Mondialità 2014

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My name is .....................................









Insert into each kite the color of the flag of the corresponding country.

IL MONDO CHE NON C'E' C'è che sento il bisogno totale Di far le valigie ed andare Staccare la spina e partire Dai non prendere impegni stasera La vita ce l'hai tra le mani Non serve aspettare domani Ci viene incontro questo nuovo mondo Che ci sta parlando Se stiamo insieme uniti per la pelle Non andiamo a fondo Apri le orecchie sentirai cos'è Il mondo che non c'è Non fermarti vai avanti Hai davanti il mondo che non c'è Godi i giorni vivi i sogni Hai davanti il mondo che non c'è Non fermarti vai avanti Vai avanti non fermarti mai Hai davanti il mondo che non c'è Godi i giorni vivi i sogni Vivi i sogni godi i giorni Hai davanti il mondo che non c'è Il mondo che non c'è è li di fronte a te Dai non è poi così complicato Il mondo ce l'han regalato Sta a noi trasformarlo incantato Ci gira intorno questo nuovo mondo Il mondo che non c'è



Noi ci impegnamo. Ci impegniamo noi, e non gli altri; unicamente noi, e non gli altri; né chi sta in alto, né chi sta in basso; né chi crede, né chi non crede. Ci impegniamo, senza pretendere che gli altri si impegnino, con noi o per conto loro, con noi o in altro modo. Ci impegniamo senza giudicare chi non s'impegna, senza accusare chi non s'impegna, senza condannare chi non s'impegna, senza cercare perché non s'impegna. Il mondo si muove se noi ci muoviamo, si muta se noi mutiamo, si fa nuovo se qualcuno si fa nuova creatura. La primavera incomincia con il primo fiore, la notte con la prima stella, il fiume con la prima goccia d'acqua l'amore col primo pegno. Ci impegniamo perché noi crediamo nell'amore, la sola certezza che non teme confronti, la sola che basta a impegnarci perpetuamente.

We commit ourselves and not others, solely us and not others, neither who's at the top nor who's beneath, neither who's believe nor who doesn't. We commit without expecting others to engage with us or on his behalf, like us or in another way. We are committed without judge who's not committed, without groping to understand why he doesn't commit, without disengaging because others do not agree. We commit to find a meaning to life, to this life, to our life, a reason which is one of many well-known and which doesn't frame the heart. You live once and don't want to be played in the name of no small interest. We are interested in Someone who remains also after our transition and who is the reason of our finding… We are not committed to reorder the world, nor to tailor it to meet individual requirements, but to love it. To love even what we cannot accept, even what cannot be loved, even what seems to reject love because behind each face and heart there is, along with an insatiable thirst for love, the face and heart of Love. We are committed because we believe in Love, the only certainty which cannot be challenged, he only power that leads us to engage without reservation.

(Don primo mazzolari)

ВЕТУВАМЕ Ветуваме, не на другите; Туку само нам, не на другите; Не на оној кој е на врвот, ниту на оној на дното; ниту на оние кои веруваат, или пак на оние кои не веруваат. Ветуваме без да бараме другите тоа да го сторат, за нас или за нив, со нас или на поинаков начин. Ветуваме без да им судиме на оние кои не ветуваат, без да ги обвинуваме оние кои не ветуваат, без ги казнуваме оние кои не ветуваат, без од нив да бараме да ветуваат. Светот се движи ако ние се движиме, Тој ќе се промени ако ние се промениме, Ќе биде нов, ако ние станеме нови. Пролетта започнува со првиот цвет, ноќта со првата ѕвезда, реката со првата капка вода сакањето со првото ветување. Ние ветуваме затоа што ние веруваме во љубовта, тоа е сигурност која нема замена, за оној MY ODDAJEMY SAMYCH SIEBE кој постојано ветува. My oddajemy samych siebie, a nie innych. Wylacznie siebie, a nie innych. Ani tych, ktorzy sa wysoko, ani tych ponizej. Ani tych, ktorzy wierza, ani tych, ktorzy nie. My oddajemy bez oczekiwania od innych zaaganzowania z nami, albo w jego imieniu nas, albo w innych sposob. Jestesmy ooddani bez sadzenia. Kto nie jest oddany, nie po omacku, zeby zrozumiec dlaczego on nie oddal, bez zaaganzowania dlatego, ze inni sie nie zgadzaja. My oddajemy, aby znalezc sens zycia, tego zycia, naszego zycia, przyczyne, ktora jest jedna z bardziej znanych I ktora nie ksztaltuje serca. Zyjesz raz I nie jestes wykluczony z niczego Jestesmy zainteresowani w kims, kto pozostaje nawet po naszym przejsciu I ktory jest przyczyna naszych poszukiwan. Nie jestesmy oddani aby uporzadkowac swiat, ani zeby dostosowac go, aby spotkac indywidualne wymagania, ale zeby je pokochac. Pokochac nawet to, czego nie mozemy zaakceptowac. Nawet to, co nie moze byc pokochane, nawet to, co odrzuca milosc, poniewaz za kazda twarza i sercem jest nienasycone pragnienie milosci, twarzy I serca milosci. Jestesmy oddani, poniewaz my wierzymy w milosc ta jedyna, ktora nie moze byc wyzwaniem, ona ma sile, ktora prowadzi nas do zaaganzowania sie bez zastrzezen.

PRAYER Genesi 37:3-11

Or Israele amava Giuseppe più di tutti i suoi figli, perché era il figlio della sua vecchiaia; e gli fece una veste lunga fino ai piedi. Ma i suoi fratelli, vedendo che il loro padre lo amava più di tutti gli altri fratelli, presero a odiarlo e non gli potevano parlare in modo amichevole. Or Giuseppe fece un sogno e lo raccontò ai suoi fratelli; e questi lo odiarono ancora di più. Egli disse loro: «Udite, vi prego, il sogno che ho fatto. Noi stavamo legando dei covoni in mezzo al campo, quand'ecco il mio covone si drizzò e rimase dritto, mentre i vostri covoni si raccolsero e s'inchinarono davanti al mio covone». Allora i suoi fratelli gli dissero: «Dovrai tu regnare su di noi, o dovrai tu veramente dominarci?». E lo odiarono ancor di più, a motivo dei suoi sogni e delle sue parole. Egli fece ancora un altro sogno e lo raccontò ai suoi fratelli, dicendo: «Ho fatto un altro sogno! Ed ecco il sole, la luna e undici stelle si inchinavano davanti a me». Egli lo raccontò a suo padre e ai suoi fratelli; e suo padre lo rimproverò e gli disse: «Cosa significa questo sogno che hai fatto? Dovremo proprio io, tua madre e i tuoi fratelli venire a inchinarci a terra davanti a te?». E i suoi fratelli gli portavano invidia ma suo padre serbava la cosa dentro di sé.

Genesi 45:3-8

E Giuseppe disse ai suoi fratelli: Io son Giuseppe; mio padre vive egli ancora? Ma i suoi fratelli non gli potevano rispondere; perciò erano tutti sbigottiti della sua presenza. E Giuseppe disse ai suoi fratelli: avvicinatevi a me. Ed essi si avvicinarono. Ed egli disse: Io son Giuseppe, vostro fratello, il qual voi vendeste per l'Egitto. Ma ora non vi addolorate, e non vi rincresca di avermi venduto quaggiù; infatti Dio mi ha mandato qui prima di voi per assicurarvi la permanenza sulla terra e per conservare in vita un gran numero di vostri superstiti. Ora dunque, non siete stati voi a mandarmi qui ma Dio; ed egli mi ha costituito padre per il Faraone, signore su tutta la sua casa e governatore di tutta la terra d'Egitto."


3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate[a robe for him. 4 When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him. 5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. 6 He said to them, "Listen to this dream I had: 7 We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.” 8 His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said. 9 Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” 10 When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” 11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.


3 Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my father still living?” But his brothers were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence. 4 Then Joseph said to his brothers,“Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! 5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. 6 For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping. 7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.[ 8 So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt."

‫‪37: 3-11‬‬

‫‪45: 3-8‬‬

‫‪37; 3-11‬‬

‫ֹותֹא‪-‬יִּכ ‪,‬ויָחֶא ּואְרִּיַו ד ‪.‬םיִּסַּפ תֶנֹתְּכ ‪ֹ,‬ול הָׂשָעְו ;ֹול ‪,‬אּוה םיִנֻקְז‪-‬ןֶב‪-‬יִּכ‪--‬ויָנָּב‪-‬לָּכִמ ףֵסֹוי‪-‬תֶא בַהָא ‪,‬לֵאָרְׂשִיְו ג‬ ‫ּופִסֹוּיַו ;ויָחֶאְל דֵּגַּיַו ‪,‬םֹולֲח ףֵסֹוי םֹלֲחַּיַו ה ‪.‬םֹלָׁשְל ֹורְּבַּד ‪ּ,‬ולְכָי אֹלְו ;ֹותֹא ‪ּ,‬ואְנְׂשִּיַו‪--‬ויָחֶא‪-‬לָּכִמ םֶהיִבֲא בַהָא‬ ‫‪,‬םיִּמֻלֲא םיִמְּלַאְמ ּונְחַנֲא הֵּנִהְו ז ‪.‬יִּתְמָלָח רֶׁשֲא הֶּזַה םֹולֲחַה ‪,‬אָנ‪ּ-‬ועְמִׁש ‪:‬םֶהיֵלֲא ‪,‬רֶמאֹּיַו ו ‪ֹ.‬ותֹא אֹנְׂש ‪,‬דֹוע‬ ‫‪ֹ,‬ול ּורְמאֹּיַו ח ‪.‬יִתָּמֻלֲאַל ָןיֶוֲחַּתְׁשִּתַו ‪,‬םֶכיֵתֹּמֻלֲא הָניֶּבֻסְת הֵּנִהְו ;הָבָּצִנ‪-‬םַגְו ‪,‬יִתָּמֻלֲא הָמָק הֵּנִהְו ‪,‬הֶדָּׂשַה ְךֹותְּב‬ ‫םֹלֲחַּיַו ט ‪.‬ויָרָבְּד‪-‬לַעְו ויָתֹמֹלֲח‪-‬לַע ‪ֹ,‬ותֹא אֹנְׂש דֹוע ּופִסֹוּיַו ;ּונָּב לֹׁשְמִּת לֹוׁשָמ‪-‬םִא ‪ּ,‬וניֵלָע ְךֹלְמִּת ְךֹלָמֲה ‪,‬ויָחֶא‬ ‫‪,‬םיִבָכֹוּכ רָׂשָע דַחַאְו ַחֵרָּיַהְו ׁשֶמֶּׁשַה הֵּנִהְו ‪,‬דֹוע םֹולֲח יִּתְמַלָח הֵּנִה ‪,‬רֶמאֹּיַו ;ויָחֶאְל ֹותֹא רֵּפַסְיַו ‪,‬רֵחַא םֹולֲח דֹוע‬ ‫אֹובֲה ‪ָּ:‬תְמָלָח רֶׁשֲא הֶּזַה םֹולֲחַה הָמ ֹול רֶמאֹּיַו ‪,‬ויִבָא ֹוּב‪-‬רַעְגִּיַו ‪,‬ויָחֶא‪-‬לֶאְו ‪,‬ויִבָא‪-‬לֶא רֵּפַסְיַו י ‪.‬יִל םיִוֲחַּתְׁשִמ‬ ‫רָבָּדַה‪-‬תֶא רַמָׁש ‪,‬ויִבָאְו ;ויָחֶא ‪ֹ,‬וב‪ּ-‬ואְנַקְיַו אי ‪.‬הָצְרָא ‪ָ,‬ךְל תֹוֲחַּתְׁשִהְל ‪ָ,‬ךיֶחַאְו ָךְּמִאְו יִנֲא ‪,‬אֹובָנ‬

‫‪45; 3-8‬‬

‫רֶמאֹּיַו ד ‪.‬ויָנָּפִמ ּולֲהְבִנ יִּכ ‪ֹ,‬ותֹא תֹונֲעַל ויָחֶא ּולְכָי‪-‬אֹלְו ;יָח יִבָא דֹועַה ‪,‬ףֵסֹוי יִנֲא ויָחֶא‪-‬לֶא ףֵסֹוי רֶמאֹּיַו ג‬ ‫לַא הָּתַעְו ה ‪.‬הָמְיָרְצִמ ‪,‬יִתֹא םֶּתְרַכְמ‪-‬רֶׁשֲא ‪,‬םֶכיִחֲא ףֵסֹוי יִנֲא ‪,‬רֶמאֹּיַו ;ּוׁשָּגִּיַו ‪,‬יַלֵא אָנ‪ּ-‬וׁשְּג ויָחֶא‪-‬לֶא ףֵסֹוי‬‫םִיַתָנְׁש הֶז‪-‬יִּכ ו ‪.‬םֶכיֵנְפִל םיִהֹלֱא יִנַחָלְׁש ‪,‬הָיְחִמְל יִּכ ‪:‬הָּנֵה ‪,‬יִתֹא םֶּתְרַכְמ‪-‬יִּכ ‪,‬םֶכיֵניֵעְּב רַחִי‪-‬לַאְו ‪ּ,‬ובְצָעֵּת‬ ‫םֶכָל םּוׂשָל ‪,‬םֶכיֵנְפִל םיִהֹלֱא יִנֵחָלְׁשִּיַו ז ‪.‬ריִצָקְו ׁשיִרָח‪-‬ןיֵא רֶׁשֲא ‪,‬םיִנָׁש ׁשֵמָח דֹועְו ;ץֶרָאָה בֶרֶקְּב ‪,‬בָעָרָה‬ ‫יִנֵמיִׂשְיַו ;םיִהֹלֱאָה ‪,‬יִּכ ‪,‬הָּנֵה יִתֹא םֶּתְחַלְׁש םֶּתַא‪-‬אֹל ‪,‬הָּתַעְו ח ‪.‬הָלֹדְּג הָטיֵלְפִל ‪,‬םֶכָל תֹויֲחַהְלּו ‪,‬ץֶרָאָּב תיִרֵאְׁש‬ ‫‪.‬םִיָרְצִמ ץֶרֶא‪-‬לָכְּב ‪,‬לֵׁשֹמּו ‪ֹ,‬ותיֵּב‪-‬לָכְל ןֹודָאְלּו ‪,‬הֹעְרַפְל בָאְל‬












Spread the sheet and cut a square. The measurements should be: 50 cm x 50 cm


With a pencil, draw the diagonals.

3. Fix the tissue paper on the smooth side of the frame with small pieces of tape on the corners. To avoid creating wrinkles, define before the corners on a diagonal, then on the other diagonal.

Then place the tape in the middle of the sides.

4. Apply a piece of tape on all sides being careful not to create wrinkles. This tape does not have to end up sideways on the frame, but just follow the perimeter of the paper. The ends can be rather abundant. They will be cut later.

5. Attach the first stick with the tape from a corner. Eliminate the excess wood cutting it with the cutter. The tape should be well attached to the stick. Repeat with the second stick.


Secure with tape the two sticks at the intersection and at intermediate points.

7. Place the arc starting from the inside line of the tape and remove the excess wood. Now secure the arc with tape at the intersection with the vertical stick, the midpoints of each semi-arc and where the arc leaves the line of tape strips.


Disconnect the kite from the frame by cutting the pieces of tape holding it fixed.

9. Turn the kite and reinforce it on the “smooth� side, the points of intersection between the two sticks and between the vertical stick and the arc with pieces of tape about 5 or 6 cm long.

10. Fix the tips of the sticks to prevent them from slipping out from the kite by putting pieces of tape on both sides of each tip. This process should be done 2 times on each tip.

11. Pierce the paper with the needle and thread (double) in two places at every junction and secure with a knot. In this way you create the bridle that allows us to attach the kite to the wire.

12. Attach the bridle, make a loop, thus creating a triangle with the side towards the tip perpendicular to the kite.

13. With the surplus of paper create the tail: a strip of about 6-8 cm wide by 50 cm long. The tail is attached on the “smooth” side with a piece of tape.

14. Now that your kite is ready, you just have to attach it to the wire to test its flight characteristics. Be optimistic! If you feel the kite “pulls”, give him wire because if you contrast it too much, it is too likely to break it.



“I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their charachter.” Martin Luther King, “I have a dream”



"One time, when I was very little, I climbed a tree and ate these green, sour apples. My stomach swelled and became hard like a drum, it hurt a lot. Mother said that if I'd just waited for the apples to ripen, I wouldn't have become sick. So now, whenever I really want something, I try to remember what she said about the apples.� Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner



“It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime...� Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner



““They say, Find a purpose in your life and live it. But, sometimes, it is only after you have lived that you recognize your life had a purpose, and likely one you never had in mind.” ” Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed



“You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.” Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises



““I'm afraid of time... I mean, I'm afraid of not having enough time. Not enough time to understand people, how they really are, or to be understood myself. I'm afraid of the quick judgements or mistakes everybody makes. You can't fix them without time. I'm afraid of seeing snapshots, not movies.” Ann Brashares



“If you care about something you have to protect it – If you're lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.” John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany



““You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”” John Lennon

““A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”



Thank you for these wonderful days together!

the staff



“Th ere is

only one thin g th at m ake sa

dre am impo ssibl e to

achie ve: th e fear of fail ure”

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