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The UPEI student experience
Your University of Prince Edward Island experience is full of options and possibilities. UPEI is the place for you to grow beyond the classroom and reach your full potential.
A week-long welcome to UPEI for new students!
GET INVOLVED! upei.ca/be-involved >> UPEI Student Union upeisu.ca (student council, clubs, societies, and social events!)
>> Campus Life Program upei.ca/campuslife
>> International Buddy Program upei.ca/buddyprogram
>> Student jobs upei.ca/careerservices
STUDY ABROAD upei.ca/studyabroad
Studying in another country for UPEI credits is one of the most rewarding experiences a student can have! And exchange students from our partner schools can earn course credits at UPEI for programs at their home schools.
UPEI’s campus has everything you need to relax, meet your friends, or take a study break!
>> Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall dineoncampus.ca/upei
>> Robertson Library upei.ca/library
>> Panther varsity and club team games upei.ca/ar and intramural sports
>> UPEI Residence events upei.ca/residence >> The Fox & Crow Campus Pub and Café facebook.com/UPEISUTheFoxandCrow
Read more about Maggie’s experience at UPEI!
I wanted to choose a university where the professors cared about their students’ success. I heard from many former UPEI students that professors in the chemistry department took pride in getting to know each student and genuinely wanted them to do well. After my amazing New Student Orientation experience, I knew immediately that I had chosen the right university!
I joined the UPEI Student Union in my first year at UPEI and have been a councillor ever since. Their staff members and student volunteers are extremely dedicated and have taught me so much about professionalism and leadership competencies. Career counsellors are also an excellent resource for all students, and advisers offer helpful information, resources, and personal advice. UPEI also possesses a strong sense of community; there are plenty of student clubs and societies, and everyone can find a group to belong.
I genuinely would not have wanted to complete my undergraduate degree in chemistry at any other university. The professors here will bend over backwards to accommodate their students. I’ve received such great support throughout my degree, along with invaluable mentoring and advice. I’ve met many wonderful students along the way! The skills I’ve developed and the connections I’ve made will serve me well not only in my future career but in life in general.
Maggie Leclair
Kensington, PEI Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Honours) , Class of 2022 6
Read more about Jeremy’s experience at UPEI!
I chose UPEI for a variety of reasons: flexibility to focus on my studies while staying close to home, the wide range of high-quality programs and courses, and the very manageable tuition costs.
Of all the great programs I searched, UPEI’s Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition program and its many possible career options piqued my interest. I can apply for a dietetic internship in third year and work as a registered dietitian in a hospital or in the community. I could also be a food service manager or get a job developing new healthy food products.
Being a UPEI student has allowed me to stay in touch with childhood friends studying other programs on campus, but as a member of the Panthers varsity track and field team, I’ve been able to meet new friends, stay active, and travel to interprovincial competitions, helping me balance academics with extracurricular activities. I’m hoping to study abroad with one of UPEI’s many partner schools soon; travelling the world has always been a dream of mine. Having the ability to study in another country and earn credits toward my degree is a massive advantage of studying at UPEI.
I’m starting my second year in the program this fall, and although I’m still undecided on what I’ll do after graduating, I have appealing options, thanks to UPEI and the Foods and Nutrition program. I’m looking forward to whatever comes my way in the future!
Jeremy Norman Charlottetown, PEI Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition, Class of 2025