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Table 5: Schedule Reporting Format

Table 5: Schedule Reporting Format

Report Type Periodicity Responsible Parties Content

Resource Task Lists and Work Packages Weekly Project Manager Establish individual resource task lists and work packages available online and communicate to project team members using the scheduling tool.

Project Schedule Report Fortnightly Project Scheduler

Master Schedule Baseline (Gantt chart) Up to level 3 Sponsor Project Report Monthly Project Scheduler

Every two months Project Manager Prepare a schedule progress report for presentation at the project status meeting.

Prepare a revised schedule Gantt chart for the project status meeting.

Prepare a Sponsor project status report for the Project Sponsor to review.

4.6.4 Schedule Variance Analysis and Control

MS Project is adopted to accurately measure schedule variation. Usage of software will also help change certain activity-related parameters and readily derive their impacts on critical path and project completion dates. For monitoring schedule performance, variance thresholds are defined as the amount of deviation that can be tolerated before taking action. In this project, thresholds are expressed as days of deviation from the schedule baseline plan's specifications. The project's agreed-upon schedule variance thresholds are explained below (table 6).

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