Candidate Booklet
Your definitive bitesize guide #studentleaders16
What Are The Elections All About? A few things you need to know: – Your Officers are elected students who are either on a year out from their studies or have just graduated. – Their job is to represent you! They shape the Union and communicate your views to the University. – They all have a different remit but their ultimate shared goal is to improve your student experience. – Get to know them, talk to them about issues you are passionate about and collaborate with them towards change.
‘The Students’ Union is exactly that: a Union run by students, for students. Over the next couple of weeks you will all have the opportunity to shape the future of your University experience by voting in the Student Leader Elections for the candidates you believe will best represent you in the upcoming year. So read Mini-festos, talk to candidates and enjoy soaking up the buzz around campus, but, whatever you do: USE YOUR VOTE!’ Angharad Smith President
Campaigning for
President Emma Connor Mini-festo • Review Welcome Week - International welcome week needs to be
extended with more support for settling in, EU students must also be invited to this. The welcome festival must be rethought ensuring better visibility of all student groups. • Review food options - For students with medical, religious and personal dietary requirements the food provided across all university sites is inadequate. We must cater to all students so this must be rectified.
• Celebrating our successes - We should feel proud of the incredible things we do and this should be recognised more, we need better methods of communicating and promoting our successes!
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I was Born in New Zealand but moved to England when I was very young. When we last visited I won a competition to have a sword fight with some of the Lord of the Rings stunt doubles which was pretty cool!
“ #GotYouCovered“
Mary McCarthy Mini-festo • A Student Friendly IT System; a university APP with all online resources
in one place, an interactive map of campuses, academic timetables & bus timetables. Student card top up: to use on buses, cafes & shops on all campuses.Postgraduates keeping their Undergraduate email. Online room bookings access for societies/sports/SRS.
• An SU base in the heart of Lenton; with university facilities such as printing, group meeting spaces, subject specific computers and a cafe/bar. • Improve welfare; - By introducing an International JCR Rep on all campuses. Having more availability of counselling on all campuses Increasing hopper bus frequencies, specifically to Derby campus and City Hospital. Introduce week 0; no lectures during Welcome Week.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I went to school with Neville Longbottom (Matt Lewis)
“ Making You Matter“
Campaigning for
President: Dipen Patel 4 Reform Mini-festo • The SU President is powerless ALL decisions on student policy are made by a group of unaccountable unelected bureaucrats who are paid £20/ hour. We need to devolve powers to the elected members of the SU, and get rid of the unelected bureaucrats, our democracy is dying. • We need to leave the NUS We shouldn’t be part of an organisation that fails to condemn ISIS, turns its back on LGBT campaigners, and wastes money on vanity campaigns. • We need Reform! - The SU needs to represent students, get them jobs, provide housing, and uphold free speech. I’ll get the powers to Reform!.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
A few weeks ago I attended a private reception with Ban Ki Moon
“ Choose the Dipendable candidate“
Jess Salisbury Mini-festo • Listening to everyone A Facilitating regular meetings between the SU and students and developing an online forum to improve our current communications.
• Celebrating everyone Ensuring our SU website and social media publicises all achievements in sports (competitive and non-competitive), arts and networks. We should celebrate our whole student body rather than emphasising some achievements more than others. • Supporting everyone. Improving the training and knowledge of welfare services amongst academic tutors and staff so that students are correctly informed. Implementing an Arts officer to support relevant societies to achieve their potential.provide housing, and uphold free speech. I’ll get the powers to Reform!.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
The door bell of my house is the titanic theme tune
“ #bevisible“
Campaigning for
President: Ismail Sadurdeen Mini-festo • To provide home students with an international experience by merging the International Welcome Week and Fresher’s Week. By having a two-week programme, Home and International students can have an opportunity to meet from Day 1.
• Reform the personal tutor system to make it more ‘personal.’ Tutors should be the first point of contact for students to be able to discuss a variety of issues including homesickness, mental health and disability so that they can guide students in the right way if needed. • Create an online buddy scheme to tap into the University’s global alumni network to facilitate career-focused interactions between students and alumni.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
Next time, look for my pic when you are on the NCT 34, 30 or hopper buses
“ Ismail Goes The Extra Mile To Make You Smile . #smilewithIsmail “
Jononymous (Remembering Johnny Lawrence) Mini-festo • Give all students a button in lectures to press if they’re bored. If 70% of
the class press the button the lecturer will be gunged and the rest of the lecture will be taken by Dave Benson–Phillips. • Fight to make Nottingham a leading university in mental health awareness and improve the access of health care for ALL students. • Build a rival tram line parallel to the current one and sell tickets at 10p cheaper in order to fund student activities!.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
You are Jononymous! Everyone is Jononymous! We are many!
Campaigning for
Activities Officer: Tom Burke Mini-festo • I want to transform our Student Union into a more active, accessible and
inclusive SU with societies encouraged and supported in undertaking a wide variety of activities for their students, so all students feel happy and able to participate in extra-curricular activities.
• Provide the resources for societies to be more active, and promote these activities through the use of social media and advertisement online and on campus. • Reach out to students through the use of public forums to allow all students to have their say,such as for the ongoing Portland review and general SU activity.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
Since visiting there as a young child I currently hold a lifetime ban from the Southport Model Railway Village.
“ #BackingBurke “
Emily Mills Mini-festo • Create stronger relationships between the SU and student groups, as
well as increase collaborations with other bodies such as the SB Guild, UNAD, Post Grads and MedSoc. • Continue the development of Portland Building, creating a multi functional space central to the SU, that is created for students, by students. With spaces that are tailored to student’s specific wants and needs. • Work with the Welfare Officer and welfare groups to investigate the implementation of a ‘Welfare in Societies’ scheme, following on from the success of Welfare in Sports. With the aim of increasing awareness of mental health and what services the university has.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I was involved in breaking a World Record for the longest conga on ice
“ Get Busy With It “
Campaigning for
Activities Officer: Becky Player Mini-festo • Publicity Support An ‘SU Activities Calendar’ for all campuses to which societies/ JCRs/ SRSs/ networks can submit events happening in the following month, similar to the calendar that SB produces. Distributed by social media and email, this will make is easier to find out what is going on . • Welcome University Park’s Welcome Festival to be held in one location and to help societies put on events during Welcome to both increase the uptake of new members and the range of events available to students. • Employability Linking societies with employers and introducing SU certificates of involvement.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
My party trick is that I can twist my hand the whole way around
“ Join in “
Elina Ioannou Mini-festo • Encourage greater involvement of students in societies and activities.
This will be done by creating an online timetable or app where users will be able to enter their interests and availability, or even sync with the SU timetable. Also by developing the Welcome Festival further and by having more collaborative events between societies.
• Improve the current STARS point system and society room booking structure. • Promote more cultural events and activities and increase the involvement of international students, this will be done by organising more events like the Cultural Festival at Re-fresher’s Fair..
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I am a triplet and all my siblings’ names rhyme
“ Every Society Counts“
Campaigning for
Education Officer: Beth Massey Mini-festo • I will push all departments to record all lectures and ensure that staff
have training in how to use the technology. I will also initiate a programme of lecture capture ambassadors in departments. • Online module fairs and the availability of the results of the surveys that we complete at the end of modules will ensure that students are as informed as possible when making module choices. I will also drive for an “open Moodle” throughout the university. • All free rooms should be publicised online and on the doors of all teaching and computing rooms.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
Six years ago, I had my picture in Kerrang magazine for a Machine Head gig
“ For massive changes in education, vote Massey for Education! “
David Garner Mini-festo • Push for a move from handwritten to online feedback on coursework to
ensure clarity of tutor’s comments, allowing students’ to get the greatest possible benefit from feedback. • Endorse the improvement of eduroam, to ensure that it can be accessed by students whenever required without issue.
• Promote support for mental health; students suffering from a mental health issue are often anxious about asking for help, or feel uncomfortable requesting extenuating circumstances. I intend to encourage positive relationships between tutors and students to ensure that students feel confident engaging in a dialogue.
Campaign Slogan “ Go for Garner!“
Campaigning for
Education Officer: Debbie Adeboyejo Mini-festo • The scope of opportunities on campus are so wide and available, but not widely communicated. Bridging this gap to help students maximise these opportunities is first. • I will push for a more effective spread out and interesting learning process and a platform to increase students’ voice in evaluating teaching. I will promote an increasing use of ‘Lecture Capture’ and inclusion of extra curricular activities done by students in transcripts. • The ‘Catch-Up Sessions’ by students for students will be proposed to help students with extenuating circumstances related to academics catch up. I will push for a Part-Time Assessment Initiative to prepare students for quality Part-Time Roles.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
So I always look for my sunglasses when it’s just seated right on the top of my head. I never get to successfully fry a bunch of plantain, because I eat half of them before completely fried. The cakes I bake, melts the burden off your heart
“We Create! We Re-Invent the wheel…Education could be MORE!“
Halil Ozkaraca Mini-festo • As an Education Officer Representative candidate for this year’s
election, I would like to bring to the notice of my fellow university mates at Nottingham that I abide by the motto ‘Let actions speak louder than words’ and believe in serving in the best interests of all the students.
• I would make sure that best possible student welfare is enabled by apt and suitable academic timetables, putting forth the students’ voice to the faculty and other subsequent higher authorities. • I will work prolifically in promoting better social and cultural harmony amongst students by conducting events and gatherings on a regular basis and would like to create a friendly aura at the University.
Campaign Slogan “United we Stand in making it work in the way you want and give the vote to whom is the component. Vote for #HALILOZKARACA“
Campaigning for
Equal Opportunities & Welfare Officer: Rachel Hoskins Mini-festo • Online Welfare and Equal Opps resource for accessibility of union, university and community resources, making them easier to access and understand. Inclusion of liberation networks, sports, student run services and key points of contact. • ‘Talk About It’ year long video campaign incorporating students from all walks of life, showing discussions of ‘difficult’ topics such as racism and xenophobia, LGBT+ topics, religion, disability and mental health. Aims to reduce stigma, educate and promote inclusivity. • Establishment of a student memorial on UP as a place for peaceful reflection, for those who have suffered any bereavement and to truly commemorate students.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I just really like cats.
“The time is meow!“
Radhika Chond Mini-festo • Accessibility Create a ‘go/’ link on the UoN Online Platform- a simple ‘go to’ directory service that enables the student to ‘go’ straight to information fitting their query.
• Equality Ensuring every Student Society, JCR and Sports Team has at least one Welfare Exec who is First Aid trained and trained how to deal with issues confidentially who then feeds back to me termly. • Refreshing Introducing Well-Fairs (November, January and April) on Campus whereby representatives from our Student Services have a stall so that students can ‘refresh’ themselves on the University’s and SU Services available to them on a personal and physical means.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I had the honour of performing in The Vagina Monologues at the very University it was founded on my Year Abroad in America..
“ Putting the WE in Welfare; Vote Rads For Radical Change In Welfare!“
Campaigning for
Equal Opportunities & Welfare Officer: Paige Roden Mini-festo • Strive to reduce myths surrounding mental health. Ideas include: welfare groups nearby/inside Cripps Health Centre to help with registering in Welcome Week, supporting medical associations with welfare events, and continuing “Little Pick Me Ups”.
• Collaborate with the Postgraduate Officer to organise welfare actions that accommodate postgraduate needs/ schedules, particularly at the start of the year and during summer. A key idea includes expanding Welfare in Sport into the Postgraduate community. • Welfare reps on each course society. It can be daunting speaking to professionals, especially in first year, so students can approach non academic figures that have already experienced university.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I managed to hitch-hike all the way to France for charity but was then nearly arrested in France for standing in the wrong place whilst trying to get a lift.
“Your Uni Chapter“
Katie Leach Mini-festo • Increase accessibility to welfare services. By increasing the awareness
we can ensure that people are directed to the appropriate services which will help reduce the counselling waiting times. • By Introducing a welfare network and more meetings there will be better communication and transparency between the students, welfare groups and representatives. • To develop a welfare website that promotes to students all information regarding services, events and workshops, bridging the gap between difficult issues and the help on offer.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I know the words to every High School Musical song.
“ Make Life Peachy with Leachy!! “
Campaigning for
Postgraduate Officer: Rajesh Ramesh Mini-festo • Focused communication of events and opportunities to Postgraduates - Interest based-communication strategy which helps avoid overdose of emails.
• Opportunities for Home and International Graduates
- Field trips and industrial visits, atleast 3 per semester for PGT / PGR.
• Inclusivity of ALL Postgraduate communities in the activities and
events planning - Increased engagement of the Black and Minorities, LGBT, Disabled, Mature, International, Sutton Bonington, Jubilee, Derby and QMC networks in the planning of events.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
Eating is a necessity. Eating what Rajesh cooks is an emotion. Indian, Italian, Chinese, French. You name it, he maketh.
“ #walkthetalk #uon2rpg (University of Nottingham to Rocket-propelled Greatness)“
Hayden Manuell Mini-festo • PG MOOT I propose a new yearly event where PG students present 10 minute talks on their research to a general audience. This will foster a greater sense of community and engagement for postgraduates.
• ON-CAMPUS ACCOMODATION FOR PGs PGs are an often-overlooked demographic with a weaker sense of belonging. To help this, I suggest introducing PG-only accommodation on University Park, with a view to create a PG-only hall there. • PG CAREERS ADVICE I would look to arrange PG specific career events inviting companies who specifically recruit PhD and Masters students to broaden the horizons of PGs at the university.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I once hitchhiked to Scotland with an Australian and a pigeon.
“ No Puns, no Gimmicks, Hayden for PostGrad Officer.“
Campaigning for
Postgraduate Officer: Matt Bramley Mini-festo • Develop a more active Postgraduate Community through PG specific events from Welcome through the year, including the summer.
• Provide effective Communication and increased Accountability to Postgraduates to enable them to get the most out of the SU; a centralised website with events in the same place and more guidance before they arrive. • Facilitate Engagement; Reward societies that integrate Postgraduates and encourage all societies to host Postgraduate accessible events; facilitate opportunities for Postgraduate participation through more taster sessions and casual sports events.
Campaign Slogan “ For Postgraduate Officer... Think Bramley.“
Campaigning for
Community Officer: Scott Jennings Mini-festo • Student Union Letting Agency I’ve been working towards this since 2014. Student Union Letting Agencies exist at other Unions, they raise housing standards and lower agency fees. We need to replicate and innovate on existing successes.
• Costs of hall accommodation and better hall food Costs of hall accommodation on and off campus are often said to be too high and must be tackled. In addition, for the price we pay the food is nowhere near good enough. I would work to improve both issues. • Work to bring more Third Sector (Charity), Co-operative, Social Enterprise and Local Employers onto campus.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I’ve met Buzz Aldrin (Second Man On The Moon)
“For Hands On Change“
Dina Elkordy Mini-festo • Improve support provided by the university for victims of rape and sexual harassment.
• Provide a night bus service during exam time. • Create an online space where students can find potential housemates.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I can’t ride a bike
“A Brighter Community“
Campaigning for
Community Officer: Abel Hartman Mini-festo • Improve catering for students through completion of plans for meals cards with rolling credit, offering a wider array of dietary requirements in halls (halal, kosher, vegan) and providing water coolers, microwaves and kettles in libraries and studying areas across campuses. • Improving housing for students by blacklisting dodgy landlords, creating an independent website for students to submit reviews regarding landlords, properties, and agencies and designing a guarantor system for international students. • Create student-run breakfast cafe, open new student-run bar.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I’ve got a girl’s middle name. My parents have said it’s unisex but most people don’t seem to think so.
“Voting Hartman means bringing the Hart back to the community. Vote #hartsmart“
Campaigning for
Sports Officer: Yolanda King Mini-festo • Showcase our 72 sports! I want to encourage engagement and a
spectator culture for BUCS and Non BUCS sports by creating UoN Sport Periscope Channels (a live streaming app) andUoN Sport YouTube channels with match/competition highlights. • Support satellite campuses by reviewin club progression, recognising achievements and investigating links and potential opportunities with local facilities.
• Welfare in Sport campaign – develop the campaign to target ALL students by helping clubs set up a welfare support structure and developing the Welfare Committee - Welfare representatives need support too.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
Named after Martin Luther King’s daughter I’ve tried to live up to the fame of the name: I’m an International table tennis player ranked 7th in England, carried the 2012 Olympic Torch and I am your current UoN Sports Woman of the year
Lauren Heria Mini-festo • Better Understanding and Access to Facilities implementing ‘try before you buy’ sports facilities tours. As well as developing online booking for all facilities, and online ‘how to’ videos for the new facilities.
• Welfare in Sport Extending the reach of welfare in sport to more students, as well as creating better links to welfare networks and societies.
• Greater Spectator Support working alongside SRS’s and utilising
UoNSport social media to profile one team a week as the sport of the week to watch. Also creating a Supporters Facebook Page and App to promote and report on Sports Events.
Fun Fact When I was younger I was in a football advert for Clarks Shoes. Well, my feet were.
Will Rider Mini-festo • Lobby the University for Wednesday lectures to be removed and replaced by only seminars to provide greater timetable flexibility for those with extra-curricular commitments.
• Lobby the University to provide flexible, termly gym membership payment options to cater for the needs of individual students and sports club members. • Create and lead the organisation of an inaugural IMS National Competition between universities with the first championship to be hosted here at the University in 2017.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
My great-uncle, Arthur Gilligan, captained the England Cricket Team.
“#Join the Race. Vote Rider.“
Alex Terry Mini-festo • Make fundraising an integral part of playing sport at university by making every sport club back a particular charity all year and raise money for it in at least one event in their season. • Improve IMS in all respects by providing better facilities for matches, employing officials, and working to set up IMS sports clubs. • Create a UoN Sports App to improve communication and participation in sport for all students, in particular campuses such as Derby and Sutton Bennington, showing what classes and sessions are on where and when.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
Can eat a whole Terry’s Chocolate Orange in under a minute.
“We’re All Parts of It.“
Seb Chimo Mini-festo • More integration among sports clubs Establish a ‘Committee Hub’ facility, where members can work and interact with each other, and review the Sports Council, organising smaller meetings for two-way communication.
• Increase the promotion of sport and showcase our talent Increase the promotion of sport and showcase our talent. • Promote and support the Engage programme Promote and support the Engage programme.
Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
When I was a ball boy at Wimbledon in 2010, I fell over live on Centre Court. The replays were shown in slow motion on ‘Today at Wimbledon’ that evening – John Inverdale seemed to find it funny.
“It’s Chimo Time“
Campaigning for
International Students’ Officer: (part-time) Csongor Sovany Mini-festo • My aim is to organise the first International Students’ Ball for UK and International students, where cultural societies introduce themselves through performances. • I will work closer with the International Office to support international students, raise awareness of ongoing events. I would like to develop a system for cultural societies which helps them to reach out to students from countries their societies represent. • Another goal of mine is to build a strong network within the University to support international students. I will aim to organise various events that bring UK and International students together.
Fun Fact I’m from the home of Goulash! Yum.
Campaigning for
Womens Officer: Martina Di Costanzo Mini-festo • NO tolerance for sexual harassment and gender differences. As an Officer, I will ensure that the rights of all women, transgender and intersex of any social and economic background will be respected.
• Raising awareness through campaigning and events aimed to abolish the social pressure women are still victims of, such as body perfection and virginity. • My strategy is investing in the new generation. By the time the issue of gender differences is faced at a University level is already too late. I would love to organize introductory talks in middle schools to address the problem at an early stage.
Fun Fact It was my very first time driving a car. I don’t really know what happened, because I obviously entered a car before! Anyway, I opened the car door and hit my forehead with it! Therefore, I started bleeding, and the instructor kept asking me if I was okay. I just kept saying ‘yea sure’, as I was so embarrassed I couldn’t choose between crying or laughing! I got my driving licence after a long time, but no, I still can’t drive!
Flora Maier Mini-festo • Expand the Network beyond University Park for ANY self-identifying woman on ANY UoN campus by hosting more Network meetings to accommodate more people’s schedules ,creating fun social events and offering an open community for all UoN students (not only undergraduates) • Work with other societies and the Student Volunteering Centre • Continue and create more activity weeks including Create Network projects (art exhibits, poetry publications, mic nights, ...), inter-university debates and panel discussions as well as inviting inspiring women to the university for informative talks to bring UK and International students together.
Fun Fact I follow more dog accounts on Instagram than actual people.
Campaigning for
LGBT Officer: Lux Huntington Mini-festo • Anonymous suggestions box on the website as well as increased online polls and focus on the website. Also to set up a zine
• Intersection based events and involvement in campaigning • Collaboration with Trent and Shady Cow (local LGBT network)
Campaign Slogan “Vote Lux Huntington for a huntingtonne of improvements.“
Campaigning for
Mature Students’ Officer: Christos Konstantinou Mini-festo • An increase in the opportunity for mature students to meet socially (this would include multicultural events to increase bonding between students and also sports tournaments) • Campaign against the cuts planned by the government for maintenance grants, taking place in September 2016. This will have a gigantic effect on the current mature, low income and prospective students. • Support any student that may be facing problems, but wishes to speak to fellow students as opposed to university staff.
Campaigning for
Students with Disabilities’ Officer: Jack Barratt Mini-festo • The creation of an inter-school comparison table which measures levels of satisfaction and support.
• To seek to improve integration in to not just the academic but every day elements of the Univseirty for disabled students. • To preserve and build upon the aspects of student support services that work well in ensuring great quality service. Basically I am looking to make sure that everyone gets their fair shot at enjoying and succeeding at Nottingham University.
Campaign Slogan “#BackBarratt“
Agata Cienciala & Helen Raynor Mini-festo • Encouraging and enabling a greater variety of disabled students to
get involved with life at University whether that is through the Disabled Students Network or other societies. • Running an assortment of different events that will facilitate this both on and off campus. • Creating a place where experiences of disability can be shared and understood.enjoying and succeeding at Nottingham University.
Agata Ciencala’s Fun Fact
Campaign Slogan
I lived in France for five months and I used the smell of bakeries to guide me home.
“Giving Disabled Students the University experience they want.“
Helen Raynor’s Fun Fact I have flown with the Royal Air Force and done air acrobatics.
Campaigning for
Students with Disabilities’ Officer: Vyv Dryden Mini-festo • To improve accessibility to all university buildings. As well as ensuring that systems like the lifts and hearing induction loops are properly maintained and functional.
• Promote and support involvement in disability sports like wheelchair basketball and goalball as well as to make other sports and societies more inclusive to all who wish to try them. • Hold events to raise awareness of the various kinds of disabilities and to help remove the numerous negative attitudes that exist towards those with disabilities.
Fun Fact On average I get two requests a week by people who want to try out my trike wheelchair. And on average every other week someone suggests I add rockets to it. But I will only let someone near the trike if they strap rockets to themselves and be a crash test dummy to test the rocket idea first.
Campaigning for
Environment and Social Justice Officer: Emory Cunnington Mini-festo • Improve welfare for all students within the university, and help to develop a service that allows students with any issues to get help quickly and effectively. Create a “landlord list” with reviews from current students. • Increase awareness of the ESJ network on all campuses and work to expand the network. Continue regular meetings and events held by the ESJ throughout the year, and encourage societies in the network to collaborate on campaigning for issues that are important to them. • Increase pressure on the university to divest from fossil fuels, and continue the Living Wage campaign throughout my term.
Fun Fact I am trained in medieval combat..
Campaigning for
BME Officer:
There are no candidates for this position. Nominations will re-open for BME Officer on the 19th April 2016. Please contact for more information.
Student Leader Elections Guide So, you’ve read through all the candidates’ Mini-festos and are ready to vote – what do you do now? Voting: To cast your vote, you’ll need to head to and log in using your usual username and password. From that point, you will be asked to ‘Proceed to Ballot’ where a list of all the candidates will be displayed by category. For Part-Time positions, you will only be eligible to vote if you self-define within the relevant networks. For more information on Part-Time voting eligibility, visit the networks’ pages on Voting will be open from 9am on Friday 4th March until 3pm the following Friday with the winners being announced that evening. Single Transferable Vote: As a Students’ Union, we operate on a single-transferable vote system. This means that you will have the opportunity to vote multiple times in the same category by ranking candidates in order of preference. The reason we do this is because it enables students to have a much greater say in who will go on to lead their Union. For example, if your first choice candidate is eliminated in the first round of voting, your second choice vote will then come in to play and be attributed to the relevant person and so on and so forth until there is a clear winner. As a result of this, we highly encourage students to rank all candidates within a category. Simply put: the more votes you cast, the more your voice will be heard!
Still not sure who to vote for? Don’t worry, you have until 3pm on the 11th March to make up your mind! Full Mini-festos are available on if you want to read up in more detail, but our advice would be to go out and talk to candidates in person – they won’t be difficult to find…
S 2016 N O I E LECT