and experiments were plaster that was sandcasted in riversand which created for some rough textures. The plasters were then sanded, cracked, smashed or simply left alone to create different textures under different lighting conditions. Textures that were course, rough and jaggered were emphasised under direct artificial lighting as they created interesting shadows and contrast. Natural indirect lighting allowed for the object to be viewed as a whole and highlighted the finer intricate details in the smooth surfaces.

17 process. a proscession of textures

18 experiments. a proscession of textures

artificial lighting natural lighting

The radical model and experiments were plaster that was sandcasted in riversand which created for some rough textures. The plasters were then sanded, cracked, smashed or simply left alone to create different textures under different lighting conditions. Textures that were course, rough and jaggered were emphasised under direct artificial lighting as they created interesting shadows and contrast. Natural indirect lighting allowed for the object to be viewed as a whole and highlighted the finer intricate details in the smooth surfaces.

19 experiments. a proscession of textures artificial lighting natural lighting

To observe different textures under different forms of light and create spaces that are engaged with the site through light.

20 radical model. a proscession of textures “Light creates ambience and a feel of place, as well as the expression of structure.”

I will be implementing the research gained from my model experiments and radical model to create an immersive experience that will be experienced differently depending on the time of day through the shadows and details the sun and artificial lighting creates throughout the day.

Le DesignCorbusierStrategy

21 sun. a proscession of textures

22 sun. a proscession of textures Demonstrating through section 1:200 sun angles on existing coal loader

23 form. a proscession of textures

24 section. summer

25 section. winter

The radical model and experiments were plaster that was sandcasted in riversand which created for some rough textures. The plasters were then sanded, cracked, smashed or simply left alone to create different textures under different lighting conditions. Textures that were course, rough and jaggered were emphasised under direct artificial lighting as they created interesting shadows and contrast. Natural indirect lighting allowed for the object to be viewed as a whole and highlighted the finer intricate details in the smooth surfaces. rough smooth

26 light. a proscession of textures

27 sandstone. a proscession of textures Sandstone is a prominent material to the site as well as being a defining feature of the sydney shoreline. The concept is an experience of textures under light and everything from the walls to the footpaths will explore this.

The sandstone will be explored through many different finishes throughout the site and will interact with the light differently depending on the time of day. In different locations of the site the sandstone will be in its natural form, cobbled, crazing paved, cladded, sand blasted/brushed, diamond saw cut, honed and tumbled. diamond saw cut | texture smoothboulder | rough honed | smoothsand blasted | textured tumbled | smoothcobbled | rough cladding | rough

The site will be a collection of different textured paths from cobbled to brushed to honed/pol ished. These textures will reflect those of the labs; seagrass will be smooth, seawall will be rough and the oyster lab will be a combination and the paths surrounding each will match.

The ampitheatre staircase will be a combinationation of brushed sandstone for the stairs and honed sandstone for the tiered levels stretching off that. cobbled brushed honed/polishedlesuire research learn

28 1 1 site. a proscession of textures

access. a proscession of textures


tunnel level access to water access to oyster lab | sunrise access to wharf access to boatshed access to staircase lower level access to seagrass lab | midday access to seawall lab | sunset access to labs access to upperlever access to observe whale carving access to research sleeping quarters access to powerhouse access to staircase upper level access mess

The site consists of two levels; the upper and the lower level. There will be various paths for people to reach both directly and indirectly to both sides of the site. The indirect path features a grand staircase with tiered areas for seating spaning on both sides as it leads you down to the water from the powerhouse. Walking along the shoreline it takes you through the boatshed to the tunnels. From there people can gain access to the coal loader by a set of stairs or through the tunnels which lead into the labs directly. The tunnels will allow for the labs to gain easy access to the water. The upper level also has a direct path to the labs as well as a path past the whale carving.

The different paths to and from the same location allow for visitors to have different experiences exploring the site and the textured paths will create a different experience depending on the time of day. cobbled brushed honed/polishedlesuire research learn


30 demographic. a proscession of textures The demographic of the site can be narrowed down to three key aspects; researching, lesuire and learning. Researching will primarily be made up from the scientists however can also be from visitors and students who are coming to the site. Learning will be from visitors and students who will come here for school excursions or for a recreational activity. Lesuire will involve visitors and researchers who will come here to relax maybe have a picnic or even to exercise.

The staircase provides a space where all three narratives for lesuire, research and learning can come together and carry out the same or different activites.

circulation. a proscession of textures A typical day for the researches would be waking up in the upper level sleeping quarters and then making their way down the grand stairs case, along the cobblestoned path through the boat-shed and into the tunnels before entering the labs. Throughout the day traveling in the tunnel to the shore front and back. At the end of the day researchers will make their way out of the first level of the labs before walking down the honed sandstone path back to their sleeping quarters. research cobbled brushed honed/polishedlesuire research learn

31 1 1


lesuire research learn cobbled brushed honed/polishedlesuire research learn

32 1 1

circulation. a proscession of textures School groups will enter from the road to the labs where they can walk through the labs without disturbing the researchers. They can learn about the different labs as well as explore different aspects of the site such as the tunnels, the shore front walk and the whale carving. At the end of their visit they can gather and have their lunch on the steps and complete any work the school has assigned before making their way up the steps and out of the site through the upper level access.

33 circulation. a proscession of textures People coming for leisure can explore the tunnels and research labs, walk along the shore front and carry out different activities on the amphitheater steps such as having a picnic or lunch, reading, relaxing or even exercising. lesuire cobbled brushed honed/polishedlesuire research learn

34 site plan. a proscession of textures 1:500 01 8 6 4 0 21 41


36 site section. a proscession of textures 1:500 People coming for leisure can explore the tunnels and research labs, walk along the shore front and carry out different activities on the amphitheater steps such as having a picnic or lunch, reading, relaxing or even exercising. S-01 Section 1:500 S-02 Section 1:500 00 14000groundmezzanine 00 4160003100002700014000groundmezzaninecoalloaderrstsecond200005roof S-01 Section 1:500 S-02 Section 00 4160003100002700014000groundmezzaninecoalloaderrstsecond200005roof

37 site textures. a proscession of textures 1:1000 01 4 21 crazy paving brushed sand blasted honed tumbleddiamond saw cut

38 seawall lab plan. a proscession of textures 1:200 The seawall lab sits ontop of the coal loader however is spaned over 4 different levels of height to gain the afternoon sun. It has flexible space for digital design and 3d printing as well as space for prototype production and storage near the seawall. The seawall lab features a central courtyard garden as well as a terrace terrace vestibuleentry storage workshopprototype digitaldesign walkwayenclosedgardengarden printing3D

vestibuleentry recieving,sorting&nuturing lab space tanks


39 seagrass lab plan. a proscession of textures 1:200 The seagrass lab slices through the coal loader and majority of the building is underground. Light enters from above and from the open access to the seawall on the west side. The segrass lab features an entry vestibule, flexible working space for recieving, sorting and nurturing seagrass, lab space as well as space for indoor and outdoor tanks.

40 oyster lab plan. a proscession of textures 1:200 The oyster lab is designed over two levels and has access to the seawall through the tunnels which connects to the seagrass lab water access. It includes flexible space for recieving, cleaning, drying and crushing large volumes of oyster sheels as well as space for large equipment used for mixing and casting oyster shell concrete. This lab also features a terrace from the front entrance that gains the morning sunlight. mixingcasting& terrace recieving,cleaning,drying&crushing

41 upper level plan. a proscession of textures 1:200 The upper level will contain the community centre which includes reception, education space, meeting rooms and bathrooms as well as the research accomodation centre which includes 4x bedrooms with individul bathrooms, kitchen, dining, living, storage and a terrace. terrace bedroomkitchenbedroom bathroom bathroom bathroom reception education meetingroom bedroombedroomstorage living/dining

42 sectional perspective a. a proscession of textures

The upper level will contain the community centre which includes reception, education space, meeting rooms and bathrooms as well as the research accomodation centre which includes 4x bedrooms with individul bathrooms, kitchen, dining, living, storage and a terrace.

The upper level will contain the community centre which includes reception, education space, meeting rooms and bathrooms as well as the research accomodation centre which includes 4x bedrooms with individul bathrooms, kitchen, dining, living, storage and a terrace.


sectional perspective b. a proscession of textures

44 elevations. a proscession of textures RevID ChID Change NameProject Partners Refer to consultant documentation when directed - BCA Consultant - #Certifier - Civil Engineer - #Civil Engineer - Hydraulic Engineer #Hydraulic Engineer - Landscape Designer - #Landscape Consultant E-03 Elevation 1:500

45 elevations. a proscession of textures

46 renders. a proscession of textures The Boat Shed.

47 renders. a proscession of textures The Oyster Lab.

48 renders. a proscession of textures The Oyster Lab.

49 renders. a proscession of textures The Seagrass Lab.

textures & light. a refined exploration of a haptic experience that engages the sense of touch and is connected to the site through the manipulation of light.

sunrise | oyster lab concept. texture & light midday | seagrass labcommunity centre reception sunset | seawall lab sleeping quarters boatshed rough smooth

gangsaw | texture rough diamond saw cut | texture smoothchisled | texturesparrow pecked | textured honed | smoothrockface | rough hydrosplit | rough concept. light sunrise | oyster lab midday | seagrass labcommunity centre reception sunset | seawall lab sleeping quarters boatshed

exploded axo. site 7000 | Coal Loader 4000 | Mezzanine 0 | Ground 9100 | Upper Site

light. exploration

01 8 6 4 2 0 21 41 site platform. light & 1:500texture

01 8 6 4 2 0 21 41 site mezzanine. light & 1:500texture

01 8 6 4 2 0 21 41 site ground. light & 1:500texture

elevation. light & 1:500texture

upper site. community centre key: 1. reception 2. meeting room 3. education 4. bathrooms 41 4. 4. 4. 5. 4. 3. 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. sc0125ale1:200@A3 10 20m

upper site. community centre

upper site. research sleeping quaters 01 8 6 4 2 21 41 4. 4. 4. 5. 4. 3. 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 00 @ A3 10 2 1:200 Scale bar 1:200 W-02 1:1:sc0125ale1:200@A3 10 20m key: 1. bedrooms 2.3.bathroomskitchen 4. living/dining5.terrace

upper site. sleeping quarters

2.1. 01 8 6 4 2 0 21 41 sc0125ale1:200@A3 10 20m key: 1. storage/generalmaintenence2.workshop 3. research vessels

lower site. boat shed

1. 2.3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. lower site. sunset - seawall lab sc0125ale1:200@A3 10 20m 1.key:terrace 2. entry vestibule 3. prototype production 4. walkway 5. digital design 6. access to seawall/storage

4. lower site. sunset | seawall lab

1. 2. 3. 3. 4. lower site. midday | seagrass lab sc0125ale1:200@A3 10 20m 1.key:biological analysis 2. recieving/sorting 3. bathroom 4. outdoor tanks/access to water

lower site. midday | seagrass lab

lower site. midday | seagrass lab

4. 6. 5. 3. 1. 2. lower site. sunrise | oyster lab sc0125ale1:200@A3 10 20m 1.key:terrace 2. reception 3. receiving 4. drying 5. crushing 6. access to tunnels/water

lower site. sunrise | oyster lab

lower site. sunrise | oyster lab

seawall. model

model 1:5 seawall

model 1:500 seawall

model 1:500 seawall

film light & texture https://youtu.be/opqFNKoLt5M

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