TAKE THE NEXT STEP TOWARDS A REWARDING CAREER CONNECT: DIPLOMA OF NURSING (EN) If you’ve always wanted a rewarding and meaningful career where you can take care of others, nursing might just be the answer. UOW College now offers a Diploma of Nursing (EN) which is an ideal platform to launch your career as an enrolled nurse or gain credit towards a Bachelor of Nursing degree at UOW. Diploma of Nursing (EN)
The Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 Nursing), course code HLT51612, is designed to prepare students for employment as an Enrolled Nurse (EN) or continue to study a Bachelor of Nursing degree at UOW. You will learn through face-to-face delivery including: • Tutorials and lectures on campus • Clinical & laboratory simulations • Clinical placement The units of this course are mapped directly to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) National Competency Standards for the Enrolled Nurse.
Career prospects
After successful completion of the Diploma you will be eligible to apply for registration as an Enrolled Nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA). You will also be able to work as an Enrolled Nurse (EN) in health care facilities that may include private and public hospitals, aged care facilities, hostels, military or medical centres.
Entry Requirements
There is a range of entry requirements to ensure you are suitable for the course. These include: •
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Completed Year 12 or equivalent with sound achievement in English, Mathematics and computer skills or, AQF Cert III or above or, Mature age with sound language, literacy, and numeracy skills Permanent resident of Australia
Study Length
The duration of the Diploma is 4 sessions of 15 weeks. You will attend up to 20 hours of lectures and tutorials a week.
There are two intakes for the Diploma in 2014: • May • September
Course Description
You will complete 26 units of competency over four sessions of study. Unit topics include: • Effective communication skills in nursing practice • Contributing to a preliminary health assessment • Contributing to health plans • Work health and safety policies • Collection and use of data to provide care • Principles of wound management in the clinical environment • Administering and monitoring medication in the work environment • Administering Intravenous medications • Applying principles of wound management in clinical environment • Contributing to care of a client with chronic health problems • Working in the nursing profession • Legal and ethical parameters in nursing practice • Applying reflective practice, critical thinking and analysis in health
To ensure you gain experience in the workforce, we arrange for you to undertake clinical placements at various Health Service providers’ facilities in the region. You will also undertake clinical and laboratory simulations that are facilitated by UOW College Nursing Facilitators and undertaken at the University of Wollongong’s (UOW) School of Nursing, Midwifery & Indigenous Health’s Simulation Centre and Clinical Laboratories.
Fees & Payment
There is a range of payment options available for you to pay for the program: 1) Defer your fees You have the option to defer the total cost of the course using VET FEE-HELP. 2) Pay by Installments You may pay your tuition fee in three equal installments per session via credit card. 3) Upfront Payment You may choose to pay your fees upfront prior to the commencement of the course by cash, money order, Visa or MasterCard.
The information contained in this flyer is correct at the time of production (December 2013); however, sections may be amended without notice by UOW College in response to changing circumstances or for any other reason. UOW College is a registered business name of UOWC Ltd. ABN: 14 105 312 329. CRICOS: 02723D.