While housing prices in Orland have risen the past few years, you still get more bang for your buck if you buy a house there instead of Chico. Also, people like the small town atmosphere and friendly attitude of the townspeople. It is routine to have people you don’t know wave and smile at you on a daily basis. In a word, life in Orland is a bit slower than Chico or Redding. That’s a plus for many. Orland’s small town vibe has helped the Accessible Real Estate Group become a viable business, and Lupe and her four realtor associates have made the venture a success.
Making real estate accessible Lupe Sanchez enjoyed a variety of careers before getting her real estate license. She has always had a number of interests such as photography and interior design. However, the toughest and most rewarding was being a stay-at-home mom when she home-schooled her eldest son. After her youngest son went off to school, Lupe decided to pursue a career she’d always found intriguing—real estate. So, she completed her real estate courses, earned her license, and began selling homes in the Orland area. Lupe and her husband, Jose, moved from 38
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Modesto in 2005 to be near relatives, and they found Orland to be peaceful, low-key, and a friendly town in which to raise their children, Josue and Joel. During that time, Lupe came to know the Orland area well, and it has helped her in the real estate field, which ranges from Chico to Orland and up to Corning and Red Bluff. She enjoys the challenge of selling homes, and she especially likes seeing people’s reactions when they step into their new homes. “It’s rewarding to be a part of the dream of owning a home, and it’s even better when it‘s a family’s first home,” she said. “I love to
Another positive aspect is the revitalization of Orland’s downtown area. Many new businesses have inhabited the center of town and attracted shoppers and diners. On April 10, Bless Your Heart Mercantile hosted the Orland Downtown Shop and Hop, another method of attracting business, which represents the community support she sees in Orland. Lupe applauded them on not just what they have to offer but also for their thoughts on synergy leading to success. Lupe has also created a Small Business Saturdays site on her Facebook and Instagram pages. She visits businesses in the Chico-Orland-Corning-Red Bluff area and goes inside to film and interview the shop owners. They discuss the services and the amenities offered. This brings attention to the business and is a great form of advertising. It also allows Lupe to gain some exposure for her own real estate business—a win-win situation. If you are interested in buying or selling a home in the local area, be sure to contact Lupe Sanchez at Accessible Real Estate Group. She’s energetic, vivacious, and has a positive attitude. She can be reached at (530) 865-8500 or at the office on 519 East Walker Street, Orland.
see buyers achieve their dream, but I’m not a high pressure agent,” Lupe added. “I’ve sometimes waited with a buyer for over a year until the home they wanted came up on the market.” Buying a home is no simple decision, and the long term investment makes it a huge life decision. Many of her clients have set their sights on purchasing a home in Orland.