OM of UPCA_Newsletter December 2016

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What is in your hand? Looking back at the second half of OVERSEAS MISSIONS DEPARTMENT

2016, we can give praise to God for the great things that He has done in the

Overseas Missions department. The work of God continues to grow through the diligent labours of our missionaries Br. Michael and Sis. Diane Perry in East Timor. Not only are they reaching into new areas outside of the

In November, my wife and I, along

capital Dili but they are continuing to

with our Superintendent, Br. & Sis.

develop leadership and ministry, as

Downs attended the Asian Summit in

you will read in the following articles.

Malaysia hosted by the UPCI Global

24-26 Harp St

We continue to go into Indonesia and


Campsie NSW 2194

support the work in Kupang as well as

In that summit, we heard from the


working with the Jakarta Church,

General Superintendent, Br. David

p: +61 430 039 166



Bernard, Global Missions Director Br.

Superintendent Amin Lie. We have

Bruce Howell as well as missionaries


also connected with more of our

and regional supervisors on the

PO Box 199



challenges faced with reaching the

Hampton Park VIC 3976

being my visit to Singapore, where I


two most populated nations in the

took part in teaching at a Bible School

world, China and India.

Rev. Stanley Harvey



Please forward all donations to the OM office





Intensive at ‘Tabernacle of Joy’, church pastored by Br. Timothy Lee.

We sought strategies and ideas as to







Overseas Missions of UPC Australia

coordinate ourselves in being able to

make inroads in these difficult and massive fields.

Website au

Working together in our region- Singapore Bible Intensive

It was a sobering and daunting experience as we assessed the tremendous difficulties and enormity of the task faced by our missionaries.

I felt very small, even from the perspective of the Australian Church. I felt like the disciple Andrew, who when Jesus inquired with him as to what they had to feed the thousands of people who were starving in John 6:9, said; “There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?”

Reaching souls in Timor-Leste and Kiribati

With such a vast field in Timor-Leste, Indonesia,

God asked Moses what he had in his hand.

Asia and throughout the Pacific, what are we, the

Moses identified it as his rod used by

Australian Church, among so many?

shepherds, an ordinary stick. Yet when given

As far as God is concerned, the answer is “it’s

over to God, it became the ‘Rod of God’ with

enough!” Jesus didn’t need very much but such is

miraculous qualities.

the pattern throughout scripture, it’s not the

All David had in his hand was a sling to fight a

amount that we have or don’t have but it’s really

well armed gigantic soldier, but in faith it was

about whether we are willing to give it and use it

the means by which God brought victory to all

for His Kingdom’s sake. The Australian church

of Israel.

may not be considered huge in comparison to the billions of souls in the nations that are in our region; but with what we have, a willingness to pray, give and send, we can continue to make a profound difference, as God uses and multiplies what we

expend for His Kingdom.

So my challenge to you, the Australian Church is, ‘What is in your hand that could be used to reach a soul in the fertile fields of Asia and the Pacific? Is it your consistent prayers, your weekly pledges? It may not be very much but when committed into the work of God and in the hands of God, it will bring souls to salvation. Or it may even be ‘you’, where you can say, ‘I don’t have much but I am willing to go… send

me’. God can multiply the sacrifices and efforts made, though small in comparison to the need, it will suffice.

Stan Harvey Overseas Missions Director

Across Timor-Leste, doors keep opening Br. and Sis. Perry

It is our pleasure and privilege to provide requested

highlights of the work of God in Timor-Leste from June to December 2016, which were each made possible by the grace of God, the support of Br. Stan Harvey and the Overseas Missions Board, and so importantly the prayer and giving of the Australian church in partnership with the leaders and saints of the developing apostolic church in Timor-Leste. Our newsletter contribution on this occasion comprises a photo collage with descriptions, which we hope you will enjoy, of various of the UPC TimorLeste mission highlights over the past six months.

May we express our heartfelt thanks and

We also hope you enjoy the interview and

appreciation at this time, along with the apostolic

testimonies within this newsletter of some of the

ministers of Timor-Leste, for your ongoing

wonderful ministry and saints here in Timor-Leste,

support and commitment to the developing work

and a glimpse into their lives and walk with the Lord

of God in Timor-Leste. Your support and giving is


resulting in more people being born again, as well as the further development of apostolic

pastors and leaders in Timor-Leste. To God be the glory! We also wish to thank Br. and Sis. Buckland, UPCI Regional Director of the Pacific Region, for their

kind support and encouragement in the work of God in Timor-Leste throughout 2016. Finally, may we take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones God’s richest blessings

over the present Nativity season, as well as in the upcoming New Year. Towns in Timor-Leste where God’s truth is spreading: Dili, Baucau, Liquica and Oecusse

God bless you. Michael & Diane Perry

Sis. Mika, from the OeCusse enclave of Timor-Leste, got baptised in November. Here she is with Sis. Olinda in prayer, following her baptism. This is one of many other baptisms of Oe-Cusse residents this November. Baptisms of Liquica residents. Liquica is a municipality west of Dili. God is opening new doors: glory to God!

Intake of new bible school students in Dili, this past semester.

Sunday School follow-up visit to Baucau by Sis. Lidia Lawu Lokku Malana. Her input is having great impact on lesson delivery as well as the children!

Support visit to home church in the remote and mountainous of Bagia in Baucau municipality. Here is some family members of Pastor Bernardo Guterres as well as dear special friends.

Support visit to the developing church in Kupang, West Timor (Indonesia) which is led by Pastor Hanna Pattinama Thio.

Timor-Leste leaders attended the General Conference of the UPC in Indonesia, honouring the service of Br. Amin Lie as General Superintendent over the past 8 years. We were privileged to become better acquainted with Regional Director of the Pacific Region, Br. and Sis. Roger Buckland and received insightful advice from Dr. David Bernard, UPCI General Superintendent, on scripture translation principles. With great joy, Br. Bernardo Guterres, pioneer pastor of the work in Tmor-Leste, presented a personalised Tais (Timorese weaving) to Dr. Bernard.

Ministerial training in UPC International Articles of Faith conducted by Bsp. John Downs, Br. Errol Paulus and Br. Perry. This included practical sessions on foot washing and prayer for the sick. We are grateful to Br. Lie Amin for sending Br. Gery Ongkowidjojo to assist with interpreting at our pastor-leaders teaching workshop and revival meetings.

It was a joy to have with us Pr. Talomanafe and Pr. Dethan from Bali, who will apply their learning from the workshop within their respective ministries in Indonesia. They continue to work in partnership with OM of Australia.

More joyous occasions: another Bible School Graduation, Sis. Marcia from Liquica municipality testifying after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and another two baptisms in the month of November.

Another wonderful visiting ministry: Br. and Sis. Namakadre. The Timorese brethren loved their visit. They ministered at a village outreach in Samalari, Baucau municipality, as well as taught and preached a revival meeting at the Baucau church. A great time of refreshing and a growing of ministerial confidence for the leaders in Baucau.

Travelling with our Overseas Missions Director, Br. Stan Harvey, across Timor-Leste earlier in the year. Sis. Perry continues to work in early literacy strategies to bring God’s word closer to His people. The use of a small bible listening device for an oral communicating has supported a non-literate saint of God from Samilari in Baucau. In this picture, Sis Perry is introducing the nativity story at an outreach in Dili.

Grateful also to Br. Perry, Sis. Olinda and Sis. Lidia for their contributions to the early literacy-‘story time’ outreach work. A special thanks to Sis. Anna Doyle for the generous donation of her oneness nativity storybook artworks to be used within the mission’s outreach work.

Our heartfelt appreciation once again for your ongoing commitment to giving for the work of God in Timor-Leste through Overseas Missions. Please continue to pray with us for the Lord’s continued anointing and blessing upon the work and people of God in Timor-Leste. Br. and Sis. Perry

Visiting Samalari and Baucau By Br. and Sis. Namakadre

On the 26th of November, we boarded the plane

from Darwin to Dili. Soon after our arrival, we were on our way, through the winding road which lead to Samalari Village and Baucau. We were warmly welcomed by the people in the

villages, and the atmosphere was filled with expectancy and excitement. Sis. Olinda led worship and the neighbours started to come out of their homes and watched from across the road. Twenty minutes into the worship, heavy rain began to pour, however it didn't stop us from having a church service. Even though we were jammed in one place like a ‘tin of sardines’, we worshiped, Br. Bill preached, lives were recommitted to the Lord and

souls refilled with the Holy Ghost. All this time, the neighbours were outside braving the rain as the Lord was drawing them to Himself. That evening, as we

Br. Bill Namakadre and local pastors illustrating the book of Acts.

The evening service was packed and all those visitors from Samalari Village were there.

were about to leave the village, we blessed the

Br. Bill preached on the ‘Book of Acts’ and asked

children with some goodies we brought with us (a

for volunteers to represent characters from the

10kg bag). It was such a delight watching them

book. Amazingly, the volunteers were local

helping themselves to the bag.

pastors from other denominations. God definitely

On Sunday morning we travelled to Baucau, Sis.

Arieta ministered 2 sessions on the ‘Principles of Prayer’ and the ‘Practical Aspects of Prayer’. It was well received by the leaders and those present. During the altar call, one young lady received the Holy Ghost, others got refilled and lives were dedicated back to God.

has a sense of humor! People could not wait

for the altar call. Once again, many lives were touched and refilled

with the Holy Ghost.

Sis. Arieta Namakadre praying for hungry souls seeking God.

All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee The following day, Br. Bill had a session with the leaders on ‘Altar Call: How to pray people through

Psalms 22:27

the Holy Ghost’.

The leaders were challenged and they decided to put the teaching into practice that same evening service. It was a delight to see them stepping up by faith, praying for their own people and encouraging them. It's always great to have fellowship and share refreshments with everyone. We felt a strong burden

We were blessed with wonderful hospitality by the churches we visited. Thank you, Lord

for the villages in Samalari and it would be wonderful to link arms with them and provide any assistance to if support the upgrading of their place of worship. Thank you so much for the opportunity to go and minister to in Timor-Leste. We want to thank the Br. and Sis. Perry for their love, kindness and hospitality which they have always shown to us. They are wonderful people of God. Br. Bill Namakadre gave his sunglasses away to a lady who admired them. A kind gesture.

Thanks also to Sis. Olinda and Br. Silvester for making us feel just like one of them, just like home. Working in Missions is in our hearts and we look

forward to the next opportunity to labour together A small place to worship, yet the move of God’s Spirit was great!

with Christ. Br. and Sis. Namakadre

Children: Our Heritage! Br. Joshua Drew I was privileged to accompany my wife Sis. Ruth Drew and Sis Esther Roth to Timor Leste on the weekend of 12 to 14 August 2016. The Dili Church had organised a Sunday School seminar for teachers and leaders culminating with a Children's Revival Service on the Saturday night. I was there to preach and teach on doctrine on the Sunday. I knew God's hand of blessing was upon this trip when Sis. Ruth and I checked our luggage at Canberra airport. The lady at the check-in counter asked about the reason for travelling and as we answered, she shared with us that she was looking for a Pentecostal Church in Canberra with a Sunday School program so she and her children could attend. We were overjoyed and we both left feeling God's hand upon this trip.

Two-day National Sunday School training seminar taught by Sis. Esther Roth and Sis. Ruth Drew: an average of 25 participants on daily attendance.

This was one of the first times such a representation had come together in this manner. The workshop seminar was a great success being very practical in nature with lots of interactive activities and great theoretical teaching. This teaching also included references to the stories We arrived into Dili early on the Friday morning contained within the upcoming Children's Book on with the workshop seminar going over 2 full days. the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus funded There were around 30 representatives from by the SPBC Graduates Association with draft various towns including Baucau, Liquica, copies being provided for their use. Oecusse, Kelikai and Dili. On the Saturday night, around 80 children attended the Children's Revival service with the Lord moving mightily. Even before they had finished singing the first worship song, the children were moved to tears as they sang and the Spirit of God fell. Before the weekend was through, at least 5 children, 1 young person and 1 adult were filled with the Holy Spirit. Pastor Silvester's daughter was one of those filled and a boy from the neighbourhood, who was one of the first to really weep in God's presence, also received the Doctrinal teaching for Timorese ministers-leaders conducted by Br. Joshua Drew. The teaching was praised Holy Spirit! for its clarity for both older and new ministry alike.

Children are a Heritage of the Lord Psalms 127: 3 On the Sunday morning, the church was full with both the visiting leaders and the regular Dili saints

attending and I preached on the salvation plan: 'Buy the Truth and Sell it Not'. It culminated with an altar call as we prayed for those to receive the Holy Spirit or to be refilled with God's Spirit. That

afternoon a leaders’ seminar was held with all the

Sis. Esther Roth and Sis. Ruth Drew had a lovely time with the children.

leaders from the various districts which included those still navigating their way in the truth of the

It was a great opportunity to present the Oneness

doctrinal positions of the UPC. We sung a special

of God to all the leaders across the board,

item for them and Sis. Ruth and Sis. Esther shared

particularly for those who come from a Trinitarian

testimonies about being raised in godly homes to

backgrounds and are yet to get a handle on the

encourage them of the great blessing that results

Oneness of God.

from a faithful upbringing. I then brought teaching

Overall, this weekend was a wonderful success

on the Oneness of God. They allowed a time for

thanks to God's presence and blessing upon it. I am

questions and answers which raised some very

thankful to have been able to play a small part in

valid questions which I, Pastor Bernado and

it for His kingdom. I believe it will have an ongoing

several leaders provided answers for.

impact in the work of Timor-Leste in the months and years to come!

Br. Joshua Drew

Children’s Revival Service: 84 participants. 7 received the Holy Spirit. Praise God!

God: changing and moulding Testimony: Herminia Dos Reis Da Costa

Testimony: Oldi Michael Fraga

I want to give glory and thanks to the Lord Jesus.

I want to thank God because He has helped me

He has done so much in my life. I am East Timorese

to develop and use my talents that he gave to me

but lived in Kupang for quite a number of years. I

in music. When I was very small, I lived in Kupang

wanted to get closer to Jesus and decided to return

because the situation in Timor-Leste at that time

to East Timor. Someone I knew in Kupang gave me

was very difficult and not peaceful. A teacher in

the name of Br. Pedro in Baucau, which is the place

Kupang helped me to start to play the guitar. She

my family is from. I contacted Br Pedro who talked

also loaned me her guitar to practice at home.

to me more about Jesus. In April this year, when Br.

When I was eight years old, most of my family

Stan, Br. Wiki and Sis. Mariah were in Baucau, I was

moved back to East Timor after it became an

baptized along with many other young people in

independent country. My family lives in Samalari

Jesus’ name. I also received the Holy Spirit when

now and we are in the Baucau church. I now have

Br. Stan ministered at that time. I was so happy,

the opportunity to minister in music at church after

and am still happy living for God. I now live in the

I received the Holy Spirit and was baptised in

mountains outside of Baucau town, so Br. Louis

Jesus’ name. I love to worship the Lord in song by

travels to minister to me and my family there in

playing the guitar, which the Australian church

Quilicai. Br and Sis. Perry are also arranging for me

bought for ministry in East Timor and it is now in

to do bible school by distance, with Br. Loius as my

the Baucau church. I am also learning to play the

travelling proctor. Thank you Lord Jesus and the

keyboard, which is a great blessing to me and to

church in East Timor and Australia so that all of this

the church in Baucau. I am so blessed and

is happening in my life.

thankful for these opportunities, and I hope to learn more in the area of music ministry to serve the Lord more. Thank you for your interest in my testimony.

Sis. Herminia (left) in Dili enjoying lunch at a Sunday School training event in August.

Br. Oldi leading worship in Samalari village.

Heaven Rejoices in Kiribati! Br. Dan Vitiyaki, Pacific Regional Missionary Baptising new souls, giving bible studies, making mats for Sunday school and thanking God for providing a vehicle!

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 Keep this work in your prayers as new doors are opening to reach other Island Nations in our region!

OVERSEAS MISSIONS’ PURPOSE The Overseas Missions Department of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia has touched many nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1973. The purpose of the Overseas Missions is to:  preach the whole gospel of  Jesus Christ to the whole world;  to establish new churches;  to send forth missionaries;  to endeavor to perform any other duties connected with religious work;  to help in any way possible to meet the needs of local churches;

Your giving will ensure the work of God continues to yield fruit in our region!

 to translate, publish and distribute religious literature. The success of the Overseas Missions Department of the UPCA is a direct result of a co-operative effort between local assemblies, missionaries and this Department.


We sincerely appreciate the involvement of the many churches and individuals throughout Australia.

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