OM Newsletter December 2107

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Purpose Institute


The Pacific Region

OM Director challenges us to have greater determination and remain focused on building God’s Kingdom

Rev. Jonathan Downs expands on the Purpose Institute’s mission to train leaders

The church signs Accord to adhere to the Global Missions Articles of Faith. A wonderful milestone

Highlights from Kiribati. New doors for reaching souls are opening

Newsletter December/ 2017

The Power of Focus We need greater determination

General Superintendent, Br. David Bernard and the Global Missions Director, Br. Bruce Howell as they received the official documents of accord from Timor-Leste, presented by Br. Roger Buckland.

What a great blessing it has been to serve in the Overseas Missions Department this year. We are ever grateful to the Lord for his continual strength and blessings in enabling us to partner with Him throughout another fruitful and eventful year. Let me not forget the generous and willing spirit of the Australian church for their giving and support in prayers and encouragement, including all those who have travelled and ministered on behalf of OM. It is imperative that we as a Church in the objectives of ministry, maintain our effectiveness and productivity. One of the key components to this is to keep our focus. We cannot underestimate the power of focus. Like the childhood experiment in our backyards where we took a magnifying glass to refract the sunlight to a focused target that would quickly begin to burn up, focus ensures a greater level of effectiveness for God’s Kingdom. continues on the next page

A note from the OM Director OVERSEAS MISSIONS Director Rev. Stanley Harvey p: +61 430 039 166


Secretary Rev. Daniel Gabriel

Promotions Rev. Marcela Ferrari

Program Development Rev. Jonathan Downs

Administrator Rev. Greg Hackathorn

The sad reality is that many churches have reduced their Christian service to only providing charitable relief. Countless denominations that started out as fervent preachers of the Gospel have dwindled down to becoming mere welfare agencies that simply dispense material goods and no longer sharing the Good News. While it is good and necessary to provide for the needs of people, yet we must never lose the focus of our ministry and that is to bring salvation to those who are lost. We should help feed the hungry but what good is giving them a full belly and they still end up in eternal torment? Let the physical provision be always accompanied by the spiritual compulsion of God’s saving grace. The 6th chapter of Nehemiah details the numerous attempts of Nehemiah’s detractors to get him to stop working on the wall by attempting to lure him away from the work of God, at least on four occasions. They tried to distract him by making false accusations and intimidation but verse 9 says: “They were just trying to intimidate us, imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work. So I continued the work with even greater determination.” Nehemiah continued with even greater determination. He remained focused, even after one final attempt from a secret informant to distract him by admonishing him to go into the temple out of fear for his life, yet such was his focus that he refused to leave the work of God and as a result, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt and the nation eventually restored. In all of our efforts with ministry, church and life in general let us not lose focus of what God wants for His Church to do; reaching and discipling lost souls and establishing Churches for that singular objective. It is very easy to get side tracked by presenting needs but perhaps one way that we can look at it is to use the ability

… if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22

that we have to give to the nations around us as a means to share the Word of God to them. We don’t want to just help feed them physically but also spiritually that they may inherit eternal life. We may not be a huge denomination and as the Australian Church, we may be limited in numbers but I am persuaded that as we continue to focus our efforts, prayers and resources on our designated field of mission with Timor-Leste and our missionaries, Br. Michael and Sis. Diane Perry, the teaching and training of leaders in Indonesia and the support of Pacific Regional missionary Br. Dan Vitayaki in Kiribati, we will see a work grow exponentially through the blessings of God. Jesus said in Mat 6:22 "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Keep focused!

Indonesia: building up God’s people Br. Sam Rainima At the end of August, I had the privilege of travelling to Jakarta, Indonesia, with my Pastor and Overseas Missions director, Rev Stanley Harvey. In the short space of eleven days, we managed to minister at a two-day Mandarin speaking camp, a three-day Youth conference and a two-day Mens’ Retreat as well opportunities to minister at several schools in between. Somehow during it all, Rev. Harvey also taught at the PI seminar which was two days of teaching sessions for the youth leaders from around the country, including a representative from Timor-Leste. Though the busy schedule may have been tough at times, it was most definitely worth it when you see the hunger and desire within the saints to know more of God’s word.

The Lord moved in a mighty way throughout the services, as He filled three people with the gift of the Holy Ghost at the Mandarin camp and one person at the Mens’ Retreat.

Br. Sam preaching God’s word Br. Amin Lee is doing a fantastic job in Jakarta, as God opens doors for him and his church to minister at various high schools. It was beautiful to see the young people touched by the presence of God as we shared what Jesus has done in our lives. It seemed as if there was a revival of hope within their spirits as a lot of the students have difficult stories of their own.

It was also great to meet the youth leaders of the country. Though we travel there to minister, we leave encouraged ourselves as you witness the passion these leaders have, to reach the young people of Indonesia. I am thankful to Rev. Harvey and the Overseas Missions board for the opportunity to play a part in what God is doing in Indonesia. Whether it be here or there, let us always lift up the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as He continues to build His church!

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me John 12:32

Glorious milestones for the East Timor Church Br. and Sis. Perry Australian Regional Missionaries to East Timor

The United Pentecostal Church of Australia has been associated with the Igrega Pentecostal Unido Timor-Leste (IPUTL) for approximately fourteen years (2003-2017): initially through ministry team visits for seven years, and more recently through in-country missionary support for seven years. Rev. John Downs has served as Superintendent of the UPCA throughout that approx. fourteen year period, and there have been four Overseas Missions Directors serving under Bsp. Downs over that period : Rev. Ewan (Ike) Glass who we honour as Australia’s pioneer mission director in East Timor; Rev. Margaret Bellette who in many respects shaped what is now known as ‘the UPC TimorLeste mission’; Rev. Simon Butcher who among other important tasks undertook a review of the mission

and its programs; and Rev. Stanley Harvey who is the present director consolidating the work of the Timor-Leste mission, while assisting the Timorese church to connect and associate more fully with the UPC family in the region.

Formal installation of the ministry team at the Baucau church also occurred during the abovereferred succession service, officiated at Bsp. Guterres request by Bsp. Downs as UPCA General Superintendent.

In this regard, we are honoured to advise that very recently (November) the senior Timorese pioneer Pastor and head of IPUTL, Bsp. Bernardo Guterres, has, together with Bsp. John Downs (as Secretary of the UPC Global Council) and Rev. Roger Buckland (as Pacific Director, UPC Global Council), entered an accord of cooperation and association with the UPC Global Council and its International Articles of Faith.

We praise God for each of these milestones, and that each of the newly appointed officials and ministry members are graduates of bible school, at either Certificate or Diploma level, with certification through the South Pacific Bible College (aka Australian Apostolic Bible College).

Additionally, a focussed period by Bsp. Guterres of working toward succession of his responsibilities as IPUTL head, culminated (also in November) in a special ceremony of transference of powers (including IPUTL church seals) to Pr. Silvester Randut and his appointed assistant, Br. Martinho Sarmento.

Baucau church ministry team formally installed by Bsp. Guterres during the succession service; the ministry team will be led by Pr. Pedro Fraga

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalms 145: 3 (KJV) Bsp. Downs honouring Bsp. Guterres and Sis. Palmira with a gift of appreciation

With the church of East Timor we celebrate these milestones, honouring Bsp. Guterres in particular and giving the Lord all the glory, as we also look ahead to 2018-19 working on the following goals: - Assisting IPUTL in their goals to nationalise - Assisting to develop and oversee administration of further construction, likely in Baucau municipality, following construction in Dili which is complete with staff and programs embedded, using funds raised at 2012 Conference - Assisting in further education and training of ministry with a particular focus on Baucau and Oecusse, and - Assisting with other tasks and goals as may be agreed or arise in our remaining time on the field. Our God is a great God, and worthy of great praise! At the outset of this article we acknowledged the work of previous Overseas Missions directors and administrations, and at this time we wish to convey our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Rev. Harvey, Bsp. Downs and Br. Buckland for their support in particular over these last months of work toward the milestones outlined within this article. We covet your ongoing prayers for the work of God in East Timor and thank you for your faithful support for it. God bless you!

Glorious milestones for the East Timor Church

Bsp. Downs addressed Bsp. Bernardo and Sis. Palmira who, having ceded headship of IPUTL to Pr. Randut, will now serve as Bishop-Counsellor to the Timor-Leste work of God

Bsp. Guterres transferring IPUTL records and seals to the new IPUTL leadership, Pr. Randut and Br. Sarmento. Then, prayer for Br. Martinho Sarmento, who will serve as assistant to Pr. Randut

Bsp. Downs taught on the purpose of UPC Global Council International Articles of Faith

The congregation rejoices as members show their support to the new appointed leaders

Photo Highlights West Timor- Kupang has own place of worship

Signing the agreement, setting up for the dedication services and Sis. Hannah Pattinama Thio honouring guest ministry for their supporting

East Timor - Outreach continues

Please keep in your prayers the different preaching points and outreaches: Baucau, Liquica, Baguia, Oecusse, Samilari and Dili

Baptisms through the year

November-Visiting Ministry consolidating doctrine

Training leaders, future pastors and ministers from across East Timor. Grateful for the visiting ministry of Br. Sis. Downs, Br. and Sis. Buckland, Br. and Sis. Copian and Br. Gery Ongkowidjojo who interpreted during their visit. Wonderful to be working in partnership within the pacific region

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers for the work of God. It continues to impact Timor-Leste God bless you!

Indonesia: Sharpen the sickle without leaving the field!

but the labourers are few. The Lord’s worldwide harvest depends on qualified leaders. Training the leaders of today and tomorrow is one way that Australia can help in foreign mission fields.

Rev. Jonathan Downs Purpose Institute is a UPCI endorsed ministry training institution with the aim of developing current and future leaders in the church. It has been my privilege to work as an instructor in Malaysia and Indonesia over the last two years. Bsp. John Downs and Rev. Stanley Harvey are also instructors in both these campuses. Purpose Institute currently has around 6000 students across 17 nations of the world. This year we lost a great leader of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia, Rev. Ewan Glass. It was a blessing to serve in the Overseas Missions Department under his leadership for over ten years, and he will be missed greatly. Faced with the enormous task of helping in the mission field of Indonesia, he always emphasised the importance of using our limited time and resources well. It was under his leadership that we established and funded the Bible College in Jakarta, where leaders from all around the country could come and be grounded in the Apostolic doctrine and Apostolic leadership. The fields are white and ready for harvest,

Rev. Jonathan Downs teaching on ‘the church is a living organism’

over 1.5 days. Approximately 10 hours of lectures and discussion, followed by an assignment and examinations. I have had the opportunity to teach 20-30 students in classes in Jakarta and Kota Kinabalu. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to work with aspiring leaders, developing leaders and established leaders in teaching them Apostolic doctrine and leadership. Many lifelong friendships have developed through these beautiful times studying God’s word together.

Purpose Institute seeks to make Apostolic training available anywhere in the world, enabling workers to develop ministry skills and discover individual purpose. The objective is to raise the quality of ministry coming from every level of leadership—not just those entering fulltime/professional ministry. We need more Apostolic leaders in these last days, and God has not saved us to merely sit on pews. I believe that every Christian has a God-given purpose that emerges as they apply themselves to ministry and study to show themselves approved of God. Purpose Institute helps aspiring leaders discover and prepare for their purpose, while providing ‘Continuing Education’ for established leaders. Purpose Institute is a once a month series of lectures given

Building Apostolic leaders: Purpose Life Institute students

The fields are white and ready for harvest. Prepare yourself and be the labourer God is looking for in 2018

AYM Team visit to Easter Timor Sis. Samantha Balaz Upon arriving in East Timor our youth missions team was warmly greeted at the Dili Church by Bsp. Bernardo Guterres, Pr. Silvester and members of the church family. We continued the evening in fellowship. Our team were Pr. Jonathan Downs (team leader), Br. Greg Hackathorn, Br. Matthew Taylor and myself. Over the following two days, we ministered at their Youth Camp event on the theme ‘Hamutuk Nia’ (With Him):

with Him’ . The purpose was to lay a strong foundation in each youth based on God’s Word. As we sat during the first session, I looked across the room amazed to see the hearts of the young people opened to receiving what the Lord had in store for them. They didn’t delay and immediately responded to the Word being spoken. God’s hand was evident from the beginning and throughout each teaching and preaching. He was faithful to the prayers we had sent forth and had already prepared their hearts in advance.

Visiting a local village Youth teaching sessions were held on the first day at the church. These sessions covered topics such as ‘called and chosen’, ‘faithful’, ‘new birth’, ‘a changed life’ and ‘holding a relationship

visitors came and the altars were never found empty. I was touched to witness the love for God within the hearts of their precious young people. They love God, they sought Him and were filled.

Wonderful friendships

Through the wonderful hospitality of Br. and Sis. Perry, the team was also able to visit significant historical places, beautiful scenery including one of the preaching points west of Dili, in the town of Liquica. Following our trip, two baptisms took place.

On the second day, two church services took place and a teaching session on ‘reigning/suffering with Him’. The presence of God was rich in every moment of worship; many

Let us continue to pray for this country and our missionaries Br. and Sis. Perry, believing together for greater things to come in East Timor!

Revelation 17:14 “And they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” We were blessed to be supported by wonderful interpreters like Br. Perry and Sis. Lidia throughout our visit.

Matthew 5:6 ‘Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.’

Reaching the Children - Building strong Teachers Sis. Ruth Drew I was grateful to have been invited to return to Timor-Leste last September. The purpose of my visit was to present a Sunday School Teachers Workshop to the teachers from the church of Dili, Timor-Leste. On Saturday morning, we held the workshop with about fifteen teachers present. My intention of the workshop was to build on the teaching from the seminar in 2016 and work with the teachers to create Sunday School lessons. Due to limited access to Bibles in the Tetum language, the lessons created by the teachers were based on the second children’s book on the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, illustrated by Sis. Anna Doyle and funded by the Graduates Association. The book uses only scripture to describe the stories which were then translated into Tetum. By the end of the workshop, each teacher had written a lesson plan in a small group and were working to create lessons on their own. We now have a complete set of Sunday School lessons based on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Tetum. These are ready for the teachers to use in their Sunday Schools and outreach points.

Teachers who attended the workshop

Planning lessons

Time in Samilari’s village with Sis. Adelina

After the workshop, we took the long and bumpy drive up to Baucau where we met with the young people at the church for fellowship and a prayer meeting. After a time of worship, my daughter Hannah shared a devotion with the young people on ‘Never giving up’. This touched many of the young people and adults present in the room. On Sunday morning, we had Children’s Church for the whole church, where we taught one of the lessons created in the workshop the day before. This lesson was about the lame man’s friends bringing him to Jesus through the roof. On Sunday afternoon we went down to Samilari to run a children’s outreach at Pr. Pedro and Sis. Adelina’s home. We had a wonderful attendance of around fifty children and taught on ‘buying the truth and selling it not’. The lesson was translated into Tetum and then into Makasae, a local dialect, by Br. Louis. Pr. Pedro was overwhelmed with the number of people in attendance and was excited to run an outreach for adults in the near future. We are blessed to be a part of what the God is doing in Timor-Leste and particularly excited to see what the Lord is doing through the children’s ministry.

Sis. Hannah Drew In September this year, I had the great opportunity of travelling to East Timor with my mum as part of a missions’ trip. We stayed first in Dili, East Timor, meeting with the Pastor and his family and experiencing some of the East Timorese culture. We visited the local museum and met kind people everywhere we went and we tasted the amazing Timorese food. After a few days in Dili, Sis. Diane and Br. Michael Perry drove my mum and I up the bumpy roads to Baucau. In Baucau, I was privileged to meet with many other youth my age and spoke at their youth prayer service. The youth’s worship and burning desire for God was an awakening for me. I realised how blessed we are and how God can work in people, old and young, no matter the nationality. The following day we taught a Sunday School lesson during the church service as well as a lesson at the home of Pr. Pedro, in Samilari. The kids there were so excited to have visitors and listened intently as the gospel was spoken in English then translated twice! Seeing the children so excited to learn about Jesus was amazing.

Having fun and sharing a devotion time

I learnt so much from my mission trip, from being able to taste new foods and meet new people, as well as teaching bible stories and watching children grow in the kingdom of God. I loved this experience and miss all the lovely people I met. I wish I could do it all over again!!!

Buy the truth… Don’t sell it! (Prov. 23: 23)

‘Open Door’ bible studies continue to be a strong avenue to win souls for the Lord

Highlights from Kiribati Br. and Sis. Vitayaki National Radio Broadcast


Betio Island –reached by tracts translated into their native language. Outreach team did some door knocking and distributed materials

Your giving will ensure the work of God continues to yield fruit in our region!

OVERSEAS MISSIONS’ PURPOSE The Overseas Missions Department of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia has touched many nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1973. The purpose of the Overseas Missions is to:  preach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world;  to establish new churches;  to send forth missionaries;  to endeavor to perform any other duties connected with religious work;  to help in any way possible to meet the needs of local churches;  to translate, publish and distribute religious literature. The success of the Overseas Missions Department of the UPCA is a direct result of a co-operative effort between local assemblies, missionaries and this Department.

We sincerely appreciate the involvement of the many churches and individuals throughout Australia.

Address: 24-26 Harp St Campsie NSW 2194 AUSTRALIA

Office: PO Box 199 Hampton Park VIC 3976 AUSTRALIA Please forward all donations to the OM office



Overseas Missions of UPC Australia

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