Faux Magazine: The Change Issue

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the change issue

Happier, Less Stressed, Smarter

Feeling Stressed?

Moving On

Once you lace up your pointe shoes, there’s nothing like the high of becoming one with the music Everything else in the world fades away when the music begins. Your breathing coincides with each graceful movement, as your feet whisk you away across the dance floor...

Stress within your comfort zone can help you perform under pressure, motivate you to do your best, even keep you safe when danger looms. But when stress becomes overwhelming, it can damage your mood and relationships, and lead to a host of serious mental and physical health problems...

The feeling of drowning can be one of the worst sensations for a human being to experience. It is no wonder that so many of us have difficulty dealing with overwhelming situations, events and emotions in life. We feel anxious and we panic when we lose control and have no room to breathe...


See Your Dreams

The Art Of Healing

What Would Your Idols Say

See it in your mind you’re holding your ticket and passport, as the plane rises into the air you see your dreams becoming a reality. If your dream is to see America in an affordable way, you will need to exchange your money into US dollars, as you will need this as soon as you arrive...

Picture a patient sitting across from a therapist, unable to voice her innermost thoughts; unable to vocalise her hidden shame; unwilling, even in this safe haven, to speak aloud the fears that have plagued her since childhood. Sometimes words are just not enough to express how we feel...

Motivation can be a make or break aspect in our lives. Michael Jordan is perhaps the greatest NBA player of all time. He was one to embrace setbacks and failure as motivation. Cut from his high school team as a sophomore, he used that as fuel and trained intensely...


A study showing how dance makes us better in more than one way and makes us ultimately happier


Once you lace up your pointe shoes, there’s nothing like the high of becoming one with the music everything else in the world fades away when the music begins. Your breathing coincides with each graceful movement, as your feet whisk you away across the dance floor. Like “The Nutcracker,” every dance to a dancer seems like a magical fairy-tale… and we get to dance it. Croise devant, demi plié and arabesque may seem like foreign terms to outsiders, but to dancers, these moves are within a beautiful language all their own. Dance is not just a hobby or passion… it’s a lifestyle. From tiny tutus to the big leagues, we’ve danced our hearts out on stage in gorgeous leotards and costumes; we’ve dealt with all sorts of blisters on our feet. The irreplaceable memories that have gotten us to where we are today show that the battle scars are well worth it. Within the elegance of being a dancer, it’s also an extreme workout. By Alex Mellardo

Any dancer will tell whoever thinks dancing is not a sport that they’re completely wrong and encourage them to try dancing in our shoes for a day.


Shortcut to happiness

In addition to harnessing creativity, dance is an outlet to alleviate daily stresses and bring so much happiness to those who embrace it. It’s an incredible escape from reality, where you can lose yourself in the movements. There’s actually research that proves people who grew up as dancers are less stressed and happier. According to Prevention, Swedish researchers conducted a study involving 112 female teens. Each of the girls was dealing with back and neck pain, anxiety, depression or stress. Half of the studied teenagers were involved in dance classes each week, while the other half of the girls did not attend classes. The results were very positive for the teens who incorporated dancing into their weekly routines. Mental health was improved for these girls, and it was also reported they experienced a mood boost. In a press release, lead study author Anna Dubert stated, “… dance can result in high adherence and a positive experience for the participants.”

Prevention goes on to say it’s never too late to benefit from dancing, and you don’t even have to be a prima ballerina to reap its rewards. Enrolling in ballet, modern or lyrical classes after work/on the weekend is a great way to incorporate dancing into your life and soon enough, you’ll be twirling down the pathway to happiness. Psychology Today says dancing makes you happier than simply hitting up the gym or going for a run. A study conducted at the University of London involved patients dealing with anxiety disorders. They dedicated time to one of the following therapeutic environments: an exercise class, a modern-dance class, a math class or a music class. Out of all the settings, the modern-dance class was the one environment that reduced anxiety a significant amount.

“It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer. Dancers grew up with each choreographed number being a magnificent work of art — the stage as their palette and each move, a vibrant color.” Professional dancer, Shanna LaFleur


“There are shortcuts to happiness, and

dancing is one of them.” Author, Vicki Baum

Image By Isobel Robertson

Stimulate the Mind Another benefit of dancing frequently is that it stimulates the mind and sharpens cognitive skills at every age. Dancing stimulates different brain activities at the same time, including emotional, rational, kinaesthetic and musical. This increases the way your brain functions in a positive way. Imagine that, a fun activity with a wealth of health benefits that keeps us in shape, makes us feel good and makes us smarter! I’m a dancer, and I have done it all: ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, modern, Irish, hip-hop and plain-old rocking it on the dance floor.

I have to say, I agree 100 percent with the conducted research. Dancing has all of these benefits and so much more. When you’re a dancer, you can’t help but tip-tap under the table. We have rhythm. My motto has always been, if it feels right and it feels good, go for it! It’s never too late in life to channel your inner dancer.

Happy feet are truly good for the mind, body and soul. Making us Happier, Less Stressed, Smarter 7


Feeling Alone






a at d t f f a f a

You’re not alone. There’s a big world out there, maybe you just haven’t found the right people yet.

9 If you need help, there is always someone who will listen. Lifeline Australia provide a free charity service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 13 11 14. Don’t wait until it’s too late.


Impacts of Stress!

What is Stress?

Sometimes a person can look calm on the outside and yet on the inside is a huge pile of mess. These people bottle up their emotions and mask their true feelings to hide from everyone around them. Stress is a part of everyday life and people cope with stress in different ways. However, stress within your comfort zone can help you perform under pressure, motivate you to do your best, even keep you safe when danger looms. But when stress becomes overwhelming, it can damage your mood and relationships, and lead to a host of serious mental and physical health problems. The trouble is that modern life is so full of frustrations, deadlines, and demands that many of us don’t even realize how stressed we are. By recognizing the symptoms and causes of stress, you can take the first steps to reducing its harmful effects and improving your quality of life.

Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action. Your heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, and your senses become sharper. These physical changes increase your strength and stamina, speed your reaction time, and enhance your focus. This is known as the “fight or flight” or mobilization stress response and is your body’s way of protecting you. This feeling is addictive to some and uncomfortable to others as we all react differently to various situations. Feeling these symptoms on a daily basis can be quite harmful to your health and a qualified medical practitioner should be consulted if symptoms are regularly occurring.


The Positives and Negatives!

There is Still Hope!

When stress is within your comfort zone, it can help you to stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life—giving you extra strength to defend yourself, for example, or spurring you to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident. Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, or drives you to study for an exam when you'd rather be watching TV. But beyond your comfort zone, stress stops being helpful and can start causing major damage to your mind and body.

Whether you’re trying to build your tolerance to stress or cope with its symptoms, you have much more control over stress than you might think. Unfortunately, many of us try to deal with stress in ways that only compound the problem. We drink too much to unwind at the end of a stressful day, fill up on comfort food, zone out in front of the TV for hours, use pills to relax, or lash out at other people. However, there are many healthier and more effective ways to cope with stress and its symptoms.


5 Ways to Relieve Your Stress!

Try GREEN TEA. It has less than half the caffeine of coffee and contains healthy antioxidants, as well as theanine, an amino acid that has a calming effect on the nervous system.

MUSIC speaks to your soul.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a stressful situation, try taking a break and listening to relaxing music. Playing calm music has a positive effect on the brain and body, can lower blood pressure, and reduce cortisol, a hormone linked to stress.

From YOGA and TAI CHI to meditation and Pilate’s, these systems of mindfulness incorporate physical and mental exercises that prevent stress from becoming a problem. Try joining a class.

ORIGAMI will give you a

When your feeling stressed, take a break to call a friend and

basic knowledge of geometry, It will help your ability to problem solve and visualize spaces. Not to mention you can learn the benefits of patience and accuracy. Origami is like any creative skill, a way of life and will allow you to feel relaxation and a sense of fulfilment.


about your problems. Good relationships with friends and loved ones are important to any healthy lifestyle, and they’re especially important when you are under a lot of stress. A reassuring voice, even for a minute, can put things in perspective. 13

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... Or not. It’s okay, we won’t tell. Be treatwise and enjoy a balanced diet. We are obligated to put this on our poster. We don’t recommend you eat this whole thing 15 yourself. At least, not publically.

How to keep going

when you feel like you are drowning in life.

Understanding the problem.

Getting the right help.

The feeling of drowning can be

Everyone needs help sometimes and

one of the worst sensations for a

that’s okay. It’s important to know

human being to experience. It is

where to get the “right” help how-

no wonder that so many of us have

ever. When you speak to someone

difficulty dealing with overwhelming

for help what it is you want from this

situations, events and emotions in

person. Do you need advice? Or just

life. We feel anxious and we panic

a comforting ear to complain on? It

when we lose control and have

can be helpful before you speak to

no room to breathe. The first and

anyone to let them know that you

perhaps most important thing to do

just want to vent, or whether you

when you feel overwhelmed or like

would like their advice or ideas. You

you are drowning in life is to identify

might be surprised how many people

exactly what it is that is making

there are who are willing to help that

you feel this way. Stressful job?

are all around you, if you are clear

Assignments due? Relationship?

when you speak to them what you would like from them. Be open and

“Many people attempt to

upfront, and it will help you.

move on without understanding what they are moving on from” It may sound like a simple step but it is important to know exactly what you need to fix, before you can fix it. Many people may attempt to move on without understanding what they are moving on from; they may think they have a problem with a person and avoid that person, but the issue may have been all along that they hated the social situations they were engaged in with that person. Maybe the person was not actually the problem. The moral of the story is before you start fixing anything; make sure you are fixing the right thing. 16



Learning to let go. If you struggling while in trouble in the water, you will probably only make it worse. Most of the time what you are thinking and your own mentality can be your biggest enemy. When you feel your chest tighten and that lump in your throat, there’s nothing anyone can say that is going to make you feel better. Whilst having friends and family around you is important, the only person who can help you; is you. Take a deep breath, because you are not actually drowning. Understand that you have a lung-full of air and a head full of dreams. Take a moment out of your life, even if it’s only five minutes, to quietly sit and breath the beautiful air, and focus on the sensation. Think about the good things in the world, and how nice it is to breath, and remind yourself.

people and places around you when you are struggling. Change can be a good thing, but it can also be an intimidating thing. There is nothing wrong with holding onto a few stable things in your life. Find them. They might be an item you have had for a long time, or someone that you have known throughout your whole life. Find the balance between holding onto the past and letting it go; ultimately it’s all about balancing what you hold onto and what you let go. Make sure to let go of the negative and hold onto that which is positive. Sometimes we may be tempted to go too far the opposite way; wanting to disregard everything, change everything and leave it all behind. This can be healthy and good for you, but only if it’s done for the right reasons. Remember that if you are trying to run from your problems, and the problem is within yourself, you will simply take it with you. Learn to let go, but learn to go in a positive way; it’s not about running from your past. It’s about accepting it, and moving on.

Take those deep breaths in and out and remember; you are not drowning. You are still free, unrestricted, and as-long as you have a breath in your body you will be okay. So just breathe. It’s important to find comfort in the By Cameron Hong



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Relax and Discover the World

See it in your mind you’re holding your ticket and passport, as the plane rises into the air you see your dreams becoming a reality. If your dream is to see America in an affordable way, you will need to exchange your money into US dollars, as you will need this as soon as you arrive. The safest method to carry your cash is on a Travelex card, and you can withdraw large amounts from ATMs for a small fee.

Once you book it is paramount that you take out travel insurance immediately, for any unforeseen circumstances. You will fly into LA international airport, which has just recently gone under renovations and makes the airport experience faster. After collecting your bags, progress to the outside pathway which offers pick up points for a number of buses and taxi services. You can pre book the super shuttle shared ride, which takes you directly to your hotel however they do have a luggage limit. The second option I prefer is the Disneyland express if you are staying at one of the Disney hotels. This is a comfortable ride with movies to keep children entertained on the hour transfer. Just be prepared at the end of the journey a tip is expected.

Depending on what you’re looking for there are two ideal times to visit the US, between thanksgiving and Christmas if you’re after the festive feel or, September if price is more of your concern. Always plan to take two bags per person as you never know how much you wish to purchase, so having an empty bag is a good idea. TSA approved locks offer you some security. Just be prepared to open them quickly at customs. The flight is 13 hours long, so dress comfortably keeping in mind it’s a different season here to when you arrive in the US. If you’re concerned with keeping in touch with family, you can purchase a prepaid AT&T SIM card from the airport and activate as soon as you land. This gives you a low cost option. If you’re tech savvy you could set up Skype.

My recommendation is the Disney Grand Californian hotel, they really get into the holiday spirit with decorations and carolers. You are adjacent to Downtown Disney where you can find Lego land, a variety of shops, eateries, night clubs, ESPN and the Rainforest Cafe. Here you can experience animatronics and thunderstorms while having a meal, the atmosphere is fantastic. The monorail is at your doorstep and you can ride straight into




Disneyland. Visiting Disneyland and California adventure park across the way, it is best to purchase a hopper ticket for the duration of your stay so you can go in and out as many times as you like each day. This allows you to plan which shows, fireworks, dining experiences and parades to see. You have to see the castle and if you’re into Star Wars, the changes at Tomorrow land will inspire you, so do not miss riding Hyperspace Mountain. If you’re after something a little more subdued get behind the wheel at Autopia, then transition this when you visit Cars land in California Adventure Park. Here don’t miss the California Soaring and ride the Grizzly River Rapids. If you want to see all of Anaheim, you must experience the swinging cages on the Ferris wheel. If the lines are too long, some rides offer you a fast pass ticket where you have a turn at a certain time. The best new show Disney’s World of Colour spectacular with music, lights and dancing water are a unique combination. It’s really an experience not to miss, make this your number one place to go to. For your second stop, take a visit to the Big Apple. Where you’ll see and hear the hustle of a city. Yellow cabs are seen everywhere, you can take the ferry to visit her majesty the Statue of Liberty and then pop into Carlos bakery in Hoboken for those who are a Cake Boss fan. Walk around Soho, Wall Street, visit the 9/11 memorial and the new One World Tower. The night view from the top of the Empire State Building is not to be missed, but rug up because it can be very chilly. Do your shopping in Macy’s. If you’re after a truly remarkable experience take a walk in Central Park, you may get lost but it’s part of the fun. New York is full of culture. You can visit many art or history museums. Feeling even more adventurous, walk across the Brooklyn Bridge or catch the subway from Grand Central Station. Big Bus can help you get around the city, stopping close by at many of the popular attractions. Uber is best pre booked to help you to transfer to and from JFK airport. Now you have this knowledge you can take it and follow your dream wherever it may take you. Be adventurous and holiday to relax.


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Picture a patient sitting across from a therapist, unable to voice her innermost thoughts; unable to vocalise her hidden shame; unwilling, even in this safe haven, to speak aloud the fears that have plagued her since childhood. Now imagine the same patient given a blank sheet of paper, a bottle of glue and a stack of pictures – pictures of people, pictures that express emotion, pictures of nature, and pictures that appear as one thing to one person and something else to another. Given the freedom to express herself with art rather than words, the client opens up. She remembers her earliest days, when pencils and crayons gave her the freedom to express herself without the complication of words. Encouraged to create, both then and now, she subconsciously lets her guard down, and with it, allows her emotions to stream forward like a raging river. This is psychology and creativity melded together in a counselling context. This is art therapy.


Defining Art Therapy The unique relationship between art and psychology, which both have potential for conflict and healing, can make defining art therapy difficult. Some art therapists practice primarily according to the principle that the process itself is the main healing effect (‘art as therapy’), whereas others focus on the unconscious material and the exploration of the deeper meaning of the artwork (‘art in therapy’).

A great inspiration for many art therapists is Freud’s frustration with words. He noted: “We experienced it [a dream] predominantly in visual images…part of the difficulty of giving an account of dreams is due to our having to translate these images into words. ‘I could draw it,’ a dreamer often says to us, ‘but I don’t know how to say it.’” Some ideas are difficult or impossible to put into words. Clients who can externalise their trauma, for example by drawing it on paper, can experience relief.

In ‘art as therapy’ approaches, drawing is the main focus. Something emerges that can be experienced rationally, emotionally, spiritually or physically. The therapist also can ask clients how they felt while drawing and how this relates to their life. The emphasis is about the process, not the content of the artwork.

Images represent an alternative medium for expression and communication. Once experiences are externalised as images, it is easier to talk about them by describing the artwork or talking about the art-making process. For some people, however, producing images can be embarrassing or a destructive experience, and clients may try to avoid or resist it regardless of its beneficial potential.

In ‘art in therapy’ approaches, the client explores the deeper meaning of the picture by describing what she actually sees in the picture and not what she thinks about the picture. This is often the part of art therapy when the unconscious becomes conscious, and clients realise just how connected everything in their lives is.

Despite this reluctance, the concept behind art therapy is that sharing the meaning of images may lead to a better understanding of the client’s presenting problem and create change.


“We experienced it [a dream] predominantly in visual images … part of the difficulty of giving an account of dreams is due to our having to translate these images into words. ‘I could draw it,’ a dreamer often says to us, ‘but I don’t know how to say it.’” - Freud


Art Therapy in Practice

Many art therapists have found that it is not uncommon for clients to open up vocally after drawing. Let us use the well-known metaphor of an iceberg to describe the two major aspects of human personality. The tip of the iceberg that extends above the water represents the conscious mind. Beneath the water is the much larger bulk of the iceberg, which represents the unconscious. Words come easier to clients’ minds and unconscious material pours quickly to the surface once they start describing their images.

thoughts, feelings and fantasies can be expressed. Unfortunately, clinicians from other backgrounds often use artwork to find ‘evidence’ about something that is troubling their client. Effective art therapy is not so much about identifying problems, but rather the process and exploration of the artwork. Therefore, it has to be recognised that in drawings and paintings there is an overlap of reality and fantasy. The meaning has to be ultimately negotiated between the client and the therapist. In most cases where, for example, child abuse has occurred, it is more likely that the abuse is simply expressed by being ‘messy’ rather than actually drawing who did what to whom. Consequently, instead of making quick interpretations and judgments, art therapists must take time until the client is ready to verbalise the personal meaning of the art process and final product.

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) focuses on observable behaviour and conscious thoughts. This approach only works where those thoughts and behaviours can be accessed. Art therapy taps into the unconscious, where there is no concept of time, i.e., what was relevant 30 years ago might still be as relevant at present. Art therapy attempts to make the unconscious conscious and thus enable a fundamental change in the client’s thinking.

Surprisingly, most current art therapists challenge Freud’s view of symbols which frequently occur in images as products of repressed unconscious conflicts. Symbols relate to transforming and integrating personal experiences, both pathological and healthy, and should not be seen in isolation, but connected to the client’s individual experiences.

If images are interpreted, then multiple layers of meaning have to be acknowledged. This multiplicity is the essence of the depth of communication in art therapy. Through the art‑making process and exploration of the artwork, unconscious and conscious


Evidence for effectivness of Art Therapy

While there are many claims of the effectiveness of art therapy, they are mainly based on individual case studies. A recent review article examined the evidence for clinical effectiveness of art therapy in populations with non-psychotic mental health disorders. In 10 out of 15 randomised controlled trials that were identified and included in the review, art therapy was associated with significant positive changes in mental health symptoms relative to the control groups. Unfortunately, a meta-analysis was not possible because of the clinical heterogeneity and insufficient comparable data on outcome measures. The review also analysed 12 qualitative studies and identified a number of benefits of art therapy for service users, including the relationship with the therapist, personal achievement and distraction. Areas of potential harms associated with art therapy were also identified in the review and related to the activation of emotions that were then unresolved, lack of skill of the art therapist and sudden termination of art therapy. These identified potential harms indicate the need for art therapy practitioners to have a strong

understanding of the power of any therapeutic intervention and appreciation of issues associated with the therapeutic relationship (both of which are ‘bread and butter’ issues for psychologists), as well as appropriate training in art therapy. Art therapists tend to look for an evidence base for their work in surveys and case studies, clinical audits and qualitative research. One psychologist assessed the case study as being the most popular among art therapists because great attention is given to the individual, the complexity of the therapeutic process is acknowledged and it involves significantly less costs. The disadvantages of case study methodology are evident – independent variables cannot be manipulated and the causes of the treatment effects can be speculated but not determined rigorously as in experimental studies. To increase the effectiveness of art therapy, it can be integrated with other therapeutic interventions that do have a more significant evidence base.


Art Therapy and CBT approaches

Although art therapy has focused predominantly on emotions, some therapists also integrate cognitive and behavioural constructs into their intervention. The externalised representations, unconscious projections and underlying cognitions and feelings can be made conscious through art therapy. In further sessions, using CBT, these can then be addressed and reframed.

therapists come from many different backgrounds, the majority refer to themselves as eclectic with an emphasis on the psychodynamic tradition. Images are their key focus and are seen as alternative means of an effective communication. By comparison, cognitive behaviouralbased art therapists are more directive and structured. Their main advantage is that the clients can identify underlying thoughts and emotions before continuing with the ‘traditional’ CBT approach, and that clients can experiment with their cognitions and behavioural tasks on paper. Combining different techniques in a clear, decisive and intelligent manner appears to be the way to go for future counselors and psychotherapists.

Alternatively, art therapists can use images as experiments on paper. The advantage of visual work is that the client may develop more positive ideas on how to behave in a certain situation by experimenting on paper. It is not clear which direction art therapy will take in its development as an approach. However, there is some evidence that art therapy can enhance traditional CBT and that CBT-based art therapy may be as effective as psychodynamic-based approaches. With regards to the direction of the argument, it is most probable that no single definitive approach will ever be adequate to cover the complexity of individual client needs.

Given the lack of research studies on the effectiveness of art therapy, perhaps art therapists have to start working more in conjunction with psychologists in practice and research in order for art therapy to increase its evidence base as an intervention. Needless to say, we can look confidently towards a future where art therapy will become a part of every psychologist’s toolkit.

Both art and psychology remain equally important ingredients in defining art therapy. Although art

Article by Rob Gray



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“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is perhaps the greatest NBA player of all time. 6 championship rings, 5 NBA MVPs and 6 finals MVPs are just a few achievements in his highly celebrated basketball career. Jordan wasn’t just a great player, he had an amazing work ethic, outlook on life and the ability to inspire and motivate millions of people around the world.totatem aut rero blaudi sime ne exceatur. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan broke a foot in the 1985-86 season, but that didn’t stop him. His team made the playoffs without him and even set the record for most points in a playoff game (63) in a losing series against the Boston Celtics. He made a full recovery by the start of the 1986-87 season and became just the second player

to score 3,000 points in a season! Jordan developed an amazing work ethic and determination which let him thrive through every adversity he faced! One of Michael’s mantras is that for amazing things to happen you have to focus and prepare for amazing things to happen. This is extremely powerful; by focusing on potential positives instead of failures, you open yourself up to opportunities for success and achievement. This is exemplified in his quote, “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” Focusing on the right things is one of the keys to accelerating your success. Scanning for positives out of a situation makes us happier and productive, making us more likely to succeed. By focusing on the potential positives

Michael Jordan was one to embrace setbacks and failure as motivation. Cut from his high school team as a sophomore, he used that as fuel and trained intensely. His work paid off. 36

“I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result.” -Michael Jordan

doing the things that could make it happen. In the case of many successful athletes and businesspeople, strong self-belief is a key to their success. Along with processing setbacks and failure as fuel and motivation, Michael chose to embrace failure itself instead of fearing it. This is a great ethos: if failure happens, it happens. It’s only terrible if you process it as terrible. Jordan describes fear as an ‘illusion’ that he overcome. Fearing failure itself limits your potential success. Michael said in an interview that he had no disappointments in his playing career.

He said there were things that were negative, but he always took them as a positive because it’s a great learning experience and without them, other great things wouldn’t have happened. Michael said to stick to the fundamentals and don’t get lost in the details. He always tried to find an edge at whatever he worked at and part of that was never losing sight of the basics. Another important Jordan quote says never to try and skip over anything basic: “If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you.” The message is great: if you try to cut 37

corners or think you’re beyond doing something that seems basic then you will not be rewarded. To be successful everyone has to stick to certain fundamentals or they will stray from productive habits and focus too much on things that don’t matter. Michael Jordan worked extremely hard to reach every goal. Tony Robbins quotes Michael as saying his success was due to demanding more out of himself than anyone else. When he took a break to play baseball, Jordan was reported as the earliest player at the diamond and the last person to leave, working endless hours with a batting coach to get better. Michael’s Chicago Bull teammates all reported him as the first one to arrive and the last one to leave at the team gym every day.


“My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.� -Michael Jordan

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