UNSW Counselling and Psychological Services 02 9385 5418 Kensington Campus: Quadrangle Campus of Fine Arts and Design: G Block Room G106
Gender-specific psychologists and interpreters can be organised for you!
For all registered UNSW students, CAPS provides free, confidential counselling sessions with psychologists and psychologists in training. CAPS is equipped to deal with issues such as transitioning to university, exam stress, relationship issues, bereavement and a variety of mental health issues. Your situation does not need to be urgent to book a session. However, if it is an emergency CAPS will be able to organise a session as soon as possible.
UNSW Psychology Clinic 02 9385 3042 Kensington Campus: Matthews Level 8 Staffed by clinical psychologist registrars and provisional psychologist undergoing supervised postgraduate training. This is not suitable for individuals that are in immediate crisis, or acutely suicidal.
UNSW Health Service 02 9385 5425 Kensington Campus: Ground Floor, East Quadrangle Building
Services are available in Mandarin, French and Greek!
Health service provides medical services and advice for all UNSW students. This includes pathology, sexual health checks, mental health and specialist referrals and vaccinations. Free consultations are available to students who have a medicare card and bulk billing available for international students.