Compatible Communities

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Compatible communities Find the Balance for all communities in White Bay (non-human and all human communities ) Jianzhen Luo Z5158219

Importance of topic

Sustainable development goal I Goal 11

“Make cities and human settlement inclusive,safe, resilient,and sustainable."

General Context

Issue in Communities I Over Crowded in Cities

3% 60% Cities


of the

of the


worlds population by 2030.

General Context

Human Communities I Exclusion and belonging issue Immigration communities loss Trend (Compare with Sydney 2016-2011)

36.7% 34.2%



This area are not cosy for all communities.

The Bay Context

Human Communities I Future exclusive issue

As the majority of the population are young adult, there may have less consideration for elder and kid.

We have and need Different Preference of space compare to adult !!!

Our group will become huge in the future !

Young group Proportion: -Rozelle:58.5% -Balmain:60% -Glebe island: young technologyimmigration -Pyrmont:70%

Coupled Human- natural system

Environment art inspiration I Connection with Ecological communities “We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves.” ― Andy Goldsworthy, Environment artist.

General Context

Ecological Communities I Exclusive issue



Unique species in Australia extinct since colonisation since habitat loss

General Context

Ecological Communities I Sydney ecological habitat



canopy cover in

The Bay Precinct


Average canopy cover in the area

Habitat are swallowed up by the urban jungle and the remaining patches is not big enough to support complex ecological

The Bay Context

Bird Communities I Exclusive issue and influence Bird, particular small birds be heavily influenced as they need tree and shrubby to provide quite habitat with abundant food. Considering the site located along the ocean,species that contribute to both food chain be selected.

Foo d Pr o vid er

Bi oo

lo g


M ar



n ts



g l in

ie u tr

F o o d c h ai n

fe ef


n c tr o l

P o lli n a t o r

ic al c o

New holland honey eater

in e hab

it a t p ro vid e d

Site Analysis

The Bays I Fundamental assets

1.Large concrete surface Advantage: Possibility to accommodate huge & various events easay access through flat topography

Disadvantage: Negative feeling:isolated

Site Analysis

The Bays I Fundamental assets 2.Forlorn industral precinct

Unique Advantage: Old historical Railwayline be covered, Plenty remaining materials

Site Analysis

The Bays I Fundamental assets 3.'Refuge' from high-speed city Unique Advantage: Low-lying, quiet and protected

Direct view of harbour

Site Analysis

The Bays I Fundamental assets 4.Toxiness sedimient Issue Disadvantage: Not allow residential and other event occur unless started purify.

Disadvantage: Possibility to refresh the impression of site

Site Selection

SILO + WBPS +Habour cove

Hybrid Question

Can the industrial forlorn landscape of the White Bay be revived and regenerated ,with achieving a sense of balance for all the communities?

Prospect of the site Design Principle

2.Re-establish an human affiliation and impression with the Bay 's land

1.Reveal and engage with historical and culture through environment art involvement

3.Cater ecological and urban public aspiration to diverse space

Prospect of the site

Connection to the Bay West Place Strategy

Refering to the Bay West strategy, The selected site aim to become one of the important nodes in White Bay that as a catalyst,contributing to activating and bring attraction to the whole Bay West Precinct.

Time Phase





Phasing strategy

Phase 1

Activate Regenerate the soil through phytoremediation

Phase 1

'Regenerate' the soil I Current site plan Scale:1:1000@A1

Phase 1

'Regenerate' the soil I Phytoremediation plan Scale:1:1000@A1

Most of the concrete on the surface was removed and transfered in order to purify the site toxic soil through phytoremediation.

Phase 1

Phytoremediation section I Planting & Testing

+ Traditional Effective Exotic species + native plants introduce to test and as the first pioner plants on phytoremediation

Phase 1

Respond to issue and communities SIte environment is getting better for upcoming and existing communities.

Human communities: only main pathway keep for updating and changing planting .

Ecological communities: only small insect be attracted

Phase 2

Phase 2 Meet

Meet Promote new attraction,observation and acknowledging to the land and other communities

Phase 2

Meet in the Bay I General plan Scale:1:1000@A1

-Industrial use be kept as help the new residential set up in the urban development program. -Move some earthwork on site for further phytoremediation -WBPS partly open for understanding history .

Phase 2

Updating phytoremediation process section Effiective exotic plant

Effiective native plant


Native tree and species be introduced for continous the phytoremediation process and enrich the layer structure on site. Acacia mearnsii

Adding more species and layering in the most polluted area.

Eucalyptus Polybractea

Acacia Harpophylla

Phase 2

Meet in the Bay I Meeting in Plaza




1. Metro station


2.Metro plaza 3.Historical rail way track 4.Shading tree line 5.WBPS partly open for history reveal Scale:



Phase 2

Meet in the Bay I process exploring Meet with both site history and other biological communities in the surface/ ground level.

Except new man-made even road, considering: Maximize the use of materials character itself

Different historical materials + cracks

Phase 2

Meet in the Bay I Plaza section

Natrual gaps between materials allow small creature hidden and collect water for irrigation to prevent extreme weather.

angophora costata

Short term Art installation aim to attract people in

Phase 2

Respond to issue and communities Convenient access to public transport and with direct view line to harbour, provide positive feeling

Human communities: -envrionment art exhibition -intereaction in Plaza -site history acknowledge

Ecological communities: -Bird start be attracted

Phase 3

Phase 3 Blend

Blend Let the regenerated space can accommodate for both urban communities and ecological communities.

Phase 3

'Blend' in the Bay I Testing for diverse needs Exploring + Testing spaces experience possibility within different view and coverage on site.

View fully open and close to harbour, more active and fun?

Can be Fully surrounded and quiet,but should ensure safety feeling and rest?

With retricted some view, what should the cliff do?

Phase 3

Diverse experience space I General plan Scale:1:1000@A1

-Industrial use (Harbour) be kept until the new residential Completed. -Space be mainly divided to three different type for use

Quiet experience zone

Neutral experience zone

Active play zone

Phase 3

Quiet experience zone I Detail plan



Legend 1. Sound garden(Bird habitat) 2.Lawn area 3.New residential area 4.Relaxing square 5.Scent garden





Phase 3

Quiet experience zone I Sound garden(entry) More native tree be introduce to enrich the flora layers and support bird habitat.

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Major punctata

A c a c i a Acacia Harpophylla mearnsii

Love the bird sound!

Eucalyptus Polybractea

Phase 3

Quiet experience I Relaxing square

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Major punctata We got place to sit

Safe and relaxing for me!

Phase 3

Quiet experience zone I Scent garden Effiective plant in Phase 1&2

Grevillea Banksia mellow sericea spinulosa yellow

Royal mentle

Everlasting daisy

We got food to eat

Love the smell!

Phase 3

Quiet experience zone I perspective Respond to issue and communities

complex layerings here promote to a more resilient space,with the WBPS itself,provide both relaxing and safety feeling. Human communities: -enjoy smell,sound, view from nature -intereaction in public square

Ecological communities: -steady source of food (with large number of flower) -habitat set up

Phase 3

Neutral experience zone I Detail plan



1. Materials collected area 2.Outdoor workshop 3.sandstone cliff &exhibition area 4.Metro and plaza 5.slope forest Scale:

2 4



Phase 3

'Neutral' experience zone I Section

Art work exhibit area1

Through doing this, more familiar with the local materials

Materials collected area

Art work exhibit area 2

Work shop area

Phase 3

Neutral experience zone I Perspective increase site activities contribute to a more inclusive environment through interaction and understanding. Human communities:

Ecological communities:

-Outdoor workshop experience -environment art Exhibition on a regular basis

-Nesting materials is provided

Phase 3

Active Play park I Detail plan

2 1

3 4

Legend 1. Sport cournt on lawn 2.Timber deck 3.Small sunken planting area 4.Climbing area along the silo Scale:

Phase 3

Active Play park I edge Section

people allowing in play along the deck, as it is the last stage that still keep industriala uses.

can use small habitat here as roadblock for play! more exciting!

Phase 3

Active Play park I Section

Bird will also be attracted as habitat provided here as well.

can use small habitat here as roadblock for play! more exciting!

Phase 3

Active Play park I Perspective Better open public space and forshore pathway contribute to enhance place attachment.

Human communities: -long term tradition sporting events -regional sporting festivals

Ecological communities: -Appear and sit with food sources

Phase 4

Celebrate Embrace for a sustain and revived Bay Precinct

Phase 4

Embrace for sustain development -With the time pass

+ Rubbish

depleted materials

Site need maintainance, but how ? -What can the communities give back to the Site?

Phase 4

Embrace for sustain development I General plan Scale:1:1000@A1

-No more industrial use in harbour here -Last part of WBPS open for art residency

Phase 4

Human Effect

With artist guding, Collected the depleted materials and reassemble it to new function,like artifcial reef.

Phase 4 Bird effect


Excrement as cycling nutrients help the artificial reef and plants to grow to form to a strong mairne habitat.

Phase 4 Perspective

Finally, through all the effect and time phase,the site supposed to be an inclusive, safe ,resilient and sustainable space for all the communities to enjoy. Human communities: -long term sporting events -special sporting activities collaborate with environment artwork

Ecological communities: -contribute to new marine habitat

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