SENSE: The Pulse Issue

Page 1

pulse | issue #1 lifestyle art fashion design

“Now this is living”



‘Out With The Old, In With The New’ Sophie Hayes

PAGE 5-10

‘The Hoarder In Room 3’ Alex McVey

PAGE 12-16

‘Europe: The Ultimate Guide’ Maggie Mowle

PAGE 17-26

‘Future Fashion’ Ben Hayter

PAGE 27-36

‘Road Trip Ready’ True Davidson

PAGE 39-44

pulse | issue #1 lifestyle art fashion design

An eighteen year old first year Visual Communication Student dreaming of owning her own fashion line and company.

Alex McVey

A young girl ready for new adventures hoping to create her own documentaries in the future

Sophie Hayes



A nineteen year old dreaming of travelling the world to see art and design in different cultures

True Davidson

Design student wanting to work in all different pathways of such, ranging from graphic design to fashion to UX design

Ben Hayter

Art major who loves to travel, read and draw in her spare time. Has a particular interest in the fashion industry, searching for what profession would suit her

Maggie Mowle

Out With the Old Camping, a documented experience:

New experiences and new adventures always start with a little idea out of nowhere.

“Hey, have you ever been camping before?” and before I could blink I was spending the next 3 days camping. In recent months I have been opening my eyes up to new things such as going to unfamiliar places and meeting different people. So when someone had mentioned the idea of camping my heart instantly started pounding with excitement. Since I had never been camping before I may have packed more than I needed but I took my laptop and my

faster due to the excitement. Everyone I talked to couldn’t

camera with me so I could document the whole experience

believe that I had never been camping and neither can I re-

and share the excitement of adventures.

ally. In my nineteen years on this earth I had never “roughed

The drive to the campsite my heart kept beating faster and

it”, as the people say, but finally I will. When I got there, it was already late in the afternoon and luckily, we were staying with other people so we didn’t have to set up a tent or worry about dinner the first night. It honestly didn’t feel like I was “roughing it” at all and just felt like a normal night at home with a fire but regardless it was still exciting.

Day two started off slowly as it was a bit chilly in the fresh air,

yet the fire from the night before was still burning somehow despite the wind and no more wood being put on it. When we finally managed to get up, we purchased a permit which allowed us to drive on the beach, another thing I have never done before (I know I am very unexperienced in terms of exciting activities). There were so many people on the beach in their cars as well, some still driving, some parked and talking by their cars and some swimming in the ocean. I tried to join them in the water but it was freezing!

Back at the campsite it was time for a nap as

“Everything smells like smoke! I’m not even near the fire.”

someone felt sick from the night before, not going to name names but I will say that they drank a bit too much. After a quick (long) nap we cooked some sausages by the fire, ate and went back to bed. Despite it not sounding like a very eventful day it was very fun and was nice to be able to sit and relax for a while as it was still overwhelming to not be able to use water whenever I please or connect to the internet.

could remember. We went along the lake and did a massive circle, ending up getting stuck at some point due to not

The next morning, I woke up very tired as I was waking up

knowing there was a sandbar until we were on it.

the whole night due to the chilly weather. But that didn’t stop me from having a good morning and day. After having a quick breakfast, we headed to the lake nearby and went on the kayak. This is something I have done before but not for a long while. The kayak we used was a two-seater and was a bit more difficult to row from what I

When we got back we had to go and fill up our one litre and two litre bottles of water as we had run out and not realized. We got on our bikes and rode to the massive tank of water. Normal everyday things that I could do even if I wasn’t camping suddenly became fun and way more exciting such as cooking and riding a bike. The food that we cooked was somehow nicer than it would be normally. Maybe it was the fire adding some sort of flavour to it but that doesn’t sound right.

Camping was a really fun experience. It opened my eyes to a lot of things such as not having easy access to power, having limited water and stuff to keep you warm. These were things that I did know before going away but I became more aware of it when I was actually in a situation trying to resolve how to get over these things. Being surrounded by other people who have already been camping really did help me get used to the whole experience. If I had gone with someone else who had also never been before, well I don’t know if I would have survived.


Tip no 4: Have good company. This sounds obvious but when you go away for more than 24 hours you

Some tips for a new camper.

need to be around people that you like and get along with. Tip no 5: Bring food to cook or atleast be near somewhere where you can buy some food.

Tip no 1: Bring lots of fire wood. If you can’t find any

I made the mistake of not bringing enough food for

then you may have to go fireless or find a tree that

the whole trip and had to drive to go and get food,

is ready to be cut down. Or perhaps you could pinch

kind of ruined the experience but not for very long.

some from your neighbours ( just make sure they don’t find out).

Tip no 6: Have some games to play. Bringing a simple pack of cards or a ball to pass around can be very

Tip no 2: Get used to not having everyday luxuries

helpful to pass time when you want to have fun but

such as clean toilets, showers and internet. I knew

can’t be bothered to do something that requires a lot

all this but it didn’t really sink in until day two, espe-

of effort.

cially the toilet situation. Tip no 3: Bring lots of blankets. It might seem warm during the day but when it turns to night time it gets freezing.

“I want to go back straight away. Screw life I wanna be camping!” Unfortunetly I now have to go back to reality and deal with my life, I can’t hide away forever but it was fun while it lasted. The drive back was difficult as we were all very tired and hungry but had to be places very soon. Going back to life was very hard as I could’t focus on much besides how much fun I had had and how much I wanted to get into bed. I’m sure I will go back camping soon as it was very enjoyable and the people I went with also want to go back aswell! So maybe when you are reading this I could be away campnig again, who knows?

In With the New

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A 23 year old Shopping Addict

The hoarder in room 3 (Hoarder might be a bit of an

overstep, but shop-a-holic without a doubt) spends more of her wage then she brings home, but like the idea of not being able to afford food has ever stopped anyone from their next purchase. For her, there is no poison of choice, rather anything ranging from knickknacks, “hair growing supplements” that actually burn your stomachs lining (she was quick to find out), and more often then not, shoes. Now I’m not trying to claim innocence here. I myself have parted many hundreds for these jewels but not quite at the rate of Georgia. She’s my sister so I feel as though I have the right to judge. Just so we are on common ground, if your wardrobe door is unable to close due to the amount stashed inside, you probably have 2 options moving forward. 1. Get a bigger wardrobe, but considering home renovations might be a step out of a 23 year olds league maybe not the greatest option

“I don’t see the point of throwing anything out? Why would I ever want to do that?” 68. Now for purposes of keeping this in the reasonable numbers (yes.. 68 is reasonable) I excluded all joggers, thongs, slippers, sandals (which are a whole other topic) boots without boxes, and “last years styles” which at a whole would have pushed me into the mid 100s, a number both myself and family were not willing to acknowledge. So 68 pairs of shoes it is.

2. Throw out Thursday (Not necessarily required to be partaken on a Thursday, but for the sake of the rhyme and Thursday being today, Thursday it is)


“It’s not even that I like to spend lots of money, it’s that everything I like is expensive” After braving the non-existent floor, once actually

reaching the wardrobe, it is a pretty marvelous sight. Only being a breath bigger then a meter in length with doors pushed to their hinges peak, the volume in which is so gracefully crammed inside would make anyone who took pride in ironing, folding or any care in their clothing for that matter shutter. The newest addition to her collection, a leather jacket pushing the upper limits of $500 was unable to even make it to the squeeze, instead a now trendy accessory for the floor in which I stand on. But none of the less, today I will only attempt to peruse the not so small shoe shop that is taking place in the bedroom down the hall from me.

“You never know, what if I need it”. For anyone dealing with a shopping addict in their own home, they too will admit almost immediate defeat after this sentence is aired. For the sake of a written record, I’d like to acknowledge that Georgia is a size 10, sometimes 9 depending on availability and her desperation for the shoe. I gained the above remark when questioning the need to continue to store a size 7 heel from 2009 in her overflowing wardrobe, or at all for that matter. (Now lets remeber, our hoarder of room 3 is a size 10, minimal chance of a 9 let alone 7!) Again, I myself admittedly struggle to give the irreversible chuck, but not particularly to a 10 year old hot pink stiletto, that is approximately 2 sizes too small, due to it being purchased 10 years ago! The intervention (if you can even call it that) continued like such for close to 2 hours. About the time it took for her to remove the entire content of the wardrobe, and compact it all back in in an almost exact fashion. But to say my attempt to help was a waste of time is wrong, I believe Georgia and myself had a small breakthrough into her hoarding.

2 pairs of shoes were redirected to the garbage bin, a small feat that took me almost 10 minutes of assure her they were in fact broken, and unfixable at that. The pink stiletto still remains and I think will haunt me until I’m 30, but at least there has been a small progression in the reduction of her 100+ shoes consuming my household. But then again Mid season sale starts this weekend, and I have just helped the hoarder clear 2 spaces in her personal stash. Possibly horrible timing there.

Although she might be a Hoarder, I’ll admit she does have her finger on the pulse of todays fashion industry.




the ultimate guide

Which European cities suit your travel needs Are you the drunk traveller? The thrill-seeker? The culture junkie? Or the insta-whore?

for the culture junkie:



f course I was going to say Italy, where else could possibly beat the rich history and culture of the Romans? Starting with the country’s capital, Rome, no joke there is a historical landmark around every bloody corner, you could be walking the streets, gelato in hand, minding your own business, turn down a street and BAM, there’s a 2,000 year old landmark. And that rock you’re kicking along the ground was probably from one of the many statues carved of Emperor Augustus around 14 BC. Not only is Rome home to classics like the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, The Trevi Fountain, The Vatican City, St Peter’s Basilica, The Sistine Chapel, The Spanish steps and the Pantheon, they also do pretty decent pasta and pizza there. In all seriousness though, Rome is beautiful, the people are lovely, the buildings are gorgeous, and though it is an absolute maze, just keep walking and you’re bound to end up at the Colosseum at some stage. The amount of history held within this city isn’t the only impressive thing, the imaculate state in which such buildings are kept is something to be respected. The Romans’ live for their culture and would do anything to preserve it, so it is extremely important to adhere to any rules in such places you visit; you are stepping into their home, and they are welcoming you, so dust your feet off at the door and take your hat off inside for God’s sake. It’s for that reason that if you do get the chance to visit Rome, you mustn’t limit yourself to the popular places and must do your best to see everything, because it is so worth it. Getting to brag to your friends everytime something remotely Italian comes up is a great way to annoy them and you can’t waste and opportunity to remind them how cool and cultured you are. Not only that, but these places are under constant threat of natural erosion, and trust me, this history is something you want to be a part of. Another special Italian city, and one of my favourite

places in the world, Venice, is under threat from climate change and the ever-rising water levels. The city is built on just 100 small islands in a lagoon on the Adriatic Sea. Canals replace roads, boats replace cars, and the history of the Renaissance era of Italy litters the streets, with Gothic palaces lining the thoroughfare, and St Mark’s Basilica within the buzzing central square of Piazza San Marco, this alone making it worth the visit. If you’ve only stopped in for a day trip the best way to see everything is of course, by gondola tour, cause did you really even go to Venice if you didn’t go on a gondola? And last but not least is Florence, home of Michaelangelo’s “David”, the best Italian leather, and the beautiful Ponte Vecchio, it’s one of Italy’s most underrated treasures. Like Venice, many remnants of the Renaissance is left here, particularly in one of its iconic landmarks, The Duomo. A significant piece in Italian architecture, the basilica Duomo is just one of the works of art engineered by some of history’s most famous and influential artists. Florence is also home to Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus” and da Vinci’s “Annunciation.” Safe to say, the city is a must-see for the culture-junkie. I could go on forever about what Italy has to offer in terms of history because there is just so much, but to keep it short, if you’re a first timer wanting to get the most out of your stay, my top three cities are Rome, Venice and Florence. Where to stay: Generator Hostels (for Rome and Venice) and Plus Florence Hostel Where to go: Try to visit as many places listed, it’ll be worth it I promise

for The instawhore:


Where else could possibly be more photogenic than the stunning Greek Island of Santorini. Famous for its white-washed architecture that sits so elegantly on the side of the cliffs that lie above the underwater caldera. The houses are embedded in the cliffs, like little cave dwellings bleached white with splashes of blues, piled up next to and on top of eachother which suits the Greek stereotype perfectly. Relaxing on a boat looking admiringly up at the caldera it looks a lot like many pigeons have shat on a large mountain, which I like to think has a sort of poetic notation to it. However that isn’t the most spectacular part about Santorini; for myself and many others it’s Santorinian sunset. Watching this magnificent sight is best from Oia, the town on the northwestern tip of the island. From here you can see the sun dancing along where the sea meets the sky with the most incredible kaleidescope of reds, oranges and yellows. Watching this sunset is like getting home from work after a long day and taking your shoes off, it

just gives this sense of relief that nothing can ruin. And my god, does it look good on a camera, not to mention how good do those shades make your complexion look. Santorini is like that really attractive friend that everyone has and is low-key/high-key jealous of because they always look good. Santorini could be without makeup just having done a Kayla Itsines workout with a massive acne break out on their chin and still take a good selfie. But the difference between Santorini and that really attractive friend is that when you take a photo with Santorini, you look just as bomb ass as well. There really is nothing more instagram worthy than bleached white buildings with unique architecture and a damn cute outfit, chuck in a floppy hat and you’ve got yourself 200 likes. You won’t even need that Valencia filter. Where to stay: Anywhere on the Caldera is the best Where to go: Red Beach on Santorini’s south coast


For the drunk traveller:



Lagos is my new found favourite town, if the Greek Islands and Croatia had a love child, it would be Lagos. As if it’s absolutely unbelievable coast isn’t enough, the nightlife had to be just as good. A balmy 40 degrees during summer, the Portugese town is small enough so you are able to walk everywhere, and you know what that means: day drinking. So after you have a tipsy day at the beach, maybe catch a booze cruise, (they run everyday and are 100% worth it), walk back to your hostel and gear up for the night activities. Not forgetting to stop in at a liquor store on the way to pick up a one litre bottle of vodka for 9€. Another great thing about Lagos being so compact is those friends you made whilst in your intoxicated state on the cruise are probably staying at the same hostel as you, or going to the same bar as you. So dance on the tables till the break of dawn. Where to stay: Cloud 9 Hostel Where to go: Three Monkeys Bar



Now I travelled to Copenhagen with six boys, SIX! So it’s safe to say I drank, a lot, more than a lot, I think I was drunk a good 80% of the time, the other 20% I was sleeping. The people of Copenhagen are very welcoming, and very attractive, so clubbing is whole lot of fun. However alcohol is roughly the same amount as you would pay in Australia, which isn’t too bad but c’mon, why else do you go to Europe if not for the cheap drinks?? ‘Tyrolia’ was the name of a club highly recommended by one of those welcoming natives I mentioned before. It was MENTAL!! So now I’m passing it off as one of mine. Packed for a Monday with a great atmosphere and drinks flying everywhere, yet the party didn’t stop there. After a member of our group was kicked out we ventured through the streets at 2am looking for a nice bar to cap off the night, and it wasn’t hard, there were people and bars everywhere. Safe to say Copenhagen has my drunk tick of approval. Where to stay: Copenhagen Downtown Hostel Where to go: Freetown Christiania


sziget, budapest

So Australia has awesome music festivals right? Hell yeah, we’ve got Falls, Splendour, This That, Defqon and the list goes on, but you ain’t never been to a music festival like a European music festival. Sziget is it’s own little massive island of love, dancing and absolute anarchy. It is huge, SEVEN WHOLE DAYS of the best music artists from around the world (if seven days is too much, dip your toes in for one, three or five days- there are ticket options that will suit everyone). The festival is pretty much like a massive circus, with the best variety music playing 24/7, almost every genre on about 60 official stages. And if you’re after a bit of down time, away from the music you can take part of activities that run day and night including cinema, dance, theatre, tattooing, volleyball, tennis, football, indoor rowing, rock climbing, bungee jumping and a life-sized foosball. HELL YES. Where to stay: Alternativa Camping (See festival website for camping options) Where to go: EVERYWHERE YOU POSSIBLY CAN



Don’t be deterred by this seemingly conservative city. Though it holds much history, tucked away in the cobblestone lanes hide roaring clubs, bars and restaurants; my favourite being the seven floor club known as KARLOVY LAZNE. Situated 50 metres from the eastern end of the Charles Bridge, this club is absolutely insane, it’s like stepping into another world. It’s almost criminal to turn down an absinthe shot (which by the way are approx $1), the line to dance on the floating stage goes back to the door and if you need a break there’s an ice bar on the ground floor serving up cool drinks. Take the chance to step back in time to the R’n’B room that plays music from the 80’s all the way to the late 00’s, but don’t worry about if that creepy guy from the bar starts following you it won’t be hard to get rid of him because the whole place is basically a maze. If you’re just looking for a quiet night however, across the road from Karlovy Lazne the square has many lively restaurants and bars to choose from. Where to stay: Art Hole Hostel Where to go: KARLOVY LAZNE



Croatia as a country is on the fast-track to becoming one of Europe’s most popular destinations. With its stunning Adriatic coastline, the walled city of Dubrovnik clocks around 20 million tourists each summer. The Old Town has recently become a hit for filming in and around that super low key and really unpopular TV show called Game of Thrones, not sure you would’ve heard of it. Dubrovnik is held close to my heart for many reasons but one in particular, known simply as Revelin Culture Club. If it weren’t for the reverberation of the bass from the club that starts at around 11pm, you would probably walk straight past this hidden treasure. So after you finish up at dinner, have a quick pit stop at one of the bars tucked away in the laneways off the main street of Old Town, keep walking through, pass over a bridge, go down a few steps and you’ll find yourself in a 500 year old medieval fortress that holds one of the top 100 clubs in Europe, with world class DJ’s, dancers and performers. Where to stay: Do a Sail Croatia to get the best Where to go: Revelin Culture Club


for the thrill seeker Lauterbrunnen If you’re game enough to try an activity that’s sure to make your blood rush and your heart pound, Switzerland it is! Now I’m not too well travelled in the Swiss part of town BUT I did have the absolute pleasure of experiencing the beauty that is Lauterbrunnen. The picturesque village is set in a valley in amongst towering rocky cliffs and the gushing, 300m high Stubbach Falls. I would consider this small town to be one of the most charming places on Earth. However serene it may seem though there is plenty of action hidden in and around the snow-capped mountains. With sky-diving, cable car tours, mountain hikes to last you for days and not to mention a fantastic bar within the grounds of the caravan park, Lauterbrunnen is perfect for the thrill-seeker who appreciates a scenic vista. Where to stay: Camping Jungfrau, Mountain Holiday Park Where to go: Trummelbach waterfall

Makarska To be honest anywhere in Croatia is ideal to get your blood rushing, the amount alcohol that’s thrown around alone is enough to send anyone to hospital. Makarska however is a plethora for adventurous activities, from zip-lining, to rafting, bungee jumping and mountain hiking. For myself, zip-lining and bungee jumping was enough to get my pulse racing. The ziplining takes place about an hours drive out of town in the forests of Zadarska, the day tour includes eight lines, the highest being 150m above Centina river and reaches speeds of up to 65 km/hour. Absolutely WILD! The guides were

hilarious making the entire ordeal just that bit easier and to be honest walking through the 40 degree heat to get to the lines is the hardest part of the whole thing. Where to stay: The best option is doing a Sail Croatia Where to go: Nugal Beach

amsterdam What happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam right? Now many of you may think that bike riding around the picturesque captial city of the Netherlands is hardly an adrenaline rush, HOWEVER, many of you have not cycled having just eaten several of Amsterdam’s traditional brownies... And let me tell you, IT IS VERY THRILLING. While being chased around by a little red dwarf and a green dragon you must try to follow your tour guide through the city’s elaborate canal system and around it’s most famous landmarks, some of which include the Van Gogh museum, the Rijksmuseum (behind which the popular I Amsterdam statue sits), Anne Frank’s house, and Vondelpark. And if you’re the conservative type looking to step out of your comfort zone, there is no better place in the world than Amsterdam. During the day venture to iconic tourist attractions such as the Sex Museum, the Heineken Brewery and The Amsterdam Dungeons. Then as soon as the sun goes down, slip through the zig-zagging lanes to discover the infamous Red Light District which holds an endless supply of “coffee shops”, clubs, bars and cabaret shows as far as the eye can see. Where to stay: St Christopher’s Hostel Where to go: The Bulldog Coffee Shop

“ wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow “

Fashion has been around for centuries as a way to express ourselves and it will continue to grow with creativity being a large component of the design process. And the best time to become a part of it, is now.

Future Fashion

Clothing forces people to express themselves. Even if it’s just a plain t-shirt and plain black shorts, you’re still making a statement about yourself. Today there are millions of options allowing every person to be unique. Being unique makes a person, so it is important to wear clothing that you feel comfortable in.

Designers today are pushing the boundaries on what is “normal”. They are challenging not only other people, but themselves to create their own distinctive brand. Whether this be for a strong, deep meaning, or something as simple as aesthetic. They are not just creating clothes for the sake of creating it, they are making art; art for people to wear.


P.A.M Perks and Mini (P.A.M), are an Australian lifestyle brand based in Melbourne. They produce high quality art in the form of music, books, accessories, and clothing. Their style can be described as edgy, or twitchy, but it is also fresh and alluring. Their clothing is aimed towards young adults, delivering an alternate wave of fashion.

Married designers Misha Hollenbach and Shaun Toohey established the brand and began designing through P.A.M in 2000. Since then the couple have gained recognition in numerous countries that they now sell their products in.


Their brand features a range of clothing; from t-shirts, to bomber jackets, to dresses, with the alternative style easily recognised throughout the range. A sample of this is featured on the right, P.A.M’s ‘Crested Mirror Hoodie’. This piece is a great example of the brand’s idiosyncracy. Featuring a collage of different graphics on the front, which includes a flower, with an image of a figure on top of it. The back features a poem about a flower. The hoodie is an interesting combination, it uses different mediums creating an artwork of such style, but it is effective in it’s own.


‘Don’t Sweat’ is a clothing brand run by 18 year old designer Jordan Fresher. This young designer has the world in his palm, though still completing the HSC, he has started designing and creating his own label. His clothes are of a different era and are of high quality. Although they are of quite basic styles, the items possess a sort of futuristic feel. His company is described as a ‘streetwear’ brand, but what is streetwear? Streetwear, is defined as casual clothing of a style worn especially by members of various urban youth subcultures. With an ever-growing number of consumers from as young as 18 years old, Fresher has a big advantage over the more mature fashion designers. As important as experience is, sometimes fresh designs and a first-hand connection to the scene is what brings success.


A common trend in the world of fashion at the moment is the distressed look. The ‘Cruel World’ hat combines embroided text, and a plain weathered black hat. This ripped up look connotates to the phrase on the hat which states ‘Cruel World’. The world we live in today is a giant cruel place resonating with hatred and despair; Countries are getting blown to pieces and politicians are acting like children. Much like an artwork, Fresher attempts to reflect this idea through his hat design.

Fresher’s streetwear brand ‘Don’t Sweat’, has very high potential, beginning with the fashion industry of Australia. As it does not have the most influential streetwear fashion scene at this point of time, ‘Don’t Sweat’ is at quite an advantage to take over, and from there will be able to create success worldwide.

Capture Every Moment

Roadtrip Ready You’re sitting around, hanging out with a bunch of your closest friends, when someone suggests the idea of a roadtrip along the coast. You talk about it for hours; the places you’ll go, the sites you’ll see. Imagine the excitement of deciding what to pack, then loading up the car early one morning and hitting the road. You’ve got the music blasting, and in between songs you laugh and joke with your friends as you watch the scenery flying by through your window. Life is good. Roadtrips are an adventure, albeit one with bumps and potholes, but the memories you create will become stories you’ll remember forever.


It can be exciting business, planning for a roadtrip, but don’t let that stop you from thinking things through. Here are a few tips and tricks to make things go a lot more smoothly. First things first, you’ve got to plan this rationally. Deciding on a set route to follow will prevent you from wasting valuable time and will give you a better sense of direction. Work out how much time you want to spend in each destination and stick to it, so you don’t miss out on any activities or sites you plan to see. It’s a good idea to brush up on your knowledge of basic vehicle repairs, such as changing a tyre, so you don’t end up stranded on the side of the road. Before you leave, double check the oil and water levels and make sure that you have the vehicle’s manual. Try to avoid carrying too much cash in your wallet, just in case something goes wrong. Also remember to let someone know where you are when you stop for the night – send a quick text to a friend or your parents so they don’t worry.

Don’t put yourself and your friends at unnecessary risk; if you get too tired to drive, pull over for a break or swap drivers. Take care when packing the essentials; you don’t want to realise halfway through the trip that you forgot to grab your licence. In saying that, you also don’t want to over-pack. Try not to include unnecessary things that will just take up space, because you may find yourself running out of room for all the cool souvenirs and trinkets you pick up along the way. In the end, going on a roadtrip will give you the opportunity to see some amazing sights with a good bunch of people, and you’ll make some crazy memories along the way. Remember that the distance doesn’t matter, it’s all about the journey.


Because the greatest part of a roadtrip isn't arriving at your destination. It's all the wild stuff that happens along the way. - Emma Chase



(n.) the irresistible, uncurable desire to travel or wander

Packing the Essentials Music

What’s a roadtrip without it? Make a playlist in advance of all your favourite songs so everyone can sing along. Blast your tunes as you cruise with the windows down and appreciate how good life is.


There’s nothing worse than realising you’re completely lost when you should have been at your destination three hours ago. Avoid the stress of it altogether by remembering to pack a navigator.


One of the most crucial aspects of any good roadtrip. We all have that one friend who gets super grumpy when they’re hungry, so control the beast and always have a stash of goodies on hand. This also helps when it comes to planning your meals. Eating out all the time can be expensive, so if you’re not starving when it comes time to stop for lunch, your wallet will thank you.

A camera

Roadtrips are the perfect time to create long lasting memories, and you want to be able to look back and remember leach moment, so take as many snaps as you can!

First Aid Kit

Whilst it will hopefully be unnecessary, it’s always a good idea to have one on hand just in case.


You don’t want to end up bored after only two hours on the road, and there’s only so much ‘Eye-Spy’ a person can handle. Remember to pack something such as a deck of cards or monopoly, just to have a laugh and pass the time. If one of your friends owns a guitar, ask them to bring it so you can play some music around a campfire.

Good friends

People who make each sunset a little better just by being there. And remember, you’re going to be stuck in a confined space with these people for an extended period of time. Make sure you can put up with them.

A positive attitude

As with any part of life, sometimes things go wrong and there’s nothing you can do about it. Be as prepared as you can and remember to have patience and go with the flow.


We hoped you enjoyed this issue of Sense Sense strives to release a magazine every month aimed at lifestyle, art, fashion, design and sometimes something a little extra

Join us In our next issue where we explore the world with a calm mindset

A little sneak peak of the next issue to keep your eyes pealed for!

pulse|issue#2 lifestyleartfashiondesign

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