OM Newsletter December 2018

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Jesus Calls Us To Go


In Honour Of…

The Pacific Region

OM Director challenges us to go, reach and teach the Lost

Rev Michael Perry shares his testimony on his calling to the mission field

Sis Bellette and Sis Jacobsen share their thoughts on their recent visit to Jayapura

Building leaders through Purpose Institute and Discipleship seminars. More Highlights from Kiribati.

Newsletter December/ 2018

Jesus calls us to GO Reach and Teach the Lost

Timor-Leste reaches out to Kupang. During the last UPC Timor-Leste Mission Team visit, four souls were added to the Kingdom of Heaven. Going and making disciples!

It’s been another fruitful year in the Overseas Missions Department with significant highlights such as Br & Sis Perry entering into a fully supported role for the first time since being appointed missionaries in Timor-Leste; our department developing closer working relationships within the Asia Pacific region and continuing to visit, teach and minister in neighbouring countries. Recently, I have seen the impact that the Australian Church has had with our contributions overseas as we further our endeavours. Growth in the Church of Timor-Leste is clearly evident not only in the people and leadership but also in the development of organisational structures and goals. Br and Sis Perry have done an outstanding job, working tirelessly to see results for God’s Kingdom.

continues on the next page

A note from the OM Director OVERSEAS MISSIONS

Furthermore, Br & Sis Perry have overseen the transition of leadership in the main Church in Dili and have instigated a spurt of leaders being trained through Bible School and delegated into positions of authority, as well as seeking to develop the church property in the hill area of Baucau.


Recently, both Br John Downs and I attended a strategic meeting with the Asia Pacific Regional Director of Global Missions, Br Roger Buckland, along with leadership from Malaysia and Indonesia, in an effort to come up with strategies and collaborations to help strengthen the Church in Indonesia and to reach this massive nation. We came to the consensus that the most effective way to assist the church is not only to continue teaching and developing leaders but to divide the nation into sections that each of the neighbouring countries including the USA could focus on. Our commitment is towards East Indonesia with the primary areas of Bali, West Timor and Irian Jaya.

Rev Stanley Harvey p: +61 430 039 166 e:

Secretary Rev Daniel Gabriel

Promotions Rev Marcela Ferrari

Program Development Rev Jonathan Downs

Administrator Rev Greg Hackathorn

Go ye therefore… … make disciples…

Speaking of leadership training, we have been involved in teaching leaders in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Fiji and New Zealand through Purpose Institute and various seminars. It is our desire to maintain a strong connection with our Pacific neighbours and we look forward to more mission trips in more countries in the coming year. In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt thanks to all the pastors, ministers and saints of the UPCA for their generous and sacrificial offerings, including their steadfast prayers for all our aims. I truly believe that together, as we look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, we can make a profound impact in our corner of the globe and beyond, for His glory! Never forget that as a Church, we are SENT by God to reach the lost. So much so that even if there was only one lost person in the world, our only position is to mobilise and go make a disciple out of them. And when we GO, we can expect our Lord Jesus Christ to empower and embolden us with miracles, strength and provision simply because we have been sent. “Go ye therefore...” Yours for Missions Br Stan Harvey Br Harvey teaching at Purpose Institute in Singapore

Rev Michael Perry Regional Missionary Australia to Timor-Leste

- - - - - SENT - - - - My Testimony In 2010, the Overseas Missions Department was seeking someone to go and we made ourselves available for a short-term mission to Timor-Leste. Before going to TimorLeste, I had no specific aspirations of being a missionary, either overseas or at home. I felt comfortable and fulfilled ministering and helping in the local church, along with the privilege at that time of leading the bible college graduates’ association. My wife’s testimony is somewhat different, knowing early in her walk with God that her work in the Kingdom was associated with Missions. It was on the tenth day of our stay there, during prayer in our small rented bedsit in Dili, that the Lord spoke to me saying, “These are my people, these are your people” – clearly, twice. That was really the start, for me, of the call to mission in the nation of Timor-Leste and seeing the Lord open doors, allowing us to secure special authorisations to stay in TimorLeste.

My testimony may be different to other missionaries. I was really just doing what I saw to do under the direction of the elders of the church, when I received my more specific call. So I encourage all reading this testimony to simply put your hands to the plough under the direction of the elders, remain faithful and obedient, because we do not know whether or when the Lord may have something specific for a certain time and work down the track. I also wish through this testimony to allay, to a degree at least, possible fears or insecurities that people may feel when they start to sense a call to mission. We do not need to be, nor indeed can we be, ‘everything’ as missionaries. Whether for a short-term or longer. We are part of a body – the Lord’s body – and we just play our part to the best of our ability. As the missionaries currently representing you in Timor-Leste, Diane and I do not do what we do on the field in a vacuum. Rather, we are greatly supported. We are not alone: we are part of a team of workers - the ones in the body at this time who happen to be on the field, albeit humbled to have been sent. A final aspect of my testimony is to exhort and encourage any who may be in the early stages of sensing a call to missions, to be willing to invest in exploring this call, all the while seeking God, under appropriate Godly counsel. Br Harvey preached and exhorted us at Conference earlier this year,

to be determined to keep hold of our inheritance, and I believe one’s ‘calling’ is a part of our inheritance. Bsp Downs then went on to sound a warning, an alarm, exhorting us to put up a ‘Not for Sale’ sign! I encourage you, not just to declare ‘my faith is not for sale’, but also ‘my calling is NOT FOR SALE!’ Respond to it, invest in it, explore it – while continuing to do all you can or may be asked to do generally in the Kingdom of God. My belief, my testimony, is that, if you do, He will provide, He will lead, and He will open doors according to His will and purpose, in the field or land to which you may be called and ‘sent’, in His time. In closing, may I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks on behalf of my wife and I and the leaders in Timor-Leste, for your faithful, ongoing prayers and support for the work and people to which the Australian church is presently called – the precious people and land of Timor-Leste. Thank you, and God bless you.

Br Perry travelling and teaching the word of God

My calling is NOT FOR SALE!

Photo Highlights

Inaugural multi-municipal Ladies Conference ministered by UPCA National Women ’s Ministries team, attended by women from Oecusse, Liquica, Dili and Baucau. Thank you to our visiting team: Sis Ferrari, Sis Grech, Sis Downs, Sis Butcher and Sis Caltabiano. Some of the fruit from this visit included two baptisms in the precious name of Jesus. Glory to God!

Timorese Ministry Development Timorese Leaders attended Ministerial Development opportunities in our region: Northern Light Church, Darwin - visiting ministry: Dr Mike Dobbs Tabernacle of Joy, Singapore - visiting ministry: Dr James Littles and Rev Stan Gleeson

Leaders, Family and Youth event

Bsp Downs, Sis Downs, Rev Willmott, Rev Harvey and Sis Harvey ministered during the Leaders, Family and Youth weekend in November. There were teaching workshops, revival services, water and Holy Spirit baptisms, school graduation and provision of a business development opportunity to a young mother facing difficulties in her life. Special thanks to Sis Downs, Sis Dorcas Bokosai and the Canberra church for their compassionate ministry

Purpose Institute Every Tongue… Every Nation… Overseas Missions continues to be involved in teaching Leaders in our regions. Br Stan Harvey taught at Purpose Institute in Singapore, Sis Downs and Bsp Downs taught at Purpose Institute in Malaysia and Br Simon Butcher taught at Purpose Institute in Kuala Lumpur

Preaching Points around Timor-Leste The Timorese Leaders and our Missionaries continually travel and visit the different preaching points, teaching God’s word and praying for specific needs in the various municipalities. This includes children ’s outreach, Sunday school workshops and remote Bible School campuses. God continues to do notable miracles as the mission reaches out into communities.

The team ministering in Baguia with Ps Randut leading communion; Br Pedro Fraga in Baucau and Sis Adelina Fraga assisting Sis Perry En route to Baucau for bible school, five hours travel time one way from Dili due to road works. Dirt and rocks dominate the track, a tyre’s life span is much shorter. God bless Br Perry's efforts to get the team there and back several times a month Sis Lidia Lawu Lokku Malana in Oecusse presenting Sunday school workshops

Timorese Team visits Kupang

A Timorese Ladies Team led by Sis Perry travelled to Kupang, West Papua to minister and support the work Pr Hanna Pattinama Thio carries in that city. The power of God was with them, and after a powerful word from Sis Olinda Guterrez on Salvation four souls were baptized and two received the baptism of the Holy Ghost


Your Praying… Your Sending… Your Giving…

Special visit to Entrop Church in Jayapura to participate in a Memorial Service honouring past Directors, Br Dennis Jacobsen and Br Ewan Glass. Br Jonathan Downs, Sis Margaret Bellette, Sis Sue Jacobsen and Sis Sarah Hodges travelled for this occasion. There were special celebrations, teachings, revival services and baptisms.

Women’s Conference -Baucau time to assist the Overseas Missions department in the book keeping, as well as continuing to give financially and to support in prayer.

Jesus ChristOur common Bond Rev Caterina Butcher What a privilege it was to be part of the National Women’s Ministries team to East Timor in June this year. I would like to thank National Women’s Ministries and the Overseas Missions Department for allowing me to participate in this venture. I know it’s almost a cliché to say, however although we went to bless, I came away most blessed. As a young person I was involved in missions by giving. Faith Promise was as close as I thought I would ever get to ever being part of Overseas Missions. Over the years my involvement grew, in that I gave of my

I felt in awe of what God is doing in that nation through our missionaries, Br and Sis Perry, and our giving. We will only ever see a glimpse of the sacrifices they have been willing to make in order to spread the gospel and establish these precious people in Truth. I would like to honour them for their commitment and their willingness to do what God has placed on their heart to do. It was wonderful to spend time

with the ladies, and get to know them, even though we could not understand each other’s language; the language of love, and the common bond we share in Jesus Christ helped overcome the language barriers. We laughed, we ate, we played, we worshipped and prayed together. We established relationships that will flow into eternity where we will gather together, with a great multitude and sing a new song to the One that was slain and redeemed us to God by His blood. Out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation. Together with the voice of many waters, and the voice of mighty thundering, we will worship with no language or cultural barriers and, say ‘Alleluia; for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!’

…the common bond we share in Jesus Christ helped overcome the language barriers…

Covering Timor – Leste with Prayer Besides the main towns of Dili and Baucau, we continue to reach further into the communities of 'Baguia' and 'Quelicai' (an area you will hear more about in subsequent posts). 'Samalari' is also an ongoing focus. We would be very grateful for your prayer over these areas. With appreciation and blessings - UPC Timor-Leste Mission

On the Sunday morning and evening, we had revival services where people from different UPC Timor Churches attended– some by foot! There was a move of the Holy Ghost. As a result, there were two baptisms that day.

Timor- What an Experience! Sis Annette Caltabiano In June, I had the privilege of travelling to Timor-Leste with Sis Downs, Sis Grech, Sis Butcher and Sis Ferrari in a joint venture supported by National Women’s Ministries and the Overseas Missions Department, to participate and speak at a ladies conference in Baucau. Our first experience was in Dili, with the wonderful local missionaries and pastors – Br and Sis Perry, Pr Sylvester and Sis Olinda and Br and Sis Guterrez, where the NWM presented them with sound equipment and various items to assist the church in Dili. This was received with much gratitude and humility and a beautiful time of prayer ensued. The next morning, our day started early with a long road trip to Baucau that took several hours. This road trip was not an easy one, with narrow roads and extremely rocky surfaces – our travel was rough. As my mind began to ponder on my

Creating bonds with the young girls

discomfort, I thought of Br and Sis Perry who make the fortnightly trek to Baucau and then all the other ladies from around Timor that were happily making the time to travel there for the conference. It was a humbling enlightenment! When we arrived in Baucau, we had two jam-packed days of ministering. The hunger and response from the women was very encouraging. There were lives that were changed and touched by the power of God. The young people responded positively and I formed a bond with some of the sweet young girls. A fall on the outside steps of the venue had me bedridden with a sprained ankle for the rest of the night and resulted in me missing out on the Sunday morning revival service. But thank God for the power of prayer, because my recovery was swift!

Thank you to the UPCA Church, as well as NWM and OM for giving me the opportunity to take part in the vision for the nation of Timor-Leste. A special mention also to our resident missionaries, Br and Sis Perry, who are doing a tremendous job of ministering and supporting the work there. Timor… What an experience! I’ll never forget the hunger, humility, desire and love for God that these people had. It was such an honour.

Grateful for the hospitality our dear sisters provided for the team

Your giving: financial sacrifice OM Pledges We have collected to this date: $71,429! Thank you for your selfless giving and sacrifice

Empowering People to do great things Sis Robyn Harvey This year in November, I travelled with my husband to Timor-Leste. I don’t often get to travel with him, so I’m grateful to have been able to this time around. We travelled with Bsp & Sis Downs and ministered together, speaking at the Leadership Sessions. I taught on different subjects and had the honour of doing the Key Note speech to the Bible School Graduates at the Graduation Ceremony. The Lord moved, ministered and much was accomplished in each of the sessions.

Sis Downs, Br Harvey, Sis Harvey, Bsp Downs and Br Perry praying for the Bible School graduates

The highlight of this trip for me was helping Sis Downs and Sis Dorcus in teaching Sis Hermania and the ladies in the church how to bake cakes. We set up everything in the back room of the church, laid out all . items on the tables, pulled out the Recipe Booklets that Sis Downs had put together in folders and started the teaching the ladies how to measure flour, sugar, baking soda, milk etc. Sis Downs had been collecting baking tins, utensils, measuring cups, scales and 2 mini Oven/Cooktops for Sis Hermania to use for her business. The response from Sis Hermania when she was informed that all the baking equipment was for her to keep was unforgettable. She was moved with so much emotion that she began to pray and thank God, weeping and worshipping Him right there in the room. We began to pray with her and for her. The presence of God just fell in that little room. God calls us to build the body and empower His people to do great things so we can be witnesses in everything we do, telling of His love and mercy! .

Baking equipment is readily accessible, available and affordable for us in Australia, but in countries like Timor-Leste it isn’t. God just reminded me again that the small things that we take for granted especially in a country like Australia where we are so blessed, are the very things that can help change the life of a person, a family, a church or a business in another nation. Something as small as a baking tin or a small portable oven has now become the source of income for Sis Hermania and her family. I want to acknowledge our Missionaries Br & Sis Perry who labour with the other Pastors and leaders on the tremendous work that they are doing in After some productive cooking classes, the ladies are proud of their work and that nation. Please keep them and the church in your prayers. rejoice over the final products

Timor-Leste: Hungry for His presence Rev Greg Willmott I was blessed to be given the opportunity to travel to Timor-Leste in early November for a ‘Families and Youth’ event alongside Bsp Downs and Sis Downs.

People responding to God’s word and being baptised

For years, I had heard the incredible testimonies of what God has done in this nation and have always had a desire to experience this for myself. I was immediately blown away by the hunger and desire for the presence of God I saw in the young people. It was a pleasure to worship the Lord with them and learn a number of songs in the native language. The schedule was quite full with a day sessions, followed by an evening evangelistic service. It was quite amazing to see the youth so attentive throughout all the sessions. God moved in a mighty way throughout the weekend and the church responded to the ministry of God’s word with powerful altar calls following. It truly was a blessing to see so many pouring their hearts out at the altar. It never ceases to amaze me how the presence of God transcends all language and cultural barriers. The success of this event was a result of the hard work of the leadership, Ps Randut and his wonderful wife, as well as our incredible missionaries, Rev and Sis Perry. Without their preparation and prayer the impact of this event would not have been as far reaching. I thank God for their labour of love and dedication to the work of God. It was personally an incredible honour to minister alongside Bsp and Sis Downs. Witnessing firsthand the long term impact they have had on the precious people of Timor-Leste was amazing. God is Good!

REPORT FROM INDONESIA – National Youth Conference in Sulawesi In July 2018, Br Jonathan Downs, Br Jacob Caltabiano, Sis Helen Thangpueh and Sis Alexandria Trapani (from USA) travelled to minister at the UPC Indonesia National Youth Conference held in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The conference was held in Tompaso City which is about 2 hours from Manado in North Sulawesi. There are 130 UPC churches in North Sulawesi. The meetings were well attended with around 700 registered ‘campers’, with services swelling to around 1200 in the evenings as local church members joined the crusade services. Running parallel with the National Youth Conference was a Ministers and Leaders training seminar. It was attend by around 60 local pastors. Br Downs and Br Caltabiano spent their time ministering between the two events. Sis Thangpueh and Sis Trapani gave testimonies and exhortations, and were very active in praying for people during the altar calls. One of the nights was dedicated to a ‘crusade’ style service. After the ministry of the word, there was a tremendous response at the altar. Many people were touched by God and many received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Br Jonathan Downs preaching during the event


Bible studies

Highlights from Kiribati Br and Sis Vitayaki Services at Eita Village

Buy the truth‌ Don’t sell it! (Prov. 23: 23)

Working hard as part of the Repairing Roof Project in support of the families in the community

REPORTS FROM JAYAPURA Those who paved the way Sis Sarah Hodges Praise the Lord! What a whirlwind trip we had to Jayapura. This was my first ever overseas missions trip and I feel mightily blessed and honoured to be given the opportunity, not only to go all the way to Jayapura but to be on a team with Sis Margaret Bellette, Rev Jonathan Downs and my grandma, Sis Sue Jacobsen. Although we were travelling to a city only 2,000kms away from my home, it felt as if we travelled to the other side of the world. We were faced with many flight delays and countless plane rides to make it. I think it is safe to say that my patience was tested in the travel part of our journey. The Lord had his hand on us throughout the trip and all four of us were able to make our destination in time for the first night of activities.

Sis Sarah with one of the young ladies from the church

On the first night, the church had a time of celebration and dedication. We celebrated the birthday of Sis Bellette and we were able to witness the enormous gratitude the church felt for her and what she did to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the city of Jayapura. One of the highlights for me was being present for the dedication of the new Multifunction Room in honour of Br Glass and Br Jacobsen, in recognition of the impact these men made in this city. This is the first time I have been able to witness the fruit of my grandfather’s labour firsthand and that will be with me forever. The room was beautifully crafted by members of the church and filled with pictures of Sis Bellette, Br Glass and Br Jacobsen serving as reminders of who assisted in establishing and strengthening the church. Thank you Lord for those who are willing to step out in faith for Your work. On Friday, a seminar was held to discuss the ‘Oneness of God’, ‘New Birth’ and ‘Christian Living’. Br Oyang invited pastors from other churches around Jayapura to attend. I witnessed as the team spoke on these topics and how their understanding of truth seemed to be solidified- I will remember to keep this situation in prayer as God can do something mighty. In the evening, the church held a Carols Service where we got listen to some of the most incredible singing. I was then given the opportunity to speak. I shared on making a choice for yourself and choosing to live for God. Br Downs followed and preached a message called ‘The God of Jacob’. On Saturday, we spent a beautiful day by the beach with the congregation where Br Oyang and Br Downs baptised six beautiful people in the lovely name of Jesus. No matter what part of the world you are, there is nothing like seeing someone make a choice to be baptised for the remission of their sins. Sunday was another great day in the house of the Lord with powerful preaching from Sis Bellette and Br Downs as they spoke on the authority in Jesus name and the power of the bloodline. In the afternoon, I was given the opportunity to speak with the young people. I spoke candidly for forty minutes about what it was like for me to grow up in the church, how I brought my husband to the Lord and how important your youth group is.

Young people preparing to get baptised at the local beach

The young people asked me questions about some of the struggles and they were encouraged. As our visit came to a close, the church thanked us for visiting. I felt so incredibly grateful as it seemed even I could touch so many lives. All the glory to God.

- IN HONOUR OF – Rev Margaret Bellette

Former Australian Missionary To Indonesia One can imagine my surprise when I received an email from our Director of Overseas Missions, Br Stan Harvey, inviting me to be part of a small team travelling to Jayapura to participate in a Memorial Service honouring past Directors, Br Dennis Jacobsen and Br Ewan Glass. Understandably, I was both terrified and at the same time, excited! After all, I am no longer young and I wasn’t sure if I had the stamina for the trip, but finally deciding to give the Lord the glory and praise for His blessing I said yes! The team comprised Br Jonathan Downs (our team leader) Sis Sue Jacobsen, Sis Sara Hodge and I, and after a lengthy delay owing to bad weather, we departed Sydney on 28th November. After approximately, thirty hours from the time we left Sydney, due to a missed connection in Jakarta, we arrived at Sentani Airport the following day. It did cross my mind obstacles were being put in our path to prevent us reaching our destination, but God be praised, we arrived on time.

The contrast experienced between arriving at Sentani Airport on the 21st December 1993, and now on the 29th November 2018 was overwhelming. Development is taking place everywhere and with the exception of the people, the landscape was unfamiliar. The one constant was our brethren. So many familiar faces from the past, still in the church after all these years, grown up and married now with children of their own, who are now attending Sunday school. Seeing multiple generations of Oneness Pentecostals in the making is awesome. Entrop was our first UPC church in Irian Jaya and exists because of the vision of such men as Br Dennis Jacobsen and Br Ewan Glass. Owing to the tender care of Ps Oyang Seseray and his wife Sri, the church had been wonderfully renovated, and in honour of Br Jacobsen and Br Glass, a new multi-function room added. Beautifully appointed, airconditioned and with a wall of honour, this room is a glory to the work of the brethren. All work was paid for and carried out by the church members.

God is always Faithful and touched many lives after His word was preached

Br Jonathon Downs brought the dedication speech and I was privileged to cut the ribbon and Sis Jacobsen declared the room open. From start to finish, a sense of joy and unity filled our visitation. The preaching and teaching by the team, was anointed, and a blessing to all who attended the meetings. Four Trinitarian pastors who attended the Saturday morning sessions without doubt returned home with much to think about. The youth were blessed by Sis Hodge’s ministry, who with grace suffered the heat and humidity and the long hours of ministering, without complaint. A number of the sisters commented on how beautiful they thought Sis Jacobsen is. They were seeing the beauty and glory of a woman whose life has been committed to serving the Lord.

Continues on the next page…

Ps Oyang and Sis Sri went to great lengths to make our stay comfortable and enjoyable with an abundance of food available during our stay. An appropriate finish to our short visit was to see the baptism of six young souls being added to the Kingdom of Heaven. It was with a tinge of sadness we took leave of our brethren and made our way to Jakarta. Upon arrival there, we were taken to the home of Br. Amin where after resting for a few hours we called upon his mother who is ill. After praying for her healing, we made our goodbyes and returned to Australia. The loving relationships formed over the past twenty-five years, have not diminished but grown richer over time. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. Br. Jonathon remarked, “They have made you a Saint, Sis Bellette.” Well, I was a saint long before I went to Irian Jaya. I became a saint the day I was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. It was a joy to be given an opportunity to be part of the team.

It was quite a surprise upon arriving at our hotel to see a giant snowman and gingerbread house in the foyer. December is a time of celebrating, and Christians use this time to proclaim what they believe.

Sis Jacobsen with Ps Oyang Seseray

- IN HONOUR OF – Rev Sue Jacobson An invitation to travel to Jayapura with a team was an unexpected surprise. It was a blessing to have my granddaughter Sara (Jacobsen) Hodge travel with me. Thank you Br Harvey and Overseas Missions for making this possible. The purpose was to be part of the dedication of the multi-function room added to the church at Entrop in honour of Br Jacobsen and Br Glass. It was a privilege for myself to meet Ps Oyang Seseray, his wife and church members. It was an honour to minister the word of God, and to worship with these saints having seen the legacy of those who have laboured here in the past.

Br Ewan Glass and Br Dennis Jacobsen - Men of great vision -

Our first night was a celebration service with the theme “Christmas Revival”. Over the next few days teaching, worshipping, preaching, praying, eating and having fellowship created bonds both spiritually and physically. Seeing the youth and children of the church was a blessing knowing that from generation to generation God’s truth endures. The honour and love shown to Sis Bellette (Birthday celebration surprise), the memory of Br Jacobsen & Br Glass, and to the team was emotional and very moving.

“For your labour is not in vain” 1 Corinthians 15:58 Our stop-over in Jakarta with Br Lee Amin was refreshing. Thank you Br Jonathan for sharing the frog leg. The travel delays due to storms, long flights, missed connections; what more do you expect when on a mission’s trip? It was all worth it! To see the place where baptisms take place, to feel the presence of God and to know faithfulness and love for the truth continues on. Let us continue to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourer into the harvest fields.

Your giving will ensure the work of God continues to yield fruit in our region!

OVERSEAS MISSIONS’ PURPOSE The Overseas Missions Department of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia has touched many nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1973. The purpose of the Overseas Missions is to:  preach the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world;  to establish new churches;  to send forth missionaries;  to endeavor to perform any other duties connected with religious work;  to help in any way possible to meet the needs of local churches;  to translate, publish and distribute religious literature. The success of the Overseas Missions Department of the UPCA is a direct result of a co-operative effort between local assemblies, missionaries and this Department.

We sincerely appreciate the involvement of the many churches and individuals throughout Australia

Address: 24-26 Harp St Campsie NSW 2194 AUSTRALIA

Office: PO Box 199 Hampton Park VIC 3976 AUSTRALIA Please forward all donations to the OM office



Overseas Missions of UPC Australia

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