Master of Urban Development Design
Publisher Faculty of Built Environment The University of New South Wales
Program Outline
The intensive one calendar year program involves two acedemic semesters plus a summer term, which includes a compulsory field project and design studio in a major international city.
Executive advisors Professor James Weirick Dr. Scott Hawken Professor Karl Fischer Jodi Lawton (Lawton Design)
Master of Urban Development & Design
The program seeks the synthesis of three bodies of knowledge about the city - spatial political economy, theories of good city form anf urban design as public policy. Coursework is progressive, stressing theoretical knowledge of economic, social, environment and physical design determinants in the first semester, moving to applied skills and implementation techniques toward the end of the year. The program comprises eight core course and one elective course. The compulsory core includes five lecture/seminar courses, three project based studios, and a case study course. Students are encouraged to select an elective from a list of recommended course offered by the Faculty of Built Enviroment. Students may be permitted, with the approval of the Program Director, to select electives from course offered by other faculties of the University. The summer term is devoted to the international urban design studio, case study investigations of major urban projects, and critical reflection on the year’s work through preparation of the annual exhibition and publication of the MUDD Folio. Program of Study for full-time Candidates: Semester 1 UDES0001 Urban Design Studio (12 UOC) UDES0004 Hist and Theory of Urban Dev (6 UOC) Electives 6 UOC
Graphic Design: Abdul Fahim Bin Razali Filbert Benedictus Li Han (Sherry) Cui Weitong (Will) Ju Xizhe (Oliver) Sun Yalin (Anna) Wang Yuyang (Yang) Wang Zishou
Event Design: Lau Sie Thung Li Liling (Lily) Miao Nijin (Bae) Kuang Wenjie (Calvin) Ren Yanfei Wang Yifan (Connie)
Exhibition Design: Christian Vitulli Michele Apricia Stephanie Griffiths Huang Hanlin (Harley) Wang Mengqiong (Joey) Wang Mengya (Sabrina) Sun Yulin (Anna) Ren Zihan (Clare)
MUDD21 | 2015 - 2016
The 4 Semester MUDD (Extension) Program has a research focus with BENV 7020 Research Seminar in Semester 1, UDES0011 Urban Design Research Project (12 UOC) and 2 Built Environment Electives in Semester 4
Video: Abdul Fahim Bin Razali Filbert Benedictus Jyothsna Dhileepan (Jo) Zhu Shimin (Mick) Wang Zishou
Image Editing and Photography: Jyothsna Dhileepan (Jo) Wan Li Lu Mengyu (Viola) Zhu Shimin (Mick) Zheng Yawen (Winda) Zhang Yichao (Amy)
Semester 2 UDES0002 Urban Design Studio (12 UOC) UDES0008 Planning and Urban Dev (6 UOC) UDES0009 Urban Landscape and Heritage (6 UOC) Summer Term UDES0003 Urban Design Studio (12 UOC) UDES0006 Case Studies in Urb Dev and Design (6 UOC) UDES0010 Communication in Urban Design (6 UOC)
Curatorial and Editorial: Ashley Bakelmun Stephanie Griffiths Kimleye Una Ng Ju Xizhe (Oliver) Navdeep Shergill (Nav)
Sponsorship: Michael Gheorghiu Ashley Bakelmun Production and Coordination: Kimleye Una Ng Michael Gheorghiu Web and Social Media: Samuel Chekwube Osakwe Michele Apricia Xu Jingwen (Julie) Wang Qi (Alice) Zhang Suxin (Jasmine)
UDES0010 Communication in Urban Design This core course extends students capabilities for graphic, written and verbal communication through the production of the annual MUDD Folio, Exhibition and associated public lecture - the Paul Reid Lecture in Urban Design. The aim is to critically reflect upon and re-present the year’s work of the MUDD Program in a creative, compelling format which contributes to the design culture of Sydney.
Urban Development & Design City Visions II: Method & Design Berlin | Chicago | Sydney Australian Graduate School of Urbanism Copyright of University of New South Wales ISSN: 2206-1843 Material in this publication is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part requires permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the editor or the publisher unless otherwise expressly stated.
Faculty of Built Environment The University of New South Wales UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Web: Phone: +61 2 9385 4799 Email: CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G
Contact Professor James Weirick Director, Urban Development & Design program Tel: +61 2 9385 7533 Email: Faculty of Built Environment The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052, Australia