at the Bays
1 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Hybrid Question Research Question
2412 P3 How can active infrastructure complement the post-industrial waterfront character of The Bays, in order to increase physical activity and social engagement for youth?
2413 P1 What if Glebe Point Island found place and identity as a headland park within the Sydney Harbour, whilst also celebrating the Industrial heritage throughout innovative active recreation interventions?
2413 P2 What if active infrastructure is sequentially introduced at The Bays following disuse of industrial function and increased resident population upon Glebe Point Island? How can a linear headland park encourage a trend in residents across the wider Sydney population to move more and interact with the Sydney Harbour waterfront?
2413 Project 3 - REgenerate
How can the imperfections and qualities of Glebe Point Islands edge, activate movement within humans and intertidal communities?
2 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Opening Themes
Active Design and Intertidal Biodiversity
1 Oyster filters up to 190 litres of water a day. 1 acre rocky oyster shore means 36 Olympic swimming pools of polluted water cleaned from the harbour a day
“Healthy humans in a healthy Harbour”
3 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Context Where
The infrastructure of the Metro Station is integral to the bigger picture of the active transport issue. “The new metro line will take about 110,000 car journeys off local roads every day by 2056” - Sydney Metro,2020.
L At present the site holds huge potential to mend a missing link that will connect Bicycle networks to Pyrmont, Rozelle, Balmain and Sydney CBD. Along with the Metro this infrastructure extends the active transport options to Greater Sydney 4 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Timeline of The Bays What next?
Abiding Events Resident Health Harbour Health Intertidal Bio-diversity Sea Level Rise Industrial TOD & Micro-transit Active Recreation 5 Louis Giffin - z5160144
The Site FINAL SITE Approx. 54,000m2
How can the imperfections and qualities of Glebe Point Islands edge activate movement within humans and intertidal communities?
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Fundamental Assets
What makes the northern edge of Glebe Point Island a significant place? POST-INDUSTRIAL
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Fundamental Assets Glebe Point Island
Industrial Assets
Scenographic Assets
Material Assets
8 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Post-Industrial Analysis
Design Process
Current Glebe Island Landscape
Site Infrastructure Heavy metals,Tph, VOCS,PAHs, OCPS,BCBs,COPCs Fill - Ballast Dredge “ “ Herbicides, Asbestos, Ground Gases
Rail Slidings + Fill Heavy metals,Tph, VOCS,PAHs, OCPs,PCBs,Asbestos, ground gases, Phenols, Nitrates, Ammonia, Asbestos
Former railway Lines Phenols, Nitrates, Ammonia, Asbestos
Contaminated cut for reuse as fill
Substations Heavy metals,TPH, VOCS, PCBs, Phenols Mechanical equipment Solvents, Degreasers
Pollutants Analysis
9 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Waterfront Analysis Tidal Edge
Activated Terrace Design
Fill to create terraced landform
Phytoremediation planting to clean toxic fill and intertidal ‘blue engineer’ creatures clean harbour.
2100 Sea-level Impact
Tidal Edge
10 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Harbour Analysis Headland System
Glebe Point Island is a part of a rhythm of headlands within Sydney Harbour.
However at the moment it is a note out of tune. 11 Louis Giffin - z5160144
A terraced landscape
Levels of activity nodes accommodate a broad array of site users. Human and non-human
Accessible connections between linear terraces and clear visual access to the waterfront achieves a sense of Surveillance.
Site Activation
All levels spanning off the promenade are heavily activated. Both by a diverse group of intertidal creatures and human users.
Maintained active spaces with distinct site character offer proud civic Ownership.
Night program enhanced in lit active rooms and ecological nocturnal process stimulated in tidal edge.
Subtidal creatures
Low Intertidal creatures
Mid High Intertidal Intertidal creatures creatures
Elderly 12 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Historical Site Headland Landscape
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Present Site
Unhealthy, Inaccessible, Un-programmed
14 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Present site Linear Waterfront
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Site Vision
Activated Waterfront
Active waterfront provides multiple health benefits to human users. Clean rocky shore providing habitat for Intertidal species. Intertidal species act as ‘pollutant engineers’. Positively impacting the health of the Harbour 16 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Design Development
Edge and Proposed Development
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Design Development
Sea Level Rise Mitigation - Terraced Edge
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Design Development Active Path Network
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Design Development Active Program
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Design Development Sketch Masterplan
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Abiding events Project lifespan
Human Lifespan Children
Active Interests
Project Lifespan Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
A child today could experience MOVE as they grow up. How will the landscape change over their lifetime? 22 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 1 - Section Design Moves
Cut and Fill re-defines pollutant edge
Planting strategy for Phyto-remediation
Waterfront Industrial Bypass
Introduce Intertidal Habitat
Tide Level Present High 1.8m Present Low 0.7m
5 10
Scale 1:100 @A3
23 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 2 - Section Design Moves
Renewed planting complements landscape development
Active repurpose of discontinued industrial space
Extend active transport system with Bike Link
Connect humans to intertidal edge
Tide Level 2100 Low 1.44m
5 10
Scale 1:100 @A3
24 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 3 - Section Design Moves
Repurpose all abandoned industrial infrastucture for active use.
Manage urban developments pollutants
Reprogram disused port for waterfront activity
Utilise tidal inundation for water play
Tide Level 2100 High 2.54m 2100 Low 1.44m
5 10
Scale 1:100 @A3
25 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Site accommodates activity of X amount of people
Site accommodates activity of XX amount of people
Site accommodates activity of XXX amount of people
Site forms intertidal habitat - Foundations created for resilient landscape. - Human connection to the waterfront personality of Sydney Harbour
26 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 1
Phase Details
Waterfront promenade opened. Glebe point island tip soccer match Glebe Point tip New years Fireworks gathering. First Turban Snail found on site Oyster colony established
10% Syd. Population Users Annual visit respective to accommodating activities
2-8 years
20% Glebe Island Access 27 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Site accommodates activity of X amount of people
Site accommodates activity of XX amount of people
Site accommodates activity of XXX amount of people
Site grows biodiversity within intertidal habitat - Soil fill remediation and intertidal biodiversity increases overall health of the Landscape - Industrial disuse empowers infrastructure repurpose for activity and broad bike link connections. 28 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 2
Phase Details
First Metro ride 2028 Industry disuse Sport Centre opened First basketball match Bio-diverse Intertidal communities found on site ‘Blue Engineering’ working at impactful scale Soil partially remediated
40% Syd. Population Users Increased Biodiversity 8-80 years
80% Glebe Island Access 29 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Site accommodates activity of X amount of people
Site accommodates activity of XX amount of people
Site accommodates activity of XXX amount of people Site remediated and ecologically engineered - Industrial abandonment given new life through active infrastructure - Edge interventions respond to sea-level rise offering waterfront opportunities - Increased urban development 30 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Stage 3
Phase Details
Residents move into urban development Sea level rise moves intertidal species closer to shore Soil remediated Headland park character matured Decreased pollutants recorded in Harbour Humans interact with intertidal species
80% Syd Population users Increase in Subtidal species 80-200 years
70-100% Glebe Island Access 31 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Moving through.. Human Activity Activated Pathways Activity Rooms
Lookout Point
Street Network
Passive Green
Youth Hub Watersports Industrial Play
Tidal Terrace Service Street
Fishing Pier
Tidal Wading Pool
Promenade Network
Boardwalk Network
Bicycle Network
Active Spaces
Dog park Bike Rental
Picnic Terrace
Open-air exhibit Squash/Wallball
Linear Fitness Soccer Field Bike Expressway
32 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Moving through.. Ecological Activity
Subtidal passengers
Rock Crab
Sea Urchins Purple Sea Urchin
Australian Biscuit Seastar
Turbo Shell Snails
Sea Anenome Warratah anenome
Algae Neptunes Necklace
Mussels Molluscs
Blue Mussel
Tubercled Noddiwink Leatherjacket
‘True’ Periwinkle
Variegate Shore Crab
Lower Intertidal
Snapper Mid Intertidal
Higher Intertidal
Yellowtail Kingfish Spray Zone
Silver Trevally
Intertidal Habitats
Saccostrea glomerata
Foliose Algae
Barnacles Sea Squirts Limpets Cellana tramoserica
Acorn Barnacle
Cunjevoi Pyura stolonifera
33 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Moving through..
Phytoremediation and Planting
Pollutants Cleaned Sunflowers Blue Flax Lily
Heavy Metals Zinc Arsenic Calcium Nickel Copper Lead Manganese
Kangaroo Paw Tussock Grass
Heavy Phyto
Phyto Aesthetic
TPH Headland Park
VOCS PAHS Asbestos
Kangaroo Grass
Herbicides Common Rush Scribbly Gum
Curly Dock
Melaleuca Banksia Scrub
Black Butt Eucalyptus
34 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Moving through.. Pinnacle Design Point
Pedestrian Promenade
Phyto-remediative Planting Phased To Headland Planting
Repurposed Industrial Infrastructure
Sydney Rocky Shore Intertidal Habitat Waterfront Boardwalk Sydney Harbour Bridge Views
Tide Level 2100 High 2.54m 2100 Low 1.44m Present High 1.8m Present Low 0.7m
Clean Fill
Artificial Rocky Shore Cap
5 10
Polluted GPI Soils
Polluted Cut And Fill Soils
Scale 1:100 @A3
35 Louis Giffin - z5160144
Moving through.. Pinnacle Design Point
Native headland park landmark tree
The Bays Metro station
2100 closest human interaction with waterfront
Metro meeting precinct Intertidal ecology & waterfront connection Phytoremediation cleans soil prior to 2100 interaction with tide
Rent-a-bike station
Artificial Rocky Shore Habitat
Tide Level 2100 High 2.54m
Present High 2100 Low 1.8m 1.44m Present Low 0.7m
Clean Fill 1
Polluted GPI Soils 5 10
Cut and move highly contaminated topsoil
Artificial Rocky Shore Cap
Scale 1:100 @A3
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Moving through The Bays Model - Human Activity
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Moving through The Bays Model - Intertidal Detail
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At The Bays
MOVE is a project that inspires us to move forward and leave behind a lasting impact for future generations. 39 Louis Giffin - z5160144
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