Through a dream
Papua New Guinea
The Pacific Region
Br. Loius shares his testimony of how God revealed to him a better way
Remarkable move of God at the General Conference
Growing leaders by building a strong foundation in God’s word
Highlights from Vietnam, Vanuatu and Kiribati
Newsletter June / 2017
Abiding in the Heart of God
6000 people in attendance at Papua New Guinea’s General Conference
The fruit will produce the burden for the lost What a great year it has been so far in Overseas Missions. As you will see in this edition of our OM Newsletter, we have been busy with the work of God’s Kingdom in our foreign fields, as many continue to contribute and serve in various ways. I want to thank all of those who have given their pledges and have lifted up in prayer all of our endeavours in this department. I also want to acknowledge our Missionaries on the field Br. Michael and Sis. Diane Perry for their tireless work in Timor-Leste. Whilst the need for global evangelism before us is enormous and there is so much we want to see happen, our limited personnel and resources ensures that we strike a balance between a carefully planned approach in our program and reaching as many nations as we can, knowing that God shall supply all of our needs. continues on the next page
A note from the OM Director OVERSEAS MISSIONS Director Rev. Stanley Harvey p: +61 430 039 166
We have to be grounded in our reality but we must also operate in faith, trusting in a powerful and willing God, to where we are extending ourselves. Our sacrifices in giving to missions, going on mission trips, ministry and witnessing to the lost is really our response to the burden of our Lord Jesus. God has placed us in a privileged position in our great country of Australia. As a church, He has blessed us. But as we lean our heads on His chest and hear and feel the heartbeat of God, we will come to the sobering conclusion that there are so many in other nations who are hungry and yet have never heard the whole Gospel as preached by the Apostles.
Rev. Daniel Gabriel
Promotions Rev. Marcela Ferrari
Program Development Rev. Jonathan Downs
Administrator Rev. Greg Hackathorn
Abide in me… John 15
My challenge to you is to continue to seek the Heart of God and abide there, where there will be a flow of His burden for the lost nations all around us. From Timor-Leste and Indonesia to Kiribati and Solomon Islands, there are nations needing our help to bring the revelation of God’s Word and the power of God’s Holy Spirit. John 15:1-5 tells us that Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches; unless the branch abides in the Vine, it cannot bear fruit. By virtue of the Vine, fruit is produced through the branches. As we abide in Christ the fruit will produce the burden for lost souls and lost nations that wait for us. Br. Harvey encouraging ministers and future leaders in Timor-Leste to carry the great commission.
“Where are the next missionaries going to come from?” someone asked. It’s going to come from those abiding in the Heart of God.
We serve a miracle working God
explain what had turned his dire situation around and God was greatly magnified
to visit in support of the family of God here. Through all of this, the LORD showed His mighty hand. He opened doors resulting in much discussions and planning, a momentum that has since built for the future of God’s work in this nation.
Br. and Sis. Perry
We give God all the glory in this brief testimony of His faithfulness and goodness. Medical staff giving their report
Our warm greetings from TimorLeste where, while events and seasons do not always unfold as we may expect, the LORD continues to show, both in the small and the larger ways, that HE is in control ALL the time! Following our return from General Conference in Melbourne in January, the family of God here were faced with the near loss of their Senior Pastor in Timor-Leste: Pr. Bernardo Guterres, who experienced sudden and acute renal failure.
Our heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support and your prayers for the work of God here in Timor-Leste. Discharged from Hospital
The LORD is doing GREAT THINGS and IS IN CONTROL! God bless you Michael and Dianne Perry
The extended family of God around the region, facilitated by communications from Sis. Downs, went to prayer. We can say that, within approximately 24 hours of united focussed prayer, we witnessed A NOTABLE MIRACLE in the form of Pr. Bernardo’s healing! God touched his body in such way that it amazed hospital staff, nurses and doctors alike, who could not
We understand that many enjoyed the Timor-Leste photo collage of the past newsletter. We have put together a photo collection once again of our time between January and June for this current newsletter.
Family happy to have Pr. Bernardo home
As Bsp. and Sis. Downs were in the region, we were able to ask them
You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations… Psalms 77:14 (NLT)
Timor -Leste
Dili Br. Perry with Pr. Bernard following immediate recovery
On our return from UPCA Conference
Support visit from Br. and Sis. Downs: a time of fellowship and strengthening prayer. New communion set and offering bag: first offering by Sis. Downs
Sis. Downs ministering at women’s meeting. Sis. Pamira praising God for miraculous healing of Pr. Bernard. Powerful move of God!
Precious time of prayer with the children before departing Dili
Liquica: Faithful outreach work. ‘Bible Storytime’ continues to bridge the gap and give access to God’s word to those who are illiterate
Baucau & Oeccuse Presentation of doctrinal materials in Indonesian to Baucau and Oecusse leaders
Video ministry and team proctoring during Bible School in Oecusse. Please pray for these students and our ability to get to them (Oecusse is a distant enclave of Timor-Leste)
With thanks to National Women’s Ministries who are supporting access to the Word of God in Timor-Leste, not only through the written word, but also through bible listening devices to church members who are unable to read
Committed to the Gospel Rev. Jacob Caltabiano We began our trip with a brief stopover in Darwin on the Thursday afternoon. Our small team led by Br. Harvey (with Sis. Marcela Ferrari and myself) joined Northern Light Pentecostal Church pastored by Rev. Namakadre for a special evening service on that day. The service was wonderful as Sis. Marcela ministered in song and Br. Harvey and I ministered from God’s word for fifteen minutes each. God moved and three souls were filled with the Holy Ghost! The next morning, we flew to Dili, East Timor, at 6am and arrived at 7:30am, just with enough time to check in to our hotel and change for the Good Friday service. We were greeted by Pr. Bernardo, Br. Silvester and their wives and families. God’s presence was evident during the worship and the rest of the morning services.
As the team ministered throughout the weekend, we were blessed by anointed interpreters: Sis. Elizabeth, Sis. Lidia and Br. Perry. The afternoon was followed by foundational teachings and in the evening we were treated to a beautiful dinner prepared by the ladies. The Saturday was quite busy with 4 teaching sessions by the team. The final session after lunch was on worship, taught by Sis. Marcela. The power of the Holy Ghost fell and the teaching was followed by prayer, worship and then a baptism. In the afternoon, we had split sessions: Br. Harvey had meetings with Br. Bernardo and Br. Perry and Sis. Marcela taught the choir with the assistance of Sis. Elizabeth and Br. Benny as translators. I was able to go shopping and enjoy the city sights. Saturday night service was well represented by members of the regional churches from Dili, Oecusse, Bacau and other areas. Some had travelled by boat and others by bus for several hours. I preached and God, as always, honoured His Word and moved among the people. On Sunday morning, Br. Harvey preached a powerful message and there were many visitors in attendance. The churches were united and hungry for a move of God. The final service came and the choir sang two songs that they practiced. What a fantastic job they did! The church was packed with many visitors from other denominations, including a local Timorese politician, candidate in
their upcoming local elections, who had flown in from Melbourne. I preached a message on ‘The Light’. God’s Spirit swept the place, the altars were filled once again, including the politician who felt the presence of God. After the service, Pr. Bernardo stood up and confirmed the message of salvation to the congregation, testifying of how God brought him into the truth.
Br. Jacob preaching God’s word with the assistance of Sis. Elizabeth The trip was a great success. Both, the church and the overseas mission team were blessed. It is encouraging to see our brothers and sisters in TimorLeste have embraced truth and the work of God has a bright future, with leaders who are committed to the gospel. Br. and Sis. Perry are doing a wonderful job on the mission field with a deep burden for the church. Let's continue to keep the work of God in our prayers as we see Timor-Leste church expand into all parts of the nation.
Ministers and Leaders Seminars
Thanking the Pentecostals of Sydney for their support in developing music ministry in Timor-Leste
Ministers and aspiring leaders welcoming the Australian team
The LORD moved powerfully during workshop sessions as well as during revival meetings Important bonds of friendship and fellowship continue to be formed at these events Another soul added to the Kingdom of God!
Thank you for your ongoing support and prayer for the work of God, which is making the difference in Timor-Leste: God bless you!
God’s Dream Br. Louis leading Baucau Br. Louis, how did you first come to hear about the LORD Jesus? I used to be Catholic and helped the sick. At that time, I asked for a bible from the person who used to teach Catholic catechism. I received one but it was in Bahasa Indonesian. I speak Tetum. During my day job as a shepherd, I used to try to read the bible. I prayed and asked the Lord to help me understand His word. In 2003, I met a Protestant man called Solomon. He was a man of prayer and he knew the bible. No one liked him in my area. I asked him whether the Catholic and Protestant bible was the same. Old man Solomon said, ‘come and sit down and we’ll talk’. He hugged me and I started to cry. He gave me a bible, and we compared bibles. He encouraged me. I kept praying, trying to read, sometimes crying, until I could understand something from the Indonesian bible.
Br. Louis, Sis. Joanna and the family at a Leaders Seminar in Dili
How did you come to hear about the Apostolic doctrine? In 2009, I was baptised in the titles. Then I met Br. Pedro from Baucau in 2011 in Dili. My wife, Joanna, was sick at the time. I had already taken her to the witch-doctor, public clinics
and the national hospital, but she was still sick. Br Pedro asked if he could visit and prayed for her. I said yes. Then he invited us to a Christmas service the following day. That night, I had a dream. It was about a man who taught me about being born again, about going from death into life. I was amazed when I went to the Dili church, because I saw the man there from my dream – it was Pr. Bernardo Guterres, and he was dressed in the same clothes as in my dream! I gradually learned about baptism in Jesus’ name, but didn’t want to do that because I thought, ‘I’ve already been baptised.’ Then a lot happened in my life the following year – a lot of it was very bad. But I eventually yielded to the teaching and was rebaptised along with my wife, this time in Jesus’ name, by Br. Perry in Baucau in 2012.
Please share with us about your journey in becoming an Apostolic minister in Baucau, and what that is like for you and your family now. I began to feel like God was calling me into ministry after my baptism in Jesus’ name. I started bible school and Br. Pedro, who was the leader in Baucau church, started giving me opportunities to share in church as well as to young people. I graduated from my Certificate level bible school in 2015, and now I evangelise in various places in Baucau municipality. Sis. Grandquist came with Sis. Downs to minister in Baucau in 2015. It was wonderful. Sis. Grandquist helped to buy a motor bike which I now use to evangelise in mountain areas such as Quilicai in Baucau municipality. I am also praying for other areas that the LORD will open up to evangelise and teach in.
My wife, Joanna, presently lives at the Baucau church with our three children. She does that so we can help and minister to five young people who need to come from their villages to stay at the church during school term times. Otherwise they couldn’t do high school as there is no high school where their families live. We continue to minister in the church through worship leading, working with youth, assisting with general maintenance at the church and in other areas.
Br. Louis leading worship
Is there anything further you would like to share with our readers? I am very thankful to the LORD for all He has done in my life and the life of my family. I want to thank all those too who have helped me through bible school, as well as the missionaries here, Br. and Sis. Perry, and those who come from Australia and other places to teach and help us with materials and support to reach Timor-Leste with the gospel. Finally, I’d like to thank Bsp. Downs, Br. Harvey and all who give to Overseas Missions. It is because of your support and giving that all these things are happening now in my country.
Papua New Guinea Rev. Errol Paulus My first visit to Papua New Guinea… An assignment that, as the guest preacher of the General Conference, totally overwhelmed me. The conference held in Goroka, Eastern Highlands of PNG, was held over a period of four days. Prior to the commencement of the conference, I was told that it had been raining consistently for about three months. It was right at about the time the conference began that the rain ceased, except for a few occasional sprinkles which had no effect on the proceedings. It seemed that the circumstances around them did not hinder them from giving Jesus high praise and in-depth worship. Words could not describe my high emotion as I observed the people of God worship Him.
Young people and children were crammed up to the front of the platform. During the altar services, people prayed and worshipped, some kneeling in the mud and others laying and prostrating themselves, in total adoration to God. It was indeed a remarkable and overwhelming sight.
Br. Paulus reaching out from the platform, into the crowd, to pray for them.
It was estimated that there were about 6,000 people in attendance. The conference was held on an open football field with a make do
sheltered platform. As you could well imagine after three months of rain, the field was soggy and muddy. They sat in the dampness of the mud as the word of God was being preached. They worshipped and shouted as they heard the Word. I concluded that there was nothing that was going to hinder them: they stood and worshipped God through their circumstances. On the last night at the conclusion of the preaching, my mind went back to the Book of Revelation as I listened to the mass worship: ‘the sound of many waters’ There were great results noted at the conclusion of an eventful conference: 161 Received the Holy Ghost 103 Baptised in Jesus name 85 Received divine healing. Praise be to our Wonderful God!
God’s Miraculous Provision A testimony shared by Br. Jacobsen from his last visit to Vanuatu Sis. Gration, Sis. Jacobsen and I ministered in a church that has experienced God’s miraculous provision. The members of this UPC in the village of Emua would be typical of our churches situated in the outskirts of the capital, Pt Vila. They have sufficient to live on but it would take a long time to raise funds to build an adequate structure. A Korean business man was driving around the main island of Vanuatu looking for a non-UPC that he would pay for the construction of a building. When he saw the roughly constructed church building in Emua, he thought that could be the place God wanted him to finance a new building. After returning to his hotel room and praying for God’s will, he returned and arranged to finance the beautiful building pastored by Pr. Boe. Australian missionaries, Rev. Peter & Robyn Gration (appointed by UPCI Global Missions) are providing leadership support as General Superintendent and Bible College President of the United Pentecostal Church of Vanuatu.
Bible class: making disciples
Breaking bread and fellowship at the new preaching point- Abarao Village
Highlights from Kiribati Br. and Sis. Vitayaki
Lives are changed in God’s presence Mother’s Day Service: a full house!
Many baptisms this first half of the year. HEAVEN REJOICES!
Br. and Sis. Wolfram continue to minister throughout Vietnam. God keeps adding to the church!
Seminars conducted in Bến Tre Province and Tam Kỳ – April, 2017
Highlights from Vietnam Br. and Sis. Wolfram
Continuing to build bible study facilities. God is a wonderful provider!
Your giving will ensure the work of God continues to yield fruit in our region!
The Overseas Missions Department of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia has touched many nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1973. The purpose of the Overseas Missions is to: preach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world; to establish new churches; to send forth missionaries; to endeavor to perform any other duties connected with religious work; to help in any way possible to meet the needs of local churches; to translate, publish and distribute religious literature. The success of the Overseas Missions Department of the UPCA is a direct result of a co-operative effort between local assemblies, missionaries and this Department.
We sincerely appreciate the involvement of the many churches and individuals throughout Australia.
Address: 24-26 Harp St Campsie NSW 2194 AUSTRALIA
Office: PO Box 199 Hampton Park VIC 3976 AUSTRALIA Please forward all donations to the OM office
Overseas Missions of UPC Australia