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UNSW Counselling and Psychological Services
02 9385 5418 counselling@unsw.edu.au Kensington Campus: Quadrangle Campus of Fine Arts and Design: G Block Room G106
Gender-specific psychologists and interpreters can be organised for you!
For all registered UNSW students, CAPS provides free, confidential counselling sessions with psychologists and psychologists in training. CAPS is equipped to deal with issues such as transitioning to university, exam stress, relationship issues, bereavement and a variety of mental health issues. Your situation does not need to be urgent to book a session. However, if it is an emergency CAPS will be able to organise a session as soon as possible.
UNSW Psychology Clinic
02 9385 3042 Kensington Campus: Matthews Level 8 http://clinic.psy.unsw.edu.au/
Staffed by clinical psychologist registrars and provisional psychologist undergoing supervised postgraduate training. This is not suitable for individuals that are in immediate crisis, or acutely suicidal.
UNSW Health Service
02 9385 5425 unihealth@unsw.edu.au
Services are Kensington Campus: Ground Floor, East Quadrangle Building
available in Mandarin, French and Greek!
Health service provides medical services and advice for all UNSW students. This includes pathology, sexual health checks, mental health and specialist referrals and vaccinations. Free consultations are available to students who have a medicare card and bulk billing available for international students.
UNSW Equitable Learning Services
02 8374 9201 els@unsw.edu.au https://student.unsw.edu.au/els Formerly known as the Disability Support Unit!
ELS is a free, confidential service that provides practical support so your health condition does not adversely affect your studies. This includes students with disabilities, long term medical conditions and/or mental health conditions and those who are carers. ELS also provides aid in filing for special consideration and implementing educational adjustments for students.
International Student Experience Unit
02 9384 4734 https://student.unsw.edu.au/consult
The ISEU provides support for international students through access to advisors and consultation sessions. Advisors assist students with issues such as adjusting to UNSW life, visa conditions, financial difficulties and accessing other support srvices, on campus and in Sydney. Further support can be found through Arc: https://www.arc.unsw.edu.au/help/international-support
Arc Wellness Warriors
Wellness Warriors are a group of student volunteers dedicated to destigmatising mental health and providing resources to nurture positive mental health at UNSW. They are a great place to volunteer and find support as well as provide support to other students. You'll find them around campus doing Random Acts of Kindness, pop-up events and facilitating Stress Less Week every semester. Also, check out Arc's facebook page for online discussion panels and workshops hosted by the team on a variety of mental healthrelated issues.
ResourcesResources For PoC
Transcultural Mental Health Centre
TMHC works with health professionals and communities across NSW to support positive mental health for PoC. This is a statewide service based within the Western Sydney Local Health District.
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors
02 9646 6710 https://www.startts.org.au/
STARTTS is a specialist, non-profit organisation that provides culturally relevant psychological treatment and support, and community interventions, to help people recover from torture and refugee trauma.
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health
02 6285 3100 multicultural@mhaustralia.org
EMMH provides access to resources, services and information for PoC regarding mental health and suicide prevention.
One Door
https://www.onedoor.org.au/ Bilingual Mental Health Support Service (Auburn) 02 8737 5566
One Door is a mental health organisation that provides numerous support services across Sydney. The BMHSS in Auburn specifically helps PoC to connect to relevant mental health services, providing nuanced and accessible support.
ResourcesResources For First Nations
Community Mental Health Centres
Community Mental Health Centres provide a range of services to help individuals stay well, including a specialist Aboriginal Mental Health Team. Centres are open 8:30am – 5:00pm. There are locations in Canterbury, Croydon, Camperdown, Marrickville, Redfern and more.
Aboriginal Counselling
Aboriginal Counselling is 100% Aboriginal owned business that provides therapeutic counselling for families, individuals and communities within New South Wales.
Gallang Place
“We can provide a range of counselling, advocacy and support services that can help you live a healthier and happier life. Our counsellors can help with many issues and concerns that you may face – having a deep respect for your rights, culture, history and your community.”