Faux: The Habits issue

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F A U X M A G A Z I N E // O C T 2 0 1 6 // $ 1 2 . 9 9 A U // # F A U X M A G //

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ebb and flow

burn baby burn




diy or die



tea ritual

let’s celebrate



the path less travelled

make jam: be happy



a not so delicate daisy

wrap me up



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HA BI TS noun. something that one does repetitively to bring calm, joy and happiness; a healthy obsession that pleases the soul.

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REBECCA “To me, habits are what settle us, they’re that little piece of home in a chaotic world.”

J A I DY N “A habit to me is a obsession of sorts. They can be either positive or negative. For me, my habit is skating.”

ELISE “My habits are what calms me and brings me joy; coffee when i wake up, candles burning around the house, and enough shoes to last a lifetime.”

ME L I S S A “A habit for me is something we can find happiness and comfort in. Habits are extremely hard to give up.”

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the gift guide 6.





2. 3.


9. 12. 13.

11. 10.

1. Notebook / etsy.com 2. Washi tape / typo.com 3. gold foil kit / honstpaper.com 4. ‘R’ note cards / kikki.k.com 5. floral notebook / etsy.com 6. gold string / riotstore.com.au 7. jasmine perfume / crabtree-evelyn.com 8. floral bow / equip.org.au 9. wooden stand w/ quote / spotlight.com 10. origrami prints / origrami.com.au 11. gold scissors / etsy.com 12. leather watch / thehorse.com 13. map notebook / fancifulfindings.com

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- ETSY STORE NOW OPEN https://w w w.etsy.com/au/shop/RebeccaLeeCreative

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EBB AND FLOW THE INS AND OUTS OF SKATEBOARDING. Words by Jaidyn Cockroft Photography by Jaidyn Cockroft No rules No regulations Skateboarding doesn’t rely on social class, gender or any other idiot humanistic classification.The only thing that matters with skateboarding is the love of skateboarding. In recent weeks a very renowned skateboarder by the name of Brian Anderson released a short film made by Giovanni Reda. The short film was a confession to the world that he is a homosexual. He had spent nearly his whole life hiding the fact that he was interested in men and was so nervous to come out to the world. All I ever saw after that video was released was nothing but love. Not one bad word was said about Brian. Everyone was so supportive of him, both professional skateboarders and fans alike. In the world of skateboarding no one cares. Skateboarding eliminates homophobia.Skateboarding does not just eliminate homophobia, but it crushes racism as well. Being a skateboarder and meeting new skaters all the time, I find that 99% of the skaters I come across are such easy going people. All we want to do is skate. Last year in the AFL, a massive story broke out about a Sydney Swans player Adam Goodes being harassed because of his ethnicity as an indigenous Australian. That is only one account of racism throughout sport. As much as I personally do not like skateboarding being referred to as a sport, it has inevitably been classed as one. Since that is the case, I can say that skateboarding is possibly the only sport that does not get effected by racism.

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Skateboarding is proficient as an outlet. It lets you focus whatever you are feeling at that time, whether it be happiness, depression, anger, frustration or anything else, and funnel that feeling into a generator that powers your body to do a specific trick. Skateboarding allows time to think and reflect, at the same time you are honing in on your skill on a board. Learning and developing new tricks and maneuverers is an excellent way to channel those emotions into something productive. Billy Rohan, an American professional skater spoke to Vice several weeks ago talking about his life living with Bipolar Disorder. He mentions how much skateboarding kept him sane and gave him balance. He claimed that “Mentally skateboarding is like how a lot of psychiatrists say art therapy helps with your mind if you’re depressed. For me, skateboarding is the same way. It’s my art.” Skateboarding is a constant rollercoaster of a ride. Some days you feel untouchable, and other days you roll for five minutes and roll your ankle doing the most simplistic thing. Sometimes you can roll with ease and get every trick you know, other days you couldn’t ollie to save your life. It’s a weird thing. Not just the way it works and the way you handle manouver on your board, but the skateboarding community is weird. We’re all cool with one another and there isn’t really any real beef between anyone, but in saying that the skate community is so connected, is a contradicting statement. There is somewhat a sense of connetion but at the same time there is a complete sense of disconnect. I personally do not understand it, and I’m unsure if I ever will.

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Need a change?

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Good Brew Co- A game changer. FAUX // 13

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BURN, B A B Y, BURN Words by Christine Wang // Photography by Elise Lewerenz

So … candles. I think there’s a bit of

astounded by the amount of gorgeous

a love-hate relationship with them.

candles shops sell. No corny long,

Oh, not me, I absolutely love them as

slim candles but big jars of coloured

you can tell. Some people love them,

goodness. Still, I wasn’t sure if I was

some people hate them. Some people

comfortable burning them in my room

love burning them, some people think

because 1) my fingers might burn off

it’s a waste of money. I guess it’s how

and 2) I might forget to extinguish

you look at it and how it works for you

them. That was when I discovered



I didn’t actually start out loving

Man, the amount of tealights and

candles. To me, candles were what

fragrance oils I went through in uni

my parents took out whenever there

was crazy. I bought heaps of cheapie

was a blackout at home. My brother

fragrance oils from £1 shops. I stopped

and I weren’t allowed to go near them

using tealights and candles when I

because according to Mum, “they’ll

left UK for good and went home to

burn your fingers off and you’ll have

Malaysia because they weren’t cheap

no more fingers left!“. Yes, Mum can


be bit dramatic (like mother, like daughter) but believe you me, it scared

When I moved to Australia, I used

the crap out of my brother and I and

to buy a lot of cheap Glade candles

we don’t touch them unless absolutely

from Coles and Woolworths. It was

necessary. Plus you couldn’t get

during a crafts fair a few years ago

fancypants candles back then. The

that I learned what soy candles were

only coloured candles were the long

and why they are much better for our

slim ones that go on candelabras for

health and home. When I learned

romantic meals like what you see on

how easy they were to make and how


much each candle would actually cost

When I left home for the UK, I was

(including utility bills to make them,

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etc), I was sold. I’d make my own soy

them or think they’re a waste of

candles and it was a lot more fun using

money? No judgement here; I’d love to

what I made.

hear your thoughts. If you love them, what’s your favourite?

Having said that, I do buy readymade candles too. My absolute favourite ones are from Glasshouse. They come in gorgeous apocethary jars that can be reused to store facial cotton and cotton buds. Plus they make my dresser look so pretty. Over Christmas, I discovered a few more candles by Jaye Niemi, Mrs Meyer’s, Circa Home and the holy grail of candles simply because it costs an arm and a leg, Dyptique. Why do I love candles so much? Easy. They exude warmth. They give the home a warm and cozy feeling. They get rid of fried fishy smells in a kitchen. They add a bit of *ahem* bowchikawowwow



the boudoir. They add character and personality to a home especially when entertaining friends and family. I could say more but I think I’ve sold you the idea of candles well enough. Do I feel like I’m burning money when I burn candles? Well, the way I see it, it’s like bowling. Every time I go bowling, I call it “throwing money down the drain“. But I absolutely love the game and am more than willing to go again. And again. A candle is something that gives me comfort and warmth at home, and for that, you can’t put a price on it. Plus there’s no need for expensive candles to give you that warmth for there are places that sell good quality soy candles that don’t cost you an arm and a leg. That’s my story about my love for candles. What’s yours? Do you like

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H O W TO MA K E YO U R O W N C A ND L E S Instructions inspired by Misty Spinney // Photos Elise Lewerenz

You will need: -balsa wooden sticks, about 1cm in width -olive oil -super glue -glass candle votives -crayons -wax from old candles -cheap glass containers you don’t care about (I used old candle votives) -deep saucepan -oven mitt/glove/etc for handling the hot glass votives

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Step 1: Begin my preparing your wicks. Place some of the balsa wood sticks into either a shallow bowl or a slightly curved plate, making sure they are flat and not on top of one another. Cover with olive oil and set aside. Once they have been soaking for at least 20 minutes, wipe off the excess olive oil from the sticks with paper towel. Step 2: Make sure your glass votives are clean before putting the wicks into them. To secure the balsa wick, place a couple drops of super glue on the base, and press it down onto the inside bottom of your votive. Repeat with the rest of your votives. Step 3: Next, decide what colours you want to use for your candles. I chose grey, white, black, dark purple, burgundy, and peach. Separate your crayons into the colour piles, removing the paper wrapping and break into smaller pieces. Step 4: Fill a deep saucepan/pot with water and set on the stove. Add in your old candle votives that still have wax in them. Bring the pot to a simmer, while stirring the wax with a balsa wood stick to help it melt. Make sure the pot isn’t too full and won’t get into the wax.

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Step 5: Once the old wax had fully melted, go ahead and remove the old wick bases using one of the balsa wood sticks. These will now be your mixing containers. Step 6: Add your crayons to the old wax. Stir until it has all dissolved and the old wax is now super pigmented. Step 7: Now it is time to pour. Hold one of your pre-prepared wick votives in one hand, and one of the melted wax votives in the other hand, using a glove or mitt to protect your hand from the hot glass. Pour the wax in slowly, then put the votive in the freezer to set quickly. Continue this until all your votives are full with wax. There is no special way to pour it- you can hold it at and angle, swirl it around as you pour, alternate between colours, the list goes on and on. Just have fun experimenting! Step 8: And voila, you’re done! Give these candles as gifts this Christmas, or keep them for yourself and enjoy next to the bath or cozied up in bed.

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S O L E MAT E S Words by Paola Jacobbi // Photography by Elise Lewerenz

Men and women are different in

elite has turned into a trend for the

several respects, but the moment you

masses. Our intimate relationship

get on to the subject of shoes, a chasm

with shoes begins shortly after we

opens between the two sexes; it’s only

learn to walk. As soon as we want to

for women that shoes become an all

feel “grown-up,” we slip on a pair of

consuming obsession.

our mother’s shoes, preferably high heels, instantly heightening our sense

Shoes can cost a fortune; yet while

of what it means to be female. And

money itself does not bring happiness,

then what happens? We grow up and

a pair of new shoes bring on a kind of

get to be the same size as Mummy and

exaltation. Unlike clothes, shoes have

our personality begins to assert itself

a distinct advantage. Whether you’re

with the first independent purchase

fat or thin, short or tall, beautiful or

of shoes. As adults, we ask shoes to

ugly, you can buy all the shoes your

be our representatives. At any given

heart desires. They are capable of

moment, they are indicators of our

making you feel sexy, elegant or

age, mood and desires.

sporty at a single stroke.

...while money itself does

For a long time, the obsession with

not bring happiness, a new pair of shoes bring on a kind of exaltation.

luxury shoes has been the prerogative of a select tribe of actresses, socialites, It-girls and millionairesses whose members could be identified by the accessories with which they adorned themselves.


Actress Penelope Cruz confesses: “I

tattoos were the label - Hermes,


have never been able to study a new

Gucci, Caovilla, Ferragamo, Blahnik,

role until, alongside the director, we

Laboutin - which they procured by

choose the shoes which the woman we

putting their names down on the

are about to bring to the screen will

special waiting lists of international

be wearing. Everything starts down



But what was once the preserve of the

More than anything else, women’s

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shoes speak the language of sex.

Shoes have featured prominently in

You don’t have to be a moralist or an

the popular female narrative, be they

anthropologist in order to understand

Cinderella’s glass slippers (clearly a

the message transmitted by a girl in a

symbol of virginity) or the stilettos

pair of rubber-soled loafers versus one

“Sex and the City” - women who share

wearing noisy stilettos.

two great weaknesses: men and shoes.

But that’s only a first impression. That

Shoes are an integral part of their

old chestnut (heels = sex goddess,


flats = nun) is constantly challenged

we’re about to shoot a closeup, the

by variations in fashion and customs.

director will say to me that I can

And yet, one thing remains certain:

take off my shoes as my feet won’t

a high-heeled shoe is the object of

be in the frame,” said actress Sarah

apparel that - more than any other -

Jessica Parker. “But I’ve never done

marks the difference between men and

it. The expression of a woman in flats


is totally different from one in heels.”



8 RU L E S F O R HA P P Y F E E T 1. Audrey Hepburn advised buying a pair of shoes half a size bigger, as comfort is integral to elegance. 2. As you get older, feet tend to get longer and wider. It’s useless trying to squeeze into your usual size 6 1/2. Probably after the age of 40 you’ll be a 7 1/2. 3. For the same reason, it’s good to buy shoes in the evening, when feet are at their biggest, and never in the morning. 4. Try not to wear the same shoes too many days in a row. Ideally, you should change them every day to keep them from losing shape too soon. 5. Whenever you get the chance - at home or on the beach - walk around barefoot. 6. After an evening of walking on high heels, massage the soles of your feet with a tennis ball. 7. Look at the feet of your mother and grandmother. Many small deformations are hereditary but preventable. 8. Whatever kind of shoes you wear and whatever the shape of your feet, accept and love them, pampering them with great care and pedicures. Your feet are the pedestal that supports your soul.

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Words by Jaidyn Cockroft Photography by Jaidyn Cockroft

For almost as long as skateboarding has been around, there has been individuals who have sought out desolate locations, that to the average Joe looked slightly disgusting or troublesome. Area’s which contain those style of characteristics have been the ideal location for setting up a diy skate spot, whether it be as little as one quarter pipe to as much as what resides at burnside skatepark. It all started with Burnside. The first diy skatepark that has stood the test of time. It all started with Mark ‘Red’ Scott, who is the primary mind behind the whole build. It started in 1990 when him and a few of his friends when they started throwing a few bags of concrete against a wall. It quickly spun out of control. It’s comprised of walls and transitiions that proof challenging and some being roughly 20ft tall. It is now a well established public skatepark, but when it started it was a different story. Once word got out about what was going on, people started carrying out their own diy projects. In the modern day world there is a heavy amount of diy spots all around the globe. Australia being one of the countries that lacks in diy productivity. There is only a handful of backyard parks and pools being built nation wide and there is an even smaller handful of communal diy skate spots. My friends and I have been trying to change that. It started with us making our own parking curb, that has set in motion a snowball effect. We’ve built a kicker and have also patched up a ditch spot in a local storm water drain. We’re hooked and it’s only just the start. DIY or DIE.

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The Green Curb It all started when we were wanting to skate an American style curb which are super rare to find in Australia. We thought “why not?” and decided to attempt at making our own. First we had to make up the formwork. This was a challenge because it is not one of those things where there are a ton of tutorials online. With a lot of thought and discussion, we calculated what had to be done. Two pieces of reo bar were inserted for strucural integrety and two pieces of pvc pipe where inserted so that metal rods could later be inserted to make transportation a whole lot easier. Once the formwork had been assembled with nails and screws, the whole form had to be sealed so that no concrete would ooze out during the pour. Once everything had been sealed and had enough time to set hard, we pulled out the buckets and started tearing open bags of cement. We had no idea what we were doing. None of us had dabbled in the fine art of concreting before so it was just a moment where we just had to wing it. After we mixed our concrete we started packing it into the formwork. I used a jigsaw without the blade as a vibrating tool to move the ‘cream’ to the surface, ensuring that no gaps were left from bottom to top. Once it was all packed and vibrated, we levelled the open surface and walked away. The curb was left to sit for about three days to cure, with the occasional water bath to help the concrete increase in it’s durability. When the time came to pull the mould off, we were filled with excitement like kids on Christmas eve. All the screws got removed and we pulled the sides off without having to oull any nails out. It was beautiful. It was rough, but it was beautiful. The pvc pipe had to be cut off flush and the surface had to be sanded to just make everything all buttery and smooth. When the curb was all clean and smooth, we had to applyh about four coats of spray paint, and then two coats of clear coat so that we could grind and slide instead of getting caught on the dry concrete. After the paint had dried, that was it. It was ready to skate. DIY OR DIE.

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Decorate YOUR WAY


From left to right: 1. Purple snow flake washi tape / Washi Tape Australia 2. Chevron washi tape / Swanston street supplies 3. Black lace washi tape / Swanston street supplies 4. Sprinkle washi tape / Washi lane 5. Blue stripe washi tape / Washi lane 6. Green geometric washi tape / Kmart 7. Scissor washi tape / swanston street supplies

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T E A R I T UA L Words by Jesse Jacobs / Photography by Rebecca Kent

It seems that as life has gotten faster and faster, we humans have managed pretty well to keep up with the speed. Enter rituals. Rituals slow us down and connect us to this moment here and now. I’m not talking about big, ornate cultural or religious rituals. Instead I’m referring to simple actions that connect us to ourselves, our place, and the present moment. These kind of rituals allow us to both forget ourselves and our worries, and to escape into the present moment. They allow us to enter flow – the state of being where we’re actually not thinking, not aware of any single thing other than the act of what we are doing. Rituals slow us down, and get us present, both of which make life better. Why? For one life is about enjoying the experiences it offers us, right? So why rush through it all? Why blow right through the transitory experiences we’ve got?! Savor, inhale, embrace the smallest nuance that we have, because we really don’t have much else! Things happen. There are no guarantees we’ll even have the next moment. So why not make the most of the one we’ve got? What are rituals? As author Tony Schwartz wrote that rituals are “…routines we give importance to.” I’d take it a bit further in saying that rituals are also ideally simple, repeatable, and allow us to get lost in their acts. love using tea as a ritual because it covers so many bases. Any good tea will have a variety of elements: aroma, taste, aftertaste, and body. Any good tea will take you on a gustatory, sensual journey. Seriously. Good tea ignites the senses and allows the drinker to entirely engage into a fully present moment with the leaves.

My tea ritual. Please copy it, improve on it. And remember that once you make it a habit, it’s easy and invaluable. It slows you down, starts you up, connects you to the moment, and gets you out of the moment. All with just some water and leaves.

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C HA I T E A 8 cardamom seeds 8 cloves 4 black peppercorns 2 cinnamon sticks 1 1-inch piece fresh ginger, sliced 2 cups whole milk 4 bags black tea (such as Darjeeling) 8 teaspoons sugar or more, to tast

Place the cardamom, cloves, and peppercorns in a resealable plastic bag and crush with a heavy skillet. Place the crushed spices in a medium saucepan, along with the cinnamon sticks, ginger, milk, and 2 cups water; bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add the tea bags, cover, and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain into cups. To each cup, add 2 teaspoons sugar or more, to taste.

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L E T ’ S C E L E B R AT E Words by Sandhya Kannan / Photography by Melissa Bell

Past. Present. Future. Time. Time changes things. Or rather, things — be it abstract or tangible change with time. One day ends to give way to another. And another. The earth slowly rotates and revolves. The clock’s hands never stop. And with it, the wheels of change are set into motion. It creeps in slowly, inch by inch. Every day is just another day. And yet, it is not. To make some days stand out, we give them a meaning, a name, or a reason. Even your birthday. Yet there are many who see no reason to celebrate the day they were born. (I do.) They say it is just another day, so why go the extra mile? It is another day. Nonetheless, why should that stop us from celebrating the joy of life? Why should it stop us from taking a few minutes, hours or an entire day to take stock of your life, your people, and most importantly, count your blessings. In a world where there are countless reasons to feel insipid, inconsequential, and worthless, it is often tiny actions that matter; that make you who you are. These actions almost always win us our friends and loved ones. Yes, they may not stay forever. Yes, there are countless who get lost in the various chapters of the book called life simply because ‘life’ happened. Yes, it is not a very happy feeling to look back and remember those who were once special, but are no more an active part of your life. We are taught to hold those more dear who have been with us forever. But, why should that stop you from being grateful to have those who do remain, or those who have entered your life anew? Because past experience suggests they may not be there tomorrow? Because nothing lasts forever? If you ask me, it is precisely this reason why you should celebrate birthdays — yours and others, especially others — for if you did not take time out today to build memories, to feel grateful and feel special, you may have nothing to reminisce about tomorrow.

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Today, you have these people. Tomorrow, you may not. But during the time when they are a part of your life, they are or have been important. Why not make them feel that today, irrespective of what happens tomorrow? Idioms and phrases advise us to take advantage of ‘and make good use of every day; that every single day should be special — not just a few. But, we all know that’s not humanely realistic. We all have our off days, when things don’t work out, when we fight and are unhappy. So, why let go of the few days that can be turned special, simply because we refuse to go along with convention that dictates the same? This year, my friends planned a big surprise for me. I never saw it coming. I also received many gifts — even from people who had moved to a different city. It made me feel very special. These were the people whose lives I had touched at some point in life. And in doing so, they deeply touched mine. However, there were also moments when I was painfully aware of those I had left behind on my journey forward. Their absence was felt. These were the people who once held a special place in my daily life. They had once celebrated the very same day with much aplomb. Life happened. It is sad, yes. But I look back on those moments with happy nostalgia. I am thankful that at the excuse of my birthday, I expressed the importance of their presence in my life, and vice versa. I now know, at that moment in time, I had mattered to them. I also know that just because they aren’t here does not mean they have been erased forever. Similarly, today, I’d rather feel grateful for having been loved and cherished, for being given the life I now lead, for the friends who are part of my life now and who went to such great lengths to make me feel special. I’d rather do that than give in to solemnity and nostalgia for the lost ones although they and the moments I’d shared with them were special too. Today, I find reasons to celebrate the day, rather than pass it off as just another day. On my birthday, I count my blessings for what I have today before I lose it, and what I had yesterday. On our birthdays, we pay homage to the thing called Time.

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T H E PAT H LESS T R AV E L E D Words by Dan Scotti // Photography by Elise Lewerenz

Summer is here, and we’re all for

mountains and get their good tidings”

burgers, ocean breezes and an ice

in the Mountains of California, we kind

cream cone or two. But getting

of doubt he was talking about dropping

outside is about more than beaches

a few pounds. But as it turns out, not

and barbecues. Science shows that

only are the outdoors great for making

spending time in the great outdoors

exercise feel easier and often more

can actually make you healthier.

enjoyable, but some outdoor elements

Escaping to the woods, mountains or

-- like those mountains -- directly

even your neighborhood park helps

contribute to weight loss. Simply

both your body and your brain.

spending time at high altitude could help shed some pounds, even if you’re

Research conducted at the University

just visiting. The higher heights can

of Essex showed that the color green,

speed up your metabolism, while

such as that found on trees, grass and

actually lessening hunger cravings.

other plants in nature, makes exercise

So go ahead and plan those mountain

feel easier. The small study tested

escapes, hiking adventures and ski trip

cyclists pedaling in front of green,


gray and red images. Those exercising in front of the green showed less

Taking in a bit of nature can help

mood disturbances and reported that

your brain in more than one way.

they felt lower exertion during their

For starters, logging outdoor hours

cycling. Plus, other research showed

may increase concentration skills.

that those who exercise outside are

One study compared concentration

more eager to return for a future

between children with ADHD who

workout than those who stick to the

played outside, versus those who


played inside, after school and on weekends. Kids who spent time in

When John Muir wrote, “Climb the

green, outdoor spaces reported fewer

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symptoms of ADHD, even when the

gotten a bit of vitamin D, reach for

exact same activities were compared.

the sunscreen, grease up and continue your exploration of the great outdoors.

Taking a stroll can also increase creativity. Research published in the

Spending time in nature has been shown

Journal of Experimental Psychology

to lower stress levels, says Seattle-

found that walking increases creative




Judith Heerwagon. “Just looking at a

anywhere -- whether through the

garden or trees or going for a walk,

woods or in a mall -- is beneficial in

even if it’s in your own neighborhood,

that it prompts creativity, researchers

reduces stress,” she says. “I don’t

found that the actual act of spending

think anyone understands why, but

time outside also influences novelty.

there’s something about being in





a natural setting that shows clear Plus, all of that fresh air is a quick

evidence of stress reduction, including

way to kick your brain into high gear.

physiological evidence -- like lower

Ditch the caffeine and stick to a walk

heart rate.”

in the park. Some say that 20 minutes outside can wake you up just as much

One reason Mother Nature may work

as one cup of coffee can.

as such a great stress-buster is through scent. The smell of many flowers,

Vitamin D can be a tricky nutrient

including jasmine, lilacs and roses,

to get enough of strictly from foods,

have been proven to decrease stress

because so few naturally carry it, so

and increase relaxation. The scent

most of us soak up between 80 to

of fresh pine has even been shown to

90 percent of our sunshine vitamin

lower depression and anxiety.

from those golden rays, Dr. Michael F. Holick, M.D., Ph.D. tells The

In addition to helping decrease stress

Huffngton P ost P ost i n a n a rticle

levels, spending more time with nature

on vitamin D deficiency. And while

shows a shift toward more positive

we all know to protect ourselves from

moods, says Heerwagon. While we

the sun to avoid skin cancer, we also

don’t know exactly why this happens

need vitamin D for bone growth, cell

in our bodies, “the theory is that we

growth, inflammation reduction and

respond positively to things that are

neuromuscular and immune function.

good for us,” she tells The Huffngton

Unfortunately, your skin can only

Post. “Trees offer shade, protection and

drink in the D from unprotected

often have fruits and nuts, so they are

exposure. That’s why Holick suggests

a source of food as well as protection

what he calls “sensible sun exposure.”

and comfort.” The idea is that we like

That means only going out in the sun

things that are inherently good for us

for about one third to one half of the

and our survival, which is why trees

amount of time it would take your

and other natural elements can help

skin to mildly burn, or roughly 10 to

lift our moods.

15 minutes for many. After you’ve

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MA K E J A M : B E HA P PY Words by Matthew Evans / Photography by Rebecca Kent

Hobart’s foreshore used to abound with jam.

(like little jubes), be the food of Gods.

Vast copper pots simmered away, tucked

We live in a society where we don’t need to

just inside the doorways of the beautiful

preserve food like we once did. We can freeze

sandstone buildings that still line streets next

berries. We can buy ingredients all year. We

to the waterfront. The smell alone would have

can import mustard. But what I learned in my

been amazing. IXL and Henry Jones were

first year of living closer to the soil is that if

amongst the brands making conserves near

you craft some things yourself, if you stock

the port. The scene, one of vast quantities

the pantry with something you’ve made, from

of small fruit, grown where I now live south

produce that is at its peak when you preserved

of Hobart in the rolling hills of the Huon

it, it’s a sign of a life well lived. A sign of

Valley, being manhandled off the boats in

dignity at the dining table.

Constitution Dock or at Princes Wharf, and barrowed up to the famed jam houses

A few dill pickles will add more than just

of the era, resonates with me still, even

flavour to your toasted cheese sandwich.

though the jam pots of old have long gone.

They’ll add cred. A crabapple jelly will marry with the perfect pork and duck

Once a way of preserving the surfeit of the

terrine and turn a lunch into an occasion.

seasons, jam is now a sticky indulgence. But

A hot summer day is better with your own

the romance of fresh fruit, simmered for a

homemade cordial, and there’s little that is

minimum amount of time, and kept for years,

better than some cider mustard with a roasted

stays with us. Who doesn’t love the fragrance

rib-eye of beef on a cold winter’s night.

of strawberries, trapped in a jar and smothered on hot toast? A croissant would be a lesser

Like most developed nations, we are blessed.

thing if it weren’t for the magic of apricot jam.

If our pickles run out, or the last of the jam

I’ve always had good jam in the house, made

gets a bit of mould on it, we won’t starve.

by friends, or bought for what seemed like too

But just because our supermarkets groan

much money; things that embellish so many

under the amount of food on the shelves, just

meals. When I moved to Tasmania I found

because we can outsource every single thing

myself thrust into a culture where seasons

that we put in our mouths, doesn’t mean we

matter. Where too many cucumbers need a

should ignore the origins of our preserves.

home beyond this week. Where wild quince

Sometimes it’s a badge of honour to put up

hang on to too many trees; food for parrots

your own pickled onions, something to pull

when the quince could, if turned into comfits

from the shelf and gift to friends for months

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to come. Knowing just how few ingredients

not going to change the world. But every day,

- things that look like real food (not multiple

as you raid the pantry to find things you’ve

chemicals with skulls and crossbones on them)

preserved and that can grace your table, you’ll

- go into a decent pancake syrup, is a powerful

find your eating enhanced. Preserves can

force. Being able to appreciate the quality of

make every day cooking easier, adding depth

vinegar in your own worcestershire sauce, to

or complexity or that simple something other

see how it changes as it ages, being able to

to meals that could otherwise be mundane.

dribble a tiny amount of mushroom ketchup on some fried potatoes and taste a little bit of

I’m still learning to make jam, despite the

greatness, this adds depth to our lives.

wealth of knowledge I’ve gained over the last few years. But that’s half the joy. Just

That you can trap the essence of a raspberry

like sourdough, where a simple concoction of

in a jar, the pungency of a chilli in a sauce, or

flour, water and salt can become a sublime

the heady fragrance of lemons in a chutney,

yet ever variable loaf, jam is more than

is not going to change the world. But every

just a combination of fruit and sugar. It’s a

day, as you raid the pantry ... you’ll find your

pastime with no finish line. It’s a pleasure

eating enhanced.

with no boundaries. It’s a fundamental that you can spend your whole life perfecting.

I’m a great believer that food is a civilising force. We share meals and hence we share

When we spent a few days preserving food

stories. We cook, we share our history; long

for the pictures in Not Just Jam, testing

lines of ancestors before us expressing their

the recipes as we went, I felt the joy of the

skills, their knowledge of seasons, in the food

kitchen. Now, months later, I feel the joy

we now choose to cook. Our muse can be

of the eating. A little goes a long way, and

found in the traditions of our cuisines, and for

now our shelves groan with passata and

most of us, whether you’re tied to a desk all

chilli sauce. There are countless jars of apple

week, or a factory floor, or a paddock growing

marmalade and bottles of blackcurrant and

wheat, what we eat on our time off can help

fennel syrup. What I have is a living example

define who we are, what we care about and

of the cultures that make up my background

those we cherish.

and influence, the ingredients that abound in my region, and the flavours that define

Preserving food is an ancient act. It’s an act

my cooking. What I have, from only a few

of minor rebellion and small miracle. That

hours in the kitchen, is something which can

you can trap the essence of a raspberry in a

embellish every meal for the next year or more.

jar, the pungency of a chilli in a sauce, or the

And for that, I must thank not only nature,

heady fragrance of lemons in a chutney, is

but the people who came before.

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A N OT S O DE L I C AT E DA I S Y Words by Elise Lewerenz // Photography by Elise Lewerenz

Meet Anneka Daisy (but you can call

rough and on uncertain ground, she

her Daisy).

still manages to find her own solid footing.

A best friend, a daughter, a soccer goalie, a nature lover, a sister.

But don’t just listen to me- lets let her do the talking.

Daisy, at only 16 years old, has experienced more life than a 30 year old and has more wisdom than most teenagers. She is not your average

First off, hi! What has life been like for

teen. In fact, she’s probably the most

you lately?

‘boring’ sixteen year old you’ll ever meet; she doesn’t drink, smoke weed,

Hi! Overall, it’s been great. I’ve just

break curfew, or sneak out. Her idea of

been extremely busy with balancing

a fun weekend is going on backpacking

school and soccer.

trips into the Sawtooth Mountains or going thrift shopping for vintage tees

Describe yourself in five words.

and mom jeans. Understanding, appreciative, happy, She is strong, both physically (my

hopeful, and imaginative.

downfall in all of our childhood fights) and mentally, and even though she

What is it that motivates you to get

is younger than me by 3 years, she

up everyday?

is who I look up to- it also helps that she’s 12cm taller than me.

I guess I get up everyday because I know that I have the chance to make

Even when her surroundings are

someone else happy, and because I

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...to not give it your all everyday is somewhat of a crime against life itself.

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think that life has so much to offer

other’s can find joy in it as well. It also

so to not give it your all everyday is

makes me feel important, appreciated,

somewhat of a crime against life itself.

and talented.

What would you say is your number

Why do you think having a passion,

one habit or obsession that brings you

obsession or healthy habit is a good



I would say my obsession would

I believe that having a good habit, or

probably be playing soccer, or somehow

something that brings joy into your

being involved with the sport.

life is extremely important because why else would you wake up everyday?

How long have you been playing soccer

What would be there to make you roll

for and what position do you play?

out of bed and go through the effort of getting ready if there is nothing to get

I’ve been playing for 10 years, bu have

ready for?

only been in the keeper position for the

If there is nothing you enjoy in the

last 5 years.

world, there is truly nothing to give you happiness, or fun. There is nothing to

Do you remember the moment when

provide substance to your life.

you first felt like playing soccer was

Without that passion, you would begin

what you are meant to do? When was

to go through the motions of everyday

the first time it hit you just how much

life, mindless and sad.

passion you have for the sport? What is one final thing that you would I think the first time I fully understood

like to say to those who haven;t yet

that I needed to play was when I was in

found their passion?

goal for a penalty kick during a game against a Japanese team. It was this

To never stop looking, never disregard

feeling that I had slipped right into

opportunities, and to keep your mind

where I knew I belonged, like it was a

open and your heart welcoming to new

mold specifically shaped for me. I am


forever thankful for the moment, that game, that day. It was that day that I really found out just how beautiful the game can be. That sounded so cheesy, but it’s truly how I feel. Why does soccer bring you so much joy? I feel like I am part of something that not only brings me happiness, but other’s can find joy in it as well.

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W R A P ME U P B I R T H DAY A N D C H R I S T MA S W R A P P I NG I DE A S Photography and article by Melissa Bell

1. White ribbon / Hot dollar 2. Kraft tag / Offceworks 3. Kraft string / Target 4. White string / Kmart 5. Flowers / Woolworths & Coles 6. Brown paper / Offceworks 7. White wrapping paper / BigW

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Top image: 1. Kraft string / Target 2. Ball balls / Target 3. Brown paper / Offceworks 4. Scissors / IKEA Bottom image: 1. Pink string / Kmart 2. Brown paper / Offceworks 3. Confetti / Favorlane.com 4. Silver glitter washi tape / Kmart

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1. White ribbon / Hot dollar 2. Kraft tag / Offceworks 3. Black & white string / Target 4. Silver string / Kmart 5. Candy canes / Target 6. Brown paper / Offceworks 7. White wrapping paper / BigW

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Top left image: 1. White string / Kmart 2. Gold & silver washi tape / Kmart 3. Pink glitter washi tape / Ebay 4. Brown paper / Offceworks Top right image: 1. Red ribbon / hot dollar 2. Brown paper / Offceworks 3. Stamps / Craftonline.com 4. Doily / Kmart 5. Scissors / IKEA Bottom image: 1. Brown string / Kmart 2. Brown paper / Offceworks 3. Kraft tag / Target 4. Doilies / Kmart

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Catch up with us at www.thehabitsissue.com.au for more!

Have something to say? Write us at PO Box 1827 Newcastle Australia 2300

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